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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1959, p. 5

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THURSDAY. JUNE 4th. 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE ONTARJO PAGE FIVU A. O.Dairyimplei Explains Farm Survey to W.I., The regular monthly meeting o f Bowmanville W. I. was heldi Sat the Lions Centre on Thurs- *day, May 28th, President Mrs. G. AjIchin presiding. Mrs. J. Meachin, secretary - treasurer, read the minutes of the iast meeting and executive meeting. _The next meeting is to be Specia Us in ý PERMAN ENT WAVES Wved by: MARGARET SMITH .IOSIE DEMAINE MISS VIOLET ZACHANOWICR formerly of Miller's Beauty Salon la now a member of our staff. FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 $ 9 For -__$_7.95 Reg. $12» For __ _ _ Reg. $15.00 Fer _____ _ SPECIAL COLD ai $5.95 9.95 11.95 WAVE lir. Huyek wiIl b. here on Tue&, Wed. and Fri. to do the steam and regular waves ]Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyrck's Hairstyling Studio aT King st.W., Bwmanvile Itfs Here held at Memorial Park, June Z5, and it is our pienie meeting. One quilt has been coinpleted for aur Koper Karnival next winter. A mtion was passed that we send an exhibit to Or- ono Fair. Mrs R. Webber gave a report of the District Annual held at Maple Grove United Church on May 21. Mrs. Kenneth Courtice gave a very concise summary of the T.B. test which is to be held the third week in June in Bow- manville. She said it was the most costly disease the oountv had to deal with, and urged everyone to take this test whe- ther yaung or old. She saïd they had drugs now available for everyane and that there were sufficient beds in sanitor-ý ium for everyone who had the disease. Mrs. S. Selby Grant reported on the motta, "To take the drud- gery out of your work, put your heart into it". She said some people liked their work for the glory of it, some had ta work to keep the wolf from their door; while others loved their work for something to do, then it was not a drudgery ta them. Mis. T. Buttery presided for programme, pinch-hitting for Mrs. G. Richards through iii- ness. Mrs. A. Merkley sang 2 delightful solos, "Sunrise and You", and "The Little Damsel." Mr. A. Dairymple aur Agri- cultural Representative for this county gave a splendid talk on the farm survey that is being conducted no win the counties, and other things about agricul- ture that were of interest ta W. 1. members. He explain- ed why this survey was taking place: to cut down on many farmn accidents, the reasons for the.m and prevention. Some accidents arc caused by fatigue, workîng too long hours, carelessness and allowing ch- dren near these implements.. As capable faim help is scarce, many youths in their earlv teens are handling power ma- chinery and are not really re- sponsible. A lot of these accidents can be avoided, particularly thosel in our awn homes. Neyer leave articles on celar stairs or any steps to cause fals. Worstyage of accidents is fromn one ear ta five years. Canada has the warst record in the world for fires. 0 0 0 AÀFLEcK PAINT THAT CAl BE APPLIED WITH ROLLER WALTEX ROLLI FLECKS 0Applied by roller Waltex Rolliflecks is resistant to grease stains, inks, crayon, dirt, alcohol and fruit acids. May be easily cleaned. * ]Resists wear, chipping, cracking and fading. * Produces films two or three times as thick as ordmnary paint and hence will outlast conven- tional materials. Large Selection of colours from which to choose PAINT SALE CONTINUES WITH MANY LINES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ABERNETHY'S * PAINT & WALLPAPER 3King St W. MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILLE M work; she is the purpose of it. We are flot doing her a favor by serving her; she is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. A customer is flot an outsider to our business; she is part of it. A oustomner 18 not a cold statistic - a name on a filing card or a ledger sheet. She is a flesh-and-blood human being, with blases, Prejudices, feelings and emotions like our own. A customner Is flot someone ta argue with. Nobody ever won an argument with a customer. A customer Is a persa who brings us her wants. Its o0W job ta ftilt them profitably to lier and ta ourselves. Bowmanville "'E HAVE EVERYTHING FOR JUNE"p Sisters HeIp in Celebration Members of the Wedding Celebration Party Mr. and Mrs. J. Evers and Mrs. E. Hoorweg, arrived in Canada from Holland in time ta help celebrate the 30th wed- ding anniversary en May l7th, of their sister and her husband Mr. and Mis. Walter Vaneyk. In a small towvn called Lin- schotyn, Holland, 30 years ago, Miss Jacobine Slinger and Mr. Walter Vaneyk were united in marriage. They came ta Canada on their honcymoon where they lived and raised a family of four, (Agnes) Mrs. Harold De- Mille, Bowmanville; (Paul ), Newtonville; (Mary) Mrs. Char- lie Penwarden and John at home. Saturday evening the family nhe small faims are 1c out with the larger farm campetition, not being abl meet the expense of bu costly equipment ta run faims. He said this task of ting down accidents was ev one's affair and let us al that we stait this right in own homes. It wus much, now ta work in an indt than on faimns., A vote of thanks was m for this splendid talk. A social half hour folk< with the group in charges ing refîeshmnents. Auxiliary WiII Attend osing is in e ta ying the cut- very- 1 sec Lour safer ustry toved owed serv- Zone RaIIy The president Comrade Flai- ence Knight, officiated at the initiation ceremony when Corn- rade Eva Bragg became a mcm- 'ber of the Bowmanvîlle Ladies'l Auxiiiary ta fthe Canadian Le- gian at the meeting of the Aux- iliary held at the Legion Hall an Monday evening, May 25th. The members were remind- ed that the Zone Rally will be rheld on Tuesdlay evening, June 2nd, at the Oshawa Legion i Hall. A bus will leave froma in front of the Legion Hall here at 54 on Tuesday afteînaon ta transport Auxihiary mcm- jbers ta the Zone Rally. Camrade Knight as convenorl for the catering at the Midget-I Juvenile Hockey Banquet gave her report. Comrade Edythe Rundle, canvenar of the sick committee, gave a repot. Com- rade Rundie, the representative of the Auxiliary for the Bow- manville Branch of the Can- adian Red Cross Society, gave a report on Red Cross activi- ties. The secretary, Comrade Mil- lie Bates, was instructed ta write ta Mis. Maîjorie Pew- triss, Cobourg, who is in charge of the district TB Survcy ta be held in the near future, and request that arrangements be and close friends gathercd ta- gether for a hovely supper which was served by the Long Sault Club 50 ladies at Tyrone Hall. Supper guests wee- Mi. and Mis. J. Evers, Holland; Mrs. E. Hoorweg. Holland; Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMille, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. P. Vaneyk and family, Newtonville; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Penwarden and family, Tyrone; Mr. J. Van- eyk and Miss J. Rosevear, Ty- rone; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoor- wcg and family, North Bay: Mr. P. vander Brink and Miss Nehlie Schippeî, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. J. van Dam Si.. Nestieton; Mr. and Mis. J. van Dam Jr., Mill- made to have a camnpaign speaker at a meeting of the ]Bowmanvîlle Auxiliary ta the Canadian Legion. It was decided ta send the usual annual donation ta Prox- incial Command of the Cana- dian Legion for the Veterans' Summer Camp at Niagara-on- the-Lake. President Florence Knight, Comrade Edythe Rundle, Comi- rade Jean Firth and Comradc Audrey Fletcher were appoint- ed members of a committee ta choose prizes for the special draw ta be held by the Auxil- iary at the Legion Carnival here this summer. Comrade Millie Bates, xvas named ticket con- venor for flic draw. It was announced that the Ladies' Auxiliarv ta the Cana- dian Legion wilh hold a Navy League Tag Day on June 5th and 6th. Any member willing ta assist with this worthwhile project was asked ta get in touch with the Tag Day con- venor, Camrade Edythe Ru?- dle. Peterboroug h Strings Give First Concert Mr. and Mrs. Stan Payne, Concession St. East, were guests of Mr. Kiemi Hambourg at the first concert presented by the Peterborough Chamber Orches- tra on Wednesday evening. Mr. Hambourg taught violin in Osh- awa for several years previous to going to Peterborough in September, 1957. He is teacher of stringed instruments in Pet- erborough Public Schools and Kenner Collegiate. The orchestra consists entire- ly of strings but two numbers included flutes and piano. An interesting feature of the pro- gram was the "Concerto in D Minor" by Bach in which the orchestra xvas assisted by Wil- liam and Paul Dorko of,. Osh- awa, pupils of Mr. Hambourg. These lads began violin study in a public school class in 1953 and wîll this June be trying Grades 10 and 8 rcspcctively. After the concert Mr. and Mrs. Payne had a very enjoy- able chat with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson recalling sev- eral almost forgotten incidents of the early sessions of flic Dur- ham County Music Festival. We wonder how many readers will recaîl the cvening that Owen Nicholas and "Si" Knight com- peted against one another and tied. The adjudicator asked them to sing again and if our memory is correct they wcre unable to break the tic and were both awarded first place. Lions -Learn DetailIs of Aerial Surveys 1An insight itot the facntI ling woik of acrial su=vyn 1was given by Al'an O'Gorman, Scarborough, at the dinner meeting of the Bowmanville Lions Club hehd at the Lions Comm'înity Centre hast week. iMi. O'Gorman is associated w:th the Kenting Aviation Company and was introduced by Wahly Brdnwho tald of his exten- siv exerincewith his firm. Mi. O'Gorman said that thei Kenting Aviation Company does aerial photography of cities and tawns for devchopment pur- poses and for traffic checks. He also told of rural acrial suiveys, tîe e ounting, forest checking, eomputing heights, and terrain survcys for maps. This work is carried on by his campany throughout Canada, the speake~r explained. A graphie motion picture "Aerial Suîvey" was shown by Mr. O'Gorman which presentedI comprehensive coverage of the subject. He also showcd photo- giaphs of Bowmanvilhe taken by the Kenting Aviation Com- pany in 1958. There were a num- ber of scenes of different sec- tions of the town. Jack Raughley thanked the speaker for his paîti the in- formative pîogram. Bihl Alhin întroduced Dr. Ja- mieson of the Ontario Depart- ment af Health, Toronto, Dr. Jamieson told the Lions of the a brook; Mi. and Mrs. G. van Dam, Pontypool; Mr. and Mrs. C. van Dam, Burketon; Mr. and Mis. J. Hooyer, Hampton. Later more friends camne ta wish the happy couple well and joined the family ta an cnjoy- able evening of dancing ta the music of Mrs. D. Davey and Mr. F. Denby. Mr. and Mis. W. Vaneyk thanked everyone for lovely gifts reccived. At midnight lunch and coffee was served and enjoyed by al. bringing the evenîng ta a close. Everyonc wished the happy couple good heahth and hap. pincss for another 30 years. necd of a mass TB survey, and discussed aspects of the anc to be held in this district in the near future. He expressed the hope that there would be a good turnout in Durham County for the tests. Ralph Mclntyre, president of the Bowmanville Lions Club, expîessed the chub's apprec la- tion ta Dr. Jamieson and also emphasized the importance of the coming TB Survey ta be made in Durham County. The bîrthdays of Lions Ahi Cuthbcrtson, Bob Williams, 1 Jack Cale, and Ray Dilling were1 celcbrated by the club. Guests present at the dinner meeting were Keith Chick, Woodstock, H. V. Reeves, Calgary, S. Me-1 Tavish, Bowmanvillc, and G. Stockley, Toronto. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and girls weîc Sunday visitais of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp. Mi. and Mrs. Earl Trewin.. Doreen and Donald with Mr. and Mis. Sandy Moare, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin and famihy were weekend visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Bradley, Burwash. Coming home they cahhed on Mis. Gea. Squibb, Churchill and Mis. E. Bennett retuîned home with them for a brief visit. Mi. and Mis. Clark Werry, Toronto, wcre weekend visit- ors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Werry. Miss Elenar Leightan, Bowmanvihle, was ah- s0 a visitor with the Weriy's. Mi. Bert Norman and daugh- ter Sheila, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cox. Mi. and Mrs. Earl Tîewin, Doreen and Donald weîe re- cent visitais of Mr. and Mis. Roy Taylor, Blackstock. Mi. and Mis. Melville S chell, Mi. and Mis. J. Leray and dau- ghtei, Toronto, were Sunday visitars at Mi. and Mis. E. Mc- Naiî's. Mir. Fred Geai, Mi. and Mrs. Addison Geai, Ennotdile, were rwith Mi. and Mis. A. Oke. Miss Laina Wearn, Grace Hos- pital. Toronto, spent a couple of days with her parents Mr. and Mis. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mis. L. Stainton and family weîe with Mr. and Mis. R. Hope, Part Perîy. Gardon Fleet, Toronto, visited with the A. L. Weaîn's. Mr. and, Mis. F. Pethick and Robin, Toronto, wîth Mi. and Mis. S. R. Pethick, Mi. and Mis. Ivan Sharp and Linda were tea guests of Mi. and Mis. Ivan Cochrane, Nes- ticton. Mi. and Mis. Gardon Yea at- tended the 50th wedding anni- versaiy of Mi. and Mis. Wil C'hapman, Hampton, on Satur- day. Mi. and Mis. Gardon Yeo and family were at Sturgean Lake on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Howard Stcv- 1 ens, Mi. Gardon Stevens, Mi. and Mis. Floyd Beckett, attend- cd the 5th wcdding celebra- tion of Mi. and Mis. Albert Stainton at the home of his son, i. and is. Clifford Stainton, Toronto. Miss Elva Orchard, Mi. R. Clark, Bowm.anville; Miss Shir- ley Bothwell, Maple Grave, weie with Mi. and Mis. M. Staintan. Mi. and Mis. Fred Wright and fam-ily, Maple Grave, were Sunday visitoîs at Mi. and Mis. N. E. Wright's. Miss Pat Hoskin, Blackstock, was a recent caller at Russehi Griffin's. Mr. and Mis. Bert Stevens, Hampton, weie calleis at *Mi. and Mis. H. Steven's. Mi. Harold Spiy, Rochester, N.Y., spent the weekcnd with Mi. and Mis. E. Wright. Mi. and Mis. Claikc Weri-y, Toronto, were cahiers at Mr. and Mis. Allan Werry's. Rev. and Mis. R. M. Seymour were recent guests of Mi. and Mis. Walter Oke's. Mi. and 'Mis. Henry Trick, Lindsay; Mi. and Mis. Howard Oke and fam- ily, Oshawa, were Sunday vis- itais at Mr. and Mis. Oke's. Mi. and Mis. Adam Sharp were Suinday callers at Mi. and W~s. Gea. Rahm's, Saintfiehd. Miss Mary Griffin with Miss Pat Hoskin, Blackstock. Mi. and Mis. Fred Toms visited with relatives at Nestie- ton, Mis. Murray Mustard, Hugh and Effie, San*ifoid, were Sun- day visitais witli Mr. and Mis. F. Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fergu- son attended Nestieton Anni- versary on Sunday and wereE tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred* Dayes, Blackstock. Mrs. Gordon McLean and Miss Martha Boyd, spent the weekend in Toronto, and were guests of the Rev. B. A. Sutton and Mrs. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley accompanied iby Mr. and Mrs. C. Milis, Maple Grove, and Mr and Mrs. E. Jennings, Acton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Bush, Castieton. W.A. Meeting The May meeting. of the Wo- men's Association was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Sharp j on May 26. Mr. John Ray and' Mr. Bill Rowden, Port Hope, were present and explained the T.B. survey. Mrs. W. Begley 1 opened the meeting with a [poem followed by the motta and creed.f Mrs. L. Weax-n opened the Devotional with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer and gave the Bible reading from John 13.1 Mrs. Wearn gave the leaflet en- titled "Humility" and closed with a hymn and prayer. 43 KING ST. W. DESSERTSave 7c) 15 oz. 9 PEARS GLOBE 3tn 9 KRAFT SALAD(Save Se)>1; DRESSINGMIRACLE 16 aoz, VA 1111 I!~APPPLE 1'DAIEIG BLOSSOM BISCUITS (Save 4c) g.25Ç CANNED erSad HRANIS (Save 26c) 1"/2ilb. 1.29 Mother Parker's - Save 10e TEA BACS Pk. o69Ç 40e Off Jumbo Size Suri Detergent qi dà"q 1.Uâ Pepsodent with Fe TOOTHPASTE Paring Knife Giant63 Size63 Roil eal was answered with l'Your first Sunday School tea- cher." Minutes were read and approved. Mrs. F. Toms also gave a very interestîng repoM from the W.A. Presbytery in Tyrone. We were very pleased to r! -- GIRLS" SUN DRESSES Sanforlzed cotton fuli sklrted - bodice top witb shoulder straps. White trim on pocket and bodice edge. Assorted plain shades and prints. 8-10-12 Bach___$1Ra2l SMES 2-4-6 ________Ra 9 97 C 50c have as our guest, Miss Judith Stenger who talked briefly about her work and points of interest in British Columbia. The meeting closed with- the Theme Sang and lunch was served by Group 1. BOWMANVMIL INFANTS' SUN SUITS Made of cotton plisse for cool comtort ln fthe hot months ahead. Fast drylng. no ironlut needed. 2 Styles - Girls' rhumb& style er boys' romper style. White wlth colored t1dm. 99 C £A You are cordially inviied Io a Tea and Reception for TED WOODYARD the Durham Liberal Candidate ai the Committee Booms 32 John St., Port Hope on ýj Friday, June 5th 1 from 7 p.m. unil 10 EVERY014E WELCOME We Are in the Process of Moving Next Door Larger quarters for display purposes and the convenience of our customers Ta save moving aur large stock we pass these savings on Io you. ALL $100 EARRINGS NOW Nany ather jewellery articles selling ai greatly reduced prices MAR R'S Jewellery & Gift Shop Dowmanville I.G.A. Salules the Canadian Dairy - Farmer During National . a. What 15 a Customeri A customer is.the most important person in our business, in person or otherwise. A customer is flot an interruption of our Dairy Mont h Kraft MiId Cheese Wedge, BARREL 1202oz*~ IGA Royal GoId . Save Ioc39 SCES E 8 19C FZ2MINT'a Gaî 6 Roal1lb.'6 c dIEAN CHIEESE Ai Varlies 9 Borden's 4O.pkcg ELSIE MOULS carlie Sox.29 Farni SIyle Blila Clover Valley4 IngersoilJ 16 oz. pikg. 9 CHEESE SPRIEAIJ 16oz.5 JUST TWO 0F OUI NANY NEAT FEATURES TABLERITE RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF Bolb.47 Blade oast lb. c Blade RoastRemoved 4 NO WASTE - NO LEFTOVERS Al Pkg. of 8 Burns Hot Dog Wieners & Pk>. of 8 Dempster Roils For . FROZEN FOOD FEATURE Volume 3 Now Available Tasty Chip 55 UUA'AKI Ony o9 BEEF CHIPSTEAIK" C. 5 ENCYCLOPEDIA ea AUl Food Prices Effective June 4, 5, 6 "Food Buying and Meal Planning" *JUST TWG 0F OUR MANT PRODUCE MEATURES FIRST 0F THE SEASON - CRISP GARDEN FRESH Ontario Grown Lettuce 2 Heada9 DUNCH CAhROTS U.S. No. 1 - Chuck full of flavor 3 Buncrhes29c FANILY CORNER FEATURE VALUES' 1* i' 1 r-- PAJ= Fm THURSDAT, JUNE 4th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOYMANvnjz ONTARIO

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