?RfURDAY. AUG. i3th, 1959 Classified1 In Memonam ALLDRED-In loving mmr o! dear Shirley who passed away, Augusi 15, 1958. One year has passed dear S-Shirley 5ince you were called away, -wwell we remember That sad and weary day. 'You suffeu-ed much, Youxnuu-mured flot, We watched you day by day, We cried and prayeti Th'at youu- dear li! e Would not be t2ken away. -Lovingly nemembeneti bu- Dorothy and John. 33-1 ALLDREAD-In ioving menu- ory of our dear daughter-in-law Shirley, who passed away August 15, 1958. One year bas passeti since that sad day, Wrhen one we loveti was calleti away. WhIat woult w-e give, her hatît o 10clasp p~i-iatient face to see, To beau-lber voice, 10 se ler sînile. As in the days thiat useti to be. -Loviiigrly nemembereci, Moth- er and Dati Altiîead. 33-1' COULTER-In lov-iig nîcror of a dean fienti, Minnie Coulter. who pas-seti away Aug. 10i, 1958. Gone froîn us but leaivitw niecmoi-ies Death can net er t thtawa:.. i\!-iaonies that xii] alw;tîys tîe While ulpoîî thlis earîtli 1 siaý- -Lovingiy rneier2ediby Adks Kimble. 33-i ý THE CANADIAN STATESMN. EOMANVILE, O1TARIO NearIy Tranoed by Early Morninq Blaze COULTER-In lovitig rneîîîor~ ~t' ~ . ay bus trip for Jonior FarînersCadao anIiral 0- of a dear daughîler. ~iinnb 74 , i tl rubMicdlesex adLnb fne u e-Boxvmanvi]le Coulter. %who passed away Au" b '1tis coie Fatnn.E.lr-1t 10, 1958. Ms oie i tîn.Ei oung . dnia asndtend b12si Wondertul memories 0f one so ~pr'ise~, spent tswo weeks with tue muh.dfieaî oti ciner. eore fon o!indetc:i;nate in the Ontario Lees, Rfraov der.r. ndMsRrd rti 1 eobnato en eînct f'n Treasured dtill with a tovu n i.ee Gifia-ý siîicere: terdeci the Deroration Ser'vice ai Bowrntianiville 011 Ttiîesday. Aulg- In rny heart she is livinîg yel. Cadmrus CemneLiry, SuViday. List 4th. whbere lie had pleaded I loved lier too7 dearly tu Ruth aînd Joan Sm-it.h, Colunii- git eteCag.H id forget. buts have heen visiting wilith Ie I giety1tee ha wrge He al Griffin arfflSamis famnilies. 1 ti\1 d anwtiet -Sadly nîissed anîd ever re'nciî 1,1OLý1l "arage foi- $3.00. bered by mother, _Mrs. S. Donna Sais spent a few,ý days geuse h Hutchinso. :33-F1tThe lMagaistrate eusdUc Huthinon.with the Smit.hs a-i Columbus. Chiel' Constale Io nake a fur-1 ________ ~~Mr. anci Mrs. E. Prescott. Mr. ht ntgto. This îeveal- COULTER-In loviîîg rmnor> îdMs.D rscî n cid d that thne boy had !i his pos- of Minnie Coulter, who passed ren visited San,ýa's village al session an Imîperiaî Oul Credit awayAugst 1, 158-Bracebridge. Sunday. I ard which lîad bee4-i stolen Just a tbougbit of sweel Mrs. W. Bown adLtr.Jfroin a man simi ng in Seau- remembrance, visited with Mrs. R. Best, Orono. borougb on April 21st. 1959. Just a memiory fond andi I-I. andi Mrs, J. D. BrOwn..l This card baci been used or true, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tanvblvtî bsonds.Haînîl- Just a token of affection tonpronoCborgaeshe And a heartache still for )yoiu. BrsanFre'nbl Mr. and. Mster 1 toTron to, Sboy gannehe More and more each day we FrnlnTr6y-adcidei miss you, Han-uilix.o; Mr. and Mrs. Don czait the Magistrat-t, Yt revealedoghs reno Weir anti chiltiren, Miiss M3Yrtle have haci many chances. YOU 1.1e d tey ntedsro, amln oono r.ROY need some discipline. Therel ]Litledo heyknw te srrO11Pettihone. Brampton, were gues- isn't much use of sendingyo That is within our heart- i ts ai W. Bowînan's to celebrate te the reformatory for le ss c o n c e a le d . a L n a a d P t y T m l v u rmembered by Raymond and ofHaitntyd ekWtbA vear will give tbem time Hay.lLnndanddfPatsylasb. 3n-mte a oodctie otofa Helen and fmiles. . a Bian . Also a visiter tahyuatrade. Il seems [o COULER-Irîovng'Knoxr of Bradley's. have done a gond deal for your of a dear mother, Minnie Coulter tained Baby Band membens to broitr oreo wopse wyAugust10 a picille at the school, Wednes- ,vas ditein appear in Court 95,and a dear father, Mansoiidy le hlrnO ini ,saAýts lh acl Coulter, who died October 18. dhlay.Olercldrenof putblTeday uuiI[b ac 1958,sholaealoejoe he af- lie ai hast minute dute to death They are gone but nlot forgotten .Adasdawns another year M-.an Ms.R Sinonaud ree osno urt l. ugBow- ouxdr lonely hours of thinking fîîy ootwr itenavheo usa.Aga W ~Sinoson homne. 111h. Ail cases wet'r done Thoughts of therm are alwayvTir vilb ochrhsc one week. Magistrale R. I. near.vcehruniSet6wblor Moore of Lindsay was te have Days o! sadness will corne o'er pastor anti familv, are on holu- been on thbe bench wbîle Ma- Many tink th wounddays: a weU deserved one! gitae . B. Baxter was holi- Mn hled he, .-d hdaying. Unfortunatelv, diete h Eu hey lle kohesro a tieath in the farnily he was un- That lies ini the heart TlJIabe1bepsnt coneealed. GerLine arnd Mlred 33 Howar Goodin, left, and Walter Demnpsey hdd a narro\v escape tri'nj f.ul'y Mr ,anîd Mu-s. S. Mvaybur. B AC ST C (;ealin ad______ 3-* or dealh early Saturday morning when the Dempsey home north-east of Hampton Mr. and Mrs. William Da,1 JOHNSTON-In loving memoryý was gutted by flire. Boxymanville brigade were called but the blaze had too muchI Scaxtborolugh, visited i a Henryr of a dear mother, Mary Anne, of a head start to be etnuse easily although lhey soon had water from the Dart's. Atiendiance mras snaller thatx extingished iss Lrîda Soit, Kdr6,.usuial ai the Unitedti hrch, Sun- whopasedawy ugui 6,nearby creek. Mr. Goodin who xvas stay ing tvith Mr-. Dempsey for a few days Ispent a fexv days with her coi- day momning due te Decorationt 1955st, n a d a ater aWi while Mrs. Dempsey was holidaving in the Mvaîitimes spotted the lire and awoke Mr. sin Marilyrn Glaspeli. Day, but Rev. H. G. Crozier. March ho, ~~~~~~ Dempsey. They had to rush from the house bo escape being burned. Mr. Goodin's AMrs. J. E. Smitth, Oran.gex'ille. wi'ogvannsiigst Looingbak wth emrie 1hair was scorched. Everything in the house xvas burned and there was no insurarîce. vst.ed at Chîarles Naylor's and mon. Service next Sunday morn-, Lookithe bakth memtoris _____ ___d Mrs. Alex McMaster's. i ng will be taken by Rev. Ro- ,We bless the hours we had with . George Sonley. Tononto, vis- heu-t Werry. Yeu 1 11 Sato plantîed the ruost enjoytîble al- phne ln. Toronto visiteti wilh bled ai Fred Cameron.t-, on Sun- Canion and Mms. Chapex'lin And leave the resi with God. NLestleIonStio 1 ternoomi. their frientis Mr. andi Mis. Er- day. leiMndvfr iit ihhlber -Sadly missed by the Axford Mu-s. Caineron' Varice of Lon- îîest Herron iat the Manse ont Mr. and Mr$. Arthur Yeung-couinrueanda on family. 33-1 Nestietoit Wonien's Institute don caileci Saturday on Mrs. Sunday afternoouî, accorrpaîîied man and, sons. Tynone, Mr. antiboliditays ithe Minden Halibur- ______________________ Iheld a picnic a' Cartwrightt Geor'ge Ftu'der. Mrs. Vance lias by Daphne and Mr. Davidi Laird, Mrs. Douglas Fleli anti family. ton - I~Communily Park, Cas1ao enatniigaRtreiCii formerly of Newcastle, N. Ire- Solina, were S-u-niday visiter,; ah Mr. antd Mrs. Rav Yates, Tor- Comingon Eventsiin aRearedChl ComngEvnt Tur. ua 6hwih botT0 riurs.ercors Augroto.ladan nw fwitnt. oraa-bout Slt30wrewekeidrent o Ferusn-dapinitoe.ladies. 20 childî'en and a heîv sme ors nTrno Iîd nMo o oot.NrmandLeachs. J ihroWl r ndto w r eei Gestsao mergin attendance.eCoc te ttee Rev. R. Merle Titom pson, Mr. anti Mrs. Geor'ge Prosser, - adM-.J iie.Wl r n r.MryiGaa held ~ ~ ~ ~ me atnrea ofBarey ark' M's 'hopsot. ohndtî Slii'1xRuth and Demi is (Joe) liams Point, Mr. and Mrs. Ar7- iandicalleti on several ollier fri- lied a CeamofBareyPar ýin charge of ail planning w-et-e Msi -: po Jh anulh.1i -le', on August 22nd. Supper ai.-Ms Mloî Eesn I~ Of Saskatoon,. Sack., spen 1 c îo\ cd -rorn their farîn home chie Jonies and, famil3-, Eninis- endis o'clock sharp. 33-1 Bue eMl'd-cal daý.s % thu Nlu. andi ts.jpurclîascd by the Joiinnie Ar- mrvshda r.Ae c rs .R nw an and Jim- Brc eastip, Mrs.FruedBr-Lice Donald Thonpsow. 'lie sste their home in the vil- Master's. imy were recent visitors at Si. Old ymeandModm Dnc- anti Mrs. E. Sues. ben niso nbsThethoita- î age 'Plie Bob Pîosser fainily M-r. anti Mus. Robert Caîîîeron Jhnsiec 1y -ieoccupy ingtherctlye evcsi i euisCuc inSturday August 15, Cold-' Winners in the followii:g races tioni tuom theit' Saskatoon char- Icelobe tercetre-Raymnd antiRiuth, Long SatulI SecsnSt. Jo. 1Cîuc spgsOtinFiie iwtlîpie ee: Sloe Scratîible ge anti atleneîdcl \Ius. 'opî<tiî. arage iuntil their, called ai Fred Camenon*s wl etknb M.Afe ii Ocesta Dancing starts ai al chldren lst girl, Lyia Col-i soi.S parents (iMr. andi Mrs. irhoeirad fu'abt Miss Marilyn Glaspel spn Unovlatiu-FrdHm- 9 p.m. sharp. Admission $1. ley; Ist boy, Murray Quackell- George Olver's) Goldien Wed-1 ation. WVe welcoiîie te t'O ho-le few days ai Vernon Poweii' ton djuuing Canon Chaperlins 33-1* - ush. Ballons ho blow up: Bon- ding Anniversarv celebrat a j ktîc.aliv Shilehwh M' lni vacationrMr. T. Mr. E .SoInadJ be heetiMalcolmn. Douglas 1 MrsO3Charlesaîûti Mrs. vacation Bau-n dnce tothis Ruttning Races: 3-6. Elaine Met- Cu;îîh relatives" anti fienti-. lostitiil 5an itope-i to lie homîîe E. Smith. Joe MeMasîc.Ms ywr een iiosadM- Satirday. Augusl 15 ah Jake calte 7-10, Lyncia Colley. CloIçý'i- îîi~uii~iIe ui]b soon. Alex â,cMaster andi Joan tus- and Mrs. Eric Chapenlin, Peter. Van Dam's, four miles casl o! es egPiniiîg--- Mirs. R. Dat i- Onùteir eli h, Ss..t a Rvcî uîiîol utîiMu tîiited al, James -McAasteu's, Mii]- --- pontypool. Admission will bel onPLeg Slîoe Kick---. Miss ne char.,ce Mrs. Bruce Heatslin twee r.anid' brook. '75c reuson anid $1.50 per ' Gwen Wilson; Bean Guessiîîg- - 1~Cad obeo oHi Mr. and WIra. Lloyd Gilmour. Coupe. <&ood music. 33-11 Mu-.Tom Langfeld. Symîpathy is extendedto ld i- Ms. laue Mt'bs ofCo gHllPeterborough, weu-e sup p e r ni etand CglEll*[lejatuu. osCri, ests ai Fred Ca-meuon's. Sat- Wooviw Cmrunîy ente'An hour of sttiining tvas eu- 1 e ui~ Oî'illia. Thle Hcaslips are speîîd- -Monster Binîgo. Twent3 games - iy d by the ldien andi set crit deatît ohlCerlsigrandN.allier urTor- Li l oHsatrdon fUic fîiî ei 1119tarnil .Mr uîirMu.anid MM _twenty dollars-, flue games- gi-ottntp:.. and a piciic lin fcil 'so o La,)al i arin a feuv ad s.h ttiiteis Muar u-.N.Ptir T 1~l thirty dollars; $150 jackpot. and spreati for the ct-ovd oit pîîic 'PEliot iîb sner the t ff n <>a onio, and gratutdauglîters, Daw- - two jackpots at $250. D)oor, tbe.Ms 1l iie kiril u-zd% hsriceal Fo.stt <ov fMn na and Diane Potter. St. Cath- tabls. Ms. M Ftiîer - - uitCongratolationis te lVrs. lran- )arntes, visitedi'at Henry Dartas ries. Next Mlondav. 8 p.m. macele ea andti Muls. E. Heri-oni 'Mr anti Mus. George couet ius Gibsoîi wio was <onoft he ont Fuitay. Red Bau-n Osbawa. 46-t anti Mrs. C. Elliot stipplietiratPuictilJiiieo v ft'cshie Ix- the -illon. Spý-ukîl i W'4 ýt i' LOnnieC'IIUt1ir iLiîglitsale'slaies <f oi'Avn _Messrs. Alan Glaspeil,Edi Durham Counly Junior Fanîn- thaîîks to .thecï coiiiniîee v -ii ia. Pu Id ii fNorth P'1iuc-situ their 73î't Anni- Tlîompson, Andy,-Malhews. Dou- ers are holding an Outdoor Bayt ittriecl fiomn a pleasatl1x'csaiy- Coutest for al oh Can- glas Tboinpson anti Nelson Chuch ericein Hamto j ___________________triptphis pasI t~week to bhc St. ada. On Judy 31, 1959 ah lihe Chaunberlin are apn i Park on Sunday eveniîîg, Aug-k1 uit~~~~ 16aI7 .n-_ve.oe.s HAF gUINhT auqurît'S awy îîIOtaua.CaitlunDivit iPtcî'any row kcmpi i ut1ai7pm vroei'lit Boutvi uicha-eti a abiii uesLtciot nPtro-jMus. Alex lc.Masteu- aîd Joat,- welcome.AI Pinc spe h Irileri ant al etjoytd the iicv ough heuceituti heu prîze- Mu-s. J. E. Smîith, Mu-s. Charls1 à 1lc.Special music anîd ____ \Dtietic Duîing Ilicir absence i a golden jewe-c1iei slippeu vith Nat-lor visitet al. Grant Jack*s,1 gpeakers. In case of ramn service ti"'Boivets bo.vs, Bei-t and Ralpb l a hall' ountce of a new pertume Scau-borough. 33-1,l ff 1 Bet asanthr iee o hl- Mj-s. BueFelv fPt rone, spent a few days with 33~~~-~-- icavs from bhis Oshiawa jobad erborough spent several cdays Joan MeMaster lcakt eîniss urii raelnotlwad or vca iit liat e Athurekcnd and Mr. n r, Mcal eisOSHAWA WOOD DjÀ N IEto il Buce caille on le ekndadanti Dehbie, Mu-. and Mu-s. Robertf ta hohAtrs Chas. Emerton eltioyedc a they rettirried oleo Mon- Killen visited at Wiifred F'nank's.i yor ne toid vîtl lier couisinus Mn. anti Miss Elcanor Rand o Nor7a Toronto, on Sunday. hilir Mu . lH Cox of Udora wtho have Scotia is visiting withî Mr. and Mu-. andi Mu-s. Ivor Davies, Mu-s. o Garry DeLorme puirchased a cottage iii a niewiy Mns. Hanry McLaurghlin and Clarke Mo*e and hein molhen, i ns1ue o uile. developet ai-ca on the Black Lawrence. Mu-s. Thortunn, Oshawa, wene FRIDAY, AUG. 14 J River and will winierize their Mu-. andtiMu's. Grant Camip- Sînday visitons aiý Keitb Slain- at hme.bell ad fainily anti Ms Wes. tonils. atMu-s Franîk Sytiions and cbild- Campbell with Dr. and Mrs: Mrs. F. B. Glaspel and Miss vial at l ims ren of Bowmanville. uisited M-s. Boîîney anti fainily ai their ceti 1Jean MeMaster accompauîied Mn Aviaeat il ie, BETHANY HALL -v enie ae aeok n r.RySot o ' NC.Marlow. Nancvrîaîe tg aeok.adM-.RajetDulas -~ eaurniRondan ~for a holiday. Friends are hsi- Mu-s. Gloster and- Miss Marlon and Linda, Kedu-on, te Guelph quality materials at reas- Featuing oundandîng much umproveti health ho Gloster of Sutton Wes.t called on Monday. Square Dancing '~Mu-s. Mai iowý, aiso to Miss Rose on Miss E. Englishi. Mu-. and Mu-s. Henry Dant, Bob lonable prices. Danin *tîut "' Mountjov who bas flot been toon!Miss Norma Suggiîh. Miss E. and Ken, Mu-. anid Mu-s. Fred Dancing 9mt ?M n iEngisiani ID rov ee arisam-Arn iie ln Magistrotes Court (Written by A. Kurb) Cobourg, Ont .. A young that the police are unarmed Newcastle man appeared for and they have been abusing, sentence on a charge of wound- the police. ing P. d. J. Ricard. Comment- "Our Police are armed. They ed Magistrate R. B. Baxter. are warned repeatedly that they "Police Duty at the best Of must neyer use these weapons time is onerous. 1 was reading except in the protection of life. 'a news release the other day They have a right to expeçt to the effect that in England, from the public, that no harm the police are not armed. The will bei ail them when they go officiais there are reviewing about their duties. When you this situation with a view to interfere witb the police in the arming their constables. This lawful execution of their dut, b as. corne about because the this court will support the po- underworld in England have lice to the legal limits. We changed their code of etbics. cannot have an ýanarchy. The iThey no longer respect the fact wounding of this constable was a dastardly act. You have been examined -by doctors and y ou L1~1LLJ vere found fit to stand trial. ENFIELDYou were aware of your ac- M\r. and Ms Keith Hobclen tions and what you were doing. and arnly, insale:Mr.andYou state that yoti got in this and amiy, insand Kr.andy state of mind fi rst by drinking 1Mrs. Elgin CSwling adKty and then because vour wife had iPeterborough: Mr. and Mrs. Bill lost.her wallet with $50 in it. Carr and Brenda, Long Sa-tlt, This is a poor excuse for your were visiting at L. Cocbirane's. atos Mr. and Mrs. \Vill Hemphill, "'The Crowîî Attorney bas Mr. nand Ms.MuranPesoirequested a tern of il--prisoni- Susa an CidyToronto.i- ment for your offence. 1 agree. îtedwit th D. nd . Pes-even if it is your first appear- cots. ance in court. You will be sen- Y1,r. aird Nrs. W. BorNý"an. 1 tenced to 12 mnonfiî, definite Laur~ rd rie a'endd aani. 3 tnonths îndet;erninLte in- Tnb nfainilv 9gr thering at 1týie Ont n-rio Rtoftov.rhone Tile Arres. nczýrr Orono. thiis w-il becia ceterrent onvo Marion Prescott is ý'isiti1IQ actions in the future.*' w~itIi lier -rn.!parenIlî I. and Cbourg. Ont .For havirn Mis. H. Smniih. Hawiptonl. ini pssssingoocis, o!.- Bruce Bowrnan went on, a tWo tiie Iv h cn ,isin.1 PRODUCTS is the place Io corne for ail Is .. . whether the job is big or srnall.. For your convenience- two modern showrooms to serve you. CALL IN TODAY WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. 9 Telephones To Serve You orn Main Office and Show-room '-RA 8-1617 COURTICE-RA 8-161,1 3-2130 AJAX-ZEnith 2-9600 OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M.* Euy Now on Easy Budget Ternis PAGE SZVE?2TEE Monica and Marcia were week-J a n o le end guests at the Rectory. k e n o le afwdays last week with Ar- M e gh s thrVanCamp. a e Hi h s i Misses Lorna ând Reta Harris an ir rinsare holidaying at Ot oMr L Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larrner. The Royal Conservatory of rBurketon, and !&. and Mrs- Ken Music lias recently announced Lamner, Peterborough, visited that the standing obtained in Mr. and Mrs. T. MeMiann a.nd the Grade IX Singing exam- children Sundlay. ination last Februarv by Miss Mrs. Geo. Fowler spent a few Jeannîe Coulter. Pontypool, bas da>s in Oshawa. Allan Rutb er- proven to be the bigbest in the ford ame home with bier for a province of Ontario for the two weeks holiday. 1959 seasoln. Vincent, Marilyn. Mr. and Miss Coulter's mark on that LM.rs. W. Archer spent Sunday occasion was 87. In recognition with relatives in the Minden of lier outstanding achievement district: shie vil be awarded the Royal Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wolfe and Conserva!ory Silver Medal and boys spent two weeks at the the Frederick Harris Seholar- Canadian Keswick Conference, ship Of $50. Ferndale Muskoka. A graduate of Blackstock Mrs. E'lla Marshall, Cnnig-High Sclîool and Peterborough ton. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Teachers' College. Jeanne bas Herb Hooey. studied voice for tbree years Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock with Mr'. H. J. D. Moss, Lind- spment last week witb Mr. and say. and holds the A.R.C.T. de- Mrs. John Mew and Jane, Tor- grec in piano. She teaches Mrs.. piano in lier home township. anid Mai*tiin, Sheffield, visited Mr'. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreil a nd il e l o 3family Sunday. M\r. and Mrs. Don Hamilton an cidrnspntlstve-k iLO tinl Bush Mr. Doug Mackies and visiteci several other relatives. iou d u s a 'W hiby oupe Wc i Iootsiia, age 17. î Bo%%1niýiiv1e, sonl of Mr.and Nr.Jaicob Lootiýnîa. LibertN W ins Cove ea St.N.,had a hai-rowing exper- iell(ue this week \Vilen hie as ,Carter Trophy ý"Prth"On.' Mr ad3à11s Hrr ,ot i40 1 iniisii xv as or- t M. rîdMr. Hîr Loi l aiiod b\th Onta-rio Prov- Whitby were ttepîo01ud -ilile iPlceaiKldra iof the Carter Trophv followîin, l" Poiea 'ld n a tornaentat owmiîv11l loolced foi' the boy tinti] daî'ý Eo~fl~g t iii Wcl.u.-oy on Mondas' n ghi. JAigus;t Sth. The searchi party set out Fred Cole and Ain>. Bernice. a "ain at. daw n on 'È'nesda\' ,ani 1Carter-, Bownîiainvill, e. c b Mein tilLootsina xas found la- seconîd spot and Cordon Mc_ el- ite day. Lnharmed. Des- Milln an lis moher Oshwa.Pitelthe fact thât lhe was light- c\ae ard. bi oertoshwe.i 1-v ciaciand wa.-z without camp- inatiîe tJacd. Oter topdbwlecsgeai' lie zppeared none 'the j iclued ac Huterani M s.~worse for the woî'risorne exper- Moî'rison, Oshawa, and Jonn ien'e. INainethi and patner. Peter- L boro. 'Michael had been staying C1îaries H. Carter Wtas 011 vitth the White faniilv at their handforthe resntaton. cottage. He and his friend, Bill handforthe resntaton. White. age 15, lefit the coi- The -eneral public is inviteci tage early Mionday morning On to ail] bese events, said Presi- a hike. They sëparated after dent Charles Rankine, and they run about directions, and %vould find th--em mosi interest.- Bu] White found bis way home. îng.One report said that Michael Lootsma was sighted by an air ci'aft on Tuesday before the gIrouti search ýparty reache4 No o erious Injuries Resuit From Accident Fortunately Mis. Robert H~il ditch, 26 Third Street and the fîx e children with her escaped 1 W eiM T sel îous injurv. on Monday FrSize moîng wbn a ea~îv lae~î Holidav Work (Steady) truck crashed iiîto the Hîlditcb station-wagon ut the corner of B3ROOKUALE- IKing and Liberty Streeis. Tbe acidnthppne a :3., RINGS WAY A Newmariet Fr'uit PioduciNU SE IE >1truck driven by Donald Tini-NU S RE 1 leck, Scarboro, went thn-otîgh1 a red ligbt on King Street aoc ______________ collideti with Mrs. Hilditch's________________ vehlicle. 'Plie station wagon was: t struck with such force that i t IP~uM~ was turned conpletely arounci., It had been travelling south on' DL .E Liberty Street and wa.q facing noî'th after the cr'ash. Dainage w-as extensive to the station wagon, the bac'k being alînost, .s deînolished. li%,rs. E. Willatts, Liber'ty tStreet. rushed over and helped / A Mrs. Hilditch gel the children LUXURY oui of the station-wagon. Site FO& then di-ov'e somne of the chldren to Mermorial Hospital, and Bill Donahue took Ille others there, J bn is car. Nlirs. Hilditch's littie son, IR.obbie, age two years. rticeiv- ~ (TA7V V