'THUHSDAY, .TA.ft. IStI, 1191 I~DE~ g.a ~ a t n AW wrAr~m. A lU *flWM A MVIl LWi EIUTAWTfl A ~ r~ui 4~~44~é (k ecreation (Reviews By Douglas Rigg A I~ ~Mlaor Hockey I Min or Hockey teams atI back into action' la3t Saturday, January 1th, after a two week practice session. The two weeks of rest didn't seein to bother any of the teams as they-took to the ice for the se- cond haIt of the schedule. Bantam League In the first Bantam gaine played last Saturday morning the Huskies defeated the last place Tigers 7-1 to move four points in front of the Pirates 1 .n the league standings. James Finn (3), Alan Osborne (2), David Woolner and Russel Bail were the goal scorers for the Huskies. AI Osborne <2) and Bryce Adamsalaso collected as- sista for the Huskies. Pat Vin- ish (John Phiilips) accounted for the Tigers' lone goal.* David Woolner of the Huskies collect- -ed the only penalty of the gamne for .hooking. In the second Bantam gaine of the morning the Pirates de- feated the Braves 4-1 to move Into second place in the leagua rtandirigs. Terry Walton (2, Iticky Gay and Bill Depew were the goal getters for the Pi- rates. John Hughes (2), George Bail anidEBil Depew picked up Sassista un the Pirates' goals. Ai- ~bert Goodwin scored the Braves' elone goal late in the first per- iod. The Braves collected two of the three penalties handed out in the gamne. In the third and final Ban- tain gaine of the morning-the Cuba lieid the third place Lions to a 2-2 tie. Blaine Adlams (ac- counted for both the Lions' ,goals with Larry Rogers assist- ing on the first ane. Don Rick- a-d and Glen Clark (Riekard) .'accounted for the Cubs' two yoals. Wayne Wrav of the Lions picked up the onlv penalty of the gaine for tripping. Pee lVee League In the first Pee Wee gaine of the morning the Rangers de- feated the Giants 2-1 ta take over the league leadership by one point. Larry Lunneman and Bradiev Lucas (Guy Parks) were the goal scorers for the ]Rangers. John Cunningham seored the Giants' lone goal. Garfield Webb of the Giants coiiacted the oniy penalty of the gamne for interference. In the second Pee Wee gamne of the morning the Red Wings defeated the Canadians 2-1 to mnove into third place in the League standings. James Home- riiuk scored bath the Wings' *goals with Danny Wilkins as-, = LE sistlng on bath. Gary Butier au- counteà for the Canadians' lone tally midway through theina period. In the third and final Pee Wee game of the morning the Bruins came from b2hind to defeat the Leafs 3-2 in a four point game. The win moved the Bruins into fourth place in the league standings. Harolai Coon- ey, Hernry Kooy (Cooney) and Danny Lemon (Casey Denher- tog) were the goal scorers for the Bruins. Tom Worden (Ric- ky Lucas, David Puk) and Mor- ris Haneyman (Tom Worden> were the goal getters for the Leafs. Michael'Leddy (2) anîd Gayiand Trull of the Bruins coilected the only penalties of the game. Atom League In the Atom league game played on Saturday morning 4 the Indians dcfeated the Hor- - nets 2-0. Randy Beauprie and Ronald Webb were the goal scorers for the Indians. No pen- alties were handed out in the ga me. lI the Atom league game ... played lasi Monday afternoon the Barons defeated the las". place Hornets 4-1 ta take a foar point lead in the league stand- ings. Dennis Tierne.v (Donald Rogers), David Wright (2) and Donald Rogers were the goal scorers for the Barons. Paul Meadows scored the Hornets' lone goal. Gary Wilson o! the Above is the new Por Hornets collectcd the only pen- month by General Motorsi alty of the game for slashing. two-door hardtop, in which Mldget League lent visibility and a light,a In the firsi Midget game of ______ ___ the afternoon the Comets un- set the league leading Orphans week has been cancelled for ai: bv a 3-1 score. Jon Hancock proximately three weeks. (David Kerr), Andy Mathews We hope ta be able ta star! and, Rae Pickell (David Thom- the classes on January 27th o: pson) xere the goal scorers for Febru-ary 3rd. Classes will bc the Comets. James Rickard hcld every Tuesday evening scored the Orphans' lone goal. fromn 7:00 ta 10:00 p.m. for ap- The Orphans collected three o! proximalely 20 weeks. the four penalties handed oui Due ta the large registratiar ln the game. expecte< itil as became necci- In the second Midget game o! sary ta break the class i the afternoon the Dodgers broke tiree sections. The differeni a 2-2 firsi period lie ta defeat catagories and their times are the Generals 4-2 to move int Beginners-7-8 p.m., Advanced a Ihirci place tie in the league -8-9 p.m., Recreationai-9-I1 standings. Don Smith (2), Grant p.m. It will also be necessary Flintoff and Rager Meadows ta limit the number of registra- wcre the goal scorers for tne lions ta approximately 13C Dodgers. John Twist collected members. two assists for the Dodgers. Da- If you are interested in at vid Werry scored bath the Gen- edn hs lse laerý eral' gols wth Dn Rumangister at ihe Recreabion Off ice assisting on bath. Walter Gib-o orbfe auy20h ao bfdhe enaly ankd Jop i1959. Consideration will be giv a oarmig pealy aenolii o those members who have Goode of the Dodgers coilecied e a penalty for tripping., previousl.v registered, with re- sidents o! Bowmanville having Games scheduled for next preference. Saturday are as follows: The registration fee for 1he Pee lVee class jis as follows: 7:00 a.m.-R. Wings vs B. Bowmanville residents .-_ $5.00 Hawks oui of town residents --- -$7.00 7:45 a.mn.-Leafs vs. Rangers The class is open to anyone (Clean Ice) over the age of eighteen wii, 8:40 a.m.-Bruins vs. Cana- is not attending school. dians Hm usn Bantam A ominersdin ate3 9:20 a.m.-CLibs vs. Pirates ny h oeiNrsdin ait ae (Clean Ice) in te HomateNundgclass ahe 10:20 a.m.-Tigers vs. Lions mined taattend any o! h 11:05 a.m.-Braves vs. Hus- eetingsWClaesawill be heli kiles MimrWn sday eyenin a Atom 11:50 a.m.-Indians vs. Rama Mldget 3:30 p.m.-Orphans vs. Raid- ers 4:20 p.m.-Comets vs. Gen- erals Monday, January lDth Atom 4:45 p.m.-Indians vs. Barons Adluit Swimming Class Due ta unavoidable circum- stances the Aduli Swimming Class schcdule ta siarb Ibi!s starting trne is 8:00 p.m. Tii' ciass Nvill be under the direc- tion o! Mrs. A. Witherspoon. Readingr and Discussion Grouli Due ta the illness a! Mr. E. Morley there will be a short delay in the starting o! the Reading and Discussion Groups' winter activities. We hope ta be able bo gel the class started again around the end o! the month. Children's Craft Classes The first session o! the Child- ren's Cra!t Class was held las- LET GEORGE DO Il!1 OFF on c011 Wiènter Merchandise - FOR EXAMPLE - ,5uburbon Coats Ail Colors Quilted lining Reg. $19.95 SALE $9.95 BOYS, Suburban Coats Sizes 6 to 16 Years Split hood - Ail Colors Reg. $11.95 S AL E $7.99 New Four-Door Pontiac Hardtop ýni ol ail lac Laurentian Four-Door Sport Sedan, introduced this f Canada. The new car, patterned after the well-known side windows roll cornpletely into the body, offers excel- iry appearan ce. I ~ _ V 8* ~ - -- - - raaoee- major S A naw schedule-a new lead- Babe 1 er ta start off the s3cond scflC-i Onie1 dule, as the girls have recovEw- Wilma ed friiii the Christmas cao king uî chores, ta take up whe-c thzv Grace Slefi off ai the local alîcys. Joycr±Shile Lyles teamn posîed Mo nday Mary ~night's oniy shutout-a 3-0) w:n Norma oover Norma Gay's team, ta tak2 Deli V .yundisputcd Possession O! fir-st Norma '~place. Lydia Bates' bowier3 Joyce 1handed Kay Beauprie's last Peggy 1scheclule champs a 2-1 setback, Bernie( despite Kay's fine bowling. Betty, Bernice Budai's bowlcrs Bernie( -downcd Doris Joll's crew 2-1, t'Lorrair CEna Etcher defeated June -' Audrel 1ker 2-1. Onie Etcher toolk a sim- !June 1 1- ilar xii over Lorraine Martyvi Jean 1 e ai-d Shirley Bickle's bowiers Muriel -adminislered the same treat- Dot B 9 nment ta Lola Wright's team. Kay S Kay Beauprie led th2 WaY: Dot 'C: ýe with a 6,58 triple, followed by, Ena Et Doris Joli 638, Javce Lyle 625 BerniCE oand A. Patfield 609. Anmî M 0 Higli single honours xvont *0 Vel Mi e N. Norris ith a 253 mar'k Mollie 01while other good scores were'Dolly1 recorded by A. Patfield 2451, T.! Helen, Tennant 243, S. Bickle anid K. Sadie1 Beauprie 241. Helen -200 Gamnes Hilda " Norma Norris 253, 0111e Pat- Lydia 1 " field 245, 213: Joyce Tennani Audrey ci 243, Kay Beauprie 241, 217, 200; Mabel ýt Shirley Bickell 241, 228; Doris e Joli 238, 201; Jean Musial 236_1 Joyce Lyle 228, 217; Shirley1 -Davis 222, Bernice Buday 221,1 AudAy Bickell 220, Wiima Bates 219, Dore Mutton 217,1 Grace Blackburn 216, Onie Eicb- t er 216, Berniece Terry 215, Deli eVinson 214. 213; Lorraine Mar- i tyn 206, Bernice Partner 206,1 LBabe Brown 204, Helen Dunn q202, Vel Miller 200. [j Team Standings Joyce Lyle------------3 27831f L. Bates --------------- -2 2643 E. Etchcr ---------- 2 -2625 i O. Etcher- 2 26151 B. Buday ---- 2____ > 2i84 S. Bickell 2 2,361 K. Beauprie 1 2626 D. Joli -----.* - - i 1 2582 J. Baker 1 2;54-1) L. Martyn 1 2.529~ L. Wright 1 2.1631 N. ------------64 N.Gy__High _Scores0 26 1 High single-Norma Norris 253, high triple-Kay Beauprie 658, high average-Kay Beauprie 219. Averages Kay Beauprie 219 Doris Jol ------ - - - 213 Joyce Lyle ---- - - 208, Ollie Patfield --------- - 2031f Shirley Bickell - 199 1 Jean Musial .- ---- 191 Dorc Mutton _----__187 Saturlav morning ai the Bow- manville Badminton Club. There are still a few apeviings for any eidren inierested ini attend- ing this class. The class iSu- Ider the direction o! Misses Ver-,' fna Foran. Anne Wilson andi Linda Colwell. The class meets each Satur- day morning al 9:30 a.m. al the Badminton Club. Conference Workshop On Recreation A on e-day conference of re- creation people for this part of Ontaria-both laymen and pro- fessional-will be hcid ai bbe Lindsay Collegiate on Saturday, February 7th starting ai 10:30 a.nî. Those o! us who are involved and intereslcd in the various forms o! recreation teed ihat there will be a genuine reward from nmeeting together ta dis- cuss common concerras. la ex- change ideas and ta enlarge our horizon-- i recreation. The pro- gramme has been pianned tai interest bath members o! re- j creation cammittees and ta membcrs o! community acti%,- ily grups. There wvill be plen- lyv o! lime for actively discus3- ing vour favaurile recreation interest and also seeing andi h:!arivig others with- similar and complimentarx' interests. Anvone nterested in attend- îng *this confeence is asked ta contact the Recreation Office a' MArket 3-5761. Sone vof the ïub.ject.g liiedi unv for diseLcu-s.on are: Dram,,, *Miiior Athieties, Senior Citi- fens, Teen Age Activities, Crafis, Plavgrounds, Art. Facilities, Social Recreation, Girls' Activî- ai i sna" I qrouos for menm- ibers af Re-crcaton Cormmittees. làOWIl< Brown -~~.- Etcher i B ates ------------ Barclay -.-- Blackburn ------- y Davis --- ---- - Wilcox- iNorris --- -------- inson Tennant Haynes--------- - - !e Buday ----- Westlake..........------ ce Terry - ne Martyn ----------- y Bickchi ----------- Baker---------------- Luxton -------- ------ 1 Holroyd ------- -- rooks -..---- tephens - ------ 1rom bie ------------ ýtcher -------- -- ýe Partner ----------- Vhite - --- iler .------- Henderson ------ - -- Brooks ---------- ---- Dunn - ---- Bucknell ~ - Piper Simnick Bates - - ---- - --- - y Osmond Lewis - .- Goodyea r Hockey Lge. Sunday afternoon's double- header, the firsi after a two week break, just about assured the two top teams of a berlh in the finals. The league-leaci- ing Fan Belis handed the Of- fice a 5-4 setback in the opener to put a severe joît in the los- ers' playoff chances. In the se- cond game, the cellar-dwelling Mats dropped a 6-i tilt to the Hose Room. The loss ended any hopes the Mats had of getting int the piayoffs. Goalie John Fowler proved ta be a real stumbling block, thwariing several excellent Of- fice scoring 'chances through- out the game. In a fast weli- played game, Ron Burgess sent the Office into a 1-0 cdge at tha 11:23 mark, blasting a perfect shai from the blue line, after Jack Bond had won the drqw. A penalty ta the Mats' Don Prout boomeranged, as Bill Cole itercepted a p&ss and raced in alone to lie the score, two minutes later. "Han"-" Lane clicked on a three man break with Prout and Bob Sheridan ta s2nd the Fan Beits into the lead at 16:20, only to have Burgess score again ta knot the count, on a pass from Ted Fairey. Don Masters converted a Fairev re- lay to give the lead back ta ihc Offic2 at 21:55. The Fan Beiîs apparpntlyv sewed the gaine ut) on three fasti markcrs bv Jack Large. John Mason and "Jiggs" Cowling. Ron B3urgess scored bis third tally with a minute and a hait left, and with goalie Curt Van- stone pulled in favour of a sixth attackx-3-, il took a spectacular save by Fotvlcr ta stop Master's drive.1 In the ni-ght-cap, the Hase Room ravi up a big 5-0 edge, before Bill Lyle notchced thel lone Mats goal, laie in the game. "Bucký" Cowle opened the scor- ing aftbr seven minutcs of play, on a pass from Barney Wood- ward. Clint Fe-guson fired an unas- sîsted m arker at 24:33, and then three goals in thrce minutes and five trcconds put th2 game on ice'. Pete Stacey notchcd Utw first, and Ferguson and Cowle each baggcd their s,2cond tai- lles of the contest. Mort Rich- ards, xvho had assisted on the last two goals, compietcd the scorin- at 33:55, ten seconds aft2r Lvle bad finaliy beat goalie Vihnce Vanstone. Oshawa Mercantile Schedule (Round Robin Seri«s Total Points to Count) Jauuary- 18-5 *7 7.9 25-5 *7 7 9 februariv- 1-5 *7 7 9 8-5 .7 7.9 15--5* 7 22-5 -7 7.9 Mark- 1-5 7 7 15-5 7 p.m.-Juvenile vu. Macko's A'& p.mn.-BoWmanville vs. Durno's p.m.-Juvenile vu. Durno's p.mn.-Bowmnanville va. Maekos pam.-Bowmanville vu. Juvenile p.m.-Durno's vu. Macko's p.m.-Juvenile vs. Macko's p.m.-Bowmanville va. Durno's p.m.--Juvenile vu. Durno's pam.-BownianviUle va. Macko's p.r.-Bowmanville vs. Juvenie p.m.-Durno's vu. Macko's *7 P.mn.-Juvenile va. Macko's -9 P.m.-Bowmanville va. Durno'. -7 P.mn.-Juvenile vs. Durno's 9 IP.m.-Bowmaxivifle vs. Macko's -7 p.m.-Bewmanviiie va. Juvenile *9 p.m.-Durno's va. Macko's IMixed League BowlingI A couple of new captairis took over and ali tearns pres- ented reshufflcd iine-ups, as the Mixed Bowling League be-1 gan second sehedule activîties, ai Martyn's Bowling Academy, Friday night. Jack Bond's bowlers rolled up a 3050 pin total to take a 5-2 win over Arnold Sieep's team. The other new catitain, (along with Sleep) AI Hickling, saw his team make a mîore suc- cessful start, downing Bob Mit- chell's oulfit by a 5-2 couni. The .emaining action also end- ed in a 5-2 score, as Morley Etcher's crew knocked off Art Spicer's aggregation. The Mixed Leaguers- had a hard lime getting back in the groove, as showed up in only a haîf-dozen 600 scores. being rolled. Onie Etcher led the pa- rade with a 653 ma-'k, foiiowed bI' Arnoald Sieep 649, Cec. Mut- ton 645, Ai Hîckling 612, Art Spicer 603 and Jim Richards 601. Higb sin-le honours went ta Len Eldridge with a score o! 275: Other good scores were re- corded by Joan Brunt 269, Eim Stringer 257, Jim Richards 247, Byron BrunI 246 and Ai Hick- li g 2 'Team Standing. W L Pins Pts Bond ----- - 2 1 2948 5 Hickling 2 1 2922 5 Etcher ------ 2 i 2616 5 Mitchell -------12 2794 2 Sleep .---- i ----- 2 2736 2 Spicer - ---------- - 1 2 2600 2 Ladies' High Single - Joan B-unt --- -- 269 Men's Higli Single - Len Eldrid;e ------ -.273 Ladies 1Higb Triple- Onie Etcher . ý653 Mens' High Triple- Arnold Sleep ------- 649 Averages Gamet Onie Etchier---------.....3 Arnold Sleep 3 Cecil Mutton -___3 Zil Hr1i,,ll]j . z t Ave. «118 213 201 Art Spicer -------3 Jim Richards ____3 Jack Bond-3 Joan Brunt --------- 3 Pat Yeo ------- 3 Fred Luxton .3 Len Eldridge 3 Mary Nowlan . .3 Ciiff Evans .. 3 Essie Cox 3 Em Stringer --3 Bob -Mitchell 3 B. Bruni ---------- . Bud Edmondson ------ 3 Morley Etcher 3 Joe Nowlan .1 Pat Bartels ----- -3 Marg Hickling - ---- 3 Dore. Multon-...------- 3 Bill Charles 3 Audrey Sieep ------- 3 Carole Oke 3 Jean Evans 3 Gord Stringzr 3 Joan Eldridge 3 Dot Bond ----------3 M . Yeo - -- ------ Kay Luxton ------3 Jim Cox----------- 3 Rick Gould -----.-- 3 Doreen Charles 3 Amy Winacot---- Rut h Mitchell 3 Ravi Mutton --3- Muriel Holroyd---3 Dot Edmondson Everett Winacott 3 Ruby Spicer 3 SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS 18 A STRAIGHT LINE AND THE SHORTEST WAY TO A GOOD JOB IS BUSINESS TRAINING. ENROLL NOW! Day and Evening Classes Oshawa ]Business College 111 Simncoe St. S. Dial RA 5-3375 "T E L Y" Sponsorsd by METROPOLITAN TORONTO KINSMEN CLUBS APPEARS NIGHTLY IN TORONTO TELEGRAM 15 flQW being Iocally sponsored by Bowmanville Kinsmen Club' STARTING 71h DINGO Cards may be purchased from all local News Stands and Lander's Hardware on and after Thursday, January I5th In nexi week's Canadian Sialesman will appear the naines of al Ihose merchanis whsre hingo cards may ho purchassd. HELP SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL KINSMEN CLUB ARTIFICIAL ICE PROJECT. Kinsmen Motto: - J/ie Comrnunity's QÇrea test Ileeci!"i 42 King St. East e - Phone MA 3-3211 r SPECIAL! DRESS PANTS Melbourne Flannel, eowman ville Surplus Store ÀM &U - - . LECTIUCAL CSMAC11NG WIRING - RFPAIIP.S 1 ý'. 1 TRUMMAT, ZAIÇ. 15M 19M MIE IUAWP.UIPAI rrrAllimnt". BOW?4AIfvnAýK ONTPLRM IDARV. lu M mm Aec e ý 9