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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1959, p. 11

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à -S - --M . th, 195 VA.L! !'j TEE CA(AD!AN STATZSMffl BMÂ7A7VT!. O NTARIO' ApwEd Pon-32 ,flewcasdie- 1 Social anad [Jersonal Open House was held at the Oshawa and District Cerebral Palsy School in Simcoe Hall, Oshawa, on Friday evening, Marci 13. Those attending from .Newcastle were Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. David Gray and family, Mrs. Archie Glenney, Mrs. Kenneth Dean, Mrs. Charles Megit, Mrs. Marie Gartshore. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard entertained at a family gather- ing on Sunday in honour of the COUNCIL 0F TIRE TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE NOTICE TO ELECTORS of the TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AIEA OF CLARKE In regular meeting dated March llth, 1959, the Council of the Township of Clarke Xssed the following Resolution: ~'Resolve that the necessary by-iaws be prepared for dis- solution of the Township Nchool Area of Clarke and to establish the former school sections now formed Ini the said Area as School Sections No. 1, No. 4, No. 8, No. 9. No. 13, No. 17 and No. 21 respectlvely. The said draft by-laws to be presented to Council as soon as possible." 1, the undersigried, hereby tertify the above Resolution to be a true copy of Resolution No. 34 passed in Council on March1 llth, 1959. H. E. MILLSON, Clerk.1 Freel birthday of bis mother, Mrs. Walter Rickard. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buxton and family, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard and family, Shaw's and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farr and family of Toronto. Mrs. H. R. Pearce bas return- ed home following a three weeks' visit ini Brighton and Belleville. Friends of Mrs. Bruce Wbhit- nev will be sorry to learn that she is a patient in hospital fol- lowing a painful accident on Sunday evening during the storm when she had the mis- fortune to fali on the ice su!- fering a fractured limb. Messrs. John Voutt and Wm. McCracken were in Toronto on Saturday where they attended the Sportsnîens' Show. Mr. Vance Sutton of Toronto, spent the weekend visiting with Miss B. Mclntosh. Mr. and Mrs. Adair of To- ronto were weekend guests with The Rev. D. R. and Mrs. Dewdney at the Rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Gray an-' familv have moved loto theiri new home on Beaver street for- merly owned by Mr. Mult. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John Stemp and Mrs. Henry Besey of Uxbridge, visited with Mr. ancd Mrs. Johni Votutt and farnily on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wyno of Brantford were recent guests with Miss Olive Thorne. Mrs. John Ferguson and Miss B. S. McIntosh have returned home foilowing a visit with friends in Toronto. Mrs. J. J. Foley of Toronto, is visiting with ber sister-in- law, Mrs. Stella Anderson. Miss Peggy Pecarce of Toron- to, spent the weekend visiting, with her mother, Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Ai- bert Pearce and family. Miss Ruth Hancock is visiting. Free!I BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAI> AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Siaxup Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and See Our Display of Gifts - Complete Lubrication at a Reasonablo Price ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Sunday's Wind Storm lnterrupts Power and Dama ges Buildings NEWCASTLE - The terrific storm which bit southern On- tario on Sunday evening with winds reported up to 70 miles per hour took its buo!o tree limbs and garage New- castle and district, and was tbe cause o! a power interrup- tion lasbing about an hour and a bal!. A trce limb measuring about a foot at the base broke loase from oe of the large b-ces on the south side of King Strcet East opposite the Community Park causing havoc with the power system and disrupting power throughout the village while hydro workman fought the elements and repaired the damage. Other damage reported as a resuit of bbe storm includes bwa garage roofs, the property of Bei-t De Bruin and Albert Pearce, wblch were lifbed off the buildings and carried for a distance before settling on the ground, while a garage roof, the property of Dick Lovekin, R. R. 2, caved in as a resuit of the wind. Considerable other damage of a miner nature has been re- ported as a resuit o! the big b low. Add Many New Books To Local Library Shelvesl NEWCASTLE- The follow- ing ncw books have recently been added to the Newcastle Memorial Library for loan to members: Varied Operations- Bruce; Niagara, Hinge o! bhe Golden Arc-Campbell; Tari-y Beeks and Velvet Garters - Snlder; And a Right Good Crew --Kirnborough; The Three Ed wards- Costain; The Klon- dyke --Beiton: Without Fear Or Favour Or Affection- K-2mp; The Grey Seas Under- Mowat: On My Own-Roose- veit: Memoirs o! Field Mont- gomnery -' Montgomnery; Heavy Windows -- Baldwin; John Black o! Old Kildonan-Knox: Grewiog Flowers - Tobe; I Sailed With Rasrnussen-Freu- chen; The Watch That Ends The Night-McLellao;- A Hear- se o! Any Other Colour-Fitz- gerald; Tethers End - Alling- ton; Womcn and Thos. Ilar- row-Markand; The Trouble With Lazy Ethel-Gann; The Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot - with her brother, Mr. Adair 1 Hancock and family in Toron-' to. 1Mrs. M.. C. Fisher and Mrs. R. C. White of Newtonville, were among the delegates at- tending the meeting of the Con- ference Branch o! the Woman's Missionary Society of the Bay of Quinte Conference meeting in George Street United Churcli in Peterborough last week. Some 300 persons were in attendance at the Ladies' Night of the Durham Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 66 held in the coi-n- munity hall on Friday evening. The large gathering wvas enter- tained by Professional talent from Toronto followed by danc- ing. Mrs. Mer.-Ill Ferguson will be the guest speaker at the W. M.S. Thank-offering meeting on Tuesday afternoon when members of the society from Orono and Newtonville are ex- pected to attend. Mrs. Ferguson. who with her husband the Rev. Merrili Ferguson have recently returned from the Mission Fields in Angola, wîll also ad- dress the Explorers and C.G. I.T. meetings in the evening at 7 o'clock. Phone Clarke 2703 SUD LANCASTER GARAGE Massey-Ferguson Sales & Service Dear Farmner Friends: Wouldn't you 1ke a check £rom Clare Burt for $100? Here's an offer you can't afford ta pass up, from Clare Burt, star of the Massey-Ferguson Farm Reporter radio show. If you buy a Ferguson 35 Tractor now, he'll send you a check for $100 cash! But hurry - this offer is for a Iimited time only. You'v'e seen this wonderful tracter and ,ve know you'd sure like tao own one. But you've probablv neyer guessed you could ovun ane for se uittle. Why don't ;-ou drop in todav an d sec this great tracter for yourself. The "35"' cornes in the bow cost Special, Deluxe and Diesel models. ' - Rerember, your award will be better farming and Clare Burt's check for $100. Sincerely, Sid Lancaster NEWCASTLE - The Cana- dians took the local Pee Wee Championsbip series in bwo sti-aig4ht over tbe Leafs last week to becomea the Village Pee Wee Champions. , 1 On Thursday the Canadiansý defeated the Leafs 5 to 2 ta jump ino a one game lead in th2 final series. Don Rickardý with 2 and Wayne Megit, Bill Scott and Ron Goode, were the scorers for the winne-s xithî assists going ta Rickic Pearce, Wayn2 Megit (2), Ronnie Goode and Danny Hai-ris. Peter McCullough una.ssistedý and Jim Stephenson fi-rn John Brinkman, were responsible fori the bwo Leaf goals. Petzr Miller, (2), Bob Banîd- stra, John Brinkman, o! bbc Leafs and Wayne Megit, Don Rickard, and Danny Rai-risi each book their burn sitting eutl Penalties on the bench. On Saturday the Canadians again defcated the Leafs by a 5 ta 2 score to sew up the sen- ics and win tbe champi-..s-ip.,. Don' Rickard and Wayne Megit with two each and Bill Scott with one wene bbe goal scorersý for bbc winncrs. The two Lea! goals were scored by Scott Ru- delI from Peter McCuliough and Peter McCullough from Scott Rudeli.- 1 Fred Alldnead o! the Cana- dians sat lb eut through three two minute penalties while Scott Rudeli was given the only Leaf penalty.'1 Don Rickard of the Cana-I dians book the goal scoring charnpionship with 8 goals and foui- assists for a tot al of 12 points while Neil Voutt; and Peter Lake o! the Rang2rs ended up a close second wvith Il points each.* Congratulations to the win- ners and better luck next year for the lasers is oui- wîsh. Start Quilt à à là .0 NEW MASSEY-FERGUSON "'85"' TRACTOR-AI-new Massey-Ferguaon "85e' tractor, just introduced to the farmn market, is a star feature of M-F's new 1959 product line. The new 5- plow "85" in the largest unit availabie with the world-famous Ferguson systeni. A feature attraction nt the M-F "Show of Progress" ini Detroit, the new tractor is built to neet the demand, in large- scale general and row-crop farming operations, for a higher capacity Ferguson systeni tractor-a prod adiion to the Company's already wide range of tractors and other farm equipment. Marked by he istnctveM-F styling and color, the new "85" is being marketed and supported by the Company'a extensive branci, dealer, and service organization. Water Resources Commission Plans Tests for Water Suoolv Wilson; Ordeal By Innocence- Christie; Warden o! Srnoke NWATEAlte a Bell-Leweilyn; The Obvieus NWATFAlte a Salution--Gregg; He Wiil Re. read at the Mai-ch meeting of11 turn-Reynolcls; Doctor Zhev- the village council informing( ago-astenak Ann andHercounicil that the Water Resour-1 ag-ater-ak; nn;A MaHerces Commission of Ontarioi Had Tail Sons-Ostense; Vic- planned to make tests in the1 borine-Keyes; Husband For' village in order to find a pli-t Victor-ia--Wilkins; Cousin Har- tiful supply of water in dloser rnet - Tweedsmuir; Hornblow- proximity to the village than er in the West Indies-Fores- that originallY plaoned for the: ter; The Rainbow and the Rose local waterworks system. 1( -Shute. An engineer from the Depart-1 JuvPll eet Mos- mnt o! Highwa ' s was presentit The airyDoll Davd: Ms. t explaixi the reasons for turn-c es, Joseph; Ruth: Mouse House; ingkNorth and Manvers st-eetst Stone Cottage Mystery; Paint bcrne 1 the village and after ' Blac Hore; ystey 1 omediscussion council askcdt Io Ho Cottage; Jet Planes Workth lrtowteoteD-2 Like This, Craft For Schaol partrnent inferrng thern thati and Home; How Long They icouncil woubd 'lot agrec to the Heled s; heAssandth change until bhe roads wer Ox; Bless Them Al;, Name the pt i odsae Day: Carol of Long Chance bhird andi final readiog was Mine; Romance at Courtesy given a bylaw to rescind the Beod, The Story o! the Holly and the Ivy Blossom; Raa Works Like This. Rar 4 T 1LLlbiqI c I pin bail bylaw and the resgina- tions o! Douglas Walton ad Gordon Gray from bbhe Recrea- tion Committee were accpd with Messrs. Wrn. Storksan Sam Brereton being appoinfed to fili the vacancies. Mrs. Wrn. Rudell addressed couincil seeking permission for the Red Cross Society t0 con- duct a canvass in the village. Mr. Chas. Megît on hehaîf of the Horticultural Society re- quested the usual $35 grant for the society which was granted. The annual report of the Coun- ties Council was received and a motion passed acceptiog Ithe report. A delegation fromt the Public Schooi Board was prescnt ancd stated the board had decided to dclay the building o! two ad- ditional rooms for a year or 1ieme of March W.A. Meeting NEWCASTLE - The regular meeting o!thie Woman's Asso- ciation of the Newcastle United C-hurch was held in the Sunday Scbool hall on Thursday, Mar. 12, with Mrs. Clarence Ailin presiding. The worship service included scripture reading by Mrs. Sow- den, a poemn "By Bread Alone" by Edna Jacques was read by Mrs. James Brown and another Easter reading wvas given by Mrs. George Allin !oblowcd by a vocal solo by Mrs. Rednap with piano accompanirnent by, Mrs. Hoar.1 Mrs. Clarence Allun openedý the business portion e! the meeting wvith prayer. The min- utes of the January meeting wcre read by Mrs. Colwill and the treasurer's report wvas read by Mrs. Dickinson. The associa- tien met in four greups in Feb- ruai-y in the homes and reports' of e ach cf these graups were given o! their February meet- ings. Red Cross Canvass Here This Weekend NEWCASTLE - We have been informed by Mrs. Wm. RudeIl the local member o! the District Branch o! tbe Canadian Red Cross Society at Bowman- ville that bbe annual canvass for funds in Newcastle is being carried eut Ibis weekend and citizens o! the village are urgedI ta be as generous as passible when the canvasser cal. Plans have been made a s tablish a boan cupboard in Bow- manville, where wheelchairs, crutches, hospital bcds etc., will be available en lban for resi- dents of this district on an order from your doctor. Blood is aise being made available fi-ce for transfusions by the Red Cross and it is expeted a blood don- ors' mobile clinic will bc ini the ai-ca shortly for those wha wish ta denate bload ta Ibis cause. These are ail fine servicesi h..G thov , qt mnnf-v, and sa ha 1 !At MVeetingj generous wibb your gifts as l collections will be kept by bbe ~ÂIA Ilocal branch ta finance these Evening VV.A-. services and net sent ba head- quai-bers as in the past. NEWCASTLE-The Evening Branch o! St. George's Wom- an's Auxîliary met in the Par- TYR ONE ish Hall on March 111h for a regulai- business and sewing Mi-. and Mi-s.K. Acheson, meeting. Scarborough: Mr. and Mi-s. Alex The opening prayers were Sytnyk and familv, Whitby: Mrs. follwedbv te rport o!t:i M. Grant and childi-en, Oshawa. -arioLuS officers and during the were Sundar visitors o! Mi-. andi business part o! the meeting Mrs. J. Hilîs, the occasion Mr plans .*wÀere discussed for show- Hilîs' birthda.v. Congratulations. ing ot a film and a demonstra-I The St. Patrick Tea and baz- tian o! Wedgewood China. Il is aar wvas well attended on Tues- planned to hold tbis demon- day. The East aod West Gi-oups stration during tbe month o!f of W.A. were in charge. Presi- April. dent Mrs. A. Hamilton opened As bbc next regular meeting the tea, and ail sang a hynin. night falis in Holy Week the Many thanks toalal who helped. mnibers dccided tr attend th-e Froceeds $70. Holy Week Service in bbc church at 8 p.m. and bold a The Canadian Red Cross So- short business meeting follow- ciety has been sei-ving Canada iog the service. Talent money and tbe world since 1909. will be due at this lime. Last vear almost 23,000 Can- Flwing the business partadians borrowed sickroern sup- o! the meeting the niembers 1plies from the. Canadian Rrd frameil a quilt and began thetCros-s lan cupboards in over quJ:ltîng. later coocluding the 500 communities. This i3 a fi-e meýeting wîth tea. service.-11 Mrs. Allin gave an account a! the trip and activities at the Five Oaks Camp for leaders whicb she had attended on March 10 and Il. The meeting closcd with the serving o! refi-csbments. The April me2etings will be held in greups in the homes and the next full meeting will be held in the Sunday School i0 May. RESTAU RANT - - - - -- - - - - 9E 9 - - i two and to but the basement room into shape for a class- roorn ta accommodate tbe extra pupils expecbed next Septem- ber. E. Richard Lovekin was i-e- taincd as village solicitor for the year 1959 to prepare by- laws and conduct the usual le- gaI business for the municipal- ity. Lions Midgets Lose Round To Keene Team NEWCASTLE-The Newcas- tle Lions Club Midget Hockey tcamn met their Waterloo last week when the Keene Chamn- pionship Hockey team koocked tbemn off in a twa garne series by a total score of 28 ta 6. In the first game played in the Peterborough Civic Arena the Keene boys showed their superiority ta the local beani and left the arena with a twelve baving defeated the lo- cal lads by a 15 ta 3 score. Thirteen proved to be a lucky number for the Keene squad when they met the local lads in a second garne in Port Hope last Wednesday when tbey de- feated the local lads by a.score o! 13 to 3 ta take the series and move up ino the final series o! the Ontario Minai- Hockey Association Midget D finals. ôinner Fresh Lobster Cocktail Let's Look Back 10 Years Ago iln Newcastle March 17, 1949 An overflow public meeting answered a resounding YES to the question does Newcastle want an arena? and voted con- fidence in the comilittce ta complete the details. Messrs. H. T. Manes and W. F. Riekard thoughl favouring the building of an arena, doubted wvhethtr the villagle could eipport it when buit. Rcv. W. W. Patter- son said it was flot a case of buýIdinjg the best arena. but of ever.yone supporting the best one the town could afford ta supplN, and not go running ta Bowmanville if they got arti- ficial ice. The report of the Memorlia librarv showed an aduit mem- bership of 239 and childrsn .2.. Circulation showed-adult norî= fiction, 1321, Juvenile non-f:c- tion 590. Fiction books loaned wvere aduit 5405 and juvenile 1323. C. R. Carveth xvas Li- brarv Chairman and Miss C. Butler Librarian. ?rs. George Wallon enter- tained on Frida.y evening ini honour of her father's 78tii birthday. Major Dudley had re- cuperated from his rccent ilI- ness and really enjoyed the party. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rickard and son David had just return-. ed home from a holiday in Florida. Gel Cash To-day For Old Appliaûices througb STATESMAN C LA S SIFIE DS Phone MArket 3-3303 4,500,000 Motorists Choose State Farm Why? They enjoy top.; notch protection and1 rock-bottoni rates on auto insurance. Do you? Cali Ine. DIRK BRINKMAN Mill St. N. I~I Telephone 3671 l - Newcastle Ste Fms Mmli ibi ls hwame tuna Canadian Head Office: Taranto BOWMANVILLE Situated at Highway 401 Cut-off M enu Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Relish Tray Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit or V-8 Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings Roast Hait Spring Chicken, Crabapple JeIly Baked Virginia Ham, Pineapple Sauce Broiled N.Y. Cut Sirloin Steak, Fried Mushrooms Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Yorkshire Pudding Deep Fried Sea Scallops, Tartar Sauce Broiled Loin but Pork Chops, Green Applesauce Roast Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce Breaded MiIk-fed Veal Cutlet, Mushroom Sauce Sliced Cold Roast Turkey Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown Roils Assorted Fruit Pie Mint Parfait Tea - Boiled - or Whipped Potatoes Muffins Butter Fresh Fruit Jello, Whipped Crearn Cheese Tray French Pastry Coffee A LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks, served with Mushroom Caps and French Fried Onions MIlk k. Canadians Win Tiffe ,ln 2 Straight Games R.R. 2, Newcastle tUURSDA'T, SM. Ifth, 109 M-OMM - 1 PA93Z Ett'VXN Weeýend

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