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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1959, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THEL L.ALDIA1N STATESMAN, HOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOTHRDYSE! Stephen Fuels Win Big One Tuesday for Championship ISnowden beat ouit a bunt, but was left stranded, as the nexi 'three batters went down in ord- er. Ini the seventh, the Fuels claimed their final two hits, but were unable to score. Ken's went ahead to stay, in the bottomn of the first, as pitcher George Stephen waik- ed the first two batters: Lloyd Hamilton singled and Mason knocked a sacrifice fly, for two runs. The winners addèd three in- surance markers i the third. with Mason once more showýiiff the way. Ken's probably would have added to their margin, if two runners hadn't got nailed on the bases by fine throvs. Bud Perfect drew a base on halls, but wvas cut down at third by Dadson'. on Hamilton*s single to centre. Then came the play which broke up the bail game. Manager Jack Cole called forj Stephen to pass Mason inten- tionally, but a couple of pitchesi went in the strike zone. and onî the second, Mason blasted a home run t.o straightaway centre. Bob Williarns flyed to centre.I but Kelly singled and -Bth Cole tripled to score the final rua. before Masters' perfectý throw got hlin tryîng to stretch it into a borner. Snowden took over the nioutid duties in the fourth, to hold the Men's Wear off the score ,;heet on one bit. Losing pitcher Steh en gave up five safeties (four in the third ), walked thî'cc andl struck out two. Richards retired 14 batters in t a 1-0 edge in the best of tihree Today's youn.gsters don't leave t series, against Courtice, for the 'footprints on the sands of time Junior championsbip. Thé se- -just tire tracks. fcond garne goes tonight in Trouble that looks like a Zion. mountaîn fromn a distance, In exhibition soccer. BOW- usually is only a hili when you imranville Hooper's. Jewellers! get to it. defeated Peterborougb Italia 1 The feilow wuth money t* 4-2 et the Memorial Park 'n burn seldomn sits by the tire. Molein One TEE Bob Watt aced the 140 yard TUE FR twelfth liole at the OshawaE Golf Club. Saturday afternoon, ENTri[E using an eight iron. Playing FAMJILT with Bob at the tiinre were club AT champion Jeff McGrath, Ross Gibs ad JckGCREANSr Anytime a hole-in-one is made, B A that is news. But you haven'ti beard anytbing yet. 1 OF Friday. Watt cracked an eight iron wbicb hit the lip of the f cup in the air on the 145 yard B B E ninh hle.Thebail knocked j Yl ended up within a haîf inch ofj the pin. And that's flot. ail - Playing jAil you unfortunate people into the wind on the 205 yard, who haveu't had the piea- l4thi lole. on Mondav. Bob bit sure of feeding or pettlng a two iron shiot wbhich bit on the a "Red Bellied Pademnelon"$ green. roiled around the cup, should hurry down this and settled less than an inch 1 weekend. Barring airline Atnite yoear ofgo1m Bb diffuculties one is due te A ft e y e r s f g ifi g , o b i a r r i e f r o m A u s tr a lla a b o u t Watt finally got a hiole-i«n-one,i Friday and wilI be roamlng and then nearly did it three freely about with the Deer tirnes ln four days. As Bob and Marnas and other auj- told in: 'It's liard to believe mal s this weekend but hie lad wilnesses (as if hie m needed therni) to prove it. eclet control. i SOCCER I HI -LIGHTS Just at a imî-e when Kenîs Men's Wear seemed to be on the road Snowden, Jim Allun and Gary Tighe; back row: Frank Mohun, George Zia the senor itiiia.sin back. Stepheni Fuels hit their stride again on Tuesday to take the Town Stephen. Ted Dadson, Jiggs Cowling, Bob Abbott, Don Masters and Jack point of a spot. in the finals, Softball Championship, three gaines to one. The titieholders include, Cole, manager; absent, Ted Bagneli. downing Tyrone 2-0. last Wed- front row, lef t to right: Don. Gilhooly, Larry Garbe, Jack Bond, Harryi nesday nigbt, and pulling a 1-1. -' tie in the final minute of play i in Saturday's gaine. to none in the first game, when A pair of tallies by Andy he failed to register a single Motthews gave Zion the lead la- Bantams Ousted by Napanee Lear. The losers got their only openerAtog telsr 1hîff for the ontime thning s -athe tr af 0the playoif Roy Pyke was thlubig show. the hriesters wcred thîce ti- Spafford. Bowînanville a 4-0, first iin-*Lng 1lead-off batter Ted Dadson the second haîf, tbey couldn't fanning 32 biIter.ý a. Napai ce >hii the seventh, and adclec Napancee 9 - Bowmanville 1: lead. before Pyke came on1 5 doublecl, went to third on Don put the bail in the net atr huig 9I nd -~staack~ iiitie i te eght t braka AterNaari~ pend lie register the final out, and hold Masters' hoist Io rigbt and scor- da, Tyrone took an earîr leud the Bowrnanville Legronnairm-.. 1-1 tic'. Sumday aftemnoon, at scoring in the first, Bowmnan-i the locals scoreless on fiveied on Don Gilbooly's sacrifice on Andy Taielmane's penaltyi over flic wcekctic.Tiî doube h lc eiiîoriaj Park, Pyke camne; ville couated a single rua in i hits for the rest of th gainefly. Laurie Garbe picked UP shot, but wîth a minute to co win, gave the easterners tic e on ina relief in the first, the second, on a walk and a Paul Mutton was the big hitter the only pass off Richards, in Dick Nemis scored froin a best of three :series. two gaines, f0 hold the Legionnaires score- ildpthf i h cr.Bî o the Legionnaires,acut- Cfr. goal-mouth seramble to give to one. Pyke itru(-k out 19. less. after Bownîanville had Emburgh's single in the sixth, ing for three of the bits off -Stepherî Fuels didn't get an- Zion a spli. on the poinits. Saturday nîght in Napanie., as taiken. a 4-0 lead off starter,;wliich spoiled Pyke's no-hitter, i Pyke. other runner on base until the A goal in the last minute or ________________________________________________was the onîr s&fetv the Leg-! Napanee scored three Unes, sixth. when rival pitcher Harry play gave Zion a- 2-.1. wn. amidi ionnaires collected throughiout ini the second. and knotted the~ the gamne. Naparîce got to star- count in the fourth. Four suc- fer av Wo n u the sev-' cessive bits broke the gaine- )qx MFentl, and kept the barrage o wide opea, as the visitors broke ingý on reliefers ion aok', loose for four nmarkers ihe lcH L H C U H 000p., ~~~~Jerry Falls and Gerald Harness el.ghth. E P T E C UTR to put tic ganie on ice. Bartlett led thec Napanee at- f ~Valentine anîd Pyke led Nap- 1 tack with three bits, includingi inaeels nmue hit attack, wîtb a a two-bagger. while Anderson! i palir of qafet les apiece. . and Knight each eollected a. c Napanee 8 - Bownîanvi île 4 pair.J in t e P AIM TO IVEA pair of walks, an erromr. .Jon Hancock gave up 1l saf- ,4~ N'\ c~ IVE andqj i jngles b _V Mike Johnson efies and struck ouit eight to A ND LET IVEad Tole Tonîpson gave take the loss.B OM Once more. 1 want to talk Kens Tke hROdGamRY 7_about safety. With more and ý l L Lf L. EK more cars and trucks on the sre ' f SotbclaiI PuaVOuus and hi"hw'avs il is becoming more ~ mclin ue important to e\e' n u s thal we taiccpiroper precau_ tions tc di - safelvanto ae ýurc thal div car or truck we dri-ve ismeehan icall.v safe iii every - xa-. srý ac1:nc-the other day abotl i h resuits of a safety check Bil] Stevecn in UIR' of our mnajor Cities. I was shocked to reaci that more than haif the car s checked hadl impropertv,, aimed head- lig-t. Theu reans that w~hen ther cars were gloing dowvn the roacl ai ni4tthe\, ither couldnt see whait the'v shon id o.r hat their headlights \vere nmaking il difficuli for sorneone else to see properly. Here arc ttîrer simple safetN rides for nighit driving, that Viii sure wilil help tb eut dowNn night accidents: 1. H ave Your head ights a ýi mecdcorrecîlyonceC a y'car. 2. Observe the dii ciiiu- ridle .do,î't "'ait foi- the otiier fellow. l)im ' oirs fi rst. 3.(t <u r spýuud a11 n hAit SI)thlai you ena stop ivithiiu hie limit of * vur vision. Thlat is. slow dowiî t() ihere Ymi ean stop hefore you hit ivhat --otr headli-lîts silo%%, upon the road. Propel ai of n ':omr liezicliiQh tsis iust one safety preczaut ion \ 'ilsîould ta-:c xith \.oui- car. Brakes, stcriii v rd1c tires arc als,) vital to vour safety. Bring 'mi -car in-, nw for a corapiete safet 'v check. A\nd makc arranigenments to bring it in at reitulaî' intervals tic keep it safe. Qne serious accident coîild cosi ' vou more ttîan '<ou would spendlin a lici ime (onlsafetîy checks. Better drive ini today. AS WE EXPFCT THE 1960 MODELS IN THE VERY \I' R FUTURE ALL USED CARS ARlE BEING SOLD AT Gireatly Reduced Prices And Reniember pav-s tb u,% (roia certi- fied dealer. wlheic al late *nodel cars are .Ytaraiiteet. SUPPOIZT ROTARY CAR WASH S.A'TURDAY, SEPT. 121h "Ac Riharsarture out picture. The Fuels lkad thei hsthird home run. as KniSoffball Championsbip, two Mca -s Wear downcd Stephien games to one. Fuels 5-1. last Thursday nîglif. Richards regaied bis strike- to move back into the playoff out touch, fanning nine opposed By Frank Mohuii ffl 3-7234 i GIRLS' SOFTBALL Aithougli we gave a lot of ink to the men's softball play- offç last week. dont forget that tbe Bowmanvilîe and Orono i girls' teanîs are ptayiîîg great competifive bail for the girls' tithe.i The serîee is ail square at two wins apiece. Last week, Bow- nianville took a 6-5 win to go one up. but Orono came back toi i wiri 3-2 and even the best-of-scven series. The clubs playedli Orono last nighul and thie sixtb anîd perhaps final game is at thec Menioriai Park, toniorrcrw niglît au 6 p.aî. If a sevciitb ganie Ss 11eCesarv', we imndlrstaic it will be played Monday nighfi orono. * Wjti the goodi crowcls %hich have attended both the men's' and the girls' games thiis year. if rnigbt be interestiag for the; fans, if a gaine %vas arranged between tbe champs of the tW"o i bagues. Uîîdoubtedîv ube edge would be witb the men, but an exetînuge of batteries would unake it an interestiag game. AI Osborne ias been scouting the Bowmanville girls' eani ail season-. and he tolcl me that lie bas onie pILayer who coulcî play on his tearn next year. And Kea's Men's Wear won theý pennant, too. MEN'S SOFTBALL 13ecause luis reporter was away for the holiday weekend, this article was written before Tuesday night's game. 1 think' rnost of the readers know that Ken's Men's Wear won the third gaine last week, and goiîig into Tuesday's game they trailed the best-of-five series, two gamnes to one. This fourth game will appear elsewbere on the sports page. If Keni's won it. probably "Ace" Richards' pitching made tiie difference. Or rnaý be il xvas John Mason. wbo can break upi an,. bail gaie with one swipe. The Stephen Fuels' pitchers stili can't figure a way to pitch to him. If the FueI5ý won it, the leaguc's winnigest hurler, Marry Snowdeîî, migbt have played a big part. How about league-lead- ing bitter Don Gilhooly? Could 1>e that he broke loose for several bits. 0f course none of these players miglit have bad mucb to do witb thecfinal outcomé. Oaly one thing is certain - if thcre'.s a gaine toaight, it should be a dandy (quoting Frankie Friscb) . If there isa'u t uiy gane--hat's off to Stephen Fuels. 311INOR BASEBALL JUVENILES The locals dropped the openîng game of a best-of-thre4e series to Ajax. here'. Saturday afternoon. The second game is in Ajax this Saturday. with the third game, if necessary, also away fron borne. BANTAMS t Afler m-înnhng the opener, the Legionnaires dtropped the second gaine Saturday in Napanee, and were ousted in the decid- ing tilt, vlayed bere Suaday afternoon. Reports. of th-e games appear elsewhere on the sports page- cj cg '-c a-L W m PU aILE BOWMANVI LLE PAPER DRIVE FRIDAY, SEPT. 18 Citizens are requested to have their old papers and magazines tied ini bundies and placed on the boulevards in front of their homes. Your co-operation is appreciated. J HELPS OTHERS crade to CLUB e Work Donc by Members of Bownanvlle Rotary Çlub Tickets may be obtained f(roui Rotary Club ïMembers 0 SATUR DAY, EACH 8 A.N. TO 6 P.M. SEPT. Robson Motoros 166 RING ST. E., BOMANVILLE Proceeds for Rofary Club Chariable Work ROTARY MEMBERS ON DUTY 9 te 1030 .m. Keith Billett Mel Dale Dave Higgon Bernard Kltney Tom Rehder Mark Roenlgk Bill Steven Bill Thlesburger George Vice Rex Walteru Bi-1or 1>on1 10:30 a.m. to p.m. Bill Coggins Lou Dîppel Forbes Heyiand Don Morris Tom Palmer Walter Reynolds AI Strike AI Wltherspoon Stew McTavis> 1 to 3:30 p.Mn Norman Coles Walter DeGeer Len Hooey Ted Mann John Morrison Art Ribey Garnet Rlckard Howard Rundie Bob Stevens Jlm Stutt 12 Ltd. 3:30 o 6 p.m. Clare Garton Rom Glbart Kelth Jacksoni Frank .Tamlemon Pete NeweIl Rlck Rlckaby B111 Rudeil Kelth Siemon Jesse Van Nest v I 'q e. e 1 r. i-», me 0 Startinu ai 6 P.m. ýT HELPS OTHERS ®rmoýl% r

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