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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1959, p. 20

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--~----~-~ '~.--'e---' ~ '~a -q ~ ~ ~ w # -g g- ~ PAQU ?WEDITt "M C ~AAjpM STATESMAI, BOWMANV=YL, ONTARIO T TNURSDAY, MAR. Uth, Il's ____________ Articles for Sale Articles for Sale For Rent Livestock for Sale_ Real Estate -for Sale Real Estate foi aeA cinSls i CORNZ-A-POPPIN' - The Jack 7,000 BALES mixed hay. Phone GOOD quality mixed. hay. Tele" ROOM for rent. Telephone MA SEVEN pigs. Victor E. Cook. ~hv eeve ntutq~ and Jili Club announce the ar- Newcastle 3891. 12-1* phone MA 3-2403. 8-tf 3-5543. 1- o.PoeM -14 21 ELETT AEwl rivai of Cornz-a-Poppm' '59 in 12- so. PhneMA_216. 1-1 EAL STA FORSAL * the. Town Hall, Bownianville ANTIQUE aval parlou table. WATER* for sale., Delivered. 'AWIAU!M'I' for rent. Properties Sold, Eented Peu el Re lsLL ?Hak1o bsf Apri 2, and-----... .L. Las- 30u LEGHORN hiens, one year Managed and Appralsed dn~~Acina l eI Api ,3ad4.12-2 Telephone MA 3-3533,g 12-1* Phone Cl Pethick, MA 3-2736. karis. Phone MA 3-3573. 12-1 old. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle. . Large and sniall . farms os ae otVola audy4 M. 28thsaleato1:30 p.m.,bal'lits 12- HAY for sa sn f r.ed T le good quality, bal- TH1REE, roorns, heated, on On- 1- L. -.Allison es, service stations,geeatreoueo&fetsicdn- aMR.eiSlNBrron, sa M.ed.TlpoeMA326.1-tf HEARING aid service. Testing -tario Street. Phone MA 3-2383. *NINETEEN Shorthorn, Hereford Real Estate Brokérstrec. to announce the arrival af a TWO-wheeled farma trailer. Tele- service a.nd comPlete stock of 12-1 cross yearlings. Jas. McLaugh- Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Salesmen rfieao n eeiinst baybohr eleRyun hn lnReFrMre atteriesan cords atHiggôn lin. Telephone MA 3-2296. Maurice H. PedwoI cek .J Pye utoer baybr. 34oz the, eliaybur, pone lenRae0a.n 12M-k1tElectrie Limited, 38 E, APARTMENT, héated, $s55.oo. 'Twoza blocks rnorth <of trailic slial hn oato35 7 lb, o z,a t Ml e o ria a- -00.1- Bowmanville. Telephione.. MXA APartment 7, 63 King West. 12-1* Newcastle *à 5-tf phn e csl = htaB1Mnvl 12onFiay COAL fuxnace, good condition, 3-3305. r.t 12-tf YEAROLD Hyline hiens. Good Wm. A. Hern Ma-hlt.1~*$25 or offers. Phone Oshawa EG Tron bik hue n layers. Must be sold this week. . : Phone 12, Be ' okilu ae rclé ntuto SONE Jckad ar.RA 8-1285. 12-1miefont*.Phe Alt I. Wiersma, Mackstock. 68 r 21. Charles RnieE efr Soniner (nee Nichais) are happy ONE pair unlined drapes, triple FRUIBA S ETS--___9_._12___1-1_REL__ IL- C. ERPh WeL8# , B O KEii ot i g to announce the arrivai af their width, .grey background. Tele- RHADom CPDWLB ONEf OCHANDRoneoRag Apl $500 dw-ulprice .$3,000 Newcastle. Phin 86Ooo ooi y' chosen son Brn,0 bSz.' phone -MA 3-7140. 12-1. a nd Flwr for riasier 'ONEi.inished room, hotpîateSliadeArl8t , fr bnlo ___________________________ f desired. One or two busns Walker. Best record B.C.A. 128- Needs some fihmg. ansi______________ uto nStra atClay leto eraygirls or gentleman. Phone MAYcriae lyA 1.7.H12.-1roks.-hTlat 1e fr.$4n. sharpin Carhie 117.19H..J.1B ro o k s. T ele p h o n e forT S $45.,o nth8y4 .W e11, h e a v y .*e t r o i e o d e f c a e E n6ag1959.s 12-1 ______________________ nvestm ent.opportunity--Sop- J. a IJ* a k Red uci n er a reés layen;bat ingoo coditon. GROERIS Af To erohom apa Srteet, fistedREGISTERED Landrace gilts pinig centre ini Oslawa-7 large 18KIREESA iOKR arile. E n g a g e m e n t s P h o n M A 3-7 57an12-fo u rL I El. fh o w r a n K i g St e e , h e te a n d b o ars, fo u r m o fth s ad . G ilts sto res, 9 a p a rtm en t , 5 y ea s 1 8 K n ~ .M - 2 0- Begagn ito a uni; theMA 3-3513. Cal after 5. 12-1 -1 D M R ET 330. aarmn 14indmba.Gray Bras. Tele- contact office. roarcu aibrick construction. 3,Cn ,Cak onhp n- Bethay, FOR-rooi. frshlyphone 3556, Newcastle. 11-2* Properties a hkns enaemRtuss teliMr. AleCoharieSTER-M RKTIELD-oo and chairshl o aime-d Edsall Ave.. Modem ric ienrhada-altil o Man-MRtceli. Aleledng oar-gErToRFIE0LDrangecaingRE DEIVRYdecorated, separate entrance and EGG producers - Dekalb Chix 52 King St. W-, Bowmanvilie bungalow.aiOoohssodhImadO ma-ithllTe edigtofiertr,3'rag, ahig FEEDLIEYbathrootti. Available April lst. are bred for mare eggs - less MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Beech Ave.: Ta close sae llsi y ulcacinaI take place April 4th at St. machine. Phone MA 3-5800. TlpoeM 350MA-*Saeme ag 1 ombik Martin's Church, Brighton, Sus- 12-1 PhnTeehone MA 3-570.724 death lass - more eggs per Sise ag 2ro rc.StnaMxc lt i n Gst ne la.ce ihon at1-7 iiEa nbm fetfo 12.1* THREE raomed heated apart- hundred pounds ai feed - more Len Bibbard, RA 8-1022 Five rooni bungalowonLbtiehraiHstimikr sexEngand Recptin ,_,17SAVE__on_________direct______ ment, enra located, hev profit. Buy Dekalb Chix now. Ron Beatty, RA 5-2156 erty St. South. stlgrnn hl~Iooàd GasoePaeBrgtn'1. ilta you. Phillips Lumber duty wired. Sepanate bath an rhand Farm, H. J. Brooks & thrBlsM -49 uiess blok1on1 Ca., Kinniaunt, Ontario. Phone entranice. Phone MA 3-2436. Son, Bawmanville, Ont. 7-tf 12-1 of he stores, two aparmncnpe erynw e, * Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, 17 r 11. 13tf TV A TNNTE112-e and seven-raam adjoinînghseelvtrfulinairctrm- Bruceiield, wish ta announce the______________N L1A. 21 Help ane House lot, 60xl32, DurhmS.ciey ,11 ae ila O9 engagement ai their daughter KEYS cut autamatleally, while Two Bay Ail Channel Beamas THREE and five-room apart- - r.S'nlroeC.Ld Clli n aki Ina Marguerite ta Rass Dwight you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- !A ments with furnace, built-in cup- OFFICE clerk, typing essential.121friueputrtcSaeo BronsonofMx- ad Ms.ware, 36 Kig St. E., Bowman- $45U boards, tile floons, new bath- Apply Bawmanville Foudr 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa. untr n ol acme~, Clinton Brown of Newtonville. ville. 4641O ayAi Can o ams, separate entrance, lawns Ca. Ltd. 12-1* COMMERCIAL PROPERTYprmtyt1pm.uthr 'The wedding will take p WATER, har0 and soity deiver-n20land gax-dens. Avaîlable îm- 9 raam, 2 staney brick home, L£Lk Ra lI E I uîr e ui.Tri tarliA 12t ruefel, n-WA.R rviaed ob ent H.- mediately. Phone Newcastle WOMAN or girl ta help with 5 large noanis with bathraam fa- - Calo 2-*e. PonmAt 3-5476. ortMA $24 3891. 12-2* hausecîeaning next week. Tele- cilities ondmain floon,4 large - M. E. LEASK cn arneHri>cel. Cl.PoeM3-46oMAphone MA 3-3820. 12-1 raonam 3-piece bt on Real Estate Brokerg 3-5805. 31-tf Rotors Grased and Repaired W r 'ne atc o aîihbs second floar, hot watex- with ail 5 naom bungalow, neor ONE pink shartyAcoattsizeo14; . .igh bus-heating, attached garage, locat- .good sized lot, 3 bedroo, al~ pç LENA LOU'SNE pikchain-sawing.ize Ph;ness. Seli ta 1500 famlies. ed on spiuue lti u- urnace, garage. erms.DDI.JLJ BRADLE - LYNE-On St- gir's medum C.CM. biccle. LN AND OUS CtTdaychRawleigh'sPone Dept.tosectioneigonsKingt.Stes, ectioton Kinoot., tuf-ameà bousefron hOn- urday, Max-ch l4th, 1959 in Port Bath good condition. Telephone*bthom Available Apnil lt C-140-SA, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- able for apantments or different taria St., 3 bedroonis,3pec Wosnreyereth eo- Permy by the Rev. Dr. Aryn-, MAx-ket 3-3853. 12-le TV OMPANY real.121tpsobuie. etmog, Camai Marilyn, daughtcr 124 typesanai busness. $5,000 down bath. Central. $5,800. Tri.vnec asdb norc of adMs rn yd fASO-Cnd' usadn 1Wvre A3-3942 Box 1083. L. Turner. Phone PHYSIOTHERAÙPIST for Osha- payment. 5 rooni bungalow, ner~ aeo aeanuedh h- Akshburn ta Maurice Clarence convertible storm-screen win- 12-1 3-5820. 9.ti wa and District Cenebral Palsy *600rorN uinshe hme, langecerave. 2wneromvig. akcort aYsuihveb Bradley, son of M. and Mrs. dows.and doors, railings. Lame UBBER fotwear repired, hcmaoaldrCeini. Duties dînd- kitche _ _ _ _ __.19TUR K E YS he, soles, ips, vulcanzd.c bteen nearby institution ,dnn--olvn-a fe.I utb od sfios 121 * EETIA eam rmt mea ieSoBwan-d for fuli-time employment. Fanraaom, and 3 bedx-ooms, lacated 6 raam deluxe brickwtPELCUTYOLEIDS.< Deaths eLCrvic ta eletiairsaprplianes, ic. ilr ho, ow -fpriuaswiePO o 2noar Oshawa with 11½2acres ai stone trim, bungalow,n-ayPRLAN FRES E. servie_______________________vlle._ Os awcua 1it .. ý 2 high and dry gardening land. extras. Reg. roani partialyln RDY ARH2ta AS Deathslarge nd smal. Laner Had- FOREASTEROshawa 12-2Asking $6,500 with balance on seatcdgrg ___________________warge. ane sMAl3-Laner.Har- FR A E PLUMBING, heating, caves- LARGE Unlted States and easy terms. Frederick Ae Has ta eo lf~WT-tMeoilHs Upt 2In)troughing; free e s tim a teCs. Canadian Manuiactuning Comi- VILLAGE ýPROPERTY ta be appreciated. Terms ipna irei±rdhr ptBawnianvilie, on Wednes- SCOTCH Pine seedlings, 2-0(U 02lb> Harvey Patner, Tyronie. MApayrqieFel pesn- 6 raom 1/2soryhom In obulinglt o * aMardi 18, 1959, J. Arthur stock, $ 10.00 per thousand. Ap- 3-2240 on Omono 1782. 6-tf pany equiorClresad Fieio ptl ciiomdernepresentta-5/x203tareyOOGo ulingaa Lbry wedb on .Ptca,. Blwtt, In his 85th year. Be- ply Sam Manetta, Pantypool, Townships. Exceptionally high en, 3-piece bath, large living- Conisult us before buyig nai ntbedn rdt io v od h u sb a n d f th e la te R u th O n t. P h o n o B e th an y 20 r 111w . O r e r E r yS e r ng . G a a t d p a o m a d di n - o r , 3 g o 6 O t r o S .B w n ]MaHamnuand dear lather o aiafrn epi uies uooil seta.bdoms tlt ôm ae Eli.Resting at the Morris -t buiesFuooieesetaObdonsRuiiylai ae MA 3-5919 Mdl.Tebroa R .R Funeral Chapel, Bowinanvilie, INSULATION, blowtng method,FO QUICK SERVICE Agiculturai or farming back- ment, small barn, 1/2 acre carn- until friday noon, then at. Ornoawith rock wool. Wanknianship burrADuEWed ngoudocesimoraitatieneglo. sale$9,00 ai as lhdted'Chux-ch for service at guaranteed. Froc estimates. Freshly KlldBirds tUC N NWWR raiingmosimRPr tant. xernlot.Asig$,0wthey12iSALNBapnecty 2:30 p.mL Interment Lang Vauît, Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke Kle R. L. TAFT 84, London, Ontario. 10-4 49 ACRE FARM $6,000.0i .edm u aSpeme.Ahg cao- Orono Cemeteny. 12-1 2420. 39-tf 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 SLSRPEETTV 6 raam 1112 storoy manie farm rPeter bod.Sae firngai70hed DOyu w losadrg-6-tf bAE ERSETTV ouse, bank barn in god con- RA SAEBO 'f __________the R oyD_____________nd__g - PI L " F I N E REQ U IRED dition, new roof, hydro through..R A . S A E B O flal 1 0 e ai e cEE D, MaelnaAtth Ry-Rent a sander, faonr polishen or To enroîl Motar Club member- out, excellent market garden- 134, acre farn - 8 room os, W hp ahv tepcsr al -Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on mug cleanen (sbampaa niethod) sbips'in this locality. The On- ing or canning crap land ahl lange barn, implenient sco algyuwt so tdy Truesday, March 17, 1959, Made- from Lander Hardware, 7 King al rv PAINTING tario Automobile Association wonkable, located near Cobourg. honhause, garage, troutstem:Mrh2h. AY FAM ln'Emerson, beloved wifie St. E., Bwavle Phonoe, provides the finest ;in MýotrAsking $3,000 dawn payment.. nice view. Price ,$22,0,0 IITD aei1~aaès o 'Wilton* J. Cneed, Barrie, dear MA 3-5774. 20-tf PA EH NIN lbb * os lesn Frfrhr particulans or ap- 49Tervinis.tro.- -i dother of Eenrs. JmsM.of. ahr prs ¾ Lonhn-A -08 PA PITN that can be handled cubher full pointment please caîl Sid Martyn 4 acres on Highway N.2 Ddson), Poyrt op esstenM.oUFrs, e0 adu.rts e/ p.rsPRAY2 PINTINGon part-turne. Rush your name or Keith Peters, RA 3-9810, RA lve.Pnice $1,500.00. Se o a6Y _IomEesno eteas ternitories are being allotted' evnigsRA5-16 Toacres, 2rooi cttge ton Rsig at the Pethick Fun- Guaranteed reconditioned wash- CasfrSl 7Egin St. MA 3-3075 now. Yau should have a car12 offen. 'Owner must sol. O oral Home, 127 Bayfield St., rs. Paddy's Market, Hampton. C ars____for ___Sale _ 12-1 and be rm 25 ta 50, mae or Bowmanvile - 5 roonibnam U I II4 Barrie. Ser-vice In the chapel MA. 3-2055. 9 49 OD 7.9 br o female. Write Sales Maae, bath, lfefbas,. s enTursay___2____Iner-_49_ORD_$7._9_Whrf___d Delt el sa ow t, ~ulbsmnalI inent Barrie Union Cemetery. ']O'WMANVILLE' Home lm.- Bowmanville. Box1 817, London, Canada. 11-2 JI Ll~fuinace, garage. Price $7,000 Ange Costrutio Co.Box88 Acre fanm on lakesbore Ternis. ______'5_ etsLET 8,Sale pabetween Oshawa and Bowmran- ~lrelt doors, windows, awnings and manCHEVtROLETCas.8Royowrd-ac, LT o ville witb 10 acres in raspber- jdowelPrc $4,200, onRDE ADGRYOT JEF~EIS, lizabth Enia ailings. 'We ofier a variety aimofxrs ah.RyCr ______________ JEITFJR Elizaeth EBU LDING SERVICE2-1 DASCHUND pups, rogistered. ries, 2 acres strawbernies, gaod $500.00. Tuckm-.At he omeai em foorandwal tus. or rce n, 4BBoInDING* MSERVE barn; 7 roamed bouse with fumn- Several lots as low as$300YOKAD RNTARE estima tes Phono MA 3-2753 an THREE-ton 1940 Fargo truck BRICK WORK - BLOCK Phono M 3-3430 afe . 1 ace, etc. Pnice and tennis an- per lot. son-in-Iaw Mm. Gardon Broorni- at2 iiio t 6t ihga saebd BtCI Aatr 1- :ielid, Cgstletan, Ont., on March cali t22DvsinS. 6 a ithfer, teboy. . 5 HINEYS - CONCRETE -ranged. ýCinimatn'o o 13,5, belaved wife oi the ADDING machines, nyertrofr . STee & Son, Ens AND CARPENTRY TWO tbaroughbred Beagle pups, 95 Acre faim, located 6 miles Bowmanville with $2,000taayA omoeLnot lab Hrbet dwad efiri ani ashr gis t e r s, caîculators, acM -84 DOUG - MArket 3-3375 three months old. Apply Dr. froni Oshawa on paved road, al down. doar mothen af Mms. Lyle Brack chequ ntrfln aies 12-i1 LY-Mrkt327 Stuart Speller, Bethany, tele- workable, 100' x 40' bank barn 189 Scugog St. Bowmanil (Lillian), Bowmanville, and Mrs. office fuxniture. New and used. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. 27-tf poe9rig2e2- iwt rowlsrve hedPooMA334iFRnIE Gordon Broomfield (Edith), Repairs ta all makes. Frank Save 20%. Six months ta pay. ____________excellnt____________ an Castieton. Service was held Office Equîpment, 177 Church For personai service at yourLa dr ______________exlen rpa.Pic ad frani Biacklock Funeral Home, Street, Bowanville. MArket home cal Oshawa RA 5-2802, Harry L ee Wane o By ternis arranged.- Gralton, Ont., on March 16, 3-3986. 3..icîet -tf HALF-TON truck. Telephone 200 Acre farm, sandy raîîing Peter KowalCFEMOE AR : 1959, at 2:00 p.m. Interment in ___________________ 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Akt354.1- land with 50 acres hardwood.GRERCAD Lakeport Cemetery. 12-1 Ak354.12 -1100' x 30' barn, drive shed: REAL ESTATE BROKRTepheMret375 11LU1S. battery, heater, 4goo tires . PhoneMA372 FEED aats or mixed grain. Tele- garage, etc.; 7 raamed home with GENERAL INSURANCE1- KAUFMAN-In Bowmanville, UIU<.iJ yur fr 5 ol phono MA 3-2595. 12-1 3-piece bath, bot and cald nun- 99Kn t.L oM ans JohnayMVanderkaoi9:, R.R.CWA4,SBOWMANVILLE, ONT. ning water, heavy wired. Pnice TeeonMA356 Daniel Kà.fznian, bclaved huslr.Jh adroi ..4 BABY carniage in good con-$10. Ternis arraned.3Wa8t1 Ka -Tiied Ploors of ail description Bowmanville. -Phone. PikUpad elvrydtin.Pon A--79. $211,000.Acrfn oarge rierBox 817GODhmfoCaiedgGod' band af the lato Mary A. Ku -65 21 ikU n eieydto.PoeM -11 21 0aAr amo lrervr znan, in his 85th year. Restcd VinyI, Piastex,* Rubber, Jaspe, 3-2635. _______20_acres_________-__._A._Ba at Northcutt & Smith Funerai Marboicuin, Fiexichrome, Mastic NOW-Ruin your car Without MONDAY TO SATURDAY COAL and wood.annex for eîec- wooacres' work abie 20acresnsa-J.A abih ate hn MA 342079., Home, 53,Division St., Bowman- Red Quarry - Ceramia Spark Piugs QUIOK SERVICE tric stove. Phone MA 3-2326. wae ood,10, x 30' bank shdamn, eednpetg ville. Service was held Monday, Suppiied and Laid Buy and try the ail new, 12-tf 12-_____________ hen bouse, etc; 9 raanied frame tranquiiity is what you wil:n EDadcipldfnsok Mach4that2p.. neretSAFREINETOS .At- GAS stove. Must be modern home, hydra. Asking $12,500. jay, when you buy this 35!cepce ppopl.PoeM Et. Peter's Cemnetery, Cobourg. H.. G. HEAL- SAic FIRE INJECTORS -lsscodiio. el- ers rAtgd praperty on a good road Eas f327.Mrwl u a 12-1 R.R. 1 Hamptn MA 329do2 ART'S CAR- MARKET Nocet Cedts anfitcascniinTe-ersaragd PaSS(L aaY uddely Mrcha1ap ere on pved road ýiè \'Vork VV'anted .~~~~, ,* barri. co~~ mn il10 e s r - 01rpisdrca ott fie settouhWeldon Brown zE Ca aio omGo X sh,nt1956:hta secret tear, Y0U T00 WILL TELL-- i mae t si 10. Temont. aganscugagm.8mon .0fr25wdsrle. eeshsmmr yrda; IA UR10EK5EL Robson Motors, Bowmanville (N manlot. Akn 1,0.Tri 216 acre fanm with largelae 4awoditamniuo! S Timne takes away the edge of ' «. MA 3-3321 or U IV E T N E N E$,O o K ge r i emy e e e r HA O H M 45W Ai 8 R o mr ed, insulated, very insulbrick house, hip-roo i a n ! T S N A E E T Bu emr'turns back every ' Oshawa RA 3-9356 Poenhm ntpntc o-$000wt lef, 21furnace, 4-piece bath, hardwood Cash price I$2,500l. IN EMOIAm -A 104.. O R. ~~~~~~~~~~and t ule floo s, running ot and 6 acres l v l b i d n a d 3 . 0 p u O i . fi e s -Ever rem em bered by M other FOR NEW CARS F R R M T F I I N od w t r e a a e rc ut w s ft w ,$ ,0 .T and Father. 12-QQ or Guaranteed $8,500 wîth $3,000 down. We have several acreagosi hîSîed t3.0y - Lost ~~~~' USED CARS 4 Roomed home with gak-age BoWffan-ville ai special intcietgitodlsr{n Stea, ____________ Se. eRA ELCMN RRPI on 5 acres ai land, located east ta builder;s. ER LRELCMN ORRPI Newcastle. Price $4,000. Tennis. Tbree-year-old 2 bedrooi AtCaafe d utb11 GOLD watch, 30.Jewel,- rotor ."Stew"" Presion Contact: bungalow, $8,750 with low don n.fotItrtag automatic (Br.éra>. Reward. T* payment. 1 coi on ensar Phono MA 3-5630. 12-i at JhnF. De i I Large summer reoat na *i as.sip r nnyose SUMofmony n ni<ayîROY W. NI CALL PeterbDerough.andustv. money Cour-fmoieeon FrCHOLISCA-LReaitar and General Insurance oceeteragli. Ms be l tCi uuotfrhnyrtrx _________________________MA 2-3922 oc u aonrshat.----, 4 Bowmnanville. Reward.- Please Nwaslal $7,0, j xclet em teixneOsawa' RA 8-8021 saaR -30Saiesmen: We havedCzmthromoreFrida and rvretecharges'. *1241 B I L LRA8130 L E ~,,A S KDonald MountJoy, Bowmanviîe aW aehmesand morefas8:0.n.o pm.- ? T[WO male hounds. Redbone 22" DISTRIBUTOR MA 3T350 T T oos frC' high waring identification cal-1Ff t F OXL - 9GA SOLI N EPiano-TnnPoe2 ATR1RN lr. 'Bac and tani 19 bîgh. 1 L 9 SESe 3-5522 Dan Boehm, Garden 11111 177 Chureh St. MA 3438 iiM,~t330 Mna 3-hie1poton het. e2-vARTHUR__ColibsonL.Telephone jPhone 6 r-111. Bowmauvlie frCasf dSrie pilont M 2A19.,e12- -3900. 16-ti ~31. 12-1" 1

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