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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1959, p. 6

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4- ___________________________________________________________________________________ ~J VVAE~iM~ V £&A&~. .JL~ £LK~.L3.J TaUH~uAY, AUU. 13fl Rotarians I-ear Ken Morris History of Ammunid Provides Interesting AI The evolution of awmunition fi-cm that used in the early muskets in 1400 to the latest types was given by Ken Mor- ris, secretary of the Bowman- ville Rotai-y Club, in an inter- esting address on Frid.ay at the luncheon meeting of the ,club he]d at the Flyîng Dutch- man Motor Hatel. i. Morris was introduced by Ross Gilbert. He said that Mr. Morris was born in Bowman- ville. Ris father was associated with the Dominion Cartridge Company, and was stationed by the firmn in different parts àf Canada. He retui-ned to Bowmanville with his parents in time to at- tend High Sehool here, and also met his wife, the former Milda Moore, ini Bowmanville. Imme- diately after his graduation fin High School he joincd Canadian Industries Limited. Aftei- holding several appoint- ments in the company he be came sales promotion supervi- soi- for the Ammunition Divi- ion of C.I.L., Mr. irilbert saidi. D>ue ta his health Mi-. Morris FAST RELIEF FORI ,retired fron CIL several years aga and came back ta Bawman- tville where he becamne secre- tary-manager af the Bowman- ville Chamber ai Commerce and Municipal Industrial Cant- tmissianer. Mxr. Gilbert rcmark- cesi that Bawmanvîlle is fai-tun- ate in having a man with Mr. Marris' ability andI knowledge ini these positions. He also pointed out that Mr. Marris joinesi the Rotary Club in 1955 and has been a valu- able workcr in club projects and. activities. Mx. Moi-ris isi serving as a dinector ai the club for a third year and was elected sccrctai-y ai Uic Bow- manville Ratai-y Club titis year. Mr. Gilber-t sai d that Mn. Moi- ris bas few peers as a speaker.j Not Menchants of Death Some people have the mis-1 taken idea that the executivesi ai CIL, Canada's only manu-1 facturer ai ammunition, are merchants ai death, Mr. Mor- ris said. He stated that quite, the contrary is true. In wai- time the Canadian gavernment aper- ates its awn arsenals, and zinc andI lead are in short supply. He pointcd out that CIL is a reservai- af technical knowl- edge andI the company is proud of the fact that the expert The Famous <'Gattllnt» Canadian Industries Limitcd have manufacturesi ammunitian fi-ont 1880 in Brownsville, Que- bec. which is 40 miles fi-rn Mantreal. Major Howar-d was the first plant manager, Mn. Marris stated. He pointed out that the Gattling gun was im- parted by the Canadian Army for use in Uic Riel Rebellion. brains from CIL built andi staff-- ~~U M~~~M U ed Canada's ammunition pro- KnMri II l Mjects during the war. KnMr! T R Apart from law agency i-e- MjrHwr eaea u quirements and supplies essen- MjorHwadthecaatn an- tia tahiefoi popl inremteearned the nick-name of "Gat" ai-cas ai the country, CIL man- Howar-d. He went into business ufactures ammunition pinci- with the Brown family and the F E E T ~~~~pally for sparting purposes. Mr.Gtln u wamdeith F ETMoiris epaied Th mrke oiin g unitonplntin is too ml ospotmr rwsil.M.Mri re £ -than anc manufacturer, he as- maked thatthten g'fo serted. Frinfrshv wc u which caîls up a picture of during his lifetime started gangtrin hepbe nd plants in Canada but abandon- gtisi h ulcmd ed these enterprises when tetHw rd. dbc t Gt found thcy wei-e uneconomie, the speaker said. Some ammun- The first muzzle loading guns ition is imported fi-arn the Un- weeladdb a rami-ad w-th itedt States. wadding of cloth, paper, 'or leather. The various types of dUMUMUEMUEUUUMUUMUUMMUUUMUUuuUNMuuuukblunder-buses uscd anythirng h.andy as .projectiles. Lead pel- New lets came into use for shot guns, S pe cials he said. The charge was held Gillette AdJustable Razor in place by wadding except ini 1.95 Value Halo 1.29 the case ai a iew fine weapons, I he added. 1.30Vale Hlo 9e $.95The earliest muskets had a 10o Value Pepsodent tauch-hole in the bar-el. The Powder ______ 55e M d 8 2 muskcteers lit the fuse aimed Mennn'sDeoorat 7e, .25 and waited for the loud bang,I 1.26 Value a hard wallop to the shoulder IP&aa aste -____ 99C Old Spice Deodorant 1.25 andI a cloud of smoke. Actuai-I 87e Value ly the first guns were moi-e Colgate Faste -___ 63e 8-Day Roll-in ____ 89o useful to frighten the enemy1 ____________________________________________ and scare herses than they were 1 1 te inflict casualties, Mi-. Morris PlatieCap Diata I tated. Many people iirmlyex Balfîng ap pressed the opinion in those Lunch Kit Tablets days that iircarms wouid neyer 1.95 73*12 *15 .5 .75 replace bows and arrow:. In 1600 the aid flintlock rifle Sea nd ic! - 8e, .50was developed. A spark was Metal ean Sk -89,15 New used to ignite the powder and Brczta 85, 125these guns had a hammer andI Lunch Kit Boza 5,12 Tout tiigger. -Weather had an im- 1.39 Noxzema Suntan 2.00 portant influence and somne- ___________ Lotion - 60c, 1.00, 1.50 _______ times a battle was called off for1 Noxzma Sntanramn, Mr, Morris said. The wind Noxzma Sntanwas hard on gun firing then vacuum 011__ 55c, 75e Silver and often there was just a flash Botties Skol - 60e, 1.00, 1.25 Curi in the pan. M r. Morris reminded The Ro- 790 Sicalex Cream -____ 1.00 1.75 tarians of the many everyday - --------- words and phrases that have came in ta general use and are4 Hazel Blshop Lipstick Polaroid Sunglasses derived from firearms. AmonIg the one& lhe mentioned wcre: New Shades 1.98 - 2.99 - 3.99 Aim high: bull's eye; keep your 79e Sunrite Glasses 25e * 1.98 powder~ dry; and lock stock andf First Aid Kits - 1.95 - 2.75 - 3.50 COWLING'S PHONE .- a 3-5695 WE FIT TRUSSES 'UUUUUUUUUUMUUUMUUMMUMUUMUMUU MUMM TRIS THURS. TO SAT., AuG. 1î- 5 Matinee Saturday ai 2 p.m. "Snowfire" Clr Excellent Family Show plus "Jinx Mone y"f (BOIVERY BOYS) Two complefe shows at 7 and 9:20 NEXT MON. TO WED., AUG. 17- 19 ELIZABETH VILLE On Friday evcnin.g thc 4-H club met at Mrs. McAllistei-'s home ansi finished up their club books. Plans were made for the demansti-atian an salads. Sunday Scitool was held, fol- lowed with chui-ch services. Mr. Milford White was the speaker. Next Sunday we expect Rev. Wright back fi-rn his holidays. Most ai the surrounding tab- acco farms have begun thei- itarvesting ai the tobacco sa that most everyone is busy. It is s0 dry ansi wc seem ta miss out on most af the rain. Sunday was decoratian day at bath Union andi Welcorne cerne- taries. Several families attend- cd the services. The farmers in the district have been busy threshing titis past week. Mi-. and Mrs. L. Muldrew andI Mi-. ansi Mrs. W. Muldrew, Osh- awa, are at Sunnysîde. Mi-. ansi Mrs. Woolacatt hasi f-iends visiting them oven the weekend. OBITUARY MES. H. S. COBB Ella May Cobb ai Beechwood Ave., wife ai Rev. H. S. Cobb, died in Wellesley Hospital Sat- ui-day. A daughter ai Mi-. andi Mis. Alexander- Wight, Bowmanvilie, her father was a former i-eeve. She attended Bowmanville High School. In 1921 she was mai-niesI ta Mn. Cobb andI with hirn served te Unitedi Churcit for 17 years in Saskatchewan ansi after- ward un Ontario at Avonçiale, Tillsanburg andi at St. Enoch's, Toron ta. Mms. Cabb was a -membet- ai the Woman's Missionary Sa- ciety and representesi Toronto East Presbyterial. After her husband's retî-ement fi-rn St. Enoch's, she became an active member cf Yorkm-instcr Unitedi Chureh. Site leaves hem husband andI four childi-en, Helen, et home. Kenneth, of Oshawa, Alan, ai Chathami, and Mis. M. Parker, of West Hill: also e brother, Har-vey Wight at Hugitenden, Alta. A son, Nel5gn, a pilot, was killesI aver CtÛpgne ini 1943. There are 10 grandohildi-en.6 as the cnes that are ini use to.* day, Mr. Morris explained, and E T M L ~as the 45 Martini which was r used at the Wimbleton, shoot-> Barbara, Gart#, Neil and Lois 9k ing matches by Mr-. Morrs' StaPleton spent a few days with grandfather. These shoots were Mr-. and Mrs. Ber-t Stapleton, ~o nforerunners of today'a Bisley Bowmanville. 0 il matches. Machines mnade possible thet Recen visitai-s with mass production rim fired cart-1 Mrs. Joe Steller wereM. d ridges, he said. They are fired i Mrs. Joe Sand and farily f ddress rsueo h im n s'Also adM.Pri fNw A Sottshminste, lexn-cases camne into use. Mr. Mor-- and family of Peterborough Ae Fosth d sevel lexaflmn- ris alsa described the different spent the weekend with her par- der orsthe eveopedfulin-gauges and strengths in use ini enits Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley. ated mercuxy which is highly 1959. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall and explosive. A match headi A vote of thanks was exten- Miss Berneice Milligan spent amount af this in a copper cap ded ta Mxf. Morris for his il- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marc was mast effective and the first luminating address by Jim Marchant at the latters cottage percussion caps came into be- Stutt. The president bf the club, at Burnt River. ing, the speaker told his audi- George Vice, also expressed ap-' r.MlieC ence. preciation of Mr. Morris' infrar d fanMi frs. ArMhuvi reo Caused Robellon mative talk.anfmiyoPrtAtrae A little parler. inventovs ha Out of town guests present' p-end,,,g a few, days with Mr. the ideas ai wragmping the pro- jectile and pawden in a paper, package and this was the first cai-tnidge ammunition, he paint- ed out. Guns were enabled ta fine two or thi-ee shots a min- ute. The paper cai-tnisges were paured down greased andI mais- ture proof gun hari-els. methad led ta, the rumour that park gi-case was used andI caus- ed the Sepoy Rebellion in India, Mi-. Moi-ris i-emarked. There wene a wide variety ai experimentai cartrisiges used during the nineteenLth century,l Mr-. Morris said. Col. Boxer had1 the first successfui centi-e-head cartridge made in Woolwhich. In 1867 the .577 Snider was made. It had coil brsiss, an iran disc washer and was loaded with pawder and a large lead bullet. r1our years ,ater Uthe iirst successful breach loading rifle was made. The .577 cartidge was af the saie general shape Business Directory Àccounfancy RAT J. DILLING Centified Public Accotintant 93 Church Street MAi-ket 3-3861' WM. J. H. COGGUIÇS Chartered Accountasît Second Floor New Library Buildin~g Cor. King and Tempe-anc.e Sts. Phone MArket 3-361.2 TALE. FRIEDLANDILR, HUNTER & C0. Accountants and Auditvrs Licensed Trustee in Banktruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 45-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander, B. Com., ("ý.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTE117H RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcae St. N., Oshaiva Panters:RA 5-3527 Dowmanville - Cail ZEnith 415750 Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A.I A. B. Monteith, B. Com., <.A. G. W. Riehi, C. A., R.* I. A, (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfaot, C.A. i G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Office: Chiropractor 9 15 Elgin St., cor. of Hoi-sey St. Phone MA 3-5509 1Office Hours: By Appointment1 DR. W. M. RUDELL. D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville' Office Roui-s: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 Flouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SIS SON. L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. » Bawmanville - Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays i DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S.- Office 23 - ing St. E. - Bdwmanvi]e Office Roui-s: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Leèg al' STRIKE and STR E Barnisters, Solicitons Nataries Public. W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Sti-ike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public' 1 Ring St W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 NUSS APHA 1. HODGINE' Barrister, Solicitor Notai-y Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville, E. RICHARD LOVEK2I U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. KAT LTCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Inthoffices ai R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Onono, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 axa. ta 5 p.m. Mort ga ge s SAIE HAMILTON - 0ORONO Phone 1 r 16 Flrst Mortgage Funds Residences - Fanins Business Pi-openties Optocmetrist 141.Ring St. E. - Bowmanvill. Office Hours: By appointme" Telephone MAi-ket 3-3258 Monday ta Saturday 9 a.rn. ta 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 ta 12 Thuraday oveainga ering liz-ad siniles tiiese days theur fîtrst gi-andean weasbai-n >Mr. aýýd Mis. Douglas Fal- sof Bovvimanville. I Mi-. Ermest Cavano had the isfarturni of breaking a coïele 1 rbe wtin he alipped andI teil andi Mrs. Wilfre<i Cox. Miss Dorothy Stapleton w4ho is attend-ing Summer school, was home for the weekend accam- panied by her friend, Miss Wen- dy Reynolds. Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Henderson andI Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Trim spent the weekenid tour- ing Algonquin Park. Recent visitons with Mrs. Geo. McCullCugh were Mi-. andI Mrs. David Wainman and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hayhurst and. son Ray of Orillia and Mr. andI Mrs. Geo. Speller of Toronto. Mrs. Win. Milligýan and Mrs. Win. Murphy of Peterborough left on Thiursdav to visit their sister Mrs. Jas. Hay of Calgary. Miss Carol Reichrath is holi- daying with her parents in the Laurentian Mountians. Mr-. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey and Mrs. Rarvey Osbarnc ai at the luncheon meeting Were1 Jack Owens, Oshawa; John LMNoir, Ottawa-, *ex Wynn, Brantford, and Jack Severns andI Lai-ny Smith, bath cf A.jax. PONTYPOOL Several fi-cm here attended, Derry Day Celebration at Osh- awa on Saturday. We ai-e glasI ta report that Mx. George Brown is able ta be home agi afýter spending some tiei ospital. Showers ov er the weckcnd 1 were very welcome andI helped treiethis parched dry coun- Plan ta attend Decoration Day Services at Pontypool Cemetery Sunday, August l6th. Mi- Robt. Hallbran is home* again after spcnding a rnonth with fricnds in Monitreal.' Rev. Victor Bowins and hisi mother af Gainsborough, Sask. ihave been visiting with friends here. Oui- local Fire Brigade gave quick andi efficient service re- cently when thýey respanded ta a cail at midiight at Chas. Chap- man's Saw Mill. A few thous- 1 i andi feet of luimber were burntî but quick woi-k saved the Mill andi other property. Several members ai aur L.O.I L. andi L.O.B.A. attended thel Centennial Banquet at L.O.L. 1022 in Bethany an Friday ev- ening. A grand time was repart- ed by those attending. Mr. Bob Brown of Toronto is reported very sick. For many years he resided here ibeen em - ployed es section fOi-emnofa th C.P.R. Mn. Brown is 94 years ai age. There is quite a waten famine in oui- village. Several wells have gane dry. A summer res-: ident had a well drilled aven 240 feet without getiting water. Saturday night dances are t c be resumed in the near future.I No dates have been set yet. Tree pruning is practically: completed. Some local help is naw wonking a t the Tabacco MÂNVERS STATION1 Mr. and Mrs. Austin Worr, Cavan, entertained a f ew friends on Sundlay aiternoon ta cele- bi-ate his mothen's birthday. A- monig those pi-esent were Mr-. and Mi-s. Alvin Olan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngman, Marilyn andi Linda. Mn. and Mrs. John Vanden- bei-g andI fainily, Elmira, callesI on some af the aid neighibounsi last week. Miss Roberta Hudson was mai-ries ta Mi-. Ronald Cami=4w Hamiltoan, on Saturday, Aug., lst, in Trinity Anglican, "The Marsh", chunch. Rev. G. E. Mea- des officiating. The W.A. cater- ed for the reception in the church hall. A large crowd attended the Deconation service at Fallis ECemetery on Sunday a.ftenoon, under tlhreatening skies. Mr. 3ommerville the student assist- ,ant an the Mantvers charge toak te service andi Rev. Loudon preachesi a vei-y interesting ser- mnon. The Bethany Bad f urn- 19hed the music. Thene was a 1orderful display af flawens ini pite af the dry weather. Sunday visitons with Mr-. and Ikns. Wilmat Roi-net- wei-e Mi-. aad Mis. Carmen Rupert and Jbe, Banni-ait; Mi-. andI Mrs. Sain Kmnsmen, Millbrooc; Mn. andi kirs. Gordon HRmer andi Cindy, Pleterbarough; Mn. and, Mrs. I Ronalsi Cameron, Hamilton; Mi-. iz>d Mi-s. Jack Rupert andi Peter, CIa>ked Creek. Visitors with Mns. W. Brasi- ae3 on Sunday were Mis. Fi-éd' ackson, Toronta; Mr. andi Mrs. Rolbt. Baker, Oshiawa; Mr. and Wrâ. Don McGregor, Hamtilton.i Mdr. Allait Johniston, Gode- ch; Mis. Carlton Patton, St. rhctmas; Mr. and Mrs. Frank lark, Toronto, spent te week-! ýd wih Mr-. and Mi-s. A Johin- oni. M'rs. Mabee, Alton, is visiting ai .daughter, Mrs. Bruce Ste- >hert3an. Mr-. and Mrs. John Saindy, Of Port MéNicol spent thie week- endi with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Stepleton. Mr-. andI Mrs. Melville Samis andi Mr. and Mrs. Howard Orin- istan of Bowmanville are on a matai- tnP south cf Uic lune. Mis. John Pearce andI Mr. andi Mrs. Harvey Osborne ai Wel- came sper* Sunday with Mr. and, Mis. Walter Whittaker af Ton- anto. The meinbers ai the W.M.S. entertained Uic mothei-s and babies at a picnic on Mi-s. Geo. McCullough's lawn on Wednes- day. Between sixty andi sevenrty wvere presen, tot enjay the outi- 'ing. Mr. andI Mis. Gec. Stapleton and son Keith attended the fuit- enal of their cousin, Mi-. Bei-t Colville at Toronto on Manday. Mrs. Wllfred Cox returned to *Memonial Hospital, Bowmnan- ville on Sundmay. Visitai-s with Mr-. and Mis. Willis Farrow on Sunday were: Mr. andI Mrs. Roy Burley oi Oshtawa, Mis. Hezel Robinson andi Jahnnie, Mr. andsIrs. Clar- ence Bunley andi Mr. and Mis. Ivan Farrow of Orono. Mr-. andI Mrs. Clintan Burley ai Waubaushene wcre in thc village an Sunday. Sunday visitai-s with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster were: Mi-. andi Mrs. Willard Lockhart, Nia- gara Falls, U.S.A.; Mr-. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Mary ai-d Don- na, Mr-. ai-d Mrs. Sam Buttery, Mr-. and Mrs. Chas. Welsh andI Betty andI Mrs. John Lancaster ail ai Bowmanville. Mrs. Earl Walkey and Mi-. "FEATURE" - Halves Bright's Golden - 15 or. tin PEACHES - 2 For 35C 4 rS r35C "FEATTJRE" York - 12 or. tin Beef or Irish STEW 3 For 79C 4 Lb.. 89C "FEATURE" Stokely's Fancy - 20 oz. tin TONATO JUICE 4 For 49C California's Finest - Sire 48's GRAPEFRUIT 4For29c Ontarig - Freestone - No. 1 - 6 qt. bagk. PEACHES MARGRIN Large - Solid - Crisp LETTUCE - m 2 For39c HADISHES r-or. cello beg 2 / 2 1 "FEATURE" flh1ofi, agtff' m JANS and NARMALADES z4fMdesign& z a Imu cw 9 oz. jar 3 For 59C [iD w o E O#/Oftp THERE'S BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Beef, Chicken and Turkey Pies S oz., each 2 For 63C PEAS New Crop - 2 IL. poly bag 57C A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET ING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UNIE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCIÇ - Blytb'0s market PAGE SMx 'FEATURE" Treesweet - 6 or. fin "FEATURE" Gem - 1 lb. pkg. DRUG STORE EXTRA: Disney Color Short "COW DOG" Two complefe shows gt 7 and 9:05 91 Welcome attended thie funeral of 1their uncle Mr-. Kenneth Pearce ofa Dewitville, Quebec. Recent visitai-s wxth Mr-. and Mr.Andrew Reichrath were. Mr.Erma Selway and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Greenifield cf Bow- manville and tiheir deugbiter Mrs. Anderson anud son Douglas cf Montreal. A large crowd drawn froin distant points attended the De- coration Day Service held at Lakeview cemetery on Sunday. Althaugh the season has been dry there was no shortage of lovely flawers. Rev. R. C. White conducted the service and was assisted by the junioàr Salvatian Army Band af Bowmanville for which we say "Thank You." Mr-. and Mrs. Jas. Caswell. are an a motar trip down through the States. FMNEQUAITT MONUMENTS AND MARKERS OF STAFFORD ~4EVBRO&. Stafford Bras. 1Monumental Works $18 Dundas St E., Wbltby Phono Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 REDe' WHiTE Fool> S'ro st Ess 6ee,ý'ý INCREDiBLE1 m - TIM CAMADME STATmmAw- nw-pàli*yr.. ÀLVVOÇ QmAlý egàwm à, lose BEST BUY Libby's - 15 oz. tin COOKED SPAGHETTI 2/27c ]BEST BUY York Whole - 14 oz. Uln KERNEL CORN 2 For 31c BEST BTJY White or Cider Canada Brand VINEGAR Gallon jug 73c BEST BTJY White or Coloured - Delsey TOILET TISSUE 2 ][ouis 29c BEST BUY Man's size - Face-Elle ~ TISSUES - a icg.29c Swift's Premium - Grade A Pre-dressed - Tendergrown CHICKEN Oven Ready l Swift's Fresh Lean - Boneles PORK BUTT ROASTS Lb. 49c Swift's Sliced Side - % lb. sealed pkg. PRENIUDI BACON - Pkg. 39c Swift's Loose Pack - Dinner Quality PRENJUN WJENERS Lb. 39c Swift's Sliced - Vacuumn Packed - 6 oz. pkg. Park & Turkey Loaf Pkg. 39c

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