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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1959, p. 5

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THURSDAY, AUG. 27th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ON'rARIO PAGE F171 Seven Groups Enter Orono Drama Festival To Be Held Sept. 11 -12 An interesting program ha Council of Ontario, and is the been planneriîd' for *,he annual, founder and director of the Drama Festival of One Act! Playcraftsmen at the Central Plays to be neld in the Oroiio Technical School, Toronto. Mrs. Town Hall on Fuida\ and Sat- Margot Samiuels. Orono. is the urdav evenings, Septemnber Festival convenor. and I2th. The D-amia Festiv;id There are seven entries is sponsored b%.- the DLirham, for this year's Drama Festi-7 Central Agricti]tuirai Socl'etv. val. The Oshawa Little Thea- and wi]1 iehe bll ýn conjunctiofl tre wili present "The Brute" bv with the annuai Orono Fair. Anton Chekhov. It wiIl be di'- James Dean. Toronto. %vill be rected by Desinond BaileY and the adjudicator. Mr. Dean is' Delores Victor. prominent in am)ateuir dramatîc "The Bride" wil belJ circles in Toronto and the su"l-, submitted b-y the Ail Saints rounding distrýc ie'. s car Drama Club. Peterborough. man of the Prov~incial Drama This olay wili be directed bv - the author. Ralph Hancox. The' iThornton Players, Oshawa, wili. ETdo "A Dispatch Goes Home" bNx G TTHÉF RSTG Frank L. Mansur. It wiii be di- rected bY Russell Fluttter. ILI~r IThe Orono Players will pre- sent "The LoveirMrclyb ' ip Johnson. It will be di- IMNrected bv Maldeline Tool,,. Gc u ~ ~ n~ Jaimes P.Fergu -on, wili bc ub iiitted b the St. Albans ____Pl av-21s. Peterborough. Ere Johnson wili be th(- directo r. The Peterboroufg'n Comninunitv Theatres presentation wi.i] be *Mrs. Methuselah" bv Philip Jouo:"Rise and Shine" oy Elcia Cadogan and directed by Don Endicott wili be the entrv of the Knox Theatre Group, Peterborough. The program on Frida even- ~ -~ ing. September 1lth. will fea- ture the Orono Players. Thor-i ton Players, Knox Theatr-e Group and the St. Albans Players. On Saturday evening, September l2th. the Oshawa Little Theatre. Ail Saints * .' ~ Dramna Group, and the Peter- borough Comrnunity Theatre will pi-esent their plays. The programn each evening will start at 8.15 o'ciock. The ~ , newly decorated stage at the Orono Town Hall will enhance the visitai aspects of the Draina Festival. New wing and back curtains have been installed. and a new floor has been laid. Iltis astonishing how littie one feels poverty when one loves.-Edward George Bulwer. 111111Love must be learned, and iiiliilearned again and again:, there ill Il um u b' no end to it. 1ate needs rio be provoked-Katherine Anne Porter. F' ALTERATION r SALE 1 To make room we are clearing the following Top Grade Paints and Enarnelsi PITTSBURGH LINES Regular RUBBERIZED SATIN $2.55 SATINHIDE ENAMEL 3.10 ALKYD FLAT____ 2.50 SEMI-GLOSS ---- -- 2.70 WATERSPAR ENAMEL 3.15 SCARFE'S TRIX Regular FLAT -__-------$2.60 SEMI-GLOSS .2.85 GLOSS ENAINEL 3.00 GLIDDEN'S Regular SPRED-TRED (for floors) 2.6.3 Sale Price 1.85 2.20 1.80 1.95 2.25 Sale Price 1.85 1.98 2.10 Sale Price 1.80 J.- H. Abernethy' Paint and Wallpaper Store 33 King St. W. s Phone MA 3-54311 Public School Girls' Choir Appears on Television Favoi-able L(>nRnts have Yheen pmcntiful for ti-e Donna Dilîng. Jane Oliver., Enicd Tan-eidler. Elaine Big-s. WOr'k of this *vuuing chioir- since their appeai-ance on Peter- Martia Fagan, Rose Robinson. Dianne Biguts. Front i-ow. borough Television Thuî-scay, August l3th. They have, Ieft to right: Linda Steel, Judy Brough, Patsy Thompson. been in great demand throughout the district on several Sharon Stainton, Martha Witherspoon, Jili Ames, Sheila area radio stations and in churches. Trained by Mr.i Thompson. Murdoch Beaton, they include, back row, left to right: KEDRON l Mur ning worship was conduct- A- MacDuff Ottawa- Report ed at Kedron on Suuiday by Donald Atkinson. student minis- ter at Emmanuel College. Tor- P p l t onto. Miss Hilda Hunrnhries contributed two vocal solos, ac- P p l t companied by Mrs.. R. E. Lee at tihe organ. Albert Wood conducted the (Continued from page four) Sunday School session "it' for Canada? Eleanor Mountjoy pianist. How-' ar-d Farnciale wvas Aduit Class 0f the major source countries, oiy teacher. Offering was taken by Itally is stili sending as many people to Gloria Mountjoy and Dennis Canada as we will take. with bhe resuit Werry.that Ibaly has outsbripped ail other nations M-r. and MVrs. E. Mountjoy are as a supplier of New Canadians. But just holidaying for a week at ai cottage near Minden. They are1 comparing the f irst haif of this year with guests of Mr. and Mu-s. Huglih!the first haif of last, British immigration Ganruon of Oshawa for this vaca- is down by 5,397, from 16,292 to 10,817-, tion 'by the lake. German bv 2,556, f rom 8,475 to 5,899; Guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Mur- Netherlandis by 1,703 f rom 5,013 to 3,310. ray Mountjov during the past Thscudb1hebgnigo week have 'ineluded Mi-. and 1 Ti ol etebgnigo Mýrs. Douglas Armstrong of Ed- serious economic problem. for unlcss monton, Miss Mar-y Angus andr Canada is to remain forever as dependent John Davidson of Ottawa. Mre. on seiling ber resources ini forcign markets Ivah Angus, Susan and Andy. asi e.i ody h ilhv ohv Mr-. and Mrs. Howard Cor-asseit-dsh wllav to ae mack. Douglas and Cathie have bigger home markets; that is. people. been guests of Mrs. McCornrnack's And, with the growth of the European parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowler Common Market and the development of at their cottage near Havelock. industrially-poor but resources-rich coun- Mifss Hilda Humphries. Tor- tries of the world, Canada is in danger of onto, was a weekend guest of'r Mr. and Mu-rs. Jack Francis. losing foreign markets. The U.S., wibh Misses Sylvia and Mariene its huge domestic market, is ini a much Wood spent sex-eral days asi better position to meet this kind of threat. guests of MU. and Mrs. Clifford Canadians have. of labe, indulged in much Reid of Starkviile. boasting, reviving as though bhcy bcliev- Mr. and Mrý. Walter Davis ed it, Laurier's exuberant phrase. "The and famiiy vere guests, on Tenit etr eog oCnd" Thursday of Mrs. J. J. Black, Iwnit etr eog oCnd" Woodstock.I There have been book tities, "Canada, Friends of Stanley McCor- tTomorrow 's Giant" and "Canada, the mack in this community are lGolden Hinge". Perhaps we have been glad te bau-n of an anticipated on a golden binge of phrase-making and visit in Septemnber. I lu 1 soud o sbe p bt to his mother, Mrs. Greta Mc-,sol o oe pabt Cormnack, Stanley spoke of plans A good place to start marking a re- to, return home fu-om his present assessment would be in our restrictive, station in Hugelshein Rastatt, discriminatory immigration policy. More Germany, at the end of Septem- should be done ta attract prospective im- ber, with his wife and sons, Gregory and Kenneth. Stanley! migrants. Special advantages should be had recently flown to England i held out to them. Free passage should flot where a holiday of sight-seeing be out of the question for people with was enjoyed.1 qualifications we particularly need. Nor Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Craig n family spent two weeks neCar 1i Paru-y Sound at Whitestonei day with Mr. Park's brother, Lake, guests of Mr. Craig's par- 1 Ross Parks and ýfamily near ents.i Lindsay, assisting in the grim Donald and Dennis Werry. follow-up of the tragic tire on spent holidays with their aunt. Saturday evening which des-j and nele Mr andMrs.Arttroved the bau-n and some stock Roan ncle Mv. adMs when struck with light.ning. Rowa, Yeveu-.on.Mr. and Mu-s. Aubu-ey Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Adamn Hawle.v and son, and Mr. Fred Sucee and Catharine.. Peterborough, of Highland Grove were week- and Miss Lyno. Farrow Portr end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Credit were weekend visitors FEîîiott. with Mr. and Mus. Ross Lee Mu-. and Mrs. Jack Elliott and Brian. 'were wedding guests on Satur-. Mus. W. McCulloch. Orono, day at the marriage of AnitaJ and Mrs. W. Seott, Columnbus, Hart ai-d Morliey Fice. in North- have been guies,-t* of Mr. and minster United Church, Osh- Mrs. T. W. Scott. awa.I Mrs. Lillian Stev'ens. OshaiEwa, E was Sunday guest of hieu- grand- daughter Mr s. Douglas Love.: ý1s-Robert Haighît and Terriupe i TYnto. holidayed with the former's mother, Mu-s, Greta MeCorinîack. i Mr. and Mu-s. Elmier ParkslRE I Walter and Wayne speri. Su"- P ERM ANENT 1 j SALE! "WATER LILY"* CLEANSING CREAM HELENA RUBINSTEIN TH1E PERFECT CLEANSER SO.PTENER Save Over $2.50 $19, $4.00 Value - NGW Once a Year Offer . . . Limiied Time Only JURY &LOVELL Your Rexali Drug Store WAVLS Wlveil by: MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE miss VIOLET ZACHANOWICH formerly of Miller's Beauty Salon is now a member of our staff. FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 $75 For -$79 Reg. $12.5095 For - -- 9.95 Reg. $1500115 For 11.95 SPECIAL COLD WAVE at $5.95 Mr. Huyck will be here o; Tues., Wed. and Fri. to do the steam and regular waves Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's Hairsiyling Studio E or Periesh;" should special technical schools withî languagc-training and an allowanee forý students. ho out of the question foir desir- a bic unqualified immigrants. Chinese, Japanese, Negroes and others of non- white skin are part of the Canaffian com- munity; we must start breaking, down the har-riers and lctting more in. This is a big country with a lot oif filling-up to do and those of us who are already here are not Gods chosen people. Prime Minister Diefenbaker once said- in an election campaign speech to Newj Canadians-"We must populate or per- ish". We will, no doubt, be delightcd to, handle much of the population ourselvesz! but we aredependent on Jmmigrauiý;on for adequate growth.* Capital lli!Capsules Canet ohanopr on Aueust 29fth wr just a preliminary to more expccted be- fore the ncw session starbs. A fuî'ther si xengthcn ing of Quebec represetntation is expected wvith the replacement of Secre- tary of State Courtemanche probably by! Noci Dorion. former senior Qucbec townI prosecutor and close Duplessis ally.i Courtemanche repou-tcd on way out after! embarrassing govcrnment, wibh announce- ment bo his constituency, claiming credit for obtaining Bomarc 'site in his riding. Threatened resignation from CBC Board of Directors of Manitoba Professor, W. L. Morton if "Preview Commentary":, flot re-instated is said to have been the crucial act in deciding the board to order Acting President, Ernest Bushneil to put~ the program back on the air,. )ENHERTOG'S AT (formerly No Cases 2 For $1.25 of Polio Reported For Counties No cases of poliomnyelitis have been reported in the United Counties this year. the North- urnberlaiîd - Durham heaith unuit, sziid recentlY. There have been severai ca-j ses of a type of nieningitis eaus j ed by- a viru s uirilar to the lu -~ fluenza virus, anai whichi exhi- bits symptoms similar to those of polio, a health unit official said and dloctors have consid-' ered the possibility of polio. In former vears some of these cases were probably re- corded as non-paiaiytic polio. There was one case of polio in both 1957 and 1958 in the1 United Counties. and none n 1956. In 1954 and 1955 there were two cases in each year. Peak \'ear in the 1ast decade wvas 1951. when 51 cases, and two deaths were recorded ii the cc'unties. Program Extended Free immuniza tion against pol lomnelitis began in 1955. w'ben 4.750 sehoot children were inocuiated. In 1956, as more vaccine became available, the programn was extended to pre- school children. and soon tee aller becamne ax aitable to!hv sîcia ns to adiuister t0 their* patienIs. The bealth unit ran free imiiiiuniza!'0on clinic' for aduits throughout the counties durinut the Iast vear. Auigust and Septernbe- are usualiv the unonths, of highest incidence of the disease. Aduits seekiuîg polio shots fromn their doctors are advised by health authorities to have the combined polio and tetanus shots which have becoine avail- able recentlv. of GINERAL FOODI KiTCRINS Ever since Eve. we*ve found apples a tempting fruit. Try them in this perfect-setting, crisp fiavoured Apple Jelly. Delicnousi &PPLF JEI.LY 5 cltps 7juice (about 3 quarte ripe apples) 71,to cups (314 lbs) sugar '/_ boule Certo To prepare juice. Remove blos- som and stem ends from about. 3 quarts fuily ripe apples. Cnt in smail pieces, but do flot peel or core. (With soft, very sweet apples. add 2 tabiespoons lernon juice.) Add 3 cups water, bring to a hoil and simmer, covered, 10 minuter. Crush with masher and simmer, covered. 5 minutes longer. Place in a jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Mea- sure 5 cups into a uhery largo saucepati. l'o iake .JeIIy. Add sugar to juic'e in saucepan, and mix weIl. jPlace over high heat and bring to a boit, stirring constantiy. At. once stir in Certo. Then bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard for .1 minute. stirring constantly. Remove fromn heat. skim off foain with metal spoon, and pour quickly into glasses. Cover at once witli !'i inch hot paraffin. Makes about 12 medium glasses. Pectin is the part of every fruit that puts the "ici!" into your jei/y or jam. Sorne fruits have a lot aI pectin, others very litile. To even things up, we've taken this natu ral ijellying substance from pectin-rùch fruits, refined and conrentrated il. and narnc'd il Certo. Your jaiis and jellies alwmays set withl Certo because it supplies the extra natur- ai pectin so man-y fruits need. IPreserving Pointers. If your recipe calls for just ýi bottin- of Certo, re-cap the test, store in your refrigerator and use it within a.month. Count on me when you run into a Ipreseroing problem. Just drap a note to Frances Barton, General Foods Kitchens, 44 Eglinton Avce. W., Toronto. and l'il do my best ta heip. Another column soon, with another interesting jam or jelly ffcipe! _ _ _ SPECIAL PURCHASE! FLANNELETTE *SHEETS Si ze 70 x 90 '9 -3EACH I of Bowmanvillej CLOTHING 43 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE Marr's Jewellery) FRIDAY, AUGUST ZSth OPENING SPECIALS SPECIAL MATERNITY DRESSES SI- 69 $5.00 S$9 and $7.50 TOPS $2.98 SKIRTS iSLACKS $3.98 BLOUSES BARGAINSi $1.50 $2.69 CHIDRE'S Ail Kindg BOYS', SOCKS DRESSES BOYS' PANTS 59C à- oaouuI $1.25 $ 1.50 $ 1.98 $2.98 $3.98 $2.98 E£CIG 99C $2.79 $4.98ORN BOYS' SHIRTSi SWEATERS You are cordially invited to corne in and look around our new store . You are under no obligation to buy. PAGI PIV THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IrHURSDAY, AUG. 27th, 1959 à 15 King Si. W. MA 3-5778

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