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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1958, p. 11

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TR1JRSDAY. DEC. 4th, 1958 TRI CANADIM STAT~MAN, EOWMANVILLE. ON'rARTO PAGE P~LEVEI àordon Àgnew, Editor Phono 3621 Newcastle Has Its First Chinese Weddinq On Tuesday afternoon in the United Church parson- Lions. Floral decorations were chrysanthemums. Attend- age at Newcastle, Miss Kwan \'Iee Kam was married to ing the wedding were Mr~. and Mrs. Charles Woo, their Peter Woo in a colorful ceremony conducted by the two children William and Lil'y. and Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. -Rverend M. C. Fisher. The bride, recently arrived iný J. H. Jose who served a delicious lunch following the -Cnada from Hong Kong, was lovely in a light mauve cereftiony. The happy couple xiii reside in Newcastle. ktmona type goxvn and xvore a corsage of dark pink camna-, 307; anc Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spencer Terry of Kingston we'e eéekend visitons with bis pir- ehts, Mr. and Mrs. Thos-. Spen- car. Mrs. George Crowther, Char- les and Jamnie, spent Sunday -Visting with Mr. and Mrs. Da- vid Phasey in Tyrone. :The many friends of Mrs. K. P. Aiken will be sorry ta learo PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 21 Ontario St. Rev. G. E. Leno, Pastor -10 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL for ail ages *Il am. - 7 p.m. - SUNDAY HARRIS - FL UIT EVANGELISTIC PARTY *Vocal and Instrumental * Specls * (Severai instruments) Rev. Harris, former local * pastor, preaching. A cordial welcome to ahl I £Persona/ that she is seriously ili and is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bo wmanv iiie. Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Darli-i.g: and--family ispent Sunday--v4it- ing in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould andi family visited in Toronto on Sunda v with Mr. and Mrs. Cas.. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woo who were mar- ried at the United Church Par- sonage on Tuesdav with the Rev. M. C. Fisher officiating. The first flag flown in Canada was early England's flag, the red cross of St. George on a white background, later incor- porated in the Union Jack. CARD OrTHANKS My sincere thanks to the electors of the Village of Newvcastle who voted for and supported me in the election on Monday. Season's Greetings to ail. Boss Dickinson Newcastle -United Churc.h Rex'. M. C. Fishier, B.A., Minister Norman B. Williams, Organist 10:00 - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 - MORNING IVORSHIP Sermnon: "GOD'S WVORD IS POWER' 7:30 p.nx. - "PORTRAITS 0F JESUS" Everyone welcoine at these services. i. THANK YOU 1 wish to thank ail those wlio braved the weatber on Monday to cast their ballot for me. 'Thank you for your confidence. WVishing one and ail the Compliments of the Season. George Wallon NEWCASTLE TAXII Now Under New Management, FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE ONE NEWCASTLE 2051 Close Vote Elecîs George Watt on to Hydro Commission NEWCASTLE - With slightlv oe than 50'% of 'he vbters of the -vill-age casting their ballots on Mohdayr the incumbent George A. Walton retained his seat on the Newcastle Hydro Commission in a very close vote. defeat- ing his opponient, Ross Dickinson, by only four votes with a total of five spoileci ballots. All other municipal offices in the village -%ere filled last week when Reeve Cunningham and members of the Council, Fred Couch, Frank Hoar, Brenton Rickard and Murray Paterson were retumned bv acclamation. And three members were elected to the School Board, Mrs. Pauline Storks (re-electcd), George Chard and Marlow Haficock by acclamation. George Walton Ross Dickinson Spoiled Ballots 3londay's Vote Poil No. 1 Poil No. 2 East Ward West Ward - --- 87 "14 ------ 79 78 Total 161 157 Report on World Fair Given Evening Auxiliary ORONO - Pi-esident Do-othy Watt xvas in charge of the Nov- emiber meeting of the Eveningi Auxihiary recently. During the business Aima Cutte]l gave an encouraging Treasuirer's report. On motion bv'% Margaret Arnott and Isa- belle Challis that $2.50 be pq;d to Eilec'n Billings for the pu- chase of the new Studv Book. A *iominatine committee con- sisting of Margaret Goode, J oan Couivier and Stella Carson wýerP left responsibie to bring in a slate of officers for the comir.g yea r., Alma Mitchell and RLIth Gra- dx x'olunteered toa-asist the Baby Band convenons with de- livering invitations for the3 Christmas part.y. The Presîdent stated the exe- cutive wouid be left in chargre Newcastle Lionettes At Millbrook The Lionettes of Newcastle, were c'ntertained to dinner b'.' ýhe Ladyv Lions in Milibrook last sveek. The president. Mrs. Laurence Winslow, welcomed the guests and Mrs. Earl Liesmen and Mrs. S. Snelgrove planned the enter- tainiment. Prizes for wearing the most becomina comic bats went to Lionettes Marion Knox anci Irene Cunningham. Mrs. G. A. Spicer and M.ý Winsiow sang solos and M~ Spicer latrr plaved the p:an for general sing-song. During the business se,-si on. Mrs, H. Kenr. Mrà& A. R. Pa,-,ne and Mrs. J. W. ,Wight were an- pointed tc the committee whîch will be-in charge of a Christmas cheer oroject. Further plans wene discussei 1 for ih.' forthcomiine Santa Clatis pjaradet.i Rene Megit. president of Ithe Lionpt:,es thanked the Lardy 'Lions on behaif of the visitois, of the Decemiber meeting. Eileen Billings wished the ,girls x.-ould make a list of the mis-sionary books they had read during the year and present it to her at the next meeting. Aima Mitchell, convenor of' Christian Missions and Supplies3 continwed with the remainder of the program, by reading a poeni 'Truth neyer dies." Mn. Gay favoured with a piano seie(-tion in an efficient mannet-. Aima read a letter frorn requesting articles needed for Christ mas. The Situdy Book -Concerns of a Continent" xvas deait with vcry <apablv bY Aima Mitchell. Mildred RaineY conducted the Devotional and gave a very ît*eresting meditation on "Lest We For-get". Four girls assisted, Audrey Walker, Thelma Vagg, Norma Long and Stella Carson. reading selected passages of scripture. Mildred Rainey con- ciuded the wonship service with praye r. MVary Rutherford then intro- duced Margo Samuel, gue3t speaker, \v'ho told Lis some of Christmas Decorations Appeari ng Signs of the '"Decorate for Christmas' cpritest ai-e begin- ning ta appeai'as iresiden-:s ai-e prepa:-ing their outside decora- lions for their homes and Cie village counor have the colour- pri liat-ts on king street turned on ta diecorate the village for the !io1daY season. Sex-eral homes in the villaoe bave alread 'v taken on a-festive appearance with their coloured lights and other decorations with pri-cm io- f athers ta folioxv. In auIii (ii:Eiv Il. S. Biitton in- tonnm uS that Don La ke turned on the cdecoratn2 lights on King street on lUonday. her experiences at the "'World's Fair" in Brussels. Margo gave an excellent description -of- týe. many exhibits they viewed-on this occasion but remarkedt it was a handicap to only speak one language. She inentioned the stylings1 and different fur- nishings of each countiry on dis- pla 'v, leavmg with the group many interesting features. Stella Carson and Aima Mit- eheil expressed the apprecia- tion of the group to Margo for sharing with us the highlights of her recent trip. The girls completed 70 can- cer dressings during the evei- ing. The Benediction was re- peated and lunch served, brin.- inz the evening to a close.- Times.-_ Drape Charter In Tribute to Mrs. E. Neilson ORONO-The regular meet- ing of the Heather Rebekah Lodge was held in the Hall Tuesdav, November 25th. Sister Irene Hleron, vice Grand, acting for the Noble Grand and Sist2ar Elizabeth Cornish as vice Grand. Ail other officers were in thecir respective chairs. With heav.v hearts and a feeling of great loss the char- ter wvas reverently draped for our recentlv bereaved and be- loved Sister Viola Neilson. Words cannot express the great sadness feit by the Sisters, thisý bein-, the second experience in four'months. In July, Sister Pat Green, our Vice-Grand passed aw ay. Sister Irene Heron gave a ful Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Wood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Da-1 Dale and Diann, Ottawa, spent vid Phasev and Wayne inr their! the weekend with Mr. arnd Mrs.1 new house in Tyrone. 'Chas. Taylor. Mr. Ross Taylor 1 r. e KnedMos is spending two weeks in To-1 Ja\, Sask.. Dr. Edward Bell, ronto attending special studyl Mr. and Mrs. Victor Neilson. classes. 1 Kingston, attended the funeral Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Harnoss1 of the former's sister, Mrs, Eâi- and Mr. Reid Harness spent 1 ward Neilson on Thursday last. Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Ei Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beatty. To-! mer Harris, Scarborough. 1 ronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Coul- Mr. Egerton Hancock is visit- ter. Scarboro, visited Mrs. How- ing bis son Victor and Mrs. ard Walsh, 'Hancock, Bowmanville, this Mr. C. V. Wilson returned1 week. home Sunday from Memnorial Mrs. George Crowtber and Hospital, Bowmanville. sons Charles and Jamie, Newv- Grade 8 bad a holidav Friday castle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles afternoon when their teacher, _______________________Mr. H. Loxv, attended spec_'î3 classes for teachers in Bethany. report for the Visiting Commit- Mr. Ross Elliott attended t;ie tee. It was reported by Sisttr ------------_-_--- Olive Millson that plans were ~ - progressing well for the Bazaar. g'wYIvfr which is to take place Saturday ia iI~t. December 6th. g Sy .1R OnDecember 9th, our next regular meeting, Port Perry t he SPENC Lodge has kindly cpnsented toi come to our aid and confer the ! degree on four candidates. Ï You give year-round bE Sister Hattie Wilson xvas Y and happns h yugv eclected 'by acclamation to fil1 ieswhnyugv the vacant position, as Nobler all . . . Spencer Individually Grand, for the balance of tihe ensuing te-m. Sister Irene Mur- CL R.J ray xas elected ta fi the posi- ~ tion as Treasurer left vacant by (Reg*d. sin Sister Wilson.i Business being completed was I Phone 127 closed in the usual stately man -' ner, after which a tasty luncii Ask about our Gifl ývas served by the committee in1y ch arge. Wilson-Reid wedding in St. George's Anglican Church, Osh- a wa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moffat, IDouglas and Blaîn, moved into their new home on Chureji Street south, last wveek. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. Glena Hodgson and David Glena, Bowmanville. Mrs. Orme Fatis. Starkville, visited Mr. and Mr3. D. G. ooper. Mrs. John Gordon is a Da! tient in Memorial Hospital, Bowi. manville. Cpi. -and Mrs. Bruce Wade and children, Calgary, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Parker, Colborne, wvere recent v'isitors with Mrs. 1K. Gamsby and Jim. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Shettier and Maureen, have moved In their new home on Somerviile Drive. By the streets of <'bv and by',* one aril7es at the house of "ne- ver."-Cervantes. *Y CHRISTMAS" IER Way! benefits of HEALTH. conifort ,the flnest Christmas gift of Designed Supports. E. RICHARDS nce 1 931)i Orono, Ontario It CertificateP E~fveryone wants a DOMINION Turke-y for Christmas .. and no wonder! They're, 80 plump, 50 nieaty, so tender, so flavourful, they would tempt a vegetarian. Don't take a chance on being disappointed! Reserve your DOMINION Turkey this weelc. Order forma are available at your DOMINION meat counter ..just Mil one out and hand It ta one of the friendly clerks. AUl orders w ill be ready and waiting for you on the date requested. Make certain your family has the very best this Christmas. Reserve a DOMINION Tuxkey thia week. * 12 oz. jar1 Christmas Candy( 3 3c F.ncy Mixture lb. lb. pkg. Satin Hard Mix 33cp Crystaliized 12 oz. SFrench Creams Crystallized 1lb. k Sweets cello pkg. 33e cello pkg. 33c cello pkg. lb. celle pkg. Cream &Gum Rels 3 3c M. e49ckg Candy Canes Pkg. of 6 25 C lb.m celyp lb. celle pkj 53c candy Feature! Carousel - Assorted 49C Jeliy Stars l.cello pkg. 39c 2 lb. cello pkg. 49C Imported Biscuits in Tins Peek Frean 16"2 oz. tin Good Companion 1.29 Peck Frean Orchid Drum 31 oz. tin 1.59 Gray Dunn i oz. tin Chesham Caddy ,9,5c Values effective in Bowmanville until closing tinie, Saturday, Decenîber 6th, 1958 DOMINION STORES LIMITED NOW IS THE TIME TO STOCK UP FOR CHRISTMAS FacyCanned Vegetables Stokely - Cream Style 15 oz. tin Fancy Corn 2for33r, Aylmer - Fancy 15 oz. tin Rosebud Beets 2for35c Libby - Fancy 15 oz. tin Mixed Vegetables 2for33c Culverbouse - Choice 20 oz. tin Lombard Plums Zfor3lc Ocean Spray - Whole or Jellied 15 oz. tin Cranberry Sauce 25c 'Coronation - Crispy !White Onions I Economical Spread! Blue Bonnet - Yellow Quik Margarine NUTS IN SHELL Beaver - Fancy Mixed Nuts California - Diamond - Large Budded WaIn uts Fancy Brazîls Fancy Filberts Caldwell - Skinless Wieners Caldwell Sausages Dievon - Sliced - Sids Bacon 1 lb. pkg. 49c 1ilb. pkg. 49c 1i1lb. p4.59 ilewca st/e Quality Produce CoId Storage Stock Ontario Fancy Grade - Crisp, Juicy 3 lb. poly bag Mclntosh Apples 2.9C Florida No. 1 Marsli Seedless - Size 96's Gra pef ru it lOfor59c Ocean Spray Cranberries 1 M. pk. 29C Excellent Cookers - Good Keepers Prince Edward Island - Canada No. 1 Grade Potatoes 50 lb. 1ag' 1.39 Florida No. 1 Green Pascal - Size 48's Celery Stalks Iforl3c Florida No. 1 Long Green Slicers - Large size 24's Cucumbers' 3 for25c' i Guaranteed Meats AIl merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction TMMSDAY, DEC. 4th, 1958 PAG19 ELEVEN TRE CANADIAIR STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLIC. ONTARTO

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