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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1959, p. 7

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?RDESDAT, AUG. 1Mb. 1959 TEE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. BOWMANVULE~. ONTAMO PAGE SEVETI 1f.Jehrmy Seto spent tast Tuesdlay in Niagara Falls, On- tario. Mim Dole Pollard holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Kert- land, Toronito. Mr. and Mrs. S. Faryna, Brown Street, were in Ottawa recently while on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abernethy recently returned from a motor trip through Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cowan and family have taken a cottage at Lake Simcoe for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Polley had a pleasant two-weeks va- cation at their cottage, Rice Lake. Miss Dorothy Taylor and Mr. Arthur Taylor Jr., Oshawa, are visiting their graudmother, Mrs. Joe Taylor. Mrs. J. Stout and Tommy spent a couple of days last week visiting her aunt, Mrs. Tom Campbell, Mllbrook. Messrs, M. Richards. Fred Fisk, Bob Johnson, Roy Corden, Bob Fairey and John Lunu were inBuffalo last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Weekes, Toronto, paid a visit to the form- er' s sisters, the Misses Weekes, Duke St., on Wednesday. Mr. W. J. Berry is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Harry C. Allun, at the Allun cottage, Kassahabog Lake. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Brown, Detroit, Mich., recently visited his mother, Chanlie Brown, at Strathaven Rest Home. Miss Dorothy Gray, Toronto, lias been spendin'g three weeks' holidays with her cousin, Miss KaVhy Osborne, High Street. Mrs. McCorm'ick, Glasglow, Scotland is visiting her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Strachaný 16 Second St., for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy LeBlanc, Michael and Ricky have just returnnd from vacationing in Mlontreal and Victoiaville, Que- bec. Mr'. and Mrs. W. E. Taylor, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker. Mrs. Taylor will remain for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Akey ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. George Stephen have returned from an enjoyable motor trip to Cape Ced. Mrs. Mary Shaddock, Roches- ter, N.Y., spent last weekend with her brother, Messrs. Isaac and Lew Pointoný Kingston ]Road East. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hooper, Eennie, Danny, Nancy and Kathy had an enjoyable two- week lioliday at Willow Beach, Iluliburten. Mis. J. M. Rowe recently re- turnoed from a month's visit with lber daugther and son -in-low, Mn. and Mis. R. E. Brandreth, Calgary, Alberta. Mr. and Mis. E. J. Fairey spent the weekend with Mrs. Pairey's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Art Dolan, at the Dolan cotage on Twelve Mile Lake. St. PauI's United Church Minister Eev. H. A. Turner, B.A, B.D. Onganist 1(rs. Reta Dudley, TDINITY and ST. PAUL'S CONGREGATIONS WORSHIP IN TRINITY A Cordial Invitation to AUl Trinity Unil Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Orgamist-Mr. Arthur Colli 11 a.m. - Moi "When We Find E We invite the Congrei to worship A FRIENDLY WEL REHOBOTH REFORMED Scugog Street,1 MORNING SERVICE - EVENING SERVICE - SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTE] "Back To God E CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 8:30 a.m. every1, An nounce Engagement Miss Joan Luxton, daughter of Mr. and Mns. Norman Lux- ton, attiended a Department of . Education Music CoVrse ini Tor-3 onto this surmer. Recent visitons with Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Nicholson were Mrs. Louise Nicholson of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Robent Nicholson of Leamington, Ont. Miss Shirley Kitson4 Winnipeg,- Men., bas nMturned home after vacatioming with her parents, Mn. and Mns. W. Kitson, ai their 2 cottage, Sandy Lake. 1 Mr. and Mns. M. Kuipens are In Holland whene they have j been visiting Mns. Kuipers' me- 2 ther for the past month. Tbey expect to retumn i n about two Mn.anMr. Nlo acnai Mn. and Mns. Lewis J. Wood, R. R.4, Bowmanville, Mrndad Mgh elarst. atb- announce the engagemnent of their youngen daughten, Junec arines, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Doneen, to Mr. Gondon Donald Nichol of Oshawa. The Hunt and daughter Sharon, marriage will take place in Trinity United Church, Bow-1 Eastview, are hohidaying ai the mnanvile, on audySetrb 5h West Beach. StraSpebn5h Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Higginbo- By tham, Blenheim, Ont., w ho are Berys kr-in-law, Mrs. Royal Irving B. Gane, Knight Com- spedig oliay a flej ct- Quini4 Simcoe, Ontario. mander Victonian Orderwos tage, Rice Lake, were in Town IMis. W. O. LaBelle, Miss Ma- City Chamberlain at Guildhall last Monday renewing old ac- bel Borland, Miss Laura La- House, London, England and quaitancs. iBelle and Miss Helen Fraser Ld GaeOteot-of -town Bowmanville Public Schools' have returned after a very plea- guests included Miss, Annie M.! Girl Chor, dreced ad acom-saut motor trip 10 the Thous- Coulter, formenly ofBo a- panied by M. L. Beaton, will ap- and Islands visiting Gananoque, ville, sister-in-lavw of Sir Irving, pear on CI{EX T.V. Channel 12 Watertown, NY, and other places Miss Pearl Morrison. superin- ust 131h, (today). Jim Coyle was among those Hospital,. Mrs. Aked and Miss who atendd theOldeTymeAleen. Aked, ahl of Toronto. Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Don Rundle woatne teOd ,m James A. Werny, Enniskillen, Bradley and Dole, and Mr. and! Fiddlers' Contest in Sheiburnean hsgrdhireofD Mrs. Gordon Sturrock, Sharon! recenitly. He reports that the and these Jamedchildrof r. and Donnie have returned from entnies were plentiful oand that e n two-week vacation at Willow; it reolly was a wonderful show Jimniy Hoffman, Ellw.oodCi, Beach, Haliburtonm sponsored by the Rotary~ Club. es, MonthrandQuefryjm Miss H. T. Wilson, aunt of Ed Gyunki was the big $800 eMnraQe Mrs. M. L. Beaton, landed at winnen with AI Cherny second, Our thanks to an anionymnous Malton Airporti from Scotland receiving $250. Chatham resident who sent us 2 last Monday, and wili spend the Mn. oand Mns. Dan Dudley and the following. elipped we pre- month of August with Mr. and> son Gordon, Orchardview, left sumne from *a Chatham news- 1 Mrs. Beaton and famnily. :yesterday for Prince Aibent. paper: Bowmianville Ontario- Mr. nd rs.Murry AamsSask., to atend the wedding of The finst actuol settlement of 'Mn on Mr. Mrra Admstheir son. R.C.Mi.P. Constable Bowmauviile occurred in 17N_ ond family with Mn. and Mrs. John Dudley and Miss Julie Ci- ondl was effected by settlers hii- I RobnSt amno ad tfBaiulyh on. The Dudleys expect tîxeir duced te corne from the United Londge lSuttokne d e Broe- daughte Jane of Los Angeles States. Among tbem wene John 1 bhrde pdas eekendand whVile to join tixem for the wedding and Bunk, J. Truil and Roger Conat.1 thgerep. iî eSnasVl return wîth them for a visit. We think thiîshsould be Conaut.1 loe.Recent visitons with Mn. and The land which forms the pnin- Mrs. James Scobeil, Ottawa, Mrs.AbnCe s. cipal Part of Bowmanville was wster-nla, Mrs. WJ of ber andMr i lonswere Mr. drawn fnom the government by wse- awest W. J Hooi-, anid Mrs. Rilo Eagleson, Mr. J. Burk. Burk built a saw-mill King Street. Mis. Hoar's nephew, and IS Ray Eagleson. mirs. and grist-mill, sold it to a monl Mr. Donald Geikie and son, Por~t Brisbi Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. named PFurdy, who lu tunn so]d William, arrived Ibis week for a M.rtOlsen, Mrs. Rennie, Mrs. it to Lewis Lewis, who added a visit. M.n Cees,Mran s.N - general store. This was in 1820, man lernnsMarilyn and and Lewis remained inl business Mis. M. Warren, Tononto, is Keîth, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. frfu ereetayslx. visiting ber sistens, Mis. W. A. Lavene Glemens, Bon and Bar- fo our oCare Bowan sin 24 Mr and Ms. W. J. Bsanel.rY, Hampton. In 1829 a post office was estab-I MT.rnowMi s Aif envsaw, Miss Margaret Vanstone bas lished, witb Robent Fairbaira, osonto, en so dgrecend vist-eturnedi from Quebec andi was then manager of the BEo-,man ors wilh i.Ege n . accompanied by Miss Francoise interests as postmaestcr. It was Bagnil.Gagnon, St. -Prospen, Que., for he who suggested the naine of l'I. and Mirs. Fred Griffin a returni visit with Margaret owmanville t &eps~ uh returned- last wcek fnom a motor and her parents, Mr. and Mis. o a Iities.osqIau trip te Miarma, Florida. Ihfeir Byron Vanstone. The visits were oiis son Gary visited his uncle aind anranged in connection with the omit, Mr. andI Mns. Jim Griffin, inter-provincial cxchange of stu- Madoc, while his parents wene dents bctween thc provinces o! e on vacation. Quebec and Ontario.N e MT. and Mrs. Aler McRobbie, Mis. Grace Tondiff, Quen Lly, eenc.ydDan have St,. Bowmanvilie, died on Wed- F r r d just returned froin spending an nesday momning. Funenal an- enjoyaible vacation visiting andI rangements were incomplete at (onïudfo paeee renewing oldi acquaintances In press time. The body is resting (otne ri aeoe Leross and, Biggar, Sask., and at Nertbcutt & Smith's Funerai 470 letters, te be -added and 12 points West. parlons. While visiting the Ton- lettens te be replaced. This cost Mr. and Mirs. Frank L. Hooper diff home, funeral dinector A. would aiso include 119 new and, Mn. and Mrs. Franik A Hoep- W. G. Norbbcutt slipped on the letters of campaigns and dates, er have neturncd fnom Regina, sidewalk and fracturcd bis right and 27 letters tÔ be nepaid. Saskatchewan, where they visit- armn above the elbow. Tnctneswn eevd ed teinsonansidauhte-m- Since Miss Hilary Coutts of for the proposed new fine truck. law, Mr. and Mis. James 1, Nottingham, Eng., arrivcd for These tenders were as follows: Hooper andI Mis. Gerald Piper, a visit with Miss Janiet Scott La France Fine Engine Com- Mr. Ross Richards was in the girls bave been visiting van- pany Ltd., Proposai A $18,1651 Windsor on Thuisday, August 'eus Parts of the province. KGar- and Propsai B $2 1,296; C. E. 6th. attndin bb funral f lin tionth tbey motoredi te Hickey and Sons Ltd., A, $ 18,- bis aunit, Mirs. H. H. Todghjam. Aigonquin Park for a few days 964 plus $i,500. B $20,464; King Rev. S. R. Henderson, a former and last weekcnd tibey were in Scagnave Ltd., $17,964. minister of Trinity U n i ted Niagara Falls. on August 131h I a oe yReeW Church bere, conducted the ser- (tonight) they will attend the D avi Higonsned by eeW vice. Stratford Festival performance Couvillo OJ Peson, that Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkinse!Oteo" the King Seognave tender be spenit a few days nccentiy with There appeared necently in the occepted, providing it meets thein daughter, Mis. Robert Gol- Telegrain on attractive photo with the approval of the Fire der, London, Ont. The nemain»- showing Mr. and MiS. Duncan Committce. der of their vacation was spn L. Glenn leaving on their honey- .Kneye bb Fak visiting Cornwall, the Thousand moon with thc bride about te owa KnCmney oahed ra nbb Islands and the St. Lawrence boss ber wedding bouquet. Mrs. m oa Cmayadesd h Seaway. Glennis the formxer Barbara meeting regarding the resent Recreation Director Deug Rigg and Mis. A. R. 'Virgin, Tononto. cipality. Ib was decided by and Mis. Rigg entertained the She was married in Leaside council that bbc floater polic3r Playground Supenvisors last United Chunch andI ber husband be increased and Other policies Monday evendng at their home; is the son of Mis. James Glenn amended. Mn. andI Mis. Bruce Berry of Shawvîîle, Que. It was moved by Mayor Wil- spent thc pont week with Mis. Dr. O. B. Dickinson, Scarbon- frid CaTruthens, seconded by _____________________ ough, Ont., Who is a native o!f Councillor O. J. Presson that Hope Township, gave the States- 1the Cowan Company present mon o coUl over the weekend.a report regarding replacement I I iDr. Dickinson is interestedi a]eng £<sts on the Town Hall and t,.RUII irwth .Aesi ;h Tonshpl bav Ieahrandi Geoffrey James,j son, seconded by Councillon Pointe Claire, Que., and jimmy Ncs C HURCH Hoffmnan, Ellwood CitY,Pa., are The Wehfare Deparbinent ne- Bownmnvmle and Ms Geo. W. James. Thcy J. Welsh, bbc administraton, ail travelled bere by plane te sbowed that there were 17 peo- 1 Maiton on Sunday, as did An- ple wbo were wclfane necîpi- drea Hoffman bbc weck pre- ents lu thc town during July, vious. How times do change and while in June there wcre 21. Englsh pnogress in travelling is record- During thc hast month employ- i0~.0 ar. cc in tbis instance as comparcd ment was founci for eue mon. 7:3 p.n. Duchwitb the gooci olci days of 60 Thene wenc 12 pensons in 7:30 .UL utehor more years ago when the Nursing Homes durng bhc M MORN1NG SERVICE prescrit grancipa James, as a moutb with 372 indigent days. grandchilci travelledi by borse Thene were bhnce unemployable and buggy witb bis parents andi beacis of familles with four de- - brother Norman bock te Grand-. pendents, one single penson for fathen Jonathan Bnays te bis medical reasons and one famnily farm "Braeside", at Enfield, O with one dependent during lou" Boadautdistance of 17 miles, a fair day's sanitoriuni care in thc month. .Iou"" roadasttravel bef oie the turni of tbc The total cost for wclfare in p.nLever Suaar cntur. bh municipality ini July was~ p.m evry Umdy t Dr. ond Mrs. Geo. W. James $1,594.01 o! this amount there' Sunday, CFRB gave a dinmer party at the Fly- x vill be, recovenies of $1,237.61 Siug Dutchman Monday e.ening tbrough provinciaj csubsidies in j bonoUr o1 tbeir gUeSiSr. and charge backs. 1 16 - 32 ounce - Reg. 35c, 60e IMIK0F NAGNESIA Etiquet Deodorani Cream Stick 9esize 98e value 69C 79c Adorn Hair Spray plus free 35e Hair Styling Comb and Hair 17 Styles Bookief. 1.75 rE!O SchooI Resuits (Continued from page one) Chem. C; Fr. C. C. Verna Foran-Comp. 3, Lit. 3; Fr. A. C; Fn. C. C. Susan Fostcn-Comp. 2; Lit.1 3; Trig. C; Zool. 2; Chein. C; Fn. A.. C; Fn. C. 3, Geog. C. Anthony Gebeers-Lat. A. C; Ruth Goce-Comp. 2; Zool. C; Fr. A. 3; Fr. C. C. Elenon Heand-Cornp. 2; Lit. C; Zool. C; Chem. C; Fr. A. C; Mary Aune {eovyC B - Comp. 3; Lit. 2; His . C Bt.3 Zool. 2; Chcm. C; Fr. A. 2; FÈr. C. 3; Gcog. C. William Hooper-Lit. C. David Imlach - Comp. C; Zool. C; Geog. C.-- Norman James--Comp. 1, Lit. C. Alg. C; Gcom. C; Trig. 1; Phys. 1; Cbem. 3: Geog. C. Marilyn King-Cemp. C; Lit.ý C; Bot. C; Zool. C. Beatty Kossatz-Zool. C. Rioss Kossatz-Alg. C: Geom. C: Tnig. 1; Zool. 3; Phys. C; Chemn. C. Evelyn Luxton - Cemp. 2; Lit. C; Alg. C; Fr. A. 3; Fr. C. Joanne Mackie-Cornp. 3; Lit. C; Alg. C; Tnig. 3; Phys. C; Chem. C; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. C. Carol Maguire-Bot. 2: Fr, C. John Mason-Geom. C: Trig. James Masterson-Comp. G; Lit. 2: Hist. 2; Chem. C. Mary Mitchell-Camp. C; Lit. [: Geom. C: Bot. 3: Zool. 1; Chem. 3; Fr. A. 2: Fn. C. 3; G-eog. 3. Ruth Pascoe-Como. C: Lit. C; Hist. C; Bot. C; Zool. 2. Grahamn Pickering - Comp. Pat Pingle-Comp. C: Lit. C; Zool. C; Fr. C. C. Carol Plurmmer - Conxp. 2; Lit. 2; Bot. 2; Zool. 2; Chem, C; Lat. A. 2;, Lot. C. 2; Fr. A. 1; Fr. C. 1. Mongot Rankine - Comp. 2; Lit. 2; Fr. A. C: Fr. C. C. Peter Reynolds - Comp. 2; Lit. 1; Alg. 1. Geom. 1; Tnig. 1; Phys. 1; Clien. 1; Fr. A. 1; Frn. C. 1. Jo-Ami Rutherford - Cornu. m m 29c, 49c Free Cellulose Sponge with purchase of 5-ez. Lysol 83c 1.00 Value Schick Safeiy Razor and 10 Injecter Blades OnIy 79c C; Lit, C: Bot. C; Zeol. 2; Ch'em. C. Peter Schaafsma-Lit. C, Alr, 3; Gcomn. 3; Trig. 1; ZooL 2; Phys. 3; Chcm. C. Peggy Simpson - Comp. 2; Lit. 3; Hist. C; Trig. C; Bot. 3; Zool. 1; Geog. C. Gloria Smith-Comp. C. Charles Tim-Hist. 3. Joan Turner-Lit. C; Bot. C; Zool. 2; Fr. A. C. Ray Twist-Camp. 2; Lit. C; Alg. C; Geom. C; Trig. 3. Phys. C; Fr. A. C; Fn. C. (_; Gcog. 2. Shirley Vagg-Hist. C; Bot. C;Zool. 2; Chem. C. Heather Webb - Comp. 3; Lit. C; Zool. C; Fn. C. C. Don Welsh-Comp. 2, Lit. 3-, Alg. C; Zool C; Cbcm. C; Gcog. C. Albert Werry-Chem. C. Ken Wihiamson - Alg. 2-, Geem. C; Chcm. C. Nancy Wood-Co>mp. 2: Lit. C; Aig. C; Geom. C; Trig. 2; Zool. 2; Chcm. C; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. C. Aun Woodyand - Comp. 2; Lit. C; Hist. 2; Bot. C; Zool. 2; Ce.C; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. C. Secret (Continucd from page oue) Brougb te include in bis mo- tion Dermission for bbc press bo attend these meetings. "If the press are present at the meetings they will be able bo pnint anything they sec fit. Sonie things should net be pub- lishcd until thcy come before Council" Dcputy Bnougb said. His original motion was then cannicd unanimously. Mir. Hannan bold Town Coun- cil that sevenal complaints ef the stench ef the sewage dis- posal plant have been received by the Ratepoyers' Associa- lion. A business mon *bad said that bbc odors bad hurt bis business. He had contacted bbc Public Utihities Commission and since then there bas becu a slight improvement, Mn. Hou- non infonmed bbc council. lic askcd on behai f e b associa- tien. if anytbing more could be donc te alleviate the stench from the plant. Mayor Carruthers assurcd thc COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Ie IAt IIJU I]-ISTORES] SPEC LALJY VALUES ANDI> REM)ES FOR TifS WEEK w BRYLCREEM T PERFECT MAR DRESSINO bo fanedos j I f e Save 27c'.1.25 sizex White Rain Lotion Shampoo Only 98C Save 20c! 1.09 ize Halo Shampoo 1OnIy 89c- FREE! 43c tube of Wildroot Cream 011 ,with purchase of Palmolive Laiher Shave 65c Save 21c! Helene Curtis Lanolin Discovery Reg. 12 1.50 1.29______ Special A del!cately scent( crearndeodorant.: ...harmiess te sk clothing. . ,. Try 1 DEODORANT C you'iI never use ai R E GULA R L SPECIAL LIMITED 0 CUARD AGAINST EXCE, EXPOSURE TO TES These are just a few of the popular carry to aid tanning - stop burning. Coppentone Lotion Bronztan Cream- Sea and Ski Noxzema Spray- SkoI - regular - PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local ID.A Drug Store E Ph( Offeri ed vanishinr Stays creany uin and VITA RAY 'REAM and ,iother! y' $1.25 IFFER 95Ç ISSIVE Suif! products we ___98c, 1.75 ___75c, 1.25 89c, 1.50, 2.49 1.95 _60c, 1.00 Pep up wlth I.D.A. Brand English Style Health Salifs 1 peund c tin ----_---59 )rugs ione MA 3-5792 I.D.A. Brand - Pink - YelIow - White TOILET TISSUE - * - 2 For 25c ANDREWS SPARKLING EFFEVSETSL Try New Àrrid Holl-on Deodorani 89C 1.19 PAGE SEVEN BLÀCKSTOCK 'Ihe August meeting of the Women's Institutie was held at the Community Park, Caesarea, Wednesday afternoon, with an attendance of twenty-five ladies and eleven children. After the singing of the Ode and repeating the Colleet in unison, Mrs. Stanford VanCamp read the scripture passage, Psa. 34. The roll cail was answered by a flower which was later ar- ran-ged in a bouquet by Mrs. Gilbert Marlow and presented to the guest speaker. During the business period Mrs. Lorne Thompson and Mrs. Murray Byers were appointed to attend the local training course on Rug Making. Final plans were made for the entries to Blackstock and Port Perry faîrs and a donation te Blackstock agricultural so- ciety agreed upon. Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Archer and Percy VanCamp tiold of some of the highlights of the bus trip and day in Guelph. Mrs. J. A. McArthur, group leader, presîded for the pro- gramme The motto- "We are nearer to God in the Garden than anywhere else" was res- pended te by Mrs. Ralph Lar- mer, in a very înteresting paper and poern. Mrs. McArthur intro- duced the speaker- Mrs. Wise- man, District President, who gave a most informative and interesting talk on "Home Econ- omies" which she said ernbraced many activities. She said we association as a member 'of the PUC that the commission is aware of the problem, and al possible steps are being taken to correct it. A report has been prepared by the PUC engineers and will be presented to the meeting of the Board of Works to be held this week. Some more land will be acquired and four more sewage disposai beds will be buiît near the present location. The Town Clerk, Mr. Rey- nolds, asked the delegation to give him the questions they want to ask on the Thursdays before Town Council meetings. Hie said titis would be, much apprecîated because the agenda is then made up, and there would be time to look up any information required. sbould ail learri to be watei' conscieus ad alent te f arm saf- ety problems. There is a greot difference lu bouse keeping andi home moking. Educate a boy andi you educate a mon., educabe a girl andI yen educate a family. She quoted on old Chinese pro- verb -hicb is wcll suitcd ta prescrit limes, "If there is Right- eousncss in the Heant, there wil be Beauty ilutbbch~aracter, If Ihere is Bcauty in bbc Character, there wilI be Harmony ini thc Home. If thene is Harmony in thc Home, there %vll be order in the Nation, and if order in the Nation there will be Peace in bbe Wonld." Mis. Ernest Larmer gave some intenesting current events. Mrs. Ivan Thompsen and Mrs. Neil Malcolm werc in charge of thc necreatien andi conducted a good prognam of games and con- tests for ohd and young. After the "thank yous" a levely lunCk? was senved hy tbc gnoup and all away home in time te pre- pare dinnen for bbc busbands. Rcv. and Mrs. R. Romenil and Dennis left Thursday night for bbe Channel Islands where the3y expect te jein in o family re- union anti enjoy o months bol- idays. They took the boat frein Monîreal Friday morning. Mis. John Scott and Mns. Mil- dned Colley spent the weekeuid lu Toronto and are now attend- ing the Summer Course lu Rel- igious Education in Elementary and Second ary Sehool at Albert College. Belleville. Mn, and Mrs. Roy Morrow, Hilton and Mn. and Mî's. Otto Gibson, Nanton, Alto., were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Richard VanCamp and Louise. Mns. Cecii Fenguson, Mn. Sid- ney Fenguson and girls, Newv- castle, and- Mn. Milton Payne, Montreal, were Sunday giiests of Mr. and Mns. Russel Mount- jey. Miss Vera Fonder, Toronto, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder. Sunday they ail visited Mr. and Mns. Garnet Wright Port Penny. There was an excellent at- tendance at bbc Decoration Ser- vice at the Union Cemetery, Cadmus, Sunday afternioon. Rev. Herron, Nestîcton, dclivcned a fine sermon. Mis. J. A. ivIArtbur is spend- ing a fcw doys withi relatives in Stratford. m VBCOMAT, AlUG. 13th, 19» THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOVIL&NVIIJ,& ONTARIO

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