THRSDmAy, DEC. 4th, 1058 250 Growers' fnl C.anadian Grown R eplacing U.S.1 kMore than 250 Durham and Northueç2and flue cured ta- acc giJ s, their wives and! riedsZ down to a banquet! n Sut. Nov. 22, in Port Hope1 ..egion Hall with the Ministeri f: Agriculture, The Hon. W. A., :oùdfellow and his wife as their e ASM la In CLSrERVICE MUW OWMANYILE, guest. In his remarks Preside the Association McNal pointed with pride ta the growers and congratulated as being the first ta organi association in Ontarioa bas paved the way foro 'We can read between the that we can no longer lil aurselves, now more thar we need unity. If we can together, we can attain things we need ta mainta:i wvay of living and secure t ture of aur children.' he and added that it was aj see s0 many nationalitiess together and having a good as it should be. 37 New Canadimus Prese Interesting ta note, Mr. Lang introducttd the new adians and asked them to and name their country, revealed nine were frorr gium, eight from Holland. from Paland, three from chosiovakia. three from two Lithuanians, and ane from Finîand, Austria, Nur Germany, and the Ukraîn( Mr. Long asked if ther Canadian realized what contributions these peopl brought with them. He their vision, their couragE fortitude to face a new l a new country where the guage barrier is s0 great their eternal optimism is bD i..&. u* The Ideal Gif t Send Your Friends .A SUBSCRIPTION To Me Umm AYear Round Gift 52 GIFTSWRUPEUNONE $400 A YEAR ANYWHERE IN CANADA ($5.00 IN UNITED STATES) Here is a Gif t that will be Appreciated Every WeeJ of the Year by Your Friends and Relatives ut Home and Abroad. An Attractive Christmas Gift Card FREE - TO ANNNOUNCE Your Gift Subscription MPLEASE MAIL THIS TO-DAY TO THE CANADïAN STATESMAN MP.O. BOX 190- BOWMANVILLE MEnclosed find $ l n payment of _________Year (s) Subseription to I"THE CANADIAN STATESMAN" Mail to following: Nainej Addressj Sender'. Name Address A Siaiesman Subscription is a Gifi ihal is Dlifferept- i liill be enioyed iheiyâmr TRIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWrMANV!L, ONTAIXO PAGE SEVEtTEE? evenings uni a' r e Year' ...I.'.. tional economic aid would bc primary commodities. He there- due to there being several other a a a s C ft i u i n seri*ously harmed if there were fore welcomed the statement ro rm ed evets akig patein te V ~ anC o t uions ta e onpetion and conflict made by the Uejrd Sae e ag n h itrm.Te aefor btet hevriu aeclsprsnttveerleAui we tenext Social will be announ- e 1081v r & j v~uio involved. he declared. ocrhgtepeatostk ce ta later date.- Dr. Vivian pointed out that, en in the disposai of U. S. agri- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pedersen'Ih while canada was usually con- cultural surpluses sa as flot ti urs.E a nasr,.P.ViOanhawaforDu- ncnprgrmmsas ecoauis tdrd, with a high living tradç. Ne expressed support of Sat.P iin u-ac pormeaswl sissadr n a high per capita the work of the commission on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue ham, last week referred to "the p iarticipation in other programs incarne. it was also goine international commodit.v trade. i v ro eand faxnly, spent Saturday in still uncertain but improved outaidè the UN framework. through many of the same diffi-- i E u ro p e '0Oshawa. world econo'iic situation". Ne From 1951 through 1958. Can- cuIt economic adjustments thatl Mrs. Rilda Stevenson, Toron- was speaking November 2lst in ada's contribution to the Ctb:- faced the countries in Latýn Slavery was outlawed in Ith ing Canadians should all ap- ta, Épent Sunday visiting with the Second Commifittee sesion dmbo Plan totaled more than America. South and Southeast Canada 40 years before it was 1f Mr, and Mrs. Murray Archibald at the United Na tions in New $231 million, he pointed out. Asia, the Middle East and -abolished in Britaifi. Furthcr In rcae Mr. Allan -Larmer, Toronto. r. The necessity for an over-ali Africa.inodcon fslesntU- Iin Seated at the head table were spent the weekend with his Ne rnentioned hîs 'country's appreciation of the assistance The Canadian economvy, he per Canada wvas prohibited in Llocal Mr. and Mrs. Goodfellow, Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold contribution of $4 million tô programs was stressed by Dr. said. wvas dangerously exposed 1793, and soon after ini the oth- Sthemn and Mrs. McNall Irwin, Mr. and Lre.~ h 99UN eh~a sit îin h cause of interna- to fluctuations in the prices of er colonies. iize an Mrs. H. Long. Mr. and Mrs. R., _______the_195____________________________ Th whieh H. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Ken others. Emerson, Mr. Wm. Frew and eUlne3 Mrs. Ethel Murray, pianst I ive by Mr. Herb Long, secretary of n ever the Association assisted the thînk ni the chairman, and gave out prizes in our numbering 47. donated by mer" the fu- chants, industries and wholc ' > said. salers. io o.The Minister of Agriculue J seatedi introduced by Mr. Frew was in 1 time a convivial mood and warned tha hehadno great message. He implied he had been much N. T. the tobacco growers but the .- iCan- Farm Marketing Act and th i 'REXDALE" istand use to which it has been put to, "REXDALE" :~. .~4 V *Th; s by wa ' of marketing tbc- i Bel- will relieve the situation. Ht'AITP ÀA TI' -uIoF aicdK. oaster seven said this year's tobacco crop is U O A I Cze- the largest that lias ever been 1 USA, produced. He suggested that bv f V l k eahtakin.i things in their oxvn hands r \ tN4 ngary, and doing for themselves tht'v AlSldPlse rs e. are getting the wrinkles ironed AlSldPlse rs native out, and thev might find tim" eeto àe hro great to give a few suggestions to the e .had, hog producers. stat control-easily ad- esaid Farmers as a whole have been rjustle for 'just- e and prettv contented this yearh b" i ng&ertip automatie temperature contrai. Deep ,.rgh sad eer life in contenried, and crops on the t'e ýe Ian- whole have turned out well ai- square design. Complete.with caver and cord. t, and though they did not giv e n-ucli soine- promise at the end of June. Surplus -Biggest Butbear "REXDALE" He, Neaid that surplus is the"EX A " biggest bugbear. it seems rathe'-E T I ET L T A 'odd that abundance should be depres.sing. when there are so .Y iworld. Mr. Goodfeliow express- could dîvert some of the mon- ev we spend on National de-1 &r fence ta turn our surplus over î Large, easy to f111 spaut wve could feed the hungry nd 'ýs --cool bakelite handie-$19 tions with our own products. He congratulated the organ- ea sily cleaned chrome Easy ta fi- featherw elght - instant %wlitch ization and warned they wvîll 'inish. Long life Calrad from dry ta steam. Temperature contrai 19 ony e trngifevrylat nelement. Cord mttached. aceurate and- automatie 6' reversible tiard. ho]ds together in unity to keep it strong. H ie t ont$ 9.45 * $ 17.95.GRATES______________ rst on their laurels, but keep IN ________________________ ________________________ ptheir quality and produc- AV $19.95-$21.95BLE tion, for only a quality produc- "REXDALE" $. .5A JSAL tion w~ilI find its way ta the1%. markets of Europe.4.ta BATH SCALES WO GS NIOSIRONtNG TABLE 11 Mr. Peter NeweIl area direc- W O O SA DR N , tor of Newvcastle, gpve the anj- Large magnified lens iîth chrome dial -Ail metal construction with me'th top. ii gacizat1o neafon. rthrinpe or-tanolorsliuaranteed for o n 4 seart ro pCanary yellow finish, gleaming chrome reiation. on behal of sthe cad o-slip mratee foraone in4 art $10.75, $49 rm $6.75 u egnon-slip rubber-tipped feet. Easily ed Mrs. Goodfellow with a bou-WIE UQOSPNBAK~Tlgs ostigpsto o rnn quet of roses. W ITTUQOIEPNE LAKadjustst i ttn oiinfrioigi *K. C. Emerson, vice -president S- TSeomfort. !of the Ontario Flue Cured To-kIcuesad hvl rspkradtnsRg ba cco Association, who residesi 6 4 9sovl bru h e ntog J ) 9 the_______________and_______ $14.75 __$17.95_________ cd that the top student in Can-nwCndasadrmr ____________________ ____________________ ada this year is a new Cana- dian and a graduate of Tilson- - -Y U t LFUN burg High Schoî of which Mr.Y I~ O R~ L A Emerson is a member of the A O Board. ? 4JL 1Mr: Emerson continued in an S S E I optimistic tempo, and remark 1> Io1 land on its feet. He told th em the Board is meeting the, f irst of this week with the I' buying companies and assurt'd1 the producers that the Canadian 1 MirC1R~T A produc't acceptance. is* in good J teSE'AERO» shape in the European market where Canada is gradualîy re- TO O G N i duct.. I \ith 'Good land, good efiot Strongly made of qualîty hardwood, good machinerv and production. varnlshed finish. 5' long ta seat 4. will need no subsidy for Tobac- co has ,a great future.' IN 6 7 R. H. Cook, district director, annouinred a vote that wiîl b'ý"A E" XA T R taken just. before the market FAMOUS "BAVR opens and requested, that when "WERLICHYP they ieceix-e the notice, thatl TAB E NV everyone must corne out and19T B E*S WMI R vote, everyone wil hav e ta s Sanary-- . -$69.< sign 8"Delue 9495SLEIGHS V , o d emistra8 " Se dan de rdn g69 .5 0g1 bers a-ndail ladies who tare te x af Protective -varnish. attend.,. I$REG A m a Mr. and Mrs. Herb Trick, E .m s095jRg Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Cy rus JS eili 55$ 4 1Trick, Syracuse,. NY., '.îsited $ 57 Sp c *l wihMrs. Esther Carnochan and M.Thos. Trick last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Slinger So al n no h radslcino it o land and Linda. Oshawa. were h I udyvsitr with Mr. and everyone now on disPlay at our store ...Useful, practîcal Mre. Ben Huhbard and Alden. git for Momn and. Dad comibined with excitinirgiguts M.and Mrs. Bert Dean vis-frthe ide.Mk trelatives in Whitby an Sun- L Lfo te..MaeoUr store your gif centre for the Mr. and Mrs. George Wallen Pday. irlMaasenkr fmiy!Conein5or ndbrwun-oud dv -isitors of her parents Mr. LI(..L-IS adMrs. Rov' Bone. j lite indoor set camplete with Pluirh isr a Thsoc;al eveningc which was' for addition of more sets, berry heads held on Fridav evening Nov. '18e nt the home of Mr. and Mrs.'R for easy tree trimuiîng. Bone, %vaq ver.v successful.i Reg. MS155O . TREE STAND j spitp of the bad weather. Four e 2 O ~ ~ -Tkstesu a3~ rn. Sturdy tables of, eucbre were p ax-f!d E l 16"spredbetween legsi"revent and cribban-e. crokinole and h n-, 15-lite ouldoor set fitted with weather- s~K~tppin , naele ed t ee legs.t z~o were al" o njoyed. The win- proof wire and berry heads for easy tres ppg.Eaeldr wtgenlgs nerç in euchre were, ladies. Mrs. trîmmint.H DIW, T.e'lie Argile and MVrs. Stan Me- * rtllough: Cepnts. Mr. Stan Me- Reg. Reg. Culloughi and Mr. Leslie Aigtie U U;I 8 ,fgo vbs ir vert' Marian s 'Ar- u wuu 'Lle an". E1. M. AcI'ms 5A "'~e' ~tcoI h Mr. Aaue 7J mnaSt.Phone MA 3m338 'neot to hold any further Social c. le4 .U"bL-l PAGE SZIVENTEU