~USAMAR. l9th, 1959 i -M X-ADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMVLL!, ONTAfl!O PAS. ~ *The Orono News kV Telephone 127 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, T'oronto; Mr. Arthur Nobel, Ta- b)er, Alberta; Mr. Gordon Leask, Solina; Mrs. Dean Hodgson, Mrs. Glenn Hodgson and son David Glenn. Bowmanville, visjted Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. XVm. Mitchell and their weekend guest Mrs. T. M. Bulpitt.: Willowd.ale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, Bow- Rranville. on Saturday. Mr. a»o1 Mrs. Harvev Aiken, NGNEY, AVAILABLE FOR NOITGAGES EALPH S. JOIES Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 Millbrook, Oscar EIv ited Mr. ai ice and fai from the( Farmers t( Mr. and Toronto; 1N oper, Oshi Mrs. O. S. Con grati people int ceived the 9hâp pape: week. Miss V. spent the Noden. Mr. and Mr. and M~ supper guE R. E. Logai Mr. and attended t grandfathe: Mr. and David and1 sperit the m~ Mrs. G. L. Mrs. E Here 's how busy save Haven't time ta get to the bank ? Then you necd tic B ofM banking-by-mail plan. You can get full details, wit' o ut obligation, at your nearest B of M branch. Why flot cal!i in et write today ? BANK-BV- M Nothing ceuld be simpler . .. T'he B of! M's new mail deposit-fonm - carbon-requjirect"papen - eliminatest nepetitive ivriting or messy carbons. Yotumnake atit only one deposit-slip. Pi second copy wlîich cornes back fromn the B; ccipt . .. and a third copy which you keep fai WVe supply a pre-addressed env'elope -v whidi you can use for youn next deposit. It cames back yaur receipted deposit slip. ?Jkoyub eur alwt : lt's ocsy te sav. when >au banx by mail of "MY BANK" Aik for or,. of our monk- ing-by-mail f aider,. it coh $ave you time, trouble and sAc. other BANK 0OF MONT. Bowmanville Branci: Oshawa Branci: JAMES BEI] JAMES McCANSI WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK 0F For Those MEA.TLE bDURIý Raisin Cottc 1 lb. Cottage Cheese (t*len Rae Dairy 1/3 cup Sugar 1/4 cup Milk (Glen Rae Dairy 3 Eggs beaten 1/2 fsp. Sali 1/2 cup Chopped Raisin: Bind and Juice of on 1Ilsp. Melted Butler Press cheese throtîgh a fine until vvell mixed. Line a deep pan' deg. tintil çrust is a light brown. baking in a inoderate oven 330 deg COTTAGE CHEESE availai manville, and drivers.Also f ron White Grocery, Bowinanville, and GLEN 98 RING ST. W. and their cousin, Mr. ;ss, Brock, Sask., vis- Lnd Mrs. Orville Chall- unily on bis return trip delegation of Western ýo Ott.awa. iMrs. John Conrill, \r. and Mrs. Jack CO'- tawa, visited Mr. and in Dundas and Stonev Creek for a week. The Clark Township Teachers held their meeting at Enterprise School on Mond.a,. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Chat- terton wbo recently sold their farm are moving into their new bouse on Centre Street. Mrs. Talbot Findlay. Thorn- hilI. vsited Mr. and Mrs. James Ball. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Stewart, St. Catharines, *isite1 Mrs. J.AE. Richards on their return trip fram spendinga a week with their son and family in Lachine, Que- bec. ~'..n aci rs (ec~ Jnc onj erof the graduating clas.s at C- ýbc daily at Dairy. Kiîî S t. W.. Bow- Sundav'. P.H.S. of 1958. wva3 the Valcdic- ofimale .Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hancock,i tor:ani at the Commencement FrJi 'td f n: Domninion Stores and Tatc's Red & Pont Hope, visited Mr. and Mrz j Exée-ces on Fniday îast. Mis an nGBC Tel-*i d Tom's I.G.A., New castle. Robent Hancock and famnily. . Geach presented ber addrcss in special ititrodudory i Mn. Newvto-i Cobbledick pas- a most pleasing and effective ~ ,ec Pd awax' at Memnonial Hosoita!. mann-r vhicli is truc of t*he$30. WcC af*er a be! l:esÏ .Fuinerê;l Entertainnient t %visr.'a- Ooro Un*ted C ri The enterta.nnment pcor k E 1 cmx'Y :-,S,înri*,.\-af:,ernaar.. Inter- -t vn:r.g waz prce'erI, --me-,-.n :r roCe-ne*erv. t«ue 5s1den*s arnd enjax cd bva.! MA 3-5444 N\7î. 'ci M:î Harolld Dean prese'. .The Gee Ciub sa. ~~\ Spr mnîrig in the e:x numbers being "0 sacrevi soutnern States.' Heart*», "Joshua Fýt the Battlel R4 -Mrs. Archie McLaren bas re- ýulations te h fi turned home from Memomial Orono ditrict fboe Hospital, Bowmanville. eir Canadâan Citizen- Mn. Bruce W. Guster bas join- Above is the new Bel Air Sport Coupe, a two- door hardtop Model in Chevrolet's rs in Cobourg îast ed the Oshawa Police Farce. moderate price range iritroduced by General Motors of Canada to meet growing Congratulations to Mr. and customner demand for hardtop styling. The Sport Coupe offers exceptional driver iola Noden, Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Riddlell on tbeir 45tb weekend with Mrs. J. wedding anniversary March 17. visibility. Mr. and Mms. Jîm Lambj and 1Mrs. Alex Watson, Karen, Scarb3orough, spent the 0 0: 0... o f Jericho," "Ah Got a Home drs. Chas. Woodi were weekend with Mrs. Thornton O Innr o -a That Rock," "Hail Poetry", int o Mr. nd rs. Mr. Alfred Little passed away Trombones." O Sacret Heant i ons Suvndiay. Monday, Macb 16 in Memorial l .j.... fI was an outstanding number of Lh Mrs. MarvinfLunnHospital, Bowmanville. C oQfles jjiiu r iRPviPUJ the selections presenting very he fineOilal f er ivss Bertha Cain eturned to WU V fine barmony. The members of r nOnliah er Classroom on Monday wîth At the Orono Chamber of the by-law in force as it would th, Glee Club were absent Mrs. Donald McGee, ber Ieft arm in a cast. Commerce meeting recently an assist in having the. bu ilding~ somne members due to measies Lesley. Richmond Hill Miss Grace Gibbs, operaton a t înteresting presentation of views completed in an organized and poor road conditions. veekend with Mr. and Onono Telephone is a patient in weire stated wben Mr. R. R. manner. H. M. Mercer stated Another feature of the even- McGee. Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Waddell brougbt forth the sub- that most of tbe Village was ing was the presentation of 'arl Grady is visiting ville. ject of Sub-division Control. already built up and little et- "Helena's Husband" which was One way to find out how much Views fromn both sides were fect would be feit. Only one or supported by an able cast from Omono News is read and enjoyed presented in an heur discus- two ameas, he said, remained to the student body. The play was is to just skip a week- and tben sion. b. developed and tbese could -' -act comedy where Mene- receive a number cf 'phone calls Mr. Waddell stated that due be done with a common we1. là king of Sparta, outwitted pe p e in that week-. It was sent in as Sub-division Control By-law R. C. Forrester supported tl; , ý e, Helena. a woman he usual- but somehow became whic'n was passed for the Vil- by-law stating that in his opin. scorned, te elope with another *delayed enroute until Thunsday lage of Orono and surrounding ion the by-law was necess.ary man. The king's enjoyment d 'mornnng too late to be printed. 'area could be squasbed. He un- as a first step in planning. The over the loss of bis wife was r THURSDAY- 'Mhe regular derstood that the Township Department ef Health has set short-lived for he found that a an meeting of the Evening Auxili- Council is considering repeal- tbe lot size of 15,000 square, king must upbold bis valour. ary will ibe beld at 8:15 p.m. ing tbis present by-law with feet where there was no ser- As a result be xvas forced ta Mrs. R. Chater will be the guest onle wbich would be properly vices aftem study and with con- war, over bis unwanted wife, te M ~speaker and will acquaint the passed. cern ta health factors. He fet protect bis rame and honour. g.noup with the work et the Red The by-law, if to become law they cculd dispute the heaith Pamca Rd ad Per '4 ~Cross. would seriously stop gowth of factor as set up by the Depart. Loucks, as Helena and Mene- NEXT SUNIJAY at Orono Uni- building in Orono, be said. The ment of Health. laus, stanred in the production ted Church there will be the re- Village is too small for such Some lots in Orono. be stat- and weme suppanted bv ay ception of xembers by profes- a control and lots ot 15,000 ed, did flot leave room for sew- ryn Foster, as Helena's slave,' sion of faith and bx' transfen. square feet wene flot needed age disposai and a well accord- Andv Sutcb, the king's librar- Communion will -be served at or wanted. ing ta the Department's stand- ian and Cornelius Maantense as Il .m.A secil srvie cn-Mr. Waddell, was of the OP-, ards (where the well shouhd bý, Paris. the stranger wbo won ducted bv the Young People inion that tbe by-law should 50 feet away tramn anv disposa', the ciueen's tavour. will be held at 7:30 p.m. nhe be held up until the Village area.) Othen lots faced inade- Following the exercises the High Scbool Glee Club will take had public waten and sewage. quate roads where fna noom graduates. award winners and a maor prt i theservce. At the present time, with nei- would be available for side- guests wene ent2rtained ata pat n hesevie. ther, a lot would have ta be walks and other services. reception in the basement of 15,000 squame feet. Under a Mm. Gordon Cotter outlined the Hall.-Times. (Intended for last week) special arrangement wbereby that we hook towamd 'ndustrýy Mrs. R. Hazelton, Oshawa, a number of lots are supplied and miore housing in the amea and Ronnie Eamle, Minden, vis- fnom a cammon well the lot and felt that financial assistance ELIZABETH VILLE ited Mr. and Mrs. W. L. King! size building lot in Orono, he through Central Motgage was and familv.1 said, bas been a quartem of an the best means of increasing jO uslyeeigUcHm Mr. and Mrs. Neil 'Wood,1 acre which was amphe. housing. This i.s available tai nShol esd a Eucbnhemert GailandSanraLakefield In bis opinion it was vemy Orono butd one et the first pàrt ~ ~ spent Sunday with Mrn. eros athererytow-n scbod'l instead et AwithCasiWod this contrai but feit it ycu Sub-Division Control?" Bc- mglr etn. bu e ffl ns. 0. S. Cowan is visiting was alriglit in the surmounding fore any such boan can bc grant- yen tables played. Pnizes were blm> er daughten and son-in-law, anea wbeme more land is avail- ed thei conditions of the Sub- won by Mrs. B. Wilson, Mrs. A. > Dr. and Mrs. Hanvey Branton able. Min. Waddell pointed ta a division Control by-haw must Morton, Mrs. Simpson, Miss E. tb' and family, Windsor. numben of bouses Which bad exis.t. Mr. Cotter pointed out Camuthers and Wayne Elliott. Mn. and Mns. G. L. McGee been built durîng the past fcw that the down payment under Our Home and Scbool have been IA IL h ave returncd from th2ir trip years whicb could not have the National Housing Act was invited te visit with the South A I toFlnid. eenbuit f te y-law bad verv low and could be avaýIl Hope Area Home and Sebool Mn. and Mrs. Jîm Hannab been enforced at that time. able in Orono. on the 17th. ~U and daugliter, Rose Ellen, Mns. Until Onono bad watem and He also pointed out that cam- On Wednesday the W.A. met -made of "no- xWrn. Wilbur and Mn. Bruce sewage the disadvantagcs or»thle mon wells w2re acceptable to at Mrs. Clarence Beatty's borne. the need for > Ferguson, Hampton, Svisited iby-law out-weigbed the advan- the N.H.A. and numenous divi- Mns. Trew, the president, pre- Mrs. Fred Tamblvn o Sunday. ae. The people should give sions were senviced b this!sided. The meeting opened wt -, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ruthen j consideration or this bx'la eans. eThm tolwd ita 'rsto, thene's a ford and Douglas. visited Mn pr or ta the next regular meet- The matter was turned aven hv-mn. The chapters wvere read and Mrs. Jim Ard, th line, on 9 n of the Council, t h îi omte afr n rpndb r.C ecr ankas 'ou n Sudav jE. H. Samuel felt t then study and report back ta Minutes xverc read. and approv- r orrcrsMn. W. C. CnossleY is staying would he mucb betten ta have the meeting.-Times. ed. Mrs. Tnew gave a report on itli aur 'form at tbe Lintonliurst Manor Resttevstt atni eadt ~ Hom, Orno. a~ *'*the Exploners. We discusscd bel- r Mrs. 1. Winter is stayng5j ~.q ' Lpi.ng address thue envelopes fan with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Lycctt. i ~ ~ L Io the weekly Icaflets which are Mrs. B. Den Ouden. Zion, P u ls i g C . E i o sent eut iby mail by Rev. Mr. Svisited Mrs. J. E. Richards. 5 i f & Wright. We decided ta bave a Mn. and Mrs. John Killeen, romn'il, siee.a.cJ ve 1 Q crokinole party Friday nigbt if .à: Bomanill, vsitd M. ad U ges M en al cti n a the weathen was OK. Mrs. C. Mrs. Orville Challice. Beaity. Miss Powell, Mrs. Knox T Mn. Neil Ponter attended thej " and Mrs. Peacock offemed to do- Horticîjitural Convention at tent h rzs enx et SKing Edward Hotel, Toronto,0roné CommencemWIIent aete nzs henx et ~" ~ last weck. îng tabdat Mns. V. Peacock's 1The annual Commencement Times. l'orne. It wvas suggested that al] Mrs. W. L. King visited Mnrx. îe o h nnoHgi M. .C c1seB. memberq nead the Gospel cf ExriOso Hg M.W C eAse, .. and _Mrs. A. Garden, Lindsav. 1 School wenc bcld in the Town- B.Paed., managing editor of Luke as the communicant class- and thein sister, Mns. Harrv e r on.Lnhwssre Earle, of Minden. who was a' slip Hall on Friday evening, Ccpp Clarke Publishing Com- e r on.Lnhwssre patient at Ross Memonial Has-a Manch 6th witb a fine audi- pany, Toronto, and guest speak- at the close of the meeting. pital, Lindsay. ence of parents and interested er, was intmoduced by Mn. W. "Mns. H. Thickson along with Miss Bertha Cain wha broke pensons present. Awands, cert;- W. Watt. Mn. McMaster in hi Mrs. M. Gardiner and Mrs. Cruse R EAL lier lef t arrn in a tali on the ficates and diplomas wcnc pres- address stated that he wished :ot Garden Hill attended the ice n he wayta school andc ented ta tho.sa,, students wvia ta leave a symbal with the grad-'Leadenship Course at Paris. Ont. lias heen a pati ent in Memonial bad been chosen ton their et- uates and stated the symbol as Tuesday and Wednesday. T'bnee .L MnaerHospital, Bowrnanville, ton a torts and accomplishments, aca- "Teefone", a threc dot syni- bus loads wcnt tram Belleville, _L, Mnagerweek, neturncd ta Orono on demically and co-curicularly. bol, lie feit, nepres,2nted tbree Bewmanville and Peterborougb. ;11, Manage. Tuesday' and is staying with Mn. MW. W. Watt, principal cf tactors on whicb the studentsj There were 117 attendcd. They her cousins. Mrs. M. Sherwin the Orano High School welcoiw- couîd base their cancer. had room fan 85 sowbhen so and Laurence. ed the audience ta the mcm- The tirst was ta dcvelop an many came thcy opened ancet LIFE SINCE 1817 Mnr. a!1i Yrs. Eldon Esserv,1 entous occasion in the yearly active mind. Some great men the Summen Motels. We stayed O.8S Scott and Mariai. Courtie, program of the school. today, be said, did nlot bave at Five Oaks. P camp about fiv'e visted Mn. and'Ms Luther jMn. A. A. H. Stnike. chainman a higli degree of education but miles soutb of Paris in thic midst joa the Durham County District did have an active mir an of a waods situated on thc Grand ___________________________________ jHigli Srhool Board- extended having sucb wene thinkenan River. greetings tram the Board and well intormed. Education is' When we arrivcd we egist- congnatulated those students ne- progressive witb an active mmnd, mcd and bad dinner. Rcv. Mn. c'eiving awands and diplomas. he sald, would promote thouglit Oaten and Mms. Oaten welcomed iHe spoke cf funthen horizons about lite itsclt. us. Mns. W. C. Ives, Bowman- ta be reacbed and stated that The second point of the sym- one could not receive tea mudli bol was a command et yaurr education today. Mr. Stnike said language. Hene the speake !3SS D A Y S 1 hý wrsaddpoa. s ug ihaheeet *or la ieasre f scces. Thy woleworld," he continmed should aise be ncgarded as a "looks diffement with an under G LE Tchallenîge ton the future, standing et your language." ~4G E TThe awards were prescnted The final point in the sym- to ~. the student d eeout-nbspeaer rertet He Bibti- àR IL niu eat eeks ssu-o1th-cl _orcf Je us..a waUbr ville. president of W.A. Ray o: Quinte Con.ference acted as cha. irman. 'Bible classes were con. ductedi by Rev. Jane Bone or "~The Lord's Prayer." Talks or Christian Leadershiip and Train. ing were given by Rev. Star Toze of Paris and Rev. Mr. Qat- en of Five Oaks. Miss Wilson oi Toronto. spoke on Literature and anhwered the questions sent in, Mrs. Clysdale of London spoke on Prc>gram, planning. Mrs. Cra- wle spoke on "Know Your Church." Two minute prayers wvere had ail over Five Oaks four and five Urnes a day and at a set time a bell rang and everyone prayed while somne one read a verse of th~e Bible. We left kit four o'clock on Wednesday and were invited ta hav-e our supper at Oshawa Church for a nominal fee. nhe supper was enjoyed by ahl. Some of the laddes stopped over in Toronto for Tbursday, Mrs. Thickson beîng one, and she spent the day witb ber daugh- ters June and Beryl. Mrs. Howard Quantrill spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Elliott, Oshawa, when on Sunday Mr. Quantrill, Gloria and John and Suzanne Tbick- son motored to Oshawa and brought Mrs. Quantrili home. Mr. M. White held the usual Bible cla6s on Sunday evening even though it was stormy. Miss Beryl Thickson, Toronta. spent the weekend at ber home. Mr. Allan Meçcer, Toronto, also spent the weekend at bis home and was unable to return to scbool on monday due ta illness. Mrs. Lockwood, Mrs. L. Robb, Mr. Moore and Mr. Taylor, Gar- den Hill. spent, Saturday even- ing at Thickson's. SALEM Salemi W.A. wvill hold their ,March meeting at the borne of Mms. Sam Buttery on Thursday, March 19. Salem Home and School Club held their March meeting at the school last Wednesday night. Mr. Bob Craig, president, opened the meeting and conducted the business. It was decided to bold a eucbre party and social even- ing at the sobool on Saturday, Mar. 21. The Junior room again won the attendance banner. Mrs. L. Welsh, gave a reading. Mr. A. Collison, B o w manville, was g&iest speaker and gave a very interesting talk on "Music". He tolci us about several different composers and their work and played a number of selections on the piano wbicb were enjoyed by ail. A social time was enjoyed after the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and family were Saturday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery, Osbawa. 1 Mrs. M. Blackburn, Mrs. Gem- aid Shackleton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Blaickburn were visitors at the home of Miss Stella Black- burn and Mrs. Nettiè Cole hast Wednesday on the occasion of Mrs. Cole's 9Oth -birtbdey. Con- gratulations! Mms. W. Craig attended -the leadersbip training course at Five Oaks last week. 1 Buy new Petal-Tone at... J. H.ABERNETHY PAINTrAND-WALLPA'EI% 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 RED CROSS BLITZ MONDAY MARCH 23 7-8p.m. Great Music CBC RADIO f and radio broadcasting have always gone to- teners tar CBC Radio have always expccted the orm their publicly owned broadcasting systemn. -the reasons CBC Radio is particularly proud te 3C Symnphony Orchestra cvery Sunday cvcning. :omed somne of the world's most distinguishcd i instrumentaists. Among thcm have bcen Sir ,=nt, William Primrose, Sir Fugene Goossens, 'tt, Albert Pratz, Tibor Von Paul1 and Mary )ng others. .1 ta joi aur audience every Eunday cvcning at yrnphony Orchestra 'Me ,ptmy othe, exdting thifngs i welng Mt CBC.Rado vision, muy 'e £uggest you iubicribe to CBC Times-aithie Yraot Of4 moa.hs (J 6 weekly issues) for tSi.o ô (yrarly rate BC TiincsBox çoo, Tcrminal l£ Toronto, Ont. fore a - ~7T4~-~--- John Aluin, Kirby, were Trldy evening visitors with Mr. anid Mme. K. Shackleton, it being Mrs. Allin's birthday. Mr. and Mme. W. Craig were Sunday evening visitors witlh Mm. and Mrs. David Cnaig, Ty- mone. Miss Lena Larsen had thc mis- fortune te faîl at scbool and in- jure ber shoulder. Best wishes for a speedy recovcr-v. NOW beautiful spatter effects you can DO YOURSELF 0 a new kind of spatter decorafing affect 0 won'f fade, stroak or pool 0*amazing otis-coat spray covOrage aven over rough surfaces 0 can b. scrubbed lime after lime Mm. and Mrs. Wr~i. Alun, Mr. I n m - -. - . »A« ruq9m