AIXMMSAY, MAR. lmh, 1959 ýWcaIter Thornton Model< Latest Fashil By Audience c A asmart Collection cf sprirj fashions shown in a sparklirj aetting ef white and gold fan with beautiful bows of pin' mnade the large crowd attend ing Breslin's Fashion Show ci Wednesday evening, March 11 forget the snow and wintri weather outside. The event was sponsored b3 Breslîn's Ladies' Wear, wil arrangements and decoratiorý by Bowmanvile's Club 15. Mrs Morris Breslin who operate( stores in Bowmanville anc Whitby carryîng a complet( line of fashion right clothes foi women, managed the show witl the assistance cf her competer, staff. Mrs. Breslin paid partf cular tribute to Mrs. Lou Lyl( in this connection. Profesahonal Modela Professional mod2Ls from th( Walter Thornton Model Agen. cy of Toronto showed thE beautiful suits, coats, daytim( and datetime dresses, sporiý and lounging wear. Judy WelcP and Penny Cerneli, and cozn- rnentator Carol Starkman, al of whom took part in last year'5 Breslin show, were greeteçi a old friends, as was Pearl Green- baum (nee Breslin) who is known to many in Bowman. ville, ber home during her school years. * A spçcial welcome was given vely June Wood, Bowman- ville's Centennial Queen, who 15 now a Thornton model as well as a teacher of music. Vi larker, the very attractive mn- ciel for women's clothes, at once established friendly contact with her audience. TV Personality Carol Starkman, television personality, whose Iatest ap- pearance was on the Here's Duf- fy show, was a charming com- imentator, wearing first a short harem skirted gown in white, anid during the second half of ,the show, an elaborate floor length evening dress of blit brocaded taffeta with floatint, aide panels. Miss Starkman is a niece of the late Mr. Breslin. ARE VOU PUTTING '*THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE" Are yen trying te Get a Job without Belng Properly Qualified Yen can get specialized Business Training Now Enroli at once at the Oshawa Business College 111 Suncoe Si. S. Dial RA 5-3375 g She was intreduced by Mrs. g George Wbite, president o! Club ns 15, who aise extended a wel. ýk, corne te patrons o! the show. d- Red cerais a popular col- n our this yeac. Green in softI l, shades, and green with blue y prints are aise bigh fashion. Most important news of course y is that the waistline is back, h being veey definitely markecl is in fitted sheaths, and eften ac- s. cented with ves-y wide belts es and cummerbunds. The chemise d la dead, and ne one la mourn- e ing. This year's fashions are cr soft yet sieek. Tbey are fem- th inine and figure revealing, nt Most akirta are slim, but dance i- fcocks are beautî!ully bouffant, e and romantic in colour and ma- tecial. Wlde Collaru .e Stand-away collars are a fea- i- ture of daytime dresses, otten e with seft ties at -the neckline .e in front. Short jackets, wide s cellars and bloused backs with ýh litthe bal! or quarter belta fea- -tuced most of the hovehy suits 1l Ebown. Waffle weave wooh, 's tyrelene and boucle, looped s wool and mohair, and all wool i-worsted were soreaoe the ma- is teniaIs shown in the suits. 1- The ceats were beautifully ýr wearabhe. The very elaborate tulînesef last year bas taper- n ed down te a soft fulînesa, some- i- times gatbered in a yoke at the eo back. Other coats shown were as almoat straight and deveid et i fada, designed te hast more than -one seasen. One o! these was ýe the blue seal akin coat worn ýt by Judy Welch, and another was the blue boucle, a "London Lassie", worn by June Wood, n combining Britishu wool and -American design. A chassie was -the 100% camel baie British -Sportswear coat !ashioned in ýt single breasted style, modelled *by Pearl Gceenbaum. AU Weather Coats r Designed te make anyone eenjoy a rainy day, were tne Sail wcather coats in lslu sfloral prints and black and modtel checks. With these the moesshowed attractive sheath dresses in prints and plains, and eye attracting blouses with slim skirta. The figured blouse wîth soft details iri the neck- ine is very fashionable this spcing. A number o! overbîcu- ses are stilh shown. Vi Harker showed some moat attractive two-piece costumes for rnatron sizes. Soft necklines,i large collars and bhoused backs in the short jackets were fea- tures, combined with slim shirts. Mca. Harker aise mo- delled some garden bright and pretty prints. Young dresses in peints wece aise lusclous in cohour and stv- HOOPER'1S brings you more diamond -- ring value than you thought you could afford. A. a HOOPERi JEWELLERY & GIFT SHC 29 King St. E. Bowmanville T~ ~A?4'AflTA1t MTA~wlAw U#'~WIDA~ V W AWI~ I I 5detaÈbi will appear ln a. later isme. W.A. Meeting lhe W.A. met ln the churchi hall on Mar. 12 at 2:30 p.m. with a very small number present. The meeting opened with repeat- ons Âdmired mg the mtoadte e.W ut re ln S O WLenten service. Foilowingth charge over the remainder of the meeting. Reports were heard from the treasurer and from 9. ling, and the festive formais for five bras donated by Bres.. Mrs. Larmer the representative àwould delight the heart of any lin's, and also a dinner for twolotePrna Brd - yeung girl. at the Flying Dutchman, aîso teProeeBad Play Clothes donated by Breslin's. Winners At the close of the %business, - Rounding out the complete were: Mrs. Elizabeth Maynard the first part of the Christian t wardrobe, were matching sport Miss Shirley Bickle, Mrs. Jack Citizenship Studiy was lntroduc- clothes, with shorts, slims and Buttonshaw, Mrs. 0. J. Pres- ed by Mrs. Bone who explaiined *skirts; glamorous but practical son, Mrs. Don Masters and Mrs. parts of it. and suggested that housecoats-* pretty slumber Keith Slemon. the members, working in pairs, wear; and'ultra smart bathing Favours donated by MeGre.. take a part and prepere a paperà suits, styled by Cole cf Califor- gor's Drug Store and Rickaby's on it to present st the next meet-1 nia. Ltd., were presented to each ing. Mrs. Bone expl'ained that3 A number cf draws were lady on entering. since the Study cf Christian Cit- made at intermission time by Club 15 izenship is a new venture for Mrs. George Webster of Club AUl mexnbers of Club 15 work- this group it would net be wise 15 and were won by: Mrs. D. ed on the fashion show project, to try to go through toc much Kemnp, Miss Ada Dadson, Donna with President Mrs. George of any part of t at one time. *IMountjoy, Mrs. Terry Masters, White as general convenor. Re- By breaking it down inte smallt Diane Burgess, Mrs. Russell sponsible for the lovely decor- parts and each member given a Gimblett, Mrs. Frank Hooper, ations of stage and runway chance te, have a part in present- Mrs. John Rickard, Joan Smith, were Mrs. George Webster, ing what they have prepared,g Mrs. Lewis Wood, Miss Bever- Mrs. Ralph Mclntyre and Mrs. it might help to stimuiate inter-t iy Wilson, Mrs. Bill Reid, Dor- George Vinish. Tickets were in est. Mrs. H. Larmer and Mrs. L.t een Richards and Mrs. Ferres- charge cf Mrs. Don Gilhooly, Argue will prepare and presentc Lter.- These draw prizes were prizes in charge of Mrs. Lionel thie next part cf the Study at1 donated by Ella's Gi2.t Shop, W. Parker and Mrs. Russell Oke. the April meeting. A contest Z J. Berry. Jury & Loveil, Mc- Mrs. Oke aise provided the preparred by Mrs. Bone, using the Gregor's Hardware, Cowling's sparkling piano accompaniment members' names as answers to Drug Store, Lander Hardware, for the show. Mirs. Don Mars- the contest, was enjoyed. The Higgen Electrie, McGregor's den and Mrs. Jack Dunn were meeting closed with repeatingt Drug Store, Wanda's Beauty responsibie for lighting and the Theme Frayer.f Shop, Mason & Dale, Joan's ramp arrangements. É_________ Beauty Centre, Rickaby's Ltd., The lovely bouquet o! flow- Marr's Jewellery, and Club 15. ers on the commentator's table White expressed apprecia- was made by Mrs. R. P. Rick- TYRONE.1J tien for these donations. aby. Pays Tribute Breslin Staff Congratulations te Mr. Oliver At the beginning o! the sec- Bresiin's and Club 15 can Beckett on his 83rd birthd-ay. A ond haif e! the show, Dr. Wil- congratulate themselves on an- family gathering was held Sat- iiamn Breslin in an informal other very successful fashion urday night at the home of Mr. speech, paid tribute te his sis- show. Playing a very impor- and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and ter-in-law, Mrs. Morris Bres- tant part in preparing the show Maxine.a lin, and members of the Bres- and keeping things running Congratulations to Mr. Herb lin family for the excellence o! smoothly behind the scenes Cameron on his 84th ibirthd'ay. the show. Customers could be were staff members o! Breslin's 'A gathering was held at theS assured, he said, that the high assisting Mrs. Breslin. They home o! Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood. standards set by the late Mr. were Mrs. Lou Lyle, Mrs. Lii- Mr. and Mrs. H. Trivett o! Wes- t Breslin are being strictly' ad- hian Denby, Mrs. Ruby Wood- ton, were also present. hered te and carried on by Mrs. ward of the Bowmanville store, Tyrone Community Red Cross Breslin. and Mrs. Vivian Hoar, manager Drive will be held Monday even- Mrs. Breslin made the draws. of the Whitby store. ing Mar. 23, between 7 and 8 p.m.a Mr. and Mrs. A. Huis, Mrs. ti -~mFlorence Scott, Mrs. S. T. Hear, t Annu l ~ ~arnvauwere Sunday cailers o! Mrs. W. A nnua K opp r K ar ivalJ. Miller, Misses Beth and Helen, , 0f Bo man lleMIstitted Mrm. James McQuinn,E O f B w m an ill Ins i e sihwa.visited Mr. and Mrs. The Bowmanville Women's Mrs. Smale, socks, M. L. Clem- C. H. McQtiinn. InÈtitute annual Kopper Karni- ens; child's socks, Mrs. D. Mrs. L. Jones and 'Douglas,A val was held at the Lions Cen- Jackman; doilies, Mýrs. RoviViolet, and friend visited Mrs. tre on Thursday March 12. Hooper: cheese and cracker ibevi Ward, Toronto, Sunday. J Although the weather wvas1 dish, Mrs. R. Burns, bottla Mr. and Mrs. S. Swerd'figer unfavourable, the crowd was warmer, Mrs. C. Trewin; white_ and family moved te a farm vi good and the proceeds very en- shirt, Mrs. R. Webber; girl's 'home near Harmnony on Satur- couraging. As usual the home- dress, Mrs. Harper; blue swea- day. made baking and candy booth ter, Mrs. McClean: green cloth, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkin- was sold out in a short time. Mrs. V. Frank; slippers, Mary son, Dunharton, were guests on ai The afternoon tea was well pa- Laskaris; wallet, Mrs. Bruce Mondlay of Mr. anud Mrs. A. HuIs, d; tronized. Metcalf; 3YelIow pyjamas, Har- Ruth Pascoe Spent the week- As it is the only projeet ta ry Gay; quilt (dresden plate),~ end with Joanne Mackie, Eben- fa mnake money throughout the Mrs. Passmore, Bootees, M'rs.C.,ezer. Cl year, the members put every Rice,» baby dress, Mrs. JuneJ Mr. and Mrs. V. Davervport effort in this wvork. Manv Rheder; glass plate, Mrs. Geo. and boys, Richmond Hill, visited . thanks te ail who made it such Lewins; green sweater, Blake Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton M a grand success. Walls, Oshawa; telephone in- and aise called on Mrs. M. Har- o. Kappr Kaniva Pri dex, Mrs. F. Battie; crib quilt, I ris, Whitby. Ka~e Krivl rzes Betty Wesseils; shoe rack, Joani Grace Gibbs returned home ai Yellow quilt, Mrs. Hannah, Buttery, blouse, Mrs. Carr; cu- from the hospital Monday. c Toronto; dohi, Mrs. W. H. shion, Ruby Lane, cutlerv tray, Mrs. Arthur Hamilton, Mrs. A. W Brown-, cup and saucer, iVrs. B. Mrs. Fred LeW.ins, dili and iHilîs spent two days at Five M Mundiy; nightîe, Mrs. R. Web- wardrobe, Gert Halîman; red Oaks. ber; gre2n bath towel, Mrs. L. quilt, Mrs. McAllister. Je Anne and John Hoar en- or Dumnas, Brighton; $1ibbll, Mrs. Unclaimed numbers are-230- tertained a few school chums on Di W. Corden; china bowl,- Marie, 534. 607: 661,- 673; 686; 95Ï lhi 2th birth-day. Gartshore, Newcastle; china 1595;- 1705; 1739. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell Tl plate, Mrs. Norman Gibsen; v______r._ad_____S.______ c bed jacket, Marie Laskaris; $1vstdMradMs.SSmesc bill, Pollock; cup and sau- B R cer, Mrs. L. Dumas, Brighton; B RKE T pillow cases, Mrs. G. Cawker; plastic bowls, Miss Lewins, To- Next Sunday will be Palm ronto; nightie, Mrs. K. Bickell; Sunday. yellow baby outfit, Mrs. V. The W.A. are planning on T H Fran; csseoleMis Sthl;holding an Easter Tea in the' green towei, Mrs. S. Buttery; cup and saucer, Miss Elva Or- ehureh, hall. chard; brown socks, Irwin Col- Mr. and Mrs. A-%ert Adams We, of Br well; groceries, Mrs. E. Perfect; and f'aihy, Bowiri..nmvIlle; Mr. tea towel, Mrs. R. Virtue; and Mrs. Robt. Carter and fam-1 Parade of Spring F, drainer and rack, Mrs. G. Gra-' îly, Whitby, were Sunday guests ham; nightie, Mrs. L. Good- at the borne o! Mr. and Mrs. E. man; aoap, Betty Brown; pil. M. Adams.I low cases, Mrs. Lee, Sr.; cup Mr. Wm. Pederson was invol- and saucer, Mrs. Wood. ved in an accidient on Saturduay Diamond socks, DorothY arn. while driving bis wife to î , Dewell; cup and saucer, Mrs. L. work at Whitby. The accident : Dumas: plastic bowls, Ma.M ocre t nisilewhna accident on Friday evening when their cars collided at a sideroad and Scugog Road, north o! the - village. Considerable damtage was done te both cars. "" Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and girls, Osbawa, were Sundbay visitera o! Mrs. Ethel Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vickery, spent the weekend in Sbýarbot dl, ~C 94<C<~Lake visiting relatives. ~IA'~ IS[AK OXMr. andl Mrs. George Walker and Nancy, Markham, visited e.add glamour te your outflt!' with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone on away for future gifts-LOCKr Sunday. Nancy will remnain for W.. HEARIS.. CULTURA'S a week or se. k.ED-LOOK PEARLS.. AU-J It is a pleasure te report that 11 TIN-CUl COLORADO' Mrs. Esther Carnochan has re- )WN AND CRYSTAL.. ( turned home from Memorial ET AURORA, DIADEM,' Hospital, w'here she was under- Above phot ', ICE BLUE.. ail on delicate going treatment for a iback ail- rhoiu clo cais.May- ment. Although stiil confined to Lillian Denby, Louise eshodium erchin. Mn bed Ms-s. Carnochan is progress- I ~s steadily back to bealth. Ail now available at Br( ber friends are hcping that by the time the nice weatiier ar- rives she will be cempletely re- 's eovered and able te b. out ar- Ils ound again. nhe socia evening whlch was )P to have taken place on Friday, Mar. 20, at the borne o! Mr-. and MA 35747 11Mr. R.Bone, bas been postponed MA 3-5747 FMi-saRB, Amril a. FurtLar- 49 New Canadians Receive Citizenship At Cobourg Ceremony COBOURG-In welcoming 49 sombre court room were Con- New Canadians at the citizen- stable M. Calberry and Kenneth ship ceremonies beld in the Roasse! the RCMP, Peterbor- court room o! the United Coun- ougb. ties building, Monday after- New citizens are: noon, Judge G. M. Smith,' Nap- anee, impressed upon themn the Karl Heinz Fabeicius, Hàzei need to mix with ahi and te Mildred Dalby; Valdis and avoid, if at ail possible, group- Skaidrite Jurjans; Maria J. Van- ing. steijn; Edgar and Veronika "Perbaps the fault is ours. Veismanis, Cobourg; Rudolf Ed- We shake banda with you now erer; Jacob Mohenaar; Hendri- and welcorne you as Canadians eus J. Schiltman; Johannes W. but we seemn reluctant te take Stassen; Mattheus and Petron- you into our social groupa as we ella Sneldees; Wladyslaw Tuez- shouhd. Peehapa we are more kowski; Heinrich Wentland, reserved than we shouhd be but Port Hope; Tony Dykatra; Re- you wilh find that the longer you gina and Ferenc Grof; Geza and live with us the reserve will Ilona Jankovicb; Heinz and soon diaappear. It is only in Helena Keggenhoff; Tadeus and this manner that you will find Emihie Wajrak: Erwin and Hel- the full enjoyrnent o! eue Can- ga Zîhlinger; Roeio! Van Der adian way o! hife. Keci, Bowmanvilie; Waldemar Judge Smith urged ail social Jung; Ranna Sinuo, Newcastle; groupa and service clubs te help the New Canadiana te miXc. "Il think a great service can be done if this step is taken. These People are ne longeIr New Can- adians but Canadiaps." lf cr) *Entertainment C i f r s After the ceremeny, the new 71 KING S" citizens were entertained byý the Cobourg Business and Pro- BOWMAN fesaienal Women's Club wbich donated gold maple leaf ern- blema te ail the ladies present. Each new citizen was presentedryl Býritish and Foreign Bible Se- ciety. Present for the occasion and adding a touch of cocur tei the S o a e - s i anid cb.ildren, Bowmanvihle.PH N N, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowling Aur- 1i10i cs-a, visited Me. and Ms-s. LloydI Smith, Sundiay.j for Mrs. George Alhdread spent the weekend with ber sister Mrs. n Walter Stewart and Me. Stewart, ]PICK-UP AN MoTntreal. Me. and Mes. Keith Davey Mr. LORNI and Mrs. Louis phillips, attended1 the Sportsmen's Show in Toron- to, Saturday evening. M\r. and Mrs. Aihyn Taylor and Lynda, Bowmanvuile, were supper guesta o! Mr- and Ms-s. K. Davey. castle, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R ED C Ai. Virtue. Raiph. Shaw, Oshawa, visited John Vîrtue, Sunday. Miss Mary Stevens, Bowman- ville, visited Ms-s. H. philp. Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor, Bow- nanville, spent the weekend with Me. and Mrs. A. Wood. Mr. lay visites-s. Mr. and Mrs. G. Astley and 'amily, Pickerin»g, were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis. Me. and Mrs. A. Brown and V.ack, Nwasle, wre gue s.sMO W.ack, Nwasle, M. a reus.s MO of Ms-, and Mrs. H. Skinner. Mr-. and Mrs. A. Geisberger ii!ysand lrnZion .am ndy, sa. -MR nildrHaensZon r and Ms-s. I OsAaRaC were Sunday guests o! Me. and Mr.Lloyd Skinner. Henry and Bert Carlson, Tor- ornto, spent the weekend with Douglas Stainton.7 m8 Elrxsmet with 17 present.7 8 nhie meeting was spent doing ýraftsq. Cleaners !. EAST VILLE ..aning - Repairs A 3-7061 DELIVERY SMcQUARRIE, Prop. 'ROSS - r -t IL D 1AY motH 23 P.m& ~NKS 0 0 3reslin's Ladies' Wear sinoerely thank ail the ladies who attended our ashions and made the event such an outstanding success. do shows members of the Breslin's staff, left to right: Vivian Hoar, eLyle with some of the latest styles shown at the Fashion Show and reslin's Ladies' Wear for ýour Easter wardrobe. - TIM CANAI)UN STATESMM.- nnwwrAwvwxm- 4wmAwm ý-- Waldemar and Christine Jacobo. -.U sen. Newcastle: Marie De Witte, Leopoldus and Fedora M. H. De Smit; Heinz and Edith Lued. tke, Orono; Adrianus and Hes- ter Vanderlinde, Cedrington; Minnie Wybenga, North Bailyv; Hendrikus and Catharine Pie. ' per, Taunton, Arne Ejilif Jen- sen, Campbellcroft; Nicholaas and Catharina Hofstede, Mil-. broke: Bartholomeus and Anna Den Ouden, Tie and Gladys De Haas, Hampton -Examiner. Royal Conservatory o! Music ot Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS *1b JUNE, 1959 rooda the CoonsoVWy q» htur ".APRIL là,119M 135 COLLIGI SMEUT 25 PINTO 28, ON. c f r c 1 Lz- a-,' - ', rts