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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1959, p. 1

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O.M.E.A. Ladies Tour Royal York 4. ~tm4~tau 7' I On tour o! the Royal Yorlk Hotel, Toronto, are a group o! wives o! delegates *who attended the joint convention o! the Ontario Municipal Electric Association and -the Association of Municipal Electrical Utîlities, held fi-rn Mai-ch 16 ta 18. The mural jn the new British Columbia Room holds the intei-est of, fi-rn le! t: Mrs. W. Ross iStrike, Bowmanville; Mrs. J. H. Williamson, Niagara Falls; Mrs. Ray Pfaff, St. Catb arines, and Mrs. H. B. Matson, Sandwich East, (formerly o! Bowmanville). . / -Ontario Hydro Photo Need for Immediafe Action On New Hos pifai Wing Plans Stressed af Board Meeting *The necessity of taking lm- get. This Is due to the pur-1 _,nMédiate action on plans for the chase of additional beds, tables, .aiew wing to the hospital was and other necessary items. emphasized at the meeting of Prices were submitted for a the board of directors of Mem- 200 pound ice machine, and the criai JHospital held last week. board considered the estimates Ivin Hobbs, the chairman, for different types. It was de- pQIiY&.di out that although at cided ta purchase a 200 pounid co»Rdation for 53 patients, add to the comfort of patients ~~ing February the re was an and be a time saver for the verage of 61 patients a day in. staff. The property committee. hôMpial.-'--*as authorized to buy extra w.e~ae ht hr eea chairs necessitated by the in- ý,Iany a s 12 eds i thehall atscreased number of patients. -one tin2. The resultant incori- r.BueMtoamm ennce and discomfort to ber of the board of directors, tleepatients was regretted by and president of the Women's the board. AUl municipalitie's Hospital Auxiliary, reported that use the ýhospital have au- that the auxiliary has purchas- thorized support of the build- ed two wheelchairs and donat- ing of *the new wvirg ta the bas- ed themn to the hospital with pital ýwith the exception of the understanding that they are ,Clarke Township. ta be ]eft at the hospital. It was announced that the engineering General accounts arnounting staff has repaired some furni- to $8,907.26 were presented anti ture, andi bas also bufit a fewv 1-heir 'Payment authorized.I t pices cf equipment. This work was explained that this amaunt was much appreciateti by the i1ncluded $1,400 flot in the buci board. wtean of Rubber Industry Po. wIt.0Ltchfield Passes Paul Weeks LltchIeld pHonourary Chairman of the Board af The Goodyear Tire andi Rubber Company, andi dean o! the rubher industry, passed away March l8th in St. Jas- eph's Hospital, Pheonix, Ariz- ona. Born an July 26th, 1875, Mr. Litchfield ,jaîned Goodyear, Akron, as Superintendent ini 1900, just a few days before his 25th birthday,. He hati graduat- ed fromn the Massachusetts In- stitute af Technology four years before, andi in the iiitervening period hati warkcd for a New England Rubber Comnpany. In 1908, lie became a mcm- ber cf the Campany's Board of Directors andi in 1915 was matie ViCC-Prcsideiît.1-12 %vas elected President in 1926 anti narnet Chairman of the Board and re-electeti President in 1930. Teri ý'ears later lie relinquishd the titie of Prc-sident ta Mr. E. -J. Thomas anti retaineti the <Continued on 3ae seven) 1 IPost Office Hours During Easter Holiday - -Gan Eriday, March 27 Box Lobby-8:00 a.m. to 6:C p.m. General Delivery and Stam] -8:30 a.m. ta 10:30 ar. Money Order Service etc., Nil. Good F'riday Street Lette Box Collection-one at 5 p.r No Rural Mail Delivery. Easter Mionday, March 30 Box Lobby - 7:00 ar..t 6:00 p.m. General Delivery andi Starn; -8:30 a.rn. ta 12:30 Noon. Money Orders etc.-8:30 amn ta 12:30 Noon. Rural Mail Delivery as usua, Street Letter Box collectiol as usual. Winners of Cub Pack Euchre Prizes 00 I.. 1l. )n The Fourth Bawmanville Cub Pack euchre held by the parents of the boys at the Memarial Park Clubhouse last Thursday evcn- ing was an enjoyable event. Seven tables af cuchre were in play during the evening. The prize winners were: Miss Ruby Lane, Arnold McGill, Mes. Tom Wilson, T. H. Veaie, and Mes. Denby. Pat Kelly, chaer- man af the Cub Group Corn- mittee, wvas in charge of arrange- ments. He xvas assisted by Don Care, Tom Wilson, Keith Porter and Frank Osmond. The following Cub Mathers donateti the delicious lunch anti assistetiii serving: Mrs. Daug Carter, Mes. Don Carr, Mes. J. Lotige, Mes. Frank Osmondi, Mes. Expect New Golf Course To Be Ready for Playing About Middle of June Ther isevey hoe o haig been purchased for delivery as anti 13 ta leaen telts eh ]Bowmanville's Southview Gl soon as footings can be put in. ods of developing fine quality Cours;e open for play by June This will provide facilîties for turf grass for the course. While 15th. The weather, o! course.1 locker rooms for men E'nd there, they were guests o! the will be a determining factor ',,women and a cornfortable Cutten Golf & Country Club w«blch coulti change this date a 1lounge with a large picture when the manager C. W. Main- _eek eithcr wav-. window, kilchen facilities and 'ker gave thern valuable informa- Infrmaion~va recastia pro shop. A lully screened-jn tion on the managing o! a mcd- inforainciwis ased ntj porch will run the entire length -r- 'golf course. On March 16 t-se nce o! thedW. nAimesofth (ubhause which is tem- îhey attendeti a supper meeting Co. QI Toronto who arc supplN - porary until a larger anti perai- at tiheLard Simcoe Hotel, Toron- ing *eed andi fertilize-r, as welc] ancn;t building, catihobc rcctcd. to, sponsorcd byý the Ontario sa ~eting he bildin o i T wil jal:e p1cýce after the Golf Ansociation ta add further ýgrees. ailier iiiie haoles arc coniplcteti. ta their knowledge. cle mnaemnt.a A irrigation system is being 1 Sale of Shares buying booster feetilizer, installeti for the greens antial They report that the sale cf inmowers, fqags, cups anti ail portion o! the fairways anti willlIshares in the company bas beeri other paraphernalia in pre- be enlargeti as the club grows. very gooti so that by the end of paat.ion for opening day. A Ken Nicks and Pat Yeo at- Maech enough will have been pzre-fabricateti cottage with 1,080 tended a twa-day turf grass con- soldt t permit the club ta oper- #quu&e feet. of floor space bas ference at Guelph on March 12' (Continiued on page seven) Durham County's Great FamllY journal I ~ ~ ~ i rages~ fl I. J3its andi CONSERVATIONIST DIES - His many acquaint- ances in this area will be grieved to leai-n o! the death o! Major P. K. Ketcheson, Belleville, one o! Canada's outstanding conservation workers. He died on Sun- day, after an illness o! several months. Major Ketcheson has appeaz'ed here on several occasions before local clubs, lecturing or showing films on bis work. CONFUSED PICTURE - The diffîculty of obtaining unanimity among merchants bas again caused some difficulty over closing hours during the Easter holi- days. Oui- information is that - at the moment - a majority o! stores will be open until 9 on Thursday evening before Good Friday. Ah wîll be closed'Fi- day, except for the regular holiday openers, and business will be as usual on Saturday. Banks will open Saturday morning, but will clase on Eastei- t t t t t DON'T SMELL LIKE MINE - Harvey Malcolm's Yelverton correspondence contained details o! an experience that could point out a lesson ta others. Novice females, acting as mid-wives at the birth o! some little pigs, decided they should be cleaned up before being presented ta their mother. Apparentlv, they did a very thorough job, treating the small1 porkers as though they were babies. Tragically, when the perfumed and powdered squealers were returned te their Momma, she refused ta acknowledge they belonged to her. They didn't smell right. t t t t. t SMOKING AREA - Pity the con.siderate high school principal li Smiths Fails. He is the centre o! contra- versyr because he set aside a portion o! the school grounds for a smoking area for students. His reason- ing was that it was far better to do that than have the pupils "sneaking a drag" and "tossing butts" al over the interior of the schoal, creating a fi-e hazard. Times certainly are changing. We can well remember when any student caught smoking'on the street bef are, after or during schaol hours would have been expelled. SOME BIG - SOME SMALL - Last week we reported a huge egg and all weekend, youngsters f locked inte the office ta see and take pictures of it. In 'contrast, Louis Bi-uinsma brought in a real midget on Monday. iHis father Jan Bruinsma, R.R. 1, Hampton, collected it fromn a not quite year aid mixed Rock and Light Sussexhen.. It wei-ghed less than a hal! ounce and was 1%/" around the middle., SLIGHTLY INACCURATE- On Wednesday morn- ing, we learned that others make mistakes. Oshawa's radio station had a delightful time telling its listeners of the thrilling game in Bowmanville Tuesday night which wvas won by Bowmanvjlle-Orono Combines, with the big final in Napanee on Saturday. We only wish it were true. As most of the fans know by this time, the BOCs went down ta glorious defeat 3-2 to end their hopes.for the year. t i t t, t INGENUITY PAYS OFF- Our good fricnd Hcrb Long of Port Hope came through with a worthwhile effort recently. When the Avro Arrow program wvas cancelled, he heard of an opportunity at an LODA meeting. Joyce-Sweanor Electric had available space in the old Nicholson File factory they had purchased, s0 the plan went into operation. Now, Part Hope will have one and maybe two new industrizs organized by former Avro employees who have pooled their resources ta fo-m a custom machine shop. They receive the factory space rent free for six manths. Congratulations on taking advantage of a situation and best wishes fo the new industry. Bowmanville wvas also aware of the praject but could not compete because no factory space was available here. TWO FARM DEVELOPMENTS- Farmers received a boost and a setback thîs week. Ontario's Minister of Agriculture Hon.. W. A. Goodfellow announced a joint effort by the federal, provincial and county authorities to compensate farmers for loss of stock through rabies infection, retroactive ta April 1, 1958. Pay- ments are $250 for cattle, ý100 for horses and qO0 for sheep, swine and gonts. No details have yet been received at the Health of Animais Branch of the Canada Dept. of Agriculture. The setback came in an announcement from Ottawa that the support price for hogs will be cut ta $23.65 from $25 cwt., effective October lst. NO CANNING THIS YEAR- Through the Chamber of Commerce office, we learn that the local plant of Canadian Canners will definitely not operate this year. Stocks of some canned goods are filling storage facilities ini Ontario. Incidentally, the plant here is for sale as it is considered obsoýete for any future operations o! the company. There is a faint hopz that if and when conditions warrant it, a new, modern plant will be erected here. CHAIN LETTER GASOLINE - We have been advis- ed through the local C. of C. office that a scheme is afoot in the service station section whereby a consum- er pays $1.60 and signs up three friends for similar amounts. He will receive gasoline coupons worth $4.00 after hie sends in the $6.40. According ta the Better Business Bureau, a similar scheme concerning cigarettes was ruled as a contravention of the Lotteries Act, 50 it might be worth investigating thorough]y before investing. The C. o! C. office here can provide more details. IVALK IN COBOURG - 11,000 Orangemen and their ladies are expected to walk in Cobourg this year. For a while, there was some doubt of the location but a meeting attended by 80 representatives decided recently that the counties town would again be favor- ed with the big event. The complication ai-ose because a service club had prior dlaim ta the Victoria Park starting point. One of the groups which could be classed as a perennIal favorite with Cornz- A-Poppin' audiences will again take part in this year's production, April 2, 3, 4, at the Town Hall. It is the maie quartet shDwri here, inchiding from left to right, Deug Rackham, Ken Hockin, Dr. Keith Slemon and Samn Black. -Photo by Rehder flUWIVIN VILL, ONTLut; THUSDAY, MRCH 26h. 195 Hydro Lineman KiIIed When Unloading Poles From Truck at Hampton Algernon Hickling, age 47, Mr. Hickling rushedti t Mem- 6Qucen Street, was instantiy orial Hospital here. He was F u Ch rskilled on Monday a!ternoon peanouricedi, deati on arvlb tat Hydro crew in Hampton. The Hickling is resting at the Mor- J oi in Can ata accident happenedi at 2:15 p.m. ris Funeral Chapel until Thurs- Joinin C n aMe. ikigws orn wt day momning whcn he will b. afve man crew unloading hy- taken to St. Joseph's Roman tira pales on Ormiston Street, Catholie Church, Liberty St., G o d riay Hamnpto,when he was steuck for service at 10Oo'clock. Inter- The sacred cantata "Olivet Other members o! the crew Cemetery, Peterborough. to Cal'vary" will be sung at were William Waller, George Mr. Hickling hati been em- 7:30 o'clock on Good Fri- Dewey, Everett Trimble anti ployeti by the Ontario Hytiro day evening In Trinity Unit- Clarence Kelly. for 29 years. He bati worked for ed Church by the chairs of Dr. E. L. Ewert, Bowman- the provincial hydro in Fene- St. John's Anglican Church. ville, was calleti, anti he hati (Continueti on page seventeen) Iand Trinlty United Church- es. The sololsts will be: Don fWilliams, baritone, and Ross Meteaif, ARCT, tenor. Mrs. C. J. Evans, ALCM, -wiIl be the organist, and the massed choirs will be conducted by Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Evangelist, by Roti V. Simpson, R. R. 3, En- C am pagn niskillen, the firemen founti the chimney ablaze. They got to work immediately and prevent- Rev. Charles Benn welI eti the flames from spreatiing. known Canadian evangelist was The firemen found the chim- welcometi back ta Bawman- ney was batily plugged with a ville by the pastor anti congre- hard substance almost its en- ~ation o! the Pentecostal tire length. They thought that ýhuech where he helti a tbree possibly apple wood hati been week campaign approximately burneti in the !Ùrnace. Neigh- a year aga.. bors assîsted i the operation. The campaign cammenceti an The firemen managed ta get Tuesday. Maech l7th in the a heavy chain tiown the chim- Pentecostal Chureh, Ontario ne y ta make a clearance, anti Street, anti continues ta Sunday, put out the last traces of the March 29th at least. Record at- fire. It was a two hour job. The tendance bas been realîzec in the meetings each night with aggregate attendance o! 325 in thîe first week. C u c e The evangelist was support- C u c e eti by the pastor, Rev. George Leno anti his congregatian in 1 bis introductoey rcmarks, stat- Sta rt Red ing: "That prayer is the Goti gixen weapan ta a spiritual I I awakening." Therefore, a pray- I f er chain lias been establisheti hi h B r n Mr. Benas travelleci in Th E Bwmanville andi dis- very province o! Canada ex- trict "'Red3 Cross Blitz" helti on cepting two, and fourte2n statles Maech 23rd, netteti the local o! the American Union, p.ea.-',- branch over $2100. The genet'- i n- the gspel ta pzople of ahl ous respnse of the public as faiths. made it passible for the local Capacity crowtis are antic-' brandhIo1 enlarge their services pateti aver the Easter weokenti anti be a î'cal asset ta the com- when the evangelists' ministry mlunitî' will bc supplementeti by spe- Church belis sountiedthet cial talent from the Eastern start of tie "Blitz" at 7:00 p.m. Pentecostal Bible Callece, Pc- anti approximately 100 canvas- terborough, Ontario. Tuis tal- sers thraughout the town aid en t will be featuring a special district. startoti eut an the "Musical" on Satueday evening, campaign. March thc 28th. as well as as- Headquarters was set up at sisting Goo,-j Feiday night at 7 Loers Lane anti frorn 8:151 Pi p.m. anti in the services con- on, captains arriveti with the:- ducteti Easter Suntiav, il ani, districts' donations. Mes. WV. R. anti 7 Thc Sunday School Spry anti Mes. W. Mvur-phy. corvcning at 10 arn. Suntiav braughit th2 generaus donations will bc an apen session et from Tyrane anti Dr. anti Mrs. I whiclî a play will bc preseîîtctiW. RudelI, anti Mrs. Gibson ar- entitînti "Sin's Prison Hause". riveti with substantial contri-1 t dcmnstatig he owe o!t1 butions frorn aur ncighbauringt Easter Message o! a risen tawn, Newcastle~ Chis.Thc Ladies' Auxiliarv ta th-c Canatiian Legion were host-3ss- Don't forget ta phone Tic os ta canvassers anti captains2 Statesman, MArket 3-3303 with at the Leeian Hall ant i titi .( tietails o! yaur visitors or yaur muci ta round out the successt travels aver thc Easter weckend. a! thc evcning.2 Please pianoe arly in tic week The local branch naw aper- . Two Fires During We ek Resuit in SmaII Losses The Bowmanville Fiee De- partment responiedtit two lire alarms during the week. The fiest was at 1:00 p.m. on Thurs- day when a cali came for aid from a farm two miles west ef Enniskillen. The Fire Depart- ment matie a quick run there tiespite the poor condition of the road due te, slush, mud, and Feature of Popular Annual Event chininey will now have ta b. cleaneti, anti new pipes must be bought. At nine a.m. on Friday an- other alarm was hearti. This eall was for a lire at the resi- dence of Howard Bromeil, Hunt Street. Firemen report that it started by the Bromnell's litti. daughter, age- three, who had been playing with matches and set a bed afire. The Bromelîs live in the up- stairs apartment of the house. andi they hati a fortunate escape from suffocation as the lire- men founti the apartment filled with s'moke anti naxious fumes fram the "burning mattresi. They quickly put out the liee. anti Preventeti firedamage ta, anything but the mattress. There was some smoke d&mage. "We sure have aleet firemert in BowmanviIleý Their quick response ta liee alarms, and ,fast work. saves many homes Vs 'Ring to» Cross Blitz 7s in $2100 suppl 'y rickroom equipnmen t, fee o! charge ta those who are 1ill at home. A charter obligatian o! the Redi Cross is ta be prepareti ta offer aid in case a! disaster 1 ' victims regardlcss o! race, cal- aur. creeti or nîcans. The Bloati Transfusion Ser- vice ii naxv installeti in all On- tario 1-lospitals anti it is the ri- sponsibility of each branch '.a recruit denors, ta assure an Rde- quate supply of fresh bloati .i always an lîand, fee a! chia-ge, rcadv for emeegencios. AIl funtis collecteti in tiii. campaign, remain in Bawman- ville Ia make these seevicci, available bath in tawn andti tt surroundin district andti t fuý- fili Ithe purpasc o! the Redi Cross, "In tirne o! peace or'wa-, ta carry 'on anti assist in wor[k for the improvement o! hcalth. the prevention of diseas:,, ar'd the mitigation o! suf!erirg througfhaut the worlti." Tiiose not canvasseti or away !roiih home an the night o! aur "Blitz" are r2mindeti that donations mav be loft ait anv local hank or sent ta M,'i. '-j j--s-- 4 j- 1 1 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARfo, THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1959 10e Per Conv NUMBER 12 3 9)ieces

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