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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1959, p. 9

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'i TWOrSDUATJ MTE9 «4h. rem Thrilling Ceremony HeId for Presen talion *0f Military Decoration Thirty-eight years' servicej Attending the ceremnony was were commemorated in Pr o.M E. Clarke, ED. com- Hope recentl ' hn rg Lyallmaning officer of 13 Militia N. Carr awarded Lt. Col. P. J. Group. Col. Clar-ke, who replac- Bigelow, principal of Port Hope1 ed Brig. Carr severail months High School. the Canadian For-i ago, called on Brig. Carr to me Decoration.j make the award. The ceremonv took place ati Officers and men of C and D RCSCC "Skeen&'a' ata paraie! Cornpanies paraded later, with o! C and D Cornpanies. Hast-! Lt. Col. Bigelow taking the Ings and Prince Edwiýard Re-;t..' salute. Earlier they were in- of which Lt. Col. Bigelow isz spected by Col. Clarke. cornmanding officer.i Lt. Col. Bigelow received his Presentation of the medal xvasI secondai-v education at Weston planned to concur with retire-' and Lindsay high schools, re- Ment plans of Lt. Col. Bigelow. ceiving his BA in science at He leaves the arrnv at the end Queen's University. o! June. He specialized in physicall TEE CANADIAIi UTATWaIÂW. EOWMANVTLT.W. flUAW1t~ - - - a ~ - - - - -- - -- i~~rn education at Ontario College of Education. and aisa received a soecialist's certificate in science and a High School Principal's certificate. He is president o! the Dur- ham county brandi, Ontario Second aiy School Teachers' Federation and is vice-presi- dent, Quinte region, of the On- tario Secondary Headm asters' Federation. His militai-y career began in 1921, when he enlisted in the Queenes Own Rifles. In 1931 and 1982 re received officer training in the Queen'a University COTC course. Hue was comniissioned lieuten- ant with the Huron Regiment in 1932, received his captaincyi with the Midland Regiment in 1935, and became major of the Midland Regiment in 1940. In 1944 he was clecorated with the ED, or Efficiency Medal. He became Lieut.-Colonel with the Hastings and Prince Edwardý Regiment in 1956. He is also a, member of branch 30, Canad.ian Legion. BESL, in Port Hope. Lt. Col. Bigelow is maýried. lives in Port Hope and bas four children. Hue is the son o! Mrs. Bigelow and the late John Bigelow of Kirb. BETHANY Mrs. Addison Scott enter- tained te members of the Cub and Scout Mothers' Auxiliary for ils meeting tbis week. Mrs. NocI Wood reported on the recent district picnic held in Peterborought and Mrs. Dou- glas Smelt gave an account o! the district Cubarce at Nassau. Tentative plans were made fer lte Bethany pack to attend a cub camp at the end of Aug- ust and a requcat made fer two volunteers to act as cooks. Mrs. Qi-hec Wright was ap- pointed te make enquiries as 10 purcbasing gymnasium mats. Group One gave a demon- stration o! knot tying. The next meeting will be held atth home o! Mis. Ne] Wood. Re-R. R. Bonsteel spent the Ipast week in Kingston attend- ing the sessions o! the Bay o!f IQuinte Conference o! Uic Uni- J ted Church. Miton Winiiifi-ed Fitzgerald la hoe again fi-cm Civice Hospi- Ital. Mîr. and Mrm. George Wake, Ajax, were recent guests wxtb Mrs. Ina Palmer. Members o! Uic Women's Mis- sionary Society completcd quil- tigtwo quilts on Tuesday af- ternoon witich it ii be sent along wvth a balle of used cletit- ing for mission work. Ralpb Challice, with th RCAF at Trenton spent thce past week with bis mother, Mrs. Richard Challice. a William Sheen visitcd withl friends in Hamilton during Uic weekend. Ernest Lamb is again a pat-I ient in Civile Hospital, Peter- borough.I Miss Margaret Lowes, Peter- borougit. was borne for the! Iweekend with ber parents Mr. 1 andi Mis. Donald Lowes. t Mrs. J. Roebuck. Wyevale, visited with Mi. and Mrs. Carl Porteous last week.c IA special service for yoting l people was held in te Unitedca Church on Sunday rnorningh wilh Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel givingt a cballen'ging sermon on "How b Big Is Vour God?" Twvo mem-d 9 INCH ~ I 'u wm FRY, PAN jHo MRROR VOMM 2 ~VALE wilhench rRo At ol l-DES $7 .0 'w - - - - - - - - - -g LAMB LEGS Pbank Ona SALE! SHORT CUT SHANK 1LOINS b25c Fubl euti FRONTS lb 47c Pl 1 9c Lamb in Basket suw, itom A &PXsicG 9»t sale!e glue Package Reg. 2-lbs 55-SAVE 114 MARGARINE NUCOA 41-lb pkgs 99e Ann Page Creamyý Reg. jar 35e--SAVE lie PEANUT BUTTER 3î6oz jars 99e A&P Reg. 2 btis 37o --AVE 12o KETCHUP 611noz bih 99e A&P Fancy Quality Reg. 2 tins 35o--SAVE 2"e CORN WHOLE KERNR 7 14-oz tins 994 lea Reg. 2 tins 29e-SAVE 17o GREIEN BEANS CUT 8 20oz fins 99c Al Pyboas les 'Mis Ad Guarant.ed Through Saturdoy, June Sth. 1959. Elect Charlotte Clarke District Deputy of COF Companion Charlotte Clarke, a past Worttiy Chie! Compan- ion, wus elected District Depu- ty for the next two years at the meeting o! Maple Leaf Circle 143 of the Companions of the Forest held in the Union Hall on Thuraday evening, May 2lst. BLACKSTOCK FORM 23 THE ELECTION ACT, 1951 SECTION 88 (4) NOTICE 0F HOLDING AN Advance Poil Notice is hereby given that pursuant to The Elecion Act, 1951 (Section 88) Advance Polis for the Electoral District of Durham will be open on Thursday, Friday and Safurday the 4fh, 5±h and 6ih days of June, 1959 froni 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., (9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Day. light Saving Time) and from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. (8 p.m. until il p.m. Daylight Saving Time). THE ADVANCE POLLING PLACES FOR THE SAID ELECTORAL DISTRICT WILL BE Located at the Town Hall, i the Town of Bowman- ville, for ai] Polling Subdivisions of the Town- sbip of Cartwright, the Township of Darlington, and the Town of Bowmanville; Located at Town Hall, i the Village of Orono, for ail Polling Subdivisions of the Township of Manvers, the Township of Clarke and the Vil- lage of Newcastle, and Located at Town Hall, in the Town of Port Hope, for ail Polling Subdivisions of the Township of Cavan, the Village of Millbrook, the Township of Hope and the Town of Port Hope, for the purpose of receiving the votes of voters who expect to bc absent from the Electoral District on the day fixed for polling. The ballot boxes will be Opened and the Votes eounted at 7 p.m. (8 p.m. Daylight Saving Time) of Thursday the 11th day of June 1959, at the said places. DATED at Orono this 28th day of May, 1959. JOHN LYALL LOWERY, Returning Officer. .n Evelyn Bigelow, Patricia1 'atherine Gi-cen, Howard Bry- 1 ný Morton, Allan Snmith, Glenn ;itb, Harvey Scott, Carolyn nmilh, froin Saint Paul's, Be- hany. At Uic end of the service Of onfir^mation, Uhc Bisbop dedi- mted a beautifuli set of Alla- tnd Chancel Vestments, Gi-een t or Uic Trinity Season, present- L -d by thec Ladies'Guild o! Saint r aul's. E The fine weather, a fun ýhurdh and lte inspirational t prvice comnblned le make il a e ft17 ham yday dor ti. Pariai. n t ('Intended for last week) r The Cartwright Mothers Aux- 'illary met Wednesday evening, IMay 201th with president Mrs, IP. Collins presiding. Owing te having the measies the Secre- tary, Mis. Mappin, was unable Decidéd tb have a Brown!e L and Guide Mothers banquet, Septeniber 25th and no more meetings te be held until fail. W.A. Meeting 'Me Anglican W.A. met ln the Paýrish Hall Tbursdýay evening with fifleen present. Opened by singing a hymn with Mrs. Lang- îfeld aI the piano. The devotion- lai vas taken by Mrs. H. Bailey. Asîck prayer was offered for tMrs. T. Srnith followed by the jLitany and members' prayer. ~President reported a successful held since the last meeting. Mrs. Langfeld gave a report o! the Deanery meeting i Port Hope. Tne president announeed a forth-coming visit o! Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Harcoujrt. Another bake sale was planned. There is te be ne supper July lst as bas ibeen Uic custom o! former years. Canon Chaperlin elosed lte meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by Group 2. T he Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Har- court hope to be i Backstoaik early in June visiting friends and former pari shioners. Mr. Harcourt was the Rector of St. John's Anglican Church, about 20 years ago and since then bas been serving in England. The congregation of St. John's is planning a reception ln the Parisb Hall Saturday evening June 6th for Rev. and Mrs. Har- court. Mr. Harcourt will preach in St. John's Church tic follow- ing day at il a.m. Msdýs. Murray Byers John Rahm, Mervyn Grahami, Stan- ford VanCamp, Percy VanCamp, A. L. Bailey, Ernest Larmer1 and Dalton Dorri-cl attended lte Women's Institute District An- nual aI Maple Gi-ove Thursday. Mirs. Dorreli gave the -report o! the Federation of Agriculture. There was a good allendance and a fine lime at the Town and Country Couples' Clubi Dance Friday night. Mr. and Mis. Cecil Mills, Enniskillen, won the spot diance. The de- corations under the directions o! Mr-. and Mis. Roy Turner and Mr. and, Mis. Blake Gun- ter were lovely. Lunch wps ser- ved by .some o! lte ladies of the W.A. About 35 of lte Young Peop- Ie's Union o! the United Church charge spent a vcry enjoyable evening Friday wben they had ant extensive hay ridIe propelled hy two farm tractors. Besides travelling many of Uie local roads, Ibey explored Uic boun- dasry roads of Cartwr-ight. Mani- vers and Darlington townships. At one point te drivers alarmn- ed their passengers by telling t-hem they were out o! gas. They emjoyed singsongs and a delight. l wiencr roast aI lthe gravel plI on, Mr. George Wolfe's fai-m. AUl noted it a meat pleasant eveniiig. bers of UiceFI-C Club, Ross Neals and Miss Lynda David- son assistcd in lte service, an- -touncing the hynins. reading the scripture lessons and lead- ing in prayers. The cboir's an- tem was "Ari-;e Ye People." Good Luck Orange Lodge In celebration o! their organ.. zation nine years ago, lte Be- thany Ladies Good. Luck Or- ange Lodige entertained mcm- bci-s o!f te visiting lodges from Janelville and Penlypool at bheir regular meeting last week. Following lte usual ceremon- ies and business pcriod, lunch vas served, including a Bu-lt- [ay cake decorateti with nîne candîca. The visilers jomned in inging "Happy Birîhday To Ilie immediate past Rigit Wor. Provincial Grand Mistress ister Cors. Johnston of Janet-a vicl was present to add con- gratulations on this occasion. Nineteen Confirmed[ Another day of inspiration. thanksgiving and worsh Iwa TYRONE Mr-. and Mrg. J. C. Cook and' faxhiily visited Mr. and Mrs. George Wills, Inglewood, on Saturday and Sunday attended the Anniversary service at Un - ion Chai-ch and vlsited Mi-. and Mis. Clifford Cook, Georgetown. Rev. F. J. Jackson attended Bay of Quinte Conference at Kingston lasI week. Mr-. and Mrs. Stewart, Misses Norma Stewart, Mai-ion Salliel and fiend, Toi-onte, wcrc guesîs of is. EdItit Murphy and aise visited lte childi-en and teacit.. ers o! Tyrone scitool. Club 49 mcl aI the home of Mrs. Editit Murphy. AU. and Mi-s. Loi-ne Annis and family moîored te Elmwood on Sunday and visitcd ber aunts Mrs. A. Bleich and Mrs. .. Zurbrigg of Edmonton. Douglas Joncs returned home front Manitoba. Violet Joncs Is slaying witit Mr., and Mrs. J. Ritideil, Hamp- ton. Mrs. L. Joncs ber mother undcrwent an operation in Memorial Hospital,, Bowman- ville, Monday. Mi-. and Mrs. Citarlie Camp- bell and Warren, Cqnnington, werc Sunday guesîs o! Mr-. and Mis. F. L. Byam and Mi. and Mrs. W. Park. Mr. C., W. Woodiicy, Mr. and Mrs, Jantes Weodley, Mi-. and Mis. J. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs, George and Palsy, Mr. and Mis. T. Janczyn and f amily attendeti thte Golden Wcdding anniver- sary o! Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chap.. mian, Hampton, on Saturday, Mi-. and Mrs. J. Gibbts and beys visileti aI Jackson Peint over lte wcckcnd. Mi-. and Mrs. C. H. McQuinn and fam-ily visited Mr-. and Mi-s. A. Mark. 'Port Pci-ry. Mr. and Mrs. John Broome! and !amuly visited Mi-. and Mrs.i Lloyd Broome, Solina. Mi-. and Mrs. W. Jewell and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Cryderman, Selina, and attend- ed Solina Annivei-sary. Mir. and Mis. A. Knowlton and citdren visited her parents Mir. and Mis. K. Sidler, Belle- vil. Mrs. A. Hoar and childi-en, visited Mis. W. J. Mile n Elizabeth, Oshawa. ilran Mi-. atMis. Heniry Stainton! and Lynin visted Mis. Maud Hariis, Wiitby. Chai-les Marsitall, Humber'j Bay, visited on Friday aI Mi-. and Mrs. T. Scett's. Ail enj oye! the piclures e! the Woild's Jam- boree o! Boy Scouts o! 1958, hown by Mr. Marsaal, Friday vening in the Sunday School. Mi-. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, Mfr. andi Mrs. D. Park and Glen- na, Bownianvllle, w e r e tea guesîs o! Mi-. andi Mis. A. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. O. Richmiondi, 3owmnanville, visiteti Mr. and Ni-s. W. Jewefl. Mi-. andi Mrs. C. Johtns, Bow- nanville, were dinner guests o! Ni-. andi Mis. J. Breome Fiday last. Mrs. Elva Beckett, Oshawa, visiteti Mr. and Mrs. D. Miller and Debbie. It la not the oawa.ers andl riflers who fint.iflfe werth liv- rlg; itla he icsteady, strenuous, ,obust workerg. -Charles W. liot Faitittulness and Irult are lie most sacrcd excellences anti ntiownients o$ tmaheuznlan 'j 1 4 WARNING We posltl'vely refuse te sell any of these cars toeoutade dealers. We want the retail buy- crs to talc. advantage of the $150.00 te $700.00 profit tuat would bo made by the outside used car dealers ln reseling these About This Tinte of the Year We Accumalite a Big Stock of Used Cars OUR POLICY THE POLICY 0P SEAWAY MOTORS 19 that every car offered for sale at Ibis bit 3-dar whoicsaltng wlll be fa!.-!y and accurately repre- scnted to the buyer. Our warranty covers the car for a period of «.Ix months or 6,000 miles. Our Wholesaling Is Cenuino No glmmicks, no prizes, just wholesale prices. Last month Seaway Motors sold (new and used> 60 cars and trucksm. THURS-FRI.-SAT-JUNE 4-5-6 Sale Staris Each Day ai 9 a.m. le Closes il p.Me "LOOK AT THESE WHOLESALE PRICES"P 1958 PONTIAC V8 Sedan. Beautiful two.' tone blue & white with im. niaculate blue interior - fully guaranteed. as$2295. $19 1957 FORD Customi Fordor VB, Sharp brentwood brown finish. spotless interior. custom radio, nearly new tires fully guaranteed. Ws$1765. $1295 NOW ___ 1956 METEOR Niagara Tudor V8. Stun. ning black finish with white wall tires, you have t. see Ibis car t. appreciate l « fully gua.ranteed. Wa" $1595. $1045 NOW ___ _ 1955 FORD Cuslomlinc Fordor. Spark- ling 1igitt grecen finish with l nitciting interlor, a very oulstanding car - fully guar- anteed. Was $1$1095 NOW -...- $09 1950 PONTIAC Coacht. Ligitt green finish, very gooti molor, excellent transportation. Was $345. $5 NOW -- - $5 1949 PONTIAC Black wiit gray inierior, gooti moter, new bi-akes. Was $345.__$4 NOW $14 1955 MONARCH Lucerne Sedan. Dark blue andi white finish, motor in top condition. Radie anti rear seal speaker. Auto- matie transmission. window washers, white wall tires and many alter ext-as. Thtis car was owned by a Bell Telephone executive. At this witolesale price titis car cannol be maîcited any- where. Was $1695.$14 NOW --- $134 1954 DODGE Mayf air Coacht. A very prelîy ligit ray finish witit upitolstery lilse a new car. Titis car is a i-cal bcauty and bas te be driven te, be appi-eciateti. as$1095. $4 NOW --- _ $74 1953 CHEV. Sedan. Black wiit gray in- terior, good tires, excellent mechanically - a i-cal !am- ily car. Wa 795. $9 NOW _$__95 1958 FORD Customn 300 Tudor V8. Spot- less gold metalic finish with matching interior - radio and many olter extras. Fully guaranleeti. Ws$2345.$19 1957 CONSUL 6 Passenger Sedan Abso- lutely immaculate. Mai-con anti gray finish witit beauti- fui reti anti gray leather upbolslery. Titis car hs styleti exactly Uic sainie am a 1959 model anti is inilte same condition as a ncw car - 38 miles per gallon fully guaranteeti. Ws$1695. $19 NOW $1395_ 1956 FORD Fairlane V8 Sedan. Out- standing medium blue fin- ish with spoîlesa mnatching Interior. Customn radio - titis car is lte tiluxe car o! ail thc Ford motels - fully guaranteeti. Was $1695. $19 NOW _ _ $19 1953 FORD Customline Fordor. If it's an ail arounti family car you're looking for be sure te t-y Ibis one - a very sofI maroon finisht, new lires - rebuill motor - !ully guar- anteed. Was $995. ______ $695 1951 MERCURY Custom Sedan. Excellent in every respect Don't miss Ibis buy. Was S495. $9 NOW _$195 1951 FORD Customiline Sedan. Two tene gi-een. Spollesa brown upitolsîei-y. Customn radio. Was $$195 NOW -___$195 1955 FORD Fordor. Imimaculate tai-k gi-een anti wbite finish, custom radio, new tires motor as god as ncw - one owner. Fully guai-anteeti. Was $1295. $945 NOW ___ CONVERTIBLE 1955 Mercury. Mooninist yellow finish wlit black top, automatic transmission, custom radio, white walls. The sharpesî car on lte lot - f ully guaranleeti. Was $1795. NOW 1957 MERCURY Tudior Hard Top. Light blue andi white finish. Just jike new - beauliful blue intcrior, puait button auto. matie, custom radio, 4 new white ..wall - -fully guaranteed. Was $2395. NOW ___ _ $1895 1955 PONTIAC Dehuxe Coacht. Beautiful wite finish with sharp blue interior - custom radio - tires are excellent - very low milcage car - one own- i- -, fully guarantecti. Was $1295. é â45 NOW ___ _ 1951 DODGE Deluxe Sedan. A very dlean light blue finish - excellent mechanically. Was $395. NOW ___ _ $195o 1950 DeSOTO Sedan. Here is a car that matches any 1956 lin stock. Beautiful ligitt blue finish - immaculate inlerior - auto- matic transmission - customt radie - one owner. Was $595. NOW ___ _ $245 MOTORCYCLE 1957 BESA Road Rocket 650 CC's. Titis bike la in excellent condition. No t-ade. Ws$895. $4 1955 METEOR Niagara Foi-oi-, Beautiful "style tone" finish - light grecen and white- automat- te transmission -custom radio - fender ski-la, a top rate car from bumper te bumper. Fully guaranteed. Was $1395. $9 NOW _$995_ 1953 FORD Customn Farder. New sea- spray gi-cen finish. Auto- maîlc transmission. Custom radio - fully reconditioncd - guaranleeci. Ws$1095. $9 NOW _$795_ 1955 OLDSMOBILE 2 Dr. 88 lard Top. lucre Is an exaniple o! Uic savlngs passeti on le you - a beauti- ful lwo lene turquoise anti white finish. Aulematie transmission. Fully guar- anteed. W«$1795.. 19 NOW $1195_ A nd Many Others To Choose From Secwcuy Motoirs Lïmited ON THE MAIN STREET 0F WHITBY st. W. For merly Bus Depot M z y Legion Branch Gives Approval, To 4 Donations I Branch 178, Canadian Legiori, held their regular meeting Thursday evening, May 28, in thei Legion Hall, with. President Ed. lundin the chair. The following donations were passed by general membership: $50,00 to Salvation Armny Red Shield Appeal $10.00 Veterans' TB Camp at Niagara; $ 10.00 to local Cancer Society; $10.00 to Legion Scholarship Fund. Sports Officer Jack KnightI reported that Legion sponsored basebal teani had won both garnes with Orono and Kendal and it looked like a very good year for the teamn. Comrade Bill Veitch la manager. Com- rade Knight reported that they had received a donation of $20.00 froma the Intermediate Bail Club as they were flot fielding an Intermedjate Club this year. Zone Dart Tourna- ment wil be held ini Whitby, June 13. Comrade Dave Hilton showed' two very interesting war films at the conclusion of regular business. TEINS On tbe cars bought la this sale there are NO MONTHLY PAYMNTS unit JuIy 15. Down pay- ments range from 25% te ne down payments. Our finance plana give yonU lie Insurance. healtb sud acci- dent Insurance, towing and road service. Iravel emerg- ency credit aud many other benefits. 'I ,, I qp 1 1 a a 200 Dundas Companion Hilda Humphrey was appointed as the delegate from Maple Lea! Circle 143 t. attend the High Court Circle of the Coxnpanions of the Forest Convention t. be heid et the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on September 10M and 111h. Wor- thy Chie! Conipanmon Rena Bathgate and Worthy Sub-Chief Companion Rose Bate were namied alternates to, attend tbis convention with Companion Humnphrey. Companion Charlotte Carke I reported on the successful Cern- panions o! the Forest Euchre held at Méemorial Park Club- house on Tuesday Evening, May 6th. Companion Clarke, Com- panion Alice Mitchell and Coin- panion Dorothy Leaman were thc convenors for Ibis enjoy- able event. Companion Minrije Wisemnan was the winner of the Lucky Draw and received the prize, an attractive porcelain figur- ine bell. A delicious lunch was served by Worthy Chie! Com- panion Rena Bathgate. Secre- 1 tai-y Companion Margaret Coyle j and Treasurer Companion Rita Parker, assisted by several cern- panions. THE CANADIM STATEMUN, BOWUANVUM ONTAIM - , 9-- ma "-- wr»M qwp-u- We are forced into WHOLESALING USED CARS 9E5QJ USED CARS & TRUCKS &5Q3 BELOW Auction Prices 5 66

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