WAOU mmf? - *Lions Hear Timely By Whitby Dunlops' The Belleville hockey âteam. is domng a good job in Europe' Wren Blair, manager cf the WhitbY Dunlops, the teani that won the world champion- ahip in 1958, said on Mon- day, Mar. 9. Mr. Blair was the speciai speaker at the dinner meeting heid by the Bowman- ville Lions Club at the Lions Community Centre. 1Rance Diiling and Dr. E. W.! Sisson were each presented' with a, 10 year perfect attend-1 an ipn. Clarence Hockin re-1 ceived a 5 year perfect attend-1 ARE YOUR TROUBLES LITTLE ONES ? Do you ever worrv about ilhp future of y-our younig fainilv Fhould vo:: suddenlv he caJlîd by death? Family Inrorne assur- ance wilI replace yo::r incorne while the childrea are groiving up en(à take care of! your widow for life. Protect'yeur leved ones with a 1'amily Incorne policv of the Sun Life Assurancç Comnpan.y of Canada. Banner Passant Rep resen ta tiv e MA 3-3258 . 53 Brown St. Bowmanvillte iance pin. The presentations weemade by Harry Cryder- mathe atteadance chairmari. Birthdavs celebrated by the club were those cf Ed Leslie, IAubrev Smith, Victor Miller, IRoy Turner and Stuart James. IThe guests present were Frank Williams, Maurice Preston, Wal- ter Mollins, and Bud Moses. The winners of the hockey draw were: Saturday, March 1 4eh M Cooper, and i Malt; Saturdav, March 2lst, Dave Preston and Gary Nes- bitt. Nelson Osborne introduced fthe speciai speaker. He eut- lined Mr. Blair's remarkable record as a hockey manager, and toid o! the support and encouragement he had given the Whitb.v Dunlops which had contrjbuted to the s.uccess cf the team. Mr. Blair gave the background of the Whitb 'v Dunlops' World Championship trijk He spoke e! the historv of the club and said fth at in 1953. the teamn, then known a Oshawa Lumbermen, plaved in Oshawa in the Sen- lor B League. After the Oshawa Arena burncd clown the team came to Boxvmanviiie to play. It did net draw well in Bowmanville and was in the red at the end of the seaEon, Mr. Blair told thc audience. He pointed eut that the teamn finished the hockey play-offs on the road, and xvo* the, Ontario Senior -B" title. The following year the tearn moved te Whitby, but the al- tendance xvas poor the fir5t season there. Ia the summer o! 1955 Mr. 'Blair tramped the streets of Whitby, he said, te get 33 people interested in put- ting money in the club. He ceou- vinced Dunlop te sponsor the club for $2,500. He stated that again the teàm xwon the Senior B Charnpionstiip cf Ontario. In 1956 the team mroved up te Senior A, after he cenvînc- ed the Eastern League te go Senior A, Mr. Blair explained. The club- xvon the league title, PETERBOROUGH TEACHERS' COLLEGE ONE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR COURSES are offered leading.to an Interirn Elementary-School Teacher's Certificate, valid in the elementary schools of Ontario. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 8, 1959. Descriptive bookiet 'Teaching in the Elementary Schoois of Ontario," free on request. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT FOR. ADMISSIONS *ONEYEARCOURSE: Standing in eight Grade 13 papers, one of which shall be English Composition* or English Literature. TWO-YEAR COURSE: Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course. INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the Coxnmittee of Selection. Secondary sehool students interested in êntering Teachers' C'ollege shouid applv for interview through the principal of their secondary school. Other applicants shol4ld write to: THE PRINCIPAL, PETERBOROUGH TEACHERS' COLLEGE 100 BENSON AVENUE " .@AM W A 4 A W * UAN . W vAw"? P MMAIY El (with mice during a school pro- gran, wit.h one group of mice A d d r- s.s .being given a diet of proper food and the other group an un- showing of the pictures. Dr. Seller answered questions froin 'Manager, iand beat Kitchener out for the Plasant. district presiderit for Ontario titie. The tearn aisoe East Durham Womnens' Institu- captured the Alian Club that tes. was also present for this season, hie remarked. m eeting, speaking briefly of In- Mr. Blair told of traeln- stitute projects and giving a to Edmonton in 1957 wih 61hugtprvkgt.alk on the page brief on why WhitbylImeaning of the Institute Ode- should go to Euro*e' for the *'"A goodly thing it is to meet in World's Championship. At this !friendship's circle bright, where meeting of the C.A.H.A. 69 del. nothing stains the pleasure egates voted unanimously for; sweet lier diras the radiant light. îWhitb.y, hie said. In 1957 tic) No unkind word our lips shall Lteam represented Canada at the 1-p.ass. ne 0n,,v'sour the mind, but World's Championship becaure each shall seek the common of the Hungarian revolution. weai,- the good of ail mankind." In September 1957, 35 play- The program wvas under the ers were on nand for training. leadership of Mrs. Mansel Fin- Mr. Blair said that ail players ney. Mrs. Harry Ryley gave the in the Allan Cup ChampionshiD evening's motte "A merry heart were assured of the trip over- kills more germs than medicine" seas, but neot ail would play. with a suitable commentary for Four new pl3ver3 were added every day living. ta the team, but hie later» re- -Mrs. Leonard Driver, Mrs. leased them, Mr. Blair said. On 1 Morgan Bigelow and Mrs. Mani- Novemiber 22nd, 1957, the qe inygv eosrto IWhitby Dunlops played RussiaseFinygvadmotrtn t atthe Mapie Leaf Gardens and of home made candy, gîving the' wonl 7-2. There were 14,000 païd recipes used and a deliclous admissions, Mr. Blair stated. sample of the finished product He told of acquiring four for every member. more new players, Connie Bro- A St. Patrick's contest given den, Jack MacKenzie, Jean by Mrs. Walter Neals was won Paul Lamirandi, and George by Mrs. Clarence Rowan, who Gosselin. Eariy in January,j received a suitable prize. 1958, the Whitby Dunlops sali- Mrs. Thomas Jennings pre- ed from New York for Liver- sided for the business sesson, pool. The team played several weicomin.g the guest speakers, exhibition gamtes enroute to the also two guests, Mrs. H. Gardin- World Tournament ia Osio, er of Mount Pleasant and Mrs. Norway. j H. L.Challice of Cavan, a form- The Whitby Dunlops defeated 1er district president. Russia 4-2 in the final gante a-id1 Anftounocement was made by won the World Championship. 1 the secretary. Mrs. Ralph Pres- Mr. Blair told of the fioods of ton of a short course te be heid cables sent from ail over Cai- Iil, Bethany on April ist, con- ada-"You will win," "You cerning "Treasures In Your At- must win,"-and this put a ter- tic,,; aiso of the Sunmmary Day rific amount of pressure on the for Durham County Girls Four Whitby players before the big H Club members to be held in gamte. Oron on April 2. Mrs. Raip~h The victory was celebrated. Preston and Mrs. Addison Scott with a big party after the gamte, were appointed ta continue as Mr. Blair said. He spoke of the leaders of the Bethany 4H Club Russian jplaycrs joining in the and Mrs. Ross Davidson expres- celebrations. The Whitby Du":- sed the members appreciation lops sailed for home on March of t he fine wvork in leadership 9th, 1958. Mr. Blair told the detne by ttese two ladies dur- Lions that he had spoken ati ing the past year. 75 banquets since returning Tne proceeds of the 'Bakeiess ' home te Canada hast year. Bake Sale" amounted ta $27.32. Dr. Edward Ewert thankeri An interesting letter was re- Mr. Blair for his interesting ceived from members of the address. The president of the Laverstoke Institute in England, Lions Club, Ralph Melntyre, i noting their customs, etc. also expressed appreciation a!Itwsareta en 1 1 the vivid description Mr. Blair t as grdteeew 5 had given cf the Whitby Duni-isu.bscriptions ta the Canadiani lops and their outstanding vi- Consumers Association Bulletin.1 tory. Mrs. Robert -Bur.gess, who is moving ta Bowmanviiie in the near future was presenïted with ..UEHÂNYthe customary gift ta departing BETHANYmembers, cf a cup and saucer, At te Woen'sInsttutewith Mrs. Earl Weatherilt mak- metingheid omn'sMony e-ing the presentation and expres- meetangtheldhoe fMrsna Palv- sing good wishes for the future, mera the progrmfeatred IHe al- with thaa,1ke for her work in the mtÀhe Econoam facs. ea-past as leader cf The Socialite Dr. Stuart Spelici- addiressed gep the greup and showed two films: Lunch was served bY the hos- one on Cancer, and how te de.- essafflisted by Mrs. Donald teet the seven most conimon Lewes, Mrs. H. Ryley, Mrs. M. danger signais cf this disease Bigelow, Mrs. LU Driver and and the research being donc te Mrs. M. Finney. combat it .. ..." Cancer can be Mrs. T. Jennîngs expressed cured if it is discovered in time." thanks te the gucat speakers, te The second film "Food For.Fred- the hostess and group members die" gave the basic ru les cf nu- for their educationai and enter- trîtion and good health, with taining programn. food guides te follow: also show- The April meeting will lie ing an Pxperiment carried out held at the home of Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel and will feature the annual election cf officei-s, Con- yen ors of ail standing commaitt- e es are asked te br4ng a report of their year's work ta this meet- what it is . .. . a ruthless state under which people sigh. He then weat on te show how mnankind is now face te, face with a ruîned earth but assur- ed his audience that mankind'si Creator will step ia and 'brineg te ruin those ruining the earth" by quoting Revelation 11:18. 'How will he do this." he asked, and, "how xiii he make possible a global paradise?" His answer was, thz? means bv, which God wiil do this is a kingdom, God's Kingdom." Thd, " ingdom", he explain- eisbeing preached tcday in ail the carth in fulfilîment of Matthew 24:14 and is soon te aceomplish God's purpose te restere *th-e earth te a paradise condition." Ha concluded with the state- ment, "Let aIl men of good will rejoica that,. net a ruined earth. but a paradise earth is at hand . . . threugh God's Kingdom." Nine Witriesses wcre baptiz- cd ini a SaturdaY immersion service at the Newcastle Cern- munity Hall and \viii take up e,& AND'DISTINCTIOÔN . Chevy brîngs you the most ex- citing lines . .. style that will stay new over the ycars. R.OY BOWMANVILLE-- * CCSJ .~lL.LfN b O .lSClI ST Vll LAé ~T4tlL.T Y S A . M R t. l Local delegates atteading the, Sunday afternoon session o! the three-day meet of' Jeho- vah's Witaesseg at Newcastle last weekend heard Mr. White, representatIve of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, open is public talk, "A Para- dise Earth Through God's Kinig- dom", with the statement, "If a paradise earth had te cerne at the hands of men it would neyer corne." The talk, attend- cd by 390, xvas widely adver- tised in the area. He supperted this statement by queting Hîtler's declaration that "The National Socialist Reich will endure a thousand years", and then showcd how he switched te a policy cf suIe or ruin. He al.so drew attention te the statement cf Nicholai Lenin, founder o! the Soviet state, who once spoke cf "the truly revolutionary struggle of the oppressed ciass for the crea- tien of a paradise carth," and then pointed eut that the thou- sands cf refugees from behind the Iron Curtain have calhed comrnunismn's 'paradise" by a dîfferent name, exposing it fori Daddv's voice .. *0rns hefirse if many rttrm and underfut mome'ntsç in store for Suzie: moments that uill cone to her, by tdlephon, ber rihole life througlt. ~__ The lives cf Ailof us are coristantly enriched by hearing the s'oices cf aur children, our parents, our friends - loved ones who may be eut cf sight or far away but are neyer out of reach by telephone. The telephone keeps us in touch with them al - givixg us se niuch for so littie. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CAN ADA4 "'e' Comnsunity Band nhe B et ha ny Communlty B.and. dircctad by Ernest Vic- torn presented a very fine con- cert in the Town HalIl on Wcd- nesdiay avenirig. The programn inicludedt: 'Me Max-o- Chamnp- ions on Parade, Ava Marie, Deep River Rhapsody, Event cf the Day Max-ch. Ode te Music, Great 'Gates o! Kieff; Pralude in C. Minor. A group cf Scotch Folk Songs, Wavcs of Danube Waitz, Oerture-Pa.cific Granduer, nhe Tumphal Marcm. Nine beginners, whe Joined the Band last fail made hi first appearance playing Hurs- ley's arrangement of the hymnn "Sun of My Seul." nhe lucky door prîze, a Brow- nie Star Flash camera was won k~by Mrs. J. J. Clark, with Lyndia Neals drawing tihe lueky ticket for her. The, losing umnber by &il 21 meinba-s of the band %ms Creations Hymn followed by t.he National Antheni. Ladies GuiId 'The Ladies Guild of St. Paul'a Pnlian CWer c eeete hol a Po thLuck'Sue o r ouglas a wproesivencuchr par.yEo "Penny Tle."n h dvtos Mienew uidiverresprchase Gor tectwrh kithen wasudis rportyedvn Mrs. GJoEnMeae Paseed emae furtfrmer enprureiveabu ne Aartyhn i0. The me wbersogre t seiewat the Crch. urha frthe cnext. imeen w«is- b hlaei d we rhiG.E.tîha us onqAril l&bot tt5ew bor onMr Carci smith. r frth ase sc althe Cur wscnyc a Thîe loe o!th meeting with lunch, servcd by the hostess as- isisted by Mrs. G. Wentwox-th jan.d Mrs. Robert isn Granite. anc of the most per- manent of building stones, is fourid ini almost evary Canadian provi£nce.' Canada. despite the fantastic gi-owth of manufacturing in thp last '%,o decades. qtýIll s the e world*s largest net importer of tuLly na.nfactured goodi. Cartwright Purchases New Grader -Snow PIow Goes Af fer Tax Arrears! Ail merabers of Cartwright council were present on Mard',i 2nd for the regular meeting et Blackstock. Thare aise was a special meeting of council on Feb, 17th to discuss tax ar- rears and the purchase cf P new grader-snowplow. 0f the cight tenders subrit- ted, only three qualified o n specifications. As a resuit of Couricil's vetiag, the tender of the Adams grader was accept- cd on motion cf Counciliors Merrill Van Camp and Bert Gibson. Total price is $28,4.74 iess $6.000 trade in on the 1951 Adams grader. Payments were extended over twe years. The Dept. o! Hdighwavs and the Municipal Board wiil have to approve these arrangements. A discussion on township fi- nances showed that the counici - had operated et a deficit o! ai- mest $2,000 during 1958 after total expenditures of approxi- mately $17,500. It was poirited out that tax arrears accru:ig for three years and more amounted te morel than .$9,000. A resolutien was passed for the tax collecter ta take légal action if necessary te recover the arrears. Othier business included the rcappointment of Wm. Forder as livestock valuator, an ini- crease ha salary for assessor Ed1 Sues, a change in garbageicol- lection levy se charges against vacant lots wili be omitted. Osmond Wright's tender of $275 was accepted as livestock inspecter under the Warble Fly Act- and a primarv inspec- tien cf ail cattie in the tewn- sh'p w:11 be coaîpleted during thé period April 10-lBth. Final treatment and inspection wil be crie. month later. Township aquipment wili be available if sufficierit ratepavers désire it, and the cost wilil be 20c. per animal per tnîp and the pewder 50c. Dar pound. Several members cf council requested a change in the date of meetings; It was agreed that the next meeting would be held April lst at 1 .m ministeriai. work in this prov- ince. At the coiiclusi9fl of the con- vention the Witnesses una ai- mousl'; cxpressed appreciatien te the people and officiais of the town for their hospitality. The Bowmanville congrega- tion wiil follow-up this asseni- bly xvîth a public lecture enti- tled "Shouid Worldly Science Weak2iî Your Faith?" next Sun- day, March 14, 7:00 p.m. at their Kingdom Hall. 7 Pine Street, Bowmanviile. Edward Strom- gren, a minister from Oshawa, xiii deliver thé sermon. Final Plans For Hospital Birihdlay Party Final plans were made at the meeting cf the Womens' Hospital Aux. on Friday Mar. 6, for the annuai Birthdav Tea to be held on Thursday afternoo n, March i9th at the Lions Cern- munit 'v Centre. This yearly event is oe of the outstariding events each season, and again promises te be a delightful af- fair. Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason is the converier. It was announced by the prco- sident, Mrs. Bruce Mutton, that, the district regional hospitai auxiliary meeting will be hell at the Civic Hospital, Peterbor. ough, on Thursday evening. March 26th. Members are to in- form Mrs. L. W. DiPPell if they wLish to attend. Mrs. Joe O'Neill reported that $53.65 had been handed 'n fr0 the Marathon Bridge. M Duncan Smith told the meeting that one wvheelchair had becri W purchased for use in the hosp:- tai. It was decided to buy two more wheelchairs. The auditors report for 1958 was submitted by M. L. Roenigk. Following the meeting tea was served by Mrs. Kate Ba- neil and Mrs. Stanley Wilkins. MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALIT'? MA RKER-,; OF STAFFORD BROS. FAMIL 4À dikabh MONUENTS DidW Stafford Brou. Monumental Works 318 Dundai St. E., Wbltby Phone Whitby NrOhawk 8-3552 SPECIAL! Clearance of KITCHEN CABINETS SELLINC AT LESS TRAN COST (WHILE STOCK LASTS) -May be purchased by separate units 'or Complete Kitchen A1so. UNFINISHEID KITCHEN CABINETS made to size FOR BASE CABINETS -$ 12.00' l t with Arborite Counter Tops WALL CABINETS $5.00 Pe May be Seen at Wm. M. ALLUN CABINET*SHOP 19 Scugog St. Bowmanvllle (Just Off King St. West) e FINISH... -~Magic-Mirror finish needs only washing te retamn new-car sheen for up to three years. A NEW CEVR@LET MODEL, TEE ELEGANT AND GLAMOROUS OnIy Chevrolet eouId fash ion this 2-dier harditop heaugy ... andl priep il ao low! lt's here today - Chevrolet's spanking new Bel Air Sport Coupe, wcaring the most attractive prîce tag you'Il find on a hardtop anywhere. And that thcre's even more to this beauty than meets the eye. You'I find that cvery Chev- rolet brings you standard equipment extra-value featmes that you just can't buy in other cars, even at extra cost. Cerne in teday and, look over Chevrolet's glamorous new hardtop. It's at your Chevrolet dcaler's, now. e&tipWt INTERIORS... You'il wonder how any car priccd se low can offer you se much luxury and comfort. em 4* INSTRUMENT PANEL.. Chevrolet's wide, eay-to-read instrument panel is a marvel o! fuactional design. DOORS.... Chevrolet's wide domr make getting in and eut sro easy. PI COURTICE E. b -~ Nearly '400 A tte'nd 1 Hear, Jehovah. Minister' Discuss Paradise Earth, eeit... try It...ILldj! 1 19/~OE 39 See your authorized Chevrolet Dealer W. NIC HOL S ,mý 1 Il- 1 - emqum" - -, - Wpffl- TEtTRSDAY, M". iffl, leU