?HU1RSDAY, %M. I2M, 1959 1'U fflTm BÇI!uiAI WTlA IqW~- ~ '~,~ VI LLLJL. ONAIOIUF1 *Many Guests at Color fui t*16th Birthday Celebration of Women'Ps Hos pifai Auxiliaryý A beautiful spring day, one of the first experienced in this backward season, coincided with the Hospital Birthday Par- tY last Thursday, March 19, held in the Lions Community Centre. The many guests at this 46th annual party given by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary in honour of a hospital in Bow- rIanville, were warmly wel- comed by President Mrs. Bruce Mlutton, Past President Mrs. L. W. Dippeil, Mrs. W. Morrison, supervisor of nurses at Memor- !al Hospital, and Mrs. A. L. liooey, 2nd vice-presid>ent of the Auxiliarv. Mrs. L. C. Ma- ton, lst vice-president, was nerai convenor and a friend- bostess. Baskets of spring flowers de- eorated the hall. and the audi- torium had a refreshing atmos- phere of spring with bouquets of daffodils and pussvwilows, and branches of forsythia. The real thing being a little slow to co-operate, Mrs. L. C. Mason, who was in charge of decora- tions, had to augment the for- sythia with a few artificial sprays. The whole effect was xnost gratifyving, however. A colour theme of mauve and yatilow in keeping with the pre-Eastcr season made a charming background for the pleasant event. The large tea table was covered with a yel- low loth and had a floral cen- - 4jrepiece of mauve 'murns, and gWellow daffodils, the gift of . H. H. Jury. Taîl silver candelabra with yellow tapers added a graceful touch. Pre- siding at the silver tea services /1edicaI Mirror 0 TB X.Rays Q. If X-rayam e harmi ai, svly are people Who are perfeely svel awged to have cheat x.ray axamn ations for usberculogio? A. Recause benefits of properly conducted chest x-ray programs far outweigh possible harm. This tthe conclusion of a special Ütigative con' --tt n cýPOinted y tne Oniario (Canadaj Tuber- culosis Association. The National Tuberculosie-Assocjationan&o Ametîean and State Tradum . dCietiessupport "Ibi e. é4nswers do ttoi neceimafy reflea M/e opinion of ail doctors. The diae. tosi., ad treatment ot disaoselà Mie junction ot the paL-ta's per. .onal physician. Questions dir.ctea to Science Editors, P.O. Box 3%6 Mkadison Sq. Sta., N. Y. Io, N. y. mill be tacorporated in jiieje cef simas when possible. E e-"'UeSToRE 22iaWMANViL Their Birthdays in March were Mrs. V. H. Storey and Mrs. Duncan Smith was ln Mrs. Forbes Heyland during the charge of the birthday cake, 1hour from three to four, and donated as for some years past Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker and by M.r. R. Noble and beautiful- Mrs. H. B. Rundle from four t0 ly decorated by Severn's Bak- five. ery.. Assisting Mns. L. C. Mason Ushering guests to the regis- as gencral convenors of the ter which was in çharge of Mrs. bîrthday party were Mrs. J. E. V. Hoar, Mrs. A. G. Scott, 1 O'Neill as co-convenor, Mrs. Mrs. J. J. Brown and Mrs. F. Bruce Mutton, Mrs. L. W. Dip- W. Bowen (Newcastle), was peli and Mrs. Lloyd~ Ayre. On M.rs. C. H. Mason. Mrs. George. the general committce also Young and Mrs. Chas. Bagnedll were Mrs. S. G. McMurter, Mrs. were in charge of the donations; A. Sylvester and Mrs. T. Reh- reccived. der.. For the past few years Mrs.1 The small tea tables had Mark Roenigk has made and;i cloths of mauve and yellow and donated a cake in the shape of the charming and original cen- a lamb for a draw at the an- tre-pieces were from the crea- nual birtbday party. In Mrs. tive imagination and fingers of Rocnigk's absence this year, Mrs. Aubrey Smith. the cake was made by her1 Mrs. A. Sylvester usbered household helper Anna who guests to the tea tables, and made a lovely job of the littieI ovcrseeing the tea tables were lamb. As each gucst registered, Mrs. J. O'Ncill. Mrs. W. H. ber number was put in a box Birks and Mrs. C. G. Morris. and at the conclusion of the Serving during the early part afternoon Mrs. F. C. Vanstône' of the afternoon were Mrs. made the draw for thec cake 1 Keith Slemon, Mrs. D. Hub- which was won by Mrs. Harold bard, Mrs. J. Uitvlugt, Mrs. B. Gibson. Vanstone, Mrs. K. Morris, Mrs. Assisting in replenishing the J. Darch and Mrs. L. Dewell. tea pots and filling plates werel Serving from four to f ive were Miss Mary Jewell, Mrs. Har-' Mrs. M. Vanstone, Mrs. E. L. old Gibson. Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Ewcrf, Mrs. S. Wilkins, Mrs. T. Mrs. W. RudeIl (Newcastle), Rehder, Mrs. H. Goddard, Mrs. Mrs. S. G. McMurter, Mrs. Au- L. Miklos and Mrs. Irwin Col- brey Smith, Mrs. Chas. Austin, will. the latter two from New- Mrs. W. B. Reynolds and Mrs. castle. C. Trewin. Newtonville Institute 1 Tours GM's Big PlantI The Newtonville W.I. was fa- ,oured with afine day on Wed- nesdiay. March 24th when five well filled cars from Newton- WEDDING MAIRS-HANN A very pretty wedding was solemnizcd on February 28, 1959, at Datmouth, Nova Sco- tio, when Miss Lorraine Hann became the bride of Robert Bruce Mains. The bride is fthc daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. Arthur Hann of Newfound- land. The groom is the young-1 est son of Mýr. and Mrs. Alex' Mains of Bowmanville. Service was held at Christ Anglican Church, the Rev. Ryder officia-j ting. Miss Hann's wedding gown was of nylon with side insets of lace and topped by a lace jacket with finger tip sîceves. Her collar was of pearlsan sequins and ber shoulder length veil felI from a tiara of pearis;. Her flowers were deep pinki roses.1 Miss Louise Walters, cousin"1 of the bride, was the maid of honor and Miss Millie Genge, the bidesmaid. They were at- tîred in similar full length gowns. one blue. one yellow, and carnied bouquets of wh.te and yellow mums and mauve and white mums, nespectively. Their head pieces werc ban- deaux of sequins. The church was decorated with yellow and white mums and looked mosf attractive. Best man was Mr. Dannis and ushers were Guy Davis andj Edward Kendall of Dartmouth. Followingz the cercmony, the" wedding supper was helId at the Belmont Hotel in Dart- mouth. I EjAsrSTEIL HAND-MADE GGWNS . m .. $1 . $12.95 98C GIRLS' SUITS Good selection, colors $1 5 Sizes 4 to 14 years---- __$09 SPECIAL - Girls' COTTON SLIPS u - - IJohn & Judy ShoppeI 15 King St. E. Bowmanvillej ville and Newcastle went te Oshawa for our long-awaited visit to General Motors. Here ail climbed aboard an open train. which took us first f0 the bodv assembly plant. We travelled alonig the aisles, whilc the guide, wifh loud speaker, explained wh'at the workers were doing, as the parts wcre added in quick succession ta form the body of the car. Next, wc toured the chassis building where we saw tlhc chas- sis assembled, ready for ifs own campleted ibody, whieh mean- while had been transferred ac- ross the body conveyer bridge, we paused' to wateh Vhis body being lowered; from. an overhead bridge, to the waiting chassis below. Farthen on, at the end of the aýssembly line we saw a corn- pleted car being driven out th'rough the door. Laten the ladies gathered at the Bowmanville home of our president, Mrs. H. Ormiston for a short business meeting. Mrs. W. Reid and, Mrs. Fred Hender- son were appointed as nommna- ting committees and aIl reports are to be retadty foir the April meeting. Mrs. Ormiston and her group sex'ved refreshmenits, w h iIe members and visitons enjoyed a social time. More Winners At Institute's Kopper Karnival Door pnizes at the recent W. I. Kopper Karnival were won by Philip Lewins, Mrs. R., Mc- Knight, Darla Coyle, Mrs. W. Corden and Mrs. G. Bagneil. Unciaimed numbers are 534, 955. -95, 1705. These articles, May be claimed at Mrs. G. Ri- chards 12 Odeil St.1 HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Werry and June, Mr. Graham Hughes, Toronto, were Sunday dinner guesfs at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Monrison and. family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. George Bertnim and family, Taunton, visited Mn. and Mrs. M. Bertrim. Mn. Roland Thompson, Mn. Côlville, Hampton, at Mrs. W. Thompson's. Mrs. N. Collacuft, Bowman- ville, spent a few days with Mn. and Mrs. George Tabb. Mr. Leslie Thompson, Bow- manville, visifed Mn. and Mrs. Arth un Thampson.' Mn. John Gra'ham, Bowman- ville, was necent visitor at Ms-s. H. Crossman's. Mr. and Mns. Arthur Read and Mn. H. Ashton visif cd relatives at Peterborough on Sunday. JMn. and Mrs. 4eonard Wilson, Miss Ann Wilson, Lakefield, ac- companied Mir. and MVrs. Clem Ralim and Allison to Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson's, Bowman- ville on Sunday. Mn. Milton Slemon, spent a few days with Dr. and Mrs. Gor- don Slemon and family, Don Mills, and also visited Mn. Ehmer Slemon Who is in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm visited Mn. and Mrs. Robert Closs, Perth. Kathryn. Judy and Kevi7n Rahm spent Sun day with fli i grandparents Mn. and Ms-s. Wm. Dawson, Orono. Mn. and Mrs. W. Blcku and, family and Mrs. K. Cowling. wene Sunday supper guesfs of Mn. and Mrs. Farewell Blark- burn, Salem. The. Adult Bible Class meet- ing, Thunsday evening in thec church. Mr. andi Mrs. Chas-lie Garnard and Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Gar- ard attended fhe funerel of Mn. Harold Gay. Oshawa. on Frideay. Sy-mpafhy is extended to Mrs. Harold G.av and fasnilv ini the sudden passing of Mr. Gay. Suindav School at 10:30 a.n.. Church Service af 7:3n p.m. Hope to hm* àaflaw teràdan Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jeffery, 439 Gibbson St., Oshawa, are the parents of these charming children. Little Brenda Margaret was one year old on March l9th, and her big brother, William Brnaund, was four on March 2. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jeffery, 62 Duke St., Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. John Braund, Oshawa. -Photo by Ireland Studio, Oshawa Issue Special Stamp Honor Women's Institute The post office will issue a, The siamp is to be green, special stamp on May lSth, ta black and white. It was design- honour a worid wide organiza- ced by Helen Fitzgerald, a To- tion of more than 6,000,000 ru- ronto artist, and shows a fe- rai women. This organization imaIe figure knecling beside a was oiginated by a Canadian tree over which a globe is pois- woman, Mrs. Adelaide Hood- cd. less, Hamilton, Ont., in 1897. The words "Associated Coun- The five cent stamp will try Women of the wonld," and honour the dcvelopment of thc "Union Mondiale de Femmes Fedcrated Womcn's Institutes, Rurales" form the border on of Canada, Cercles des Ferm-: three sides of the stamp. The icres of Quebec, and similar word "Canada" is on the fourth groups elscwliere belonging to side. with the denomination in the Assorciatea' CouTrt"' Womren the bottom right corner. of the World. The female figure, flic trecj and the globe are pen outtines on a white background. The Irish Holddrawings of the woman and I rish oId the globe are in black, and the iForth Durin g stamp is greenan th eer Paddy D.ance The eeadWon'I- stitutes of Canada, the national Tt ws abig igh fortheorga nizafion, was formed in Iris was a "iPandyt"fornte Winnipeg in 1919. If now bas a Inis hel w he a " adyianLe mcmbcrship of 95,000. Mrs. W. was cldat he anaianLe-H. Brown, Maple Grave, is the gion Hall on Saturday, March jpi:esidcnt of fthc West Durham 2lst. The wearing of the greeni District Womcn's Institutes; was mucli in evidence, with! Mrs. Mcl Wiseman, is lst vice- green tics, sashes or other1 president: Mrs. William Milli- weaning apparel. Everyone 1 gan, Ncwtonvil,2nxie warc a shamrock butonnniere Tille, 2nrs.R.B.Dvie- receied fom Chirma JimSolina, secret ary -treasuner; and Fair and lis wife on entering Mrs. L. Munday, Maple Grove, the hall.1 is the West Durham District The hall was gaily decorafcd Women's Institutes' nepresenta- with green streamers, balloons, tive ta flie Federated Women's large shamrocks and harps, Institutes of Canada. complete with Blarney Stone. Ted Taylor's orchestra of Ajax kept flic evening alive with La p o W S their Irishi music. During in ter-!,[am tonfl mission lunch was served and ail were entertained bv some u1 old Irish songs by Mr. and M s Ud e n i A. Damant, J. Fair, J. Kniglit and W. Bates. Hampton Women's Mission- Special dance pnizes wcre ary Society held their March won by Mrs. Jim Woodward meeting in the S. S. room with and partner Mr. Turner, Osh- Presi dent Mrs. Reed in charge. awa; Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Mc- Th ree of flic members express- llroy, Newcastle. Mirs. J. Firth cd thanks for cards which they won the special draw. Comnade receivcd. The annual panty for Fair and lis committee arc to the Baby Band and both Mis- be congratulated on thc suc- sion Bands and their mothers cess of thîs special event. was planned for March 31sf at1 2.30u p.m. Mrs. M. Mountjoy, Miss Werry, Mrs. Kersey în charge. The members who wcre present at the Presbyfcnial in Oshawa gave higliliglits of same. Mrs. Kersey had charge of thec wonship service opcnîng the cail ta worship. Mrs. Smith rcad fthc scripfure and Mrs. Axford the comment. Th.e pro- gram was an India, Mrs. Ca- vcrly tclling of tîcir federal government, citizcnship and education, Miss Wrry of ther religion, Indian ministers andI missions. Ms-s. Blanchard of the present conditions in India,' of their laws, beliefs and their re-j serves. Mrs. Rccd closed bvI reading a letter from an In- dian friend and prayer. A good attendance was present. Nextj meeting on Apnil 14fh. COURTICE Courtice Home and School Association met necently with Mns. Gardon Chants-an Health Convenor in charge. Oshawa Little Theatre playens prcsentcd a playlet "Scattered Showers." Mn. George Drynan, Director of Oshawa Little Theatre, introdu- ced fthc following cast, Ms-s. Lu- cille Munro, Mrs. Eileen Rich- ards, Mrs. Lois Adiams. Thcy pre- sented a vcrv intcresting playlet depicting flirce different types of mothens and how cach dealt with lier child unden different situations. Following tins presentation Mr& Chaitrùa introduced Dr.- Kinettes on Third Birthday [Hear Addreson Citizenship IKMrs. John Broome gaVê the >1 miette Club a thoughtful ad- dress on "Citizenship" at théir Sdinner meeting last Wednes- Sday evening. March 18, at t.he Flying Dutchnian Motor Hotel. îMrs. Broome told of the pro- cedure which is followed by im- migrants wishing to become na- turalized Canadians. Having lea-! rned something of our laws and' governnient, most of these peo- ple on receiving their citizen- ship papers bake their privileges and responsibilities seriously, Mrs. Broome said, particularly as to voting, making a careful study of the platforms of the different parties. Going on to speak of Cana- dians by birth, Mrs. Broome wondered if many of us take our responsibilities and duties as citizens as seriously. Our atti- tude in these matters is import- ant flot only for ourselves, but in influencin.g others by exam- ple. Mrs. Broome madie some of her points even more forceful jwith the use of appropriate hrsister, Kinette Dorothy Dew- ell, and thanked by Kinette D oreen Rowe. Cu ee ibrated its third bîrthday. A bir- tdycake bearing three cand- fles was cut by President Lillian Hooper and coffee and a social heur followed. Earlier in the evening a new member, Kay Cain, was presntedt with her copy of the Constitu- tion, By-Laws, and pin and wel- comed into the club by the pre- Alan Rundie, Pediatrition from Oshawa, who reviewed the play and deait with the behaviour of children in general. Several questions were asked-. Dr. Rundie wrote down for us a chart with the letters o - o- blems" "P" standing for "Pa" at the top. "M"' for "Mva" at the bottom "B" in the middle being "Beh.aviour." From this be',- lour corne the CHILD. "C"' for curiosity: "H" for heaith; 'T" for individuality; "L" for learn- ing; "D" for diety; all going back to the behaviour problemrs of childl-ood. Everyone found this a very interesting meeting- Fol- lowing this discussion M.rs. Ro- bert Muir and Mrs. Ray Osborne, Ebenezer, accompan.ied by Mrs. Erie Courtice, sang two lovely vocal duets. Mrs. James Aldous thanked ail who had taken part. Mrs. Jack Gay, president, pre- sided over the business. Attend- ance banners were won by Miss C. Noble and Mrs. A. Campbell. IN ext euchre will be Apnil 10th. Mrs. G. Goyne, Mrs. Chumbley, Mrs. Ollette and Mrs. Illiffe in charge. Child Health Clinic will be at the Countice Church on M on. April 6th, 1:30 to 2:30. Open House will be March 24 at the North Courtice School at- 7:30. Nomninating committee for new officers will be Mrs. T. Gladman, M'rs. Carpenten. bMrs. Illiff e. Next meeting will be Parent Education, MTs. H. Gay con- venor in charge. A panel dis- cussion is bein.g planned with four local people taking part. This will tic worth -hearing, sub- ject will be '-Common Fam.ily Problems" plan to attend April 21st. Courtice i 8th Scout Mothers group held a Sale and Tea at Courtice Church this p.ast week. A good turnaut made this most successful. A night of games planned by the Ladies Berean Cl.ass of Eb- ene7er was held Saturdey even- ing in the S. School room. Several won lucky draws. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Wade who celc- br.ated their 25t1h wedding anni- versary recently. Mr. and Mrs. Waeand their two sons enter-d tained a large numben of friendýs at the U.A.W. Hall, Oshawa, and held a f amliy glthering on the following Sundray at their home in Courtice. sident. During a business period, plans were made for catering to the Teen To-wýn Easter Prom. Minutes were read by Secretary Ulva Lathangue and financial reprt V TEas Ure JeanTWIS-,on May 28 Doctor: "'Wel, after checking you over thoroughly, there's ne doubt about t, you have hy- dropsy ... that's too much water ID your system." Salesman: "It must have been the Ice cubes." Speaking of ice cubes, did you know that ice will really help to remove gum that is stuck in your clothing? Just rub it on and watch the gum loosen up. Don't fool with spots though sometîmes you can do more damage to the cloth. Send soiled clothes into us as soon as pos- sible. Even hours can be im- portant wxith some stains. Carl Leslie Cornz-A-Poppin', - April 2 - 3 - 4 R-efresh iam. Cmmiteereprtswea ims. Comheitteeoreportsiter chairmen. Attendance %vas 911,1c% An invitation was received from the Port Hope club to at. tend an inter-club meeting there Buy the family carton of 6 blgi botties Smith Beveraiges Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR SpecialI &aster SUNNY SOUTH SALAD 2 Medium Oranges 1 pkg. Orange Jelly Powder Orange Juice plus boiling 4 water Io make 1 cup liquid 'e 2 medium Bananas mashecid ', 1/2 up (Glepng Raea ~/2 up WGpng rae am 1 cup Cottage Cheese (Glen Rae Dairy) V/2 cup Chopped Pecans Peel and section oranges, saving juice. Place 2 sections ln each of 8 custard cups. Add juice and water to jelly powder; dissolve. Partially chili. Stir in cottage cheese and pecans; fold in bananas. Whip cream, fold into jelly mixture. Spoon over sections in molds. Chili until f irm, about 1 hour. To serve, unmold on lettuce leaves. COTTAGE CHEESE available daily at Dairy, King St. W., Bow- manville, and drivers. Also from: Dominion Stores and Tate's Red & White Grocery, Bowmanville, and Tom's I.G.A., Newcastle. GLEN 98 RING ST. W. RAE DAIRY 1 A354 BEAUTIFUL ROYAL GRAFTON BONE CHINA CUPS and SAUCIERS DRASS FRON INDIA Lead Crysial Vases and Cil i Pieces Canadian Pottery BLUE MOUNTAIN AND EVANGELINE WARE PReaufful Artificial Spring Flowers "BIG 20l"LYMITEID dIoaedF DRAPERIES àROADLOOM DRAPERIES By The YARD VENETIAN AND CLOTHBLINDS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES DRAPERY RODS AND TRACKS INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE Howard Vice Proprietor TELEPHONE nSHAWA RA 5-3144 926 Sfimcoe st. K. Oshawa TEM CAWWLAN STATP-qV,&IV PWTMA15'r^ 0 gi 0 la à PWM ý-