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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1959, p. 12

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f.. s . ,.. lArwv vi THE CANADIAN STATEUMAI#. EOWMANVffLE OTAPJO WlU MAT. JAN.Wi k g £Jet.creation 9Reviews u _ By Douglas Rigg Rexistration 4ýRegiteations opened this Week for the Win tee: Activities of ti4e Eowmanvîile Becreation Department.. Announeements ce- girdtig the variaus classes ap- peareti in last week's adition -)f The Statesman. You may regis- tee by attending the first ses- sion or by teiephoning the Re- creatioti Office at, Market 3- Regi-trations are stili open ins the following classes: Friday 4:00 Ia 6:00-Chîltiren's Thea- treeLions Centre. .8:00 to 10:00-Aault Art Ciass -Liona -Centre.- 8:30 ta 11:45 - Teen Town .yry other Fritiay) - Lions Saturday 8:30 a.m. ta 1:00 p.m.-Chilti- ren'à Dancing Clas-Lions Cea- Ire. 9:30 arn. ta 11:30 a.m.- Chiu- dren's Craf t Ciass-Badminton Club.. Monday 8:00 p.M. ta 10:00 p:.m.-Cho- ri Society-TIown Hall. Tuesday 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m.-AtUIl Swimiring . (jf repaies complet- ed) -B.T.S.. Pool. 7:30 p.m, ta 9:30 p.m.-Smock- ihgL..nsCen tee. Wednesdaiy 3.30 p.m. ta 8:30 p.m.-Chll- d1pèn's Dancing Ciass - Lions Centre. 7:30 p.m. ta 10:30 p.m.-Beati- ing andi Discussion Group- Lions Cantre. e:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p..7 Home Nursig-Memorial Prk TIhe Becreation Department 'wiIl be'pl2ased ta make arrange'- niants where possible, for anv, adtiitional autivities desired ili àufficiet t ninhers are interei'.- ed, Choral Society The Bowmanville Choral So- ciety helti their first meeting for 1959, an Monday, Janua:y h'th, at the Town Hall. Anyonea intereateti in joiing the Chýi- rai, Society is inviteti ta attani the mcxt meeting on Montiay, Janutaey 121h. at 8:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. It wi's decitiet at iast Moa- day's mteting that the Society will hoiti a neunion of mem- bers anti former membens on Monday. Januaey l9th. Thie timne anti place ta ha dacideti. It wwas discusseti by*tha Ch.- ral Society about holding a "lStars o! Tdmorrow Contest" sometima in March. The will be:opan ta ail resitients o! Bowmanviiie, who are untieýr 21 years o! age as cif January lot., 1959, -and ara taking music lassons, tram a qualifieti instruc- NAPPY THE DAY.. Days of retirement can be fun of pleasant activities ... Golf, Fishing, Travelling. No more alarm-clocks - just the pleasant prospect of yeari of leisure etretching -ahend. A pleasant prospect indeed if you have planned for aderjuate retirement incarne. Start planning your happy re- tirernent with the Sun Life Auurance Comapany of Canada today, iner Passant Representaive MA 3-3ff8 53 Brown St Bowmàn'ville - ---- .-. tor. The winners of the contest will ba askadti taparticipale in the .3ociety's Spring Concect and wiii aiso receiva some as- sistants in furthering their mu- sical studies. Furtlher information will bes publisheti when ail arrange- ments have been compieteti. Aduit Swlmmlng Claa The Aduit Swimmimg Class is scheditied ta stant next Tuesday. January l3th, if ail repaies have been campleteti at the Boys Training Sehool Pool. The cas wili be under the direction of "Bill" Bagnell. Miner Hockey In the onl ' Mimor Hocktey gama playeti since bafora the holitizys the Barons defeateti :e Rgrms 1-0 ta take aven first place in the Atom Leagua. Ste- phen Wright (Bonis Weraszczy- ski) scarati the Barons' goal at the 45 second mark o! the first perioti. Four, penalties were handeti ouI in the hanti fought Rame with each Ieam collectirig two of them. Ail other tgams in the Minir Hockey will swing back mina action this coming Saîuetiay manning. Listeti baiow are., Iha MinceLeangue seheduies for this coming Satueday: Minor Hockey League Schedule Saturday, .anuary 10th Bantam League 7:00 .m.-Hu.skies (1) vs. Tigers-(3) 7:.45 a.m.-Pii'ates (2) vs. Braves (4) (Clean Ice) 8:40 a.m.-Lions (1) vs. Cubs (3) Pee Wee League 9:20 a.m.--Bangers (2) vs. Giants (4) (Clean ILe) 10:20 a.m.-.Canadians (l) vs. Wiîîgs <3) 11:05 a.nm.-Bruins (2) vs. Leafs (4) Atom League HarnaIs (3) Lions Midget'League 3:30 p.m.-Comets (1) vs. Orphans (3)l 4:20 p.m.-Generals (2) vs.' Dodgers (4) Monday, .anuary lZth Atom League 4:45 pm.-Barons (3) vs, HarnaIs (4). BLACKSTOCK' Sympathy Is extentietiMrN. Stanford Van Camp anti sisters ini the passing o! their mather, Mes. George Proutt an Neiv Year's Day, also te the relativ;es of Mes. Jas. Sleang, Port Penny, (a fariner Cartwright resitien!) jwho passeti nway New Yeai's Mr. anti lIs. Wallace Marlow seta few tinys w1th Dr. anti Mr.John Mariow and family, Lively, Ont. Mrs. Manrlow- John- ny and Jane neturnati home Iwith tnam anti Dr. 'John ex- jpacîs ta get ddwn 'Ibis Waek- 1 Mr. anti Mes. W esiey Mont- gomery., Monty's. Inn, Lindsay, spant New Year's andi the wek- anti with har brote, Mr. Alex Dever,ý anti the ThomPson fam- ,î lias. Me. anti Mrs. Cecil Neals, Di- 1 viti Ruth anti Paul, Pelerboca), caileti on Mes. John MeKee andi ail spant New Year's with Mr. anti M*.s. Herb Galbraith. Boy;- manville. Me. znti Mes. Alex FiaIt, Fan- alan Falls, Me. anti Mes. Mer- vyn Graham anti Boy; Mes. Carl McLaughlim anti boys ware New Yaar's guests of Mr. ant i Ms. Eti. Harris anti family. Mr. anti Mes. Bedman, Mr. andi Mrs. A, Martyn, Scugag; Me. anti Mes. F. Hodgsom, Missý -Marilyn Bray, Pont Ferry; Mr. anti Mes. Arthur Leîghton, Me. anti Mes. Hector Shortritiga anti Bill were Newr Yaar's guesîs 5of Mr. anti Mes. Frank Bailey andt AlIan cm the occasion o! Mr. anti Mrs. Lightons 461h wed- ding annivarsaey anti Aiian's3 birthday. New Yaar guests of Mr. anti NABERNÉTY'Seoù Pr 11an io cuçINT & WALLPA er olr 'p FiS. W rMA3e 531 0le MA Vi,- L LEn L Ag i nd Es lie n A plcto New Four -Door -Hardtop Mrs. Russel Mountjoy were Mr. ine Frusn n James A. M gilNewcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, cd the rest of the Ashton clan,N eM i 1s 36 in ail, at the new Commun- James A. Maioney, 53, was ity Hall, Hampton, for New today named Minister of Mines Year's Day. in one of a number of new ap- Christmas Day the Bruc:e pointments announced by Prime Ashtons spent with the Walta-r Minister L. M. Frost. Oke'sý, Enniskilen. He succeeds the Hon. J. W. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer Spooner who has headed the and' family. Whitby; spent New Mines Department since 1957 Year's with his parents, Mr. and and who since July of this year Mrs. Wilbert Archer. has also carried the additional Mrs. Gsorgina Blair, Miss portfolio of Lands and Forests. Deanne Blair, Oshawa, Mýr. Ray Mr. Spooner is relinquishing Larme'-, Mr, and Mrs Milto«n' th2 Mines post to devote ail his Hanlan and Donna, were New attention to the Lands and For- Year'ý guests of Ms George esis departmient. Fowler. The new minister of minesl Mr. and Mrs. Erie Capstick, is a native of Eganville, On- Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton and Brian, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. ELIZABETH VILLE Cecil Hamilton. F'li.ght Lieut., Ernest McLean OnMna vnn h -H Of MeiZ, France. xvas homc Club met at Mrs. Thickson'e. from Wednesday untîl Sunday. Ail members attended. Lunch He is naw taking a six weeks' was provided by Kathleen. Al course in Administration at the skirt.s are. in the making. Londoa. Ont., after which he Everyone is busy getting will iteturn to Metz ta work in ed o h NwYa ae theadinstatonoffice. Mr- bratioîns. and Mis. Henrv Wotton and Onusdyeeigauce family. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Her:) party was held by the W.I. at PresottandfarnlyEnfeidMrs. Walters, about 25 attendeil. Precot an fmil, Efied;Prizes were won by Howard Ernest and Heber McLean, Quantrili, Henry Sheppard, spent Saturday with Mr. amd Ms mtMs ar rw Mr.Davnd McLe ant er Glenda Mercer and Donald Mr. md rs.Gran Fegu-Powell. The next one ta be la- il son, Ian and Mary, Mrs. Cha-3. ter in January. Dunbar. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Miss Darletne Thicksan at- Gea. Dunbar and Denise, Sca:.tnerhi fr-at hc br:Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd cnitdo inrwt h Wright and famîly spent Nevw dniffret ourasiesa t i het BielandthMess nrs. eR nhomes. They met 'at Joyce Mar- Bio nd Miss SaadtaFFe'u- tin's home and had appetizers, son.TheGran Fegusons spent then wemt ta Florence Luimmas the weekend wîth the Lloyd whera the main course* was Wright.3 and 'the Dunbars with the Fergusons and visited the served; finally ta Wayne ô'Cq'h- Cecil His Friday evnn. nar's home where peach upside Mr. and Mrs. evning.rmc down cake with whipped creamn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ascvdDu toheml vey Yellowlees and family, and weathe:r they were unable ti Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larme- skate, sa vamt ta the bowling spent New-Year's with Mr. and a lley instead. Later they, went Mrs. Ern2st Larmar. ta Mr. and Mrs. Mamby's home -Mrs. Oakley Carley amd Ane where lunch vias served. Every- Whitb>?, spent New Year's and ocre had a niee time. Darlerii the weekend with th-: Clarenc- sayed with Marjory ArrmstronÈ Marlows and Mrs. N. H. Mai- untl Tuesday. 10w. On Tuesday evening the Mr. nd rs.Harld tinonYoung Peaple's Union matored Mr. and Mrs. Flaod Stinsand ta Cobourg ta skate with other fanTily,' Yelvmrtom: Pte. and members of the variaus Unions. Mrs. Maurice Wa&ker an dfa:n- Miss Beryl Thicksan spent ily of Kingston, wher2 e e two days with Miss Sue DeKoi- traiming- and Lindsay, were ker, Creakzed Creek, and enjay- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ed theor New Year's Eve party. Wright and girls, New Yer' Congratulatians are extend- Day, celebrating Mvr. an dMr.;. ed ta the girls who are wear- Harold Stimson's 4th weddin- îng diamonds since the Chribt- anniversary and Bannie Walk- mas clebratians. er 's fitth birthday. On Friday Mrs. Thieksan and Sunlay the Walter Wrights Beryl wrmaind orote rast o entertained Mr. amd Mrs. Ga.- ta errm Shed forthbceriy net Wright, Part Perry; emSewz bkeal and Mrs.Kih Wrgtat as she will write three rnore1 babe, and Miss Hazel, Osh- exams this, week. She is al.o r.wa; Miss Vera Farder, Toron- ta be congratulatcid an winnirig to, and Mr. and Mrs. Llo:,d a bursary for the comning termn. Wright and tamilv.- On Friday evening the locali Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Yo ung Peaple's Union held -a Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy bowlinîg party in Part Hope. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Jacksan Pea-i Taylor and Dianne were 'Sun- cock re*urned ta th2ir home -in day guests or Mr. and Mrs. Gar- Saturday after spending the net Murray and girls, Cress- holidar, visiting friends in the well. community. Rink is being quita weli pa- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Peacark tronized this winter. Thera ,'s and farniiy, Kirkiand Lake, ar- curling Monday &rd Tuesdav; rived Sunmday ta spend a fe\v night. skat;nc Wednesday ani ay with Mr. and Mrs. V. Pe.a- Saturday m'ight n re kt cock but dute ta the storn and ing for childrcn Saturday afte'-- road.s had ta stop over at M:-. noans. Thursday nighsaci~ and Mrs. Carmon Bell's, Gar- openfor nv ghtsare eltden Hili. until Mo.nday. ourengfo an parties or extra New Year's visit ,ors were: crigfeatures and Frid2y Mr dMs..Wheran nights are for hockey practice?.faiy t Mr. and Mrs. F.Welra.d Last .Saturday thare were Robinson. Po. d rt Hope. about 100 skating in the alter- MRinn Mrs.o. Mre noon. M.adMs .Mre n Folawing are the officers M! family in Toronto. with Mrs. C. the United Church W.A. for Beatt"', ' ,Boy and Jack Beatty. 1959: President, Mrs. Ross Duff ;h Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Smih.' Vice President, Mrs. Frank Ied New Year's. AmaniZ ther Butt; Secretary. Mrs. W. Arche-r; guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. Treasuarer, Mrs. RusslMut Muldrew. Mr. amd Mrs. L, Mul- jay;, Group leaders, Mesdames drew and Marilyn Muldrawý,, Bruce Ashton, Fred Cowling-, Oshawa, John Carnaghan, F. Butt and Mr. and Mrs. E. Fawler held Neil Werry. New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Lew- Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Little' ko and Thieksons were their Manitoulin Island, visited two, guests. days last week with Mr. andi Mr. Alan Mercer returned ta Mrs. Neil Malcolm and fml attend Ryerson for the ramai- and Nw Yer's uest ing part of termn yesterday. Mr. and aNew Mrs iliaue st estnAî ritA onon an atiy oona istt 's Thiksn antif laloney er of Mines tai.Ha graduated from Os- goode Hall and was callad ta the Ontario Bar' in 1928. He represents the Renfrew South constituemcy in the On- tario Legisiature. He was first elected in Jamuary, 1956, ta fi a vacancy caused by the death cf the sitting member, James Dempsey. Political activity has been a tradition in the family cf the new minister. His fatiier, Dr. Martin J. Malüney was a Con- servative member of the House o! Commons from 1925 until 1935, and his miaternal grand- father was at oe time a Lib- erai member of the Ontario Legisiature. Bis brother, Ar- thur Maioniey, represents To- ronto Parkdale in the House of Ca mman s. ENNISKILLEN New Year's guests of Mn. anti Mrs. John Siemon were, Bey. anti Mrs. R. B. Green anti fam- ily, Br:ghton: Bey, anti Mes. W. Logan anti famiiy, Enniskillen; Mes. H. Milison anti family, Sa- lina; Me. anti Mes J. B. Knoxc, Hampton-, Misses Jeannette Smytier anti Betty Knox, Dr. Boy Clark, Taranto. Me. anti Mes. Gea. A. Scott, Oshawa; Misses Lcuise anti Mar- janie Mclnlosh, Whitby; Me. anti -Mes. Alvin Scott anti fami, Kedron, wera New Year's guests cf Mr. anti Mes. Gac. Irwin. Symn3athy is extentietita Mes. Bcrt Dean anti famiiy, Burke- ton, andi ta Mes. B. MeNeil, Hay- don. Me. anti Mes. J. Borrowtiale anti Brian, Oshawa; Mr. anti Mes. Clark Werry, Toronto; Miss Elemor Leighlon. Bowman- ville; Mr. anti Mes. B. Virtue, Me. J. A. Werry, Me. anti Mes. E. A. Warry, Grant, Bert anti Betty Jane, Mr. Ted Yeo, Ennis- killen, were New Yeae's guests o! Me. anti Mes. H-acvey MeGili. Mr. anti Mes. Edigar Wright, Laurenica anti Betty, were New Year guests cf Me. anti Mes. W. E. Sandarsoxi, Columbus. Mn. Oliver Beckett, Miss Or- 'villa B2ckcett, Mr. Fred Pag3, Tyrome, Mr. anti Mes. Jack Holdstock, Bowmanvilla, were New Year's guesîs of Me. anti Mes. Floydi Beckett. Miss Mary Griffin spent Sun- day with Miss Pal Hoskin, Blackstock. Mn. anti Mes. Stuart Lamb. Mr. anti Mrs. Balph Lamb, Mr anti Mrs. Donald Lamb, Ennis- killen, Mr. AI. Wray, Bowman- ville, we're New Year's visitors with Me. anti Mes. Lamne Lamb. Miss Lavarne Orchard, Bow- manvilie, spent the waeke'id wilh Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton. Miss Nancy Wood has return- eti home after spending the hol- idavrs with Mr. anti Mes. Joe Sw itzer. Cle%'eland, Ohio. Mr. ind Mes. Robert Camp- bell and Bonnie Lee, Oshawa, soent S3unday with Mr. anti Mes. P.Ellis. Mrs. N. E. Wright spent a ---f week wlth Misses Annie and Effie Wright. Oshawa. atter re- turnhng home from Toronto Hospital. Miss Shirley Mills, R.N., Mr. Bryce Lark, Kingston, apent a few days last- week, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Begley. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- ton, spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Werry, Toronto. Miss Elsie Oke, Taronto, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Turner and Helen, Oshawa, Mr. Ron Hotson, Pic- ton, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Aberne- C> Mrs. Ethelene Hodgson, 'rorionta). wara Friday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grif- fin. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Steele, Purpie Hill, -visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms an Wed- nesday. Mr. Jim Kinsmen, Courtice, Miss Bava McGiU, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Kaitii MeGill, Mr- and Mrs. R. Hope and family, Port Perry, Me. Dave Marcer, Kendal, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mr. and Mes. Barl Trewin and iamily were New Year'a visitors of Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Siemon, Haydon. Mr. and Mes. Russell Griffin andi Mary, were New Yea:'s guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oka we-e New Ycar's visitors cf Mr. andi Mrs. Howard Oke. Oshawa. Mr. flan Clemens, Hampton, Miss Carrai Wright visited witn Mr. and Mrs. Framk Spey, Ro- chester, N.Y.. Miss Doris Wright raturneti home with tham. Mes. Ralph Sadier, Gloria and Janica. Nestleton, vrisitad with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Miss Ellie Smith, Port Cee- dit, spent a week with Miss Phyllis Howeils. Mr. and Mns. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, Mrs. Luther Goodman, Bowmanville, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boss Sharp. Misses Sheila Allen, Bowman- ville, and Doreen Trawin, En- niskiilen, spent a few days with their grandparemts, Mr. andi Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mes. Will Forder, Blackstock, spent Saturday with Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Toms. Mr. andi Mes. C. McQuinn, Ty- rone, spent Saturday evenimg with Mr. and Mes. L. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Werey, Toronto, Mr.. andi Mrs. Alian Werry andi family, ware New -Year's dinner guests cf Mr. andi Mrs. E. A. Wery. Me. andi Mrs. John Oke amd family, Oshawa, spent Saturclay with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. andi Mns. Pf. Brown andi Jack. Bowmanville, spent Sat- ueday evaning with Mr. and Mes. Boss Sharp. Mr. Ray Ashton, Haydon, Mr. anti Mrs. Adam Sharp, Mr. anti Mrs. Ralph Virtue, were visit- ors at Me. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp. Miss Sheila Norman, Bow- manvilie, spent hoiidays with her cousins, the Bd Cox fam- iiy. Miss Lorna Weaen, Grace Hospital, Toronto, spent Sun- day with han parents, A. L. Wearn's. Mr. andi Mes. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald anti Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Boss Ashton anti family, Hay- don, wera with Mr. anti Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms spaut New Year's with Mn. anti Mes. Lloyd Siemon, Haydan. Misses Betty Jane Warey andi Susan Wearn visited Miss Doreen Trewin. Miss Mary Griffîn was an ovgrnight guest on Friday with Miss Shirley Bathwell, Maple Grave. Mr. andi Mes. John Griffin andi family, Mrs. E. Bennett, spent New Year's with Mr. anti Mrs. Lonne Griffin, Blackstoek. David Disney and Richard Dean, student te2achers, are spendîntg this week at Ennis- killen, Sr. Boom. Mrs. E. C. Ashton and fam- iiy celebrateti New Yeae's Day in the Dariingyton Township tend and ineluded i the 38 peesent were Mes. Irwin Bragg, Providence, Miss Donna Bragg,I Bowmanville, Mr. Ailan Stain- ton,, . Enniskillen, Miss Marie Greee, Ajax. Me. David Wel- don, Oshawa. Miss Beenice Lar- mer, Cadmus. Mr. and Mns. Grant Bennett, Courtice, Miss Janice Carme,, Madoc. with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Regular C.G.I.T. meeting was helti in the S. S. room an Janï. 5th when reports were given anti final plans were matie for the mnother andi daughter baný quet on Jan. 17. OBITUÂRY MIS CARRIE A. MARTYN Miss Carnie A. Martyn, a lifa- long and weIl known residant cf Bowmamvilia, dieti at her home, 43 Wellington Street, on Dec. 27, 1958, foliowing a cor- onorary attack suffereti the pre- vicus day. During their lifatime, Ms Mantyn wa- at home wlth her parents, J. B. Martyn andi Eliza- bath Hooper. Miss Martyn was a capable business woman with various interests in local pro- perty. One of her more racent transactions was the sala of the J. B. Martyn apartmants and lot on Temperance 'Street ta the Faderai Government as a site for the present Faderai Build- ing hoiîsing tha post office andi Custo ms. She wvas a member of Trinity Unitedi Church anti for mnany years was active in chuech Ps wellas community affairs. She maintained a lige long interest in music. Mr. Harry Lamne Martyn of Shaunavon, Sask., is her only surviving brother. 1 The Bey. Wm. K. Housiandar conducted the funeral service at the Morris Fumerai Chapel on Monday, Dec. 29. Mrs. Albert Cole nresided at the organ. Don- ations ta churches or charitias were received in lieu of flow- ers. Interment was in the Mar- tyn plot in Bowmnanville Cern- etery. Amang those attending the funer-il from a distance ware Miss Martym's nieces, Mes. Ralph Rea, Portage la Prairie, andi Mes. Wreforti Souch, Winnipeg, Man., who fiew from the West ta ha present and visitad in Bowmnanvilia and Oshawa un*il Jan. 3., IMMN COLDSI, <@uGH HANKSCRA&PTr AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Full gallon-capacity that pro- duces a heavy concentration of steain ail night on oeafil11 ing of water! Shuts off auto- rnatîcally when the water is j gone. Use it in the betiroomn te relieve colda - anvwhere te humidufy the air. A grant value -j 6*t~f$9.91 DOCTORS ADVISE STRAM FOR COLDSI Jury and Loveil 15 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5778 Thiis was a test between two groups This test was continued for two In Composition, too, Group "CA". of students. Group "tA" students years. Complete records were kept etudents did better. They wrote were given portable tyDewrters tomoety remrec.ealan do their classwork; Gr qte of the quality and quantity of workmoethywoeorceayan o1ýPconcisely. One student said, "It's used regular pens and pendis. done i each subject by each group. easier to think on a typewriter." ........ ... In addition to these great educational values, it must be remenebered that in learning to type, these students Iearned one of the most practical skills of al-a bkill that is never forgotten. L 1IM 1T E D BRANCHES ACROSS CANADiW OBITURY~j iULTON EiOWAED The funeral cf' Wight who lassed aw ~ W residence, R. R. Nu. 4B'~ ville, on TusdaDci ~ 5 was held tromTrn tt< Church on January 2, 195, with the Rev. William X. Hous. lander officiating. Mr. Anthur CoUison peesidati at the orgi Born at hi. late residëncoea Providence, Mr. Wight w« ithu son of the late John Wight andi Emma Souch. He liveti theeî throughout his lifetime and 0%,~ eratati his farm. Mr. Wight was a devoteti church member and was a member of tha Official Boac4t of Trlnity United Church, Bow% manvilie. Ha was aiways active anti keeniy intenestati ln ali communi ty prai acts and affairs. The late Mr.. Wight was atâs.' an ardent sports fan, andi ln his -. youngerdavs had been an acu complishati player of basebali- anti hockey. Sunviving are his wife, ttn*' former Ina B. Rickarti of New- castle, anti two sons, I4oward", R. of Kingston, andi Douglas R.,", at home, also thrae grandchile. ram, Beverley, John, anti Carok,. Frient'.s vnd relatives from a-' distance #«*,ýntiet from St. Ma-.' rys, Kingston, Whitby, Oshawa'- and Kimmount. - Palîbearars wece Masses. Earl'-% Osborne, Lawrence Hooey, Claf" Allen, Lelanti Crago, Williama,. Bragg anti Gardon Barrie. ' Fiower bearers were MessrI. Bruce Mutton, Bernardi Quin;., ney, Calvin Crago, Sam Tue. fer, Clarence Turner, Wootirow'ý Wilson, Ewart Bragg, Ross_. Bragg, Jack Crago anti Ronald_: Crago. Interment took 1DIaca at Bow.r , manville Cemetery. " R!MINQTOforN .Available at your Remington Rand Headquarters i be( c9mâlÜMn etatiwîu 77, oququgm I Il takes wise parents ta know that thein. own chilti -was as much aI fault as the neighbors'. Unleas n man is doing ail ha can ha la tioing lass than ha shouiti. MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALIT? MARKERS OF STAFFORD naos. FAMLY117U Stafford Brou. Monumental Works 318 Dunda.sSt. E., WhItbr Phone Whitby. Mohawk 8-3552 1 . à Above is Chevrolet's new Bel -Air Sport Sedan, Introduced by General Motors of Canada as the resuit of customer demand for a four-door hardtop in the moderate price class. The Bel Air Sport Sedan is two inches lower than other Bel Air models and offers excellent visibility and a light, airy appearance. __________

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