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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 13

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THUItDAY, CT th 1958T CANADIMN SZAMEMAMI PBOWMMIVLLE.ONTAIO PAGE THTRWE 6kecreatwon Lkev*eivs By Douglas Rigg Miner Hockey marks the S There is stifl urne ta registe'.civities.- 'W for the -a.creatioii Deparîrnens Soety- 'Mincir J~Ckey teams. Play e socxe«sa- CertifiLA!;W can be picked eru uedy ai 0e4Wera o fic n~ lng-Lions at he Xeceaton ffie i tý- Leatherc Lions Centre and must be sgn~- Wednesd cd an-d retu-ned by ibis com-j Chiîdren 's ing Saturday, Octaber 111h. 'Lions Cen There- w'll be 'a meeting of Readingai coaches and managers next Lions - C Tuesday, October l4th ai th1e. Home Nur! Lions Centre. Coaches are ur-' Friday - gently needed for the MinGr' ren's Thea Hockey Leagues. Anyone inter-. 7:30 - 9:30- e;ited in coaching is asked to' Lions Cent contact Dou5g. Rigg ai the Rs- Saturday c: eation Office, Phone MA 3 ren's Danci 5761. tre. 9:30 - The Minor Hockey îeams xîîî Crafi Clas. hold their Jirst practice sess1onýsj Aduit on Satu-da.v. October 251h. Ti":c The re vv 1Naxue sehedule gels unde:-wae' ir startin; crn N:vember lSth. Cîasscs at Fail Activit:cs SEhool, todt madlet PgiEtratUeoi 1,;sili. oprn hr pool. riany of i" Recreation De-! Tii-i clasý partm2ent's Faîl Ativities. If ed froru t' You aire interested h in tndiigý evening ta -i ' vof the follaxvinm classeï xw 11 start riease Itee f-ee ta drap in an-I As r-oon s2e what is be;ng done in t*iirm been camp. various classes. Nexi week gel unoerv Business Haâ-s Been 7 e more you buy.*. the nia Sa let's GO . . . GO . *. .GO and Go tai ARTS CAR MÀ 194-196 Church St. "Where ihings are done the respecte( llere's the best in heatini RED TRADEMARKI FAIO U SERE A ANTH RACI You con b. sure you amr. g.nngthe hord coali R.mnembe'there ls ecnmoy for it todoyl STOVE -NUT - PEA FILL YOUR COAL1 AND SAVE STEPHEN FUELS PHONE MA 3-5410 Office at C.N.R. Yards $7.95 UpR an our old battery BATTERY CABLES GROUND STRAPS -_-__----- Visit our Service Departrnent ansd checked for winter driving.. Igniti Rad Hases .- Etc. Inquire about our budget I A Be Ti 10- opening of the Fa- D -8:00 - 10:00-Choral Mu .own Hail. the t -7:30 - 9:30-Smock- ' Schoo ;Centre. 8:00 - 10:00 teams 'raft-Lions Centre. Schoc av - 3:30 - 8:30 -______ ________________________________________ and Dancing Classes -I__________________________ took tre. 7:30 - 10:30-Ir EUAel Hope ýnd Discussion Group. II I a o *lst. ,sing-Memorial Park. L de 'M jrB w ig conte - 4:00 - 6:00 - Child- the r tre - Lions Centre. B a k n o tH p ý ville1 )-Adut Ar Clas - 1Last Monday night's action 224, 215;, Sadie Bucknell 222, cham] tre. lM id nothing towards brealcingz 214; Myra Cooper 219, 201, tured -8:30 - 1:00-Ch I 1 nch .c I the exIsting deadlock for the Evelyn Embley 218; Ena Etcher Scho< *11:30 - Children's and Kay Beauprie's teams rolli-d Blackburn 216; Doris Joll 215, wàg s-Lions Centre. An tinconvert-ed touchdown blockers tban the home tearm up shutout wins over their op- 205; Helen Dunn 214; Joan En- manv, Sw;mming Class scored after six minutes' playv and mounted a more varied of- ponents. Bates' bowlers knocked gley 213, 205-, Ann Gay 212: Hope ý,l easotdIvenabled Bowmanville Hiplh fensive. off Hilda Brock last placers 3-0. Stella Brown 211; Helen Vivian The iii bad sot delav v hool to bea t Port Hope 6-0 In Best Runners while the Beauprie crew was 207, Bernice Terry 204; Betty ship th Adut Siming COSSA football l MCII oh pr ae handingt. out the same treatment Westlake 203, Em Striftger 203, ville' the Ontario Train-g h pnn Pu uu rx teto repairs beInr~ gamne between the two scho.uls d'eceptive runner for Bowman- ta Wilma Bates' ôutfit. O.nie Et- Duaine Palmer 202: Eva White- rnânvi in or Hope Friday. ville and wvas easily their best cher led ber team to a 3-0 head 200, Mel McNulty 200; Cham' tegymnasium ad Ei Ca-leton Iatchedonta yard gainer. Dan Cattran and whitewash job over Berniece Shirley Davis 200. alnd tl ;es have been chani- 20-yard pass froni quarterbaclck Dave Estabrooks were other Budai's bowlers, and Team Standings also y hie regular Thursday Dave Reynolds in the Port Hope strong rtiuners for the visitors. MartlTn's team dowiled Helen Lydia Bateséîos Wisen Tueda eenîg ndend zone to register the ony Dave Greeftaway. the tri- Dunni's co-cellar dwellérs to > eupi 184both at 7:00 . .1n score in a keenly contested tus- sho champion, carried the move into second place-both Onie Etcher -----_8 1120 the Ji as the repairs h~ave 'le. Reynolds missed the kiclk. baIl to advantage for Port Hope,1 a sirc1e point back of the lead- Lorraine Martyn - 8 10776 S Icted the classes will There xvas little between th,? but wvas neyer able ta pierce a1 ers. Doris .oll's bowlers edged Betty Westlake 61j 10697 %was tayulo tcums iii a gaine that see- sourd defence. Malcolm Bur-1 Betty Westl2ke's team 2-1 and Doris Joli 6 l10931 AIllsoc _________ awed i d-field. Boxvman- nes iso showed up well both Norma Gay's tèam moved out Joyce Major- -5'j 1086A Open mae ete seofteiaay.2-11 decision to Joyce Major%. l'maBtes 5 1Ô08 Boys' pin-d-oppers. Norna Gay 4 q88e sip Berniece Budai was teallv Relen Dunn .3 10965, Tes C'*dropplng the pins Monday night Hilda Brock à 10552 Junlaý Ferrif ic.... * ZMixed -League Bowling as hNamme' re we buy'.'ieMxdLauesadnsbsmn hJes icelc p le 0f30 lha20efort Doris Jol----_____ 222 1TheMxdLau tnig aeethies icelcp throwvn in for gaod measureý. Bernîce BUdéi 219 devcliped into a tight race Fr1- tured the high triple hanours Onie Etcher rolled a 703 triple. Onie Etcher ------------213 M 1 day night, when the top twa with an 811 total made up of followed b1y Muriel HolrÔç'd Lorraine Martyn 209 teams were heîd pointless, and games of 253, 245 and the night's (685) and Lydia Botes (658). Hilda Brock _____205 the third, fourth and fifth pla- high single, 313. Muriel Hol- Othei' high singles went to Mur' Lydia Bates ____202 ces each took seven points to royd's 287 effort took the la- iel Holroyd (302) and Thelmia Lou Lyle -------_ 2001 il oeit' ihsnl.Frrse 26..Joyce Tennant 105 Jac RK E s owlr were Hg snlesorswere also Forreatemes Myra Cooper - ---194 y Bowmanville subjected to the roughest t-eat- recorded by Onie Etcher (270), Bernice Budai 330, 270. 215; Eva Whitehead ~-~191 ment, as they dropped from se- Arnold Sîeep 272, 257), Essie Muriel Holroyd 302; Thelma Sadie Buèknell 19 i ýd modern way." cond spot to fifth place, after Cox (249), Dot Bond (246) and Forrester 286; Marion Slaght Thelma Porrester 188 losing a 7-0 encounter ta Jim Hilda Brock (242). Other big 257, Lou Lyle 254-, Norma Gay Kay Beauprie 188 01 Richards fast-improving teamn. triple totals went to Arnold 251; Lydia Bates 250, 230, Onie June Baker ---________187 In the past two weeks the Rich- Sleep (724), Essie Cox (645), Etcher 247, 232, 224; Mabel Ituth Barclay 186i ______________ards roîlers have climbed out of Jim Richards (618) and Hilda Lewis 245: Shirley Blckell 240, Shirley flîckell____- 1841I the cellar ta witbin tbree points Brock (601). 239; Lola Wright 229: Dorc Mt' Joyce Lyle - ______183 Witf theiadrs.pantunn i Teamn Standings ton 238, 208, Dot Brooks 231; Emma Bromeli 103 h>s paorest effort of the yang W L Pts Hilda Brock 230, Eileen no,.l Lola Wright 182 Bel hisporet ffrt f heyongroyd 230; Joyce Tennant 229- Dot Brooks _______ 80 Dai seasan, Elton Brock's crew were Brôck _____ 10 5 23 June Baker 229; Joyce Lyle 2281 Peggy Haines 80______ îo no match for Morley Etcher's Mitchell -96 21 Ol__Ptfel 26,LoraneJan____ 19 r outfit, dropping a 7-0 loss. Richards 7 219 OliMartfle 227, 216 Lrin Jea ilAn Lxtn ______-_ 179 D Brock's average toak quite a Etcher ____- 8 7 17 Mrtn22,21;Jen MusilAn la - 178 et drop, but he stili bolds a five Bond ____ 6 9 is 0111e Patfield ______ 178 'Wl pinmagi oer a nstinaSpicer-- 4l 11K NDALMary Harrison _____ 77 BUi rolled the ladies high triple of Gaines Avé. Mr n Ms ar agsaf ty etLe 175______~ . 660.Mran r.Cr atsafLi cja.15 A Bob Mitchell was the big gun, E. Brock---- --- 15 228 spent last weekend at North Helen Dunn- 174 gcm otas he powered bis team to a O. Etcher--- 15 223 Bay. Linda. who had been stay- Muriel Holroyd 174t gc fot7-0 victory over Art Spicer's B. Mitchell 15 222 ing with Mr. and Mrs. David Emn Stringer 1731 EDM. Etcher----- 15 202 Butcher, returned home With Helen Vivian ______ 173 Big 00 Arnold Sleep 9 202 them. Dorc Mutton-______ 172 H& V'*M ~ L,.. .~H. Brock ----- - -- 15 201 Mrs. H. Faster spent last week- Shirley Davies_____ 172 ed LD N Home & Sch~J.,IIJ A. Hickling 15 200 end with ber husband at Sar- Joyce Major 172 Hfa, J. Richards 12 197 nia. Helen Piper _____171 J.Bond --- ----- --15 194 Cnrtltost r.adMrô lgt170 8fl4 ITNE Bowlving A.. Spicer - --- 15 192 Cnrtuainst r.m arlon lagb 17Ô anc E. Cox------------ 15 190 Mrs. Don Catbcart an the air-En chr19 D S, "Robins" are flying way out M. Hoiroyd ---- 6 189 rival of their son at Memorial Jileen Hlroyd 1698 r - i front after Lyle's lovely dou- C utn--.-- 5 18Hsîî Mary Wilcox 189.~---- s in quolhy. Ask bie (275, 288) sparked ber teanm J. Nowlan------_ 15 18-, Mr. and Mils. Fred Gardbouse, Wllma Bates- 163 at to, slaughter Etcher's "Spar- R. Mutton 15 1,92 Toronto, were Sunday guests Bernice Terry--- 167 Rel raws". Audrey Sleep's "Wrens" E. Stringer 15 181 With Mr. and Mrs. Milt Robin- Duaine Palmner ____167, U BRIQUETS shut out McDonald's "Bluejays". B. Edmondson - 15 131 son and Mr. and Mirs. Cecil Essie Cox- 167 The "Bluebirdls" also took two E. Bromell ----- -- 15 180 Glass called in the afternoon. Vel Miller -_____ 167 Exý fonte"aais otake G. Stringer --- --_ 15 1-i8 Mr. and Mrs. George Mrcr Audrey Biekel 167, m BI q0- vr eod lc, evngteJ. Cox -- - - 1 7 and famlly spent Sunday Joan ngîe "Canaries" ta trail the Bunch. H. Bromel --- 15 178 11gin1 oroto Babe Brown 164 Po Other 200 games: Bannie Mc- D. Bond --- 15 176 Mr. and Mrs. Jobnny GardaonAde Osmond 164 1Donald 224, Audrey Sleep 218, L. Eldridge 15 17,5 Mr. and Mrs. Don Gordon and Eila De Jardines 163 Ex] Marion Wiseman 217. Ena Etcber P. Gould 15 174 Misses Inez and Ruth Gordon. Mel McNulty 163 Gut 217, Marg. Coyle 207. Claire R. Mitchell------ 12 172 were home with Mr. and Mrs. Kay Stephens 161 Mo Martyn 205. C. Oke--------- - -15 167 $pense Gordon, Sunday.ý Dolly Brooks ----------161 E Team Standings Audrey Sîeep - 9 166 Miss Pat Foster left Sunday Helen Simnick- 160 g ~ Teain Pts. D. Mutton 15 165 ta attend the Marvel Hairdres- Hg SoesHoý DINÀ 'Bluebirds4 F. Luxton ~ 15 163' starts this week. vstdSm Bernice Budâi 330 unt - 8 DSaros . Cars ------ - 15 163 Mrng s .chii oron vst, wSir- HighTSingle -ti W prros --------_-_--4 C. Evans 12 156 day with Hatcher Foster's andi Hgh ripe B-a 815 ------- Batels---------- 15 154 left Monday ta go ta bis home BrieBda ___ lou Canarileas ----------------- 2 B. Charles 15 151 at Reidsville, North Carolina DoHis Average2 4I~'IJ anaries -----s - E. Wînacott 15 14-a Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mr. and DoiJoi _ ___-22 __________Joyce Lyle -------- 214 J. Eldridge - ------= 15 142 Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria, Sadie Bucknell 1183 M. Hîckling -------- 14 142 and Mrs. Wm. Mercer, spent We may be as good as we Alyce Hodgson---------..-. .189 A. Winacott ---------.- 12 149- the weekend at Lake Kushag pleaÉe, if wè please ta be good.- Bannie McDonaîd -.-- - 181 D. Edmondson 12 138 and enjoyed the beautiful au- Isaac Barrow. b od G Doris PolIey .-------- 181 M. Nowlan 15 1219 tumn scenery along highway 35. Be flot merely good; egod G Ena Bicher ------------- ----- "4 K. Luxton-----15 126 Wbile the pupils of aur locatl for sornetbing.-Thoreau.- Helene Rundie -----------_1721 R. Spicer ------- - 15 le, schools enjayed a holiday Audrey Sîeep ---- . ------__168 Ladies' High Single - Thursday afternoon and Fri- da, ibeir teachÉrs also had a _____Bàrb. Buttonsbaw------- 167 Muriel Holroyd--------- 287 pleasant change when they at- Marion Wiseman ---- = --- _ 166 Men's High Singles- tended the Teacbers' Conven- Mag oye-- ---- --__ 6 ade'High Triple Vnr-c eahsaiMLens ____________103_____ Etcher 663 Miss Margaret Hayden, Kendal. _____________________ Higb Triple - and Mrs. Hariwell Lowery, the à Il Rnh Mitchepll 8I1 1 Sixth Line. Shirk-Pins Pis - and bis 'Commentary an the 85C p D.Shir ----- 1045 21,Organ' introduced a tone o! K. u ~ Park ------- -- 10329 17 merrinient whicb ail enjoyed. SV N ---------60e up B. Thompson 10577 16- The audience alsa appreciatpd L. Pie---------- 10385 14.- the two hymns sung sa nîeely L. Pper ------ 131 i 141by the eight lads comprising ha've your car D. Bagnel - 8963 2 1 the prize-winning choral graup * O N D Jn st- -é In girls' action Conn:e Os3-i from Kirbv school under theB OD ~Of ysm. mond'zs teani b!as'ed Jo-Ann j direction of their music inst-uc- Leddv's cella-dwveliers 'é-0 to i tor. Mr. Gay. Mrs. Martin Man- add ta their first place margi. ou won't have to plot ders, president of the Worn- -Barbara Brown's bowlers knock-Tfgroshm en's Institute, presented the at plan e d Virgmjn-ia Browffs c:-ex of f by-Tfgrashm prize of a Pen ta the best a"'. a5-2 count, tIo Kinbht w~mr Togetthekidsecting rovnd student in each of tule WES YOU M ~ a ne poi!-t of t1e --2Dnd Our rich, rich ie cream. three 5s:h col -M.tcLeans. Jenni- F ;'lZ. i1 . .o - : ~fer MW1e:: er.dal, Diane Tu.'- v.e a oElekin' P*'K,i-rl'x ia-y Sixth Lire, Anne Dai.- a 213 î n.- huk, wilh Mrz. G. Calthca'- TORONTO, in,,s £ - i to.:Lie î.gâ j addYrg a'd o . exýpla ;atioi ~ t triple )a£ac. ~ jas~ a'rd appreciatior. Then last, bot 9 a ~ AN KTy" Teani Stand.'n--; rot 1ea-t, ail adjaurtied ta the F ý,.-- c Pýz.Sund&v School for a social chat C. 0-ýno-.d -- --- 127 :1-over sandwiches, coakies and E.I rvn "1: !- auspices of the Kendal Woman'a- .' U J. Leddy 74G4 la Assocîation. ,H.S. Loses Tri -School ftie fo Cobourg High y Ont>' One Haif Point uch interest was evoked in tbree towns hy the Tri- ol Track meet in whichi ifron Bowrnanville High )1l Cobourg High School eart Hope Higb School part. Il vas held in Port on Wednesday, October nmpetition wau keen and thme ýstants were cheered an by nany spectatorÉ. Bowman- made a great fight for the ipionship and almost cap- 1it. The Bowmanville High >1l team mîissed ih by aniy a point. The final score Cobourg 188 points, Bow- ville l8'7'ý points, and Part ! 21/ý points. ýBoys' Senior Champion- Cup was won by Bowinan- ream. Beverly Smith, Bow- ville, won the Senior Girls' npionshîp individual cu,l the Senior Girls' Teami cup vent ta Bowmanville. Alex m~an and David Werry, of Bowmanville, tied for Juniôr Boys' Championship and the Junior Team Cura won by Bownianville. Bill on, Bowmanvilie, won the iMile Rose Bawl. G. Mc.- )ugh, Bowmanville, won the ýIntermediate Champion- Cup. am Standings were: Girls' or-Si Cobourg with 611 points; 2, Part Hope 16 points: 3 Bowmanville à points. Inter- mediate Girls-t Cobourg 31 points: 2 Part Hope 10 points; 3 Bowvmanviîle 22 points-, Sen- ior Girls-I Bowinanville 38U, points; 2 Cobourg 24 points; 3 Port Hope 912 points.' Boys' Junior Bowmiaîville. 42 points: 2 Port Hope 30 points; 3 Cobourg 19 points. Interme- diate Bass.1 Cobourg 46 points. 2 Bowmanx-ille 34 points: 3 Port Hope 10 points. Senior Bovs, i Bowmanville 46 points: '2 Por-t Hope 27 points snd 3 Cobourg 17 points. LONG SAULT Mr. anid Mrs. Chr s. Ros., Denis, Susan andi David, Pieiz- ering, xverc Sunciy -gests o! MVr. andi Mrs. Gord on Fietcicr. Mr, Pail Timoll. Oshiawa. visited at the Bakcrs SUnckIý) afternoon. M\'r. anti Mr. F. 0. Smiîth a!id Bob, Bobbx' 1-bIllan. l3ownma t- ville, w-ii iIr. anc! i- F. G. Snmith atid Graco on Sundas'. Club 50 lad':es xviii îm in, te home of Mrs. Ethel Joir- stan Tuesdav cvenîîîg Oc'. 14. Don't forget your secondc "poý- lia shois" Oct. 14 au lite Bow- Imanville Lions Centre. OHE NORWOO FAI (THANKSGIVING WEEKEND) THE LAST AND THE BEST 'WO BIG HOLIDA S )UTSTANDING PROGRAMME BOTH DAYS SATURDAY, Octoher il Band Concert by the C. G. E. Pipe Band eavy Horses and Ponies (other than Hackneys) airy Cattie, 4-H Club Exhibits, Sheep and Swine il b e judged, Harness and Caif Races, Light Draft rawing Competition (Teams 3,000 lbs. and under), ter March Complete Show (12 rides, Two Ferris héels and Midway), Attractive Exhibits in Main aildlng and Armory, Crowd-pieasing Special ,tures at Entertainment Stand, Tommy Mason, .C. Both Days. NONDAT, Oclober 13 ýg Opening Parade, Norwood Citizens Band and aveiock Kilty Band, Prancing Paliminos, Decorat- 1Floats, Cars and Bicycles, Light Horses and ackney Ponies (in harness), Beef Cattle, Pouitry td Baby Show judged on Monday, Thriiling Rond kd Harness Races and the Norwood Lions Team rawlng Competition (open toalal corners), Popular ewood Fair Nite Barn Dance in Main Exhibition 9:30 with the Melady Boys. ception'and tea toalal visitors over 75 in Main aildlng at 3 p.m. Sat. Norwood is now a Major ,hibition. The Best in Livestock and Entertain- tnt from the eariier fairs wiil be there. Our new Ivestock Judging Pavilion and New Horse and )ultry Building will give added accommodation ta hibitors and Spectators alike. From the Opening in on Saturday noon ta the closing Dance on onday nlght "There Wiil Be Something For ierybody - Sornething Doing Every Minute". t Meais, Lunches, etc., served by local organiza- )ns. Côrne and Meet Your Friends. Chiidren kder 12 Fiee. Corne Early. "Make It a Date, in '58" Nôrwôôd is now rated the biggest 2-Day Fair East of Toronto st's Make Norwood This Year... 'TQps for the Province'." A. BRETHEN, Pres. STAN FISHER, Sec'y I is -DOMIRJION » ~ AT LOoI~S ANEAO i, Manager, Bowmaavilo Jranch Umm ---r -THUMDAY, om fth. 1958 il Ci A

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