THIJRSDAY,~ lUNE 4th, 1DSS TBE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLL ONTABJO PAGE ÉLEY VOTE00 ROY BOWMANV eLucas Nie] MArket 3. I e I/ e«wcc'dle#soe&pm&atP Gordon Âgnow, Edtor I lewcastie cSocal and1 £ersonal Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt vis- Ited in Concord on Saturday with Captain and Mrs. Mac- quord aie. Mis. Benjamin Hoogkamp and son B.ian were in Embro last week visiting with her unclç. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Kupery and famlly. Mr. and Mi&s. Gordon Brit- ton and family of Pontypool, were Sunday visitors with Mr. Let's Look Back 10 Years Ago in Newcastle June 2, 1949 The Rev. A. E. Eustace of the Orono United Church was the guest preacher at the Young People's Anniversary services in the local United Church on Sunday. Glen Allun was in1 charge of the services and Mr. Robert Walton was the guest soloist Members of the New- castle High School Cadet Corps paraded to the evenng service. James Kenny of Port Hope was nominated to contest the riding for the CCP par- ty in the June 27 Federal elec- tions, running against Chas. E. Stephenson, PC, and John M. James, Liberal. The Storms Construction Co. have been awarded the contract to resurface Highway 2 from Port Hope to Oshawa and have set up their equipment in the gravel pit on Gordon M.rtin's farmn. They expect to complete the job by fail. * * 0 May 28th was a big day for sports fans in Newcastle with the opening game of the sea- son fcr the'Newcastle Interme- diates, meeting Trenton ln the afternoon followed by the op- enîng game of the Ladies Lea- gue i the evening with Cour- tice as the opposition. The park was ail decked out wlth flags and bunting -and a public ad- dress system was used in both games. The Park was well fil- ed with fans for both gainas. NGNET AVAILABLE FOR NOITGAGES RALPHK S. JONEmjrS Barrister and Solleltor 65 SIm0oe St. S. OshawaI RA 5-3523 Anyone 1u1ereq Advauce Lin dsay Cent Apply Il 37 ADELAIDES You are cordial an infa COFFEE in t1he Lios Newcastle Com on1 Friday, Ji 7:00 p Mr. & rstoAl Mr. & Mrs.mA Inserted by the D Progressive Conserm and MVrs. D. M. Bernard and Eric. Mi. Kari Weyrich left Mal- ton by air on Wednesday last to visit with relatives in Ger- many. Mi. and Mrs. Orval Stinson and family of Chesley were weekend visitors with Mr'. and Mis. Albert Pearce and fam- ily. Mi. and Mrs. Earl Weather- ily and family of Bethany, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard and Eric on Monday. Mr'. and Mis. D. H. Williams of Bowmanville were Sunday visitors with Mr'. and Mrs. Gor- don Agnew.1 Mr'.,. James Gable of Ux- bridge visited on Monday withi Mr'. and Mrs. John Voutt and family. The Newcastle Lionettes Club collected $202.74 in their can- vass in the village on behaif of the Salvation Armny Red Shield drive, receiving a ready e sponse from the citizens despite the fact tbey had covered the same territory collecting for the 'Cancer Society just a month earlier. Mr'. and Mi's. George Walton were in Coiborne last Wedne- day vîhere they attended the funeral service of her uncle ther late Mr. Levi Dudley. Mis. Harold Couch was in To- ronto on Saturday visiting wth ber aunt, Mis. Barbara Grain- ger wbo lis a patient in the Lockwood Clinic. Mi'. and Mrs. Brenton Rick- ard and Mi. and Mis. Frank Hoar ýare in Windsor this week representing the Newcastle Lions and Lionettes Clubs at the District A-3 Convention of the International Association of Lions Clubs. Mrs. J. W. Gordon of Winni- peg and bier daughter, Miss Ethel Gordon of Ottawa, spent the weekend in the village vis- iting with Mrs. Gordon's sis- ters, Mis. E. C. Hoar and Miss phono 3621 Elect Cobourg's Mayor Head o)f L.O.D. Assn. Succeeding E. Banting Mayor John D. Burnet of Co- bourg was elected as President of the Lake Ontario Develop- ment Association at the annual Directors' Meeting, lield in Pe- terborough on Thui-sday, May 21. Mayor Burnet is past Vice President of the Association and succeeds Mr'. Elmer T. Banting of Bowmanville. He bas sei'ved -on the Board of Directors of the Association for thi'ee. years and was lst Vice President and also past Chairman of Zone Two. The Association is zan organiza- tion promo ting thea economic welf are of the Area, etending approximately froni Bowman- ville to Napanee and north to Haliburton County. Three new member munici-1 palities have joined the Associa- tion this year, bringing the to- tal to forty-four volAnteer mem- ber communities. 'l'le A.,socia- tion is financially supported as well by the Province of On- tario. It îs repo'ted that two new industries have loca'ted in the Region since the General Meeting in February. These are the Nash Aluminurn Company of Oshawa who have located in Lindsay, and the Glosta Manufacturing Company who have located in Port Hope. Representatives of three in- dustries have toui'ect the mun- icipalities in the Anýea as well, with the Associatictin's officer, looking for suitable plant sites and buildings availatble as well as obtaining information' on the various communities, in whichi thev showed interest.. The three Sportsn-aen's Shows attended by the As,!;oiation in in 1959 provlded the participat.. ing communities witliî over 3700 written enquiries v-hich were distributed to commounity pro- inotional committees, Chambers of Commerce and Boards of n. i3. W55 0 ana o[lsd J CAO tt V C 'Mr, and Mrs. Harold Couch guest speaker. She gave us n rand Betty were In Fenelon very interesting talk about rFalls on Sunday visiting witb crlppled cbildren telling us a- MT. nd rs.StaleyCoren.bout the different k4lnds of bru- M. and Mrs. STanyarCof ces and crutches which are Mr. and is. wm. ar' of worn. Several other ladies and Bownigville rswr trdandtwo small chiîdren who wore evenlnG vidsioswth. andbraces also accornp;nîed ber. Mis G.H. odgon.Lunch was served and a social - time enjoyed. Don't forget ouur Sunday SALEMSchool annivei'sary bn Sunday. JParticulars in coming events. Salemn W.A. held their May Misses Roberta aiid Susan meeting at the bome of Mrs. K. Craig were weekend visitors Shackleton. President Mis. Ger- wltb Mi'. and Mis. David Craig, aid Shackleton opened the meet. Tyrone. ing with W.A. theme hymn. Mrs. We welcome Miss Mildred E. Twist andi ber group were in Pbilips, Toronto, to. oui' com- charge. Bible reading by Mrs. munlty. She moved into part of M. Marchant, devotional read- Mr'. and Mrs. W. Craig's house ing by Mrs. W. Craig, followed on Saturday. by prayer b y Mrs. E. Twist. Miss Congratulations ta oui' Young Murgaret Shackleton favoured People's Union m.ýmbers and with several piano solos. Mrs. their coacb, Mr. Bob Craig. Ralph Campbell, Sbaw's wa They worn the finals at tbe Osh- _________________________ awa Presbytery 'Younig People's bail tournament ut Oshawa on Saturday. There were 12 other sied in Selling teams competing. g1 Congratulations to Don Welsh, J 1 Who was the winner of the Bow- iTickets manville Lions Club A. E. Sumi- mer's Memorial Trophy for the 'or highest contestant at the live- or stock judging day at Orono last Friday. Also to Jim Coom- bes who won the tropby for rrai Exhlibiion the coach of the bighest stand- igtain. ln perso . MIr. 'and Mrs. Lyle MMhn ~T. N, LIDSAYTown, were Sundoty evening ST.N.,LINSAYvisitors witb Mi. uand Mrs. E. _____ ____ ____ ____ Twist. - --ngratulations to Mrs. J. Lancaster who celebrated ber 8ath birthdkay on S'unday. Mr'. and Mrs. Sam Buttery enter- illy inifed fotained,,at a family di nner on LiyivldbSunday. ussy.eetwr )rmal Mi. and Mrs. Ivison Munday and Mary Lou, Mr'. and Mrs. C. Welsh and family, 11.owmanville; P A R T Y Mi'. and Mrs. W. Lockhart, Nia- n gara Falls, N.Y; Mr'. and Mrs. Ils Boom Sid Lancaster and Ilorella, Mrs. C. Burley, Newtonville; Mi'. and limunity Hall Mrs. W. E. Nichols andi Wil- mu and Mrs. W. Hampshire, Port Hope. Mr'. L. Squair was a Sunday une 5 thsupper guest of Mr. and Mrs. une 5thn rs L Rnde i.m.Town, were Saturdaey evening ieet visitors with Mr'. and Mrs. L. Welsh. : Carruthers Several from heme attended M* the 50th weddlng anniversary :)urham County celebrution of Mr.. and Mrs. W. vative Association Chapman, Hampton, last Satur- day. Trade, as weil as tourist organ- izations and resort operators. 250 of these lists were distri-! buted containing the names of1 the enquiries and the informa- tion they requested. Clarke Gives $75,00O By-law Two Readings At a special meeting of the Cuncil of Clarke Township on TelaMay 19th, twvo read- sng were given to by-law No. 1321 for the issuing of deben- turcs of $75.000 for the con- struction of twG 2-room schools., These schools are to be con.i structed at Ncwtonville and at Lockharts. Having given the by-law twol readings it now goes to the On- tario Municipal Board for theïr approval prior to a third and final reading by the Townshipi Counicil. Folio wing rhis meeting Ceun-i cil met with the Counties Con- sultant. Cominittee who are studying the High Sebool prob- lem in the district. The Con- sultant Committee is composed of Reeve R. Budge, Port Hope; Beeve D, Higgons, Bowman- ville; Reeve L. Hooten, Cavan: Dr. Turner, High School Inspec- tor and Mr'. Holmes Public School Inspector. This commit- tee is compiling information in order to make a recommenda- tion to the Counities Council June session. At a previous meeting Coun- cil sut in special session with ail members present, and which meeting was also attended by the three Orono Police Trustees, the township lawyer, Mi'. Love- kmn and the township Building Inspector, A. E. Morton. At this' meeting, those present discuss- ed the present Building By-law and other aspects of regula-1 tions regarding building in the Township. Mr. Lovekin was authorized to draft a new Building By-law and also to set up procedure of enforcing the conditions of the by-law. Council wiil give con- sideration to the draft when it is presented. ZION Mr and Mrs, Allan, Fisher were overnigbt guests tasi Van Dusen's, Marlbank. 1 Mrs. Ross Stainton Mrs. Jim. Stainton and Mrs. Russell Stain- ton visited Mrs. Roy Thomas, Scarborough, and Masters Da- vid and Douglas Stainton spent the day with their grandmohter Mrs. Leonard, Shaw, Oshawa,, and Lau rie Stainton visited berr grandmother Mrs. H. F. Ste- phen, Oshawa. Master Clarke Stainton Is a patient in OýLawa General Hos- pital with a broken leg. Mrs. Clarke Moore returned to ber home in Oshawa for the weekend after staying with ber daughter Mrs. Keith Stainton. Mr'. and Mrs. Wilfred Frank and David were weekene. guests ut Robert Killen's. A large number of ladies at- tended a miscellaneous com- munity shower for Marilyn Fiee at Mrs. Gerry Glaspell's when the bride-to-ibe received many lovely and useful gifts. Mi'. and Mrs. Allan Fisher visited at Lewis Knapp's, Pon- typool. Mrs. Russel Perkins ai-d Mrs. Russell Stainton attended the Golden Wedding celebration for Mr'. and Mrs. William Chapman at Hampton on Saturday. Mrs. Ross C. Staînýton and Laurie visited ut Ted Stephen's, Peterborough, on Thursday. Mrs. Bessie Walkey, Ernest Walkey and Mrs. Abrams, Bow- manville, visited ut Allan Fisb- er's. Mrs. Nelson Fice was bos- tess for a Trousseau Tea for ber daughter Marilyn on Satur- day. Johnny Monahan has the measles.j North NesilefonI T7he United Cburch Sunday1 School Anniversary bere on1 Sunday was blessed with love. ly weather and an exceptionally large attendance. The morning service wit.h the "wee ones" ut the front in their pretty little dresses and singing their catchy littie Sunday School tunes were rnost attractive. The lîttie girls so gay and little boys so solemn are a sure bet to attract the par- ents, grandparents and other lnterested relations. The scrip- ture certainly gives forth wîs- dom where It says: "A.nd a littie child shall lead them" - the others are bound to follow. Su- erintendent and his assistant, Mi. and Mrs. Carl Adams, and! teachers, certainly deserve much credit for resuitsaco- plished. Rev. H. Stainton of Courtice, based his sermon on Judges 14, and the congregation apprecia- ted his humorçus and enlighten- Ing discouîme on the strength and weakness of the mighty Samson and the early Jewiuh Judges. IN DURHAM ARMSTRONG )RONO Dont 1552 Cut Food mum" Costs at Dominion Makes 4 Quarts Instant Dissolving Powdered Milk' Mfil-Ko I: 37c : .0 Margine - Regular A llsweet i orden's Elsie Rols 1 lb. pkg. 2 for55Sc 8 oz. pkg. 31c Save on Ice Cream! Available only ut Dominion 6 Dellcious Flavours - 3 pt. round container Richmello Ice Cream 69c Cut Bread Costs! Carry it home and save Sliced White 24 oz. loaf Richmello Bread (Only at Dominion) 18C Mrm Art Dooley and family and Hennin& Sr., UMr. uni Mm Wi Mr. and Mis. Jim Hthson, Hennîng Jr. and tamily, Mr, Toronto, also Mr. and Mis. Bert Ralph Henning and tu .omâ, Moore, Cobourg. ail of Cahswa. Sunday visiturs with ?&. and Mr. and Mm .Cbrlais ar Mrs. WaUly Gibson were Mr. and Sharon, and Nams- jo and Mrs. Clarence Osborne and Young, Newcastle with hibm Kathy, Bowmanvllle. Mrs. W., ther, Mms. A. Pisk arn &mday. 1 guest soloist was equally en- joyed. Rev. Stainton'a evening ad-1 diress was around the deep mys- tery of Chirist'& Kingdoma, and quoted in part, "no ear hath heard, nor eye seen,, nor can the mind concelve". The ann.ounced Anniversary supper on Friday evening, June 5th, was slightly misînterpret- ed.. The three sittings are at 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, En- nLskillen, Mr'. and Mrs. W. E. Reid and Joan and Elva, Orono, Miss Vivian Sadier, Bowman- ville, at Ralph Sadler's. Mrs. Lottie Ferguson at Mal- colm Emmerson's as was Mr. Wilton Creed, Barrie, and Mr'. and Mrs. Don Stutt, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mis. Melville Sam- els and girls at parents. K. Samells. Mr. and M%&s. Merwin Mount- joy and Mr. and Mrs. Brown. formerly E. Marlow. were also neighbourbood visitors. BMrs. Ida Taylor, Mrs. Brooks. j owmanville, and Stanley Mal- comat Malco Farms. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lockyer, Brooklin, at Alan Wilson's. Rev. Stainton and another IMr. qnd Mis. Adams at home of Carl Adams. Mr. and Mvrs. Rae Malcolm, Janetville, at V. Malcolm's and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Herb SWain and Mr. and Mis. Harold Swain were evening callers as were Miss *Reynolds, Ed. Williams and Mi'. Les Hoskin. Mr. and Mis. Maurice Nes- bitt were Sunday hosts to Mi'. and Mrs. Geo. Heaslip and Mr'. and Mrs. J. R. Nesbitt. Mr. and Mis. Alan Beacock were visited by representatives of the Adamns familles. S. S. No. 9, Clarke rThe Ladies Club met at Mrs. Mildred Allin's home last Mon- day evening. The evening was spent making artificial flowers. Lunch was served and a social time erjoyed. The next meeting in June to be held at the home of Mrs. Wilma Aliin's, June 22. We welcome several new people to the coinmunity and say farewelll to others. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fairbrother f rom Osha\vix mho recently moved into Mr'. and Mrs. Jim Wool- frey's house: Mi'..and Mis. Law- rence - of Bowmanville. who purchased Mis. Tucker's home. Mrs. Tueker was entertained recently at the home of Mrs. Chas. Fisk, by the ladies of the cornmunity. Mrs. Tilcker wvasi presented with two pieces of luggage and wished much hap- piness and good fortune in ber new home in Toronto. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr'. and Mrs. Calvert Bar- chardjand family, Whitby, were recent guests of his mother, Mrs. A. Fisk. MTi. and Mrs. Bill BarchiaZd, Lois and Jimmy, spent Sunday with Mr'. and Mis. Henry Bowen and Darlene, Newcastle. Miss Claramae Fisk, Toronto, at home with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Chas. Eisk. Mr. Bill Ling, Collingwood, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hrl Ling at their cottage on Pidgeon Lake. Mrs. W. Henning, Sr., Osh- awa, visited recently wfth her daughter and son-in-lawMr and Mrs. Wally Gibson and family'. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pedwell, Toronto, spent the weekend at their home here. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner were Mrs. Cowan, Orono; Mr. and 1958 P011MAC STRATOCRIEF SEDAN 4-Door. One owner car. Low mileage 1952 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN$ Radio and Heater - 9 1950 CHEV. COUPE 5-Passenger. Very good mechanically -$395 1950 FORD 4-DR. SEDAN One owner, 53,010 original mileage $395 1947 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN $ 195 Mechanically good ~ P £ GRAHAM'S GARAGE STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE HAYDON MA 3-2730 (2 miles east of Ennlsill1 Garden FresFi Fruit s & Vegetables New Brunswick Potatoes 0l.1*49 First of the Season - Ontario Grown Head Lettuce 2 Heade 19c Florida No. 1 - Crisp and Crunchy - Size 24'9 Celery Stalics 25c A sure sign of spring - Home Grown A Tasty Treat - Garden Fresh Asparagus 2Ibu. 35c Crisp and Juicy - With that fresh plcked flavour Controlied Atmosiphere C.A. - 3 lb. poly bag Mclntosh Apples 39c Julcy - Sire 1381 - 5 lb. bag Available only at Dominion! I 3UfKi5t Richmelio Creamy 16 oz. jar 32 oz. jar S alad Dressing 35c 65Sc Makes delicious pies For Salads or Cooking 16 oz. bot. 32 oz. bot. Shortening Mazola bil 41c 76c Jewel Christie's Plain or Salted! Premium Sodas Ideal for cold plates, etc. Swift's lb. pkg. 37c Prem vranges 63c & Pastries, etc. 1 lb. pkg. a fors55c Il os. tin 2ZforS8SC Ayimer - Condensed 10 oz. can e*wthHrefladue. Vegetable SOUpl for 27c OrangeJficeaZor. 51 DS.L - Black - Only at Dominion - Cello pkg. of 100OrneJi 2o4 .1 Tea ags79c20 o%. tin 48 oz. fla lRThela Bags t nintrà e u <Blended Juice Zfor37 43 - cimciu - nFIay at tio mio - a Cheese S lices 31c 20 0o&. tUn 48 0&. U Grapefruit Juice Zfor3l 35 Pkg. 23c Values effective in Bowmanville until closing time Saturday, June 6, 1M5 eDOMINIONI Ce.CeF. "BACK MAC" Cive Ontario au Rouess Coventundor DONALD MacDONALD Vote for a Farmer, Labour and People's Representative. If YOu, will nsit i ny way - Telephone VILL19 PORT HOPE 01 cholls Mms G. H. PorterE -5583 TUrner 5-5707 / r,- SPECIALS UN USED M'. THuPtsDAY,' JuNs 4th, im TEZ CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVU.L& ONTARIQ PAGI tlJMM CARS