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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1959, p. 7

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TEUflSDA?, AI». Otb, IBU TEK CANADIAYI STAT~MAN, DOWMANV!LLK. OHTA~O PAGE SEVE!! Mms Wilbur Hoar bas return- 4 ed from vacatiorinig with friends ln Lindsay. Miss Lynne Bagneil spent the long weekend with friends at Lake of Bays. Mrs. Bert Montgomery of Osh- awa has been visiting her asi- ter, Mis. W. H. Birks. Capt. Normnan and Mis. Coles and farnily are holidaying at Jackson's Point. Mr. and Mis. Charles Carter bave been visiting their daugh- ter at Preston, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Don Marsden and daughters are enjoying a motor trip to Cape Codi. Mr. and Mis. Onr Venning visited Mr. and Mis. Wood and Eldene, Bobcaygeon. M r. and Mrs. H. Osborne, Det- Sroit, Mich., are visiting his mo- ther, Mis. R. E. Osborne, Church Street. Mis. Glenholme Hughes has returned from a two-weeks' va- cation at the Hughes cottage on Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mis. George W. Graham, Georgeann and Sus- anne are on a camping trip in Northern Ontario. Messrs. Jim English and Ter- ry Masters had an enjoyab]e two-day fishing trip last week at Hawk Lake. Miss Dorothy Virtue and Miss Vi McFeeters have returned from an enjoyable holiday at Cape Cod, U.S.A. Mrs. J. B. E. Staples has re- turned to her home in Toronto after a visit with her sister Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mr. andi Mis. A. M. Thomp- son and family have îeturned froma holidaying on the Ottawa River near Petawawa. Patsy, Randy andi Katharnie Blake spent a wonderful holiday at their grandpaîents, Mi. and Mis. Bert Quininey, Povidence. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fry and Mr. and is. Joe Levett have just returned from a pleasant holiday at Lake Placid, N.Y. Mr. E. V. Hoar hs a guest of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company at their lodge on Wingfoot Island in Lake Tema- garni. Mis. Norman Smith, Jackman Road, spent the holiday week- end with Mr. andi Mrs. Earl El- liott at their cottage, Moira Lake. Miss Donna Akey andi Mr. Ted Fairey weîe guests lest week- ed wth Miss Akey's granidmo- ther, Mis. H. S. Windovei, Nap- anee, Ont. Mrs. L. B. Williams spent Civic Holiday with her daughter, Mr. and Mis. H. E. Purdy of Campbellville, at their cottage, Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. ]ý. V. Hoar were Çg esta last weekend of Mr. Roar's brother, Mr. and Mis. H. T. Hoar and famlfly at their cot- tage, Lake Scugog. 1fr. andi Mrs. Clint Pergu- ion, daughteî Wendy andi Mr. mnd Mus. Ron McLean spent five das ut Thurstonia Park on Sturgeon Lake. St. PauI's United Church Minister Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A, B.D. Organist Mrs. Reta Dudley, 11:0 &.m. - TEiNITY and ST. PAIJL'S CONGREGATIONS WORSHIP IN TRINITT A Cordial Invitation te AU Messrs. Geralti IMajerrison eand Arnold McGill metoîed ze Cleveland, Ohio, over the week- endi and attended the Cleve- land-Boston bail game. Mi. and Mis. Ron Hawtborne, Berney and his pal, Wayne MacDonald of Montreal, have îeturned frem vacationmng ini Vermont State, U.S.A. Fiends o! Glenholme Hughes, who is a patient in Sunnybiook Hospital, Toronto, will be glad te leain that his injuîed foot is iesponding well to tieatmenit. Mr. and Mis. Jack Goheen, Ruth anti Dianne, and Miss Ca- roi Vanoe have returned after spending two weeks' vacation at their cottage, Fenelon Falls. Lest Sunday several members o! the local Legien attended the Drumhead Service andi parade at Brighton, held as part o! Biighton's Centennial celebra- tions. Mi. and Mis. E. Hansen and Mi. and Mis. O. Plummer spent the holiday weekend in the Sarnia district and visited Cadet Alan Plummer et Camp Ipperwash. Miss Karen Mu,tton, Peter- borough Civic Hospital, is ex- pected home this weekend for a thîee-week vacation with her parents, Mi. and Mis. Robent Mutton, Concession Street. Mi. and Mis. Ronald Hall, Nancy and Jimmy, Chathamn, spent the holiday weekend with his parents, Mi. and Mis. James Hall. Nancy and Jimmy are steying ever foi their holidays. Mr. anti Mis. Lorne Klein- steiveî and son Peter, Dashwood Ont., have retuined home aiter spending Civic Holiday week- end with hier parents, Mi. and Mrs. Frank Williams, Church Street. Mi. and Mis. Frank Denby were guests lest Saturday even- ing e! Mr. anti Mis. Charles Ganrard, Haydon. On Sunday Mi. and Mis. H. McComb, To- ronto, weîe with Mn. and Mis. Denby. Mi. and Mis. Davidi Park, Tom, Ken and Glenne, and Mr. Wayne Thertell visited Mi. and Mis. A. Ceverly and family at Edge Hill Cottages, Wasaga Beach, durlng the holiday weekend. Miss Elizabeth Braden la va- cationing et Spaîrow Lake Un'.. Church Camp. Elizabeth's par- ents, Mr. andi Mis. W. Buaden, andi brother Jemie, spent lest Sunday, Visitons' Day", et camp with heu. Mi. andi Mis. Roger Meadows andi Morri anti Mi. and Mis. George Meatiows, Newcastle, have îeturned fromn a metor trip te Lake Placiti, N.Y. The retuin trip was matie via the St. Lawrence Seaway. Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Bil andi Douglas, Mu. andi Mis. Ray Ly- mer, Oshawa, Mi. anti Mus.E. W. Foley, Mis. Bert Colwell and Irwln have returned from an enjoyable week's vacation ati Twln Lakes, Ont. Correction: In the write-up' e! the Rashotte - Lee wed- ding it should have reati that Miss Helen Rashotte, Toronto, a sister o! the groom, assisteti te receive et the reception-not Mus. Rashotte as pinteti. Miss Andirea Hoffman, Ell- wood City, Pa., is visiting heu giantiparents, Dr. andi Mis. George W. James. Andrea came by plane fiom Clevelandi to Mal-I ton lest Sunday where she was met by hieu grantiparents. Mi. Fred Ellegett a former Bowman'ville boy, who is a meniber of the Oshawa Parks Board, was elected as an execu- tive tiuector o! the Ontario Parks Association et a conven- tion helti in Windsor recently. Recently visiting Mi. A. W. Pickard at his summer cottage, Wlliamis Point, were bis cousins Russell and Nettie Park and Mis. Arthur Collicott o! Cleveland, Ohio; also bis son Jim and wife Beverley and their sons Michael, Steven, Paul anti daughter Julie, Toronto. -h!l Social & /Personal Phone MA 3-3303 Mi. and Mis. L. A. MacDeugal, Lowell and Gary and Miss Mil- dreti Willmott spent a week ati Thompson's Lodge, Harlowe.' Ont. Gary joined bis fainily at Madoc afteî spending a week with Mr. and Mis. S. Pooley and their sons, Clarence anti Keith, Comberniere, Ont. Mi andi Mis. Ralph Aines at- tendeti the openin.g performance of "Brigadoon" et Music Feir, Dixie Plaza, last Monday even- ing. They report it was a most enjoyeble musical, set ia a mist enshrouded village in Scotland, complete with ibagpipes. kilts, swoîd dances and enchanting melodies such as "The Heather On The Hill" and "Alxnost Like Being In Love". Miss Janet Scott hes as her guest Miss liilary Coutts o! Nottingham, E n g 1 a nd. Miss Coutts, who ainived eaîly Wed- nesdlay merning, July 29th., at Malten, is returniag a visit made by Janet lest summer to her in Englanti. The girls became pen pals a few years ego through the efforts o! Miss Merjorie Couch a member o! the Public School teaching staff. Miss Jane Stewart B.A., daughter o! Mr. and Mis. D. W. Stewart, nee Jessie Brown, Ottewa, efter two yeaîs study in the Univerity, Lontion, Englanti, has receiveti her PhD. and is et present employeti by McGill University, Montreal. Dr. Stewart is a grandniece o! Mis. T. S. Holgete andi grand- deughteî o! the lete Mr. andi Mirs. T. A. Brown, Ottawa.. Mis. Pitcher, Mr. and Mis. D. Alîdreati, Mis. L.1 W. Van Duiel, Mis. S. James, ,Mr. anti Mis. O. Richmond were guests at the 2th Annuel Bobcaygeon Bible Conference on August 2nd. Tîinity Ladies' Quartet were happy tei rentieri several numbers for the large gathering anti Evangelist Jim- my Willis "The Kingfish"" o! "Amoes anti Andy" famne ren-1 dereti two beautiful numbers on the sarne programme. The Department o! Educetion "Summer Courses in Music" is preseating a concert of choral music. The choir, consisting of 500 voices, is under the direc- tion of Dr. G. Roy Feawhck. The concert viul be'given te- night (Thursdiay, August 6th) la Convocation Hall, Univer- sity of Toronto, et 8:15 p.m. The concert may be heanti over ra- dio station CJBC beginning et 9 p.m. Mi. 'rom Park, son o! Mr. anti Mis. Davidi S. Park, Town, is a mèmber o! the choir. West Beach (Continucti from page one) Le Garland: 7-8-9 yeeis olti, 1 IAna Retimen, 2 Bîock Saider; 10-11-12 yeeîs olti, 1 Jan Fol- lett, 2 Sentira Green. A special enteitainment for teenagers wes helti on Sunday evening, and the young people hati a most enjoyeble time et thc paîty. The door prizes weie won by Bill Mertyn anti Eric Barr, who eech recciveti a re- cord album. Spot pîhzes were won by Marlou Green anti Steven Rider, Linda Corson, anti Dixie Gill, Lucille Babich anti David Milne. ýThe !irst event on Miontiay morniag was the Horse Shoel Pitchlng contest which was wonI b Rsscll Hllîman antiJ.1 Mlishlag This contest wasi watched by e considereble I number o! spectetors, anti there weie may participants. The races sterteti on Monday aftcinoon et 2 o'clock. The first race was for tots age 5 anti un- der anti was a joy te sec. The littie contestants ail receiveti apnize each. Norman Botticil was inI pfharge.o! the race pnogram anti the winners weîe as followvs: Girls 6-7. 1 Sharon McMaster, 2 Danlene Corson, 3 Jack-le Rich. Boys 6-7, 1 Lai-ny WiI- J1ians, 2 Tommy Wright, 3 Pe- ter Plagie. Girls 8-9, 1 Anne )Rednian, 2 Lintia Graham, 3 Lynne Ciozier. Boys 6-8, 1 Pe- ter Muichison, 2 Rich Briggs, 3 Ken Rice. Girls 10-11, 1 Moi- ine Paxton, 2 Penny Foulit, 3 Betty Pickerti. Boys 10-11, 1 Roa Parker, 2 Jim Dilling, 31 'Robert Large. Mis. Jack Rice was the win- ner o! the Ladies Spot Race. The Men's Bailoon Race was won by Bllly Munchison. Whn- ners o! the other events were: Mixet Wheelbarrow Race, 12- 13, 1 Merg Pickard anti Ian Fal- lit, 2 Pet Carter anti John Kil- petrick. Ladies' Shoe Kicking Contest, 1 Doiothy Bond, 21 Marilyn Cully. Mena Spot Race, This happy littie guy, who already hs a cPe-p- sodent" smile, was just one-year-old last Ju e 9th. Hl is Douglas James Farrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farrow, 196 Liberty St. North, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Finney, Maple Grove, and Mrs. Roy Farrow, R.R. 1, Newtonville. - Photo by Ireland Studio 1 Jack Cully. Girls' Shoe ]Race, 12 andi unden, 1 Marilou Green, 2 Penny Follit. Boys' Phggy Back Race, 12 and untien, 1 Laiiy Helm and Meivin Fred- eiicks, 2 Roger Waddington anti Allen Calvin. Mixeti Couples Shoe Race, 16 andi over, 1 June anti Sid Smith, 2 Joyce Currie anti Ait Smith. Girls' Balloon Race, 15 andi under, 1 Pet Kilpatrick, 2 Marg Phckarti. Boys' Soda Bis- cuit Race, 15 anti under, 1 Rod Taylor, 2 Steve Burns. Egg Throwing Contest, M.ixeti Cou- ples, 1 Joan Retima and Bob Lowe. Dog Derby, 1 Linda Cor- son, 2 Deug Rabie. Girls' Swim- ming Race, 14 and unden, i Patsy Kilpatrick, 2 Carol Fin- lay. Boys' Swimming Race, 1 fWilliam Hiartfordi, 2 Davidi Needs. Tub Race, 1 John Kil- Patrick, 2 Gail Mulhollend. Swinmng Race, 15-20, 1 Tom Rickeby, 2 Vince Melloy, 3 Bob Lowe, 4 Bull Cully. Ia the evening the Chiltiien's Drcss-up Parade was a colour- ful andi eatertaining spectacle. Thîce members of the Bew- maville Legion Pipe Bandi, Garry Colc anti Roy Fonrester, pipers, and Derrick Severn, drummer, led the panade, They were followed by a Scotch Band playing uealistic looking make believe bagpipes led- by e youngstei as.tirum major with a standard bearer andi accom- panieti by a young drummer. The jutiges fer the costume parade were Mollie Kent Yvonne Osborne and Gertrude Halîman. They hati a difficult time la selecting the winneis because o! the attractive and oîigineily clever costumes woîn by the many chiltiren ia thc parade. The winners in the different classes were as follows. Best Group, The Scotch Bandi, com- posed of Deug Rider, tirum- major, Mervia Fnedricks, stan- dard bearer, who carnheti the Union Jack, Paul Parker, drum- mer, andi Stevea Rider anti Ronnie Parker, pipers. Best Comic, 6 anti under, 1 Scot Smith as a teenager, 2 Biiiy Diliing, age one yeaî anti a hall as a boxer. Best Comic 7-8-9 andi 10 years elti, 1 Tom- my Wright as e hobo, 2 Larry Williams as e cennibal. Best Cemic, 10 and over, 1 Marlene Frericks as Huckleberiy Flan. The pnize fou the best pair, 6 anti under went te Robbie anti Debbic Appleton. Best pairs 7- 8-9-10, 1 Carol Anne McLeish anti Sydney Rider as Cleopa- tra andi Ceesar, 2 Linda Burton as Redi Ritiinghood with her dog Cindy as the Wolf. Best pairs 10 anti over, 1 Gail Mul- hollanti anti Sharon Hutchin- son as the captein anti mate o! the Bnittanie waiking la a dle- ver costnucteti replica o! the Royal Yacht. 2 Marilou Green anti Peter Muichison as a pair o! West Beachers of the Gay Nineties. Best Fancy Dress, 6 anti un- dci, 1 Susa Butler as a clown wearing e deintily pîetty cos- tume, 2 Joanne Dilling as a rose. Best Fancy Diess 7-8-9-10, 1 Christine Corson as a Ca- Cen Dancer, 2 Darlene Corson as the Rose Qucen. Best Fancy Diess, 10 anti over, 1 Karen Muihollati as a Can-Can Dan- cen, 2 Ave Tbompson as eatien- cer. Býeit; Lattimer tionateti oui attractive speciai prizes. Each child takhng part la the Ducas- up Parade was given a free ticket on the tiiew for these pnizes anti the winnens weîe: Girls under 8, Joanne Dilling, Boys under 8, Robbie Appleton, Girls aven 8, Marilene Fueder- icks, Boys over 8, Paul Parker. Duriag the evening Steven Rider was in charge o! the Penny Toss for the chiltiren, anti Joyce Cunnie assisted by Carol Ana McLeish anti Sydney Rider ran the Fish Pond. The Bingo was well patron1zeti. Norman Green was icag a! the Bingo. The committee in charge ot' arrangements for the enjoyable Civic Holiday weekend celebra- tiens was supervîseti by the president o! the Bowrnanville members o! the Oshawa Yacht Club receti for the Glen Rae Tiophy, AI Moffat, Oshawa was the winner. Members of the Oshawa Yacht Club wvho took paît in the race were the guests o! the Bowmenville West Beach Association for supper et the West Beach Store. Attend Bible School At Missionary College Dr. and Mim John Hendry. Marie andi John Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNulty are motoring to Lancaster, N.B., and wiJ.1 visit with Mis. McNul- ty's brother, Lt. Com. George Rundie and family. Dr. Hendry and famîly will visit with re- latives i Halifax, N.S. During the long weekend Mr.' andi Mis. G. Peterson, Myrna and Paul visiteti Lake-on-the- Mountain, Picton, Kingston, up tiirough Madec district, Peter- borough, Lakefield and Bobcay- geon. From there they went on to their cottage on Guil River. for 'the remainder o! the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mari, St. Lamberts, Que., and Mr andi Mis. V. Bisailon, Lon- ueuil, Que., after their U.S.A. tour and on their ieturn trip to Montreal, were guests at the Flying Dutchman Motel on Tuesday. and guesta- of Mi. and Mis. Jack McNulty on Wednes- day and Thuîsday. Mr. and Mis. Ernie Blake andi Donald, Bowmanville, and Miss Jeannette Quinney, Providence, have just returned fîom a motor trip which took them to Wheel- ing, West Virginia, Atlanta, Georgia, wheîe they w e r e guests of Mi. and Mis. E. Daniel. They returned through Nash- ville, Tenn., and Detroit. f I'Bihl' Edgar Retires (Continueti from page one) with beatiquerters in Toronto, Mi. Edigar is a vetenen o! both World Wars. Ia 1916 he joineti the Canadien Fieldi Antillcry et Cobourg anti serveti oversees until 1919. Ia Worlti War II, he served inlaNewfoundland anti overseas fîom 1940 to 1945 with. therRoyal, Canadien Anmy Sig- nal Corps, As e ceptain, anti be- o! his telephone engin- eering experience, he was in charge of heav «v construction involving lines o! communica- tions for the 2lst Army Group throughout France anti Hol- landi. As a led o! 16, Mr. Edigar joineti the Bell Telephone in IBowmeanville anti, with time Iout for wer service, wes' suc- cessively employeti et Osha4va, Lindsay, Agincourt, Scarbor- ough anti Toronto movilig te the company's engineering group in 1926. He was engageti in the engineering of long distance telephone networks in North- cmn Ontario anti other sections o! the province when he jolacti the Signal Corps in 1940 . On hîs retura te the Bell in 1946 he was appointedti t right- of-way work et London anti be- cae rîight-of-wey superviser there la 1948, the position he helti when he was tiensferreti te Toronto la a similan capacîty la 1956. On the occasion o! his retire- included seheduleti guests who featured nature talks, and ston- les with demenstiations and il- lustrations on flannelguaph. Graduation centificates w-re awaîded te youngsteîs at a spe- cial public ceîemony in the College Auditorium. The pro- gramme included demonstra- tiens of songs, Bible memory work and cnafts which have been part of the Vacation Bi- ble School activities duiing the past two weeks. ment, he was given a iousing sendoff by a host ef frientis and business associates et a testi- monial dinner in Toronto's Royal York Hotel. lie was a recipient ef the tra- ditienel president's wallet, a life membership in the Tele- phone Pioneers of America, a gift and a book of remembran- ces covering his 46-year span with the Bell. Prescott Clan HoId Picnic in Hampton Park Hampton Memorial Park was the scene of the Piescett fein- ily picnic on Saturday, August lst. Early in 1840 Charles Pies- cett and Elizabeth Handyside weie united ia merriage at Port Hope, came up Lake Ontario andi travelled thîough the woods to take Up land in East Whitby Township near Mount Carmel school-house. There they iaised their femily of ten childien and sent them te Mount Carmel chuîch anti school. Two o! their family, Lu- cintia and Matthew. found an eaîly resting place ini Mount Carmel cemeteny as tild their father. As long as her heaith permit- ted, Grantimother Pîescott 'es a fithful member o! the little white chuich (now torn town) i aIIU ~aItl I Il SPECIAL VALUES AND) REMINERS FOR THIS WEEK Rie KLEENEX * DELSEY * *REG. IRADE MARKS 2 ROILS 35c IHELPS REMOVE SMOKE AND SURFACE STAINS 2 7'(Nj(HEKS AD 8DRÉAT à FIOHIS 1001H DECAY I.D.A. SACCHARIN TABLETS 10008 Reg. 79c .59C 3/2Grain 1009 50o's 1000' Reg. 23ceReg. 65e Reg. 98e 17c 49c 79c % Grain 100. 500'8 Reg. 20ceReg. 55o 14c 39c COL» CREAN SGAP -*2 For 25c L.D.A. Brand - Pink - White - PReg. 2 for 29e SPOT BENOVER - . * 33c 59c I.D.A. Brand - 4 oz., 10 oz., reg. 40c, 75e Schick 1.60 size Suminer Special Lanolin Plus Safeiy Razor& Liquid plus plus 1Injecior Blades #De Trial 8iz» 1.00 Value ______79C 1A6 Richard Hudnut Dr. West'u Egg Creme To2h9Bus Shampoo otBrs 4-oz. O3 63 Reg. 75e For63 63e Pepsodent Dental Cream plus PARING KNIFE 63c Colgate Instant Shave Bomb ose79 value79 U.D.A.PRODUCTS English style HEALTH SALTS - -Lb. fln 59C IDASORB 4-oz., for stimmer eomplaint 75c IDASAL TABLETS loo': . 300': 39c, 89c TOILET TISSUE Yalow, pink, white2/27e WAX PAPER 100 ft. roil - Heavy duty 31c, 1WHITE EMBROCATION la 39c, 69c S Non TOO MEN wu OR DRY BECAUSR TRONGIR TOO MEN war OR DRY SECAUSI ors MELOSONDED! mlouLal MAN-SIZR Protects Better Protects Longer FEMININE NAPKINS with the KlmIon* Centre Vour cholce or 3 absorbancles Super, Regular and Junior (for the Junior Miss> NEW KOTEX Wonderform * BELT om.tfOdeBOf 3-57921 Some 189 beys and girls of Dailington and Oshawa have deserted swimming pools, back- yard swings, and sandlot base- bail every moîning for the past two weeks in faveur of attend- ing the Vacation Bible School being con ducted at the Oshawa Seventh-Day Adventist Mis- sionaiy Cellege Auditorium. The two-week session, under the direction of Mis. W. C. Sands, Gîandview South, bas and a Iovlng caretaker of thé graves in the cemetery, where she has new lain at rest for 50 years. lier childien have ail passed on, and the picnic group is made up of her giandchild- ren and their descendants. The picnlc group this year was smaller than usual, as se many are on holidays. It was decided to have the picnlc next year in Hampton park on the firstSatuîday in July in eider to avoid the holiday season and thus have a largen reunion. AIl the childien present re- ceived a scîibbler, pencil andi balloon. The other prizes were won as follows: Youngest baby, Dianne Pres- cott, Enfield, Eldest lady, Mis. PWm. liemphill, Long Bianch; 1Eldest gentleman, Norman Moore, Conn.; Person whe came farthest, Mis. Mary Moore, Mount Forest; Newest marrieti coupile, Mr. and Mrs. O. liub- Lbard, Oshawa, Ladies' slow walk, Mns. E. Pîescett, Enfield; Ladies' fast walk, Mra. N. Moore, Mount Forest. Ladies' spot race, Mis. W. More, Conn.; Blowing up paper bag, Mis. Mary Moore, Mount Forest; Ladies kick the shoe, Janice Malette, Tyrone; Un- wrapping paîcel, Mrs. O. Hub- bard, Oshawa; Gent'a slow walk, Nelson and WiU Moore. tied; Gent's fast walk, Murray Prescott, Toronto; Gent's kick the shoe, Nelson Moore, Mount Forest; High score at card game, Norman Moore, Conn. Tobacco G rowe rs Meet in Kendal A meeting of the Noîthumb. erland-Durham flue-cured To. bacco Growers' Association was held Thuîsday night at the 1faim. of Allan Foster, near Kendal. Department ef agriculture re- presentatives from. the tobacco experimental station at Delhi accompanied by membeis of the ,association inspected experi. mental plots at the faims of Allan Foster, George Van Danm and Ralph Atkins. COMPETTV PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. X. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Coflison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. il a... - Norning Worship W. invite the Congregation of St. Paul's to worship with us. A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sculgogre, 4owumnviilo MORiNffG SERVICE - 10:00 a.m - Engllsb EVENINlG SERVICE - 7:30 p.m.& - Dutch SUNDAX SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa., at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor; [We Deliver Your Local I.DA. Drug Store Phone MA 1 *wkýie-e4 ,mu UDAY. Ara. etil, lm TM CANADUN STATESUM. BOW19ANVnXAL ONTAMO PAGE SEVM

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