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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1959, p. 6

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"M C AV AMIAW R'PA 'WfI.IAItUANVVW.. OAM PAGZ Yaa a .45J -C~ .as' Necessity for Tuber c Stressed at Speakei Meeting by T.B. Si Dr. C. A. Wicks of Weston Sanatorium is shownj MIr. Alex Carruthers, Chairman of the Speakers committE Dr. C. A. Wicks, superinten- Durham Tuberculin Test andi- dent of the Toronto Hospital Chest X-ray wvhich takes place for Tubercuiosis (Weston San) in June. The meeting was held was guest speaker on May l2th at 97 Miül St. at a Dinner Meeting for the Mr. Alex Carruthers, chair- Speakers' Committee of the man of the Speakers' Commit- Gillette Razor and 6 Blue Blades--- 1.29 Gillette Adjustable Razor and Blades 1.95 Gillette Shaving Creamn___ 43c - 65e Hair Sprays Deodorants Adorn with Comb - 1.75 Ban Roll-on ____1.28 Helene Curtis Tempo 1.50 Old Spice Stick -__ 1.25 Spray Net - 79e - 98c Arrid Cream - 53e- 75o Vacuum For Summer Tan Bathlng Botties Caps 890 Noxzema 011 __45c, 75e 59c tn 1.59 Noxzema. Lotion 60e - 1.00 Coppertone Spray 2.25 100 A.S.A. Skol _____ 55e - 1.00 Noxzema Tableta Skolex ______ 1.00 Cream 19e Nivea 011 - 65e - 1.15 - 2.50 73e-99c-1.25 FIy Toi u lse Inseet Bomb ---9@O, 1.39 Sn M se Raid Spray Bomb __ 1.69 Polarold 2.49, 3.49 Fly Tox Spray 39c, 65c, 98e Tone Ray 4.00, 5.95, 10.00 Ken Kil ý 89c, 1.39 j Sunrite ---- 50e to 1.98 Certified Health Saits. 1 lb. tin 59C COWLI NG'S PHONE DhW TOR FIT MA 3-5695 D U SO E TRUSSES RP6O1Y AL MA03-5589 NOW PLAYING- THUR. TO SAT. "The Law and wih n oirake Wade» înclrand cinernascope wihRobert Taylor and Patricia Owens "Tarzan ils Fight for Liofe" in color, starring Gordon Scott "Jake Wade" at 7 and 10 "Tarzan" at 8:30 Sat. Matinee "Tarzan" and "The Green Archer" MON. TO THURS. (4 days) - JUNE 8 - Il ACADEMY-AWARD PERFORMANCE of Barbmr Graha- TW W bt neao Aduit J__rics:- Adults 75e, Students 50e and Loges 80e porfed. Mrs. Charles Carpenter lier hus-barid belanged. She bas_____________________________ gave a report on the executive been a mast valued worker inREDN & -A board meeting during .vhich an all departments aiflihe churcli, LOCATION GIVING DATEI HOURS 0F OPERATION RE DATEX-A arinouncemnent was made ai the and also ai the Women's In-5:0 - chu.rcb parade ai Scouts and stifute in which she served a PORT HOPF Monday 2:00 p.m. ta 500pin. Wednesday Cubs ta be held at Camp Samac terni as President and another on Sunday affernoon Junte 7th. as Secreiary. and was a loyal Town Hall June 15 7:00 p.m. fa 10:00 p.m. Junte 17 Maney frorn tfli "Walstline" member until her deafli. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 pin. Thursday apron was furned n and Mms. Mrs. Smiith was belaved, by Junte 16 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. June 18 Jack Lee won the draw for the a hast af fiends for lier unitin- apran. President Mns. Archer ing patience and kindness ta Wednesday 2:00 a 5: 00 p-i. Friday thanked ail for the help in nia- ail wifb whom she worked, and June 17 7:00 ta 10:00 p.nî. June 19 king this a successful yean. The a friend a! everyone. Thursday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.rn. Manday first meeting in the faîl wili Her husband pnedeceased lier'r.f f.ff ue2 be on Septeniber 10th at 8 p.m. on April isth, 1955, and the Junte 18 7:00 ta 0:0p.rm.J e2 at Courtice Church Sunday onc ibrother, Russel, just ane Friday 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 pro. Tuesday Sehool room. week before ber passing. June 19 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 pin. June 23 H. & S. Association Left te mourn are two bra- Courtice Home and Schooi As- thers, Charles and Howard anid Monday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Wednesday sociation met on May l9th fa the fhrec sisten-in-laws in Lin,. June 22 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. June 24 hear thec Annual reports o! the dsay, one sister-in-law (blie on-Tuda2:0pm t 50p..hrsy sectetaries and aiso enjoy Tai- ly member o! the Smitli famnily,!J 23 7v :00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. Jhune 25 cnt Night. Mrs. Gardon Vinson left). Mrs. W. W. VanCamp,. une 2 :0pm o1:0pm ue2 gave the secretany report; Mrs. Blackstock, and thirteen nieces Wednesday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Friday Norman Adair reported for flic and nepliews. June 24 *7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. 1_June 26 Social comniittee; Mrs. T. Gla- Funerai service was heid in _______________ dam reporfed for the Naminat- Sf. John's Anglican Churcli ing Cammuittee and Mrs. Wilfned Tuesday with Canon Chaperlin Maso survey is sponsored by the Brown reviewcd fthe meetings officiating and interment was in ported for the Programn Con- St. John's cemefery. The maliy IIHIN EILAN -DURIIuAN TUDERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION for the past year when she ne- floral tribufes indicated the es- venor. teern with whicii Mm rsSilth, wlth the assistance of the Rooin counit was won by Mns. was helcL H. Tiers and Mrs. L. Hoan and Palibearers were six nepli- W V DE A T R OF B L E for tlie most attendance flirougli- ews: Blake Gunfer, Ronald awarded ta Mrs. Cosen's rioorn & Kenneth Lamb, Franklin Lamb TRUHYU UCAE0 HITA EL ad to Mm. Iba'a rooni. Field and Donald Lamb. 1 TRUMAT, 3MI IDay will be held later in Jun e w, ~I ~*ru'sing of a fund for a Head- Toronto. August 3lst to Sep- i.. I ~-date to be set moan. A boom I eu j < 4 g quartera Building. The talents tember Srd wlll tee the fitieth U ltiiwill ibe set-up- Mrs. Adair,a.5 0r - Y r. -P OE 5C5L5iLJ and time of many prominent anniversary of the C.C.O. and linre t "&. Har Gay. Mrs. Wifred musicians have been contribu- the first meeting of the Royal irw n r.Hr we ted during the life of the Col- Canadian Callege of- Organlats. Brn o w rk W bMn t. S e lege inc]uding those of Sir Ern- The Royal Charter wlU lm pre. Mm. ree wil alo hve aC ol ege of O gan stsest MacMilan and Dr. Healey sented at this time. r i n r fed dya h ihay scliool' Willan, bath past presidents, Clifford Evans, organIat of and heAsocitio dontedSI who are now Honorary Vice- St. John's Anglican Chureh here andihessoiaton onaepg15;Presidents. 's vice-chairman of the Oshawa towards hs Grade 8 wifl 55WI e o m For the first Urne i its his- and District centre of the Can- MusnumtandTotrpo ntvsofin-th tory the College has a lady pre- adian College of Organiats. p e c a l sMuerseu ad thrpont o iMajgoty the. Queen lu mf, g OIts wisfaunded, ietMuelGdySafo. The program for Talent Nightben leoe , grgnt the. ad- and Dr. Albert Homn,at that t1 Mn. Stafford has been a mem- MONMa> included numbers from Most dition of theepefix "Royal" te MO organtit and choirniaster ber of the College since her stu- nEQAr Grades which were as follows- h aec e Can.adian col. ci St. James Cathedral, Toron- dent days and bas taken an In- ~~eQ)LT Grade 2- Mrs. Hoar, Kath y lege of Organtstu tI honour of te becarne the firit elected Pre- creasingîy active part In its af- MR1R Forester, Chris Goyne, Karen the fiftleth annlveruary of the &ÎiAent of the. arganization. F'e- fairs as a mnember of Council, Hawke, Wendy Brown, John founding of the College. This derlck C. Thomnas, Brantford, the Board of Examiners. recit- ,fdh Goyne, Brian Barber sang three announcernerit Was recelved in warn tii firât secretary as well allst and lecturer. numbers, At Last lts May, Ro- a letter frein thAe Secret.ary of au the designer of the College The honour of the title "Roy- tiTAFIrORI> bin in the Rain and Trust and State by Mrs. Muriel GidIey croit whlch lhan been used up al", Mrs. Stafford says, nat anly ~.LN RB be Happy. 'Stafford, Presidenit of the. Col- to bhe preserit tinie. recognizes the high purpose and Grde3-Mr.Canpel;lege. "e. Coflege bas steadlly ex. the good works of the Çollege,À anG arpade3- d . apoeoall; 10 aa i ru f or- panded during these forty-nine its maturity and influence in a 1 jFjjIj IWA4 Grade 6- Miss C. Hutchison: ganîsts met In Brantford, Ont- years u1i now there are 31 very important speea a-Df Gordon Mashinsky who played ario, with the abject of estab- Local Centres across Canada adian developrnent, but it will an accordian solo. Grade5- lishing In Canada a College of from Halifax to Victoria and help to stimulate, in the years Stafford Bras. ~ ~ r.H. Tiers; Bonnie Snudden, Organisa simlar te those ex. IMore than 1300 mnembers- to corne, a more serlous regard anJud td Sate. ts issonwould be chievements o the College was is as oid as the Psalnis of Da- M nm na ok misronraShrowRsrryO-itniEgadn teUn- O.atb ofnotbllaafr heId as t anr hc oum nadok j3Thorapson, Betty Leu Mark and ta rase the standard of chureh the raising of over $30.000 aI- vid and as new as8 the int.sp.iredb Anni Stunburg sang April Shw music and promote the Interests ber the war for the new organ settings of aur confemporaries. 38DldsS.E Wlb ers a hya and That Wonderful Mother of professional organists. ta be lnstalled in Coventry a EcB ra convention is beld Phone Wflrtby af Mine. Within a short finie the ef- thedral, England. The project in late Ags n hsya h 0ak885 rewad- efor t Calegenowis h C.C.O. returns ta ifs borne city, -.- ~ Agroup of boys sang fwa farts of these men were rwd- - - -teColgenws h- numbers, Billy Wade, Danny JCowle, Jerry Petryshen. Ronnie' Vli ,B i11yKiezenowskEBE SU E '~Gary Ogden, Bobby Grey. AI]FE "~of the pupils in these number BE S FBEU R wo-e apprcrniat ouffits ta suit the songs. Grade 6. Miss Hutchison; Car- 01y Forester did a ballet dance Paloiwski played an accordia'i GET YO UR FREE Solo. Grades 7 and 8, Mrs. J. .5 Aldous presented a Debate "It giving a tuberculin test ta the City." The affirmative was and Jt onlby i CGnrade 7. TUBERCULIN TEST ýee. very ably taken by Ricky Gay tee, presided, and welcomned the The negative by Donald Camp- speakers' group. On his depar- bell and Tineke Sierhuis bath ture for a prior appointmnft in from Grade 8. M S U V Y S H D L Orono, Mis. K. E. Courtice. af Judges were Teachers, Mrs. H. MS U V YS H DL Courtice, Ontario, took over Greer, Mrs. A. Campbell and the chair and intraduced Mrs. Mrs. È. Hoar. In giving theirFOD U HMC UT David Dick af Cobourg, who decision Mrs. Hoar complimen- F R U HMCUT gave ad dean, concise talk onl ted these yéung debatons on the how ta make a good five-nhin- way they presented their views. ute speech, and put the pointe The decision went ta the affirmn- acrass, it1 being the need tai aîive Ricky Gay and Joan Dal- JUNE Bih TO JUNE 3Oth (Inclusive) have a tuberculin test. by. Dr. Charlotte Horner, MOH, Mrs. Hill af Enniskillen ne-i introduced the guest speaker, presenting the Northumberland Dr. Wicks, who was accompan- and Durham T.B. Association led by Mrs. Wicks. explained the Mass X-Ray te C E UL o In bis interesting address on be beld at Ebenezer Church an- READING & X.RAY the history of tuberculosis, Dr. June 8th and 9th. Mrs. Harry. LOCATION GIVING DATE HOURS 0F OPERATION D T Wicks said that if wasn't until Gay, Immediate Past President 1_____DATE_______ 1882 that the germ. as a cause of our Association was called on RTC Monday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p-m. Wednesday af TB, was discovered by post to instal the officers of 1939-60 co ue1 mortein: 'Tuberculosis', 'le said, Presideit, Mrs. Jack Gay; Vice Ebenezer United Church June 8 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m.Jue1 is an international pronieni, Presidents. Mrs. G. Goyne, Mrs. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Ttu.rsday for even if we- eradicat ed it ln H. Graham-. Secretary, Mrs.! June 9 7:00_p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. June il auir own country, it could stili Gordon Vinson; Treasurer, Mrs. enter Canada from other c0un- Tom Gladman; Executive Mern- HAMPTON Wednesday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Friday tries'. We must. hie asserted, bers, Mrs. H. Sweetm-an, Mrs. 0. Commu.nity Centre June 10 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. June . iwork together and proteet aur- Rahme, Mrs. A. Muir, Mrs. W. Thureday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 Mondit selves by these regular tuber-I Ellis, Mrs. Chumbley. Jn l70 ..t 00 .. ue1 culin test and chest X-rays, and Mrs. Gay was presented with _____1_7:0______t_____________e 1 withaut aur volunteen groups,I a small gift on béeaf o! the ENNISKILLEN Friday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m. Tuesday we would not have TB under Association for inistalling the Uie hrhJn 270 ..t 00 .. June 16 contrai'. Uiofficers the7:0 .m t 1-0 pn 'W o' e nw.lecn fiesforth coming 3year. E TN IL Monday- 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m.L Wednesday tinued, 'the 'significance of the Presentation ue1 vaiaio i tstrepose. ut Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brownt United Church June 15 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m.Jue 1 it is important. regardiess of wene pleasanfly surprised on 1 NEWCASTLE Tuesday. 2:00 ta 5:00 p.m.L Thu.rsday negativity, thaf everyone hav- Saturday evening when severat out Cnr ue1670 1.ta1:0pm June 18 in tetetreurit te tet honour thern on the oecuson Wednesday 2-:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.Mn Friday centre for the follaw-through. af thein 2tb Anniversary. June 17 7:00 p.m. tae lO:Oýp0 June 9 In a recent study aof five hun _____________on_______ __________________and dred admissions ta sanatoria, allig n hirdrg. and Mr. o B""1-ON )irday2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Mna thirteen percent af the diseases !amily1Mr.7a00Mrs. BobeB1-:00ORONO .LursMnda22 found were nan-respiratary. TB ans, Patti and Gordie they were' Odd Fellows HallUJn 870 .. a1:0pm ue2 was detected in other organs sunprised ta find their other Friday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 Tuesday than the lung. And ail those daughiters, Wendy, Barbara and.Jn 970 ..t 00 .. _ ue 2 aven farty vears of age wîo re- Virginia, also Mr. and Mns. Wal. j - 19_7.0______e_10:0__________ 2 scf negatively ta the tubercu- fer Rundie, Bowmanville; Mr.1 MILLBROOKC Monday Î:00 j.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Wednesday lin test shauld aise have a chest and Mrs. Geraid Balson, Mr. rouesJ e2270 pm.t100p..Jue4 X-ray ta determine other pas and Mns. Harold Wilkins, Hlam- Ar Ti ued22 2:00 p.m ta 50:00 p.m..Tursda24 sil hs iess.ptan; Miss Eleanor Counter and' Jued237:00 p.m. ta1:00 p.m. June 25 In answer ta a question ne- Miss Mary Wilkins, Oshawa, _________23___7:00____ _________t____10:00___ ________________25_ garingthepasibl also Mr. anad Mrs. Han-y Gay nearii t-eapss r ic said j -Mn. and Mns. John Narnis, Mr: l PERRYTOWN Wednesday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 parn. Friday ies f oldrequi r. aîmosrass' and Mrs. Charlie Elliott and Mn. St. Paul'$ ngcan Churcli1 June 241 7:00 £.M. te 10:00 V.rn. Jun.e 26 negligence on the part of those Bob Fairey. doihg the job, te cause injury, Mn. Walter Rtindle spoke brÎe-I and that weaning a luniinous fly and~ exrressed good wisiies i SCHEDULE No. 2 watch dial for one week is sai dland congratulations ta thiclhon-I______________ ta equal an X-ray in radiation.i ouned couple and an behaîf of IJGD TEHUS0 OEAIN READING & X-RAY ln Sanatoria, hie said, it israu- those present Nancy and Vir-1 LOCATO IIGD T O R FOEATION DATE tine for ail employees fe have ginia presented their parents 1 ________________ a chest X-ray every six monflis. with a beautiful step-table and, BLACIÇSTOCK Monday 1:00 pam. te 5:00 p.m. Wednesday He demonstrated the variaus glass Ch ip and Dip Bowl. Mr. tuberculin tests, such as the and Mrs. Brown expnessed tlieit ICartwright Jurie 15 7.00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. June 17 patch test. the Heaf test from thanks. Delicious refreshinents Recreation Centre _______________ England, ai which we shail 1 were served by the girls. JANETVILLE Tuesday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Thursday likelv hear more in the future, - C.O.F. Hallun _ :0 .. a10:00 anid the Mantaux test, which is_ ue17:0PMteJn11 geenll uedlinean wllbe iI4iiIi4VPONTYPOOL Wednesday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Friday usedrathis summere n in th e u- LTLAYU1 ited..h.urc1-Ju..e-17 « 7:00 p-m. ta 1 ()00f)1pnm. June 19

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