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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1958, p. 15

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THURSDAY, OCT. Soth, 1958 TN~ eA NABTAN ffATV~MAIt UOWMANV!LT.U ~WTAWYA - ~a - a.- Dr. Vivian Ouf fines Governrnent's Plan for Increased Assistance The following statement by day, October 16. This was at 4Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P. for Dur- the thirteenth session of the Uni- ham, CWjan Representative ited Nations General Assembly. at thed United Nations It was as follows: ]Pledgin»"Cnference on the " «Mr. President, Expandl ,îProgramme of Tech- "The Expanded Programme nical Assistance and the Spe- of Technical Assistance has be- cial Fund wvas made on Thurs- 'hind it an established tradition of successful activity in pro- moting the economic develop- ment of the under-developed areas of the world. The Gov- r ernment of Canada recognizes the unique and important con- tribution which this programme has been able to make in pro- viding experts and equipment and in arranging fellowships under United Nations auspices. In particular, the Canadian au- - thorities we]come the co-ope.- ation and co-ordination which exists between the Expanded Programme and the other pro- grammes of technical assistance in which Canada participates. "Mr. President, I have been TNREE SCORE AND TE... authorized to announce the in- tenton f te Goernentof People nowadavs often live be- Canada to seek parliamentary 'c yond the biblical span of 70 approval for a contribution of years. The wise' man ensures $2 million (U.S.) to the Ex- that he will not outlive bis in- panded Programme of Techni- cal Assistance for 1959. corne. A retirernent policy of the The second programme before Sun Life Assurance Company of 1 us today is a new and separaté Canada will give you a guar- programme without of cours;e anteed incarne for as long as you 1 as yet the same record of ac- live.complishment as the Expanded Stv.r aigtdy-ci Programime. The Government Star savng tday-aliof Canada is, however, confi- dent that the Special Fund will, Bannter Passant inteyast oe rvd Reprsenttiveance in fields essential to the RA 3-258 5 Browise .integrated technical, economic MA 33258 53 rownSt.and social development of the Bowmanviile less-developed countries. Pro- jects to be undertaken will in-1 ORDER NOW.a and assure your home of having a steady supply of heat ail winter! USE THE BEST "UEL OIL Finest Quality Stove and Furnace Oil for safe, economical heat Mletered Deliveries Prompt Delivery 24-Hour Service C.N.R. Yards liowmanville Phone MA 3-5410 Cerne in for a FREE hot dernstrution! ~ MAçson &Dale i M.Art4uimrIa MA 3-5m8 rI 'o"jvvome LM~IueCIe - .Bowmanville 36 King St . E hBurlington Skyway WiII Be Opened Today When the Burlington Bay Skyway is off iciàlly~ Skyway wilI eliminate the bottleneck on the Q.E.W. opened by Prime Minister Leslie M. Frost today, it will caused by the 30-mile speed limit through the built-up provide (with approaches) four and a haîf miles of four- areas of Burlington Beach and Hamilton Beach and the lane controlled access highway to replace the last remain- stoppage of traffîc when the Burlington ship canal is in ing section of two-lane highway on the Queen Elizabeth operation, as shown in this aerial photo of the Skyway. Way between Toronto and Niagara Falls. The $19,000,000I clude surveys, research nd t d it was agreed to send a stration includýng pilot projects. ToLLCour"iime HE & gional Conference was announ- As the resolution on the Special ced to be held here at Ebene- Fund adopted on October 14 .. lAer United church on Novem- states, the Special Fund i en- aken y M s 0 w n ber 13 at 2 p.m. until 9 p.m. A visaged as a constructive ad- ho ure dnert b ere vance in United Nations assist- at 6. Mrs. C. Weatherhead will ance to the less developed coun- Courtice Home and School1 e and also announced ta be the speaker in the afternoon, tries which should be of imme- Association held their October satn the following week hot; theme being "Guide To Family diate significance in accelerat- meeting Tuesday, Oct. 21 at the strtn Living". ing their economie development North Courtice School. Presi- soup will be served to the pu- Visual Aids convenor Mrs. by -ne lia, facilitating neW dent Mrs. John Gay welcomned pils desiring it, money to be Lloyd Courtice. introduced Mrs. capital investments of ail types the large number present. Room1 paid the Friday previous, 35c.W Owen~s, Visual Aids chair- through the creation of condi- count was taken and Mrs H. for the week. Chiîd Cîinîc I man of Home and School Couni- tions which would make such Greer's room won for the Iiigh< be Nov. 3rd at Courtice Church cil, also Mrs. B. T. Edwards of investinents either feasible Or way, Mrs. H. Cosen's roomn for 1.30 to 2.30 p.m. the Film Council of Oshawi. more effective. the North school. Next euchre Nov. 14, Mrs. Mrs. Edwards pointed out sev- "Mr. President, 1 have been Minutes were read by Secre- Harold Graham and Mrs. Gar- eral uses of films and introduc- authorized to announce thal., tary Mrs. Gordon Vinson and net Goyne in charge. Next ed her film "Family Circles". subject to parliamentary ap- the Treasurer's report given b.v meeting will be Graduation Four situations developed proval, the Government Z)' M-s Tomi Gladman. Business night for the pupils who enter- throurshout the film. Four dis- Canada will contribute $2 mil- followed. Mrs. H. Greer report- ed high school this faîl. Twen- cussion groups met following lion (U. S.) to the Special.Fund ed on the success of the Grade ty-six pupils will be presented film and later presented their for 1959-60. In making this an- with their pins on Nov. 18, with findings which proved very la- nouncernent it is the inteninCnention the executive to be in charge. 1 teresting. of the Government of Canada tended a Telephone Cneto November being Home and Mrs. Wilfred Brown thanked to assist the Special Fund to be held at the King Edward, To- School Month, Mrs. Harry G&y the1 ladies who hahd taken part. inaugurated on aaound-and for- ronto, on Thursday and Friday. was called on to read an arti- Lunch was served under con- ward-looking basis. I Ern also Miss Hazel Barrie and Miss cie pertaining to thîs. On a mo- venorMrs. N. Adair. instructed to indicate that fu- Ross of Oshawa, with Miss Ber-- ture Canadian cont'ributiins will tha Thompson on Sunday. be subject to review and adi- Mr. Everett Stapleton and justmernt to take into account son Howard of Orono, spent ý the extent to which readily us- -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don! abl cntrbuion sbstntalv oe«W M- 1exceed or faîl below a total bud- Iget of $30 million annually for Ithe Special Fund. "Aricl 56oftheUniedNa- t ions Charter requires all mem- bers of the United Nations to pledge thernselves to take joint and separate action in co-oper- ation with the United Nations Organization for the achieve- ment, amongst other purposes, of higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development. Under the IExpanded Programme of Tech- nical Assistance and the new Special Fund mcmbers 'of the United Nations have an oppor- tunity to achieve this goal by assisting the urgent programmes of development on which the less developed coup4ries have, embarked. Canada is proud of the opportunity to join in this "ommon endeavour which pro- vides an outstanding example Iof international co-operation Iunder the United Nations. "Thank you, Mr. President." COURTICE Thankoffering services were held at Courtice United Church Sunday, Rev. F. J. Reed was guest speaker. Miss Susanne Gay spent the weekend with her uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. Stuart 'Me- Quade, Cadmus. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Chnis Tooley, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilf. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie FUiott and Lorraine visited with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tin- ney, Port Hope. Mr. Charles Fulton is stiUln l Oshawa Hospital. Affer a ser- ious set back the pas't week he is slightly improved. Mrs. Ful- ton has her sister with her from St. Catharines for a while. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mns. Wilbert Han- cock, Peterborough, spent Wed- nesday with the Johnstons. Mrs. Sid Hughes, Dundas, and daughter. Mrs. Lorne Burns of Brampton, were eall- ing on friends in the village on Tuesday. Mn. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey of Port McNieol, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. Mn. Haiý, Wade spent a cou- pIe of days in Guelph attend- ing a Co-op Medical Servie jConvention. Mr. and Mrs. Ciffon Robb of IMontreal are spending a few da at their cottage here. lWr. and Mrs. Harold I)urley entertained the employees of Newtonville Garage with ther wives f0 a turkey dinner Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mr. and'Mrs. Earl Walkey and Mn. and Mms Fred klenderson at- .b Ld fJ1o.UA Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martin spent~ the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Felgate of Montreal. On Friday the rupils of the Newtonville and Port Granby schools along with their teach- ers, Mrs. Millican, Miss -Porter and Mr. Jas. Wallbridge, tra- velled by a chartered Burley bus t0 Toronto, They visîted the rnuseum, took a conducted tour of Casa Loma and finally end- ed up at CBC where they *Par- ticipated in a Grordie Tapp show from 3.30 to 4 p.m. Parents who accompanied the children were Elliott, Mrs. Harwood. Elliott <Port Granby), Mrs. Arnold Wade and Mrs. Don Stapleton, > Mrs. Wm. Mîlligan, Mrs. J. T. Pearce and Mrs. Cecil Burley , also took advantage of the trip. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reichi- rath and Mrs. T. Sherpitis of Montreal, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ~~ Reichrath. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart and daughter Terry of Napane and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whittakcr and family of Toronto were Sunday visitors with iVrs. J. T. Pearce. The rally of the Eastern Sec- tion, of Oshawa Presby feril was held in Newtonville church when Miss Beattie, missionary from Trinidad was guest speak- er. One hundred and one regis- tered with 49 being served din- ner by W.M.S. and assisfed by W.A. Every one reported a very profitable day. OBITUÂRY EDWARD E. DOWNEY The death occured suddenly Oct. lSth, 1958, at The Doctors' Hospital, Toronto, of Edwand Er.ic Downey,husband of the late A.nne Watson, who passed away March 19, 1952. Born in England, Nov. 22, 1890' he came to Canada as a boy, met and married his wife in 4.eth- bridge, Alta. They later camne east and resided in BowrnanviUle since 1929. He is survived by two dau- ghters, (Jessie) Mrs. Ralph Be- mnis, Whitby, (Dorothy) Mrs. W. J. Coates, Toronto; and four sons, Richard, Bowmanvjlle, Ed- ward, Whitby, Leonard, Bow- manville, George, Cadmus. Among the beautiful flowens were tnibutes from Canadian Le- ~ gion. Goodyear Rubber and Tire ', Co., Whitby and Oshawa Carp- ~ enters Union. Pallbearers were, Etichard Do- wney, Leonard Downey, George kt Downey, Jack Coates. Thomas k Walsh and Barton Aide. Funeral service was held on Friday, Oct. 17, at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Rev. A. C. Her- bert officinting. Interment was 1.- in mJw an.v iiie %S exer ALEX. McGREGOR, President KENDÂL Miss Marilyn MacDonald and friend Miss Barnes, Bowman- ville, visited this weekend w:th Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gay and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore and sons, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Langsfaff and daughters were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mult Rob- inson and Mr. and Mns. Don Ruddy visited Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Glass Saturday atternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass and Ronnie, spent Sunday with her brother, Charles Byers and Mrs. Byers. Master Billy Mercen spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allen. Little Misses. Marie Couroux, Dorothy, Shirley and Irene Mercer, were among those cele- brating« the seventh birfh- day of Kathy Coatham at ber Party on Saturday near Orono. Kendal friends are pleased to have Mrs. Low Sr., able to return home to our community again. Mrs. Low suffered a fall while ini Toronto staying wifh her son and broke her wrist. but is feeling fine now. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass had some of their friends in on Saturday night Oct. 25, for the celebration of their l7th wedding anniversary. Mrs. D. Vannotto and Ceeul and Cecil Birh vtid qui%, day wlth Mr. and Mrs. Perc* Burley. Mr&. John Bird spent six weeku wltch her parents ro. cently while John Bird was at. tending Police College in To- ronto. Mrs. Alva Swarbrick, Ros Roughley and Mrs. Wilfred Roughley went to Toronto Sun- day ta see Mrs. Gordon Price In thie General Hospital and had dinner in the evening with Mrs. Edith Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Gay and Ron- nie. and Miss M. MacDonald and Miss Barnes, spent Sunday afternoon in Peterborough with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burley had dinner Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Bird in Bowmanville. In spite of the ramn again this year there was a good turnout for Kendal's turkey supper Wednesday evening. Oct. :12, and the ladies received maay fine compliments on the tasty repast provided. Rev. R. C. Whyte kept the waitine foîks entertained wvith pictures, one of which was the ever pop ilar Scrooge's Christmas. Mr. Ga,, musical instructor in schoo'.s favoured with organ music ancd the audience joined in, in sinp- ing the request hymns. Finan- cially the Thank-offering Sun- day and the turkey suppcr Wednesday, were gratifving and will be a great help toward de- corating the church as weil as paying for the new roof. PRESTON VAN MOVING& STORAGE CRATING AND PACKING LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Phone MA 3m2493 Agents for TIPPETS & RICHARDSON LTD. ru--m- mu a:m:oess:e:Iu:m:mBiua:~TIbmI-~ I MRS. M. E. LEASKTres. Not OnIy 0f Tomorrow, But What 0f The Future? If you vote for any liquor outiet on Nov. 19, and you *are not satisfied with the resuits, you will have them for aIl time ta corne, regard less of their effects, or your sorrow. Think About The Future 0f Your Family A pay cheque spent on liquor cannot buy food -and the necessary requirements for your family. Who prospers? Not the merchants, only those in the liquor business. Think About The Safety 0f Your Children More liquor outiets mean more dninking,, and more accidents as a resuit. Drinkers have increased 91% in the Iast 10 years in Ontario. Do we need more liquor outiets where your young people would be tempted to drink, or xnothers and fathers would frequent these licensed places and neglect their families? It happens in other towns and would happen in Bowman ville. Is This Progress And At What Price? The indirect cost of liquor traffic le Canada is more than 21/2 limes il-e amount collecled in taxes from. this source. There are 200,000 alcoholics in Canada; 80,000 in Ontario, with 4,000 new ones each year; and one in every 17 who-starts ta drink heconies an alcoholic, four others beeomne arohlem drink- ers. This is CANADA'S No. 1 HEALTH PROBLEM. Let Bowman-iille Progress in happier and more prosperous homes. No one can truly say ltai lte freer sale of liquor will make this communiîy belter, happier, or more prosperous! Don'l ""Let George Do l" - he may have no inlerestinii your lown or family -here loday and gone lomorrow - but make sure you use your vote, for the lown you live in* Have No Regrets- Put Your X After "NO" On Ail Five Ballots Bowmanville Citizens Vote "NO" Committee Opposed To Looser Liquor Controls CAPT. N. COLES, Manager -::::m b p s:;:::p ;u c:p p -p :p :::ijg p ~ j-p p p ~ rg -- irn -~ - - - -...* IO S S ~ I THMMDAY, OCT. Soth, Ion TIM CA NADUN STATMMM". 8017?dAmvn2ý& ONTAMO 10 - iDAý ýý 9 LIQUIFIUEL

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