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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1959, p. 1

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r-r -Wi n Certificates of Merit Durham Countys Great Family Journal VULUMJ~ 105 22 Pages BQWMANVILLE. ONTARTO. THTIRSflAV MAPPW 10+ h 1Q~0 -. - -, -~-~- ~ lflr. P~, C!nnu Fashion Show Commentator Robert Marjerrison, lef t, and Boyd Woolley, managers of Ken's Boys' and Ken's Men's Wear stores here received Certificates of Menit recently. They successfully completed a two day Sales Seminar in Toronto sponsored by the Men's Clothing Manufacturers' Assn. of Ontario. The course included ail aspects of modern mer- ~.chandising along with practical instruction in mcasuring, fitting, alterations, etc., to .. enable them to better service their customers. They arc being congratuiated by Murra y Levine, President of the Association. Sixty retailers from Ontario attended. lrish Speaker Delights Tri -Club Meeting Tuesday Members of the Bowmanville Rotar-y Club, the Bowmanville Lions Club and the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club bad a most enjoy- able evening on Tuesday at the ennual Inter-Club dinner meet- Ing held at the Lions Commun- lty Centre. Keith Jackson, a 3,ast president of Rotary Club, Was the MC. Those at 'the bead table were: nalph McIntyre, president of the Lions Club; Rex Walters, presi- dent of tbe Rotary Club; Dr. Charles Cattran, president of the Xinsmen Club; Rev. Dr. W. J. Johnston, B.D.. D.D., Scarbor- eug,.the special speaker; Clare Garton, Art Hooper and. Ernest Bradley, members of the Inter- Club committee, and Mr. Jack- son, the MC. A quartet composed of Ken e~ochin, Doue Rackbanî. Sam !Black" and' Dr% Keith Siemon, d1elighted the audience witli their singing of "Tom Doo1ey,'" "O1 McDonald" and several other appropriate sangs. Ken Hockin led the rousiog singsong. Ross MeIPcalf xvas at the plana. Rex Walters introchîced the~ speaker. He said that Dr. John- ston had been tle nilnister off Eglinton United Church for 26 yrars. He i% a promInent mcmi- ber off the Kiw,,ani5 Club anc] a -S have -*Arena Ice 'lle Menuorial Arena was an exceptionally bus'y place' vester-1 day. For bhc first time tbisi year, the ice was shaved ta r e- mnove several inclues. This wi 11 make for a beter surface for the balance off the season with less strain on tbe freezing ma- chinery. Arena Chairman Bob Watt said tbey had hoped thoge t tbrougluh te scason wihhout the expexuse off the shaving opera- tion, but with three eams in the piaydowns, it had been dcemed necessa ry. He paid tribute Io the Dept. ot Works for tlueir cooperation in assistiuug with their employees and equipment 10 rcmax'e the pulverîzcd ice ather it hadi been cut off by a machine brought from Peterboî-ough's Memoriall Centre.i "Eve rytbing ah the ArAna isi now in readiness ta handle bigi crowds and provide goad ice shouid al aur teams go hhr oughu te the Ontario finals," said Mm.ý Watt. Three Mason. Mr. Walters pointed out that as Dr. Johnston was born in Ireland, and had a full share of Irish wit, the Inter- Club Committee bad been for- tunate in securing bim as the speaker for the dînner meeting on St. Patrick's Nïgbt. Dr. Johnston gave a decidedly interesting and witty address. He told of bis trip ta Ireland last summer, and spoke of the beautiful Irish scenery, tbe cus- toms and bistory off the country. He also described the valiant spirit, humour, kindliness and hospitality of tbe Irish people. He pointed Io the significant tact tbat in ail the bistory of Ireland thiere had neyer been a war ta subjucate another nat- ion, or to canquer and seize land belonging to another couii- try. He stated that the Irish h-adý fougbt ta bclp thie French, -the Spaniards and the British, and spoke of the contribution vol- unteers Jrom Ireland had mpde figbting in the Allied Armies during the World War I and World War II. Dr. Johnston ld the erice club mcmbers that, lie came ho Canada in 1911. Siiiee thon lie lias made periodic trips back ta lireland. He rernarkedi thaf wlien lie first came In Canada the sei voyage took Il davs. whilc last sumnier be fleur ho Belfast froni Malton Airport ini only 10 bours. (Continued on naee seven> Denies She Will Regis fer "'Mom" Whytc is as deter- mined as ever thnt she will flot register bier home. Whyte Haven, under thue Children's Boarding Home Act. Mrs. Wbyte, who is a patient at present in a To- ronto bospital, last Friday terni- ed tbc gavernment "unfair in waiting until I am in hospital ho issue a statement tliat 1 wîll register. She repeated that she wilI -never regisfer. "ýI told tbem I would meet witb them before I came into bospital, or would postpone eoming inoa ospital. but they never made the promised invi- tatin," she said. Mrs. Wbyte contends tlîat bhe reeulations of the Cbildren's Boarding Homes Act would force lier ho reduce the number of clîildren ini ber care, usually abouit 100. Mrs. Whyte enfered hospital on Monctay, March l9h, for an operation. Her physician lias reported that tlic tests made liave revea]ed that -lie is nat suffering trom cancer. Higli School' Bd's. Levy Expected to Be $ 28 5,#000 The Durham Count.v District High Sehool Board ai a meet- ing held last weck in Port Hope, hurned dowri a joîiit suggestion by the Clarke TowIî-II ship anîd Ncwcastle Councls-1.-, that a 200 room sclîool be buidt in both Orono and Newcastle. The board rcccnhly- obhained Department off Education an-1 proval for a hhrec2 school buildi-! ing program, and hiones !0o build onc school in Darliiigton. another in Millbrook. and the third cash of the Clarke-Dar- lingto-u ne. The suggcstion of the Clark,- and NeuUcshie counicils would add a fourth sclîool. Lasit y'ar flie boards p aln ta build a 300 pupil school at Orono was tliwarted when th",- necessai-Y approval naojvof 1 thq nîunicipalihies in the d:,- trict could not be obhained. Thr originql objection ho the Orono! site came trami Newcastlei wbere the citizeîîs claimcd the new school should bc. C. E. Allin reported ta the *meeting last Thursdav evening fliat bli-, building cammittre *was working on the selection Of ;i!cs in Millbrook and in Darlinghon, but that no pro- gress, had been made on the third site. Tbf' concensu5 off opinion ah the meeting was that Clarke and Newceastle should agree on the site for one school, and if tIl eY cou] ld ot. the board sýhouId take the "bull by the horns' and pick a site. Budget Completed The 19.59 budget of the Dur- biarn Coun1tv District High Sehool Board bas been com- pleted. It shows estimatcd re- cipts of $361,622-74, plus a ditr- ference in suiperatinuiation aniout ng lZta $3.500 and a sur- pIlsOf $6820-18 brin.ging the total to $3î].942.92. Expend,«- tures are $656942.92 urbichi, leFs rcceinhs, leaves $285,000. the amount off the expected Vv. Veh ic les in Crash *,1osia ,.. Hopt The extensively damaged 1958 station wagon shown above is owned by Wilfrid LaBine, 187 King Street West, wmanvilie. It was damaged in a three vehicle collision No. 35 Highway last Thursday. Fortunatelv, none of e three drivers were injured. The other cars învolx-ed -èvre a 1953 Fargo truck owned bv Sheppard & Ciii and driven bv Douglas G. Gray, 78 Kingc Street Wcst, Bnwv- mnanville, and a 1958 International stake truck driven.b John W. McDougail, Green Acres Road, Toronto. Party Today Don't forget, You have a date to mneet your friends toddy at the Lions Com- niunity Centre whcre the li'omen's Hospital Auxil- iary is holding tbe annual Birthday Party of the hos- pital. Ilours are 3 te 5 p.m. Pretty Easter decorations wiil make you forget the wintry weatber outside while you enjoy a rup of tea. A m.-arm welc'me awvaits ail those attending. It Is boped that many from the surrounding cemmnuni- ties served by Memorial Hospital %vill be able to be present, as w-ell as a large nimmber from Bowman- Ville. f I Ready fa The newly organized Red Cross Branch bave completed plans for a one hour "Blitz" ta be held on Monday, Marcb 23rd from 7 ta 8 p.m. Tbe co-operation of the citi- zens of Bowmanvîlle and dis- trict in acccpting Positions as captains and canvassers has been most xratifyýngc. Ail funds collected will remain in Bow- manville ta be used by the Red Cross ta serve the immediate area. Tbis campaign will be beld simultaneously in Bowmanviiie, Newcastle, Tyrone, Haydon and Enniskillen. It is hoped that oth-er area.s that will benefit fromn this. Red Cross Brancb, and are not being canvassed, will send their donations to the treasurer, Mrs. B. Burk, Box 1419, Bowmanville. Campaign Chairmen for the Red Cross Blitz are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Osborne, with headquarters being 7 Lover's Dept. Approves Plans For Six Room School1 The Bowmanville PubEc' the new school was discussed School Board has receivcd ap- at the meeting, and the board proval fromn the Department of will consult with the planning Education for the plans for thc. board on the question. It was, new six r(çorn school to be built decided to sponsor a contest on Elgin~ treet North, it was among public school children annotinced at the meeting of for a title for the new school the board held last Thursd'ay after it bas been completed. evening. The board decided not ta The Town Counril bas auth- grant further increases in the orized R. B. Reynolds, the teacher's salary scale, at pres- Town Clerk. ta apply to the cnt, and contracts are not be- Ontario Munlicipal Board for ing given *ta the teachers ta permission ta issue debentures be si.cned. The maximum ta $186.000. less the provincial amaunt which may be accumu- grant, for the school. lated by teachers for sick leave Stuart R. James. chairman is 200 days. of the Bowmanville Public Classrooms at Central public School Board stated that there school will be re-arranged for is stili no definitc c.stimate of next September. One of the the cost for tlie building of the present classrooms will be con- new school. The architects for! verted into a permanent Home the building arc John B. Par- Economics roam, and the kmn- kins Associates. Toronto. dergarten will be moved from The matter of roads aroundl the basement. Ç13ts and1 £kieces BIG DEFICIT - Taxpayers in Port Hope must have been shocked this week ta hear the sad news that their town affairs for 1958 concluded with a huge deficit of $42,503-58. The figure included a deficit from the previous year of $1,895.19, which probably did flot make the flCws any sweeter. We are flot crow- ing too much until we learn how Bowmanville came out on last year's. operations. -.t t t TRAFFIC CLINIC - The next traffie clinic at the Town Hall xiii be held on April 7th an-d l4th. Police are now taking bookings for the June class, al others being filled, anrrlet ely. If you are reaching the age of 16 in thè turc, it would be advisable ta have your name entered now for the clinic. There will be no, clinics during July and August. '. t t t SPRING COMING- Word was received from Rev. Fred Reed of Hampton this week that several robins hiad been spotted in the area. This news brings hope that surely Spring must be on its way. %Nrman J. Scott of Brookçdale-Kingsway Nurseries advises that in their business they are at least three weeks behind normal in spring business. Ai Witherspoon gave a timely address at Women's Canadian Club on Monday when lie spoke on the "Ice Age" and stated that this part of the counitrv was a glacier 11,000 years ago. Not s0 different f rom this year! T t -. t MVIDGET SEMI-FiNALS - Tonight, the Lions Midgets leave foi- Coilingwood in the f irst of home and home games for the Ontario semi-finais. They return here for the final game on Saturday at 8:30. The game tonight will bc broadcast over Oshawa CKLB radio, starting at 9:05. t t *I. t COMPLEUE SWEEP- Cartwright Public School contestants in the Kiwanis Music Festival at Peter- borough this week have been receiving congratula- tions from ail quarters. They xvalked off with seven firsts and three seconds. The community is trying ta arrange a big night for them ta celebrate this out- standing record. t t t t t RAPID PROGRESS- The town's two newest enter- prises, the Canadian Tire Associate Store on Church Street and the Grand Union Supermarket at the corner of Cbuî-ch and Division, showed great progress this week. The Canadian Tire store now has ail the brickwork completed and the huge windows instalied with work continuing on the interior. The aid Foundry building has iost part of its roof and much of the interior. Soon, the walls wiil be knocked doxvn and the site clearced, preparatory ta building. WHAT AN EGG Arthur Thompson of Kendai was startied last week. While collecting the cggs he came across anc in the giant ciass. It weighed haif a pound, mcasurcd 81à" around and 101/8" ]engthwise. His hens are Hampshire hvb rids which came from Brooks' Orchiand Chieken Farm west of Bowmanville. The egg is now on dispiay at The Statesman office. Our farm experts have been unabie to tell how many yokes are inside. t t t - l .$82,000 LOT - The Ontario Liquor Control Board has paid $82,000 for- a lot'in Oshawva ta buiid a liquor stor-e. The' information xvas disclosed in the Legis- iature on Monday and should be good news for local property oxvncrs wbo bave aspirations of doing a similar deai with the Board at some time in future. SUBSTITUTE SUN Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason, in charge of decorations for the Hospital Auxiliary's birthdav parts' this aftemnoon used real ingcnuity this weck. She planned to use forsythia branches for spring-likc effeet, but found the weather s0 backxvard that the flowcrs w-crc slow in reaching their peak. Daughter Carolyn suggested they use R sun lamp on the branches ta speecL nature along. The beautiful resuits may be seen at the party. t t T ESSAY WINNER -M rs. R. Bonsteel, Bethany, xife of the popular United Chureh minister in that area, has been awarded first prize for an essay on "How can I train my child ho be a citizen of the world?" The conbest was sponsored by' the Federated Womeni's Institu tes of Onfario. We hope to publish the complete essay if Mrs. .Bonsteel will agree. Mr. A. Mavin and Mrs. W. R. Spry. The Ladies' Auxiiary to the Canadian Legion bave most graciously offered to serve lunch to the captains and can- vassers following tbe "Blitz", and a welcome awaits them at the Legion Hall. Captaîn for the Newcastle area is Mrs. William Rudeli; for Tyrone and district, Mrs. W. R. Spry; and for Haydon, Mr. D. Cameron. Boxvmanville captains and their volunteer canvassers are as follows: District 1-Captains. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rundle; Canvasserg: Mesdames E. Brown, T. Carter, W. Wallis, G. Dilling. P. Batn- gate. H. Calmer. W. Lawrie. District '2 - Captain, Mrs. Robert Bate; Canvassers: Miss (Continued on vaace seven) 1958 Plates 111e gai 1f you are stili drlvlng your car with 1958 plates, you are breaklng the law and could find yourself in court witb a fine bcing assesscd by the magistrate. Yesterday was the final day for driv- ing with old licences. Higgon Electric's capable staff of ladies in charge of issuing new licences report that there was no particular rush uon Wcdnesday mornlng. It might well be that cvery- one bas taken care of this SaIva lion Army Observes 751h Anniversary in Town A time of rejoicing and thanks- meal, under the supervision of in Japan and Korea. and af later giving ta God was experienced Mrs. Ron Parker. years bad occupied some key at The Salvation Army in Bow- The weekend services com- executive positions in The Sal- manville last weekend, wben menced with a musical festival vatiorl Army. the 75th enniversary was observ- in the local citadel in whicb the On Sunday Colonel Newman ed. Special visitors for the week- Senior and Junior Bands par. emphasized in his scriptural end were Colonel and Mrs. Her- ticipated with marches end selec- messages the need -for-persnnal bert Newman of Toronto. tions, and tbe newly-formed devotion and sacrifice ta the On Saturday a. dinner was girls singing group, under tbe cause of Christ. A vocal trio beld at the Lions Centre,' at direction of- Mrs. A. Bothwell from the Peterborough Temple xvhicb 130 Salvationists and and Miss Ruth Winterbottom, Corps added inspiration ta the friends enjoyed turkey. Tbe sang very delightfully. A tim- day with tbeir fine contrihu- Women's Auxiliary of the Army, brel display was also given. tions, their highlight being 111e called the "Home League&' pre- In welcoming tbe special vis- singing of the hymn "Take M1\y pared and served the excellent itors ta, Bowmanville, Captain Life'". Norman Cales, tbe resident of- In the evening evangelistie ficer, told the congregation that meeting a tape recorded broad- Colonel and Mrs. Newman bad cast was made, as is custoniary M ay Haveseen many years of active serv- every week, for re-broadcast Irish Sweep ia a pn part of his careerl morning at 9:30. Loveiy Carol Starkman, weil known TV and radio star, received many compliments last week flot only ori her appearance but also for the charming way she handlèd the commeritary at Breslin's Fashion Show. Club 15 ladies, sponsors of the event, were delighted ta 'see the High School auditorium packed ta the doors. Miss Stark- man is shown checking the array of dresses prior ta the W in ner Here Bowmanville bas at least one possible w~inner for the Irish Sweepstakes wbich will be run 'oif Saturday, March 2lst. S. G. "Sam" Smith ef 3 Veteran's Avenue reccived horse, Kay Royal, bad Members off Florence Nightin- Henning; I.G.-L. A. MacDouigaL been drawn. gale Lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F., Grand Lodge Represented He could win $140000 at marked annual Past Grands' Deputy Grand Master MeNil most or several undred at Nigt on Marcb 12 with a visit was escrted into the ldgeroon won $20-50 in another Ontario, William G. McNeil, broduced, and received honours sweep. Toronto; the exemplification o of the Order. the First (Friendsbip) Degree, P.D.D.G.M. Raymond Fry acf. When contacted at R. M. and presentation of two 50-year cd as escort and introduced Hollingshead C o m p a n y jeweîs. visitors fromi Toronto, Cobourj, where he has been cm- Orano, and D.D.G.M. E. W. Elvy. ployd Pa 10 ears Mr. Past Grand Sidney Little.a s Cobourg. Smith said e wasnt ton NobleGandte follown gD excited and, actually, didn't Past Grands occupied the chairs: egre Conferred pay on uchattntin t J.P.G.'-L. Cbittick: R.S.N.G.__ Under direction or Dec(e pay oo iuchattntio to Mac Moore; L.S.N.G.-Sidney Captain Sidney Little the Fir.:t the whole thing. He had Murdoch; Vice Grand-C. G. Degree teamn of Florence Niglt- t- check tbcefelegram to Morris; R.S.V.G.-Geo. Forseyv ingale Lodge exernplified iIle find out bis horsc's name. L.S.V.G.-A. W. Northcutt; R.S' work for hxvo Brothecrs of flue Homsdtiplket va uder th -Stanley McMurter; F.S.-Wm Inibiatory Degree, from Orono no d pue Bady. Corden; Treas-Gordon Me' Lodge. lus many friends hea-e Murter; Wardcn-G. Goheen' Presents Jewels uîll be w!shinC bim niuch Con-J. J. Flett: R.S.S.-L.. The acting Nole Grand rip.o financial suceess in the Highfield; L.S.S.-Cliff. Sami; gah'-d D cpuhy Grand Mastc.r u days abead. Chap.-R. Hutchinson; O.G.-E. <Continued an roaze seven Golden Anniversary in Odd Fellows Veteran Odd Fellows Receive Jewels at Past Grands' Night Two very proud members of Florenlce Nightingale Lodge No. 66, Independent Order of Odd Feliows, Brothers Joseph Highfieid, left, and Dr. Cea. W. James, pose with the Doputy Grand Master of Ontario, Bro. William G. McNeil, Toronto, %vho made the presentatjon of 50-year jeweis on hehaif of their iodge at the Past Gr-ands' Nieht in the local lodgeroom on March 12. Bro. C. E. Rehder recorded this event in~ picture form. -Photo by Rehd.g y - r v Dozens 'of Canvassers "B litz" Nighf <j I VOLUME 105 22 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. MARCH Ath. 1959 10e Per Conv M 4hr qUMBER 12 IÏ

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