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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1959, p. 17

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'~- ~, r- --- - -~ - 9" DAY, MAI. 12th, 1959 rMW. C-AADLAN T<MATUMA. UfIwmArffmi . oArAti PAGE SEVENTEIu' For Rent Tfive roomsanmd ?R~,150 acres, good location. I!WAry Elkens, telephone Oreno 5r 11.1-1 MALapartmont, tirst floor ,6vý&-Sïidman store. Llghts, wgt- Ori7-4o tub, immediate poatession. $20.' Apply L. C. Mason, Bar- rister. 11-1w 13ASFMENT apartrnnt, four lrerooma, one bathroom, suit four iladulta, où heated, reason- al rent to rlght party. M4% t>*NE bungalow, 5 rooms, on Mi vers Rd., 8 acres tillable, avallable April lst. Apply to 0. J. Henderson, 69 Hillcrest Dr., Twçonto 10, LE 5-4858. 10-2 Repcrirs X»10 Oanid television repatre. PTn8Pt service. Pick-up and d4vry. George's, 85 King St. X.- Pone MA 3-5713. SSfARANTEED televIilon and 1 13j service, to ail makes. S~e day service. Television 49-tl RÏ , AIRS and rewinding, arm- a--pes turued, to ail makes of el trie motors. Higgon Eiec- tr; 38 King East, Phone MA 3-~3O5.7-tf i IPAIRS to ail makes of sew- in 1 rnachines. Free pickup and _sflvery. Laverty ' B*rgain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3.4!231. 44-tf ]RUPMRS to alniakes of ne- fir4rerators, domnestie and cern- - nierclal; milklng coolers. Hig- gcm Electric Limited, 38 King iýSbJE Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf Wanted »IA,ýD and cnlppled fanin stock, ipikred up promapt1y. Phone MA 3-170.Magwill Fur Farzn, Tyone. 13-tf CARRUTHERS SCOUR TABLETS. PM YEgIINARZ USE ONLY 00OE TOR SCOURS Slo«I tablets every 6 heurs for rRgVp(lTATIVE DOSE, (av tl u wyfer fihs.7Ite a* UAIETS $2.25 $4.00, FOLLOCWIG DRTJG STORES Jury & Loveli Alox NcGregor P. B. Cowlicg C. B. Tyrroli OIRONO 1'56 PLYMOUTH 4-Door, $156 PLYMOUTH 4-Door, 1'55 PLYMOUTH 4-Door1 1'54 CURYSLER 4-Doon,1 j'53 DODGE 4-Door 1152 CHEV. 4-Door - Redi( ý'52 DODGE 2-Door il'SI CHEV. 4-Door l5O CIRYV. 2-Door ~'52 ]M 'i0 %-ton Panel FAXCGO 3-ton Stake P lalmer Mt 4 CHRYSLER - PLI] il SIMCA D ~OKing St. East Work Wa[nted 1CONCRETE and rnauonry work. 0Box 1083. L. Turner. Phone 3-5820. 9-tf RUBBLR footwear repaired, h.slg, soles, ripa vulcanized. Janiieson Tire hop, Bowman- rville. il-tf PLUMIBING, heatlng, eaves- troughlng; free estimates. HarveyPartner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf MORNINGS, 9 - 12, eare for chlldren, elderly person or house- work. Write Advertiser 922, C/o Canadian Statesmnan, P.O. Box 190, Bowinanville. 10-2* TEAýCHER, lst clasa, wide ex- perience, tutors pupils. Sympa- thetic, reasonable. Write Ad- vertiser 923. c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- mnanville. 11-1 Plastering Repairs QUICW sERVIClE îSTUCCO AND NEW WORS R. L. TAFT et King st. E. MA 3.5030 ____________________ 6-tf PAINTING PAPERHANGING SPRAY PAINING George Van de Meeni 27 Elgin St. MA 3-3075 Anger Construction Co. LTD. COMPLETE aWUItDING SERVICE BRICK WORK- BLOCK CHIMNEYS -CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG - MArket 3-3375 ROY - MArket 3-2273 27-tf Harry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Pick Up and Delivery MONDAY TO SATURDAY QUICK SERVICE Wanted ta Buy BEES. Write Post Office Box 728 giving number o! coloriies, pnice, etc. 11-1* ALL kinds of liye poultry wanted. Highest prices pamd. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 collect. 9-t! -HIGHREST pnlics paid for used- furniture, appliances, television, sewin machines, etc. Aiso seli an xchange. 59 KIng St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGBEST prices paid fon live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and naw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf Wanted to Rent FURNISHED light housekeep- ing room near Whiz factory, single girl. Phone MA 3-3231. 11-1w THRME ta four noorniapartment, gr ound floor, reasonable rent. Young couple with oue child by May lut. Phone Oshawa R1A Vg, Power-Flite - Radio 6, Power-Flite- Radio 6, Power-Flite Power-Flite 1otor Sales IMOUTH DEALERS FARGO MA 3-9487 ComMng Events Corne and dance to Novel Aires Orchestra at Pontypool, Friday, March 20. 11-2 A card part y sponsored by the Enniskillen Woman's Association wi11 be held in Ennlskillen Hall on Saturday evening, March 14.1 11.1* Bingo every Thur-sday - 20 regular games, two $25 jackpot games. No gaine under $4.00. Admission 50c. St. Joseph's Parish Bail. il-tf Blackstock United Church W. A. Turkey Supper at Recreation dentre, March 18. Settlngs 4:30, 6 and 7 o'clock. Adluits $1,50, cblîdren 75c. 11-1* Euchire and bridge. Everyone welcome at St. Joseph's Parish Hall, Tuesday, Marcb l7th, 8 o'clock. Good prîzes, refresh- ments. Admission 50c. 8-4 Euehre Party, Tyrone Com- munity Hall, sponsored by Hall Board, Saturday, March l4th, 8 p.m. sharp. Prizes. Refresh- ments. Admission 35c. 11-1 Fourth Bowmanville Cub Pack are holding an cuchre at Me- morial Park Club Bouse, Thurs- day, March Igth at 7:45 p.m. Admission 40c. Lunch. 11-2 Irish Dance, Saturday, March 14, Coldsprings, Ont. Jim Fiah- er's Orchestra. Irish music, favours, etc. Singer from Bel- fast. Dancing 9 p.m. Admis- Sion $ 1. 11-1* Trinity United Church Arnica Club presents two one-act pîsys "Twelve-Pound Look" and "The Happy Journey" on March 2th and 2lst lu Town Bail. Admis- sion 50c. 8-4 Bowmanville Women's Insti- tute Kopper Karnival at Lions Centre, March 12. Over 50 prizes, 25 tickets 25c. Home Baking. Atternoon Tea 25c. Draw at 8 p.m. 10-2' Special St. Patrick's programn at the Royal Theatre, March 16-18, "Rooney" featuring Barry Fitz- gerald and "The Golden Age o! Comedy". Senior Citizeus' Mat- inee, Wed., 2 p.m. 11-1 Hampton Women's Institute welcomes you to the St. Patrick's Home Baking Sale. Afternoon tea, also sale o! gift articles at 3 p.m. lu the Sunday Scbool Room on March 18. 11-1~ Schneider Supper at' St. An- drew's Cburcb, March 19 at 6:30 p.m. Supper snd film. Tickets $1.00, available at Jury & Loy- ell's, Chartran's Men's Wear, Bank o! Montreal. 11-2 Woodview Communlty Centre .-Monster Bingo. Twenty gamesi -twenty dollars; five games-i thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, sudt two jackpots at $250. Door K rizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., e Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf The annual meeting o! the Community Memnorial Hospital, Port Perry, will be hcld at the Library in Port Perry on Thurs- day evening, March l9th, 1959. The public are cordially invited to attend this meeting. 10-2 Don't forget the St. Patrick's Dance at Thorutons Corners, Frl- day, March lStb. Old tyme aud modern. Ir'ish floor show at lu- termission. Montgomery's Mus- ic Makers. Dancing 9:30 ta 1. Aduits 1.00, studeuts 50c. 11-1 Lions Club Bingo, Monday, March 16, in the Lions Com- munity Centre at 8 p.m. 20 games $5.00, two special games, two jackpots of $25.00 each.' First jackpot 7 numbers, 2ud jackpot 5 numbers. Admission Soc. The Women's Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, welcome you to attend the annual Hospital Birthday Party on Thursday, March 19, fnom 3to 5 p.m. at the Lions Com- munity Centre. We will be pleased to sec you and your fie nds,.0-3 Si. Pairick's Dance Sohina Community Hall Saturday, March 2lsi JIM FISHER'8 ORCHESTRA Admission - $1.00 per person 11-1 Plan ta attend the Annual Meeting o! the Quinte District Cattie Breeding Association in Belleville C.N.R.A. Auditorium on Station St., March 13 at 1:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Mr. Roy Suyder, Manager of the Waterloo Cattie Breeding As- sociation. A purebred heifer cal! wili be given away as a door prize. 10-2 Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE 'ESTATE 0F CARRIE AGNES MARTYN, late o! the Town o! Bowmanville, iu the County o! Durham, Spinster, Dcceasçd, wbo died on or about the 27tb day of December, 1958. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate are required ta send particulars and full proof thercof to the undcrsigned on or before the 2nd day of April, 1959, after wbich, date the assets o! the estate will be distibuted having regard ta the WiIl and the dlaims that have then been reccived. DATED at Bowmanville the 2tb day o! February, 1959. Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister & Solicitor, 30 King St. West, P.O. Box 29, Bowmauville, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors.- 9-31 Mortgages WANTED-$3,500 first mortgage on bouse close ta bhighway. Value $8,000. Write Advertiser 924, c/o Canadian Statesman.i P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville.i ont.1111 1.In Memoricmu 1CANDLER-In fondest remnem- ,brance of my husband, Russell, 1who.passed, away March lltii, > 1956. 5Though absent, he lu alwaya 1 near, 1Stili loved, stili misseci end ever dear. -Wife Irene.111 DOWNEY-In loving xnemory of a niothen and grasidmother, Mrs. Annie Downey, Who passed agway March 10, 1952. We cannot forget your smiàling face, Your happy, carefree ways, The smile that won you many frienda In those happy bygone days. One of the best the world could hold, . 'Your cherished amile, your heart of gold. Always so good, unselfish and kind, Wbat a wonderful wiemory you leit behind. Deep in our hearts your mernory is kept We loved you too dearly ta ever forget. -Aways remembered by Rich- ard, Grace and family. 11-1* DOWNEY-In loving memory of our dear mother and grand- mother, Annie Downey, who passed away March 10, 1952, and our dear father and grancUather, Edward Downey who passed away Oct. 15, 1958. Somewhere beyond the sunset, Wliere loveliness neyer dies; They dwell in a beautiful garderi, In the blue anci gold of the sky. We who have known andi loved them, Whose parting bas brought us grief Wiil treasure their memory forever Until again we meet. -Lovingly remenibered by daughter Dorothy, son-in-law Jack and grandchildren Ann, Edward, John and Mark. 11-111 HOCKADAY-In loving memory of a dear sister and aunt who passed away March 12, 1956. God took ber home, it was Bis will, But in our hearts we love her etili. Our memory ls as dear today, As lu the hour she passed away. We often sit and think of her, When we are alone, For memory Is the only friend I That grief can call its own. -Ever remiembered by Aurilda.1 Nellie, Ernest, Norma and Evelyn, Elleen and Jean. 11-1* Le FROY-ln fond and loving memory o! a dear mother,' Bar- riett Le Froy wvho passed away on March l4th, 1955. Softly the leaves o! memery Gentiy we gther and treasure Ithem afil- Memories of you are with u Though years go by we wi11 Î _tlneyer forget. -Sii mssed, stili Ioved by her daughter May, son-in-iaw frwini and grandchildren. 11-1 RICHARDS--m loving rnemory of a dear mother and grand- rnother, Elizabeth Aice Rich- ards who pased away March lOth, 1946. God- knows how much we miss her, Neyer shall ber niemory fade, Loving thoughts shall *ver wander To the spot where she is laid. -Sadly missed by ber daugbter, Selena and granddaughter Alice.j RUITER-In loving memnory of' William Ruiter who clied March 12, 1958.1 His weary hours and days of pain. His trotibled nights are past, And iu our aching hearts we know Be has found sweet rest ai; last. Lovingly remenibered by wife and family. 11-11 SPRY-In lovine memory of i Notice ta Creditors Iu the Estate o! REGINALD RUSSELL GRIFFIN. AIl persons baving claimns against the estate o! Reginald Russell Giffin, late of the Town- ship o! Daniington, deceased, who died on or about the 25th day o! Decemnber, 1958, are bereby notificd ta send ln to Strike & Strike, Solicitors fori the Administratrix, Bownian-! ville, Ontario, ou or before the- 26th day o! Marcb. 1951), full pELrticulars o! their dlaimn. 1immediately after the si 26th day o! March. 1959, the! assets of the deceased will be distributcd amongst the parties eutltled thereto, having regard ouly to dlaims of whlch the said solicitor for the administratrix shail then have notice. DATED at Bowmanviile this 26th day o! February, 1959. Strike & Strîke, Solicitors for LuIs Giffin, Adminiatratnix. 10-3 Deofug l the great thing. For, irsuteiy, people do wbat iA rigbt. in time they corne ta likei doi sit.-John Rusk"n "t -3,-,.- ICkssifbled Ads BOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 Must Plan CContinued Iram naige ana) Two officers consisting o! Chainnian George Coliug o! Brighton, Mayor Burnet o! Co- bourg, Joseph R. Jones of Hast- Inga and Reeve Budge of Port Hope. The meeting adopted the comznlttee's nominations sud these mn will sit as members of the LODA board o! dirc- tors. jA dinner meeting was held ithat evening at British Hotel under the chamnmanship o! Mn. ICollug. Also #Eated at the bcad table, in addition ta the gucat speaker, were Mr. Gordon New of thie Department o! Planning sud Development, Daputy Reeve Rickard, Mayor Burnet o! Co- boUrg Reeve Budge o! Port Hope, M. d. Solomon of Brlho, lir T. Banting and Ken Morris o! Bowmauville. The guest apaaker was Mr. Arnxold Edmnborougb, Editor of the Kingston Whig-Standlard and also recen-tly appointed Editor of "Saturday Nigbt". Mn. Edinborough bas long been an officer an d active member o! tbe Kingston Chaniber o! Com- merce and là a keen studeut o! municipal problems. Polnting eut that Canada iq growlng faster than any other major country in the world snd tha t aur part o! Ontario is ex- perienciug the most rapid growth o! ail, he urged aCcept- Sflc@ of the zact that growth is inevitable. Once this fact is ac- cepted, it obvîously follows that eacb rnunicipality is derelîct lu itis duty if it fails to plan for intelligent and con- trolled growth. He urged each munlclpality to assess its strangths aud weaknesses as a preliilnary ta establishing a long-terni program. If a muni- cipality i.s predominently agri- cultural sud iacks the serviceî sud facilities needcd by indus- tny, it ln obviously wsstin'g time sud money iu attemptiug to ac- quire industries it cannot ac- cornmooate. On the other baud, new inrlustry migbt well be the salvation o! a commuuity where there are more workers thani jobs. Mr. Edinboirou-gh stressed the importance of nigidly enforced zoning sud construction stand- ards, aud expressed the opinion that long-term planning la per- haps the mont Important task a community can undertake.e The speaker was introduce by Mayor Burnet o! Cobourg sud the vote of thauks was' moved by Ken Morris o! Bow-i inanville. President Banting congratulated the zone organ- ization on Its accomplishments during. 1958 sud urgcd even gi-ester effort durlng 1959. Mr. Gardon New brought greetings froua the Hon . enmNicklýe, M.Iiter of! Planning and De- velopnient, aud pledged every support by bis department of the provincial government. The meeting concluded with a brisk panel discussion of a variety of municipal develop- ment problenas. Accident Cali Resuits in Two Charges John Mallery, 29 }lorspy Street, whe reached hl.s l7th birthday laït December, ba:% beau cbarged with glving fale information te the police, and also vharg5d with the theft o! a revolver. Be was ramandad ta jail lu Cobourg, sud will ap- pear iu Bowmanville Police Court on Tuesday. On Tutisday, March lOth, at 5.55 p.m., tha Bowmauville Po- lice recelved a caîl that a car had been involved lu an acci~- dent on Scugog Street at Gaud's Corners. The police aso receiv- cd another telaphone caîl at 6.30 p.m. rcporting that the car involved lu tbe accident bad 'been stolan. Police investigation proved that the car had not be-en stolen, and also resulted in the recov- ery o! a stolen revolver. This weapon is the property o! Dr. P. E. lreland, Toronto, sud bad been taken froni bis cottage at Bowmanvillc East Beach. Mallery was uninjuned lu the accident, but bis car a '1947 Chevrolet sustained consider- able damage. HAMPTON Mr'. aud Mrs. A. L. Blanchard were gucats at the I{oy-Robson wedding sud reception at North- minster United Church, Oshawa, on Friday evening. Mr'. and Mrs. J. A. Warrack, Torouto, vlsit-ed Mr. sud Mrs. Douglas White durng the weekend. Mr. snd Mrs. Erie Pbillip, Paul aud Anita, visited Mi'. aud Mrs. J. A. Bumrows on Satur- day. Mri. sud Mrs. Bill Harrison aud daughter Kim, Coîbomne, were ivith liher parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Adcock durîng the. weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Saunders, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Don Adcock and family, were Sunday visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Doni White, Oakviile, were weekend visitors at the home of hlm mother, Mrs. W. White. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Maxin a and Debora, Oshawa, were Saturday evening vWst-I ors wlth bis parents, MIr. and Mns. T. Wray. Mrs. Gilbert Adcock and Harry. Mr. aud Mns. Harrison and daugbter, v'isited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Enniskil- len, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson, Bowmanville, wcre Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bodgson. Sorry ta bearn Mrs. Jack Mac- nab la a patient in Memorlil Hospital, Bowmanville, at tme of wrltiug. Ber many fnlends wisb for ber a speecly returu to bealth. Mr'. aud Mrs. De Luca's sal, o! their store ccitents held on Saturday atternoon wvas large- ]v attended and quite succeas- fui, North Nesilelon Mr'. and Mrs. Raymiond Mac- Conneil, Stirling, Mr'. and Mrs. Ernest Moore, Madoc, Mr. Har- ry and Wayne McCoy, visited Mr. and lMrs. Wilhur McCoy and family on Sunday. Mr'. and Mrs. Don Stutt, Bow- manville; Mr'. and Mrs. Mul- colm Emerson, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Creed, Barrie, Sur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer. son visited Mr. aud Mrs. Mer- vin Bird and family during the week. Mr'. and Mrs. Bob Wallace, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis and Mrs. Ivy Uooey. Mrs. Hooey returnced home from the bospital Sun- day. Master Mark Malcolm visit- ed Glen Malcolm Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nes- bitt, Sharon and Trevor, visit- ed Mr'. and Mns. V. Malcolm, Turn O1* FurRiluro 1310 Cash wvith STATESMAN CL A SS 1F 1E D Phone MArket 3.3303 Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ron Addison,, vlsited Mr. and Mi--. Wm. Steel Sunday. Mfaster Vernion Malcolm v* s- Rted Danny Dorreil durlng the week. Very sorry to hear that Bcb Kester, Uxbridge, anid former- ly of thils district, suffered a serlous accident recently and will be maklng.a prolonged st.a, in the new Uxbridlge hospital, OSIARANTEENI Ummrus mm. Jeet e1"k A Nw PAR w the" Now nay ehildren will out;- grow tholr ah... botore tboy cas outwear thom. Theae shees ar e cotrute, tee. and need no breabing 4n. rugge, «teUient an.i proo«. 5martly etyled with all the Hewetson quîuty, at rea, Lloyd Ellis Shoes ,Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE Dry Cleaning Storage- Shirts - Répairs PHONE MA 3-7061 for PICK-UP<'AND DELIVERY SPRING CLEARING of Good USED CARS BUILO NOW...No Payments 'tii Aprl30 #"AT HOME WITH THE LADIES"f I each THURSDAY morning ot 10.30 a.m. on Sotion CKLB Your Recreation Room Headquarters OSHAWA WOOD PROO0UCTS LIM ITED 1 p- - - Ir Downtown Showroomn 84SIMCOE ST. S.-RA 8-1617 0 9 Oshawa Tel. phones To Serve You e Main Off ice and Showroomn COURTICE-RA 8-1611 0 DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. 0 AJAX-ZEnith 2-9600 40 KINGO T. W. BOWMAN VILLE ý 1,ýl -1 1 'r 1 . -1 1 PAGE sicvENTir.Èýn

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