Gananoque Woman Wins Legion Car Dlackslo ck Ail roads in the area will lead ta Blackstock this weekend where Cart- wright Agricultural Society will stage what it hopes will be the most successful fail fair ini their history. Starting at 1 p.m. the streets of Black- stock will resound with band music and spectators on the streets will be able to see oUtstanding floats. decorated cars and bicycles as the parade goes by on its way to the fair grounds. The rest of tlÈe afternoon will include raie a most interesting program of harness racing, livestock judging and other events in front of the grandstand. In the build- ings, the ladies who have always been outstanding supporters of this fair have lined up a wonderful display. It will in- clude a pie-baking contest right before your eyes. Not by any means the least of the attractions wvill be the choosing of "The Queen of Cartwright". This feature was begun several years ago and has becomne a real crowd pleaser. Any young lady over 16 mav enter. ln the afternoon. they parade in bathing suits before the grand- sýand where the preliminary judging takes place. The finals will be held at a big round and square dance in the Commun- itv Hall in the evening, when the Queen will be chosen. Incidentallv, the ladies of the corn- munity are preparing meals for the larg- est crowd ever- and anvone who has tasted the food they serve in Cartwright wil] be eagcer to try it again. ~a1uburn Durham County's Great Fanify ..ournal V'OLUIE 105 2 0 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TH{URSDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1959 10c Per Copy NUMBIER 35 Popular CBC Newscaster Will Give Opaning A ddress At Canadian Club, Sept. 10 Pepper Ran Qut of Pep- Groans of unhappiniess greciec iihe nnouinceent on Saturday that the LcI,,on car %viinner 'va~s. Douglas Kane of G aanoque. Later, it wvas learncd that Mý,rs. Kiane is a citiucIite'- of Don Kemnp of Bowmaniville wxho won the ticket sellers prize of S200. Tliev are shown here xith 1)raxv Chairman Jack Mviller, lef t, and Branich President ÉEd. Rundie. Legion Annual Carnival fm Is Grecat Fincincial -Success Des pife Early Evening Pain The first rmeeting of tiie îîe'x - ~suakers diir'igthec-Lom n g -- S West Durim ývi11-t-e [xc]d at C\-ril Quillan, Mao-eoy:nzilC aiuCa fxîî.swl nid r a the LIons Coiii;'iiity Cenîre on. W. IH. S. Mau-kliia. C.E.E., C1 Attenti onf Thurday x'unrt',Seutember* Art7ur L. Phelpsý B.A.,F luth. Larr'v lHenderson, the S.C., Alan 3Jarvis. Madanîe Sa- farnous televisior new scas: er laie C. Rolland and 1.th4 rnt and cornmentator %vil] be the' It hïas bee-n pointed out tat pseake:. Mr. He::cler.son rt:i the Cï..uadîan Club o: Wesct k . T-~- ed to Canada t-!iýIZ nonth froin Durliani i noi àii cxclu'. ,'e IVIeet Toi~l i Russ<a where Le .ipent '0 di,,-s frate -Il societv. It is a c'vic on a special tour andi studied' orgarIýnzat;on whme:bn)cs-iP AiReilMr al aspects oi? liep .r.the USSRI. oucn o both nme' uand w omoa. AU Rfait M1earci The Caniao-iCIIub of \V-t, Meetings will be luelH ii iteý corne to a special iDurihains progra'n iof outstaînd- ex-enirigs at tiie Lions~ Cent-re ja h onHl _________- --- z o tîhat husbands and wiv- <Thursday) at 7:30 * will lie abole to zttend toge:her.j7 Purpose of thiss No Open 'Meetings to coniplete Planniri 'W*isrU a twUlil,,)' be am," cr big Promotion Day V aIsmee-irngs Leldb,,t*me Caiiid' ln I'vle cdud Towns 's Nevest cAsi ofsesthuranî. ight Chanats in asked to 1mecting il toniglt * o'clock. session Is nur for the a n "~ow - d tor Sep- be oae of, Th C vbe !ýA L d t Sc -oç i ttc e fi hod xx tina Unitc a!'er curg ho l emuilersuiuuIpare non-zrauser:- i egeietnerhnii~Ï by Briil i o o t a tlii duc-rg thce ïeday cL1lflatd [n rmin s:rvcable. Admi'ttanre ý,to thetn~ e etes t ichmnih Legîon io i - e m i. ex i~t. A lI b o1hs a ncu otber at- 1eior2 . e P t - a n i C m be by v O fl -1ris O p clauntc h i s om eeaun ' a n c o oti 0ICE . T tlc".os a cd to a t1eaýîy cren*s Parade " 's o itrt.Af- laee ein t s o cyan gi-ounid ofi B*ýnavlie CL l 1can of P-i oli -ter tlie dwi' rthe sz;s' Alt"oucph iLacdElgin publeic t ;.iexoý,c1ecit niam' p g-- Possibly attend should be - -cic-ared, Commrade James Fii. ýsc!ýoul l nai. expected to be pie trm or Wwnirxv*lie and the on ~hand for this mectink. ' Deuy ïtiiCoruîmyanîderQMi necyfrte ou ig f Le -urround1ic-ig c&-strict xii avril - xxîowa Lc ',ui'a iia- fali terrni oniSept. 8Su, coilsi- itenuselv ko fi oprt:t th ISC dec!.cyll tu carry o t ou 1stiuctOl.i obtained froili aiiv nuenibe rI Rotairy Pays Tribut e at iccniltceuu ?eai ges a ennia oli.Mmesipcram Invitu I %v, rh , Ca::i'. s u~îî . Situaied atfluerorthermn .d f 1e executive, o at tl -rl tn P l T'n irtç r st rresiaents V Dtaw 1or.719 Iil~ ad Elgin Street, Redpatiî Con-* emnber loth, at the Lions Co!i-io Attend WOk isîUobiile Car. Thue Collnnîeuî- strudil-an of Osilawa.t:îe main niunity Centre. A ineibersiu dea tfD~tii.Vo fi Cn-contra1ctors haâVe th e xva1± card wili aiso give adinitt1anreý izn Legioru, Dude FLJLs. Pht erected anid -oon siou1d afil any other C;ýnad;a Ciuloi n Farn N a h ti ate w-lune-- vvis .rs. Mr It will have si.x 1esron3. Det eo<s oteC-i Boxt iia t ll-R ota x ,Cll b r i c ati-ýlie id(iti. anGau t:-DoK.mbuitLie imoaýt uiî,.izual ftatai7e ~I Club oi West DIurtuarVý)'Cl t' xe tnei2ax' rt tie F'11ing l~titO Fru~uui'decu uu ukMYtr -eibmn i~having 'its oi,--j conitrol,;. Ti i ected thai next "ear a- ia ý i cnat meeti.g at flic ctjscJ (ifL ueiii- ,, ai suc-et S3execU1ivr o04r 1,1 i, dsb ue of ftle first lbuildiligs tn r 1î~ ffu ~ie ii~h~ ch aai.ufoe ia atsaesi u einCide' aaeo mnan -oo oe oiF~a ., 1etvlie poinlied out. Am¼fi a rwC,îmn :: omuît ~~Scli'-ool at the Bapds hreidy Keithi Jacksi)n e. as clliA9i tzc- utruie aie'a ou tcx u Ldv, nxlu.- ieu Lauî.wooue uio.aex'n NlonSret ta Agst Thyar hoî hr, oloig h r1s4rn thn tiL enrbe caot' oliow"llg: iRutury 'tas . n. C___,____ ---;[o Aliaust 23 inclusive. On M-. thir cstum a it sottd 'sth nin ad peper uit and Ucevc w. eViJ n :il Wit e1 11 C., ia --u2s : di]Drw- ._____________________ ___-day inornîaîg laU cildren were obvioustvisli ng to eaul the whoetigofadg oe %vas thti ,sei*,,.-int-ïat-1"111.".iS . t %Vasdxorîd îa-u aî x is nL eiige; I'ly att-a tcd. Coin- *lhe p asd u c h' Keitli Sic mon ":-n d :'îix.adboiiriO ~u e lBate. --as the Col-r ux'ihg h puing ot Utae leader ofi i'î-ut~ ia, rcatlon , vu<or ol ti S~iiD-w Ti 1 .*sciîool at 9,30ouiok Tiiere iv.eue tnlt*,-b.j)e shiocreated a hoivee xonas o1xs; ~.1)lt0s- i/ tq cOn 'ruesda" h Ve atte dai e Ex chan et speakers. Dm.C_ . '( . jlWý-. ii ii t t'itticie. It oie uer in Go,,-ýiî3 Bench ard Laînp. Rio.- ' watt -G u to 15i wiuch ias ,a l 1Rex Waltems iaud Dr. %V..'M. neý.s to nimnbern oîfitheed b. -ert iiJauîe Street: 2. Hbs-i * fje ,-,-1LI Rudl.1-tess Cart, Gary Cale, Bownian-- ANOTHER EGG - iMrs.LlyHae and sonGini rg for 'tl aut'- Vaca-~ RUst presicieni, Dr. Iiiiiieg ;a tllIcpeplerJ sad it an1tei <Continuied on va2e seven) 6. 156 Base Line, Bowmanville, hole he local reordBibîdrn ae bc-env pen Early Sunda ciarter nienher oi lie u lt frutuedambr -----------so far as we are cocene.-1 I cuÏdr th wý-à hetalkinci parrat, flyinc i ie Whe' uie u tsom u~35 Y ,ýse hote b *,-ir frtnaies.editor ith the sinallest chieken egg iv.e have seen s4Uirre1. a n d fi e iaiis er i -n*~i.* uulis.yoet osa oflcx1iîg bliProm-lz Extra TestsS rac this year. It carne froli a Rhode Island Red, measur- .~ I ~ ~ n~ i-avpfu.c~into Oa fuiceuuu lesta: Wuu. .' Peun1 O i r aExtralTesetted dose zibot îe£h1r oo'.ou tiltindsips o'g Rtaran-, d I rom tUp [o tip and weignhed Iess [han one eqiip1itent. Thf fic -C *' ) aun- yfu ohrfgms ot-an-<(d PO in X ýn ~For wirnrers that had been brought ini arlier irn the yeax-. childreii [o "ia'cn aand Pu-a, r., U l)~) da aeRA-e uibraî 1924. Dm. Jaiiîe -u-ý t * J. .Triist Ln the 1o-'l. and P i '6t o n s r cl o ai ue oîet of tleic' clbin t193-:1. Ths11-Kid. Oi ondiky niorn1î-'The 'cix Btiel", '-i tif leEwuinii x NMainy Rimoturs Cireffled This1/ cq HO1MEMADE RODEO - From ah reports the villa Oe rthe purrot a'So sang ,,pa.:t1so s ,rl- 1ýi ~~ -cor.- He -~~uîid ~ ~~- ~ i oaavs .~~rnhîe , of Hampton had an improm-ptu rodeo of its onoa Jsu o~M. ~ ~ ~ ~ 21a. r~fi eehn aîîbî- nerrlx- cidre ~ux' Iih' ~îîiners in the "Learia- day hast xveek and we are only sorry we weren't on Record a:tenàL1nci--s are 1iot trîne c'nosen b ..keaetrvt~ ief-ttolxr ote - fo'- ~ ~ ~ _' hi d-n- in rbd-~ Did ouitîear about the Duý-, oS-in idRe rus hand to record it photoaraphicalv. A 1,200 pound Iunlis bufi re, r. anti h- Su!,?.,w-4 i itnirecu ~ t r - u.ieua: n h i- : iiie-nft oL a (-oiîîniiuit'. viî iii vr nf, ir a tru h a ecr"-:d ta i~' w-'- ra; >c ies-xii h ru c o - aulx' b: dair- wluo adver7 e rglauneir t iss n- bl wiwgsagira teaati eie tas beroine fax'ocriî of cilrn t cucùký7is xt suiluuui lugdt1c1aligan o bâd '-ci-doroi:u or ntiseci fer a famîîî band as fol- îy ivili have an opportunity too Young [o die and took off through a window. JrI , and flieir pa'rnti. wlîcever I es 4akiance îw ex.-1 a'ies akecvefrmbtBx- uouletîilids i 10uia."ir-i<x 'iitecd. ;laiîh'farîli eau-1today to try Iuen.rhede ouh l.oghte ilaescte-ngpde-.hy o.TieBi some, bhC ttuoî2îûtNo:nAemra iu.n<iean riati. iir n-at0i ei mjuici.or iguior- plo-, ee. MnL1st 00: jiave auux-bad hae otitruhtevlae cteigpds l ?nce. Thfi Ro a -CIlub txa' io ho lljus - snîoile.c. tlnj:. cuiaýe RRecreation Director Doug trians. Frank Grof and Leslie Jaggers of the abattoir so.r tns n rct 11 ihfu u1n fnen~c -l en ogdsac hr rxoicu nt i îhuad froua i ior insmrgriîîc'. Rigg lias arranged for a eetal agtu ihi n hteaial. (Contîetl oanpaie sex-en) <fi-e ani -etor.eeit e <oiur-e no~ tvn -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~- special test at the Cream of - - ---____ Balypool today (Thurs- But, there must have been plenty of excitement New Docor of itay) atIl while the chiase wvas on. Font.iately, no one was Dog Contrai Officer Begins H[is Duties Dr. F 'uL W] arNi f i iil o t î'loin He bo Saozd, u sex. Engl.nd, a d cane to Can- ada in 1910. He snu tdued at tnel Univcrsit'r of T-r'on.o vhe -e jle r-cei'red his Dc grec, of Doc- tor oi Veteieu taiu j Keith Albert Billett, O.D. M ho w~as arnong the twentv-five Canadian Optometrists.1 recently axxarded the "Doctor of Optometry" degnee at a recent convocation of the College of Optometry. St. George Street, Toronto. Ontario. Requinements for the degree inclucd succes!sful completion of tt';-o -vears of graduate siudy, Io ' ether w-ith annu.i] aîtendaiuce af College clinics. Keith Albert Billett lias been practisingý for a numrnb of yeans in Bovmanville, Ontario. For mariv t'eëaurs lue couiduc-t- ed a hospital for .n:iisl Sherbrook:e, Q.; r»,..vitiere ne had anauexie h e c:anou-n.He héeped organize e li 'eu-tîîary Service of tie NLv. BrcuîsxxicK D-partineît of Agrr.cuture. an-I o-I:dfor thoŽox-urlnie-nt o-j Cana: r. lie i'raA a nieuuîoer M~ t'eFe 1ral Hi-d!t1h of Au-alnais; Branch for !- ', cars. A iifeiouig inierest hii og ard ouher ai-'khâs charar te-:dDr. W cl\. lie eaiîi:îtý uun:t"yiofi>- thîe post JDog C-4ro i-r for tiis d-:--.His r - .ao l.oi to do s anud onr-,-s tan aýsumr -e of k*hid(neýss i Jeiung xvîh îc.anIL-t l-e niost uitra lituiinne rn thoc's wiUl be i force at the Dog Pound. Dr. and Mrs. Whieatlex' are at preseu:t res;d.rug in Oshaw.xa but plan 10 îox'e ta Bowmian- ville :in the aear future. The,." haxe oree son. Dr. J. M. Wheat-r Ic -ois Inowni as a briliiu"t phi1o..rpiu teac1'cr on the stafuf oi the Univ'ersity of Toronto. THE ULTIMATE ERROlI Last weekz, The States- mana staff shuddered just aften the paper hiit the street on Thursday morniiîg. Someonie discovered that we had committed the onie terrible error that everyone feared might happen some day. A birth notice, by some unaccoiîatable and untraceable slip hiad founid its way into the death column. Our sincere apologies bo the utisusppctiiig victirns. T T T - * %1VIIO'S TIIE RENTER ? -- Murclocli aiid Wels aiaue nakiaig x'ery rapiti progcess on the new Laskaris build- iiig next to the "orôilo-Doriioni Bank on Ternp- eranice St. The strutcture should he completed early in October. Big guessing gaine at the moment is wio lhas rented it for a retail outiet. Mn. Laskaris says the dea] lias been completed b)ut- no details wci-e availabi e. OTIIER CHANGES -In the field of changes, infor- mation lias leaked out that the lnfanitine house on Division St., nexi. to the Steinberg supermanket. property, lias been sold. Phil Cancilla is now trying to f ind a buyer for over sex'en tons of coal ina their cellar. It looks as thou-h the Steinbeng onganization may soon be ready to stant construction although we regret that no definite informnation hias beeai rýýieased. Wi'uldn't it be %vonderftul if a new industry suddenly decided that Bow'manville liad a great deal to of fer? t t jt -t OUR THANKS - This week, wve received a copy uf The Canatlian Statesman of November 28. 1894. The thoughtful donor -,vas Mrs. Annie L. Burnas ofWin nipegoùsis. Manitoba. She is a daughter of the late WlamBurns. The special edition, complete xith a -wonderfîal array of clear, well-printed photos. had been publishied to commemorate the lOth anniversary of the firsi settlemeîît of Darlington Township. Our sincere thanks to 'Mrs. Buns for this valuable addition to our files. t t + t PORT HOPE SADDENED - Cîtizens of Port Hope received an unexpected bit of bad new.s this week. Eldorado Nlining and Refining announced a cut-back in employees from '213 to 153. to takze effect next month. Lack of demand and surplus stockpiles cif uranium were given as reasons for the layoifs. Orono's Chamber of Commerce concluded one of the biggest street daîaces of its career with a big prize draw on Wednesday. Aug-. 1lth. - Durharn's new Alex Carruthers, drew the-winning ticket from thee hare drum and Charles Coopur iof Orono was declared the ýwinnnýr of a boat, trailer anud motor. He is s3hownh.-- receiving ow'nersiuin- a P'rs inhe forrà rdftt. etriil ccnse.. 'oM Irýf toni 0 Dane Fouind, Mn. Cooper. Art MJue.C. (cf C. President Don Szaples and Her-) Duvail. The Chamber estimated iiu.î c ig at bc-tween $1.'200 and $1,500 froin this popular event. S inaii z1bt