dth..-1» , .~ J ( PMUSAYI. Coming Events Attention! Bible Society Can- e aa June 9 - 13. Please contri- bte as generousl.v as possible, to the canvasser who calls. 23-2 *Zion.-- W.A. are sponsoring a bazaar and tea at 7.30 p.m. on June lth in Zion Sunday &chool. Everyone wclcome. -i Enfield Anniversary Services Su.nday, June. 7, at 2.00 and 7.30. Guest preacher is Rev. T. Fleetham of Greenwood. Spe-1 cial music. 23-1 Olde Tymne Dancing: Satur- pý, June 6, Solina Hall. Jim ,rgh and Orchestra.Spca niht"f very, old dances-no MTodern. Admission $1.00. 22-2* The BowmanvUlle Choral So- ciety Bake Sale Friday. June 12 at the Bank of Montreal resi- derce hall or lawn. 2 p.m. - 5 P.m. Coffee and -scones will be serVed. 23-21 Bowrnanville Recreation De- Vartment Fifth Annual Spring Dance Recitai. Friday. June ï2. 1959, Bowmanville Town Hall.! 8.00 p.m. Admission: Aduitsl 50c., Children 25c. 23-21 Salem Sunday School Anni-1 versary services will be heid, Sunday, June 7 at 2.30 and! 7.30. Guest speaker, Rcv. P. Romeril, Blackstock, Speci il music by the choir. 23-i* E'oenezer Anniver.sary, June 14th and l7th. Rev. W. C. Smith guest speaker, (former min,.,- ter). Glen Allun. soloist. Special Tfusir by choir and Sunday Schooi Services at 2:00 and 7.30. 23-1 Ladies renember the ail day bake sale (tomorrow). Friday, June th. starting at 10 arn., ini St. Johtns Parish Hall. spon- sored by the Guildettes. Coffe 5c. cup and doughnuts will lie served. 23-1 Woodvew Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty gaines -twenty dollars-, five gaies- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door r*zes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., red Barn, Oshawa. 46-ti You are cordially invîted to attend a reception to meet Mr. and Mis. Alex Carruthers, your Progressive Conservative can- didate, 41onight, Thursday, June 4th, 7-30 p.m. in the Memnorial Park Clubbouse, Liberty St. S. Bowmanville. 23-1 Ini connection with the pro- vincial election, June llth, the Bowmanville Liberal Associa- tion has set up committee rooms at Mrs. Bartlett's Bommanville Business. School, 154 King St. rsDyTWô- J 1f 3-S3365- Any- r rne ishng a Issit the Lib- fal 'pert and \ its candidate Te"W oodard ' is lnvited ta Visit the rooms aV. the earliest possible tim e. 21-3 Zion Sunday School Ann'iversary Sun day, June 7th Servfres st 2:30 and 7:30 P.m. 11EV. .J. F. LANE <pre& of Conference 1958-59) Guest Speaker 23-1 Red Cros$ Ta Not Asklng For Moneyl1! > JjNot Asking For be ~Jonors I moveJd IS OUT TO returnec OWNINGS ColiEss }END She ai ' later. feIï, Program them %th -8 p.m. STILL CHA1ERS yviou nDeoîstratiofla BowmnflleU, Ont. 22-3 k4OTIE 0F PPLICATION 'TO CHLaNGE NAME Notice is hereby given that an Ap lication wîll be inade b3' Wiiarn Mazurkewich, of 77 ~ ,eStreet, in the Towvn af grmanville. ini the County of DurbalTi, in the Province of O(ntarjo, General Motors Emn- i ployee, ta His H-onour Judge M. SA. .lUer, Judge of the County Co rt for the United Counties of Northumnberlaind and Dur- (hani, at his Chambers in the ~o~aty Bilding at Cobourg, On- n the 24th day of June, %Cte hour of 10:15 o'clock, ltSaving Tinie, in the if h~O change his naine seat Pxn Mazurkewich to mnay s, G. MacDmead, ing thi Solicitor, cap on je Street North. itl Cepntario. or the Applicant. IE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVnXLEOTMO In Memoriam with Orano, Newcastle, Part that W.A. would serve the Hope, Cobourg and Bowman- meals for Beacock reumion July FOWILER-In lovmng mniory ville. Wednesday evening they 4th. The secretary read a letter of my dear wife, Florence Fow- played theïr first gaine at Co- from the W.M.S. inviting W.A. 1er, who passedi away May 30, bourg writh a score of 9-3 in to their meeting on June 1th 1957. 1 favor of Cobourg. Friday even- at the home of Mis. John Car- God knows how -much I miss1 ing they played an exhibition naghan. when Mrs. Merrîll Fer- her game ai Alexander Park with guson is to be guest speaker. Neyer shall ber memor3' fade an Oshawa teain and were a- Mrs. Jas. Hedge, Nestleton, Loving thoughts shali ever wan- gain defeated 12-0. This will the guest speaker, who while der need a lot of practice boys. living in Oshawa receutlv was To the spot where she is laid. There wîll be no more gaines a teacher at the schooi for Re- -Ever remembered and sadly for three weeks. until after the tarded Children, gave a very missed by husband Elrner Fow- High School examinations are interesting talk on what is be- 1er. 23-1 over. ing clone ta help these handi- NESBITT-In loving mexnory Have 3-ou got your date book capped children. Mrs. Hedge of our uncle Regie Nesbitt, wha marked for August 29th? Black- showed somne wark dlone by passed away June 3. 1958, and stock Fair! The men have been some af these chîldien in the aur atint, Myrtle Nesbitt, who very busy this past week re- Oshawa school ' which at pre- died Januarv 21. 1950. pairing the Grand Stand and sent is located in a six room What would 1 give to clasp building a feuce around th h ouse. A new school is planned their hand. track. Othier impravements are for the near future. Mis. Hedge Ther hppyfaes a se, yet to be made. also told of some of the work Thei hapy acesto ee, Several froin here attended doue in Orillia Hospital. T etheir voiciandseeanniversary services at Nestle- After the closing exercises That meant s0 mucix ta me. ton, Sunday. Br'~n h lunch was served by group 5 -Eerlvigy emmerd Mi.,JackBer pn th with Mrs. Neil Werry conven- by Ccload vinly Hemmbeoe. weekend at bis home in Guelph er and a social time enjoyed. - Ccii ad EelynHamitan and Mr. Gardon Paisley at bis 21*home in Dunnville. PAKFIn oving nemory of a Mr. Jas. Avery -spent Suni- Pear h-Ind n ahr tr day with his daughter Mrs. k dea huban an faher Str-Harold Larmer and Harold. lyPake, who passed away onl M.adMs:MtHna S out iN ews June 3rd. 1952. Lovingly re- aMd.Dona s..nt te weeknd hi m eered and dly mise b with friends in Lindsay. In connection witb the news hety 23-ifMytean auhe Ted Glover. Oshawa, spent of last week's issue it is regret- Bety.23l~the weekend with the Harold ted that an omission was made. SCOTT-In loving memory of Martyns. In meutioniug the names of Miss Helen Crawford. port those parents who contributed a dear brother, Thannie Scott, Ferry, spent the weekend with ta the Scout Camp at "The Pie- 1953. eds 1nl un st her aunt Mrs. Gea. Crawford keriing*s Farma", we wish also 1953.,a ikdet cno and Mr. and Mrs. Pearce. ta thank Mis. B. L. Burk fir Th er saln et ant Mr. and Mrs. WNes Pearce ber generous contributions. Mr. Lave and remembrance last for- were guests at the wedding of and Mrs. Burk show such a e,,,e r. rmmee his niece Miss Phyliss Tellow bigh interest in scauting. -Loingý, enimbeed v ss-and Mr. Adrian Haines in Grace Congratulations ta those boys ter iNglvand byhe-ii.-S, Church, Scugog. Saturday ai- from lst Tîaap who passedi the LcroNed and brother -in-a ternoon. "Bronze Arraw Head Course". Llod nd amly. 231~ Mr. and Mis. John Rahmn. Mr. They are: Lowell Higiield, WOOLE--nlvn rei and Mrs. Stan Rahm. Paul and Monty Emmierson. Ted Watso' WOOLE-l lxîn re .yCarol. were guests ut the wed- Gary Housiander; these boIVs Gfla dselv W oo ad ml'h ding receptian ai Mr. and Mrs. are-eligible ta fry the "Silver pladsse wv ne 3rd. eywo1 Ross McCann (Marie Hartnett) Arrow Head C ourse". This Thrsec spcdlne cars are1956 in St. Stephen's Church par- course 'is naw> open for al dear mom (lours Saturday. Scouts who have passed thel Treasu'-ed memories are ours Misses Lamna Shirley and "Bronze Arraxý Head". Al taday. Reta Harris were guests at the Scouts who plan on taking this -Sal y nisedbyDad, Edith, wedding reception ai Mr. and course should get lu touch wit-h Jocad medb Mrs. Harv'ey Johnston in Lind- Mr. E. M. McCoy, Scautmaster Joye ad Jm. 3~4Say, Saturday. af lst Troop or Mr. Biggs, Mavnand Gîegg Hudson, Scoutmaster. of 2nd Troop. Carcis of ThalkS Ottawa, spent Saturday night Please enrol now! twith the Stan Rahms. nurse-s and staff in Bowman- ited at the Northcutt-Smithi TRACTOR CLUB ville Hospital, also neighbauîs Funeral parlors Sunday or at- The monthly meeting ai the and friends, for the plants, tended the funeral services af Tractai Club was held on May cards and phone messages. Mr. Bruce Ferguson ai Hamp- 25 in the Ontario Departinent Thanks ta Dr. Austin aud spe- ton lu Bowmanville Monday. af Agriculture office at 8.00 cial thanks to Dr. Sylvester.- Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp pi. 1rs. Emma Marsden 23.4* and Miss Aileen visited the Bill Tamblyn. president, op- su Ms.WilMorton VanCamps, Listowel, ened the meeting with Rau Mr.an r.Wl Chapinan over thxe weekend. Welsh, secretary, reading the wouid like ta thank their rela- Dm. J. A. McAthur attended minutes of Aprîl meeting. Bil tives and frieudis for ail the the Coroners meeting in Royal Tamblyn then introduced Mr. wonderful gits, floweîs and York, Wednesday eveuing and Ralph Gîegg, Agricultural En- cards sent ta them on their Medical Convention in Toronto, gineering Fieldinan for the dis- golden wedding anniversary. Thursday. trict. Mr. Gregg discussed the .AIsa special thanks ta the Visitais with Dr. and Mrs. proper operatin'g of the car- Hampton Service Club. 23-1 McArthur ou Tuesday were Mr. buretor by shawing sldes. He and Mrs. Stan Williams, Tor- alsa gave a lecture on the cor- 1 would like ta take this op- onto, aud over the weekend, rect fuel tous.M.regtn I prtuit tathnk henuiesMr. and Mrs. A. B. Manson, adjourned the meeting. and staff af Memorial Hospital Stratford, and Miss Ida Demp- for kinduesses shown ta me. sey, Sundridge. Misses Jessie Special thanks ta relatives and and Betty, Toronto, were also friends for flowers, fruit, cards, home. gits and visits. and to Dr. Hub- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fergu- bard and Dm. Miller. son, Enniskilien, visited the Miss Phyllis Maynard 23-1 Fred Dayes on Suuday aud Terrv Lee, Oshawa, spent the We wish ta extend our heart- weekend with im Dayes. feit thanks to relatives, friends Mi. and Mis. Geo. Dunbar and ncighbburs for their kind and Denise, Starborough, vis- expressions ai sympathy, cards ited the Roy Fergusons Sunday. and beautiful floral offeîings Mr. Russel Spînks, Oshawa, at the time of aur recent be;- vlsited Mrs. Ira Argue and the reavemeut in the loss af a be- T. Hodges, Sunday. laved wife, dear mother andi Mr. Melville Griffin, Miss grandinother; also aur sincere, Doris and Mis. Jas. Henry vis- appreciation ta the Muîrray ited the latter's 92 year aid Rabinson ambulance service, uncle, Mr. Henmy. Rennie, in Brooklin, Dr. C. J. Austin, ta Cannington on Sunday. the nurses aud staff oi Baw- iVrs. Ronald Scott, Tyrone. manville Memorial Hospital, ta visited Mr. aud Mis. H. Mar- nurse Mis. O. Hind.man, the tyn and boys Sunday. Mclntosh Funeral Home and The Town and Country Daub- Rev. R. H. Love, Columbus. les Club met at the bomne of Marley A. Gilray Mi. and Mis. Neil Malcolmn 15 ON R H L and fanily. 23-1* Wednesday night with twelve 197N N R I L Notices ~couples present. Court Whist NETIL Notices was playeci for recreatian. ForCO V RTB -the* programme a couple was Turquoise and wi Notice ta Ratepayers ai asked ta draw a question froin and white inside. Township ai Cartwright-Take a box, wbicb the cammittee in Tl om!Ys notice that a By-law for raising charge bad previously prepared, btakto rie. pow, $.50,000 under the provisions ai and give a two minute îm- utndiepw the l'ile Drainage Act, wili be pramptu talk on it. This was brakes, town andc taken int consideration by t1he then discussed by the whole foot control, wir Council aifithe Township af group for two more minutes.wht aI irs Cartwright at the Township Tweive veiy lnterestinig discus- ht altrs 1Hall in Blackstock at t.he hour1 sions were beld after wbich extras. Buy right evening session oif the Leader- who have given sa nxuch ai ship Training cases, sponsoied their time and efforts alreadv if you are nol going É by the Oshawa Presbyteial for tbis waork. There ls still Women's Association, heid ln much to do, but with the co-op- yourself on a sbflmpi Bowmnanville Tuesday. eratian af the canvassers aud Miss Rets Harris la relieving jail who live in Cartwright, we ob ara ieu ln the telephone office at Roche houe ta cee everyone at the orbya elni-c s Point foi two weeks. Clinic for their Tuberculini 1Mi. and Mms Ron Drinkwater Test on l5th June. a Used car dealer, of and famiy, Ottawa, spent a W.A. Meeting couple ai daye wlth herm uother President Mis. Rocm Duf V.rs be.i. Van a : afe a-was hostesa for the MaF YOUt- th's funersi Tuesday. on Thursday aiternoon. Afteir Mr. and M"s. Stanford Van- the opening exercises and the Camp attended the graduation roIl cail answered by "My Fa- exercises lu Convocation Hall, vomi te Religions Radio or TV' ToonoThrsa wenthrP ograme"HauseRleaningarA dagToronto hrsdyen theve er mPrgvamm e." i. Ralp Lai- d.Aughteradomeen eceiad br maer gave a sleani deoonR I een weîe dinner gueats ai Miss Hearts" and led in prayer. Mis. Mable VanCamnp. X. McDonald, Courtice, gave 19 & 196 CHIJCI Blackstock lads have organ- a brief talk on the caming T.B. ized a junior bard bail team clinie. under the direction of Blake Decided that the W.A. wil o Gunter. Neil Bailey and Harold pravide a choir for the church CrawtQrd. They jomned a ýeague service Sunday. June 7"ls&aio____________ B. & P. Instail 0f ficers Wif h Great Ceremony Miss Violet McFeeters, a past president, conducted the in- stallation oi off icers and the executive for 1959-60 in an impressive ceremony at the dinner meeting ai the Bow- nxanville Business sud Proies- sional Women's Club heid an Tbursday eveming, May 2lst in St. John's Paîishi Hall. Lovely red aud white tulips, currant blossams, aud narcis- sus lu crystal bowls gmaced the long tables. There were 32 membeis present. 'nie Guiid- ettes ai St. John's Anglican Cburch catered for the deliciaus dinner. Piano duets were play- ed by two yaung sisters, the 'Misses Joyce sud Patsy Fisher, Zion. The club president, Miss Madlyn Wîlcox thanked the Misses Fisher foi their expres- sive interpretation ai the Span- ish Dance No. 5 by Markowitz, sud the well knawn "King ai the Forest." Miss Wilcox told the meeting ai a îequest made by the Bow- manvilie Lionettes Club. Mrs. Robert Kent af the Lionettes bad told Miss Wilcox, she said, that the Lionettes will be in charge ai the TB Survey ta be made here starting on Monday June 29th sud ciosing Friday evening Juiy 3rd. Mis. Kent bad pointed out that about 35 valunteers will be needed ta belp at the clinie during the ai- temnoans sud evenings that week. Members ai the Business and Profession aI Women's Club who volunteered ta assist at the TB Survey Clinic were Mrs. Mar.y Gll, Mrs. Mabel Bagneli, Miïss Mary Jewell, Mis. Elsie Hold- stock. MiUs. Reits Hobbs, Mrs. Aileen Turner, Mis. Doreen Charles. Miss Helen Nelles, Miss Velma Gay, Miss Isabel Davis, Mrs. Noreen Laird, and the presideut, Miss Wilcox. Mms. Pauline Storks, the new first vice-president for 1959-60, stated that the Newcastle Lions Club Carnivai is ta be held on June 28th. She explained that there will be au Accessory Booth at this carnival, sud ask- ed any uxembers ai the B. and P. Womeu's Club who have items ai jeweiiery they could spare ta donate them for the Accessory Booth. Mmrs. Storks said such contributions could be leit at Wideman's Dress Shop in Bowmanviiie. Misa Frances Hearle suggest- ed that instead ai the regular dinner meeting ai the club lu June the members might attend a show in Toronto sud have dinuer Iu that city. The retiring executive aif the club was praised by the presi- dent, Miss Wilcox, who said the executive menibers had been ai great assistance ta ber dur- ing hem term ofa office. She spoke wariniy ai the siplendid ca-opemation she had îeceived aud said it had been a pleasure ta wark with theni. The execu- ,UCERNE ,E ,ite outside, black You like that? this car has push- er steering, power country radio with indshield washers, and many other t - buy from us. nost people do not; y- for your own real soon. $2995 DOOR ig, automatic -trans- any other extras. morning could be ou know this jewell ng for you. - $1895 H ARDTOP 3m. Many extras. ach $1495 tive for 1958-59 were» presi-' dent, Miss Madlyu Wicox, lst vice-president, Miss Helen Nel- les; recomding secretary, Mrs. Audrey Cookson; correspond- mng secretary, Mis. Doris Rick- aby; treasurer, Mis. Mary Gili; sud the chaimmen ai the fol- iawing committees: Civic, Miss Violet MekFeeters; Prograin, Mrs. Marion Jeffery and Miss Edith Laycock, Ways sud Means Miss Velma Gay; Sunshine, Miss Ina MlcNaughton; International, Mis. Auna Watson: Mis. Flar- ence Toinlinson. Membership, sud Ways and Means. Miss Vel- ina Gay; Historian, Miss Isabel Davis, sud Pianist, Miss Myrtle Hall. It'sfabuluscious! Your new look in lipstick!I îffle-eYIJJfi'p inclucling Frosted 18 exciting new colors.. pale! shocking! off-beat! i.'. 'The greatest lipstick fashion ý-newS yet! Snowy pastels, ,!pinks, tangerines. .. even violets- all so tempting youl want three or four! It's flattery unlimitedi Extra attraction! 'WRITE A LA CARTE' & PLATTýTTM_ Create yaur own custom calai toues with this whitel Under a color, il lightens. Over a calai, it highlightc! JURY & LOVELL 1957 NERCURY 2-DOOR HARDTOP Beautiful and beautiful - that's the way to describe this car, a real jealousiy creator and pride builder. You know it. Ras many extras, out- standing features. First a bit of yenom down and a dribble every month. Before you know it it's al yourL. FPRICE --$25 95 1956 BUICK SEDAN Also loadecl with extras. FULPRICE - $189 5 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN 28,000 miles and clean. OUR FULL PRICE $8 9#5 W. bave many siher smart used cars on display [n the right direcbion, hold if, yes hold ib a minube. Pull over Io the curb - or stop and sel and ihink hard. Remember when you lefi home you asked your wife where Io go b bfrade sed car. Yes, you remember, and your 3-year-old child spoke up and said: "Oh, you see fcourse"'. So ielligent - so brue. See us real soon. ýRE LOOKING FOR THE BEST DEAL - SEE US FIRST Il ST., BO WAN VILLE, ONTARIO MARKET PlomiGnE A34 W, low down paymnis and easy lerma arranged for your convenience. 1~ 1957 FORD FAIRLANE 500a 2-DR. COACH - V8 Hlas automatic transmission, radio, power brakes, power steering, white wall tires. You said it's sharp. You're right, ll buy that - now you buy the car. FULPRICE *w$2195 1956 NONARCH SEDAN Loaded with Extras. FULLR PRICE -$18 95 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN Powerglide transmission, custom radio. OUR $9 FULL PRICE $99# 1954 METEOR COACH Also a real buy. OUR FULPRICE $895 1951 METEOR SEDAN Ras a rebuilt motor, installed Just recently. O$29 FULL PRICE 2_9_5 6. Am- MA - --- 1 r - - - - - --- w (Dytevlon, tue. lý-.- SEUL Oum am" 7=7777J7 PAGE TW'.NTY-ONZ In canducting the installation F'rank, were asked to light the of officers and the other exe- tali blue tapers symboiizig cutîve inembers. Miss McFee- harmony. The recording secre- ters said that it was a happy tary, Mrs. Aîleen Turner, light- privilege for her ta officlate. ed the green candie symboliz- She asked Miss Velma Gay, the ing constancy and endurance. past president ta light the tai- The corresponding secretary, est candie ini the centre of a Miss Helen Neiles, was asked seven candle branched candle- to light a white candie, Pie stick. This yel1ow, candle syrn- symbol of promptness and bolized the light af the ai.ms courtesy. The treasurer, Mis. and objectives af the B. and P. Mary GilIighted the mauve Wornen's Club, Miss MeFeeters candie symbolizing truth and said, and she asked Miss Gay effort. through her advice to help to Miss McFeeters also installed keep the flame burning stead- the following committee con- 11'. venors as niembers of the 1959. Miss M. Wilcox, the president, 60 execut.ive of the club: Pro- was reminded by Miss McFee- gram, Mis. Elsie Holdstock; ters that she had been chosen Ways and Means, Miss Velma to ho]d the club's hîghest office, Gay, Sunshine, Mrs. Reita and she was invited ta light a Hobbs, International, Mis. Nor- red candie which signified the een Laird; Civic, M.rs. Beryl clear perception and wide vi- Hughes; Bulletin and Tele- sion af the club. phone, Miss Dorothy Virtue; The first vice-president, Mrs. Membership. Mrs. Mel McNul- Paulmne Starks, and the 2nd ty, Historian, Mrs. Mabel Bag- vice-president, Mrs. Victoria nell, and Pianist Myrtle Hall. BYe