c. S.------.--.----..-.-.., -- - t- -~jr~ PAGE 1TWE!ÇTY Twc) T~!E CANADIAN STATESMAN. flOWMANVLLZ. ONTART~ Parents, Teachers Urged to Encourage Pupils Part icipate In Public Speakîng Contesfi Mr. Ab. Mavin, Cha-rman of 1 make an extemporaneous. My Use off Leisuire Time, Lifc the Canadian le7,on Publi speech on a tapic of their own. in* My Community. Epeaking Con;est urges al ar- cic.Tahr oftwn rrul en2s and teachers to encourage sce chls o the nti re uralof the:1 rpupils ta enter the contes. Legion Command has given sDur ham aenturge ota cofc to be held in Bowmanville Le- 15 suggesteti topics: Canadas5withamthergs o thecwk X;on Hall on Friday evening, Role in the United Nations' Or- ihterpulsotoewo -enr1 lOth. ga nýzation, Canada's Welcome might be interested in entering, Pxere arc tour classes: Elem- Ia Princes Margaret. An Elev- this contest. Winners off this en rds1t :Gac nhPoic o aaT- Zone competition will go on e-t 8i:- JuniGradesi to 6Graes 9Brinth CPr on e alCa N 'a The bDiqtrict and could qualify Io t0: SeJnior High. Grades 911,BtsheCommoaltoffiNa- for Provincial and Dominioni 12 and 1,3. 1 tion,' Canada's Northland, The eiahlevel. wad gvn t Speeches shail be ffive min-; Daily Lite off an Eskimo Citi- ahlv. t ,e's în length for elernentarv zen. Canada's Resaurces, Auto. Any further information re- Suvlpupîli and app-oximate- mation, One of the Builders off quired mav be obtained frorn ]' Ic minutes for secondar'- Canada. Building Canada. The Mr. Ab Mavin. Chairman, c/o S. .ol puPîlz. Secondarv sehool St. L av-:-.rnceSawa, Canada*s Canaidian Legion, Bowmanville, c ):te-ztant- ; naY b2 a kedto ai Potentiai Resources off Power,1Ont. euchre pie wnes wr Conirade Millie Bates and Coni- A 1 rade Helen Wallis. 0-M a 1 * %aa 301 P UA mmmumiU y 1 Comrade Susîe Graharn was the Men's Canadian Club din-1 the wvinne.- of the draw at the 1 ner on April 8th, the Foundry nieeting of the Ladies Auxiliar 'v Union Banquet on April 3rd. to the Canadian Legion htld in and the Mens Major Bowling the Lcgion Hall on Monday League Banquet on May 4th.' evening. After a short busines,% The treasurer, Comrade Ru- session a social evening was en- by Palmer, gave the financial jov-ed. Comrado Mary West- Stfatement. Comrade Florenc-e O\*er was the convenor. Jackman, convenor of the sick Comrade Florence K n igh t committee reported on flowers the president. announced that and cards sent during the the Ladies' Bowling League had month. Comrade Rose Overy askcd the auxiliarv to cater to was appointed to obtain infor- tiieir banquet on Mav 4th. The mation regarding the number rnenb,2rs voted unanimousîv to of members who might be in- cafer for this exent. ther teresteci in a card part., to be events for which the Ladiesý held within a few w.eeks. Auxillary of the Legion will FoI!owing the meeting euchre cater in the ncar future are1 and games were enjoyed. The ILI- O tSE WARESN UNBREAKABLE BASKET Usual $2.99 Value Special Full Load Red, YeIIow, Pink, Turquoise UNBRAKALEROLLER KOTER PLASTIC PAILKT Flexible. sanltary, easy toKI clean. IVili flot rust, dent, For a professional job. ehiv or corrode. rinest mohair roller and Red - Yellow - Pink - Blue large size tray. 98C $19 STEP LADDERS CORN BROONq Light - Dependable M~ade of finest spruce A real bargain, 5-strinir, good quallty corn sith 3 Fi.$4 6 varnished hardwood handie. «F,. $4.99 $129 LANDER HARDWARE AND ELECTRIC LTD. 7 King St. E. We Deliver MA 3-5774 SuLIIL dt? JeanI r irth andu Comrade Kitty Newman were the winners in an amusing cirawing.game. The social con- venor for the evening, Comratie Mary Westover, was ably as- sisteti in judgaing by Conirade Ruth Osborne. Two teanis com- peted in a relay race off skill. At the close off the evening tielicious refreshments and caf- tee were served by Comrade Jean Firth. NE WTON VILLE A number off home-town ho- ckey enthusias-ts attended the f i- ral gamne off the Town League in Newcastle, March 11, and cheereti the Newtonville team on ta victory. This is the second successive ye-ar the Newtonville boys have w-on the League Cha- mpionship, andi the Trophy. Con- gratulations, boys! By the way, where is that Trophy, Newcas- tic? We haven't seen it 3-et! Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Gil- mer off Ridgeway visiteti Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Gilmner over the week enti. S TARK VILLE The weather keeps us think- ing as high winds whip end blast, if spring is 'around the corner', how long will winter last! But sunny days are .c.ming. and the snow will meit away and 'tis a happy thought for us that spring will corne our way. Mr. Mauirice HallowAell. Tor- onto, spent the weekend a', home. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son were in Peterborough. Tliere w-as no service at Shf- loh. Sunday. Some attended the hockey game in Bowmanville, Satur- day evenîng. Mrs. Ewart Robinson wag host for the March meeting of the Shiloh WA. President Mrs. Jirn Stark ,as in charge and the meeting was opened %vith the Mary Stewart Colleet. Mrs. Orm Falls read, the Scripture Le,,,sson with the lesson thnughts given bv Mri. Brenton Farrow. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Gordon Trini. After the Mizpah benediction Mrs. Falls and Mrs. Farrowv served lunch. The ladies enjoyed Mrs. Robin- sons ho.qpitality and Mrs. Stark extended appreciation on behaif off 81l. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R~eid and daughter visited in Peter- borough recentlv,. Mr. Lorne Paeden attended the service for Mi-, Tom Paeden in Port Hope last week. Three Days Onlyl Classik Style, Mothproof, Shape Retaining Misses Orlon* Sweaters " Eight Glorlous Colors plus White. " Washes ecsily - cvies quickly without shrink- ing or stretching out of shope. .0e Sizes 16-18-20 CLASSIC CARDIGANS Ref, f HREE à9b DAY SALE 3e99 loch SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS Re. THREI 3.8 DAY 3.8 SALE 21099 rock Sa soft ta touch, so warmirg ..all of higli bulk Orlon* yorn tb-ot retoins its rich color, s;ze and fit washing ofter washing . .. those w -io know this regular fine quality sweater, wilI wont extros at these money soving prices . . . those wv;io don't will want ta try txiem wvhile the price is Iow . .. choose f rom right loveiy colors - Beige, Blue, Sec Green, Red, Turquoise, Oronge Ice, Hot Pink, Block, ond White. Cardigans reg. 4 98 - Th:ec D.3y Sole - Ea. 3.99. Pull- :w\Prs reg. 3.98 - Three Day Sale Ea. 2.99 Bowmanville Speaker Tells. of. Easter Seal Use Guest speaker Miss. Beverley Miller from Peterborough advised Rotary on Fri- day of the tremendous amount of work done for crippled children by organiza- tions who are now in the midst of their Easter Seal campaigns. She is talking to President Rex Walters, right, and Committee Chairman James Stutt who urge all citizens to return their Easter Seal Pink Envelopes at the earliest possible moment to swell the fund. -Photo by Rehder of St. John's Church, Newcas- tle, for thc new St. Joseph's Pa-ish Hall. Miss Edna Bottreli, who had divided the parish lists off names and typed copies, distributet theni to the members off the t-2lephone committec: Mrs. J Cuddahee, Mrs. Stewart Chis- holm, Mrs. Bert Paync, Mrs. N. McGuire, Mrs. James Fair, MrS. Bernard R. Kitney, Mrs. Joe Coope'r. Mrs. John Sweep, Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. Wilfrid La- Bine- and Mrs. Glenholme Hughes. maple sugar bush on Tuesday. i É Plans for a Communion Breakfast on Sunday, April 5th, were made at the meeting off the Catholic Women's League helti last wcek in St. Joseph's Hall. Mrs. Wilfrid McLean, the president, presided. and there were 30 members present at the meeting. The Communion Breakfast will be beld in the Parish Hall. Mrs. George YOUng wva s appointed catering con- venor. Plans were completed for the St. Patrick's Day Euchre and 1 Bridge ta be helti under the' auspices off the C.W.L. in St. Jogephis Parish Hall, on Tues-! day evening March 17th. Prizesj were donated by Mrs. Josepb!ý Trudeau, Mrs. James Fair, Miss' Mac B3ottrell, Mrs. B. Touw, I Mrs. Martin Molloy and Mrs. F. Kavanaugb. It was announced. that the C.W.L. hati b2en asked to cater ta the Holy Name Communion ! Breakfast to de held in St. Joseph's Hall on Sunday, May 3rd. It %vas decided ta do so. The C.W.L. will also cater for the Canadian Order off Fores- tecrs Ladies' Night Banquet at the Lions Community Centre, Saturday, April llth, Branchý 178 off the Canadiarn LegioLa dies' Night at the Leglon al Saturdav, April l8th. and the Leddy wetiding in May. The ,ccretar.N, Mrs. joseph Cuddahee, distributed ballot: forms ta the members. Theze are to be filled out for thc election off the executive for the comning, year andi posted to Mrs. Cutidah1e-' m'ho is chairman off the nominatine commitee. Other membcrs off the nominat- ing committee are Ms.Tain Masterson, and Miss Loretta Kil ga nnon. A donation off $10 ,vas giv-n ta th 'Sacreti Heart Pro2ram. Mrs. Young showed Christmnas MAPLE GROVE Mi-. Fancl vrq. Ceci] Mills, Bar- bara andi Ralph were Sîînda3- euests or Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Begley- Enniskillen. Miss Sharon Robbins, Peter- borouzh. xvas a weekend guest at the bomne off Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin Holmes andi tami]v. Mr. anti Mrs. Ira Trax-eli, Osb- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs . Gar- don Beech and famuly on Sun eiay. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morris- sex-. Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Synes. Bowmanville, were Sunda v xisitors at the home off Mr. and Mrs. Mac Morrissey, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Les Joncs, Boxv- manville, called on Mr. anti Mrs. Melvin Holmes on Sunday even- ing. Mr. Tucker and his niother, called on his daughter, Mrs. Ro- bert Shearer on Sunia3-. C e 1 ebxating birthdavs last weck w-erc Mrs. John Whalcn andi Mis. John MacLean. Wc wish theni many happy returns. M.and Mrs. Jack MCL Ilan and ffamily, Mrs. Don MeLellan. Ajax, Mrs. L. Ackford, Pickcringc were xisitors with Mr. andi Mrs. John Wbalen and famuly on Sun- deay. Sorry to report that Janie ani Jimmv Noble have been quitc, 1 ili with measles.1 Mr. andi Mrs. Sam Snowcnj and Roy, Blackstock. werp t2ý,: guests on Sunday witb hi; par-j ents Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snow- tie.an r.Fe McPeerantig, M rs.Fec lir Puetbofouh, wre w-ecMr. nd gusts doff e rte M.a. Mr. andHMms. RnHwl n fMr*%,. d MuBnaHowel7'snof fNmil .y end r.Lod ar's of. and 7dMrs. Llod Pari 1' an. anti MrOsawJhniCampb NI apnt Vicl. FOshawon-sted Mr. 'anviis Fred alGowo SuuXý. I Many nt amMefial e i-oxe ver phe seant t hef oin metCin,-off Btherhoao, hoffa Courtici Brhrho W. heia Coreng Chrch on. Wedn esayevening.er -elcometi 1w' tbe Presiden-t, Jack Hurrie, espcciallv the ladies. Er] - dy Warburton showcd bis col- oureti slides offhi.; trip ta Cal-I ifornia. These were cnjo.-c d x'er3- much andi also) the accordian se'rettonq bx Hirold Coonex-. Mrs. W. H. Brow-n cxpre.rqed the anDreciation off the lajies for beine g uesls at this enjov-i ahie night*.5 entertainnient.A hoinfntus lunch wi's serv-prl ta bring the evening ta a close. I card samples to the meeting. It was mox'ed by Mrs. Lloyd Quinton, seconded by Mrs. Wil- fridi LaBine that the C.W.L.ý place an order for a reasonable number of the cards. Mrs. John Sweep brought six! large aluminuni trays ta thei meeting, donated by the ladies, NoCoehfor BonoIess, Fox TOUiS "lMany people try to collect bounities on old fox tails that they have taken from theirý wives' wraps or have found in some woodland nearby. This is why we specify that the tails must have the bone in them," said County Clerk Ken Symons. From November 23 until the end of Decernber the Counties have paid out $752 in bounties. The bounty of ane tail. with the bone, is $4.00, two dollars of which is paid by the Ontario Government and the remainder by the Counties. Bounty is paid on any fox that is trapped or shot or killed in the two counties. The dlaim- ant must sign a sworn statement that the fox has been trapped in the counties. For the hunter that might try this to make a living, County Clerk Ken Sy3- ons said, "Reports are that the foxes, realizing the high price on their heads, have left for saf- er grounds, and there are very few ta bc found." NESTLETON Mrs. Vine, Mrs. Davidswx, Mrs. Bowers, M.rs. Emerson, attended the Kopper Karnival in Bowmanville on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sam- elis anti girls, Oshawa. Miss Anna Samelis, Bowmanville, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Wither- Iv visited Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson on Saturday. Mrs. Victor Malcolm visited ber parents on Thursday, Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Ken, Yelverton. Mr. and M.rs. Rae Malcolm, Janetville, visited Mr. and Mrs. V. Malcolmi, Saturday. Laurence Malcolm tapped bis -Spring must b. luit 0r the corner. Sympathy la extendedL friendsanmd relatives of th a Mrs. Wilton Creed, nee line Emerson, who passed" on Tutesday, March l7th. The 1OOth anniversary of th~ birth of the Red Cross ide& wil be commemorated in 1959. OUARANTE EI Just tdk! A NEW PAIR FREE in.3..mths Now rny chfldren willut grow thefr shoes before ie can outwear them. These shoes are comfortable, too, and need no breaking In. ~ Thefr weatherproof soles are rugged, !resilient and $Mld proof. Sniartly styled with ail the Hewetson quallty features, paro ndy$499 ask for ld» me, Lloyd Ellisà Shoes 49 KING ST. W. S BOWMANVILLE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE. TO OWNERS 0F NEW BUILDINGS - By-Iaw No. 1714 ai the Corporation ai the Town ai Dowman- ville adopting the National Building Code ai Canada outines the iollowing responsibilities ta any persan or persans contemplating the construction ai a new building or altering any existing building. SECTION 1.5: DUTIES 0F THE OWNER The owner of the property or his agent shall; (a) prior to the commencement of any of the works described in Section 1.2: (i) file with the administrative officiai a signed application ini the prescribed forni vt-ich shall include a statenient of the intended use of the building, together with duplicate copies of specifications and of drawings to scaie of the building or build- ings included in the proposed work and showing ivhatever information is rcquired ' hy thc administrative'officiai inciuding the dimensions of such buildings, the desig- nlated uses of ail rooins or fioor areas, the dimensions of the lot to be buiit on, the grades of the streets and sewers abutting, the position, height, horizontal dimensions of ail existing buildings on the lot, and any other information which is required by this By-Iaw; (ii) obtain froni the appropriate authority permits relating to building, zoning, grades, severs, watermains, plunibing, signs, blasting, street occupancy, eiectricity, high- ways, and ali other permits required in connection with the proposed work, and (iii) give reasonable notice to the administrative officiai of tbe intention to start work; (b) obtain the %vritten approval of the administrative officiai before doing any work at variance witb the documents set out ini Paragrapb 1.5 (a) (i) after tbe permit bas been issued; (c) notify the administrative officiai during the progress of any of the work describcd in Section 1.2 as follows ...... %Vhen: <a> a building is buiît this By-law shall apply to the construction of the building; (b) a building is moved in m-hole or in part this By-law shait apply Io the whole building or ail parts and associated buildings whether moved or flot; <c) a building is vvrecked in whole or in part this By-law shall appl3' to any remaining part or associated buildings and to the work involved; (di) a building is altered this By-Iasv shail apply to the whole hbuilding except that it may apply only to part If such part ls eompletely self-containei "ith respect ici the facilities and safety measures required by this By-law: <e) the occupancy or a building Is changed this By-law shall apply to ail parts of the building affected by the change. (d) notify the administrative officiai in writing within 30 days of coinplction o! the qvnri described in the permit; and (e)* obtain an occupancy permit: (i) prior to the initial occupancy of any building or part thereof or additional construc. tion hereafter; or (ii) prior to a change in the class o! occupancy of an.y building or part thereof. SECTION 1.6: RESPONSIBILITY 0F THE OWNER Neither the granting of a permit, nor the approval of the drawings and specificationis, nor the inspections miade by the administrative officiai during erection of the building, shall ini any way relieve the owner of such building or bis agent from full responsibility for carrying out the work in accordance with tbe requirements o! this By-iaw. SECTION 1.7: DOCUMENTS 0F THE SITE The applicant for a permit shahl: (a) keep posted in a conspicuous place on tbe premises a copy of tbe permit applicable thereto, <- or a poster or placard in lieu thereof: and (b) keep a copy of the approved drawings and specifications on the premises at ail times during construction for inspection of the proposed work. SECTION 1.8: PENALTIES Ail persons wbo contrav-ene any o! the provisions o! this By.law shahl upon conviction shah! forfeit and pay at the discretion o! the convicting magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the sum of $300.00 for cacb offense, exclusive o! costs. L. R. GUINTON, Building Inspector A 'A TRUMAT. AX. m.ii CWL Meeting Plans for Many Coming Activities WIL SALE eTORE ffOI*R's, Ileek Pays 1%*Pd neday Friday 9:30 - 53 9:30 -9:00 "'-s- 9 "M CANAMUN STATESM", 19017MANV=X. ONTARIO a