W, x__e THU1MDAT. sEPT. Ird, 1950 nRE CANADJAN STATEMLN, EOWIFANvIUE. qLIT Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries' Property Involved in Sale Il IUn Magistrc (Written by i ~ ... .....and your personality. wha help ta mo-ke life bt for their iellow citizens? MrhBwavle ah] HOME PLANNING Mr.nAmstrong was my tr ai- guteHannby d ESTIMATING Depend oen us to reeosdition your hais- others. lie was a smal o-i w iapai were Sunday visit- SRIE law-ycr, a member o! bbchool Ooss of Ms-. and Ms-s. W. Brown. end bring hack the natural beauty bad ibctw lnig Mirs. Disy Roberson, Hou-* Avallable nt 31ai Unes aiftes- summer sun and water.. board, oad ailer carnxiunity staxi, Texas, aid Mis. T. Bry- QUALITY MATERIALI octivitîca. Me and -hua wlfe wel- ans andi farnily, Ajax, spentATRAOAL Special Steum Treatment availabi.. cornai ta tgeir home prime Tueeday with Mr. antiMs-&. ATPREAN. B Ministers, Cabinet Milnistes Rye Giboon andi Sandia. ICR FORas wcll as their fieîds andj Mr. aid Ms-s. Dellan Lycetti - ~ TELEPHONE l O neigbbous-s. But whaever tbev eand Dale, Oshawa. were Sun-' Headquai U 58ho-PPONTENtay vs !ewo Mr ad rk H AIR U ~~werethey felb athome, in dan ~ s~fM. -d i we souldvalue. They ask for f/'#fjutA ;feln o igtheir ahane ta o l plue ononSoro maelfebte for people. hog iù w 1 àgS adMribr a been the riches- 3 AT S M Ag N 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH. for Mr. Armistrong's efrs OMNIL M FRE ARIN AtRARPhone * t3333DOWNTOWN O] ~ '~ - - ~ ~1 (Continued trom page one) 7 7: vlcted that they feel they did- ... . . . . . màw 't g a break. You always shouldn't be used unless it is going ta be successful. 1 will remanil yau out of custody for 4 months. If you work steady andl stay out o! trouble for ,~this period o! Urne. 1 w3ll con- ........... ........... .......sider probation. One a!yo i dicate ta me fram the pre-sen- tence repart. that yau 'haven't M what it takes to stay out ai trouble. If the police have any p t *--Garden Guide. and ticol irformnative well illustrated trouble with you, I wiil have whc nits presenit iorm gives book on Canadian Gardens. lIj no alternative but ta send you gardeners practically ail the xi- tliis book wil be incorporated back to reformatory. The term ,foratio the reqire n co- th man draingsand n- ill be li excess of 12 ots B iroo ktdale formtion wt teh equire ng acon- remann aMxgsan-d oean t s 09[0 cÇt>4e (C ktor lIthere is any fooling, the care ai Nursery Stock through- a period of years as the resuit gm auYunyg o COntJxnued trorn ouge- one) out the year. The new Book,j of customers' many and diver- Deai' Sir: we would welcorn. suggestions and be back on December thecomany wil had p te!which is niow bein.g compiled'sificil questions. Th.is book wili May I th.rough the colunînsi or donations from any who are 22nd. Mýeail division at Brookdale, in- and which will be issudi deal entireiy with problems ai of your muoh appreciated painterested. I hope to have a A young Bowmanvitle manl cluding sales promotion andl Januaty, 11960, has an added the amateur gardener as they per, make clear a slight ni-fi eotpbihda a a eaddoto utd adverti sir g. He is a native o!Afeature, a "How - To - Do - It pertain to the Canadian climate. understanding that exists re- ter date. for sentence o! charges o! New Wes'.minster, British Col- Landscaping"l section which will Each Province within Canada garding the Zion U.C. Cerne- We ail regret the mistake Brenking-Flntering and Thef t. umbia ard e7une to Brampton be invaluable ta the Amateur will be treated separately, ac- tery perpetuai care trust fund. wsmd n oeseswl eifre h or hth wi7th hiS parents, graduating 1 Gardener %ho wishfes ta land cording ta its climatic and sailiF Through the kindness af Mr. be taken ta set matters righi had been accepted by the Ar- f rom hi"h school there and later1 scape his own homre. XI giie conditions. Mr. Scott estimates i Stewart Gray, the local com- in the near future. Severai niy. The Magistrate warned ~:At o T- onplteinstruc4ions for lay- il wiil take th~e bettrprt riie n nn tes have suggested havi.ng a bee ithe boy, "The Army cdoesn't e,. of To- e which isatheou ualtprocenure wanttheur, in-l. ns. You j,,iqt rorsto Co' Iege of Arts. Mr out, kins of plants. season of th.ree years of research and cluding i the ever faithful W you prble reeýÏl, eLsbeen -with Con- bloom, and l ai other pertinent writing tu compile titis book. the as elnaru cenetlry. them by yourself. 1 iContrarv ta go5sxp it ould conduct yoursellfhkle a da-rn tinental Cali Conrpar.v. suecial- I information required ta land- RalzdCag eesr up during the lest two yearslietsteafaasIno fo eceteexrsoad iigin their packaging re- scape his own property. Rawithhage cesaya view of having everv- ike o saîtas ar ao1menti fo s fetxpessi ro onoui. h search div isioun. Coupleil with the growth ai When asked ta comment an thing ship-shape for aur cen- ientr na-vwî,adn! rvi iare aa Ago He and bis Aife Jean have the nursery business the facil- the sale of the business, Mýr. tenary. donateion roni l an dta 1.10Am. career ihoday. Thed two sonLs, Paul 31 and David is rokaeKngwySto eited:"hinâs rey hard, mmTh rte trus a stp. The Itwas the wish of one af cipline wil] be good for you. It 2 weeks old. For the present 1' have expanded accordingly. ta en ierWndne Ccle fore Comnteoyr tetrst efor d aur late citizens, the cemeierv May be the Making f o! yu." ihey will continue to reside in Very modiern siorage cellars iet er n o on u r in a epnil o be taken- care ai. To carry oui A minor. drinking beer païd ScarboroLigh, but olan on mov- winteq-over the stock, li readi- for the next race. However, upkeep of cemetery ai the that wish the family have co- $18.00. Speed_ýng on a motor- ing ta Bowmativille as soon as ness for Sprirng delivery, which my heaith failed me lasi Spring present time. We are puiiing 1opeadwt ln rgntdcceoe 0mlsper hu passible. ~~is grown on Brookdale-Kings- ta the point that 1 realized a, donations in debentures untill adwtiapanriiae cceoer3 iesprhu Histoi- afthe Nrser way lards «id which front No. change had ta be made. This the compounded interesti s:li155 hi elitrsio igStetcs $2O n Histoy of he Nusery 01 Hihway(stretching for opportuniy presente i iself and sufficient ta keep cemetery inad as eesnainpirton.5dmrt.Th a r 401manigcoat No 4-d a deal was consunumated. faýr condition. and help. jt~Mgsrt hth ol NomnSotwshired by sanie three miles along No i sel the motorcycle. Four per- the laie J. H-. H. Jury and rarne Highway), tagether wiih thel Town Has Been Kind While we cannai mee te~ We feel grateful to the press F sans paid a total o! $24.00 for ta Brookdale-Kiig.sway Nurser- King Street Greenhouses and owavîehsbener reuem t !ih cmeryan-d toa ai who have given or parking meter violations. 0v- ies aitihe agae of 25. Mr. Scoat Perenial. propagation grounds Bwaivlehsbnvry aci we are to same exteni piro- will give encouragement and erloads were assessed for var- hail just graduatted froni Ohio on No. 2 Highway. Idind ta my famnily and nuyself. tected by the exemptions. The1 financia] help. IXi s only a ious weights, $53.00, $33.00 and State University, with his -Mas- A nentoa eitto We have enjoyed good ca-ancera- book showing the names and small but fitiing tribute teiwo ai $23.00. Another Bow- ter af Science degree, having olnwi ievrosbsns lcto !gae slsw ur brave pioneer& .manville mani was remanded serveil under Dr. Chadwick, one Mwr. Scoat has made for him- houses and municipal bodies, h-ave a partial map but il sYus8neey ni o.3doto utd o! the foremost Horticultural self a national andi iternation- andl have been fortunate in far !rom complete. Iuo icrey n al ov.ard ou rinusnd Authorities in America; and ai reputiation as an ouisianding having a faithiul lot o! em-I Thei'e was a portion of.landl <ss)W- J. McCullOugh,' ontahrig.eo! Beakinb. Fod previousiy having obtained his Nurseryman. Besides the many ployees." Mfhen asked if heOnes i revdfotoefSc.Tl& having a cold Ïbeer ai the scene Bachelor of Science Degree at Canadian meetings lie has intended ta retire - hie stated who could not pay for a lot. of < an accident, another maxi, the Ontario Agricultural College, spoken ai variaus Nursery Con- "47 la pretity young ta retire' There is no one thepansibeet aivenainsStratford it the Uited anid 1thu h 1 av 'ese for ibis pari. Many families'Iqnt in ov d i te acd n adprior tota titime a Teach- yen liorouggreanesahouve hae tah Schedule ofiad $13.00. er's Certificate a tafr States, iîcluding American As- up, 1 intend t'W carry on wiiht ns vshav benlo - Noma Shol.sociation of Nursery Coi-aen- iwo other businesi.es whiah I ngly cared for i the pasi havei Convictions «! à charge o! Normal School. ion held a few yeans ago ai arn establishinig, nameîy te n ea relatives, and many Falling ta reinain ai the Scene Esiablished in 1919 New Orleans; the Western As- "Scoýi's Cure Insecticide and o! their so cailed friend See- F e C.alls on Io! an accident on Juiy l8thand Although Brookdale-Kings\&,ay sociation Nurserymnen's Conven- Fungicide Comipany" which wllta be indiffereni. 13 arls cs.Bs ides theon 14us was established in 1919. and had tion (St. Louis); the Oia State be for tihe sale and distribution Ontedhrhn efn w emerit n-marks. which causes been operating for almost -90 Nursery-men's Amsciation (Col- o! aur own formula, and which people wvho are appreciative IN w S ren years, prior ta Mr. Scott's ai- umbis, 0hio); Pexixsylvania is now widely accepteil 1y1and generous. The congrega- i the lass ai the driver's license, rival, the Nursery was in rather Sate Nurserymens Association oine Gardeners, andi hichthen are pledged ta neer use'; XI aswer ta many reue,ýts penalties were $84.00. Evidence -- 'by rookdaeKthewaprinceihave bette thch-P intpe- pricial.Ifihy do it will the foilowing schedule orfire was thai the car was itr bad condition', bath financiallY ai Piitsburg, and the Indianne iheretafore bas been sold &oleiy b a breach of trust and thefi, jcalis is published so that citizens cepted after hittmng a car ai adphysically when he iaok Nurserymen's Association ai b rodl-igwy over. Prom 199 tntil the pre- Purdue University. 1 ln osllgBsns but 1bave fou confidence i an av a betr icea ai the the East Beach an ape Plw oslin uie# the Zîon people. location o! the blaze when the f were forwarded ta the Provin- sent date, the growth of Brook- 'xIn May of titis year, Mr. "hn oteeI 'nt'So a fr, the official letiere, horn blowxs. They were sup-1 cial laboratory for analysis. adprngrssivehasone nta tedady S'iinedteUivral needi for a Horticultural Con- have been sent ta relatives plied ta The Statesman by Fire when the driver denleil being andprgrssie neuntl odayRase Selection Societyr meeting sultant business. At the pre- -.--=-Chie! Walter Hackney. i involved. On the 1Mthoa Aug- faremost Nurseries on the Con- ago he wws insrumental with tie Ath tsou own <I ta the East Beach andl rouidn't tirnt sppyig ursryStckth lteFraci Milan (heknowledge ibis type ai service, egt tpe bfr e i h thrxientheupp iurfs r tc teli FacsMelai (h anot availb&,e ta Canadians. b Fe t our blasts,--Corner of on- gR topP oll e ore e bitthe thr-uh herndîm ! LsGa- ariginatar of Peace Rose) in With ibis in mind the "Canad:- taonid Libe-rty Streeti'. 1dRurond b h deni Guide ta Retail cusiomers h-aving Bokdale - Kinsway la Horticuîur' ervcs s -O o l--m Towni o! Bowrnanville. The ,rgh aros anda Bokdlbemdea enbe epeMagistravce" sbe tro o acve Piementeingans àWMaitthacolete helh -rigt acrossCnosa.r gae - mad a mme rpeeiging încorporaited whlch will be rySres ~Jigsa as ejy alrg r~I.At the meeting inerStetî was being lenient. "'Doxit corne Jriume of Wholesale Trade, May ai Antibes,Fane Mr a service to the '...eu,.uan Pb.jv Six blast,..-LýTowe an-d Cenotre bock before me agaln or the )kùpplying other Nurseries, bath Sco' lperselct eh Mr. Bc, whereby ibis iirm wlU serve ren m s o lgiiet.fine wlu b. 5 trnes as greai. lI Canada and the United States. Univesal Rose varli1es wheh's onuan Eprt .*rdn Seven blaO» -Kingoand Silv.- A Younig Newcatle lad was The keynote ai Brookdale- sh mttes a taroriaionWorldte Kinigsway over titis twexity- <dii.ng 1960 and 1961. Wl-ile ixiInsurance Claims, Adjusitmenta Editars Note- . are pe&g- ex ineets.covHethdeil ! Creless Dîvfast >reor period bas been quolity. Erp i iielanunranad veriaus ather mattersas e' ta repraduce the following; ih 1E~ Egn ~ M a endligtofs Euroe h viiteda nmbe of ribte o oe ofourDurhamind trets.on King Street li the ram and etrducd Clou Caaloue is usnes asociite inBel tmcxi tind valavis o Hoi- vitizens, Mr. R. H. Armstrong One blast, e pause, foflowed losi contrai af bis car-. He rol- During his first yea-r ai glum, Holland iand Englaxid. cetnd l puct. naheng wrillantiea rol h de tby - wo blastg---King oandlDi- ldAu ntelw.Ti a trookdale-Kingsway, Mi. ScotSome o! Mr. Scoit's articles culturl d ctsav. W higwlnave triveborg, u2ronwod edtervisioxi Streets. is the firsi graduate o! the Introduced Colour int the on pro-dico- nursery manage- d7< konas"irth wsa Oie blasi, a pause, fo11owed Bwaiil rfi lnet Pirm's Nursery catalogue. Prior ment have appeareil in Europ- agree t wx eoprBiel brU L ; roi- and! by four bat, -Outi4de of Fis-e aPPear eoeteMatae ta 1939 Colaair was used very ean anil Ameracan Trade pub- owners and help a3 much au the late John Armstrog o! - Hall. The Chic! Constable suggcsted sparngly in Nurses-y Catlogues libations, possible for a perli oofanc year. Os-ana. This article appearedin j Tw( blasts. à pause, toilowecl there -was no excuse for tbis. Aiter tba't Urne, we will likely ïel: -n Mal ep by two blasts-Miemorial lios-XIt should be n-iandatory for throughout Canada. F'ron-î hat During his easly Yeas ata locate li Toronto which wil~l be19.pai suspension of license when a trne, until ioday. the use o! Brookdale-Kingaway, Mi'. S9t5le puatrsfo tetao e colour increaseil tremendously was offereil severtal Univer-sity business«a." A Gee J Thi-c!d b oe bas a nande, flio w until in lis present siate, the positions but declineil thiesanie M niMr.Saula Ï, hr remn iebiye ~raSres Garden Guide enjoys the ne- li favour of the more practicai r n r.Sothv wo Ihr aemn iehiyttroSres putation of the Finesi Coloureil aspect of Horticulture. At one cbildTen. Owen is 16 aid will be' he was unique. We appreciate! Once o-gain, kixe Chie! Hock. Publication of ils kind li Con- trne he was a regular canti- eîtering Fi!th Foi-m titis yeas- them n ad their efforts, yeti ilJ xey asks for thie cooperation a! ada. A number o! yeas-s aga, ibutor ta the "Caxiedian Homes andl laies- bopes ta attend tie'seems that they must die be- non-firemen in keeping thaop- i was decided ta give ta pro- exil Gardiens" Magazine in OnIania Agricultural Coflege as foew oo hm rep race ateFr all ra speciveeuson-ersinsrucionswhih apeaed is olu a Horticulture, student. Janet, oui' gratitude. 1 oam speaking when the aiarm, sourds, se that. sPetwecutaner intrctins hlh apenedbi caumi14, will b. going inta Second omtenhundreds o! mex n ndfiremen may safeiy oand specil- on How ta Plani. and various "Dowî to Earth." Pierre Ber- onadhrmbtn s ewmn who toil for their- ici- ily reach the hall-and, even t Garden Minis cancerning theis- ton once neferreil ta hlm i nFr e iion aatnb.low citizens in tue cities, towns more important, 10 thie fine already es;tabli.shcd Nurser-y article li National Magazine as MAC Hall graduate ai O.A.C. ani lageso! Canada. , trucks ray flot be bindereci in Stock. the 'fGardener with thie Golden -Mr. R. H. Ar-mstrong wu leaving thie hall. Motarists arce The How-to-Do-It Section Mthurb." Jl Enthusas le the best pre one o! Ibis as-ay of public- also warned ta stay well ta the With tihis in mind. Norman Plans te Write aBoo0k i tection li any situation. Whole-' spiriteil citizens. He askeil no-!s-car when they are iallowing f Scott conimenced the "'ow-To- X sM.Sotsitnina jhatdesa otiu.D- !thng but thie chance ta b. of ! the fis-e trucks toa axy fine. Do-It" section which s now tis M pr.nul s wintenatio-cs- vid ess-y. taios- service ta people. He died last - -. . ____________________________a ________________________week ln Morrisburg, another I casualiy af thc St. Lawrence LONG SÂULT Seaway. Mes heart gave oui, I the big, generous 'hearit tat1' f iwas ever of service ta hj~id eý. Mr. ai Mra .X. Johnston low citizens of Morrisburg. 1 spent Sunday with bis aliter I iHow muehi better lu would: at Richmnond ill- uw HAVE-- have ee $-i lae%-£ar-- ~.- - ruipc alet, Jne1v île CORVSLER - PLYMOUTH - SIMCA DEALERS 20 King st . agf Bowmanvall. FARGO M.A 2-5487 Th ey're Leavîng For s chool ..à . but this year they're leaving froan a homne of their Own. a 0 6thanks tO OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS NI 'TYOU PLAN TO BUILD NOW *At Your Convenlencu . . . TWO MODERN RHOWROOMI TO SRV& roue. HOME CONSTRUCTION DIVISION. CJomplet* home renaodelllng, addition&, sud reaa ineludlag ail uub-tradee, 'E rters For Ail Tour Building Nees VOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Telephones To Serve You M Main Office and Showroom .-RA 8-1617 COURTICE.-RA 8-1611 3-2138 AJAX-ZEnith 2-9mW FFICE OPEN FIDAT IUL 9:00P.N. v J35. Back.d out without naklng m"ra h. coud o .." " 'aafety cite's Court nrtbo dcr ad a di yen 83 feet into the ditch. The r .Kurb) other ar lnvolved went 133 feet into the ol>her ditch atter graduate of the Traffic Clinic the Impact. No liquor Jnvolved drives in this manner. Miagis- and the penalty was $28.00 in. trate Baxter aciuiesced. The cluding costsThe mani Who boy was remanded out of CUS- caused the accident had been tody until October 6th. The taken ta Llndsay Ceneral Hos. Magistrate took his license. pital after the accident for in- Another Bowmanville mani juries he received, by a pas». who was to appear for sen- ing mnotorist. tence on Charges of Badl Che- Aohrmnpeddgit ques didn't appear for senten- nothmied riinlade iltw' ce. A bench warrant was issued Imard rin.Mik- for his arrest. A mani charged yer told court that his client with Assaulting a Police 0f. was an alcoholic. A passing fice inNewcstl, wa rean-motorist had riotified P.C. Mc- ded on Ba&il of $500.00 untilDoad fth .P fte September 8th. Nlo driver's li. erratic ianner in which Vie cens cot $3.00 toanohercar had been driven. McDonald ces ot a.Omt nte observed the car at a lunch nn. inl a acdn counter on 115 highway. Wait- nouter ain le canaictidntofed for the driver ta came out Creulted lxrivia cnvictionao- andl then observed the marn ty of $52.00. The car threw b12 fret aray. The driver cai gravel 16 feet wide and 41 feet 12 fst way.iTheaof drivr l behind the car. Went 117 feet mand was saering. H. was rn after leaving the road through adwssagrn.H a brush and then turr'ed over placeil in the celis for 7 ho. _; on side. It was rainlng. Com- and then released on baýil to metdthe Ma * trate, 'lYou a friend. Me stili wesn't able meMtedta drive li the opinion of the deliberately diai somethi~n g officer. Daimage in the acci- that was unneoessarv . ou must have been trave1lig at a, dent was about $10.00. high rate of speeci. You LLono>t The caunsel retalned by the realize that your license is a man pleaded with the court -> document loaned ta you and is give hlm a break. Re stated subjc-ct Io certain conditions. that he wouidn't take the case You must obey the rules of the unless the man could stay awa,% roed. People do flot have ta from Uiquor for a week. Mig put up with that nonsense. client hadn't had a drink for a There is nothing smart in IL. week. This escapade woul3- It niay imxpress other young resuit in the loss o! the man's per. I f you want ta drive job, bis license and his wife. O.K. [i you dont- let'& have He agked for a week's adiourn- your .cense.,iment to consider hurther ac- Anothf-r driver missed thelItion. This was granted by the turn off to Highway 7A train1 court. 1~ *1 'W qm 0 E-auwim àmmvj»-%JLJCUUU 'i il I il 4' -J' 'J' .5 4 '-, ta1 1957 DODGE REGENT V-8 EA Power Flit., radio, white w*1I1, 2-tons white end gold. A pictur. 1956 PLYMOUTH V-8 SEDAN Power Flite, radio, 2 ton. bIne 19.%6 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. SEDAN Radio, 2 tone black and turquo» 195.3 WINDSOR SEDAN Automatic, radio. 1953 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN 1953 METEOR 2-Dr9 V-8 1953 METEOR 4-Dr., V-9 1952 FARGO 1-TON PICK-UP) COME IN AND SER.. M ESIMCA g"EETrr 14« Chryoler's Imported Comupact ,Economj V-8 Palmer Motor Sales PACM szvimTm m