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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1959, p. 1

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LiquorRe-vole SelforSL"' f301h September 3th was set as the date for the revote on the questions pf dining lounge license and cocktail lounge in a By-Law passed by Bowmanville Town Council on Monday evening. Councillor Lloyd. Preston, seconded by Councillor A. H. Sturrock, moved that = WVOLUME 105 22 Pages first, second and third reading be given te the By-Law providing for the revote on jhe above two questions under section 7 and 8, and section 69 of bhe Ontario Liquor License Act. The By-law was passed unanirnously by Town Council and numbered By-Law 1726. The necessity of the revo4e on the two questions was bbe resuit of a ?ecision giv- en in April by Judge J. de. Kennedly declaring the resuit of a plêbiscite held on November l9th, 1958, iný~aid on the x Durhain County's Great Family J, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, two questions because of irregularities. Judge Kennedy had presided at the Hearing held in Cc>unty Court, Cobourg, when Glenholme Hughes as the Relator had asked that the resuits of the vote on these two questions be set aside. Jt4termar JUNE 4tb9 1959k- 10e Per Copy UBR2 Advance Poil Now Open ln Three Communities Sf111 fthe most peaceful elec- tion most observera have seen in fhis ares lu many years, the first votlng will sfart te- day at Advauee Polis ln Bow- manville, Orono and Port Hope. Unlike federal elec- fions where only certain per- sons may vote early, anyone who expects to be away from hib own area on election day, June 11, may vote lu the pro- vinclal advance poil. They ivili be open Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday troni 9 until 6 and 8 pan. until 11, Dayllght Saving finie. Check the advertlsement on page nine for details. There ivili be 90 poilislu action in Durhamn on June Ilth when 21,150 volera will be eligible f.o eut ballofs- about 1,600 more than lu 1955 when fthe last provincial edec. tion ivas held. The seat has been held by the PC's since 1943, and bv Major John W. Foote, VO. s"ce 1948. Before 1943. Lib- eral Cecil Mercer of Eliza. bethvllle, since deceased, was the member. He was defeat- cd lu 1943 by Dr. R. P. Viv. Ian now fthe MP for Durham at Ottawa. Candidates ln the currefli eleeflon are Roy Armstrong, Janetvlll, CCF; Alex Carru- fixera, Garden Mill1, Progres- sive-Conservaflve; and E. R. "Ted" Woodyard, Orono, LIb. eral. Warden's Family Joins in Receiving. Honors During the well-attended banquet last Friday in 'bouquet of roses and the Gladstone travelling bag which honor of Darlington's first warden of the United Counties, were presented. From left to riglit: James, Warden Warden Garnet B. Rickard was joined by bis wife and Riekard, Mrs. Rickard, Donald'and Walter. three boys for this photo which also shows the beautifuli PresentGladstone Bag I Overl 300 Attend Banquet Honoring Warden Rickard Over 300 peoole attended the P. for Durhamn, and Mrs. Vivian, i M.P. for Northumberland, and'P complimentary banquet ini Port Hope; Earle NeLson, Reeve1 Mrs. Thomps.on; and Charles'D honour of Garnet B. Richard. ý of Percy Tow-nship, and Mrs. Osarinne-aTormeripMunericial jEý AL Warden of the United Counitis -Nelson,: Eirl Walkey, Deputy- on TwshpMniia of Durhani and Northuniber- Rev fCakadepMis ui il At long las- aftêr rnany dif- land. which was h&eld by Ditr- i Reeve Nichols welcomed a>fl ficulties- the $75,000 in de- lington Township ln the Coan Walk. ' D. R. Dingwall, Reeve - bentures for two new public nîunity Hall, Newcastle, o of Ci arnahe Townsl.ip, and Mrs. 1 Present. In Paying tributc to the achools in Clarke township are day evening. Drigo' Dingývxall; Roy W. Nichols. cjualitics of the Warden of teîed o the pbi ogbl Reev, Ro W. ichos, Vasn Reeve of Darling,,ton Townshxip; LUnited Counties Mr. Nich Is tîem up.ortheypuare f r ,0 chairman and Mayor ýAjt---lMvax or- Wilfrici Carruthers. Box. - suggested that Garnet Rickar"d each, bearing 6Q interest, non- Carruthers of B< N manville; Garnet W. Rickard, should be calleci"The Rockc:" clal, n uin g fro invited to set as c-h~n:n W:înrden of the United Couni-; the nicknaïne of Maurice Ricii- 1960) to 1979 inclusive. comnîtteelu chrge l Wads Mrs. Rickard, also ar-ci,1ie fanred Montreal Cana- Bidis will be accepted a The othr, rs.Waler ienhocey tar whse ast special meeting of Clarke Town- arrangements foirtire succe-s-i Ricizard. R. R. P'owmanvilie; naine is simiilar to that of the si oni nMnaJn fui event xvas con-poscd ot A]-,r 0. A. Daîrvmple. Ontario Agri- Wardn. at 2 p.mi. Any resident of ian A. Thompson. E. F. G. Vicý,, eulitural Representative. Siand Crrter tte iClarke acottthtwn and A. L. Blanchar'd Rev. Fred' Mis. Dairymiple. Bo\vmanxilIr: :Vfmqayrarthe s stayored ip mer ontacthe town- J. Reed. Hampton. saîci ;r Reevi- Vietoi Wi1kon and Mrs.WISaprvlee erMxe f s din lerk shud temen- Thoý,e at the head table'e Wilson. Hlope 71own'ship: Read Bownii-nville to p&Y- tri'bLte fo se i hsineîet Rev. and Mrs. Fred J. Rcel . P,îcl'ge. Peeve of Port Hope. anîVare GantRkr. He Hampton; Dr. PercY Vivian. 'i Mrs.; Ben Thompson, (otne on page 18) C aciy C Open Ne...w, Appiance Store on Fridav i i a- I - I I~ --I On Friday moillinr. Bowrnaiiville %viii lose an appliance stor-e and gi e one - ail on the szme premises. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Colliss, shown putting up iL Frigidaire poster-, have taken over the premises formerly occupicd by Ted Wood- ard Appliances, King St. West. Mr. Woodyard xiii continue his business in Orono. .Colliss il crr on the lrZ electrical business which hie has built up in the are and w~ili bt ; -.sted in the store by bis wife, Shir-ley, a qualified draughts- woman, who baýs deserled bier- professioni to go into t.he i-e!ail business. Their open- jgadvertisemtents appear on'the back page. Fçee roses xiii ho given to the ladies! ICOUNCIL $35,OOO MORE CHANGES This seems to be the bit year for business chanrges in town. On Wednesday ev- ening, Carpenter Charlie Warren and bis staff and pianter Howard Brooking 1were busy making altera- uins, preparatory to Marr's Jewellcry mo'ving one door east to a new location on King St.Wet No information is avail]- able on the future occupant of Jim Marr's present esta- blishment, which has been a jeivellery store for longer than most of us ean remein- ber. Durham Club To Tour County On June 2Oth The Durham Club of Toronto has already sold out a 45-pas- senger bus for its annual trip to this county on Saturday, Jun 20thý.-The overflow, which. i expected to be large, will, S#5Io' in -a.'lnotorcade.' T1ke party vil1 arrive ai. Ed Youkigman's, east of Pontypool. for a picnic lunch at noon. The members have been instructed to bring their own baskets and the Youngmnans have kindly agreed to supply tea and con- tainers. An invitation is extended to 1 anyone who wants to join the party and share the picnic at the Youngmans between 12 and Th1 bswiIlev frToe he shrt l ae forlo an maisot a teroMilbook abd 4ak p.trsighytseeing in that bepm.autful ige.te n tire group wl illaroe, 0th ny fo a hot supoe which il forveda 5:30 p.m.hihwilb he Women' Instit0e is chreo ten'suppr ntick-n schane ob tinped rond..k Yotngan bfor $.75 eas or-Ed dergma tiktsor$ car prces ar r te orrhectanum- ba er. efr h oretn Ter etr.uig hudb Tho nderfuloafiai, presentinga glonriu oppor pfrenew-g ing acquaintances rowd Enjoys r,'-ome rconomcs bhowl A cuziit aulin-e1fi1je led _mmThis provided an excellent th BJdtoi iLS ow . Au itoiu 1-1 - i il SBo wmr--ilepace for the nmodels 10 proom- 01hool o Thursdav ex--_ an d dsplav the fasý,hion- Mx231h. for the el- able clotheýs that they bsýd nmade jo%.; ole ia;1r i on u fl'i a). th<-nselves. It xvscalled "Tiee Orjei ' a i 1îeCilrPnf"<. 'o. b f? [<10 fiî-t aifid wvrS pt*ee(ilte'! hxr roC Econorniies Deptînent. Ruberta de 9 girls. The slîiderits dsly Higpon was the able commen- ed % .fide variety of the latest tator. Her atti-acti%,e frock with 1 ii, tls-o en an exotie pattern of gold and gcirsine ty krbleforuedeg sof re flwer wa eu intheses and suits. TIhe commenta- sheath style of the Far East. Itor, Miss Higgon, announced The mnusie foi- the show wo each student imodel by nm provdedbx- ixi GuIanoand described the costume. Tak-I Pai Fiser.iii- part iin this sec-ion of tht The artistic decoralonis of the show were: Mary na, JaneI stage, carried -out the oriental Dejong, Carol, Elston, Biarbara therne. Lovely panels of darnty Hansen, Jane Lander, CaroMc stvlized Eastern figures adorn- Roberts, Helen Vanstonie. Diane- ed [lie curtiins a-t each side. The Tura;islk-. Elaine Macpherson, stage itself was furnishecl %vithl Car-ol Lathaneue., Shirley Wil- rattain ehesterfield. coffce table. liamns. Kaithleen Sampson, Eve - arichairs and stools. and the lynî Sprague. Marilyn Fls background wvall haci effective 1 Sharon Anderson, Cheryl Syme, panels depictong oriental pea- Evclvn Hughes, Susan Allison, cocks. The stage decor vas by Lil ian Miller and Lois Ashtoni. Mr,-. MeMaster and the pupils Mi 1orManr of the Art Department. " idYu anr A long wcell-lighted ruw Mid Your Manners". a skit exteiiclcd frorn he stage down demonstrating the proerway the centre aisie of the auditor- to make various introductions and other pole customs was presentcd by the followving N EARNG I~4ARK Grade 9 girls: Lînda HatelY as NEARIN MARK commentator, Linda Nickcrson, Capt. Norman Coles of the Janet Scott, Lola Pring. Shar- Salvatron Army% notified Tule <Continued on page seven> Statesmnan on WVednesday that the Red Shield campaign for i*k~A~. funds is nearing thi-ce-quarters LAINIIMAK GO.,1..ES othe $4,150 objective. IOHe expects t4iat returns this I Our Orono correspondent ad-! coming week from outside vises that the Dept. of High- points and additional, delayed ways is in the process of f car- donations in town, will put ing dlown one of Durham's old the drive over the mark. If you landmarks - the blacksmith have not already given your shop at the village of Kirby. contribution. send it along to If there is anyone in that dis- i Capt. Coles or ,o une of thc local trict %vho bas some knowledge banks. You will be hclping a of its history, we would apprec- g*-ý( tçgik.iate receiving it for publication. Two special meetings of Bow- manville Town Council were held during the month of May in order to pass by-laws author- izing $42,500 supplementarv ex- penditures of roads and streets and $35,000 for alterations and repairs to the Memorial Arena. The latter by-law was given only first and second readings, pcnding Municipal Brd. approv- ai. This information was disclos- ed in thc minutes of two meet- ings of the Board of Works which were handcd tb the press prior to the regular councîl meeting on Monday eýenirig. The roads by-law was also ai- tered to $46,500 due to an ad- ditional $4,000~ amount from the' SPEND ARENA Dept. of Highways for snow re- moval. Apparently, it was important that these two by-laws be pas- sed, so the Board of Works meeting was adjourned and con- verted into a council meeting on both occasions, May i2th and May 26th. In the roads and streets by-law. there was a deadline to meet because the extra expenditure had to be approved by the highways de- partment of Ontario before the end of May. The Arcna by-law was con- sidered urgent because approv- ai by the Municipal Board had to be obtained before third reading and before tenders could be accepted. The work has to be compieted before Arena open- ing date, Sept. Ist. These re- gulations apply to any expen- ditures which have not been in- cluded in the annual budget. Police Corporal Resigns On motion of Deputy Reeve Jack Brough reports of the two meetings of the Board of Works held during May were adoptcd at the meetin:g of the Bowman- ville Town Council held on Monday evendng. In the report of the meeting on May 26th it was stated that the resignation of Corporal L. Hartley had been accepted by the Chief of Pol- ice. It was moved by Councillor Keith Lathangue and seconded Ratepayers' ssociation Gets Councifl Recognition As Representative Group @ A. delegation from the Bow- manviile Ratepayers' Associa- Honor~ Grad tion attended the meeting of the fîono Grad Bowmanville Town Council on Monday evening. Norman Han- flan, ist vice-president, Tom Mastcrson, 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Walter Oke, the sccretary, Mis. Neli Wilson. Jim Coyle, and Robert. Masterson, execti- tive members, formed the dele- gation. Tom Masterson was the spokesman. Councîl. vas req uested to re- cognize the Bowmanville Rate- 1 payers' Association as an elect- ed organization representing the ratepayers of Bowmanville. Mi-. Masterson pointed out that th-e executive and membership of the association are compos- Sed of resident, of the South, North and West Wards and re- presented ratepavers in ail parts of the town. It wa.s rinovcd by Couincillor Ken Nicks, seconcled by Coun- cilloi A. H-. Sturrnck thal coua- Scil oifrcially recognize the Bow- cx mailleRatepayers' Associa- Stion. This motion was carriedj unanimously. Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers Mr'. Ron Turner, son of Rex i1 welcomned the delegation to the and Mrs. H. A. Turner. 190 meeting of Town Council. and Church SI., who graduated froin stated that lie believes il wil the University of Toronto witîh! serve a good purpose. He ad- an Honour Bachelor of Arts, vised the delegation that when degree in English Language a-id the association has any matters t Literature at the Conv ocation they would like to bring to the exercises held on Thursday. attention of Town Council, or .any questions tb he asked, that thiey would give them to the Town Clerk on the Thursday- before à Council meeting se' that they could be i.ncluded fit the agenda. Beach Well Contaminated Mrs. Gord Peterson, East Beach, was given permission to address couneil on behiaif of a number or East Beach proper- ty holders who had signed a petition. The well at the East Beach was found unfit last win- ter when samples were taken by the authorities, Mrs. Peter- son said, and she told council that residents there are anxious to have town water. She ex- (Continueci on ipage seven) RUMOR WRONG It is understood there is ilo foundation for a rumor that the Grand Union Sup- ermarket will not proceed with their building this year.. There are soine zoning complicationis to be over- corne, but no difficulty is anticipated. As soon as ap- proval is finalized, our in- formation is that Grand Union are ready to proceed. This matter was reported, fully to town councîl, Mort- day evening, by Industi'ial Commissioner Kenneth N. PC Women's President Here Preceding a Progressive Conservative reception on Tuesday evening. a umai - non-political - 'group met at bbc Flying Dutcbman Restaurant for dinner When Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers of Bowmanville, right, welcomed Miss Elizabeth Janzen, the guest speaker. She is tbe National Womfen's President of the Progressive-Con. servatives and spoke at the reception on behalf of Conservative candidate, Alex Carruthers. 7>ft. " tS~~j~ ~A, wILL ON 1 4 ,,anab ian zbt

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