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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 14

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-e-................... PA« YOUVMum .TYM CAMADIAN STAITSMAN. BOWMANVLe ONTARIO THTJRSIDAY, OCT fth, 1058 IThe Public is Cordially Invited to A&ttendI DaringtcnM o rri'aIca z of1 ýu nicipal October and lSth#* Communï*ity 1958 Centre ut >13:30 -" .. N« e The Building wilI be Officially Opened 0 by HON. MAJOR JOHN - W. FOOTE M.P.P. ROY W. NICHOLS REEVE Lunch will be served in the Community Hall immediate. Iy following the opening ceremonies until 5:30 p.m. and front 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. Be sure and corneIo see our new hall. We are proud of it. WNALTER E. RUNULE CLERK Doing Their Best1 Principal De! e, î From The Toronto Star A former head of The Ontario Training School For Boys here, and now an Etobicoke princi- pal who bas spent 28 years working with children in schools, clubs and prisons, last rîight described today's youth as a group making the best of the tough job of growing up. Jack Eastaugh, principal of r'ranklin Horner public schooi, told the Cloverdale Home and School Association: -Kids toda.v have a tough i timie. They have to stav alive on streets crowded with traf- fic. They have to do their homc- work amidst the distractions of ~TV. They have to try to enjoy lite on the immaculate lawns and gardens of suburbs where they get pounced on if they step en anything. -They don't have an easy life. They're doing a good job." Since he started in youth work in 1930, Mr. Eastaugh, a University of Toronto sociolog, grad, has taught in publie and high schoois, been a YMCA Y outh Despite these qualifications Mcr. Eastaugh didn't bring agree- nment Iromn everyone who heard of his reniairks. Toronto's dicec- 'e'- of ecLucation said children ila n easv life." One cf the or-ganizers cf last sj')rîn's first Canada-widc cdui- cation contorence at Ottawa said i.lile don't bave te work for'wlîthtboy pt as their par- lit lii. A home ad sebl izdulit describeci the remarks ~ a very odul statemecit ici- ti.Ea5tauîgh told the oît bat 'cb iildron iiarec ei 1, y ,o d loba ad aclts \vno tav 10v're net. are sbirking i ~ si~jp to tbemi. ,Jîele dli nq uencx' !S not 1-a<upnuacl.v inproportion te t'ho population inc'reasc. ~' Cbidren odav\ are living in d nifferent age. Its bard for Jack Fastaui iiîoom b oachieve success at sI t bncvith ail the distractions secretary, con tii-c, ntrainingofetiiiodcrn living. schools anti been e î' Thev ineed a few championîs. Franklinc Horner forir ixii T îov niust net dcvelop a ceci- 1w C CONGRATLJf'JU7 0NS to The Township 'f rfin gton on the ~9/ff fa!(0jeIir of their ne%%- Municipal Building AND Community ,eCeî # re - It was a pleasure b t v he part JOHN K -EVERYTHING IN courfice k4 !IRA5-5011 plex that they are bad. Aduits toc oftcn look at them with dis- damn. "Icn their attitude to school and their teachers, eilîdren are wav ahead cf the '30's." lie said Parents can give their cbildren more money tihan in bis day, "but does this make life more" Many Distractions Reading is sacrificed. be said. because et the rnany other d:s- tractions. Wbien a cbild does something iwcong, a parent usuall.y asks "why did vou do itb?' Often he receives the fiat answer, " don't know." He said arlts gi-e Ilbe sanie ansxvcc to a policemnan after be- iiîg caughit spccding. Mariv indi%'idLIS xvbo do geti in trouble -could bave bee;i helped bv runoing aî'ross more considerate people, pacticuilar- ly parents." Mr. Sastaugh, father cf two girls, bias serx'cd as superin- tendent cf Brampton, Gaît andi Bowmanvilie boys' training sch cols. 'Altbough lie doesn't ike "rock nroll," lie said there are manv good cilidren wxho enjov it. " The damiage cames fronri a few scallvxvags who let off more steamn than is good for them." Parents who want thieir bo.' or girl to be "better than the' Inext one" are imposing a crusbi- ing pressure, bie added. liow- ever, lie said. this is done quite naturally by enthusiastie par- cnt s. For television, parents "should set limits-not imposed on Are there more fi.ghts, involv- ing x'eung people at dances, than in cariler vears? "Yes," bu' said. "They have more eppor- tunit\, ancd \et know bette-." He attributed this te social worký cf churches, parents, and schools. "Evecvtbing a fexv kids do wrcng, is biown up be ivond ail proporton." He lbas found chul- di-en bave ne iack of respect for eiders. Not Enough Homneiork Lt.-Col. K. R. Sxinton d;s- ag-rced. "Thev bave less work. less pressur~e," lie said. "There's I oct nouglb homnework in sebools 1 odaN'." He said lie didn't Linder- stand what Mcr. Eastaugýh was tc 'ving te stress, but bie dîd agree %vitb bis comments on traff.c probiems. Mr. Swinton said childrcn don't bave te work foc whar tbev let, as their fathers and uiol Iîurs diii. I-lesai] ubilidrer. IlI 2in.oreta ( 'w 3V ther tilli, \irs. P. J. Glauhtz, trc-à.urer 4' tht (Ontario Federafio00 if H-19ie and] Sîhoqls. sad ch !. the,,-it'bored. are toc well ogn ized for tbenî 1w' parents. Tbr' MAPLE GROVE On Thursday evening a goodi crowd gathered at Ebenezer church for the Couples Club mieeting,. Presideot Keith C r- go cooducteçi tbe business. Wor- 1 ship servi~e was conducted b ,y IAlice Beech and Leona Miils. jMiss Beth Travell, Oshawa, favouced with four very love- ly solos. Mc. F. Dilling. Bow- manville. sbowed pictures cf bbc Centennial parades and on thoir 'trip to Florida. Ceeul Milis 1hanked those that provided thc entertainiment for the everiing. Lunch xvas served by the lunch commit tee. On Sundav evening the Jr. Farrnecs held their church sr vice at Mapie Grove C'uch Mr. Savage of Osbawa, was guent speaker and the choi r as formed cf Jr. Farmer member.. Congratulations to Elgin Gceenharn and his bride on i thieir miarriage on Saturday,. M e extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. A. Oswaid, who have moved into the double house, owned bv Mc. Lawrence Whitc. Mrs . Morlev Burgess left Saturdax' for British Columbia to visit hec daugbtec and son- in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Arihuri Mundy,. Mrs . L. C. Snowden enjoyed i a bus trip to Burieigh Fallis and encoute visited with Mci. and Mrs. Sam Castie, Peterbor- ough. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Traveli, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Stew- 1 art Rodman, Scugog Island. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beecb. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beeeh, Mcs. Howard Bradley, Missý Sandra Bragg attended the Rec3 and V/bite Store Convention ai Belleville last Wednesda v. Mrs. E. Ashton is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Ash- ton. Enniskiilen. Mr. and Mcs. Elmer Hawes,j Whitbv. with Mr. and Mrs. Ciif- ford Swailow on Sunday. 1 Miss Lila Pbipps, Regîna.1 Sask., visitcd hec aunt. Mrs. i Frank Swallow, recentiv. Mrs. A. W. Phipps and Mrs. R. W. Griffitbs, John and Da- cd. Thev have an easy life- everytbing planned." William E. Biatz. director cf the Institute cf Chiid Studv.-, sa:d 'cbildren neyer had an: easx' lime. Tbevý, are tbc sane now as tbey ever wcre." B. C. Diltz, head cf Ontarîni Colleg-e cf Education, sal "Cînd l inschange ancdvoin"-I st~-s oiano xi i l i eriî . If tllîv% ,iicfe-il m0spi te ()f sîa:o:, H-o.vovo-r. bie agreed c~d are subî (rt te mor" piressuro-ýz. but. -tbev are iearning te a- Dr. C. C. Goldring, retirin4i Toronto director cf education, 1 docsn't tbink ehildrcn are lead- -'f .- o- LpIr duiIjt- tilngs they walnt- i lsese days.", ~aIi "it - a p ty(~iY12 x'id. Miss E. Hall. Toronto, vis- 1vears. of eontinueà happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lavert ited with Mrs. Frank Swvaliow.l A gift of a large broadloorui spent Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Williaiih Laird l'Li Was presented by Mr. Rob- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green- have returnicd home affer a fcO\v eI û iiiison, Courtice. and Mr. harn and Carol, were Sundov dys' motor trip in Westerni Don ifanna, Bowmanville. taget fM.adMs tv Optario. Mr. ýCoiiacutt cepiied wiiýh Wilson. Toronto. Misses Edith and Clara Bee1- thsink,ý 'on behaif of bis brid2-ý Guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Char. by, Allandale. speot a tew da.vS Md i ielf. les Grcenhami on Saturday last week with their sister and Pictures were taken of rýel?- evenîng fcliowing the Grecn~- brother-in-lawÀ, Mr. and M,ý tives including children aiC ham-White wedding at HarwoAu Chester McGralih. gî'andchildren. \vec: Mr. James Greenýhan:, Mrs. Prîîus,-. and son Chacles,î The oidest graîîdchild, Missiloct Huron, Michigan: Mr. ain4 Newonvll, sentSuclav itýI Dane Harwasweain !,P. Mrs. Steve Wilson, Mr. and M.-., Newto.nJvi andpcot Suorav wtegriDiiotlmii swasering crs. Douglas Thompson, Toron't MJrs. Jarvi'ircd tt dd hegîdotLes ecdiM r f. and Mrs. Robent Vicker, Jr.Faneîs' huîCi SO ~Sonie of the guests tha t were IMc. andi Mî.. Harry Brockwc'li, Fortieth Anniversary prcscný at lhe wedding 40 years 1Osbawa; Mr. and Mrs. R. StM- The home of Mr. anld MI,3. agow'cre Mi. Norman MLuttoi-., ens, Mr. and Mrs. James Mar- iRobert Johnson, Courtice.' on \1r. Eii] Westlake. Oshawa. tin and family, Bowmanville. September 14. was the scene :-f Mrs. lrwio \Varder (nec Ruth c ae renaPr a vprv bappv cvent, v' 2' .; utton), TorontoHur. Jmchign aM,.Part or~~~~~ moe ixiesgtbre o h îîMnîY Of Map1t- Mrs. Dou.Élas Thompson. Te- celebrate t1i' 1orlictli cdlG Croxcv. bev Mr and Mrs. L. ronto, were weekend guesls annivcrsarv of itir. andnMr, .CoYi'itt reside extend thcir with iMr. and Mrs. Chiaci s Leslie Colactitt. Mipe Grove. wishes for many more happy Greenliam. Mrs. Irwiin Warcier. Toronto. years also. Mr. Page, Tyrone, spent a niece of the bride, presentecl Mr. Ed. Holmes is iii in Pc- day l:îst xvcek with his niec;', bier aulit vith a corsage cf red ¶erborough Civic Hospital. We Mrs. Howard Brad e. roses. and uisbered the hapi)y wisih hlm a speedy recoverv. The Reverend Rudd of the couple int the attractivelv de- 1\11r. an id Mrs. R. T. Robinson, Bible Society will bc gueý;t« corated diii1-rioorn. A wc- recnv.ýood. \vere Sunday sup- speaker at Maple G&pve churu'à dling ak su counlded b" pil-i e guests of Mr. and Mrs . Ce- on Su.clav and white streamecrs gcraccd the cil Burton. dining-room table. Mr. Cccii Burton visited his Mr. Irwini Warder. Toronto,I mot hec and brother, Clifford, Canada supplies about 60 per acted as masterc f cerenionics in the 'Dshawva hospital Monday cent of the world's ashestos: and xvîlh- a few xvell chosen Mr. andi iVrs. Jim Laverty and mnost of it comes train mines ini words, expcessed thfli eelings -f-nîiv More Sundav dîIîI1uccQtleb)c's Eastern Townships Of ail present and wished th- e uts wthMr. and SMrs. Earl b)ut nuit hern Ontario and for- bride and groom many more rIelanl, Norwood. thern BC. have one mine each. Congratulations to the Citîzens of cYJIie e ~ Cîjoý ilUs/1/) on the OFFICIAL OPENING of their new MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND COMMUNITY CENTRE We t hank you for the privilege and pleasure 'of inslallincj the up-to-date plurnbing. T i f) 9ý " HARVEY PLUMi3ING AND HEATINC- aI I vicethe iRtst "%A 3-2240 t-C.. .. - Building ut Hampton on .--l è"Olqff-#ý- f#P«WPOWI! opirNIMIlls of- ýôar,1ington

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