- a - rn r~- S~r Curtai*n.corne«sDown on Whyteliaven By Editor John M. James 1 was sitting in my car at WhYte- haven on Friday evening when the curtain came down,- temporarily at least, on Mom Whyte's operations - the only newspaperman on the scene. At five minutes to eight. two cars came into the yard and four stern- faced men and one woman walked to the office, after asking one of the belp- ers where 1Mrs. Whyte was. Seconds later, one of the girls on the staff ran across the yard to the recently erected building where Mr. Whyte was trying to snatch somne sleep before going to work on the il o clock shi,*ft at Goodyear. He came running and I grabbed my camera- and Ieft the car, knowing full wel that sonething extremnely important- was happening. Little did 1 suspect the full extent of the pageant*which was about to unfold. A door burst'open and -Mom Whyte came running out, tears streaming down her face. "They're taking my babies," she cried as she leaped into her car and tore out the driveway. The news spread like wildf ire and soon there was wailing from one of the dormitories. It grew in volume as more youngsters joined in the sad chorus. In the meantime, members of the maie staff were gathering their own children together, but -only one -chap shouted to the, unwelcome. visitors "Why don't you go home and leave us alone?" There was no panic. only bewilderment on the faces of the youngsters who, couldn't quite under- stand what was going on., Dr. W. Gordon Brown, Deputy Minister of Health, told'me that the decision to evacuate the babies had been his. The Welfare Departinent had acted on the decision of Wm. H. Bury, flirector of Child Welf are,' and the legalities had been taken care of through the Attorney General's office. Mr. Bury said that ail children. except those who were members of the Whyte family or whose parents were living at Whytehaven would be 'taken away .and lodged in Children's Aid cenitres fromn Port Hope to Hamnil- ton. The il would go to hospitals. Dr. Brown also stated that since arriving theyý had found a f ew more cases of gastro enteritis axnong the babies, a condition which could spread like wildfire and be disastrous under conditions. at the home. His 'reason for taking action so suddenly was that he refused to accept the responsibility of leaving -babies in -the home where they could die very quickly. He didn't want to have their deaths on his conscience, if he could prevent it. The situation had become impossible, he said. I,..~uuIjJIaea OU nagp ~Ç 1. K~ft I~I1R ~V flVT~ tan Durhamn County's Great Family Journal ~t4te~m4n f Emile Souva.gem, 34, of Montreal, hadi a thrilling ride on Friday afternoop wvhen the car lie was driving east failed to make the sharp turn at Stanlev's Bridge and took off into space. The veliicle landed upright beyond a farin fencýe at the bottom. He was rushed to Memorial H-ospital with an injured back, broken ribs and shoulder. 011 Sunday a Morris Company ambulance took Souvageau to Montreai. Dr. E. L. Ewc ït - was the doctor in charge and Constable John Bird inivestigated. iligh School Board Approves' Construction 2 New Schools Durhaîn Count.y Sehool Board met ville, Wediiesdla.,: Sp B( Jimmy HoI ,4t&Ward Hoffman (r and now of EUlwo 2th Annual Soap drivers, in two c], "'Race of Chzimpii drivers in ecdi ev ~btcame in secon "orthe best constr ifing a chest of toc sponsor, and Jin whose head factu branch factory in shou.ld be mention top Box Derby ta 1VOLUME 105~ 16 Pages U5Bts and' BOWMANVILLE, £Aeces DIGx UP' OLD ONE,,- Mrs. Vernon Henry, R. R. 2, Bowmgnville, telephoned Wednesciay morning to say that her son Bob had an unusual find on Saturday. While digging i the garden that lias been cultivated repeatedly for about 20 years, he unearthed a penny token dated 1854 of the Bank of Upper Canada. Since this was the same year this newspaper was established, we, of course, were especially interested in the discov- ery.t BETTER PAIr UP - Several townspeople who have ignored council's requests for payment of back taxes on their properties and -business found thernselves in hot water this week. Clerk Bob Reynolds handed the matter over to the courts. This brought fast action from most of the delinquents. 1t t i .t t 1t IIORSES ARE RUNNING - For tiiose who like to follow the ponies, we received news this week of a big meet at Peterborough on Saturday, August lSth. If you have a horse you haven't been working too hard on the farm, this could be your opportunity to convert him into a harness racer. The purses are large and the entries are expected to be many. Strictly for spectators, with surplus funds, there will be wager- ing on ail events. t t t.- t t WHERE'S MY B LANKET - At Mom Whyte's Haven on Friday night, one of the -smaller youngsters was quite wvorried; flot about where she was going, but something else. She sawv the huge pile of blankets being brought in from cars by the Health and Welfare officiais an d made a nuisance of herseif. pestering them for one before. they were ail gone. Finaily, 'she .g.)pom -e&cross ,and was-.wrapiDed.jn-441&I&et- whIich she hung- onto until her turn came to - ioVe. t- j.t t t j. VOTE COMING UP' - Returning Officer Robert Reynolds has already started to work, revising polling places, lining up personnel, etc., for the liquor vote which will be held here Sept. 3th. Citizens wîll cast two ballots on a license for dining and cocktail lounige. To date, there has been no sign of activity among workers for either side, but probably the campaign will start in earnest early in September. It will be recalled that, last year's vote was thrown out due to irregularities. t f tt TRUSTING SOULS - Something new is now i effect at Brooks' Orchland Farms, west of Bowmnanville. They have installed a self-serve in eggs. You drop into the place, pick up your eggs which are marked with grade and price, make your own change if need be, anid leave on your merry way. Quite an experi- ment! t t t t ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th. 1flr~ P~r C!î-in'p -, ---- 'r., The Difficuit Decision Was Theirs These two men, Wm. H. Bury, Director of Child Welfare and Dr. Gordon Brown, Deputy Minister of Health for the Province of Ontario, made the decision which :broughit about the cearefutlly bti 4ckly planned evacuation of Whytehaven Mission on Friday evening. Over 100 children were removed and taken to Children's Aid centres from Port Hope to Hamilton. About 30 cars were involved in the rnove. A. L. "Bill" Edgar, West Beach Residents Reti.res f rom 'Hold Huge Celebratiori Bel elphnejTo Mark Civic Holiday District Hi gh n, ith oiy one memiber absent. ý vas put to build two schools, WHERE'S THE FIRE? - Someone Who signs«'A New- m Boinî~ During the Building Coin-! ofle n Dar]ington and one in corner to Town" asks if we could print information July 29themrI ttee presentation, a motion Mvill*1rook. An amendaient was on the fire alarm system in town. This writer wants - -- Ipresented to the"effect Iiiat thé to know if the location has anythiing to do wîth the s chcools be in Bowînanville anmd nme fbatrblosteaamsud. Contestant IMillbrook. Thé amiendinent w as nrbro lsso elw h ln sud.\T ox merov onesan Iost 8 to 7. The origùial motion shall try to obtain correct data for next week. We was passed by a majority of il just follow the reels and lately, have travelled many to 3. The Seere-tarvy was asked miles out in the country where the grass fires have temunicipalities for- approval, _cen plentiful. and when receivcd to takce any necessary steps to spee,- up the DVU- I progam. ecover Yo'uths ody A lister m-zrs received from A.L. "Bill" Edgar tPie Departînent approving aiAnaveo wmvlead Lirn!tcd Vocxdicnal Course inFr ri T r e M ii P nA -axefBomnilai Bwaivlethis Septeinber. a Èreqent visitor here. A. L. ThePot Hpepro ýrj ' fiil EcIgar retired last zk Comïniitte.e reDorted ihiatth Tourists, motorists and po- 10 teet of water. fromn the Bell Telephone Coii- p.~ing lot was uinder way and lice Wedniesday, July 29th,I Clifford was tlie son of Laon- pany afler 46 years' service. that the coor hardwvare was spefit hours dragg ng for the ard and 1Mrs. Travis.q of Enris A r]ght-of-way supervi3or neaî'lv completed. Permission' body of Clifford Traviss, 18, e ad asteith ifo the Bell's western area was given to repvir a nuinherwho with a party of friends hdrn ooeeees of broken iv;nd o %v. frora Enirkillen dtecided to go-- --______ --. --- At Bowm-anville, it was re- for a swim about 9 p.ni. Hîs portd tat te dcoraingandbrother Stewart, 15, was with plasterinig was completed. A the party. OAnother member M r partition in the Vice Princi- was John. Thornbeck. 14. pal's office and relocation of It was stated that the youth- the in(cinerator was approved, was norn-aliy a strong swim- .;".-""- Mr. Dippeli reported that he1 mer, and had frequentiy used " ' 4 expected 800 pupils next Sep- th i ii oddm Acr-rn. <f~ tember and asked permission I ing to bis brother, Clifford with .-- '" to engage another Secretarv to the rest of the Party swam le assist with clerical work. Per- across the pond, a distance of mission was gran'ed. about a quarter of a mile, and Accounts to the amouint of then started back. $3,701.00 were approved forý As he neared the batik on payment. the return trip, it was noticed, he was in * trouble, and smre tourists went to his aid. How- ' iii evbr, he disappeared and help' Stil Asking was suramoned. I The 01>1 detachment frotnI I Pr vin e LBowmanville, assistedl by thel IPr vnc o crew of a hx'dro truck *started a search for the youth, but their. Iefforts were hampered _b! thick ' Relea e 'B ucie misqt which covered the area. )fman, 1ll-ye.ar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dragging opérations were ýnee Rtith James), formerly of Port Hope At press time, Bertha-.. carried on ail night, and It was ood City, Pa, who took part last wveek in "310m" WfrVyte was stil not til about 7:30 ah. that the! p Dox Derby in Ellwood City. Fiftv-five malntaîning her vigil out- body was dsovered In'about, side the Sacred Heart Chul- asses, accordingf to agfe, took part in tis dr'sHm liScbro ions whîh i runoff i hat'i0f tîee Wednesday was the third I vent. Jimnmy Mas eliminated in his heat, day she and lier supporters nd. However, he was awarded first prize had camped out, trying o 630 ion ignt ructed car and for the best brakes, receiv- obtain release of Bruce Wil olsvaled t $0.O. achdrier as kins, 6, who had been at The fifth annual Penny ýol vlud t $0.0.Eah divr asa Whytehaven ince lie wau Fair parade will be held by niny's was the Mathews Conveyor Co.' a baby. the playgrounds lclddies to- ury is at Ellwood City, with Canadian M"eanwhile, it appears night at the Lions Centre, iPort Hope. 0f further local interest it unlikely- that the provin- 6:30 o'clock. Shortiy after "Mom" Whyte had been informed -] ried that Jimmy is a grandson of Dr. and cial authorities wili make Be on hand tic give the that Heaith and Welfare officiais were taking over 100 h â m es, B o w m n vil e . T e A l -A m e ic a n an y fx:g'th eu r m ov es u n til y o u n gsters y ou r w hole- h r c a g s a a , s e l f h o e i e a , u a l imesBowmaville The Ll-Amric 1 the issue Ln brought Inte, hearted, support. Many ofhrcagswyheettehmeihrcru be ;akes place in Akron, Ohio, on Aug. MLh court, posslbly tomorrow. wonderful attractions. to stand the sight of the babies being moved. This photo m Kinsmen Carnival Saturday, Excellent entertainînent ks prornsedl people who illh attend the Bowmanvllle Kimmren Club Carnival to be held ln the M1eiorial Park Grounds, Libertly St., South on Saturday evcning. August Sf . The gala eveniflg wll start at 6:30 o'clock ivitlî a Softball G a nm e between "-Turk" Broda's N.II.L. Ail- Stars versus Bowrnanville Ail-Stars. Fans ivili also have the opportunity of bL3ing souvenir ho.clsey sticks. Thiere %vill be liîcliv dr" ws at flhe Carnivai for a M-99 Buick two door LaSal>re Hlardtop Car, a .a3-uî l'un- brella, and a portable Bar- beque. -~The Chii Holiday weekernd cèle bration helid by the Bow- nanville West Beach Associa. tion was a tremendous success. The eveniS of the thrce dars were enjoyed by the beachers ai-d People Of the tovn and dis- trict. James Martin, manager of the CNR- Express office here %vas the winner of 'he draw for a motion 'piciLire camera, pro- jector and scrcen. The festivities started on SatUrday. evening %vith a de- lil,-;tftil dance for aduhis. TlI:e fo)rtunatLe winner of the cloor 1prize 'vas Coi7loîî Gruer, wlio receeived a btautittîl silver tr,-tu Onl da vaiernoon 1 the lc!lrLen tioali p:-i.t in a tilriilirl'T I Te~î~ ie funt. Fccrust Dilli,-ig v.'35 ni charg~e of this even,. Lx nt Keurba. 2Jan Follet, atid 3 Peniw Follet. tN aKrinner. lViillie Dý:,j- S îîAtDiýi. s v tjte jud's Fw 1.tv! S: rd C:- ic eComo. -il- tu.ird cl te :on~.'so- ijvITdCfAg thîen; t-The mw illtý-r Pr)u: Forçi. 2 Sn- a Whyte's Cooperation shows Dr. John Sinclair, Dr. Gordon Brown, Dr. Jeanl Mloore, Dr. 'George Large of the Health Dept. and D. G. Gardner of Welfare talking to Mr. Whyte, and explaining wvhat they were planning to do'with the chUldren. Bertha "Moni" Whyte D idn 't Quite Make the Turn (Colitinued on uage 31 ]Sert -Dad" Whvte NUMBER 12 loc Per Coov 1 . il