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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1958, p. 22

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PAGE TWENTVYTWCr m'R CANATMAW SATESL«. DOWMANvnIL& .O!TAR!O lv. f LLCOSI Births GL&ANVILL-Marion and Fred Glanville wish to announce the birth of a son Rickard (Ricky) John, on Nov. 29th in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A broth- er for Sammy. 49-1 LO'VERIDG-lgay and Walter are happy to announce the ar- rivai, of their daughter. Nancy Jane' born Nov. 28th, 1958. at Memoial Hospital, Bowman- Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Aik- en, Miillbrook, wish to announce th<. engagement of their second daughter Margaret M., to Mr. John M. Killeen, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.-Killeen, Al- monte, Ont. The wedding xiii take place quietly on*Dec. 27th. 49-1 Deaths COOK-Entered into rest at the Oshawa General Hospital, on Mvonday, December 1, 1958, Willard Thomas Cook. in his 32nd year, beloved husband of Jean Malcolm, and dear son of Mrs. Horace Gibbs, and the late Lorne Cook, loving brother of Mrs. G. Kerry (Ruth), Howard and Murray Cook. Mr. Cook is resting at Gerow Funéral Chap- ei, 390 King St. West, Oshawa,' for service in the chapel on Thursday, tbecember 4 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cerne- tery. -49-1 JONESS, Katherine-At Gen- eral Hospital, Stettier, Alta., Tuesday. Dec. 2, 1958, Katherine Argue, wvife of the late F. H. Joness. Resting at Brennen Funeral Home, Stettier, Alta. 49-1 In Memnoricam McGILL - In loving remern- brance of my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McGill. Dear parents, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no .more. Stili in mernory you are with us, As you always were before. _Daughter Mildred and hus- band. 49-1* MOFFATT-In ioving memory of my dear husband Andrew Moffatt, who passed away Nov. 26, 1952, at Mirnico. "For those we love we neyer lose!" -Wife, Vera. 49-1 Cards of Thatnks The family of the late James Alldread wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends, neighbours and lodges, for their acts of kindness in their recent bereavement. 49-1* 1 wish to thank Drs. Gill and Sylvester, nurses and staff of Mernorial Hospital for their ktndness during my stay in the L;ospital. Also thanks to my friends and relatives for their cards and gifts. JmDln 49-1* We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to our neighbours and St. Paul's W.A. for kind- ness shown during the recent death of a sister, 1Elsie (McGill) Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGilI. 49-1* Commng Events Duck shoot on Dec. 6 at 2 p.m. Apply J. Redmond, Nestîcton. 49-1* St. John's Anglican Church Guild Bazaar. Thursday, Decem- ber 4, frorn 2 - 5, in the Parish Hall. 49-1 Dance, Tyrone Community Hall, Saturday, December 6th. Sponsored by Long Sault Home and School Association. 48-2* Corne one - Come all. Dance to Novel Aires Orchestra, star- ring Linda Hustell. Orange Hall, Pontypooi, Dec. 5th, 9 tili ?. General Admission, $1.00 49-i Bowmanville Choral Group Christmas Concert, Town Hall, Dec. 12 and 13 - 8:15 p.m. Ad- mission 75e - students 50c. Choir from the Bowmanville Public Schools assisting artists. 48-3 To avoid conflicting dates, the Bowmanville Chamber of Com- merce maintains a regîster o! coming events. Before setting a date for your function, phone MA 3-5031. 48-3 Olde Tyme Dance and Christ- mas Shindy: Friday, December 5. Baltimnore, Ontario. Jim Fisher and Orchestra. Excellent prizes. Last district dance be- fore Christmas. Admission $1.00. 49-1* Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games-. thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third week in the month which wili be heid on Tuesdays in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and two $25 jackpot games. No game under $3.00. Admission 50c. 37-tf The Orono Odd Fellows Serv- ice Club are holding a Draw and Dance in their Community Centre on Friday, December 12. Henry Koss and the Homestead- ers Orchestra ini attendance. 20 turkeys given away. Dancing from 9 till ?. Admission 75c per person. Proceeds community service. *49-2 Dance ai Solina Hall Saturday, Dec. 131h JIM FISHER'S ORCHESTRA Admission - $1.00 per person Llmlted number of NEW YEAR'S TICKETS for sale. Contact Joe Snowden. 49-2 JUST ONE DAY TELL TRINITY CHURCH CHRISTMAS FAIR FRIDAY 2:30 P.M. December 3 In Sunday Sehool Afternoon Te& - 25c and 15e 49-1 DAÀNC E Every Saiurday Nighi to HENRY KOSS and the Homesteaders ai Pontypool Hall Round and uuare Dancin We wish to extend our most Dancing 9 till 12 sincere thanks and appreciation to ail our relatives, friends and Admission - - 75C neighbours for the many beauti- 49-1 fui floral tributes, eards and acts of kindness in the loss of a For Rent deariy beloved wife and moth- er. Special thanks to Rev. R. FIVE-ROOMED heated apart- R. Bonsteel, Morris Funerai ment. Appiy 30 Silver St. Home and ail those who helped 49-1* in any way. Mr. George Hamilton A THREE-ROOM apartment at and famiiy. 49-1 * Tyrone. Phone MArket 3-2620. 49-1*~ Tliompson-In the midst of H oui- sorrow we wish to thank THEE room, unfumnished, heat- our~ many relatives, friends ad ed a partmnent. Phone Oshawa neighbors for their kindness, R 5-6133. 47-3 syrnpathy and beautiful floral FURNISHED apartment.- Avail- trîbutes during our very sad able immediately. Phone MA bereavernent in the loss O! Ouri' 3-3931. cvenings. 49-1 beloved mother and dear broth-; er. Especiaiiy thanking Canon1 FOUR-roorned heated apart- R. Chaperlin and Rev. P. Rom- ment. Possession February lst. eril for their consoling words. L. Goddard, MA 3-5554. 48-2 Eldon Thompson and Margaret (Mrs. James Henry) FIVE-ROOM bungalow, hot and andfailis.49-1 cold water.- Apply George Repairs 24-HOUR TV and radio service. plus antenna installation and sales. 31 Waverly Road. MA Adams, .Rk. 2, Burlceton. 49-2e; TWO-BEDROOM apartrnent on Ontario St. Immediate posses- sion, $50. Phone MA 3-2383. 49-2 3-3942. 49- 1 ' APARTMENT, centrai, heated. RADIO and television repairs. 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath- Prompt service. Pick-up and, room, $55,00. Avaiabie Jan. 1. delivery. George's, 85 King St.Phn MAkt396. 4- E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-t! TWO apaAnments* one five-room, GUARATEEDteleisio -nd eated; one six-room, unheated. GaorNTeEte lvsinand înxmediate possession. Mrs. Gus raidio service t alemaks. ýAnnis, 105 King East, Bowman- Service Co. Phono MA 3-3883. ville. 49-1' * 49-tf BUNGALOW, five roorns, bydro, REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- bath, hot water, tile floors, atues urnd o al mkesofinsuiated, ample cupboards. eiectrie motors. Higgon Elec- ATamlbln. Phnerono 13irt19 trie, 38 King East, Phone MA aby.PoeOn 1r19 3-5438. 24-tf 49-tf REPAIRS to ail makes o! sew- TWO eheerful bed-sitting rooms, ingmacine. Fee ickp dkitchen and bath, furnished. ehmcivey. Laeey's Barand Reasonable ent. Suitable for Ceier, 59 King W. Phone n business girls. Phono MArket Cenr7,591 ingW44-tf M 3-5684.. 18 Concession St. W 49-1 REPAIRS to ail makes o! re- * o Tuig frigerators, donestie and coml- j Pao T nn inercial; mîilking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 King« ARTHUJR Colibon. Telephone tt. &L Phono MA 3-5438. 25-tf MArkot 3-3900. 36-tf JArticles for Sale1 FRESH- cider and apples, deliv- ered. Phone MA 3-2927. 49-1* WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Clif! Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf DRY light wood in stovewood iengths, $10 per load. Telephone MA 3-2849. 37-tf GOOD quality mixed hay, 50c per bale at farm. Telephone MA 3-2403. 48-tf SCHICK electric razor, good running condition. Telephone MAl% 3-3406. 49-if CHRISTMAS trees for sale. George Mutton, 22 Albert St. Phone MA 3-5981. 49-3 SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS cut automatica.11y, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf GET your Scotch pine Christ- mas trees early. Available now at Bud Fogg's, 24 Southway Dr., Phone MA 3-3688. 49-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf BOY'S double-breasted navy blazer, size fifteen, and Tweed sport jacket; girl's figure skates, size 41/, like new. 26 Orchard- view. Phone 3-5545. 49-1 INSTILATION, blowlng method, with rock wool. Workrnanship guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf CHRISTMAS trees, pruned Scotch Pine, about 2,000, 50c to $1.00 according to size. Cut ready for loading. Corne early for best selection. Leroy Ham- ilton, grower, Orono, Ontario. Phone 1 r 16. 47-5 ADDING machines, typewriterz, cash r e g i s t e r s, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs to ail makes. Frank Office Equiprnent, 177 Church Street, Bowmanvilie. MAUrlet 3-3986. 8-tf TRACTOR Tires-We service and seil every make of tractor tires: Goodyear - General - Pire- stone - Goodrich - Domin'on. A-i retreads - 6-00x16 - 6.70x15 at $10.95. Jamieson Tire Shop, King and Silver Streets, Bow- manville. 24-tf FOR Singer Sales & Service CALL LANDER HARDWARE Genuine Singer Needies, Bobbins and Oul available at LANDER HARDWARE MA 3-5774 47-4 TURKEYS 3PECIALLY SELECTED FOR FINE FLAVOUR, FRESH KILLED DRESSED and DELIVERED W. E. LYMER MArkei 3-5049 MAPLE GROVE f 47-5 Siephen Fuels Phone MA 3-5410 Office at C.N.R. Yards 30-tf TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiled Floors o! ail description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboleum. Flexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramlc Supplied and Laid H. G. HEAL R.R. i Hampton MA 3-29021 25-tf1 36-tfi1 .timicies ior GUITAR, Spanish, electrie; reas- onable. Phone MArket 3-5100. 49-1 * SKIS with harness, boots size 9. Reasonable. Don Laird, MA 3-5908. 49-1* LARGE size Norge refrigerator. good condition. Phione MArket 3-2575 after 5. 49-1 * TABLE carrots. reasonable. Any quantity. Phone MArket 3-5482, 73 Concession St. E. 49-tf ROOSTERS, choice, larg-e quant- ity, 8 - 9 1bs., ready to kili, $2 each. Phone ]lackstock r1. 49-1 APPLES-Tolman Swect, Spy, Delicious. Lewis Clark, Gorc- vale Orchards, Newcastle. Tele. phonîe 2195. 49-2* CHOICE young geese, dressed or alive, also large Quebec heat- er in good condition. Telephonc MArket 3-2713. 49-1:1 RENFREW Cookrite stove with warming oven and extra coal and wood grates. John Best. Phone 1173, Orono. 49-1 POTATOES, dry and clean, 75 lb. bag, $1.15. Excellent for storing. M. Mantel, R.R. 3, Burketon. Phone Blackstock 82 r 12. 48-3 THREE to 4,000 Christmas trees, five years old, have been prun- cd; will give buyer two years to cut them. Appiy Richard Manning, Kendal. 48-tf ONE small crib, spring and mat- tress, play-pen and blue fur- trimmed pram suit, size one year. Complete, $15.00. Phone MArket 3-5932. 49-1 BOY'S three-piece brown suit, size 16; two-piece wine chester- field, two pairs sand and green drapes. Excellent condition. Telephone MA 3-5414. 49-1* "BROTHER" sewing machines, portable and console models. Guaranteed for a life-time. Highest trade-in value on your present model. Sold and serv- iced only at Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W., MA 3-7231. 49-1 Meai Display Case Modern, 12' double duty, sacri- fice $290. Phone collect or write quickly, JOHN HARVIE LIMITED PETERBOROUGH 49-1* FOR THE BEST Chrisîmas. Trees IN TOWN Choice Plantation Grown Pruned Scotch Pine VIRTUE'S TEXACO 218 King St. E. MA 3-3432 49-3 TURKEYS For the Besi Dressed Turkeys in îowln Phone MA 3-5058 Phil Finney- Maple Grove 49-tf FINDLAY space heater, Moffat heavy-duty range; deep freeze refrigerator; oul cook stove; Sing- er treadle sewing machine; 12 gauge Winchester pump. New -Coffee tables. step tables, xriting desks and sewing ma- chines. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King West. Phone MArket 3-7231. 49-1 FOR Christ.mas-Table, floor and TV lamps, hassocks, floor' mats, rugs, coffee and end tables. piatform rockers, chrome kitchen suites, bedroom and cliesterfieid suites. Trade-in- Refrigerators frorn $49, Ax- minster rug 6 x 9, daveno-bcd chcesterfield with one chair. Murphy Co., King W., Phone MA 3-3781. 49-1 h HAMPTON Gi! t Packaged bushel hamper SPIES $4.75, half bushel $2.50 Spies from OUF orchards won the Top Awards at the Royal MCINTOSH and DELICIOUIS Bushel $4.00 - haîf bushel $2.25 49u-1 Pets for Sale' THREE maie Collic pups, two months oid. Phone MArket 3-2579. 49-1 * GERMAN Police and Collie pups, six wccks old. Male, $10; female. 1;5. Robert Labrecque, '~mile north of Maple Grove' Road School. Telephone MA 3-2972. 48-21 Notices Notice to rabbit hunters-S1.00 will be paid for each rabbit. Please be careful when hunting on Nursery property. Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries. 46-tf TREE DAMAGE ýSeveral trees planted during 1958 have been wilfully damaged throughout the town. Persons found causing wilfull darmage to trees will be prose- cuted under the Criminal Code and If found guilLy ivill be liable to. $500 fine and/or six months in prison. A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk. 49-1 FOX BOUNTY IN A MOVE TO Conirol the Spread of RABIES the United Counties have approved a $4 Fox Bouniy for any fox destroyed alter the 23rd o! October, 1958. The fox tails, wlth bone in, shal be presented to the WORKS SUPERINTENDENT Town Garage, Church St. BOWMANVILLE between the hours of One and Two MONDAY to FRIDAY for fox destroyed in the Corporation o! the Town o! Bowmanville A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk. 49-1 TRAFFIC BY-LAW for TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE [provides that there shall be no parking on any streets including boulevards and ditches between the hours o! 12 o'clock niidnight and 7 a.m., during the months of December, January, February. March and April. The provisions o! the by-law also provide for the taking away of the cars by tow truck with the charges being borne by the owner o! the car. This provision ivas enacted to facilitate snow removal, and your Police Dept. has no alternative but to enforce it. Please help us to make this by-law work. BERNARD R. KITNEY, Chie! o! Police. 49-1 Notice to Creditors, AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of WILLIAM MERCER, deceased. ALL persorýs having dlaims against William Mercer, late o! the Township ot Clarke, in the County of Durham, Retired Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the l2th day o! September, 1958, are required to send particulars of saine to the undcrsigned solicitor for the estate on or before the l9th day o! Docember, 1958, after which date the assets of the deccased wili be distributcd having regard oniy to the claimis of which notice shahl have been given. DATED at Bowmanviile, this l2th day o! November. 1958. W. E. BONNEVILLE, Q.C., 1l Miii Street North, Port Hope, Ont. 47-3. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS' NOTICE is hereby given that ail persons having dlaims or de- mands against the estate of Eli Edgar Staples, late o! the Town- shiip o! Manvers in the County of Durhaîn, Retired Sehool Teacher, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day o! July, 1958, are requested to send par- ticulars o! their claims to the undersigned, solicitors for the Executor on or before the 3ist day of December, 1958, atter whicli date the estate will be distributed among the parties cntitied thereto and the execu- tor xiii not be hiable for any dlaims o! which he shahl not then have received notice. FULTON, FULTON & STAPLES 33 William Street, North, Lindsay, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 47-3 Wanted ta Rent ANYTIME after January lst, three-bedroom home or lowcr apartment. Wanted close to public sehool and in residential arca. Long term lease désir- able. Responsibie family, two childrcn. Write Advertiser 897, SC/o Canadian Statesmnan. or Phone TWining -5-9254 N4ew-J market. 48-2* Work Wanted SNOWPLOWING. MA 3-5496. 49-1 * CARPENTRY work and repairs. Free estimates. Phone MArket 3-5212. 49-2* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing; free e sti ma t es. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. i2-tf YOUNG man, single, Dutch, would like farm work. Tele- phone Cor Blomîners, Whitby, MO 8-4386. 49-1:,. CONCRETE and mason work. New work or repair. P. O. Box 1083, L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820, evenings MA 3-5605. 25-tf Anger Consfruci ion Co. LTD. COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK- BLOCK CHIMNEYS - CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG - MArket 3-3375 ROY - MArket 3-2273 7t Wanted DEAD and crippied farm stock, picked up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. MargwilFur Farm, Tyrone. 13-tf Auction Sales An auction sale o! new ciotb- ing at Petbick's Auction Shed, Enuiskillen, on Saturday, Dec. 6. Parka coats, mitts, pyjamas, 12 snow suits, 25 shirts, leather coats, 12 pairs wool pants, 25' and 50' extension -cords, socks, undcrwear, 25 small rugs, blank- ets, 12 stable brooms, rug 6x9, flashiights, pop-up toasters, silverware, dlocks, wrist watch- es. scrcw driver sets, bits and chisci sets, rubber boots, four- buckle rubber overboots. can- nistcr sets, two 7,1015 tires, a few articles of used furniture. Sale at 1:30. Terms cash. Cliff Pethick. atirtioneer. 49-1 Real Estate for Sale Real Estate fn Sale Peler Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 114 acres north of Bowman- vilie-9 roomn stone house, large barn, impiement shed, hen house, garage. Very productive farm. Price $18,000.00. Termas. 4 acres near Newcastle-6 roomn insulbrick bouse, good garden soul. Prîce $3,0~ 0. 00. Down $500.00. Tbree apartment building on main street, town water and sewer, good income home. Price only $10.000,00. Easy terms. .3 hedroorn bungalow at Maple Grove, hydro, good well, large gardert. Price $5,500.00. Terms. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3644 49-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and Districi Real Estate Board Exceptional Farm Bargain This 120 acre farrn with near- iy ail workabie eariy garden soul is oniy 14 miles from Osha- wa. Large barns with stable room for over 100 head of cattle. Cernent silo, overflowing well. 10 roomn frame bouse with mod- cru bathroom and modern kitch- en, furnace. This farm is priced for quick sale at only $150 per acre, with a low down payment. 100 acres with stream, 20 acres hardwood bush. Balance suitabie for planting Christmas trees. $6,000. Terms. Acreages, commercial and residential in Bowmanvilie town limits. 200 acre Christmas tree farm with 60.000 trees planted. Test- cd gravel pit. $16,000 wîth bal! casp. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanvhlle 49-1 Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six sampies 25c, 24 samples $1,00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton. Ont. 1-52 Business Opportunity WE need people to raise Chin- chilla (thcy are not rabbits). Write Stonehouse Chinchilla, 111 Hadd.ington Ave., Toronto 12. 44-tf Wanted ta Buy GIRL'S Junior or Juvenile bicycle. MA 3-2617. 49-1 SCRAP iron, highest prices paid, any quantity. Write Norrn Tustin, R.R. 3, Stouffville or Phone Stouffville 9-6702. 48-2 HIGHEST prices paid for used f urniture, appliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Also sell and exehange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231i. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phono RA 3-2043 Oshawa, colleet. 48-tf ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or small quantîties. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone colleet to Bethany 7 r 13. 28-ti Livestock for Sale THIRTY-FIVE pigs, seven weeks old. Victor Cookson, MA 3-2164. 49-1 * NINE 'Stocker cattle, about 500 lbs., white faces. Walter Ferg- uson. MA 3-2329. 49-1 REGISTERED Ayrshire cow, four years old, due December lSth; also Ayrshire veal calf. Richard Van Camp, Blackstock 71 r 3. 49-1 REGISTERED Landrace gilts and boars, ahl ages, also bred Landrace and York sows. Reas- onable. Martyn Rennick, Port Perry. 49-2 Cars for Sale ', ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home eall Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf '58 VOLKSWAGEN, undercoat- ed, leather upholstery, window washers, bumper guards. Excel- lent condition. Oshawa RA 3-3933. 49-1* SPECIALS - 1958 MERCURY Hardtop Demonstrator, $700 off list price; 1956 Pontiac Sedan, with radio. Truck, 1951 Mercury ½/-ton. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689., 49-1 Lost CHILDREN'S cat, orange and black, ail white stomaeh, small brown spot on nose. Last week. MA 3-3688. 49-1 SMALL brown and white, wavy haired terrier, answers to narne "Tiny". Reward $10. Phone MArket 3-3570. 49-1 REGISTERED Samoyed dog. Tattooed in right ear T-R 12M. Long white hair, dark tip on nose. Reward. MA 3-7039. 49-1 * -found FEMALE hound found near Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2485. 49-i .t-eIp Wanteci DELIVERY boy. Phone MA 3-3391. 49-1 EXPERIENCED cleaning wo- man, top wages. Phone MArket 3-5577. 49-tf YOUNG men with cars. High earnings per hour. rio exper- ience necessary. Write Raw- leigh's Dept. L-140-MW, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 49-1 RICH opportunity for salesman. SeIl Farnilex produets. Easy te earn big cash profits daily, Openings in your surroundingEl. High commission. Write for de. tails and catalogue. Familex, Dept. 84, 1600 Deloriiier, Mont- real. 49-1 PART-TIME help wanted, fe- male-A Canadian market re- search organization requires part-tirne representatives to handle occasional public opinion poils and telephone surveys on radio listening and TV viewing. Since sorne surveys are conduet- cd from the home, a private tele- phone is necessary. Write Elliott-Haynes Ltd., 515 Broad- view Ave.. Toronto 6, Ontario. 49-2 The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUNI> .ETr. Cash Bat* .-.*.«c40 Word wlth a ,i.imum.orèle. Muni h. paid by date afiInsertion Il charqed, an additional 25C wilbe added. A charge af 25e will b. made to: aU teplies directed Int" isoffice. NOTICES . COMING £VENTS AND CARDS OF TIIANXS 4c ai word with a minimum ai $1.00 fot 25 words or lont BIRINS ENGAGEMENTS MARBIAGES . DEATHS $1.00 pet insertion INiMEMORIAMI $1.00 plus 1coa lino fo: verso Dtupiag ClassuUled at 81.50 pe inc hwth a minimum of on*.Lnh Additionali lsertipns at th a m*n AIl Classiiied Ada must ho in tbis office flot latex thon 12 o'clock noon, Wednemday. Bend cash, stampe or money ordez and cave money. Clip th18 out for handy referencs OFFICE HOïw58 Mcndal Ihrou.u' <UY 830 a , % '. Iatrd6 :30 a.m. to a"~dc Diai MArket 3-3303 tci ClassiiÉod Ad Service ?HU tSDAY, DIC. 41h, 1058, . . .. .. AL 22M 118 King St. E. Bowmanville Phono lJA 3-3230 5 room bungalow, sewers, hot water beating, tiled bath, large kitchen, lovely shrubbery and fruit trees on deep lot:' Newtonville - 6 roorns on bighway on 11/2 acre lot, iow taxes, new oil furnace. $6,500.00 with thîrd down, quick posses- sion. Business block consisting of 3 stores, 2 apartments, one seven room bouse to be sold in one parcel, deep lot and central. Farm, 100 acres, Clarke Town- ship, barn 40 x 80, seven room bouse, 2,500 Scotch pines, 35 acres now cultivated. $11,000 with terms. .49-1 FOR moderate prlced homes * and buildings Phone RAndolph L 5-9877, Oshawa. 18-ti HOUSE, 45 Church St. Easy 75 terms. Possession, Jan. 1, '59. WCI Phone MA 3-2622 or write Box wa, 156, Bowmanville. 49-tf 9 . Wil SIX-room clean brick home, ou J1 heating, fruit trees, garage, with abl reasonable payment. Located steq close to schools. North Oshawa. dri, Phone RA 8-0803. 49-1* hot tap HOME on Elgin St. N., modemn, wit brand new five-room bungalow 5 on paved street. Complete in wi every detail. Sewer and water. me Immediate possession. Phone fra: MArket 3-3855. 49-11, rm REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- r Properties SoId, Rented e Managed and Appraised wi L. M. Allison a Real Estate Broker ne' Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Wlt Two blocks north of traffic signal wi Newcastle 5-tf wo, rur Pedwell Real Esiate he Large and small farxns, hous- wit es, service stations, genemal Ne stores, etc. ha, Salesmen: bat Maurice H. Pedwell wa, Phone Newcastle 3851 teri Wm. A. Heron5 Phone 12, Brooklin Bol E. Jeffery gar Phone 238, Coiborne len H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER ed. Newcastle Phono 3856 e 49-1 hot Leask Real Esiale e oil Six room brick house on wit Scugog St. Large living-roomr 5 with fireplace. Three bedrooms, sty: verandah, roomny lot, good m& garage. terras. ver 5 moom frarne house in bas Church Street district, 3 bed- tei rooms, 3-piece bath, $5,800.00 5 full price. Terms. ho] 7 apartments, one store on fur King St. Good lo,ation, apart- wel ments self-contained. Good in- wil come property. Make an offer. 6 Choîce building lot on Con- Bo cession St., near Centre. tle, M. E. LEASK kit( Real Estate Broker lau: 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville s4 MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 casl 49-1 PrI J. Van Nesi Real Estie )e Wiih Real'Esiats 100 acre farm on large river, acres workable, 20 acres ood, 100' x 30' barn with ater bowls, drive shed, etc.;, roomed frame bouse, heavy ired. Asking $12,500. Terms. 100 acre farm, 80 acres work.: de, creek, 90' x 36' barn with eel stanchions, water on tap, ive shed, etc.; 8 roomed brick )se with fumnace, water on p, heavy wiring. Price $9,500 ih $3,500 down. 50 acte farm near Kendall ith 100' x 30' bank barn, impIe- ent shed, garage; 7 roorned ame bouse wlth 3-piece bath, Lning bot and cold water. ice $6,500 wîth terms arrang. [35 acre farm near Port Hope itb 100 acres workable, creek, 5' x 30' bank barn, hen bouse, rage; 9 roomed brick bouse, ýwly rewired. Price $22,000 itb $6,000 down. 100 acre farm. near Rice Lake ith 75 acres workable, 15 acres ood, 2 good size barns with ining water, drive shed, etc.;- roorned insuiated frame home, îvy duty wired. Asking $16,000 ith terms arranged. 5 roorned new bungalow, east ewcastle, .witb oil furnace, . irdwood and tile floors, 4-piece ttb, modemn kiteben, electmic ater beater. Price $8.500 with 'ms arranged. 5roorned bungalow, west )wmanville w it h attached rage. Ail modern conven- nees, Located on higbway. 1 ce$ 10,500 with temms arrang. New, modemn built boarding )se in Oshawa for 14 persons. î. ross incorne over $10.000 îrly. 4-piece bath, 6 showers, furnace, etc. Asking $32,t0o Lbh easy terms. 5 roomed, aimost new, ranch V 'le bungalow west o! Bow- : anviile witb ah modemn cpn- miences. Recreation moorn fta- sement Asking $12,000 with rms arranged. 5 roomed insuiated frame >me, east Newcastle witb oul rnace, kiteben eupboards, ~ 11l, 3 bedroorns. Price $4,500 th low down payment. 6roomed insulated home in~ )wmanviile witb 3-piece bath, I eand hardwood floors, modern tchen, electrie water heater. .ndry te4~'& storms and cens. Prie àâLO with terms. roomedaVe east New- tie, with hy7dro. Good size lott Ice $3,000 witb $500 downi,ý Contact: John F. De Wiih -altor and Genoral Insurance 'wcastle Phono 3341 [esmen: )nald Mountjoy, Bowmanvhlle MA 3-3950 Dan Boehm, Gardon Hill Phone 6 r 111 Ross Davidson, Bethany Phone 21 r 6 49-1

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