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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1958, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN TEE CAIiADIAII STAT~MAY. DOWMMVTLL ONTARTO THURSDAY, DEC. 4th, 1058 'iSJ Y/oungmants IColumn.. When we received notice of the November 27th meeting of the Durham County Club, in Troronto, and noted that some chap was going to show us <slides" of old houses, and tal.k about them, you could have heard my sngrt of derision a mile away. «"Who, I enquired, is going to har.dle pulpwood ail day, eat a hasty supper. shave, change clothes, drive 65 miles, sit on a hard chair, drive the return journey of 65 miles to a cold house. at 1 a.m., just to hear someone chat about aid houses? And as for looking at pictures o~ f them - by jingo, I've seen enough of them, and due to f inancial stringency, lived i enough of them, without listen- ing to some guy lecture about them. We ain't going!" But a short, peremptory ord- er from my commanding officer, Butch, caused the car to be brought to the door in a hurry, and I was "shanghaied" into act- ig as chauffeur of our puddle jumper for the Toronto trip. The guest speaker, who teaches architecture in a Toron. to school, flot only had some excellent slides, but charmed us with bis bigbly intelligent, subtly hunioraus comments on the various types, designs, con- dition of the buildings shown on the screen. When pointed out by Mr. Rempel, they ail proved ta have varying degrees of character-proud, sloppy, solid, fancy, comfortable, siily. fop- pish, bold, retiring, well kept, neglected. Until that meeting, 1 didn't know that a lot o! buildings represent the architectural de- sign of some particular period- Roman, French, Greek, English, Gothic, German, etc.' etc. I always thougbt they reflected the mood o! the builder, like the hip-roofed two-holer that is aur pride a.nd joy. in the corner of the yard. Well, live and learn! It is nice ta report that the entire audience enjoyed the treaIt. The picture of St. Thomas Church, at Shanty Bay, remind- cd me that it was the first church I attcnded in Canada. One Sunday I played hookey and went ta the Metbodist Church, where I discovered that you didn't have ta get up and down nearly sa aiten dur- ing L. service, so I nev~er went back ta St. Thomas. Although for a ver>' specaChristmas1 BONE CHINA Cups and Saucers $1009 that was more than -à hal! a century aga, I dîd flot know until last Thursday cvénîng that the aid church was built of mud bricks. And whcn Mr. Rempel "screen- ed" the aId African Church, at Edgar, I remembered being there over 50 years ago, when tbe white folks sat on onc side and the calorcd people on the other and how the aid negro preacher would seem te preach mare ta the white folks becausei they donated more libcrally when the - Alection plate was passed. One o! the colored brethrcn callcd on the Shanty Bay Metho- dist Sunday School Superihten. dent, and secured a 25-cent do- nation, but in going through the kitchen door, bis bulging jacket pocket revealed a flask of wbiskey, so the teetotaller superintendent made the guilty darky return the quarter. We thoroughly enjoycd' the singing o! Mr. and Mrs. B. Honeywell, and the artistry a! their accampanist, Miss Jessie Allen. The hospitality of Group No. 2 was up ta its usuai high standard, and the same goes for all who contributed ta the ev- ening's activities. It was dandy to meet and chat with folks whom we hadn't seen for quite some time, and wba seemed pleased ta say hello ta two yokels from Pontypool. It. was a swell evening, and well Worth the long drive. Mrs. T. Same lis' New Presiden't Cadmus W.A. nhe November meeting of the Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S.- was held at the church with Mrs. T. Samnelîs, vice-president, in the chair. Rev. P. Romeril led In prayer. The Scripture lesson was given by Mrs. K. Gray. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer gave a report on the turkey supper and we had $233 clear after al ex- penses were paid. It was deéddd that we gîve $200 ta the board ta help out en the budget. There wiil be a quilting at the home o! Mrs. Samells on Thursday. We will have aur Christmas exchange at the next meeting. A committee, Mrs. M. McKee and Mi-s. Passant, was named to look after the Good Cheer box- es to be sent out to the sick and shut-ins. Rev. P. Romeril pres ided over the election o! afficers for 1959 which are as follows; President Mrs. T. Samells: Vice-Presi- dent- Mrs. W. Sweet; Secre- tary-.- Mrs. James Gray; Asst. Secretary- Mrs. Passant; Trea- surr- MIrs. E. McKay; Pianist - Mrs. Ken Gray; Asst. Pian- ist- Mrs.. Melton; Parsonage 'CommIttee-2 Mrs.Passant; Mrs. S. MeQuade and Mrm. K. Gray; Missionary Comrittee- Mrs. M. Gray and Mrs. R. Larmer; Devotional Committee - Mrs. Melton and Mrs. G. Johnston; Auditors for 1959- Mrs. R. Phayre and Mrs. L. Johnston. Mr. Romeril showed pictures of Lansdowne Nursing Station up north where his daughter helps In the work o! caring for the Injdians who become iii. Aflter the pictures everyone adjourned ta the Sunday School raom for deliciaus lunch served by Group 3. Group 4 is ini char- ge of the next meeting wbItch will be held at the home of Mrs. M. Gray on th'e third Tuesday ini December. Christmas is almost here! 91 King St., W.W. H. Brown Bomwmanville. CASE DEALER delivery bel ore Christmas Phone MA 3-5497 Legion Service Officers HoId First Meeting The Canadian Legion's first national service officers' con- ference opcned in Ottawa last week with a total of 16 dele- gates, fronM evcry province. a't- tending the three-day meeting. Object o! the conference is ta further acquaint Legian ser- vice officers with ail aspects ai veterans' legisiation. During the conference, delegates will hear talks by numerous representa- tives oif gavernment agencîces and will alsa take part in group discussions, They were welcomed by Da- vid L. Burgess, Legion Domin- ion president, and Donald M. Thompson, director ,of the Le- gion's service bureau. Colonel Lucien Lalonde. deputy minis- ter of veterans affairs, explain- ed the operation of bis depart- ment and showed where the work o! Legion service officers helped make the department's work more efficient. He stres- cd a desire for continued co-op- eration between the two agen-i cies, bath of which are working for veterans. Legion branch service off j- cers are volunteers who work througlx that department of tha Legion dedicated ta heiping any veteran or dependent with pen- sion or reiated problems. The officiais attending h confercnce are provincial staïff members responsible for the co- ordination of this work in their provinces. Subjects ta be discussed at the current meeting include, the Pension Act: war vetera ns' a- lo a c : c iv il se rv ic e :, v e tra il ' treatment regulations and Im- peril and allied veterans. Club 15 Funds Assisi Comm unit y Pro jects The regular meeting of Club 15 was held at the home of Mrs. G. E. Mann, with ail 15 members present. Minutes were read a-id fees collected. Following this, Treasurer Mrs. D. Gilhooly gave a financial re- port on the very successful Stay-at-Home Bridge held on the afternoon and evening of Nov. 20, under the direction of cScreec/h 09w! by Barbara Brown - John James .Congratulations ta members o! the cast. and ail wbo beiped to make "The Winslow Boy" such a success. Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan did a splendid job in directing the play. 13 B's county teani won the Senior Volyball Championshîç de! eating 12 A's town team in a close gae 18-16, played on Monday at noan-hour. Garth (Yul Brynner) Taylor is wandering &round B.H.S. these. days with Miss Boyd's red and white striped nightcap per- ched on bis uridescent bald head. Although we have had the biggest snowfal in a long time around the district,the bus dri- vers have brought the pupils in ta school almost on time every- day since« the snow began ta fa]., much to the dismay ai sanie pupils. In fthe achool publiec speaking contests last week sponsored by Ontario Hydro, Dixie Gi placed first and David Milne came se- cond. Last Saturday, Fifth form -wnt'-b3r buà ta Torohito ta, seè Hanilet. The play was put on by the Old Vic actors in the Royal Alexander. Make sure that you attend the Christmas party on the a!- ternoon the exams are over. This is perhaps thie most fun ai the school year and can be guar- anteed ta. give you a lot ai en- jayment, The celebratmng will begin around 1.00 p.m. and con- tinue through tiil 12. p.m. Duc ta the late date ini corn- pleting the. first edition ai the Screcch Owi magazine, it may nat came out bei are the Christ- mas hohidays. KENDÂL Snow, cold and slippery roads are the chie! topics ai conversa- tion these days. About 12 inch- es ai snow has falien but the high winds Saturday cleared off some spots and piled it deep in others, which with the temperature ta zero made us realize winter was bere-but wc hope it soon turns warmer. The Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White were dinner guests Suni- day with Mrs. Alva Swarbrick. A meeting was held Nov. 24. in Starkville school bouse ta arganize a "Bobbie Falls Bene- fit Fund". Those appointed ta direct a canvas for contribu- tions are: Ewart Robinson and Russel Saverv at Starkvilie; John Thompsan and Bill Tur- ansky at Kendal, and Hugb Sta- pleton at Newtonvilie. Assist- ing John and Bill at Kendal, Milton Robinson i§ canvassing the village and Arthur Thomp- son to the north. It is hoped that everyone will help in re- lieving the financiai burden which is resulting irom the ac- cident. The bad weather cut dras- tically into the number vating here on Monday. We wish ta congratulate R. Savery, J. Ston.e and E. Dent on being elected ta council and H. Dean and L. Greenwood on election ta the School Area Board. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Thonipson have moved ta Belleville where they are now running a beauty salon. Her parents, Mr. and Mis. Holland, have gane ta stay with them. for the winter. Tbe W. A. were guests at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Glass for their meeting Wednesday even- ing, Nov. 26, with Mrs. G. Cath- cart presiding. We were pleased ta have the Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White with us. Christmas.hvmns were sung with Mrs. White at the piano. Prayer was given by Mrs. L. Glass and the Scripture réading, Psalni 103, by Miss Nellie Hill. Mrs. G. Cathca:t told an interesting Christmas storv. Mrs. White, guest speak- er of the evening, gave an in- spiring talk on "Sharing God's Git", stressirîg that everyane bas abilities and talents which should be used. The sum i o $43 was netted from the Teac't-- ers' Banquet. Mrs. Glass. Mrs, Low and Mrs. Stoker were nam- ed as naminating committee. A pleasant social hour was ejy tributing anr.ually towards the upkeep of a disabled Korean orphan, and sending hlm parceis of clothes and toys at Christmas time and during the year. A letter was read from the Canadian Foundation for Polio- myelitis regarding their annual drive for funds, and it was agreed that Club 15 would once again sponsor the March of Dimes blitz in Bowmanville, ta be'heid late in January, 1959. Plans were then finalized for the Senior Citizens' Christmas Party to be held at the Lions Centre on Dec. 9 at 8 p.m. Following this, three commit- tees were set up to plan the Club 15 annual Christmas meet- ing to be held this year at the borne of Mrs. J. Crombie. on Dec. Il. The meeting then adjourned and a very delicious lunch was served by the bostess, Mrs. Mann, enjoyed by everyone. North Nestieton W.A. Meeting W.A. meeting was held in the basement of the Church on Nov. 27. There were 19 ladies and three chiidren present. Mrs. Vic Malcolm'5 group in charge of Hon or Coun fies Warden With Cobourg Banquet More than 260 people attend- cd thc annual United Countieî Warden's dinner Thursda.v night at the Cobourg Pavilion tao han- aur R3av Bothwell of Fraserville, the retiring warden. Reeve Wilfrid Carruthers, o! Bowmanviýle, who moved Mr. Bothwell's nomination last Jan- uary, presided at the meeting Among the guests were the Hon. W. A. Gaodfellaw, Ontario Min- ister of Agriculture and MLA for Northumberland, Ben Thom- pson, M.P. for Northumberland, and Major J. W. Foote, V.C., M.L.A. for Durham. The Rev. James Campbell, minister of the United Church charge of Fraserville, said Grace at the dinner. Bouquet Kenneth Symonds. counties clerk, presented a bouquet to Mrs. Bothwell on bebaif of the council, and deputy reeve Mich- ael Wladyka, of Part Hope. wha seconded Mr. Bothweil's n om- ination for warden in January, made the presentation oi a Duit xt',tith ~rp. rfrehamh elifactthat ord b Social Convenor Mrs. D. Mars- meeting which was on the mis- mn his presentation addressDurham ha bl eed that cran- ;den. Club members packed and sionary theme. Mrs. Jean Ad- Mr. Wladyka reminded the ga- .Vcucl eeago rm -s delivered box lunches to 54 ing ground for the provincial d h o s t e s s e s, who entertained ams and Mrs. Geo. Bowecs took thr-ring that the United Coun- and dominion legisiatures, and friend.i to bridge or TV parties the Devotional and Prayer, Mrs. ties had been formed in 1850.epsedh armntwh in their own homes on this date. K. Sameils gave an interesting andlactht r. othe ll soendepesdbsareetwt ClÇ~ub 15 members wish to ex- paper on "Japan", and also aa wpl a erigeonthe lstof n t heatMo.inon.lo c'fplmn ti press their thanks to these Bow- quiz. Reading by Gwen Malcolm wholad ere the counties' . oodfello orlimetsad- fadei thate. 18 -rssic dition to the home for the agea. nter poject1, withsearn Sympathy is feit for Mrs. M. "Ray Bothwell bas given good f etedovr 10,ths naligEmerson. We hope she is soon conscientious service" Mr. Wlad- In the first six months of 1958 the club to continue its work of feeling better. yka said. immigration to Canada totalled aiding local community pro-i Mr. Jack Milburg, Bowman- Tribute 67,744, compared to 182,416 in jects, as well as sponsoring the ville called on the Vic Malcolms The warden paid tribute to the January-June period of Senior Citizens Group, and con- Sunday, the entire Counties' Council and .1957. F1Ps . POft O à . One stop at our store and you can solve ail those perplexing "what to give problems for your "Christmas knight"! We have a large, ail new selection of gif t items in ail price ranges, and courteous saiespeople with real know-how to heip you! Ail - purchases gift-wrapped P, i414 SHIRT Litti Ironng Neess0r TIES WIrH PERSONALITY ~~~Nteebatll ht hrs fle' gota dfinie tste n tis$1.00 395 - $5 5î. LuxuriaustFeeling Botany and Woo PULLO VH ERSON LT nteebatflwiesit (one please h mst isiiag men$.9 51v PULLO VERS1 '-ecIOogNievs1 for ys te our dslc tin men -NN 4, KensMensWearq 3-5580 ail county employees for their co-operation during the year. and thanked the local niembers in the Ontario Legisiature for their frýequent help. Mr. Bothwell, who retires this year as reeve ai South Mona- han Townsbip, thanked h counic:l for their backirW throughout bis reeveship. and particuiarly during the past year, when he had ta be awav irom the towvnship a great deal of the time. He congratulated his successor. George Dean. who became reeve by acclama- tion làst week. - On behaîf of Mrs. Bothwell and himseli, the warden pre- sented mahogany silvcr-chests ta Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers and Mr. and Mrs. Wladyka. Praise County court judge M. A. Miller and government mcm- bers ail spoke briefly in praise of Mr. Bothwell. Major Foote . .. .. .. .OPEN STOCK Dinner Ware ROYAL WORCESTER ROYAL DOULTON, AYNSLEY ROYAL ALBERT SP ODE FINE LINENS. by "LEACOCK» Table Cloth an d 4 Napkins $3.98 BOOKS FOR CHILDREN The Newest in Fiction CHRISTN&S CARDlS by Coutts - Hall Mark -an. Rustcraft We have gifts for everyone on your iist ..Corne in and browse around ..You.are always welcome. LIMITED 't PAGE SrKTEM TMMSDAY, DEC. 4th, 1958 "M-CANADUN STATIMWAN. 307;IUNMýLE. ONTARIO ý" 1 1-1-e 1- , ý . , p ý . - - ý -- .

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