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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 10

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- - - . t.C-~t'..ç ..- PGTE4TmE CANADUAN STATEsMANx, EWAVl.E.NA -Living to Serve Theme Quinte Conference W.A. By Mrs. W. G. MacLean, Press Sccretary, Bay of Quinte Conference W.A.' "Living ta Serve*' wes the theme of the semi-annual meet- ing of the Bay o! Quinte Con- ference of the Woman's Asso- ciation o! the United Church of Canada held in Trinitv Church, Smniths Falls. an Manday, Sept. 2.and presided over b, t lie prscident, Mrs. W. C. Ives of Bowrnanville. Mrs. G. A. MeMullen, a vire- president of Dominion Council of W.A., and also Chairman of the Finance Committee. was the jzuest'speaker who in an address on- "The Challenge , of the Church" reminded the members of the high service required of them. In a stirring surnmary of the Statement of Faith she toid members that we are challeng- ed to take church membership Written Guarantee'I Authorized dependable service BACKED BY IMPERIAL OIL I3ecause Esso Heating Equipment is ciigieeredto meetyourhome's spe- cal requirements, you get maximum beating effilciency without any waste. Anid, for the last word in dependable heat, use Esso Furnace Oit too. It burns super clean, greatly reduces deposits on furnace parts-you get uniform higher quality in every gallon. Consult the YelIow Pages of your phone directary for yu~r nearest Esso Burner Dealer. IEIAL (Esso) ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST H. E. MOSIER Sheet',Metal CmJRCH STI. OSE [IAWVL, ONT. studv. Permission ItaLuse the E. RICHARD LOVEKIN ian hoir' Ii(,atdionalcosttme Church Crest at anv level must U.E.. B.A., LLB. dehvightçd 11w auidinccwît th be obtained from General Coun- Box 9, Newcastle sonavi tte ors. idingthale r- cil: it must nat he lightly used, Phone Newcastle 2246 sno eti odre h ~ but as a privilege. Consultation by appointment glr50() voice choir throungh- TheUnied hnch n Co-only. Otit the event., The UitedChurh inCan-Two net\work radia broad* ada pledged $10,000 for the re- W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. casts marked the opening Suni- staration of the John Knox Barrister and Solicitor day of 111e c-nfcrence. bIbishf Chapel in Geneva, Switzerland, In the offices of afternoon CBC carriedi a half fwhich is being carried ont bv R. R. Waddell, Q.C. hour broadcast whcn the -on. Protestant Christians. The W. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Walter Dinsdale. 'vlP. welco-a- A. pledgcd $5,000 of this; $2,- Frida, 7 p.m. ta 10 p.m. cd the conference an heliaîf of 500 bas heen received. Any As- Saturday: 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Prime Minister Diefenbaker sociation which had flot a share and the Canadian Federal Gov- in this project mayv send their M g gemnment. The devotional ai- donation ta the Dominion Coun- M odresrwsfggena gRx'.Ton cil Treasurer marked for this Johostone, of Toronto. Follow- work, and it will be forwardeoi. LEKOY HAMILTON - ORONO ing the cvening service, t-he Also those groups wishing ta Phone 1 r 163-mnt Rviatne ro- contribute ta the funishings of!, FistMorges-Funds cast wvas secnt out fraîn the arrila the chapel in thc ncw United reiecel am over 30 stations of the ABC net-' Churelh Hanse mav send their Business Properties ~ oknteUic tts i. do nations so markcd. Toranto-born Rev. C. Mot se A new set ot slidcs on Five O p to me try' Ward giving the addrcss. Oaks bas been made available, 'Plie press, radia and teiev«.ý with scripts for 28 minutes. KEITH A. BILLETT ion gave extensiv-e covel-age 'o Thev may be ordered from Rev. Optometrist the event. Some o! the pnblîcitv Beverlv Oaten. 1141 King St. E. - Bowmanville covered hurran interest aspects The Executive o! the, Confer- Office Hours: Ry appointment which did not present the real ence W.A. will meet in Mark Telephone MArket 3-3252 s'ignificance o! the conferenci St. United Church. Peterbor- f Monday ta Saturdav in meeting the challenge o! the ougli, in Janu-ary. The Confer- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. woîld's conternpaî-arv pîailcîns ence W.A. wiU. mneet in Brigki Wednesdays: 9 ta, 12ý These we-e. dealt v.' th Ën ses- tonlaMay. 1 ', Thurâdav eveamgz - seriously. This is the tinie when ~- Christianity must- demonstrate . - -k '- its powerIn individual lives and - in society. Regular church at-.4 tendance, leadership in Chris- 'tian Education, an earnest study of the Bible, cultivation of per- sonal and family worship, loy- il alty to and support of the pro- fj ects of the church in the com- ýe munity, the nation and the world, as wvell as a study of sa- eci aI issues and the courage ta work for the Kingdomn of God, are all obligations of a church imember in these critical days. e We cannot, as Christians, ý;he d said, accept all the world'-, stanard oftoday. Christian pstandards are forever challeng-J -ing the standards of the world. We must put the importance on spiritual things rather than on Pontiacs for 1959 are wider and lawer, with up to&%0 per cent mor worldly possessions. the Pontiac has larger brakes, casier stccring, improved suspensio: One of the miracles of this six-cylinder engine with a new single barrel carburetor and ne, daily consecrated living is the gas mileage and more usable horsepower at normai driving spee( way in wvhich God can use a egtcîne r viai ndmsi oes ota' e see minglv inadequate person egtclne r vial ndmsi oes ota' e who ;s devoted to Him ta ac- more core area, providing more efficient cooling. A tough acryiic1 complish things. A small immi- more durable than other paints, is standard on ail models.' Poni -grant woman was spoken of series: five Parisiennes, three Lauxentians, three Strato Chiefs,1 wha gave such service to others~ Chiefs and seven in new Catalina serics. Above is the Strato Chiei in a mission, no job too menial, that in 12 years she was electeci Woman o! the Year in Chici- go. When a person~ with ex-IR p e e t tv sF o ceptional ability accepts God's fDavid Livingstone in Africa; Dr. Grnelon our owf L ioryrau tresAten Coast; Kagawa in Japan: Lau-f o t o ' i s A t n bauch in India-and Albert Swe itzer. l Tespeaker pointed ou~t tîhati Pentecostal Conrerence te members were here repi es-, fnting an important organiza- Delegates came fro ecr -o n Cntain" In represent tî)c tion of the United Church, with continent and the islands of1 thrivinig Pentecostal work in a menberhip f 21,636w ,m the sea to attend the historie' Polandi, where Pentecostas r en* in 6110 Associations.,T Fifth World Conference of Peri - said Io numbet- 58 percent of deepeli the spiritual life of the tecostal Churches in Toronto the Pr.)t4stanit population. Dele- women of the Church: To d- recently-the first h be held gates xvere present frorn more veial ehwhp anrorameoeCrice, outside of Europe. than 40 counitries representing tia fllwsip ndseviei a xorld-wide constituency off persanal evangeiismn and ste\v- Rev. G. E. Leno, pastor of-th-e ardship; To inspire womcn to local Pentecostal church. wvho an increasing knowledge of, in- iust retuined from the Toron- terest in, and loyaltv ta the Io- to conclav e reports that fourI tal programme of the Church." delegates came from behind th~eI The Challenge of the Church tc us. she said, is tasece that BuiesDietr fullv carry out Our aims. Dr. IMarian Hilliard sadly statedi: I'vc always been sorry that1 c o n a c contribution ta make"-we ail stbat-k and thought her taoo WM. 3. Il. COGGINS busy. Have we women in aur Chartered Accountant coammu nions that we fail ta Second Floor challenge? or give opportunity New Library Building ta serve? Phone MArket 3-3612L Delegates were present from Presbyteries of Belleville, Ca- MONTEITH - MONTEIT% bourg, Lennox and Addingtori. RIEHL & CO. fOshawa, Peterborough, also 50 Chartered Accountants from Kingston and 48 fromn 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Renfrew Preshyteries. The RA 5-3527 president urged Presbytery Partners Ipresidents ta give careful gýuid- J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. a oce ta Conference nominating 'A. B. Monteith, B.Comnm., C.A. N cornrnttee by advising them G. W. Riehl, C.A. "t IConference vacancies when they G. E. Trethcwey, C.A. Rev. G. E. Lcuo Mi ,cus Stella ]Bennett, 'Litera- RmFoLghfotC. tiian 8 million Penteco5- ture Secretary, displayed frrn YALE, FRIEDLANDER, tais. her literature table a numberI Cor. King and Temperance Sts. The Canadian National Ex- ofecelntbokes;tean-- HUINTER & CO. hibition grounids in Toronto br- ofa eelet okle* ts: the Accountants and Auditors came a spiritual "Unitedl Na- Darkncss or Dawn: study pack- Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy tions" for the triennial event. et, Our Church: also on Familv 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 The spar-ious Coliseumn arena maeralsuh sà Oshawa, Ontario seatingý nearlv 10.000 with its Life excellent mtra uha B. L,~ Yale, C.A. facilities offed a canvenient Keeping up with the Teer- FFidadr .CmCPA ofrnecnr nteLlé agers: Marriage is What You F reineB.CmCPA Onfrnce cere on theL Make It; Worýship at Table.Onaiwtcfot I' L 4 People of ail ages. colors, anrd The marning-session conclud--C i.i ». ý J. C csttiffs «rre drawtý tage1her cd with Communion service. A ______________-by n comnion bond---their faith lucheon given by the ladies of G. EDWVIN MANN, D.C. in Christ and their fervent Pen- t he church won warm appre- Chiropractor tecostal tcstimony. Immacu- cation. Greetings were broughi+ Office latelv dresscd black childreri I v Mrs. H. Parsonis. president 15 Elgin St., car. of Horsey St. playved and mingled w'îth ht ofthe hostess W.A. and also Phone MA 3-5509 children in the corridors. A Dr. . A.Pugh-Gilchrist, the Office Hours: By Appointment young Eskimo lady from north- pastor. Mrs. Saper. lst vice- cmn Alaska nedintth prsdnbrought the greet- jyu rcenteredin ta rte ings of the Conference W.M.S., D e i ta 1i ioypo ccc hedstcrfpreters and a thoughtful message was stood in e mds taoffor te~ gvnby the new president Of DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. languae igraupstorncatiG te Renfrew Presby'terv. Several. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. man, Italian. Swedish, Finnish, beautiful salas added their me.s- 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Polish. Uki-ainian, Yiigosla,-ian. sage Ia the theme of tbe day. Office Hours: Eskimo. and occasionally ino Peterborough Presbytery con- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily other languages. Iducted Devotions in the after- Closed Saturday and Sunday Wicrbddlgtsfo nofon session. Office Phone - MA 3-5790 Wierbddlgtsfo A panel discussion o! Secre- House Phone - Newcastle 3551 India and Scandinavians i0 na- taries' work was conducted b- tional costume added ta the Mrs. H. H. Webb, cntitled DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S.hudd color e pe g ople.Sefro What's Yonr Line? The broali Office in his home hue USA.. ad Bermuda, the field o!fX.A. secretaries' res- 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville teUSAadBrua h pansihilities in the congrega- Office Hours:. West Indianl Fedet-ation. Ghana, tian vas well set out iby the 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily and South Africa we-re ainong Conference officers. Mrs. A. C. 1-099-1-Evw aq<L the delegates. Canada hias no Crowurs stessd tat evo 9 am. a 1 fan Wdneday racial -segregin. Blaks an Good Intoest: 3!,,% fo r the first year and 4417% for the next fourteen years. An aver- age of 4.19% per year when held to maturity. Cashable Anytime: if the need should arise, your bonds may be cashed anytimne at fuît face value plus earned interest. v re glass. Completely restyled, on, and a new 150-horsepower w distributor to give better Lds. Five engines - six and radiator has 48 square inches finish, fromn two ta five times tiac offers 26 models in six five Bonnevilles, three Star cf Four-Door Sedan. sonal 'evangelîsm, literature evangelism, radio evangelism, and the principles and practices of the indigenous church in making the transition from "Icoloni l mission fields" to self-propagation and self-gov- ernment. The latter for thc most- part. escaped the atten- tion of the press. The new adx'isorv committec announced that plans are bcinýz made to hold the Sixth World Peiltecostal Conference in Je~- rusalem, Israel, in 1961, the final decision depending upon the securing of suitable con- ference facilities. What Others Say SIESTA ETERNAL Toronto Globe, and Mail Italy*s new Premier Amnin- tore Fanfani has upset the Civil Service in Rome by requiring officiais to corne ta work at 9 arni. and to limit their midla.v siestas to two liours. Trhe Prem- ier Nvas educated in bustlingi industrial Milan. and evidentl, sub-tropical customs of the Ro-, mans. Whcther his reforms will last is very doubtful. The historv of Southiern Italy is in large part of a record of 'North-!rin conquerors trying in vain to im-~ pose their native standards of hustle and efficiency on a pop- ulation who insisted in livingi according to the climate. When the Goths captured Rome, we have no doubt that their first act was ta abolish siestas. But the siesta always, cornes back. Limit: Up ta $10,000 in aly' one name. Each nemher of a family may buy up to this jamount. BONDI Where To BUY: Wherever you work, or through your bank, investment dealer, stockbroker, trust or Joan company, for cash or on instalments. Invest ln a brlght future for yours.f... and for Canada. Arrange to buy your Canada Savlngs Bonds Nowl For Millions of Cana jans... the best way to save! Announcing ' the -new -CA N AA EBONDS avalabeOW "Where are we going, Dad?" Along with the desire to go places and see things, Canadians have an urge to get ahead in life. . . to have guaranteed' financial security. That's why they ow;n more life insurance, in relation to national income, than any other people. Over 7¼' million Canadians own if e insurance because they feel it offers them a variety of guaranteed bene- fits not obtainahie in any othier way. Every year an increasing numnber of Canadians buy life insurance as their major source of family and personal security. This strong belief in the ownership of life insurance means that Canadians rnay well continue to be the world's best insured people, in relation to national income. Ownersbîp of life insurance reflects the confidence that Canadians have in the weIl trained, helpful agents who offer them this valuable property. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA flitURDAY, CCT M, 19i58 Pupil NeedMinutes and treasurer*s report Pupis Ne d were read by the Fecretrý-. trcasurer, Miss Colleen Hutch. Geographyinson. 'The pupils of Miss mK. Geog aphyen's room provided entertain. ment ini the form of a square Inspetor aYS ance. Ins ect r ays 1dMr. Hobbs spoke on the cars The first monthiy meeting of and" '0leanliness of school pro. the outhDaringtn Taches"perty. theSouh Drligto Teches',Mr. McEwen wvas the guest Association %ias held Sept. 24 at speaker. He suggested the teach. Shaw's School. President Miss ers of the intermediate gradea~ Margaret Aiken welcomed the send in copies of th examna V i-teachers, and also Mr. T'.R.I tions to be used _l~guides for McEwen, Inspector of Durhamn the beginning te e . He also No. 1, and Mr. M. J. Hobbs, stressed the need for more Supervising Principal and us geography ini the Social Studies lmess administrator of South .program.

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