THURSDAy. AUG. l3th. 1959 THE CANADIAN ~TATESMAN. EOWMANVTLLE. ONTAIUO PAGE ~ gene Terry, Freddie Fagan, SOflLINA Reverend and Mrs. Stanley w Ias at home for the weekendtLk Barrv Cowal, John. Purdy, Bri- .1 Snowden andi children at Ban-. and Mrs. C. Johnson and HilarySoeCak Recreation Department an Bîackburn, 1)oqi Parker. cr wl e o Sndy Yft. offrLondon ~arespending severa aehoelde ~ Gitiove Scbool or churdh service next- and sons viaited on Sunday with Baker and Mr. J. Baker.Jck oiesAust.Te 6o ft. - Randy-.Snowden. Sunday, August 16. On August 1Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, Br-ou- Mr. E. Ormiston of Ebenezernetmeig il a th 40 ft. - Michacil Laverty. 123, Promotion Ltxercises will tei ghanpx was also a visitor with the Ba-Ion fMs.W lmne P Ia y g ro U i d R O U n d IJp1 16 ft. - NrJic~bel Bedford, held at 10:30 o'clock with nfo' Mr. and Mis. john Law, kers. M.adMs ora vr 1David Stutt, Billy- Ruiter. ciurch service. Thorntiill, Dave Lycett, Bow- M1r. and Mis. AÛ Allun and ecslAgs 6 115 ft. - Roboert Jackman, Ms. .J. Yelowees and Pat manville, were visitors at Mr. sons, Bowmanville. were Sun-i dfmlSle,~eeSna A Meniorial Park tractor. Thanks also go to Mr.'j parade that took place on Aug-! John 'Henderson,- Ron Bentley.. Davis visited the former's sis-anMi.ESprs day guests of Mr. niMs e iioswt i. and Mrs. C. byBarbara Bro-wn Morris for the grass carpets, ust 6t.h, at 6:30, Franklin play- 10 ft. Barim. Vndlug ter, Miss Ide Reynolds in Our Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sihackle- Mr.laodlees. S . ry a ey issGlraJa by tog tewe-ýý_sýdto the T ' n mnfor hlomieBari.Lady of Mercy Hospital in Tor- ton and Burry, Bowmo3wiille, M.adMr..E.WryreNmaA e ingfo short, our attendance failed io ngtogthelrerese ground's two f loats were gaily 6 ft. - CI-aire' Syei. Ricky, onto. visited Mi. and Mis. Harry Knox' with Dr. and Mrs. George Werry drop. There uwas a grand total i""o place and then they nail- decorateti on an Easter theme. Spencer. Murray Yellowlees holidayed and sonsa.l tPgonLk. ~ * J n elnA'r cf 35 hilren Ths wek x eed itthere. With the money we Streamers in traditional Easter 3 t - Ken V abb. witih bis cousin Jimmy AlUin, Mr .and Mrs. E. Spires vis- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and pn ekwt r rdMs were mainlv concernied with ,fon for our standing, we plan colours of purpie and yellow NewticBw ntl. tl i.Ke et e Betty-J ane, oskillen, vled AcySl the Penny' Carnival. and pre- J to have a corn roast at Jack- and Easter bunnies andi chicks f.-Hnx rn.Mi. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Oshawa. Mh Wr. ys oeandae Mr.A. H AUdrd Porage l 120 .-HnyFakMr. andi Mis. J. Yellowlees were Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer and Eliz- MiadMs. yls uch-PireMa..¶ itngwh paring our two floats. Manv' rranGuiilCreeke sThursday for thott So thanks go to Mrs. Cowan. Mrs.,parents and children. dcrtdtefrtfot H a60froldxfe fMi adabtPer.adtr.e.rebo oBiirohiss e ty SrgM n r.RbnAlrda Edmntson Ms. er~.zzvx- Friday. we spent most of oui second float depicteti a church Haod oel.Mis. Ed Davis, Oshawa. and sons, Oshawa; Mrs. GlenPerbouhviidatM.J .adMr.Ca.Alrd ski and Mrs. Stringer'_o h&- Ure cMeaning up oui float and; pcene on Easter Sunday, with 30f.-Jo1r îrs~e. M. and Mis. Bruce Tink and Glaspeil and sons, Taunton, Kî r.By ansvs ed with the floats. Mr. R. Mun the yard. On the whole 'he Terry Nichols as the MinisterHa5k Ten-Bilant. eCll family, Mr. andi Mis. Harry Mis. Dave Dyer, Helen and ing Evh ein Hokad, an s day- EionSna ît i n 25ny -u tBb a nd th folcCullhldenugh, Knox and sons attended the Joh'nnie, Columbus. enjoyeti ainwthecosSad'E- day andi Mr. R. Ste'enseach PnyFi undou obi n h flohg cide 21 ft. - StepLien Gould. Tink family reundion at Harnp- picnic at Mr. and Mis. Rae Pas- licott, PeterboîuughI. r.ALHdaaotBr- supplied us with a wagon. r, great sticcess. fomn haes, Jir atcy Mose, 20 ft. - Geciige Grey. to.cesnCviHlda Mr. and Mrs.1 Frank Brav. Ms o oltrat aiy would also like to thank' Mr. OtroSt y 9,RdnySe ft. -1i es.f i Enfield: Mr. and Mrs. ElginD nsiw ar pdigh- 9 ft. - AllaiRodne Shaw. M. Harold Yellowlees, Misses Mi. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- ..Brown rdinadheMr Robrt by uHrelenacr \Vsnievske, DianeMe Helen and Pat Knox were among man, Ellen andi Larry spnt the Boelad Ms .Boiî.ca ihM.adMs a Bron or îiingth trctrs Last week our playground Mullen. Ç ail McMullen and Ka- T7rw>,ne the 35 4-H Club membeirs from weekend near Minden with Mr. JB'owmanville. visitec I M. andPlel Memorial had Thanksgivine for was very busy with the mnaking, ren MeMullen. Behind the choir Hastings, Northumberland andi andi Mrs. Ted Hutton at their Mis. W. Parrinder and Helen.Mr dMs.Kth icel its theme anid mere fortun.aie of costumes for the "Penny were staineti glass windowýs 120 ft. - Do)ra1d Janczyn. Durham Counities who had a cotitage. Mr. and Mis. Don Taylo, adîmlyLtur.ndMs enough to place second. We Fair". When we weren't mak- b40y the chiottlWllamindren on a i-,'-,I in cargeof ae Penedi cosumehorcoingf t.- Wonneaot. 'u roto Mitdlesex County Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and vwfxîn hreoiii en-, gcsues og in sm chikro odpre sTheonlboth-Wood, Allan I.iin Jn where they touretiseveral farm s chiltren witih frients from Co- anfd Mrs. NM.Samis. Etifieli. mc n r.Er ibn the fe. 'rdth all w was int in- to d oui faouren ar, goad 6tand were guests in the homes bourg and relatives hati a pic---LisPoypo.'-e "sts gms'floats and the girls wore te f4H lbmmes the- GA ie t HScot.Prk.Complete ServiceonStia thM.adMs dismantling tne f]oat.s and 1such as dotige balantiqueenie Eastr bonets tat teyissae, 6 - ROIDSpr. o! -H Clb mebers here.A ni at HmptonPark cleanine up thegroundsnThe manaWe tauy tadhe8 ft. nSpry. mot enjoyable weekend is re- MIlehiMs ee D- Ayugmx etT jsot r.Bd\ii girs tae gr wael ouns.Th e1m n. ewsonghtanhe childreil in crafts.ft-Jmy porteti by Solina young people. chert and Mi. Douglas Dechert, er brother for ad\-ice. -L.aI I.adNr.R~sAa mats aan rdvafronnwgie. Oras e Mr. andi Mrs. Robert Malcolmi. Toronto, were weekend guests night, he said. "Ihi a da aîrnilspnSinlytA- wasciiaxe bva wtere- au" thee or t te fix'tha folowd ti~Bruce and Elizabeth visited at of Mr. and Mis. George Knox with Etina. I took lier to di-, s Waý liae y 'tem- Peiny " W-aS "Ne-,w parade, the following children L~~TrUTt~ Ion party. Years'ý and so wbien wve o our' weîe in charge of the refîesn- L1NilLoftj.jL I1 John Knox*s. Brian returneti and family. ner, ani thenho a -ta L g ec ic N. n M-.Bb uteor Vicet Masytrc. on T usdy h cid ;me t b ot;Bl C b a , Di- IJhome after visiting his cousine. Jean Baker spent sexeral days 1 After lt we w t lu aad m :. Oo o, s nt S n te rLls on T itd and theaid- HIae MlI. n, u drey Hayes~I M.adMs . otad1 verent anti Mis. Robent with M.r. and Mrs. J. Smale, expensix'e nighclub. Do v, r.W d bv C i et O smo e ee al e ctt ni î a x n eM le, A de a e1 M . at r h r nd Sherwin, Belleville, visiteti on Jr., Oshawa. think 1 shoulti ha\e kissed 'h: n . byCnneOrnn decorate them. Friday we andi Elaine MacPherson. Doug Jaekie. Mis. G... Short, Seagrave;M de ih rsE.' lzbthJnoLnogo ih" The childen and staff of Vin- helti a pet show and this also Pankn, Gary Clark, Lynn Fair Mr. H. MilIq Pleasant Dale, MoTaylo.hldyd with r.adMsE. Ezath erJo sin, Jeondo Woo h?" *n i. u aeat cent Massev playground wish attracteti ail thîe ch[Udren's at- took care o! the "Side Show". Sask.. were eltnday evening tea Mi. and Mis. L. Biorne and 'Baker. er brother. "You'd done enougi uia vsti to thank the parents, for gciv- tention. This was oui special The floats were led by oui guests o! Mr. land Mrs. L. Stain- sons spent several days with Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, I for her alreadiy." \ls i rwBwavle ing their support to oui pie- event for the xveek. tomjrte:Mîe ai ton. pca a o'Pnn':. Fair. ,y Frankln Park tin andi Jill Nichols. Lynn Fair Mis. 9. J. (3ickinson, Oshawa, pec &Ia thkso the-r by 14arilyn Housiander and Doug Paîkin canrieti the visited Mi. .at1d Mis. S.R. Pe- truck andt f Mr. H. Morefo In the annual Penny Fairn rnlnsg.tikvrozliatne eoa the uise of lus trailer. Bcts tion Day at i5fewton'ville. Cîafts periods consisted cf I~ Mary and. IiZeil have retuineti making signs anti decorations. home from three weeks' holi- However, on Fîidav we diti geida alfl'I<n.Lae a chance to draw.* Misses Shirley, Dianes l On Wetinesda 'v, Aug. l2th. %we [Meiatssf~ e 'es Èday at Diane and hati a parents night, anti thanks By Douglas RiggLnd vxyBuetspn go to the parents who attend- a few davis: with tiheir grand- ed. . parenlts, Mr'. and Mis. A. Oke. Lions Centre Playgrounds 14th for the first week's com- i Mn. and 'lrs. Eti Cox spernt by Merridy Mutton Next Frida, August 21sýt.j petition. Prize wininers will be: a weeks hôiridays' through the1 In the beginning of bhe weel, will bring this yeaî's playý-i dspiavedti o the public in the UnIted Stmt,,. Most O! Oui time was taken upi grounci season f0 a close. winticw of Ken's Boy's Wear Mra~Ms ap ite by quiet anîd art periodz,. On Wetinesday, Augusb l9th, Store,.j Mr week rsitoîs witMi Duigt iniiddle part ofJ et Menorial Park a full day of 1 Entries for the second week's anti Mis. -Cecil Mille ai Four the week preparations we're activities have been plannedý comrpetition when the themeiMile Lake6 being matie toi Peniiy ,Fair with bue varions plaYgîounds wilI be "Indians" are to be I. an 1s.E.Combad whicî w-s Th isda niguit. The1 competing ini events such as tin handeti into thé Recreation Of- !arily, Mi.ë Clara Page, Ton- parade pr-ecediîg was a great cari cricket, tetherbali. paddtle fice no later than 2:00 panf. onto; Mr. ant, Mis. Howard success. We stood first place in tennis, volleyball, softball, Friday, August 21st. The wifl Bradley az.di Bilan, Mi. and Mis. Our floaf wifh a theine of Hal- quoîts and beanbags. A number ners of this competition will, Dave HulrIe anti boys, Maple lowe9en. On belialf ofthie lii - of special events will be held also be tiispiayed at Ken's Grove; ,(- Fred Page, T3rone. tien, we- would like f0 tbarik in sucb tlings as bubble gai Boy's Wear Store, the following with Mis. ;. Page. Mr. Vanstone for thecLse of is contests, feckle contests, wid-' week.M. an is St w r Lrb pîop tree, also. ïMi. CryvdeinianÏ, etgi ot : n u--a. Tecmeiini pnt eeSunqlpy visitons o!fn n who oanti s ou waon îîd On Thuî'sday,. August 2th, j al boys and girls between fheMis. Gazýrie.t Towns, Peteibo0 wago itdecdi p]aygrounti will bring' ages of seven and twelve in-~ ough. Mi. Cowan for~ the tise o! his forth tiiei talent in a Vaîiety.ý clusive. Ail you have to do is M x i.CmrnOe iShow to be lielti at flue Tovwnl register your projeet at your r.CmrnOe Hall starting at 7:00 pin. Also neanesb playground or bring it Ohwa, wiere Suntiay visitons af this tirne the vaîious play- up to the Recreation Office in M. nd rsA.Oe ground awards wiil be present- the Lions Community Centre. Mis. Hlciwvard Stevens spent a ed to the winners. The Chutd- SwI nfew dayg ith Mi. and Mis. Al- ie:i's Theatre group untier the iTecide eitrdI etSaitr ooio diection of Veina Foran antid h hlie rgserdfu Mr i. Mis. Keith McGill c Mîî,iiîa.v Walkeî will present a; tfhe Redi Cross Beginners' class 1anîd Da>4u, were visitons of Mr. //Ishor't xlav enfitleti "The Land i wil] be testeti next week. Lisf- anti Mnxi Lyal Bîock, Bowman- o fo JeSieis". ed below is the imie anti place ville. ____ Oun Friday, Augusf 21st, the!fo your tests. All beginners B plvgound ;uevsi ilb are î'einiuided that their classes Mi.otr -mn a. i.ti' te owmnvlh'Le Istart at 9:00 ain. nexf wcek ville- : Rss Florence Weîry, gion 1with their annuel Chilti- i isteati of tlue usual 10:00 a.m.Hnpdx iieithi osn S*iisPrde o etsfrigtm.Mr. and Mis. N. E. Wright. In prepa ration fr nx Monday. August 17 - Boys Mr~. a'ndx Mis. N. E. Wright ee' ariety Night a uiuinber! Red Cross Beginneis, .9:00 aun, au iFoeneWryw - of the plaYgrounds ~ar'e holding B.T.S. Suntay- tea guests of Mi. J. A. Io hadTalent Nig lts to find out who WensaAgs 19-Giihi 'Weîîy. BwePr rdt foi' bhe final show. The parents B.T.S. visifeti with Joe MeGill aithfle would a haistorta of the chiltiren who attented Tentative dates have been home «(, his parents Mr. andi pla-vgroixnts are inviteti to a set for thue Junior, Intermedi- Mi1s. Il. iMe-Gill. hit you' tend these shows. It will offer aeat eirTssfrteJMis. 'E. J. Dickinson, Oshawa-, an opportuuuity foi the parents week beginning August 24tn. 1Mr. axiciMis. AI!. Grahamn, Fred A halstrm s oe o thse bo iuueet the plaYgioxxit super-1 Monday, August 24th-Boys, anti Jad et, Newcastle, were with hasyoru onpe of tho i-e in youi aea. if you have anti Girls Reti Cross Juniors, IM. aimâ.It Ms. Lone Lamb. hins ou ant redct-. not aîready tone so. 19:00 arn., Creanu o! Barley Pool. Briîrui Borrowdale. Oshawa, or prevent. Anti it tioesn't Arts andi Crafts Dlsplay 'Friday, August 28th-Inter- Ted Ye.o, were with Garth Mc- 'Imediate andt Senior Boys antid Gli always happen o the "otherz Startiuîg this week an Arts Girls, 9:00 au., Cream of Bar- Mnl. Ens akrat i fellow." andi Craffs compebition bas been lev Pool.1 r Er-etWlran hi Our hail insurance protects oîganized by the Recieatio Liedbowaefe resuits inothiei. bIs. Ray Walker, Till- tDepaîtîîîcît in co-operatton of the Learn to Swii tests helti 50nburit?, visibeci Mr. ani Mis. you from Ioss . . . and tii witli Mr. Ken Nicks. Txvo I at bbe Boys Traininig Seblool - Russe iJ. Griffin on Sunday. Mis. costs so littie you can tlucnies hiave been picked andi Pool tliiis week for boys: Walk el- and girls returneti home hardly aflord to be without seven ~uaîud tweveiclsiare Bowmanville MixÈ! Katlxu Tresise anti Miss Jt. Cal] us for details. elil to take paît. 120 ft. - Jay Rogers, Sanil" TrudM Sulh ani. Oshuawa; Mr. The idea of the conbesb is f0, Biowa, Allen Calver, David; anti M-s. Roy Spry, Karen ai-d i help stimulate interest in arts Writ, Joey Kitney, David Biliy,' Rochester, N.Y., Messrs. adcrafts on bue plau'gîouncirl. avîîarti, Goît Poste BillRa Mi. Nicks lias offei'ed c.-s- r iil Veri ion Page. Columbus, weîe prizes fo bhe winiiers 0f iic 98 ft. - Kirn Spencer. with '14r. and Mis. Edigar Wright. conietiton.Ther bea' 9 ft - Kn-iLittlc- M1iss Karen Spiy remaineti STUART R. JAMES totalof 22pizi7 n ajl for the Bruce Simpson.LaxinyBurns. fo n v is. Bi Beey INSURAN(F E UESTATE f irsf weck's theme will bce Hellva"-d. Ca1\1t,.aud BruceBllceglMus OffceReîdexc ianti suclu projects as! 60' ff.-- Kirn Rogers. George; ati lGaind'Bucke,Bruee Sun-s SlildDutiMasks anti Connxors. Ronald Slackiletix.da- visitoîs with Mi. axud Mis. MA 3-5F~81 ~ 3-5493 \Xeapoîs hîave beexu sugge.rte-d. Chlîie Cattran. Bî'ian Baver-_ a,, .Grfi t hi ctae King SI. E. Y-wnianville Eii'.res are f0 beheandet i to stock. 1Jii .Gifna hi otg. fo lic R-ci'eatioîî Office no later'l4034' ft. - Mike Cawker. I Feuie ion Falls. thian 2:00 p.rn. FridaY, August' 35 fb. - Tommy Puak, John ïViiss Shirley Mils, R.N., Mi. Westover. Bryçe Larke, Kingston, visited 30f*-it - Johun Whie, Allen wit h Mi. anti Mis. Bill Begley Bî'agg, Donu Bickeil, Geiîy Por- On Yridav anti Saturtiay. ter, Billy Cowan. I'Uiss Santira Wenx'y spent a 2" fb. - Osinonti Dairol. f ewtiays wifh lier giandmothei S e t e26 ff. - Barrv Virtue. Min, 'Ross Lee, Kedroxu. 2 5 ft. Bill Demill. i #Dr. anti Mis. R. J. Ormiston - 1 ft. -Do' Ruiber. att a uded the' Taîîblynilpicuule at I f) 20fb. -Ashiev Osmondt. Eu-! i - 9IAcres", j Wr. anti Mis. (hi Jeffery, Mi. N ew 19 5 9W-. Mark, Port Periy, with Mr. S ALEMYI and- Mis. A. Brunt. 1'M r. -anti Mis. Frank Hall, Mn. anti Mis. Willend Lock- O!uiuawe, weie necenit visitors hart, Niagara Fells, N.Y., are, witb., Mr. anti Mis. F. Dorlant'. jvisiting with lier. mother anti. MÂss Etina Vance, Toronto, sister, Mis. J. Lancaster, Mra!wtsy Ms-sDon and Ron Welsh accompanieti the bus load of .Miss Betty Jane Werry visiteti I n O ur Showroomn counties who spent the weekendti rille. Ja 1: i WeternOntrio.Mr.anti Mis. F. Toms were ________________Mn. anti Mis. Howard Cryter- rt-eent tea guests o! Mi. and Mis. muan anid fanily, 'Maple Grove; i Nrilbur Vanice, Port Periy. They Mr. and Mis. F. Blackhurn and i UlIso attentiet the Decoratiion WE HAVE TWO NEW' family anti Lairy Welsh weîe' ti'av Service at Cadmus anti Sunday supper guests with Mi. L e're~ Suntiay tee guests o! Mr. and Mis. E. Twist. i a'd Mis. E. C. Horn, who are '59 P Y M O U H S W. anti Mis. K. Shackleton tw lidaying et thein cottage. '59 PL M O U H Sand family attended "Derry F/S anti Mis. S. R. Kersey Day ceebrtio inOshwa n îiand boys. Ottawa, were Sunday in stock Saturtiay. -i-isitois with Mn. anti Mis. Han- Mr. end Mis. F. Blackburn anti - <,d Ashton. We have a few'good Brian an-d Miss Grece Black-! Mi. anti Mis. F'rank Dorland Jbuin left on Tuesday for holi- j veîie witb Miss Maîgaret Allin, days in the Algonquin Park dis-, l3owmn,,ille. DARGAINS IN USED CARS is.S utey t i. Miss Betty Wright vîsited with Wr . Lckurt ti yMi. Jan - - M ssGail anti Kathy Tresise, To prove it, coine in and sec for yourself. W. stert ndd*Ne w onLiUe sha VCTr. Suasr tt Frd ed wtý istn d enn Pesn Pit A I, hitb. Ms. Geenwoti Yoîs,. ntimi i Ank C rte,-r- ~1DRESSIK4G A&P NECTAR TEA BAGS BROX OF 90 .Seffied Po-r HEAD CHEESE 3-ibn89C Smikl Link, Tray Pit:k PORK SAUSAGE ib49c ^il Good, Smoked Rindiesa SIDE BACON lbpkg 59 c Fancy Quaiity HALIBUT STEAKS ib53c Wh.atiey Brand, Cooked PERCH FILLETS 12ozpkg45C 4A KIR Y SPEIALS A&saoj un AgI 'a w~ kery tb-y Maate,. ak.-, JANie PàAR#CE RAISMiNPIE arcuu *a j Jaa. Pe*g~.Large LANGEL F0( Chocolat. Drink 60 5.BAEG NESTLE'S QUICK bp&g 51C Cak$FcyQuai ity q.g.2 for 27c-SAVE %. TOMATO JUICE 4 2-ohns 45 c Clark's Fancy Quelity R.g 28o--8AVE I3e TOMATO LUICE 24eozhm4 5 M. ,nz F9 for 27.--SAVE 5. TOMATO SOUP 41(>ozm's49e For Salado, Baking, Fryi"ga" g oSAVE 14@ ST. LAWRENCE WL 25C fn 49 c KCraft Ba" SSo-SAVE 6o CHEESE SLUCES "p99 MAakes Dighezs parklie SAIL LIQUID DETERGENT n~oz.i49c A et Primee M This Ad Guarante.d Th@-ge.u Asq15M 11W 2 49c - slAVE 1oc Dur freezer af t.his,s 0 p )CAKE e8ch39( I FRESH FRUIT & VECETABLES Now at Their Boat - Fresh, S'weet, .Iuicy, Fancy Grade Caliornia Valencia ORANGES New Crop, Native Grawn, No. 1 Grade Yellow Cooking ONIONS 3-lb cello bag 25 C Native Grown No. 1 Grade. S'weet Teride4'. Hydra-CooI.d Freai, CORN LARGE CB ozen 35C ___j m -7 - THURSDAY. AUG. 13th, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAX. BOWMANVIII& ONTARIO PAGE Y MI LEn Ren ci--- . . ..-