w '-"-4- -a- - -~ -~ - -r--- r ----r r ww - r - - Wr r rr--n-W-r r r-r--. ?TMSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1950 TME CANADIAN STATESMAU EM Wf OUTAR!O WAfSU PIPPMwi HeathUnii 2 Cases offi During Mon Iarthumberland - Du rha n Bealifi Unit report for April! was submitted recently as, fol- IoýW by -Dr. Charlotte M. Hor- Ber, 1M;D. Medical Off icer of Communicable Disease "1¶ere were 93 cases of %-om- *unicAb1e., disease reporteil in * ONTAIUO TEAVELM t187 PcelIiament IIdgs. Torantob Ontaot . ....U........................ IKNOW ONTAHIIO BUTTER GREATNESS Gneatnesa la: To do the littie things, Each hour, each day, The trifling, tedicus things, Along the way. To walk the bramble path If it be near at hand Net gaze in awcsome wrath At a far distant stnand. To let the old heant sinp, Aleud, its lilting lay, What a neward t'will brung, To only kneel to, pray. -Marion Ford meing ~A. The fortunate winners of tha. ISpecial Draw for a free trip to the District Kinsmen Conveni- tion to be held at Clevelanda House, Lake Rousseau, Musko. ka in late June were William Kilpatrick, and Murray Ca"n (Inten&id for last week) Sunday May 17th, the pro. gram for Family Day was pre- sented at Sunday Sehool at il a.m. There was an average at- tendance and the superintend. cnt Mr. George Harnesa con. ductcd, the session; Mrs. Helen McHolm acconxpanied hymns and anthem o n the "ln; the story "The Little Colt' was very nicely read by Jane Harnesa; the junior choir presented the anthern "Carol so swcetly"l with their usual precision and In- stead of the usual lesson period a very interestlng address on "Mothcr's Day"' was given by the superintendent. fte service closed with hynîn and Benedie- tion. The collection was given to The Work of Christian Edu- cation ini the Province of On- tario. We offer the sincere sym- pathy of this oomnîunity te the family of the late Mr'. William Chestnut ef Welcome who pas- scd away on Friday, May 22nd, at Peterborough Civie Hospital. This gentleman was a well known farmer in Welcomne, re- tiring some years ago. He was a man of Stirling character, che- erful and friendly to all he came In contact with. It Is with deep sorrow we report his passing. 'Thursd'ay, May 14th, was "Open House"I for thIs corres- ?ondent when rnany friends cal- cd teSay "Happy Birthday" and after congratulations upon ,entering oui' 84th year. Many cards, gifts and flowers were re- ceived, it was a happy day and concluded with a chickcn dinner sharcd with a few fricnds. The regular nionthly meeting of the W.A. was hcld on Wed- nesday, May 20th at 2:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Harold Osborne. There were 18 mcmn- bers present and 8 children. President- Mis. Helen Me- Holm occupied the chair. The meeting opencd with hymn 325 "ýBlest are the pure in heart and prayer". Scrîpture reading was given by Mrs. H. Osborne. Les. son Thoughts and Prayer by Mrs. F'rank Anderson. A hymn concluded the devotions. The roll was called by secre- tary Mis. Ann Harness and an- swcred by nammng a favourite T.V. or Radio prograxn. The minutes of the April meeting were read and adopted. It was decided that we have a Straw- berry Supç>er. More about this [ater. F i n a 1 arrangements wvere made and ail should be in order' for the Womnan's Institute Dmn- Lar ait 12:30 :Mn on Tuesuday. partment cf Health, eonducted Reports a:ne-day refreshcr course at W me r Reports the central office of the HcalthW m nD i Unitwhic wasattededby LE the sixteen publie heaith nurses ontestaff. Zabie - ere Itis econizd taXin teA ccording1 ears ~anceof mntal elt, mest mothers need nursing sup-1 "Automobile drivers in Can- ihofApilperiod before and after the, an accroident rate twice as high prth fand duTisispri 1authe fthe g pofp1ulaio jApril and these included 40 îarîy the case now because Of and they also kîli 50 percent chickenpox.. 24 red measies, 12 the short stay in hospital of more people in these accidents." gerrnan measles and 10 whaop- most matcrnity patients. So stated D .L. McGillivi'ay, ing cough. Oniy two reports of During April, Hcalth Unit Assistant Division Manager of rabid animais were rcccived, nurses made 481 home visits on' Imperal11 Linîited, Toronto, 1 bovine and 1 goat, both in1 behaif of matennity patients lin an address te contestants Northumberland County. and infants. Prenatal classes j who had participatcd in the fi- Tubercubosis were held in Brighton, Cobourg,: nais of a province-widc safe Four new cases of tubescu- Port Hope and Bowmgnvilie. driving competition carlier ini losîs wei'e added to the case Nursing Care; the day. register for the United Coun- Nursing care in the home was This safe driving competition, ties, five persons were admit- gvnte patients suffering from which was open te 'teen age ted te sanatorium for treatmcnt,her conditions, diabetes~ boys and girls who had pre- anc of these bcing a ne-admis- stroke, fractured hip, arthritis, jviously won regional tests in sion. The monthly chest dlinics cancer, senility, amputation of varicus parts cf the province, in Bowrnanville, Port Hope, legs, multiple scierosis, vari was jointly sponsorcd by the Cobourg and Campbellford had cose ulcers, a total cf 117 such Wind-sor Junior Chamber cf a total attendance of 105 per- visita having been mnade in1 Commerce and Imperial 011 sons. The two cinics in North- April. This service is provided Iàmitcd. It was also supported umberland County had langer whcn the physician refers the by Government authorities, ci- than usual attendance as it iS patient as nceding nursing carei vil officiais, police and repres- just a year since the mass sur- and other arrangements are net entatives of safety groupe. vey.i this County, and a num- available. Mr. McGillivi'ay was the ber of persons were necom- General Sanitation guest speaker at a wind-up mended for re-examination at A court case ini respect to the! banquet in Assumption Coflege the expiration of one year. operation of a slaughterhouse where winning drivera wcre re- Immunization wlthout the required approval cipients of awards.' The four regular weekly cf- fromn the Board of Health was i He stressed the gnowing lmn- fice dlinics and the six monthly completed on May lst, with the' partance cf making youthful clinics in other centres were operator being found guilty,11 drivers more safety conscicus held. A total of 680 persans fined $10.00 and warned that completed a primary series or continued operation could sub-1 rcceived reinfoi'cing doses ject himn to a fine ef $50 perl inIfsmr en s against some or ail of the fol- day for each day on which he: lawing diseases, - dinhthenia, was found to be operating. As whooping cough, tetanus, pol- a result a new building is plan- L v l iomyelitis and smallpex. iied. L v l Maternlty, Infant and Preschool Because cf the severe win- E e t~ On April l6th Miss Norali ter the installation of private El c ionI Cunningham, Nursing Consul- sewage disposai systems were, tant on Matennity and Infant delayed until ground conditions' The Bowmanvillc Kinsmen Health Services, Ontario De- were more favourable. Home Club held its "Election Night" awners building during the win- at the club dinner meeting at ter are now having sewerage the Flyirxg Dutchman Mlotor systems installed and ane hun- Hotel recently. Due to the iii- dred inspections of these were, ness of the president, Dr. Char- made.1 les Cattran, a past president, C K NTOA DA UNThe sanitary inspectons ac- # Don McGregor presided. Kins- CK INO A DY INcompanied Mr'. Barrens, Engin-1 men Bill Smith, K. Lycett, and eer's Assistant, Ontario Waten Garnet Segers were special head Resounces Commission, to di- table guests and acted as seru- rect his attention ta known tineers for the clectian cf the sewagc and effluent outfalls tojexecutive for 1959-60. fuil ....... then spending the watenoourses ini the area., The election campaigning was It's easy to de it ailinth These are mostiy autfalls from cexceedingiy livcly. There wcre private homes. In ail instances I nany signs and posters in cvid- Véstern Ontario. Here romianti Ontario Water Resources Com- ence. and demonstrations wcre ýmid you of the frontier > mission require that such pointsalase given. Cigars, cigarettes of pollution.ý be nemoved. and other faveurs werc hand- -age ... Fun is in the air,-- Plumblng Inspiection ted eut by the candidates and Life's wonderful! At the Aprîl meeting of the their supporters. Board of Health authorizationf Each candidate introduced was given for the collection Of his campaign manager who plumbing inspection fees for. - n i eal.Sm wonk donc by plumbing and! speehk e i eaif. Some sanitary inspectons in the var- speechese were hortengthyu loua municipaliies totalîing sornwereshortnd a unouni-s $786.00 for thec fis-st quarter of Election nesults were as fol- 1959. Municipal fees collected lw:peiet uryLr incl-udcd: Cobourg $139.50, Dar- mr s îepeiet o llngton Township $115.50, and metutt2d vice-president, Dos- Olare Twnsuip 11350. borne Williams; secretary, Ar- General Remarks nold Sleep. treasuner, Gordon Miss Muriel Lowry, Regional Stringen; Registrar, Roy Me- ISupervison, Nursing Division, Mullen; Bulletin editer, Larry tOntario Department cf Health, Dewell: assistant Bulletin edi- visited the Health Unit April tor, Irvin Bnown: and thi'ee di- 2lst, 22nd and 23nd. recters, Ken Hockin, Robent 1Mffibens cf the nursing staff Guthric, and John LivIng. attended a Public Health Dayi The birthdays of Art Iloci- -. t the Ontario Hospital, Whit-ci', a past president, and Mur- by, to mark Mental Health1 ray Cain were cclebnated by coiiî Week. the Kinsmen. Hanvey Rowe to eplorentmn The Northumbeland-Durham Iatda rbefrteeeig emSbdow. Medical Society heid the fourth and Joe Gailoway, a menîber utem m rSWM p st-g aduae me ica edu atio of he A ax K n he C u a June 2nd. Silver te be paiishcd up, on Monday at Mrs. Morton Hendcnson's; t urkeys te be drcssed and cooked by W.A. niembers. This will be a busy diay cf preparatien for the long awaited 5Oth annivensary cf the W.I. when, old friends will meet and remInisce cf days gene by and dream eof greater activities cf their brandi ef Durham Wo- man Institute. The next meeting ef the W.A. will be hcld at, 8 p.m. an June 17th, in the Sunday School; there will be a surprise pro- gramn. It was moved and second- cd that all bis ibe paid,. Mr. Hcwson on the staff cf T.B. Survey gave a most comprehen- sive talk upon thecocming T.B. Tests te be held in this town- ship and strongly ui'ged ahl meinters te avail themselves of this opîportunity te aid in any way this freely given T.B. Test. Mns. Dawson Beebe gave a paper cntitIed "The right use cf Todiay uakes a better Tomon- row.'l Mis. Fred McCannefl and dauglvter Dianne gave a piano duet which was much. apprcc- lated. The meeting closed wîth a hymn and Benediction. -During the social haîf heur vers Sa fer fo Records. and cognizant of their respon- sibility while behind thc wheel of a car. "In m*ny parts of our coun- try," Mn. McGillivray declared, "the car population is increas- ing twice as fast as thic human, population. The rate cf growth cf oui' car population is far greater than that of thc Unit- ed States. Thcne is an enor- mous backlog of highway building te be dlonc in this country. Our streets and high- ways arc going to be more crwded than ever. This means there will have ta be a much more conccntratcd effort ta educate and create safe drivers aniong our young peaple today, s0 that they will carry these habits and attitudes into the more congestcd driving condi- tions of tomorrow."' The Assistant Division Man- ager of Imperial Oil Liited cndcared himself te ferwIe members of the audience when, i the course of bis remarks he said, "Women drivers, includ- ing those in their 'teens, are known toi be safer drivers than i."9 Rev. R. H. Love, B.A., B.D., gave a fine message "'lhe Mis- sianary Spirit," in the 10 a.m. church service. Mr'. Jack Francis pnesided for the Sunday School Heur at 11 a.m. The offering was reccived by John Oglead Dennis Werry. Kedron Sunday School An- niversary is June 21, at 2 p.m. The minister cf Kedron United Church will be the speciai speaker with music by the girls and beys. Coronation Schoal was well nepresented at the Rally in Brooklin Township Hall on Tuesday e v ening. Thunsday Maxwell Heights pupils attend- ed. Mr. and,- Mrs. H. A. Wcrry were weekend guests ef Mn. and Mrs. T. Smilie, Tononto. Kedron friends cxtend con- gratulations te Rev. M .E. Fi- sher B.A., cf Newcastle who was honoured by being elected President cf Bay cf Quinte Conference. Rev. R. Love and Mr. Frank Lee attended the Canference heid last week in Kingston. Last Sunday guests of thc R. Lee's were the Rev. R. Loves, Miss Lynn Farrow, Port Credit; Mn. and Mrs. A. Werry, San- dra and Sharnen and Mn. F. Lee. Mis. Wm. Werry attendcd Brooklin Sunday School Anni- versary, Sunday. The Wm. Werry's visited In Lindsay at Mn. and Mrs. Roy Jacksan's for Sunday suppen. Mr. and Mis. R. Lee wceene- cent supper gucsts cf Mn. and Mis. John Dancey, Oshawa. On 3une llth approimately 15,000 polling placa in Ontario wili. be ready te receive your vote They will remain open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Standard Time) and from 9 a.m. te 8 p.m. (Day. fight Time). Time-tested election machinery will assure every voter the free, full and impartial exercise ef this ancient and honourable privilege of democrati, citizenuhip. HOW you vote is YOUR business, but It la also important te your faznily, friends and neighbours Uiat you DO vote. Your vote means many things. It expresses your judgment on the Issues put forward by the various parties during the election caznpaign. It gives your opinion about the Candidates who bave placed their naines before you. dainty refreshxnents wei'e er- ved by the hostcss and lunch committee, Mis. Helen McHolm and Mis. Mac Bebec. A vote of thanks to those ladies and those taking part i prognam was proposed by Mrs. Minnie E& McHolnî and carried witb en- thusiasni. Regular Worship service was held at 10 a.m. on Sunday, May 24. There was a good con- gregation, the Rev. A. W. Han- ding in change. The Sacned Song given by flic Children's Choir was, as usual, much apprecla- ted. For his sermon Mr. Harding took the last verse of the 18th chapter cf St. Luke, the falth of the iblind man and the gift cf sight given by aur Lord. Sun- day School was held at il a.m., there were 42 present. Mr. Geo- rge Harness. s u peintendent cond'uctcd. There wene thnec birthdays honoured. KEDRON 33/3 % on all purchasos Bowma nvi lie Home Improvements 22 Division St. MA 3153 It states your decisfon about the future progres of oui' Province and the men who wiil guide its destiny in the years immediately ahead. In these last few weeks yen have had many opportunities to assess the policies and platforme of the principal parties. You have been given a complete and comprehensive accounting of the stewardship of your affaira by our Progressive Conservative administration. We believe the record bas been one cf good stewardship, wise management, and sound planning for the futur. The purpose of this brief message la te auggest respectfullIy that the safeat, surent and mont forward-1oolcing deciuiofi that yen can make on June llth in te give your vote for the Candidate who represents the Progressive Conservative Party and the government whose policies have been no kargely responsible for Ontario'oi spectacular pro. gresu in the luat ten yeama COTRTCEheld at OC.C.I.Auditordur4. COURTICE ~~istLeraeitl it oo u T.B. Canvassers wM lbe call-intercal ing at your homne during thie Bontain Boys of Courtica first week of June. We hope played at the k 1k Monday you will welcome them and evenlng againat adu1. Cour. give them your attention and tice were the winners 18 loB3. support. The T.B. Clinics are to be held at Ebenezer Church June 8 - B; Hampton Town- ship Hall June 10 - il; Bowinan. ville Lions Centre June 23, 24, 25, 26. The Clinics will be open from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10. Visit whichever Clinic is most con- venent. No appointnient i19 ne- a , / ro Severai friends gathered at the home cf Mrs. Wllf Brown on Tuesday evening for a "Ba-\by Shower" in honour of I"Lisa Beth"I chosen daughter of Mr. dL s.vings t@.... and Mrs. Charlie Elliott. cnb\or lM&.WUrI4 3r.Cecil Adams %IIu and , Walter attended witm\o Nestleton Anniversary and were Adae. fM.an r.Cr Adas.c r n i.Cr Mr. and M~rs. John Norris. % A E Mr. and Mrs. John Kent and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wilson are SOFTENIR among the niembers of Oshawa Lions Club attcnding the Con- vention held in Windsor. Rev. P. Rorner!l, Blackstock, was guest niinister Sunday morning. Plan to attend Sun- JACKE flDA CIR day S.chool Annlversary ser- vices next week June 7 at 10 a.h. and 7:30 p.ni. PLUMBING a"i HEATIN&- Mr. and Mis. H. Tinney, Port Divisirnu Street South3 Hope, visited a few days with ~365 DW <IL their daughter, Mrs. C. Elliott NI -65rOVINMI and attended the Dance Recita] _____________ WE ARE GLAD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WEI RAVE BEEN NAMED REPRESENTATIVE FOR_ PENFOUND PAINT Joi aur "'Home Decoralor Club" ,ud save SERVICE coj TOU CAN Pâli Imagine fishing a peaoeà an evening in a smart resort.. mame, dy in -North W~ nanes are ail around to res days of not-mo-long-i fl. abound in the waters. June l lth is YQUR day.. ipeond L dda M. Fn. AH. (BERT) JOHNSTON representmg The London Life Insurance Company 15 Concession St. ., Bowmnauville phboue Bowmanville MA 3-3675 Phone Oshawa RA 3-4681 Even Greater Progress Lies A head -On Jane11lth VOTE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE IN DURHAM COUNTY Vote ',X for Alex Carruthers Your Progressive Conservative Candidate 1 1 V- v %P V, 0 -*, R