?KKJRSDAT. JUNE 4fs. 1950 TU ~ANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVflLE, ONTARIO PAGE 'TXRUD COLVIN BULLOCK c'asicn the bride's mother wore asheath dross o! embroiderod At Orono United Cburch on or-ganza ini midnight blue with Saturday. May 23. Marî'iî Ed- . piîîk accessories. Thle bride- wiin Colviîî, son af Mr. and MIrs. , rooîn's noflier waÀýs n paie Edward A. Cou-m in o shaiva,« blue printed silk crepe %vith took as his bride. Elizabeth white sccessories and a corsage June Bullock, daughter of r. of pink and white rosettes. arn os ln . Bulloc of' Later the couple ieft for a' Orano.wedding trip to point i eass-' The Reverend Bas'! Lonig 0.f"; cm Canada. For travelling the fiiated. The wedding nu bride wo-re a sheath dress in was played by Mrs. W. E. C. eînbroidered orgaîîza in blue -Worknîan aîid Mi'. Samiiel Cas-1j,-one wit.hj a matchaing jacke;.,, tle sang., white accessories and a corsage: Given in mar'iage bv lier ta- of pink and wviiito rosebuds. Mr.! tser the bride waore 'a floor.-:sud Mî's. Colvin will live in 1lngth gown of t-Ian net aitd Osiawa. Alencon lace. Thie bodicp was -Out o, town gues:ts were preS;- finely tucked \vith lace otutiiiî- ent fram Bancroft. Brantford. lIng a V neck and forinng a Toront'a. Londau, Stratford, Pe- aîal sieeve with snilal matci-; terboroîîgh, Acton and Tae ing uiitts. The %'erv - 'lliskîrtifield. wças fornied of t1hrec tiers oft et crown of!i' <i' .'tÇC, POW1ELL - NMOFFATT with peaKY.-andi< ;iod.hc ber elbow-leng1i i-cl aund stie! Tiî< matum,.age of Joanne Eii- csrried a "ascadc of pinI, a'-id -7ab edightero! Mrt. and 'w'hite rosez aud itUes of tb Mrs. Medth .ota.an Valley. -e Jan me; Lawr'ence Powell. son of Mms Haod ec d. ,'ril-*'Urand àMrs. Lorenzo Powell., the bride. was ?Iail ~--~-oît Il of S Ohwa a lemuizeci and the bridesiaiýd.s were i.he' or. SaturdaY afterrnoan iu Kinig Misses Marilyn Colviin sud Routb Sireet United Chut-ch. Bullock. Ail wa-re nmedilumi b]uc The Reverend '1. A. But-y ballerina gowns, of chiffon ~ performec1 the cereniony xith ganza with zmatchîng iackct1 the churcli oganîst, Mr. Rhyd- and ritts. The v',ore sma il P; C..d'i Williamîs. playing the wed- turc framîe batz- af me .uîi m drntg usie and i. P. G. Fief- blue nef and carî'ied cascade" (ilchS sOloist. of smaîl pink roses and blile The bride was given. :n mer-' baby chrysanthenionis. riage by ber father. She woî'e M.Ronald Colvin acted as, a full-length gown of mousse- best man for bis brother. Ush- I lino-de-soie aver net and taffeta c.rin.g were Messrs. Ted Calvin and Alencon lace. Thle, bodi'ce and Harold Heard. irwas fasbioned with a pointeci A receptian was beld at the basque sud lace voke witb a Acres' Restaurant. For the oc-' scalloped. portrait neckline aud, a -1 KAYE'S Ladies' Wear - Sportswear 68 SIMCOE ST. N. Os H A wA "Thp Store With Friendlv Service" Coat and Suit Clearance 1-5% Cotton Skirts Cotton Dresses Coton Blouses Bathing Suifs OFF 4 4 A$1.98 up * $6.95 up * w - O$1.00up -Sizes 10OIo 46 EASY CREDIT TERMS ]I{efre sh Ruy the ouMnlY otm of .6 blgo ni.. 'Smith Bevercuges Lmited Bowmanville A UTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR aheth deee& aý eta ofaniverary of their weddng 1nd Announce Engagement treyasaoi er.y~W digN tAw y bugle beads adorned the bodicet 27th.. 1956. and bouffant skirt. A crown 0f Mr. and rs. Poolon came net petals and orange blossom to Bowmanville fromn England1 carrithe a ciscdeng of eloand46 years ago. Their oniy son, U o h r d shed thrred w ýaiseth tel ai Jack Poolton. served overseas V ct y ~ross an IVwith the Midland Regiment The matron of honor was Mrs. drn ol a l ae i Donald Read, Oshawa, and the transferred to the Irish Regi- The Ainerican bride sweepsf common among early AiWRo- bridesmaids vere Miss Lynin ment of Canada anid was killed; down the aisie with ail the self- 1 Saxons. The bridegroorn's Powell and Miss Judith Moffatt. fighting in Italy in 1944. cr Thev wore waltz-length, bouf- satisfaction of a modern Diaia! pledge of marriage was acco- fant gowns of white nylon or- Mrs. Poolton Lvas born in returning from tie hunit with i panied by a * 'wed" - securiter ganza; Mrs. Read's flowered in Northumnberland. England. near a stag slung over her shoulder. for the purchase Drioe of the yellow and the bridesniaid's in Newcastle-on-Tyne. She bas! But this spring ritual wasn't bride. From t.his cornes our orchid. with taffeta 3ashes and maafins.nBwav lleaways the victory oe1ebrationwod weig. headdresses ta complement their and district. of the femnaiè. And everything <«'Givig the briae away* gws. Thev carried baskets of She is a charter member of i about the wedding-includingmeer epset tle tm orchid and vellow chrysantlhe- the Bowmanville Auxiliary toj the wvord itself-is designed to when the father delivered his muni. Red wa be~ fne Canadian Legioad~a remind her that she once was.! daugh, er to bier fiance, who M.. onldalso a charter member of the al, best, a imarketabie colflflb-i paid up. and the ushers were Mr. Ladies' Auxiliarv of the Great ditv andi at worst. fair ganie Aoi sae de tres man ~~~~~War Veteran's As&cainb-Ifr n togaie marau- hoWever. notions of romance John Moffat. Oshawa, and Mr. T. A. Wilkes of St. Catharines. foeteorainothCa-dr have persuaded the father to The reception was held i the dian Legion. The best man, tor example1 irenounce bis loat, and the bride Centenniai Hal.Rciig h is believed ta e* rlcof the gets tetaiinlgfa bride's mother %was in geisti »nI IIdy na bmasrl hear- - - gits green shantung. sheatb style i tnniskiIIenridofaglwh awnd-I %!rith matching jacket and bat: ' ed too far tram home. The bus-j ibon roore accssoiesai-i a andto-b usall brogli aýedical Mirror bronze corsage. The bridc'- muclrtin t iltof bone~~~~ou l coord cesoresad b -toe us al4y brg oughe blue taffeta and lace -with a WoldBokEricyclopedia.* egri Trouble beigeed 5t, Yea ndrs The bridegrooni had to hide t cessrie anda pInk orsge.out for a while unti] Itbe girl's cessrie anda onk crsae. . Mr.and rs lb-t Stainton farnily got tired of searchingfr Ar, the couple lctt on thelri M.ad rIAle o hone.vmoon. the bride ceevas -hi âth d them. This was the eing wearing a sheath dress andto anniversa.ry with their famUilv of the honeymoon. a coat ensemble patterned in j, at their home on Russett Ave.,. 0f course. these tactîcs didn't i ahades of green u'ith bone col- F,' Toronto. on May 26th.i foster togetherness . . . and ored ac(eeFsorie.s and a cor.sage 1 m tano sth orhmay have stamted the coniu Mr. aîîd Mrs. Powell xviii re- '~ late Mr. Stad Mrs.iJames sutaihadbsmte-niw ~,a~s o: canf l' t atc1. nmenber of his farnhly (of the ing battie between a husbaad turn ta make their home in;~ ton) ta celebrate a golden wed- The practice of buying a xife i Oshaa ding. His twa brothers and one i eft a girl with fewer bruises. - ~.- I ' isteralrahe h 50 veam; But it didîî't do rmuch more for. mar k a few years ago. lier pi-de. especially whep? soin- Thev vr îridi i~ African tribes tlîouglît shcwds Q W e'nl otabn Couple ____________ seenhori killen. Onîtario, by the Rev. J. wortb about onie ox.bbyho!edptaenous A. Je-weli. Mms. Staintan (uee The betrothai of cildren wa, Th; opening iir the heurt must' Florence Pye) was the daqghter1 have boa,, zoo large or wouddn't Celebrate 5Oth 1 ofthe.ii late Mr. and Mrs. John lo.Dmtihapnoeu Pye. Enniskille.n. L i bi*o edn ape'n iA suin of maney was present- t uj hings?'--3frs. D. Anniversary ik 1ed tathie bride 'and groom of i o P o lr A hr sn I ,- ~~.~~. .~ 50 years ago. ,il b cr M an r.WlimChap- On iVay 30th furtiier congr&- things that can go wrong, The. maedng An.elebrsa theIGlde tulations were iii order in lion- Anîb~~ eee eart develops from a single tube Wedn nî'rava hror of tlie bride and groom fOnai Dpi mn of Ha' tbaî nature must twist and mold hoe nHaîpo wtha30Of 50 vears wvb&n Mr-. W. C. Stain- i nto a tour-chanshered pump. bouse on Saturday, May ton-- (.~ :a \/ro . tevnaser).TrnoM. figures reveals that three out Tigi entire procesa takes place Ariong those p;resent wi .,~ o abohr.Trno r of tour persons admitted to On- bewnth fbsdegtl their three chiidren, Cecile ' n adn n c n . tario*s sanatoria xvrth tubercu- weeký of feta!l ite. Defecta in Ra' moud and Gladys (Mrs....................ls~lI~ :u osis of the lungs hav e moder- tiie developinig heart c-an sanie- Gordon Shîackleton) xith tlitîir .. ly ekttw e u'sateîy or far advanced disease tese paidbt, oe attefoeoanîi sn m and that onîe iton of the TB often. nature just senç to make fanilies xvhich included thre~~ 5 ~~ O%~~Rxae r and M'. R. We S ain - I granand iVIi-s. Cifford Staintondeaflîs was tiot diagnosed ur'tii a a intake for io accountablit ter Gertxude <Mrs. Kenneth jng called ta offer congratula- hrl eoeo fe et. ew otntl.cneia Bowers) and lier famuly xver'iM' n r.Fe uth ln iy i. auonefosaogwifl other nieîgh- Triis situation can be correct- heart defects (flawx preset ut unable ta attend. iMrs. Chau- iteeggmn fterduitrMra aVret oS mnan's sister. Mrs. Sidney ofh eggmntohhi auhe aia aVre obr.e if theh l e arero bIrthle ompytoara»t ua fmom ~ ~ _a' 1t li hre.Mc~~IJames Hilliard McCl*re of Orlando, Fia., son of Mr. and A sister of the groom, Mr sis of emx n o sthe c erubo Tb er orm a n Wate and her family, hor brother, M..Mrs. Hilliard McClure. Tampa, Fia.. formerly of Bom n tend orugîi iî lne Ao te x-may faciities that are avail- eCry tirno. ThmsGbsfonTyrone adBw a-tn hog lnss nh able ta tiîem, the doctor sfated. î'> dradtiSieo5. Thoas ibb frni ndville. The wedding is planned for dune l7th at *:,:30 jbrother, Mr'. 4erb Stion1 î.east year sanatl ori dms- e>.. c MS » . his famiuly. and the famuly aft o'clock in Springhead Baptist Church, Plant City. Fia., lives in Hampîton. astan in snfaotoium dmis- fors, P .. N. Y. wimm a lier brother. the late U..G"o. 1so nOtrottle vr-0 .I.wa * Gibbg of Oshawa were there. with Rev. John Futch, uncie'of the bride officiating. Miss!.'- 3,000 persons who represent COM AEqr inW aoeVinev Tea was poured by Mms.Rg -'FUtch is a gi'aduate of Plant City High Schoo] and has iail walks of lite. Po". land Sbackleton, Mms. Gera?-dbeien employed as audio-visual librarian at Albert S .n Canaier jLi ignascnrbtat Shackleton. Mrs. I-erbert Os-i Public Librarv in Orlan'do. the infection o! other personsie,3t? boumne. Mrs. Ross Pearce antd,' clîenovdt raîolstva o and therefore the disease is per-j Mrs. Kenneth Courtice. Re-'B i.b Hlu . b f I RCFlado CA H L0 ieafrrom petuated. while at the ai D GCHE' feshments were prepared ,.ud owmanvie. He i a membei o f te R.C.F.C.A e i1 5 Y Uie troatment time Lca macle servod by flie Hanîpton ser.- employed by the Crown Cork & Seal Co. iii Orlando.h ÀII longer and the TB death rate F72me RIU so wuu,,u vice Club. '-W-- - ----- - - .. ~----..- i th M ill sustined. The bride. Misg Marguerîtta ' iLs hrdy a 8h Marion Gibbs front Ex'mouthv e'.aoî LStri s S iMaS Sth Devonshire, and the groom, ed in So th C ro in SualCatidier conîpleted 25 HA E Y U E RD T I ON ?7 Mr. Williamn John C'bapman years wifh the Vanstone Flout fro mbWoodgeDire~, ewnie m~ard-ed ii We tuftThse Soviet delegation appeared kie. Cn aydg1hr.1909 - 3t St.- -joiliea the staff. f lie mifl aiS t. LPefer'cKat, and aotkpd ..*. .- Paul's Church i Thorjiton , .o wned and opemated by M-r. Heath. Sumrey, England. Fred C. Vanstone. A few vears' iafter the end of Wor]d War Il.'tîe rnta1wd~ut - ~ 1 Mr. Vanstone refired and' two St. Peter. o f his sons. Morley and Byron, ".ko t"si iesoes - - .-'< i~~~ took aver the management andmn. W.jitw t udo Lionettes - owneu rspenîpoyed first as dri- back. u aI f na -ec m ver of the deliveî'y truck and a 1st tu aerdte op- I you want to af of.i a New M em ber > ot--i-rtolan iln un- .orbit of wel being there' Bowmnvule ionefesmetI Fed C. Vanstone and the late ta givo you a good iaunching. on Tues. May 26. 6:30 p.m. for I -. Mm. Will Cale wlio was the You feel botter, make a botter dirîner with. President Mollie f 'i millet-" al that finie. impression and inifhe end you'Il Kent presidin.g. A new membei',-r On Thursdav-, evening Stu. jfindfrequent cieaning saves IR~,ia Tnn, ,roo .1l'-mo>'i*1 -.11r_1,..__1. to fohe Club.- Affer a delicious meal. caf- ered by thie ladtie.s of St. And- rew's Clîurch a short bu$inessa meeting toak place. Ite min-j utes were read and adopted as read by the secretary, Berta ý fKelly. The treasurer*s reporti Iwss givon by treasuroî' Thelm8 'Leslie. nhe comrnittee ini charg of aur part o!flihe T.B. survey reported their job alîost romn- jThe president read a siate of officers as brought iii by the! nominating conuniffee: which' I urs approved as fallows: Fast IPres., -Mollie Kent; Pros., Ede Cole; 1sf Vice Pres., Betty Lan- Ider, 2nd Vice Pres., Mildmed Bell: Sec.. Grace Millar: Treas-, Thelma Leslie: Directors: Eth-, Sna Ewart, Penalty Officer: NeIl Dilling. Publieity, DarothZWo- olsey, Programme: Irene He- theringtan, Programme. An auction sale cotnpleted thie evening. iDRAPERIES 1~ BROADLOOM DRAPERIES By Tise TAM> VENETIAN AND CLOTHBLIDS CUSTOM MADiE DRAPES DRAPERY ROUS AN'D TRACKS I;TERIOR DECORATING SERVICE Ioward Vice PrDiee TELEPHONIE OSHAWA RA 5-3144 $26 Sfimoe St N. Oshawa nMa Ci i L I u 1(J . ac11 (JUî'eeiiî it' G. to Mr.' La iren cel Hamilton Mortotn of Greenville, S.C., formerly (if New- castle, Ontario, is announced by hem mother. The cere- mony took place May 28 at the home of the bride's sister. Mrs. Victor Tutte, in Columbia, S.C. The Rev. Harold Wilson xvas the officiating minister. Mrs. Moi-ton is the daughter of 'Mrs. Robert Lee McKenzie of' Panamia City, Floî'ida. and the late Mr.! McKenzie. She is a graduate of Bob Jones University, Greenville, S.Ç., and attended Juilliard School of Musiîc and Eastm'an Scliool of Music.1 INt'. Marton is the son uof the' late Rev. ai-d Mrs.! Richard Everett Moi-ton. He is a gî'aduafe of Newcastle, and Bowmanville High Schools. Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto, Texas Wesleyan College. and Southern Methodisi University. The gmoom's father was minister of Newcastle United Church from 1938 to 1945.1 Both Mr. and Mrs. Morton are members of thef piano faculty of Bob Jones Univemsity. They xiii spend i the summer at Woodland Beach, Ontario, befome refurning to Greenvilie, S.C.___ Hon or Octogenarian ,With Birthday Part y Mrs. Isabelle Poolton. a papia- lar resident o! Bownianrille for mnany years celebmated hem 80tb birfhday on May l8th. She was the honoumed gue.st at a tes on Tuesday *affemnoati at the xesidence of hem grand-daugh- ter. Mrts. Arthur G. Etcher. 123 Igh. Street. Duiig the after- noan friends, neighboums, si-d members of the Bownianville Ladies' Auxiiiary ta the Cana- dian Legion called ta exteudi their congratulations and to- wish Mrs. Poolton many happy returns of the. day.1 Lovely spring flowers decor-1 ated the roomns, and a large aud jbeautiful vellow chrysauthe- mmplant thie gift o! the La-. dies' Auxiiiarv to the Canadian! Legion urss much admired. The! tes table xvas centred wvithal large birthday cake iced in pail pink and exquisitely decoratedi with green leaves mati c !rostiug and rosi violets. It was lighted wîth pale green candies. Mns. Poolton was the recipi-1 eut of many attractive gifts O!f jewellery, fioxvers and candy. She aiso received a large nuit-1 ber of birtlîdav cards sud nie's- sages. Since ftie deafli o! hem hue- baud, John Poolton, two years aga, Mrs. Poolton bas residedi wifh her daughter, Mirs. Bon 9 King, 120 Elgin Street.. She sudj ber husband celebrated the 58th 0 - M'ts. CsIidler andtheliir claugh ne '~ y ,vp're' ""n u""t o ter Sandra, ivere dinner guesta j youir gcrmentst. of Mr. aud Mrts. Morley Van-1 Vstoîe ai-theMr. ang Dutch-o Vstone sdMathePnd Mrs.Byron Support Upper Cam man. MVotel. Atter dinner the!J evening was spent at Mm. and Jn Mrs. Alorley Vaustone's home, Tliere they were Joined by Mr. and M.rs. Fred C. Vanstone anîd Mrs. Hartlev Lew:s wheu Stu' was presenfed wîfh a Lazy-Bo-v thmee Vanstone familles ~~he J1deÇ Ed LenIie mada Bible Society e91to 13 qcIde anc/ 1r00M, On/y! Coming up soon for yeu is the mnosf important day in both your ]ives .. your wedding Day! Maybe you ai-e planning a wedding wifh ail the frimmigs or .îust a simple wedding. No inatter how big or how small you wiIl be requiî'ing gifts for your bridesmaids. best man and ushers. May we he of help fa you in this regard. We have a fine selection of iovely gifts for this special occasion. Lovely Pearl Necklaces, Compacts. Brooches. te mention only a fem, of the bidesmaids', gifts. Cuff Links, Tie Bars. Biilfolds and many other fine gifs for the best man and ushers. Antd don't forget fellows we have some cherished gifts suitable for your bride. And we carr-y a full ine of camera equipment and supplies so that you may have that special day and honeymnoon trip ini photos for years to come. Best of Good Wishe-s. P.S.-Por private selection ot any of glu tft gvint jusi telephone MA 3-5747. Hoo per' s Jewellery and Gift Shop TRU LIDAY. JU" 41h. 1059 TIM eANADUN BTATESMAlq. lIbOWIUýý CMAPM PAM TRM