?R~UE5DAY, DEC. oe, nu PAGE THEEN TEE CM!ADIA1! UTAT~MA1I. BOWMANVfl.aLE. O1ITA~O 'MROOKS - COLE St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmianville, was the setting on Saturday, November 29th, 1958, for the marriage of Suzanne Roseline Cole, daugh- /fedical Mirror 4 Stage Fright *0liardWater I- .«"This soundassilly but ,ehen 1 amn called on go talk belore la group of people Mr mouth grels so dry 1 can hardly apeak. ~'Can you off er a suggetion?» I... -A Colorado reader. A. This is a common symptomn -4' of stage fright. There is nothing m" redically wrong so there would te no medical cure. Continue S making speeches before groups S and you'll gradually becomne jnore at case. -~V Q. "JVhy does hard water , S oughen the ks-BB J.A. The bardness cf water is due 4" o dissolved chemicals, some of Z which combine with soap to form , nsol~uble substance which ý sticks to the skin. The film is m" rsponsible for the rough feeling .Answers do flot necessarilp eledt te opinion of ail doctors. The dîag- sosis and treaf ment of disease 1: the unction of the patient': persona.l Physician. Questions directed so Dr. J. D. Ralsion, Science Edugors, PO. Box 396, Madison Square Station, N. Y. 10, N. Y. wifl be incorporated in these columns wlen possible. SURE &IOMANVIL 75 King St. E. ter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam A. Cole to Marvin Paul Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks o! Bowmanville. Vases of ivory 'mums were on the altar. Father F. K. Ma]ane officiated and Miss Rosemary Morrili was at the organ. Given in marriage by ber bro- ther, Mr. William Cole, the bride wore a waltz lengtb gown o! ivory brocaded satin on empire lines with round neckline, long sleeves ending in points over the hands and full flared skirt. A Pearl studded circlet of ivory tulle held ber circular shoulder length veil and she carried Taw- ny Gold ross on an ivory pray- erbook. The bride's only jewell- ery was a single strand o! cul- tured pearîs which belonged to ber great-aunt. Mrs. Donald Shields, Oshawa, matron-of - honour, and Miss Muriel Reid, Toronto, brides- maid, wore identical waltz len- gth gowns of rust silk velvet !ashioned with square necklines, bracelet length sleeves and full circular skirts. They wore small bead-drcsses of matching velvet and carnied nosegays of ivory 'mums. They eacb wore the bri- de's gift to ber attendants, a necklace o! Aurora Borealis cry- stal. Best man was Donald Sbields, Oshawa and Mr. Ervine Brooks, Bowmanville, was usher. Aftcr the ceremony a recep- tion was beld in the Lions Com- munity Centre, Ifowmanville, where the guests were receiv- ed by the bride'5 cousin, Mrs. Gerow Van Wart, Toronto, ini a black lace dress with corsage o! pink roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother in a dress of royal blue crepe with a cor- sage o! pink roses. For the wedding trip to Mon- treal, the bride cbanged to a pink wool suit over wbsch she wore a black mink-trimmed coat with pink bat and gloves. Prior to ber marriage, Miss Cole was entertained at a num- ber o! showers and presenta- tions. Miss Suzanne Cole was guest o! honour at a miscellaneous shower given prior to ber mar- Bowmanvill5 ]{efre sh Buy the frnmuy cuvfe, of 6 big bou les Smith Beverages Limited 4 Bowmanville fýAUTORIZEDDISTRITOIR Recently W Hon ored by On Saturday evening, Oct. 18, about 200 residents of Harwood and surrounding communities gathered at the Harwood Com- munity Hall to honour Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Greenham, Bowman- ville, <nee Shirley White of Harwood) on their recent mar- riage. The evening was spent in round and square dancing to music by Minifie's Orchestra. During the intermission Elgàin and Shirley wert called to the1 platform. A nicely worded ad-1 dress was, read by Mrs. Helen Lawton. Mr. Brian Kerr on be- bal!' of those present made the presentation of a purse of mon- ey. Elgin and Shirley thanked those present for the gift. Dur- ing lunch wýeddingZ cake was passed to all by the bride and groom. They were again honoured on the cvening of Nov. 1 wben Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Stephens entertaincd about 50 of their relatives at their new home on Third street, Bowmanville. In a few well chosen words Mau- rice explaîncd the reason for the family gathering, and wel- comed Shirley into the family niage by Mrs. Ethel Preston, 48 Cburch St. More than 30 guests werc present, and the party had been successfully planned as a surprise for Miss Cole. Whcn the guest o! bonour arrivcd she was led to a chair decorated with white and pink ribbons. It had been placed in the cen- tre under festive streamers which hung from the lights, Baskets of white, yellow and 'mauve mums also dccorated the room. A variety of beautiful gi!ts were received by Miss Cole. Lit.- tic Linda Colwell pinned a lovely corsage of flowers on the bonored guest, and assisted in reading the cards and notes as Miss Cole opened ber presents. A delicious lunch was 'served by the bostess, Mrs. Preston, wbo was assisted in serving by several neighbours. The bride was also bonored at a maiscellaneous shower given by Miss Muriel Reid, Toronto, and Mrs. W. L. Reid, Bowman- ville, wben a number o! friends gathered in the Green Room of thc Lions Community Centre, Bowmanville. The bride was presented with a corsage of pink roses and white carnations. Af- ter the bride opened ber gifts and thanked everyone present, a lovely lunch was served. Miss Cole was also entertaincd at an evening party given for ber by th-e groom's family at the home of Mrs. George Brooks, Sr., Hunt Street, Bowmanville. She was presented with a telephone set and lamp. Gaines were play- d and a dclicious lunch was ser- ved. Girl friends froin U.M.S. and Order Desk, Parts Departinent, Gencral Motos, Oshawa, enter- taind ber at dinner and present- ed ber with four -place settings 'o! Blue Ring dimerware. The wedding present to the bride froin fellow workcrs of [h Parts and Service 'Depart- ment, General Motors, was a service for six of Royal Doulton china. DOMERCHIE - CAIRNS Baskets o! pink gladioli anc white muins decorated the altar of Rich Hill United Church for -the wedding on Saturday after- noon, November 8, 1958 o! Erva Viola Cairns, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cairns of Schomberg, and Hendrick Dom- erchie, son o! Mrs. Domerchie and the late Mr. Jobnnas Dom- erchie o! Vaassen, Holland. The ceremony was per!ormed by Rev. Burton o! Kettleby. Mrs. Blanche Russel o! Schom- berg played the wedding music and accompanicd Miss Betty Edwards, Schomberg, who sang "O Perfect Love" before the ceremony and, "1'11 Walk Beside You" du ring the signing of the register. The bride, given in marriage by ber father, wore a floor length gown o! white satin fasbioned on princess lines. The bodice was trimmed with lace medalions and highlighted with sequins and seed peanis and was offset with long lily point sleeves. Her fingertip veil of tulle illusion was caught by a braided satin tiara witb sequins and seed pearîs. She carried a white Bible with white stream- ers and red roses. Miss Maryla Houghton o! Au- rora was maid o! honor for ber cousin. She wore wine velvet ballerina length gown witb matching beaddress, winc chif- fon hemline sash and gloves. The bridesmaids were Miss Joan Rutherford o! Orono, cou- sin o! the bride and Miss Fran- ces Cairns, the bride's sister. They wore identical amazon gowns and accessories. Her lit- tle cousin Sharon Dunlop o! To- ronto acted as flower girl, wear- ing a shell pink satin dress and headdress. Each carried a nose- gay o! shasta mums and roses. Mn. Hans Huisman o! Schom- berg, per!ormed the duties o! best man. The ushers were Mr. James Cairns, brother o! the bride, and Mn. John Domerchie, brother of the groom. The reception was held in the church ball where the bnide's mnother received the guests wearing an olive green brocade dress with brown accessories and corsage o! bronze shasta mums and pink roses. She was assisted by the groom's sister, Mrs. C. Ileshan o! Schomberg wearing a green suit with grey accessonies, and grandmoth-,r o! the bride. Mns. R. Hollings- worth o! Onono, wearing a royal gblue dress with black cesr ies. For a wedding trip to Eng- land and Holland the bride wore a ned wool dress and bat with black accessories, grey mink jacket, the gi!t o! the groom. Ber corsage was red roses. Gucsts were present froin Orono, Mt. Forest, Uxbridg-e, Toronto, Erindale and Bolton. fed Couple rComm unit y and wished tbem the best on their journey through married life. On bebaif of those pres- ent Mr. Ronald Frank and Mr. Gordon Thompson made the gif t of a bridge table and four matching chairs also a gift of money. The remainder o! the evening was spent playing cards. Helping Mrs. Stephens to serve lunch were Mrs. Rob- ert Stephens, Mrs. Harold Moore, Mrs. Roy Almey and jMrs. Ronald Frank. Guests were present from Weston, Richmond Hill, Oshawa, Port Hope, Har- wood, Courtice, Solina, Hamp- ton and Bowmanville. About 60 friends and neigh- bours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt, Maple Grove, on Saturday even- ing, Nov. 15, to honour Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Greenham. Rev. Har- old Stainton in bis usual gen- il manner was master 6f cere- monies for the evening. After explaining to Elgin and Shirley the real reason for the gather- ing, (they had been asked to attend a birthday party for Mr. Collacutt). Mrs.' Ted Hoar pin- ned a corsage on Shirley and Miss Susie Laird read a beauti- fully written and worded ad- dress. Mr. Morley Flintof! and Mr. Leslie Collacutt made the presentation o! a platform rocker. Elgin thanked those presen L for the lovely gif t. Congratulatory speeches were made by Mr. Harry Freeman, Mr. Leslie Collacutt and Mr. Howard Foley, who also gave a humorous reading. Mr. Stain- ton led in a sing-song, inter- spcrsed by humorous rcmarks. A delicious lunch was scrved by Mrs. Collacutt assisted by Mrs. Ted Hoar, Mrs. Morley Flintoff, Mrs. Karl Piper, Mrs. Harold Stevens and Miss Mil- dred Snowden. Legion Aux. Ladies Guests 0f Port Hope Port Hope Ladies' Auxiliary o! Canadian Legion branch 30, were hostesses to officers and mdmbers o! Auxiliary Branch 178 Bowmanville and Branch 43, Oshawa, on Thursday night. Some 70 guests were welcom- ed by the Port Hope presideut, Mrs. Mildred Lepage, who in- troduced the officers present. From Branch 178 were: Mrs. Anu Piper, president, Mrs. He- len Wallace, vice-president, past president, Edythe Rundle from Oshawa, first vice-president, Edna Bathe and second vice- president, Fran McEvers. Also present was zone. commander o! F-1, Rose Bate o! Bowman- ville. Represcnting the veterans o! Branch 30 was immediate past president, Vernue Huffinan and sgt-at-arms John New. Coinrade Huffman extended the we]come o! Branch 30 to the visiting auxiliaries and com- mented on how important an auxiliary is to a branch. He gratefully accepted a cheque ftor $400 to benefit the Legion Building fund, presented by Mrs. Lepage on behal! o! the Ladies' Auxiliary. The evening was spent in en- joying gaines and a highlight of the entertainment was a draw, the first being won by Nora Fowler o! Oshawa, second by Georgîna Carter o! Bowman- ville, and third by Ethel Mur- ray o! Port Hope. A special prize was won by Helen Per- fect o! Bowmanville. After the lunch, president Ann Piper and Vice president Edna Bathe, thanked the local ladies on behalf o! ber own auxiliar- ies. Iu charge o! the entertain- ment were: Mina Boundy, B. Girvan and Ruth Thompson. Convening the refreshinents were Margaret New, Dorothy Boulden, Helen Rowe and Edna Dilworth.-Guide. L. Burton Heads Drive for 'Whyte Haven' C. L. Burton and Dr. Nelles Silverthorn are commjttee ua- trons with a group o! Toronto businessmen who are heading the campaign to aid Mrs. Ber- tha (Mom) Wbyte, Bowman- ville mother who conducts a ha- yen for displaced children. > Mrs. Whyte bas cared for an average of 217 children per year over the past four years. The mai onity of these cbildreu ac- cording to Mrs. Wbyte are ne- turned to their homes in less than six months. Whyte Haven provides a temporary home for cbildren whose families are in difficul- tics, wbetber they are economic, health or marriage problems. A trust account bas been set up and no promoters' fees wil be deducted froin the monies collected. Attention o! the public was directed toward Mrs. Whyte wben she was charged with keepincg a childrens' boarding bome and n9t registening under the Provincial Goverament re- gulations. She was found guilty and given a suspended sentence. In order to continue ber ha- yen she is required to make nu- merous changes and increase the capacity. To this end this group of intenested people bave organized to assist in raising the neecled funds. LOOKING AHEAD St. Catharines Standard A German scientist pnedicts the carth's population wil double by the yean 2000. And you think you have trouble find- izig parking space now.1 .a aa ..a.s.s& - v. . . . *3s, eHurr y...Hurry! LAY-AWAY NOW * FOR $1 .00 DW IL HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS AT Ma rr'ls B JEU 43 King St. W. Jewellery LLS hePret iet Pinkie The Pig LThis lovable cuddly pig Lstands almost 16" hlgh .. dressed in gay farmer check- ed shirt and blue flannel 1jeans . . . bas an adorable impish expression on its plastic%face. The head and hands are fashioned in soft plush. . . Pinkie the pig will capture the hearts of everyone. 1,98 SPECIAL EKACH DO Tilly The Teenager *:This beautiful doll. 26" in helght is gaily dressed in colorful print. Ber beauti- fui ellw lcksare ln the new fashionable pony tail ...and ber lovable plastic face has that irresistible look that will delight ail. Reg. 3.98 YOUR CHOICE $ ADORNA PEAILS (Simulated) ~: Sterling Wilver ciasp in handsome gift box 1 Strand - $5.0 2 Strand 6.75 3 Strand - _ __ _ 8.50 CULTURED PEARLS 10k gold fillgree clasi» $26.95- COSTUME JEWELLERY Neekiaces, Bracelets Earrings, etc. $1.00Oup SILVER FLATWARE EPNS Silverpiate 20-plece set $9.95 up Tie Clasp and Cufi Links $3.50 up VELVET IOUCK = o~of ,huw yj.1 a ralue Anywhere! iece 5ERVICE iation Offer [ish Dinnerware Cut Glassware ,rware .95 Complet. ARR'S IELLERY & .GIFT SHOP Bowmanvi lie 51i>10WSUITS '~FULL ONE-PIECE Water-proof - Zipper Front - Quilted Wool Lining Sizes to 6 ON SALE- John& Judy Shoppe *MA 3-5463 PAGE TEMM TEM CýWAIM*lq STATZ33LO..W. 25V VqqTpduu GLAMOROUS DRESSER SETS 1$11.50 Io $31.95 Ic. $6.95