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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 12

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* E AA!1ASAUMN OMNVTLOTROTUBDY C t,15 -1 RTOPICSI ABy Frank Mohun MA 3.723 BAMINTON The officia! opening of the 1958-59 season last Friday night was well attended, with everyone enjoying a session'ai badmnin- ton and a fine social evening. The executive are hopeful of a successful bird-chasing year, which would include severai -of the newcamers, seen ini action on the courts. The club is now openl for play on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, and in the afternoons on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. t. i.t t *1* JUVENILE BASEBALL The curtamn has finafly descended on the local basebal scene, but not, we are sorry to report, on a happy note. Walker- ton wrapped up the Ontario Juvenile "1B" titie hast Saturday, parlaying good pitching and liard hitting inta their second straight win. The teami was handhed this year by Coach Bob Williams and Manager Arnold Etcher, while looking after the financial chores was Jerry Marjerrison. This reporter is greatly indebted Io Jim Clarke who ably looked after the Juvenile part of the )ports page during the basebali season. i. t t t t WVORLD SERIES Last week, in the midst of moving ta a new home, 1 was neglectful in namiing ny prediction ta' the outcoe of the World Ssrý-es. As this is being v,-ritten, Milwaukee bas just downed the Yankces ,-0 ta take a 3-1 lead in games. As this is being read, thie scrie- cculd wcll bc over, but this reporter looks for the New Yorkcrs to -nll et lo Burdette. ln the third gaine, we l eall Larsen Io tie up the series. and "Whitey" . Ford will finally best Spain in the seventh game ta-day-. It is doubtful is any- teani cauld have beaten a sensational Warren Spahin on Sunday. but I did wovnder about severai of Stengcl's dlecisions. Alway-s a platcon inan, il vas liard ta figure out why- right-handed hitters, such as Howard, Carey and Lumpe wcren't in the line-up. Probably Casey will use these men against Burdetto on M\,onday and win and as 1 haven't received a mana- gorial offcr from the Yankees, the iess said about Stengel the better. Do't forget you read it here - Yankees in seven, but %ve aren't offering odds. t + t i ALL-STAR HOCKEY Thirtyý-five year old I'Rocket"' Richard looks ta be off and running aan The question is how long can the Racket continuel and after S #urday's performance my query is - "Who can tell?" Led 1by th9fflashing number nine, the Canadiens look ta be well on their 4ay ta repeating as Stanley Cup Champions again this year. While we're on the hockey subject. let's look at the Toron,to Maple Leafs. Conn Smythe (he's stili runninà the show) peddfed Tod Slaan for enough dough. ta buy another race horse. ,e-p1ayer ai Sloan's calibre should have at least brought a good -'defenseman, a department where the Leafs are sadhy lacking. - The youth movement appears ta have ceased with the purchase of Olmstead, Kraftcheck and a once-deposed Creighton. Ifs hard ta see how Creighton can be better than Shoan, particularly when Toronto must have thought that way, a couple ai. years back. Boston wil h strong and finish second. New York lost a few players, but Eddie Shack should be a going eoncern, and give the Rangers a third place berth. Chicago willbe off and running, but we'l1 caîl Detroit with Howe, Kelly and Delvecehia for fourth., .rhat leaves the cellar for Toronto, but Billy Reay cails them for second, and we'll hope he's right. t t i~t t i AROUND THE TOWN Last wesk the Midget hockey team knoeked off North York in an eariy season encounter by an 8-4 margin '. . . . Don Childs, the Goodyear League's sharpsbooting ace, bagged five goals in the league opener Sunday. . .. The Town Hockey League swings into action to-night . . . . With rainy weatherand the current - &tIfl"snap, the Tennis Club are liaïvingi a hard timhiiTpgy1ng off their, champianship games . . . . Subscriber's tickets for B.O.C. home games go on sale for last year's holders to-day - at the Memolrial Arena and can be renewed up until October 17th. Any tickets not picked up wl go on sale ta the general public. I Goodyear ,Bowling-I Last wcek, the Combine win Press ta finally climb out o! the streak was snapped at two basement position into a tie for straiglht games, as§ the Hase fifth place with the Machinists. Room moved into fi-,st place by Lead Press curve-baîher Er- total pins. This week, the Com- nie Hansen found the range for -bines embarked on a new win- the night's high triple with a 6901 ning spurt, when they dawned effort. Ernie tied with Ran May- the Hase team 5-2, ta break the nard for high single honaurs, existing point tie and reclaim each bowher coming up with a the league lead. 280 game. 10ther high singles TeOffice moved into third were rafled by Ray Westlakel , pot, when they edged a reju- (272), Archie Cowey (265), Art VeMdLOÇe Fan Bell squad 4-3 ta Spicer (262). Murray Grant 'break a tie betwoen those two (259), Howard Davey (253) and clubs. The Machine Shop scor- Charhie Nesbitt (241). cd a 5-2 win over the Lead Behind Hansen's big triple "GIVE ME THE OUTDOOR rLIFE!" i In Canadla's Modern Army You can have a newer, fuller outdoor l1e with a real future. If yau waxt a steady job, a go-.ahead cars. that buan a tb. advantages of a life in the open, and yau cSn meet the high standard& set by the Canadian Arny, there is a world of opportu- nitY Open to you. Here la a life with challenge and adventure... one with apurpoe.-. good compeniona. .. good psy and advancs- mnent pcusibilities .. . and an early pengmn Find out about it now. Contactyour local Army Remxiting Station or mnai thie coupon ta: THE ARMOURY, 220 MURI.AY ST., PETERBOROUGH, ONT. TEL.-RI 2-7147 P"imae ed mis, witbat obbigtmo, daba on Seseo oppoetunhtâain tisa Canadian Amny. Nam ..............-1........ ......... M,àIfl. . .....*.... Darlington Senior Soccer Second Placers Until the f inal playoff 'game last week, Zion and Mike Nemis, Jerry Hasiuk, Roland Bail, Allan Glaspeil, Maple Grove were neck and neck in the several batties Russell Hall; back row, Manager Ross Stainton, Dave they played for the championship. In the f inal, Zion Estabrooks, Alvin Fisher, Hank , Bèn and f aded and Maple Grove played their best, taking advantLage Blonde Bowmeester, Bob Ncmis, Murray Holiday and of every opportunity to win 4-1. This is the Zion team, Coach Mike Nemis. from lef t to right, front row: Grant Williams, Dick Nemîs, Legion Bowling Ernie Perfect had a big * night P. Dobbins -------------- up at Martyn's Bowling Acad- A. Lobb ----------------- emy last Tuesday night. The F. Sarnis --- 2------ -- captain of the second -place J. Fair - .--------- ----------- .. team marched to the top of the R. Patfield ---21 -----------q7 average parade, with a smash- R. Evans ------- ------- - 21,7 ing 889 triple effort. which ti- R. McKnight ------------------ 2:7 cluded the night's high single W. Veitch ----1----' -- -----201) af 358. Ernie naw is the passes- F. Burns -----2,D5 sor of a fine 263 average. C. Anderson ---- -------- - 293 Bin Bates' bowlers handed W. Bates --------- -- -----2i)- Tommy Graham's cellar-dwell- M. Etcher -------------- ers their third straight setback G. Ellilott -------- -- ------ by, virtue af a 7-O whitewash S. Murdock 193 job. The Perfect team handed P. Bathgate ----------- 198 a shumping Frank Samis outfît W. Shotter - ---- lù a similar pasting ta move into M. Little -- ---- 191 the second siot. Samnis drapped J. Geddes 19--t ail the way from second ta J. Barkly --------------- - 189 faurth. Jim Fair's crew handed K. Yeo .----1 , out a 7-O shutout ta Jack Ged- H. Bennett -------------------- 185 des' team ta move into third I. Beauprie --- --------- - 181 place. while drapping Geddes R. Johnson - -------18 ta fifth, as only the top and bat- T. Graham îL'o) tom teams remained in their R. Lockhart -------- ---- - 173 respective positions after the R. Rogers - ----- -- ----- 1-,1 night's action. T. Belsey 171 IJ. Knight --* ------------ 163 Averages End of 3rd Week I M. Grant---------------- - 162 E. Perfect 2631 E. Johnson ------- - ------162 R. Perfect -_____ 241 C. Trewin-------------------- 162 Open Season Starts for Pheasant and Rabbits Pheasant, squirrel and rab- 1 bit seasons have now been an- naunced and the following open seasons applý ta the Lindsay Forest District. Pheasants Clarke and Darlington Town- ships of Durham County, Octo- ber lîth ta November lst. In ahl other parts ai the Lind- say District, October 25th ta November 8th. Possession limits are three birds per day, ane ai which may be a hen; or, 12 birds at anc time, three ai which may be hens. Rabblts Clarke and Darlington Town- ships, October 1lth ta February 28th, 1959. In aIl other parts of the Lind- say District, September 19th, 1958 ta October 3lst, 1959. Pos- session limit on cottontails is six per day-. Squirrels Black, Grey and Fox In alh parts ai tle Lindsay District, November lst ta Nov- ember 29th, 1958. A special township license in came three game tatals af 653 by Howard Edmondson, 640, Westlake, 634, Dave Park; 628.1 Murray Grant; 624,* Bill Shot- ter; and 620. Davey. Team Standings Teamns Pts. Combines _________23 Hase Room 18 Office--------------- 16, Fan Behts 15, Lead Press ___ 7 Machine Shop 7 High Averages1 Games Ave. Howard Edmondson 12 2101 Art Spicer 6 2l 0 Jack Potts 12 2.13 Arnold Lobb 12 2071 Ron Maynard 12 20 Howard Davey---- 12 204 Farewell Blackburn- 12 202 Maurice Conway -- 12 19à~ Jack Dunn---- 12 198 Murray Grant 9 1981 Ray Westlake 12 197 Murray Bate 12 196 Bill Shotter____ 12 195 Tom Graham ___ 12 194 Dave Park - _ 12 194 John Staintarn - 12 192 pins, Combinai_______12450 Hase Room ___ 12477 Office ------118K-3 Fan Belts __ --19130 Lead Press 12322 Machine Shon ______1154a addition ta ordinary resident hunting license is necossary au- tbority ta hunt pheasants, rab- bits or fox in Clarke and Dar- ington Townships ai Durham Caunty. Caution Needed The lire hazard ti the Lindi- say Forest Fire District for the past tbree weeks lluctuated be- twoen low and medium, with a very good record ai no lires oc- curring during the past four weeks. The lesseningz of lire occur- rences could ho attrîbuted ta fewer campers in the area ai-id a rainial af three quarters ai an inch- during this period. With the autumn seasan we can expect an increased lire hazard rating due ta the curing af vegetation and beaves. Thero- lare ta reduce the incidence ai forest lires ahi woods' travellers, which wilh include a large numn- ber ai hunters, are requested ta ho carelul with their cigar- ettes and camp lires. Live Marten Trapping A number of marten, live trapped in Algonquin Park, have been released in the Min- den, Kinmount area af the Lind- say District. This was a continuation ai a similar progremn initiated dur- ing the summer ai 1956 and 1957. Live trapping ai Ibis httle furbearer was carried out lrorn Septemnber I'st until September 9th, 1958, by Fish and WiTldlife personnel ai this district. The animaIs captured were ilown ta the Minden, Kinmaut area and released on Septem- ber 111h, 1958. Each marlon released was car tagged With small number- cd metal tags in one ear, with the opposite ear bearing a tat- tooed number. This is so that any ai the animais accidentallv trap- ped cari be identified. It is hop- cd that iromn theise throe trans- plants ai marlon that a nucleus population bas been creatori. from wbich the species will propogate and spread ta other portions ai the district. This type ai hîve trappine and restocking prograin is anc- phase ai the Department of Lands, and Forests fur manage- ment efforts on behai f aiour trappers in the Province. D. R, Wilson. District Jorester. j Mn'sMajor Bowling Fred Cale, the mari that1 handles ail, l th morioy made sure' that lie %ould rocelvo his eut1 of the loot wvheri ho bowled the higiî single score af the season,'. U46. Fred bcd bis fast-breaking- curvo worhýing ta perfection.1 Speed b-,11 artist Elton Brook xvas next with 31.6, Frank Samis bcd 317, Pote Dabbins 303 and« Cuth McDoriald 302. Aff Sarnelîs led the 16 obowl- ors over the 700 mark'. Al was tops with 780. *One point short of the prize moriey was Ernie Perfect, 779. Pote Dobbins 771, Elton Brociz 768, Bill Westlake 764, Jack Gay 759, Frank Semis 753, Captain Murray Larmerj 749, Fred Cale 746, Bort Eng- loy 730, Mol Dale 729, Dick Fat- fieid 725, Cuth. McDonald 723, Phil Cancilla 716, Russ Oke 707, Morley Vanstone 702. This is the largest number over 700 this seasori. Dave McKnigthad bis worst night sinco ho started ta bowl and ended up winning low single game 98 and low triple 448. Past President Jack Landor bcd 116. Russ Oke's team wonril the team banors with high single 1282 and a big triple 3629. Alley Chatter Pote Dobbiris is back on top of the avoragos and will ho a tough mari ta knack off the top rung. Dobbins bas 252 for 12 games. Bill Westlake is runner- up at 251, Jack Gay, the star from Courtice, holds third position with ý44. Some ai aur top bowlers are baving a tough schedule. Dr. Rundie is just hangsng on ta the bottom ai the 200 average bawl- ors. Our President Bill Bates is nowhere ta ho seen. Carl Leslie is away dowri on the list. Dr. Charles Austin is hitting an ail time low. Ab* Piper is away off stride. Jack Lander cari ho seen on a cloar day. Several othor bowiers who should be aver the 200 mark are just flot hitting the dead wood. The toam standing is very close with Larmer having a 1ý'12 point edge over Ted Bagnell's team. R. Oke, Brook and Osborne are tied with 7 points. Down at the bottom ai the pit is Wild Bill Oke and, we might edd, wilder than ever. Standings End of 4th Week First Schedule Averages Games Ave. Pote Dohhins - 12 252 Bill Westlake 5 251 Jack Gay-,---------- - 12 244 Ernie Perfect -___ 9 243 AIlOsborne------ 12 242 Morley Vanstane - 9 236 Russ Oke 12 234 Bill Hearle 9 232 Elton Brock 12 21 George Piper 12 230 Bort Engley----- 12 226 Russ Haliman 12 ý- Phil Cancilla - 12 224 Don Bishop 9 212111 Ross Wright 12 2211j Jack Parker 12 2201 Cuth. McDonald ---12 20 Ted Bagneli ---- 12 2201 Murey Larmer 12 220I Bill Steven --- 12 217 Ralph Kelly 12 217 Reg Hoarle 12 215 Mol. Dale ----- 12 215 Harold Bennett - 12 214 Al Sameils- . 12 213 Dave McKnight 9 213. Bud Mase,3---------- 12 23 ,Russ Lane ----------- 12 20 Kari BielcW12 2101 !Clarence Oke 12 20 Jim Levot - 1 2011 Murray Tighe ------ - 12 208 Dr. Keith Siemon - 12 2071 Ross McKnight -- 12 207 Harry' Gay - __ 9q 207 Bob Williamns____ 12 206ý Hap Palmer 12 2061 Frank Samiis---- - 12 20 John Stàinton -)1 91 Bruce Mimre - 9- 1,2 05 George Stephens 1«1 03 Dr. E. Rundle - ~12 à- 031, Peul Chant ____12 Ted Miller 12 Ed Leslie 12 Bill Oke 12 Si Trewin ---------- 12 Frank Williams -- 12 Pat Yeo ---------------- 9 Standing ai Teams Team Larmer Bagnl R. Oke Brock Osborne Halîman Dale Williams McKnight Milne Rundlc B. Oke W L 9 3 7% 45/ 7 5 7 5 7½ 5i 6125 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 4 8 4 8 Features Fins 13885 13072 13665 13274 13239 13148 13464 13330 12923 12294 13108 12618 Afternoon 2 - 4 Aduits 40e Goodyea r Hockey Lge. Sun day aiternoori at the Memorial Arena, the long-es- tablished Goodyear Hockey League liited the lîd off their 1958-59 season. In the opener of the double bill, an apparently powerful Mat team blasted thse Office crew by a- decisive 11-1 margin. The second encounter -saw a determined Hase squad came from behlnd three times ta earp a 4-4 standoff with the Fan Belts. In the Mats' 11-1 win, the Office afforded goalle Curt Van- stone ittie protection, as' the winners had many clear-cut scoring opportunities. Captain Don Childs, an opisortunist if there ever was anc. sunk the Office practicaly singhe-handed- ly, when he tahied five canse- cutive goals in an 8 minute 4i second span. Bill Lyle was right in step with three goals and tbree assists, as the two line- mates ai last Year's champion- ship team took over where thev leit off hast season. Single coun- *ters were chalkcd up by Don *Farder, Archie Crossey and Bob Fairey. Captain Don Masterz tfired the lone Office marker, * aiter the Fan Belts had run Up a 5-O lead. In the second gamne, Lloyd Hamilton's third goal with tima running out, gave the Hase a 4-4 tie with the Fan Beits. Don Prout gave the winners an car,'> lead at the 2:15 mark with Ham- ilton replyi'ng a minute later. Prout tahied again at 6:05, only ta have captain Gord Sellers knot the caunt again. «"Butchý" Cale and Bob Sheridan shot the MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS aF STAFFORD BROS. Stalîord Bros. Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. E.. Whitby Phono Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 Evening 8 - 10 Children 25e This Week This Sehedule High Single Fred Cole 346 Fred Cole-346 High Triple-Ahi Samolîs 780 Bill Hoarle-852 Low Single-Dave McKnight 98 Jack Bond-97 Low Triple-McKnight 448 Bill Olivr-442 High Team 1-R. Oke 1282 Hallman-1326 High Team 3-R. Oke 3629 JLarmer-3648 Low Team 1-McKnigoht 925 Milrio-844 Low Team 3-Halîman 3039 Milne-2897 EJ<en'Sjllen 9s W a 37 King St. W., Phone MA 3-5580 iMEMORIAL ARENA I Bowmanville PUBLIC SKATING 8 to 10 p.m. Friday, Oct. 101h Saturda~~ Oct. I lth Wednesday, Oct. 151h ADMISSION- Aduits - 40e - i1dren - 25c PUBLIÇ SKAT1IIG Thankslgiving Daiy Monday, Oct. 13t1l Children's Skating WEDNESDAY, OCT. l5th 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Aduits accompanying children -- . s25e Subscribers may pick up their tickets from Oct. 9 until Oct. 17. Rernainder go on sale Saturday, Oct. 18 TRUMDAT, CCT 9th, 1958 .1 "M CAN"IAN STATESMOM BOMMNVMLIC, ONTARIO imiom opaym-mu Fan Belts into a two goal lead, before Hamilton fired his re- maining hat-trick counters less than three minutes apart. Point Leaders G A.Pti Don Childs (M) ___5 1 S Bill Lyle (M) -- 3 3 5 Don Forder (M) 1 5 6 Lloyd Hamilton (H) 3 0 3 Gary Cooper <FB) 0 3 3 Don Prout <FB) 2 0 2% Team Sta1 sT t Mats ------------f0 02 Fan Beits O O 1 L Hose 0___ 0 O 1 i1 Off ice 0__ 1 0 . 0 Air. Rail or Steamshlp TI1CK ET S TO EVERYWHERE Consult iU R Y & LO0V EL L 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanville

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