- PAOLP ET 7 " -~~~~ ~~~~. L~~~~~~~.D~H L.AINAIfflJJU STATEI BOMAN w±AN<vffM ON. ur Mio- -- - .-- -. .TH SDY JUE <t, - * '. * ~ tw - - - . - - -- - - - -- Crna.a.aIBeefs- and Cabbane Bmisiuw %dr The CoMedy (?) of Errors when it backfires. An editor In maost Unes of business it is neyer knaws haw many loyal generally conceded that "ta er readers he has until he lets a 18 only human, aftcr ail". In mistake slip aver, under Qr the newsPaper business an er- around his bi-focals. As wife ta ror - eveni one smaîî error - a ane-tine weekly editor, I cari San b. downright inhuman; hanestiy compare the publish- bumfliating and becrre ail. ing gamne to a round ai Russian roulette - you neyer know Let a plumber make a mis- which column is loeded, not take cannecting the facilities until it bits sameone, right be- and he'1l be tolti about it, ta be tween the eyes! sure. But, so long as he gaes Pelieve me, if there's one back next day and gimmicks tigta assprosi h the grievance everybody's hap- ntbingtht ca usesnsi-h hy. Generally speaking, othernesgtrigbiestau- tha th cutomr ad hs wfefer extreme mental anguish andi than he cstomr ani bi iifing nightmnares it's the thepluberandtheplumber's knowledge that printed errors wife, no onc ever hears about are like black eyes-they sim- it. On the other hand, let there pycno ehde.Oc be onc error on the pages ofai plyant es an . Once freshly printeti newspaper and dprinblacky sand wte, Doos- the editor's apt ta go grey, if day, in bfacs and wie, cus net completely haywire. And Ein r face ilaetepa. not witliout gooti reason, I vnore he.r slo The editor rarely has the pi- Newspaper errers invariably vilege ai telling his own wife pop up in the most embarrass- about an errer in bis own news- ing places anti despite the Most paper. Sanie early-bird reader elaborate precautions. Front is almost boundt t beat him ta page, back page, or itbe mid- It! Anti ail that stuif about dle, it's a sure-fire bet that best friends not tellilng appîjes readers and advertisers, by the only in the mouth-wash busi- tens of dozens, wil ibid tbem, ness. Editors are certain ta be read them andi possibly dweil besleged by a whole parade ai upon them forevermore. best frientis witbin minutes Crowns, Drowns and Fi'mns after discovcry of an error in 'lrugim w eprec ne" reporting. hog yoneprnc . Cft there's na denying the I have founit that the -bigger powe ofthe res, esecillyandi blacker the type the more powe o!the res, esecil ikely the error. I recal one ____________________ such nmis-print vividly. Due ta a lack oi more startling news, FOR THE BEST IN the editor *of a thrivlng west- ,ern weekly was f arcedti t an- nounce the annual coronation A UTOMATEC af the town's May Queen wlth1 a banner heatiline. His inten- H OM HEA ING tions were honorable; in the plan ta use the heatiine "4May- It's Bror Crowjis May Queen" should ta ail. But, somewhere between the prînter's hanti anti the reader's eyc, the print-sbop grem lins hati a bail! Townspeo- pie, anxious ta reati cf an event they hat ail witnessed for themnselves, were stunneti by a big, black banner which read, "MAYOR DROWNS MAY QUEEN". ImaLgine, If you -can, the caler af that poor editar's. face. or, it miight be more arnusing for yeu ta contempiate the color af the mayor's face. As it happen- 1 o- GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 0 issued i amounts from $100 upwarda for 3, 4 or 5 years a earn 5y4% interest, payable haif. yearly by cheque. a authorized investment for ai? Canadian Insurance Companies and tru8t funI. romR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF EN 14 VEARSI \STELINGTRUSTS, 372 "ay St., Toronto Free! 35 Dunlop 9, suffi* Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor Oul SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTB CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Siamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and See Our Display ef Gitz Complet. Lubrication at a Reasonable Price ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE 0ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTIT? AT THE STATION OPEN EENiNGS Aln SUNDATS l eti the miayor andi the editor had neyer seen eye to eye on anytlîing andi for a time there was talk o! lynching parties, murder charges and royal com- missions. Neyer will I forget a story I 7wrote regarding alleged whole- kisale bootlegging in a Northern Ontario boomtown. Temper- ance groups and church lead- ers had camplained about the situation through the press anti 1, hot for a follow-through 1ta keep the pot boiling, inter- viewed the local police chici on sthe matter. At the time andi under the circumstances, the chief, a treasured source ai in-ý formation in a town where' riots, knifings anti assault charges were part of every Sat- urtiay evcning's fare, was anx-I lous to speak his piece. Next day 1 delivereti the chief's paper personally anti sat beaming as he reati bis press notice. But, I didn't -sit beamning for long! I paleti, con- slderably, when the chie! reach- eti the end ef the story andi read, alauti, "Police Chief Sim- mons reports bis force is keep- ing a CLOSED eye an ai sus- pecteti outiets."l I paleti, nat 50 niuch from embarrassment as frmm anxiety. I honestly thougbt; the chie! was having a stroke. "Lice" But Indescribeable About a year ago I was reati- ingan of those ".atventure in ea 1g articles in a womnan's magazine. The authoress, who describeti herseli as "a dabblerj in strange dishes", was report- ing on a meal serveti ber by an hospitable Japanese family.J She clalmeti the base of the muligan-lik-e first course ta be octopus and referred ta the des- sert course as "a chopped, sal- ati-like dish of indescribable flavar, which was really LICE". T have aiten wondered how the haspitable Japanese family f cit when they reati that article. Of course, there is the slight, happy chance that they didn't subacribe to the maga- zine. Not ail typographical errors are anrusing. I remember the tine a'Nortbern Ontario daily "goofeti" in providing front- page coverage for a smailtown councilior nameti George Pool. Councillor Pool had heatedly supporteti the tawn police force i the face af allegations that constables were mistreating high-spirited teenagers. Ail ares papers, devateti space ta the councillor's f irebranti speech and he was well pleaseti wîth the publicity until he came upon the story captioneti "Fool Supports Police". Suffice ta say this diti fot please him. Uniortunately, everyone far miles arounti read that caption but few bothered ta reati the insitie editorial which. applauti- ed the outspoken councillor for bis action. Perhaps because of situations like this, a sort of arganizcd defense has been built up around the so-called "typogra- phi cal error". If a mistake crops up on the printeti page you can be sure it bas nothing ta do with the way the reporter wrate the stary. Neither bas it ta do with what the proof- reader did or did flot see when she initialleti the rough sheet. Any linotype operator will tel] you he only "sets" what the re- porters write and no amaunt of searching can unearth a re- porter's orig-inal capy after an error bas been discavereti. This leaves only the editor î anti the type-lice. Type-lice are invisible, gremlin-like creatures, useful only for scrambling type,l "funning" the new apprentice or shauldering blame i a bus- iness wbcre public trust allows no margin for human error. As' for the editar, it will do -hlm no 1 Many Attend Choral Tea On Saturday The Bowmianviile Choral So- ciety Tea held at the Lions Comrnty Centre on Satur. dey May 23 was a very en- joyable event. The many peo. ple who attended were enter- tained during the afternoon by a well selected musical pro- grain. Miss Hilda Veenstra, star of radio and television programn "Sangs of My People" sang several delightful solos. Miss Veenstra has a charmidng so- iprano voice, Hugh Martin. the director of the Bowmanville' Choral Society, and Mrs. Mar- tin, Toronto, sang a duet. Mrs. Martin also sang several love- ly solos. The programn was clos- ed by the choir singing a num- ber of selections. The servlng table was cen-i tred by a beautiful arrange- ment of spring flowers in sul- ver baskets surrounding a mu- sic staff reproduction. Mrs. Harold Stainton, Courtice, Mrs. Howard AlUin, Newcastle, Mrs. Stan Payne and Mrs. Les Col-' lacutt presided over the tea- CUPa. Doug Rlgg, director of re- creation for Bawmanville, made the special draw. The lucky winners were: Bob Hendry; R. R. 4, Bowmanville, who receiv- ed the transistor radio; Mrs. H. Willoughby, Whtby, who won tickets for two dinners at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, and Mrm. A. M. Thompson, Bownianviile, whe.ý won two t"cet. for the1Pd"a Ilietme I j t nom" Navy League Tag. Day Here This Weekend good at all to remember lie was homeý sick with measies, out of town on business or having one of his headaches when the er- ror was made. The paper is his Ilbaby"' and he's stuck with it- errors andi ail! Under these circumstances it is, quite understaxidable that the editors, reporters and printers of this world are fashioned of speclal, if sometimes peculiar, hurnan clothe. They have to be, else how would sa many escape death by apoplexy, commit- tai to public institutions or treatment for cruelly callouseti Leardrumns. Mistakes ln a Million But, before dropping the sub- ject, a word ini defense of my chosen cohorts everywhere. Consider, if yau will, reader dear, -the millions of words Lpririteti in your own hometown newspaper durlng a single year. Consider too that if you have' read ail these words and dis- covered more than half-a-dozen glaring errors you probably neeti eyeglasses. The average hometown newspaper just doesn't maice that many scr- iaus typagraphical errors in twelve months and a million words. Can you honestly match this record in your own busi- ness? Next time you pick up the paper andi find yaur nanie mis- pelled or a strange, new mean- ing mnadvertently spread across your first-person cjuote, remem- ber you may be ane in a mil- lion. Don't threaten ta commit violence on the persan af the editor. Tell him you understand. Sympathize with him, and when you've done kindly remember to pick him up off the floor. The Conservative government has been in power too long- andthaa9s thesimp!e trth oi. la the last session of the Ontario legisiature, the Conservative steamnroier-with the overwhelming power of 84 votes ta the Oppositions 14-saught to crush every Liberal attempt ta investigate, or even debate Governmnent palicy on such vital matters as the Avro crisis and unemployment. Like sa many political puppets, the Conservative members jumpeti everyj urne the strings were puileti..-1 This parody of democracy bas been going on toa long! The voters of Ontario need-and deservc-a rerurn ta responsibie government! Under the inspired leadership of its energetic young leader, John Winternieyer, the Liberal Party has new ideas, high ideals, a program of action that is sound. finaucially possible, andi cornpleîly rsponsible. been attendlng the Recreation- ai Department Aduit Swim classes for approximately '13 weeks undter capable guidiance of Mr. W. W. Bagneil, success- fully campleteti this test. They are: Janine Gohanna, Rosemary Merkley, Ann Harrison, Bever- ly Turner, Dora Wearn, Gladys Ashton, Kay Hoskin, Ethel Bal- san, Beverly Wiggans, Mary Townsend, Ruth Farrow- and Mrs. Lorne Caverley. These ladies wil be present- cd with their awards and cer- tificates at the next meeting of Bowmanvilîe anti District Red Cross Society. A special pro- gramn of films andi demonstra- RESCUE YOUR INVESTMENT IN ONTARIO-VOTE LIBERALI " for an immediate Iow-cost housing program with down payrnents as low as $500.' " for progressive assumption by the provincial government of the basic cous of eiementarv andi secondary education. " for a sounti educational program taprovide adequatelytrained specli ist teachers. -for yearly $ 300 grants to students ittending out-of-town universtîes. " for a program of "portable pensions" to provide workers' security. " for a Departnient of Farm Marketing and a realistic farin program. " for extension of the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan ta covez out- patient services. " for a Departinent of Norniiern Affairs tw co-ordinate goverument services. " for thes return of a respousible. efficient governami n Ontafia!1 L(DOE FORWARD VOTE LIBERAL CLA4W tions on Water Safety wiUl be shown on June 1Oth at the Council Chamibers at 8 pan. The local Red Cr088 Brandi extend a cordial invitation to ail parents, teachers and inter. esteti perscos ta attend this spo. cial Water Safety night. Air, Rail or Steamublp TO EVERYIVHEREC Consult JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-3778 BowipianvIUe Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE Dry Cleaning We wlll be remindeti Friday and Saturday, June bth andi 6th of the sea and the part aur ships play ln al aur daily lives, with the annual Tag Day of the Navy League of Canada. T he Tag Day is sponsoreti by La- dies' Auxiliary ta Canadian Le- gion andi convened by Mrs. Edythe Rundle. Sometimes in the inland pla- ces we arc apt ta forget how im- portant the sea ls to ail of us; that in a country dependent for its economic wellbeing on its overseas trade, the sea has a profound place in al aur lives. Here in Ontario the great St. Lawrence Seaway will bring the ses dloser ta us than ve befare. We hope it will imu late new trade and, industry throughout the province with the great advantage af cheap water freights ta outside mar- kets. The Navy League does a wonderful job in keeping us flot only cognizant of the sea but, in adapting the fine char- acter-building qualities af prac- tical, sea-type training in its youth centres in the province, instils this knowledige in aur growing youth. Boys from 12 ta 18 years af age receive a training for man- hood, an understanding and ap- preciation of gaod discipline, and an opportunity ta make the most of themselves that wîll stand them in gooti stesd thrau- ghout their lîves. The Navy League bas other services. Our Canadian service- men, with the U.N. forces, av- erseas and in aur Arctic out- posts, are remembered each Christmas with the famous Na- vy League Ditty Bags, filled with gifts that are a remem- brance from home that they are in aur tboughts. Our, sîck and wounded sea veterans are visited in aur hospitals. These are things we can pay tribute to this Tag Day, with a gooti heart for this is a gooti cause. 13 Ladies Pass Tests In Swimming Tie Junior Swimmer tests of the Rcd Cross Water Safety programme were held Tuesdayj May 19th at the Bowmanvillc Training School pool. To Ob- tain this award candidates must be able ta: swim 40 yards using side, breast or erawl; do a front dive; jump into deep water; swim 20 yards using back stroke; bob 10 times continu- ously; float or tread water 3 minutes. They must also know the Reaching assists and be able to answcr questions on Water Safety. Thirteen ladies who have - Repairs PHONE MA 3-7061 IPICKOia-UP AND DELI VERT LORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. I CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE Cal! Colleet Newmatle 4331 m IM Pkctured above isJouN W1iNTERMYER the dyn4mic new leader oJ the Ontario Liberal Party. Reae Tire""d Government Wit Good Governiment-VOwTE LIBERAL OJUNE 11TH M IN DURHAM VOTE FOR TED. WOODYARD Storage . 1 L. 1 m ML- - Shirts