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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1958, p. 3

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TNqUMAT, OM 2md, 1058 as. *,.,.S BOA~JW ÂVIIVLLLD, '.Jd IARM. P PARKER - WESTLAKE ground fornied by white and red gladioli and carnations with St. Andrew's United Church, Ins Milbrook, was the scene of the Mr.A jcrpae h wedding on Saturday afternoon, we Aingmsicead rsLay w-th Sp.6, of Betty-Lou Olive renedxnmsoc ad Mros. w Wjestake, daughter of Mr. and rneWnlwwsslit Mrs. Thomas Westlake, and The bride was given in mar- Melv'ille William Bruce Park- niage by lier father, and wore er, son of Mr. and Mrs. William a gown styled in Alencon lace Parker, ail of Milbrook. and nylon tulle, featuring a Rev Dr Nel prfomedthebolero type jacket with liLy ev.r emn gi perfomed thepaint sleeves and small callar cereony gaint a ack-trimmed with seed pearîs, over a ruffled, fitted bodice. The bouffant skirt was scattered edhuIal M irroIr with opalescent sequins, its fullness emphasized bya kneel length flounce of nylon tulle. A matching headdress 6f. lace *Coaied Tonue embraidered with seed peais held her fingertip veil and she carried a bauquet of ned roses and forget-me-nots. Miss Joan Cochrane, Raglan, was maid o! honour, and Miss Marilyn Fice, Taunton, Mrs. Theima Woodward, and Miss Irene Olan, Millbrook, were bridesmaids. The attendants ..,.wore pnincessa une gowns in -.4 \ French blue and old rose crys- - tal charmn with scoop necklines and cap sleeves. Matching mit- tens and nylon headbands com- pleted their ensembles, and they Q. W'at e£uDCs comingUo! the carnied carnations of white and tongue? la it a alun et diaease? pastel shades matching their 'A. No, it is flot a sign of, any one gws disase. The tongue may become gws coated as the resuit of moutii Mn. Howard Westlake was breathing or tobacco smoking or best man, and ushiers were Mr. may occur in a variety of dis- Aubrey Morison and Mr. Ron- cases. Coating of the tongue has aid Cochrane. no special meaning in «stomach. A neception followed in the UPoet5. basement of the church, the Matcrial in MEDICAL MIRROR us bride's mothen wearing a dness based on various scientific publications of powder blue with pink ac- and dors flot necessarily refiect the cessories. Assisting hier, the opinion o! ail doctors. The diagnoaja groom's mothen wore navy blue and treatment of diseaae requirea with beige accessories, and each the ahili and koiedge which wore a corsage o! Pink canna- .nly a physiien an a pply by tions. peraonally atiending te patient. For their wedding trip ta Letters will be answered eastern points, the bride don- i hese columns anonymously. ned a sheath dress matching the Direct your inquiries to lining of her powder blue dust- 3. Downey Raiston, M.D. en coat. On thein retunn, the SCIENCE EDITORS, P.O. BOX 396 couple will live at R. R. 3, Undlson Sq. Sta., New Y«k 10, N. Y. Millbrook. Prior to her marriage, the bride was entertained at mis- *~.3.513 cellaneous showers given by Miss Irene Olan and Miss Lau- DISpNSINreen Guthnie at the home of Mns. Stan Olan, Millbrook, and THE~ESTRE *WMAVILL lx Mrs. Douglas Knapp of Osh- awa.9 GIVE 4W RBOOM AN . with a STAUNTON CANADIAN ORIGINAL featuring SCULPTURESQUE- A New Concept in Sculptured Design No Fussy Cutting . .. No Special Tools Easy to Apply as it is Pre-pasted Cornes in Varlous Sizes for Ail Rooms Cornei and look over the smart samples ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILLE The manniage was solemniz< on Saturday aftennoon, Sept.2 in Nestieton United Church,, Irene Muriel Emerson, daug] ter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcol Emerson o! Nestleton, and Fre( erick Bruce Witberly, younge son of Mn. and Mrs. Broakma P. Withenly o! Plaster Roc' New Brunswick'~ Standards( yellow and bronze 'mums wit candelabra !ormed the settir for the cenemony whîch wý per!ormed by the Rev. Phi]i Romenil. Mrs. Ted Jackson o! Pci Penny, former music teachen the bride, played the weddin mnusic. The solbist,- Mns. Lam rence Malcolm, sang "O Pei fect Lave" befone the ceremoii "The Lord's Prayer" whîle th bride and groom were kneelin duning the ceremony, and "BE cause" during the signingc the register. Given in manniage -by hE father, the bride wore a fu .ength gown o! white delustre satin with bouffant skirt. Th bodice was !ashioned with ioni .iiy-point sleeves, scallope neck line, and highlighted wi' appliques o! Guipure lace an seed pearîs. Her jewellery wa a single tean drap cultured peai necklace. A coranet of sec peanls held ber fingentip ill1 sion veil and she carried a whit gardenia with Sweetheart nose on a white Bible. The bride was attended b vIns. Donald Stutt, Bowman viille, sisten o! the bride, Wh was matron of honour, and Mis Nancy Bird o! Bnaoklin, a niet o! the bride, was bnidesmaié rhey wone similan gownso emenald green delustned sati with matching !loating panel o! chiffon at the back, endir at the hemline o! the bell typý f, t. f c t f li s h L ENGLISH SHELLEY CHINA 5-PIECE PLACE SETTING- $13.20 Consisting of: - 10" plate, 7" plate, 5" plate, tea and saucer. 42-PIECE SET $1 19.70 W. carry a complet. lUne of: - DAINTY BLUE ROSEBUD HAREBELfA BLUE ROCK MARR yS JEW eLLERY 43 ing st. W. Bowmanvi lle H arvest Festival Services HANCOCK - HUGHES The marniage was solemnized in Port Hope United Church on Saturday, Sept. 13, 1958, at 3.30 p.m. of Louise Elizabeth, oniy daugh.ter of Mn. and Mrs. Lionel 1V, Hughes of Port Hope, and Allan Arnold, eldest son o! Mn. and Mns. Robent Han- cock, Orono. Rev. B. K. Cronk and Rev. M. C. Fisher, New- castle, officiated. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was iovely in an ankle length gown o! white embroidened net aven satin with long sleeves and full skint. A bandeau of net over satin, trimmed with lily-of-the- valley, held hen fingertip veil. Hen bouquet was o! yellow and white roses. Miss Helen Hancock was maid of honour, wearing a gown of orange ice crystaîllette over a deeper shade of taffeta. She wore a matching feather hat and shoes, 'and carried a nase- gay of pink rosebuds and white baby 'inms. Miss Peggy Jane Hancack was bridesmaid, wear- ing a gawn of nule'green with veivet bodice and net aver ta!- feta skirt. She ware a matching feather hat and shoes and car- nied a nosegay of deep pink rosebuds and white baby Ymums. Miss Gloria Hughes, cousin o! the bride, was flower girl in a yellow net dress with match- ing bandeau. She carried a bazi- ket o! mixed flowers. The best man was Mr. Chris. Graham of Port Hope, and Mr. Gary Hancock and Mr. Ray Hughes were the ushers. Following 'the ceremany, al reception was held in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall, the bride's mother wear-j ing a dress of brown metallie lace ttmmed with dark bnawn velvet. The gnoom's mother as- sisted in receiving the guests we.aring a two-tone brown printed silk ensemble. Each wone a corsage of yellow nases. I The newlyweds took a. short i honeymoon trip, the bride goirig 1 away in a green and black me- tallic lace dress. A number o! showers were held for the bride prion ta her manniage. A pantry. shower was held at the home o! hen aunt, Mrs. Ray Hughes, on Sept. 4, when the bride neceived many lavely and useful gifts. A fam- ily get-together and miscellan- eous shower was held in the Odd Fello>ws' Hall in Oronýo.anf Sept. 5, the bride recelving many lovely gifts. WITHEIýL - EMERSON Party HeId Honoring Mr. & Mrs. L. Simpsan Fifty Years Married te 27. of est ian of th ng 'as tntt of y, rie e- of ter i ed las ir they now reside. Present ta enjoy this happy event with their parents were: Mrs. Mervyn Allun, Oshawa (Marion), Donald o! Kingston, Mrs. David Arbuckle (Maude), ISt. Catharines, Rad of Ennis- killen, Mrs. Donald Ferguson (Betty) of Niagara Falls, Mrs. Maria Cendese (Alice) o! Tho- rold, as well as 12 of their grandc'hildren and two great-, grandchildren. The thoughts of everyane were with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson and their four child- ren who were unable ta be present as Jim is serving with the RCAF in Germany. Bride-to-Be Is Entertained Miss Marie Lewis of Orono, was entertained at a miscellan- eous showen at the home of Miss Mary Ann Armstrong recently when some thirty girls honour- ed Marie on her approaching marriage. The sPaciaus living- room was tastefully decorated with pink arnd white streamers and after opening her many beautiful gifts, games were en- joyed and a delicious\lunch was served by the hostess. Celebrate dFifteenth Anniversary ;s Mn. and Mn s Lorne D. Simp- intimate !niends, neighbours bvson o! Enniskillen, celebrated and aormer neighbours, gat'a- ythein Golden Wedding anni- ered ta extend heartiest con.-ra- n-versary on Saturday, Septem- tulations to the bride and groom iO ber 27. The very happy even' o! 50 years. Is took place at Sauina Hall when Aboniu trkvdne i.a large graup of 80 relatives, had beeri pnepared bv the la. of dies of the Enfield V,.A. and in skirts. The !itted. bodices had was served bv some o! the 'ls rounded necklines. They wore yaunger ladies of the commun- ng matcbing feather bats and car- itv. The blessing was asked by pe ried bouquets o! yellow anci the Rr-v. W. Logan of Ennisk'l- -bronze 'munis. len. Mn. Harold Witbenly, Baw,- At the head table was an lion- manville, was best man for his ouneci guest, Mrs. Allan Fran- brother, andi ushers were. Mn. cis, or Aunt Em, of Renfrew, Danald Stutt, Bowmanvillc. the hostess at th-e original weca- brother-in-law of the bride, and ding in 1908. At 84 ycars of age Mn. Edgan Emerson, Don Milis. she motorcd \itb bier son Els- Ont., brother o! the bride. worth Francis of Northcottc, ta The guests were received at be present at this mcmorabic the home a! the bride's parents. occasion. Nestleton, the bnide's mother Mr. Donald Simpson, eldest wearing a twa piece dress of son o! the honoUreci couple, pro- dusty rase silk taffeta with posed the toast to the bride and matching feather bat and cor- groom. Mr. Mprvvn Allun, a sage o! white carnations. Re- son-in-law, added bis cangra- ceiving for the groom was h;-- tulations and best wishies. Mrs. sisten. Mrs. Randolph Manuel Frank Gilbert in a few well- o! Montreal, Que., who wor'ý chosen wards, expressed" the a beige embroidered taffeta esteemn in which this worthy sheath dress with matching hat couple have been held, andi the and brown accessaries. Her cor- hospitality always shown ta sage wvas o! yellow 'mumis. Mn. guests in their home. Fnank Emerson, brother of the Many neighbours cold tes- bride, acted as master of cere- tify ta Mr. Simpson's bicip as a manies, and the toast ta the neighbour in thase days of %les- bride was pnoposed by Mn. Chas. teryeai, wben tbresbing. andi Venning. silo-filling t ook bigger gangs Leaving on a trip ta narthern than are neccssary now. Mrs. points, the bride ware a royal~ SimpsDn andciber busband have blue suit with sapphire mini: always heen a great help wich; collan, matcbing royal blue ba.t Enfield church activities. Mr-s. and black accessories. The cou- Simpson is a valued membcr pie will reside in Whitby, Ont, o! Enfield W.A. and duning t.he Guests were .present -nt the war years. many a pleasant wedding fromn Montreal, To- sewing bec xvas held at ne~r! ronto, Don Milîs, Oshawa, Ro- home by the Enfield Red Crosz chester, N. Y.. Bowmanvilie, group. Brooklin, Whitby. Lindsay, The latter part of the even- Port Penny, Peterborough and ing wîs spent in the Upor Aurona. Hall, wh ene a social evening of The bride is a gradu ate of cards and dancIng was eniov- Cartwright High Sehool and is Ie. Music was provided bv Mrs. empioyed with the Billing De-j Godfrey Bownan, Mvr. Wvaliacc partment o! General Matons at! Pascoe and Mr. John Kcnnedy.j 'Oshawa. The groom, who grad-1 A mcock wvedding w as pres-1 uated !rom Plaster Rock H ig hl1ented b., the grandebilo ren of fSchool. N. B., is an electnician Mr. an~d Mrs. Simnpson. with Hill-Cornish, Oshawýea. te Thehe honoured couple wvcrle Pnior ta ber marriae, teter.,cipients aI many uýefLt. bride xvas ententained aà mrs and beautiful gin's. L cellaneou.s shaweirs given bv Mr. and Mrs. Simpson werc. Mrs. AIde Chiasson: Miss Nor- 1 married September 30, 1908, *at ma Petre and Mrs. Norman Pc- Mountaili Vi;e% Farm, bomne of tre: Miss Joyce Venning and Mr. aild Mrs. Alan Franc:ýs, Miss Aleta Steele, ail of Osh-i Renfrew. aunt and urnele or h awa. She was also entcrtained bride. Ma.mieFarl. at dinner byber,- -woker. The,-res:dcc a No:'tbcotc, and presented with various !Ont.. untii 1920,we b ginaved taEnniskillinwhQ. ; muved t Mr. and Mrs. John Sweep0, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, enter- tained last xveek on the occa- sion of the i5th anniversary of their wedding. Loveiy gladioli in autumn shades were effec- tively arranged as decoration of the rooms. There were 38 guests present. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Sweep were the recipients of an array of gifts of crystal and other attractive presents. Singsongs in English, Dutch, and French were enjayed. A deliciaus lunch was served. The table was lighted by ta-il mauve tapers in silver candle- sticks, and centred with a beau- tiful wedding cake, which had been baked and decorated by Mns. Wilfrid LaBine. The Rev. F. K. Malane in proposing a toast to Mr. and Mrs. Sweep spoke of their mare than If) Years' residence In Canada. He mentioned the eanly difficulties when they annived here from the Netherlands and spoke zf Iwhat thes, have accomplished in the years* since. He said they have came up the hard way. He congratulated them on thein nice young family and wished them many more yeans o! hap- piress. Wilfrid LaBine wvas MW.C.. Mrs. G. Pnins presided over the coffee cups and Mrs. F. Koov and Miss M. Koese assisted in serving. Surprised on Twenty -Fifth Anniversary On Saturday, Sept. 20, 3 surprise party was held at the home of Mn. and Mns. Douglas Martin, 141 Elgin St. on the oc- casion of their 25t1i wedding anniversary. A lavely G.E. automatic per- colator was presented by their gnand-daughter, Miss Vicky Ma- son. fnom friends and neighbors. The table was decorated with a lovely floral centrepiece made by Mrs. Fred Kooy, with pink candies in silver holdens on each side of the pink and white cake.. A corsage and bautonniere were presented ta the couple by Mrs. Art Etchei-. Mrs. B. Mason, Mrs. Art Et- cher anid Mrs. R. Conners serv- ed tea and lunch, assisted by Miss Sandra Conners. Mn. and Mrs. Martin left the fallowinrg day for a week's mo- ton tnin )ta Lake Placid, thnauch the Adirondacks and Boston. ýF r iends Honour, Hancock Family' On Saturday evening, Sept, 20, a unique event took place in No. 9 School Section when two presentations were made ta one family. Allan Hancock and his bride, the former Louise Hughes of Port Hope, were pre- sented with a platform rocking chair and hassock, and Bob and Margaret Hancock were pres- ented with a tri-light floor lamp and table lamp to match. Helen and John and Peggy Jane were also the recipien't3 of thoughtful gifts: Helen, a de- carated aiuminum cookie plate, Jahn a bail paint pen, and Peg- gy Jane a hymnary with music, Mr. and Mrs. Bab Hancock and family are maving to Orona and Mr. and Mrs. Allaft Hancockc are residing in Part Hope fol- lawing their marriage whicii took place on Sept. 13. An ounce of prevention is 1 j ýý Worth a Pound of cure, says an:______________ aid saw. This matter of using weights ta make metaphors is an oid one. Cammon sayings VC employing weights are: A* peckSEVC of trouble, Falling like a tonr o ! b r ic k s , A g r a m o ! c o m m o n I A . - 3 8 3 1 Y * A N Y L sense, An ounce of brains. A33 OWAYLE R ef"" sh Boy the family carton of 6 big botties Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanvi île A UTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR SAVE 10S HARWOOD MO VIE LIGHT BARS *4 G-E 300w. Lamps *Metal Carrying Case *Light and Compact ONLY ýj89 JURY 15 King St. W. LR edlo n s fabulous new FUTURAMA FREE AS A GIFT Here's what you get... ALL $23 FOR 23 1. A Fashion-Red Lustrous Refi 2. A Fashion-Pink Lustrous Refi .3. A Brand New SIirn Lin. Futurama Case and LOVELL Bowmanville MA 3-5778 YOUR REXALL STORE The Harvest Festival weekend at the Salvation Army in Bowmanville was con- ducted by Envoy Mel Smith of Oshawa. l Smith, a well known religious broad- caster, is pictured above interviewing Elva Kinnear and Barry Conroy of Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. George Forsey were responsiblé for the harvest display and decorations. -Photo by Rehder TM CANADIAN STATP-IqVAiq itrwuanmTip p $17,50 up M à A 3-5778

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