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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1959, p. 15

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THURSDAY, S=P. 1bih, 1959 Newcastle's Now OnIy _______ 1A~*5 rr~oe~ii THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAt4VTLL~ nWrA#Tn Hatchery a Memory InstailNew 0f ficers Kinsmen and Kinettes -I 2 c I 4 ( I 'I e 'M th wa NOW HAVE 4 m q 4 TOP HAIR STYLISTS mi. BRUNO M. GEORGE miss PAT NIa. COSMO LET OUIR EXPERT STYLISIS CREATE A NEW, LOOK FOR YOU! More than a new style! Much more than a hair eut! Our stylists interpret han Fashions to suit your face . .. and your personality. Depend on us to recondition your hair and bring back the natural beauty after summer Sun and water .. . Speclal Steam Treatment available. TELEPIIONE là 5-8631 FOR APPOINTMENT 7 HAIR STYLING ushawa y malny, flnn..n,'. Mrs. L. C. Snowdeu accomi- panied by Mrs. J. R.Bent andi daughtens, Toonto, spent a lew deysm witl Mi-. sud Mrs. Otis Pnitchard andi tamily et jManotick. Mr. and Mi-.. Robent Lai,- i-coque andI faïmily werc Sun- [day guesta o! hein brother, Mn. andi Mr.. Chare Davidson, Cobourg. Miss Sharon Gimblebi lias returnetI home fi-vn a week's holiday with her uncle andi auni, Mr'. and Mrs. Eldon Euaery, at a~ cottage ait Ciesarea. Mi-. aud Mira. Russeil Gib- lett openi Sunday ot Cabocank with Mn. andi Min. Clarence Turner, Bowrnanille, and MT. and Mrs. E. Burrua, OsImswa. Sundtay visitons with Mn. antI Mrs. J. W. Noble andi family wcee T&. aud Mns. John At- Itinson andi Gary, MIrs. King aud Moym aKing, ail of Scair- b«rmgh. PONTYPOOL Mr. George Scott o! Oshawa' was laid ta i-est ln McCnae's jCcmetery rcceutly. Deceased fonmcnly resided on the Ger- aid Fisk tari n sd was highiy respected. As we ditI not hean o! hle death we were unabie ta attend the tuncral of aur oic' frienti. To those who mourn we extend our aincere sympetly. We extend aur congratula- tions ta Mrn, aud Mrs. Gardon Predenlck ou ihein 25bh wed- ding nnivrsMSept. Iltl. somne of lie fine sheep ai the C.N.E. A large crowd attended the weekly Seburday nigît Dance InteOrnehall on Sabur- L.OL. 82 held us regulai- meeting on Wednesday even- mng wth a good aitendauce. Arrangements wene matie for Ia Ladies' Nlght Sept. 3Oih. Arrangem'ents are b e 1 n g muade ta form a Juveuile On-1 ange L<>dge here lu Octaber. I iThis worthy effort desenves t the suport o! ail local citi- zens. Ib was mthe tirai time lu many years that no American cars were noticed here on bhc La- bour Day weekend. Tnee buy- ers from the U.S.A. genenally took ihis weekend ta punch ase. t.hein Xmas trees. Mr. sud Mixi. Ceci] Green and i M.r. antI Mrs. Curtis Mc-, 'Kay are amo'ng those eujoyig týeîr holidays. By Frank Pickford of a different type, for white- Mr. Lhiton was paid $13.15 for'#"I ~III IV NEWCASTLE-When a 15- 1fl-h end herring., working Il days. po~d slion a~.caghtin The upper storey was used! As Ben Moy&e commented, Bowmnanville Kinsmnen Club Lake ntaia reenty, icatedn as a museuin displaying ail "Those were the good aid days, aM th ie Rinette Club held their Lake a stireaînng biologistedo kinds of fish i glass cases and but whod want ta go back ta1 firut meeting of the year Sept. the ntaia eparmcn ofa collection of stuffed mnoose,. working for that klnd off lst at 'the Flylng Dutchman Lands and Forests who for deer, beur and a hiuge whte ox iîionev?"-Ohlawa Times. Motel when officers of bath mrany years have tried unuc that pcople drove irom miles ___________ organdtations wene lnstalled in cessfully ta restock sain a in4 se their new positions. the lake whene they were once 1 Keen Flaàherman 1 A T (TfV The !Installation was perforni- very common. ISamuel Wilmiot started It ail. MA LE GR VE ec very successfully by Deputy- Tradition says that around During the early sixties of the ~ A .See issl Govemsor Fred Cole o! Peter-, Newcastle, before there were l 9th century, he was a pros- Ms .F pne issl oog.H pk nec mil dams ta interrupt them, perous nierchant in Newcastle, a lier home at Maple Grave -and office .and advising what w-as salmon had been caugh t as far, large buyer of wheat and other bas gone to resicle with lier expected o! tihe new appointeles. inland as where Orono and grains. He was also a keen fish-I daughter, Mrs. H. C. "Mally" Those installed ln the Kins- Leskard are now. erniani. Balclwin's Creek, no Hurlbert, Toronto. We wsh ber1 men Club were as follows: The first public fish breeding- Wilmot's Creek, like other renewed health after the sud- i President-Murray La±nmer, lst àtation ln North Amerîca was spring water streanis flowlng den passing of lier husand, the Vice-Pres.-Dlonald Stutt; 2nd built at Newcastle in 1866 on ita Lake Ontario, had been not- labe Air. Albert F. Spencer. Vlce-Pres..-Ozzie Willams; Sec- what is now Wilmot's Creek, ed ln early days for Its saîrnon, Mr. and Mrs. Hanry DeLang1 retary-Arnold Sleep; Treasur- but ail efforts ta stop the% de- trout and othen flsh whîch went and Mrs. Walter Rlcliardson, er--Gord Stringer; Registrar- »line in salmon failed. up the stream ta spawn. By Toronto, and Mm.. Sam Dewell, Roy MCMullen;, Bulletin Editorj RemeberHatcery 1860, however, very few salinon Hampton, visibed brL .-ar Dewell; 3satBl RemeberHatcery were seen in the stream which, Snawden. Mlet.nL. C.IrLarrr owAa1s>n iBul- There is nothing left today of in 1824, the Rev. Anson Green Mrs DveBthell torsniiiJthre, on Div-~ that first fîsh hiateieryý,, but had called "Salmon Creek.' . torKe-B o Gutni,; John iv- s1 thene are men still living in the M.Wmodeda!te Sr.. spent a fe-w days at their n.KnHsi;St-tAm vilag wo wrkd erebeor daMr Wlmo deaed f hecottage on TIwin Lakes. -Bert Snowden. illgewo o[yhr ber dy wlien sa].mon would againi Those intalled hi the Kin- hwas demolished shorty be pleîitiful, and conceived the, The Courtice Country Couples' ette Club as follows: President "ure I rememer te a. idea o! hatching theni. Catch- Clu-b will hoid their corn roast -Heen Brown; Vice-Pres- fore WoId Wabr th olig some mature flsh, lie ex- on Saturday eveuing, Septem- Ulva- Lathangue; Secretary- hatchery," Ben Moyse, of Beav- tracithe g n a be1br12h ttehm fM.JanWlim;TesrrEe "T Strekied re for 50cents -. ta produtce Younîg fishi. Elated i d Mrs. Elr-ner Dw.In c eanlla ;,,,uerEe "I ored hee fr 0 c 11 1it awith bis succes. lie persudedl of rain it will be heid at 'ly Wecry; Directors-Dorothy oui bcd e evermoe ha the goverttîment ta lut himi est ah- Eeveer ChUI'cli shed.1 The poesenting of Past Presi- for or five regfflar empioyees, June a 1860. batchery, ado Mr. and MrýL s. Wine lliam i dents' pins was carricd outb accarin1,t Mn.60, e.aithogaisappointed ham, M'ýr. adMs ilanthe îwo new presidents. Murs bos er tke n a cl otsuperintendent of fish culture. 1aosat ai, otHrn a during the busy season. For a yeàr or two litile was Michigan, were weekend guests mrcnrtltdPs rs Edgar Kennetick, whose fath- done with thie simple ecjuip-! of Mn. and Mrs. Charles Green- er and uncle workced there. de- ment at his disposai, until 1866 hom. scribed the hatchery as he ne- when the fish hatcheny vas Miss MilcTred Snowden spent membered it. It was a two- built. In 1869, fish eggs were the iveekend with M1r. and Mrs. L nds a n storcy frame building about 40 bew-iing $Iipped ta, the hatcbcry R. A. Mclntyne ait 11cm cottage L by 60 feet. There were bwo in sudl quantities facilities ,verc at [-aliburton. t r n types of fiçh trauglis used. anc taxed ta thein limit. In 1869 lie Congr-atulations t n for trout salmnon and the other,l decidcd ta install a pump, driv- Mrs. Len Goodmiurphy on' their We l --en by watcn, ta supply a langer marniage at 1the church îast; ________________________and steadien streani of waýer Saturday. ta, the egg troughs. That pump IMrs. Aylner Beech andI Mrs. At any rate, neither Ben Moyse C.N.E. on Tuesday. Lindsay Forest District non Edgar Kcnneflck remE m- Maple Grave Women's Insti- Ducks, geese, rails, coots, gai- E G G SEnthusiasm Catehlnc iMnýs. Harold Caoncy la conven- say Forest District except Clarkej tht r ntevn24hur ldWFor nearly 30 years Samnuel ier.iaodCoeJ. and Darilngton Tawnships of1 tha ar nt een24 oui ad ilmot devotcd the latter iar odCaney .,spent last Dunhani County. CommencesE ai the time of delivery to stores: 1of bis life to bneeding fish. His 1 week with relatives in Toronto one-hal! hotu' before sunrise On Buy them ai . . idcas and extîusiasmn caught on.I and attended the Exhibition September î9ti and closes one- t ALLIN'S MEATS H ie ose1 e hatc-tee afhur after sunset Decem-1 9 King Street E. e ivcd stasee12inew hatch:pa the r. Al hall acm er1t, 99 BOWENS GRCERYo! the Dominion, but lie neyer panied Mr. and Mrs. Gardon In Clarke and Darlingtan l 65 Seugog Rd. did succed ln binging back Beech andI Jance wlien tley Townships of Durham'Caunty-- DAVIS GROCERY salmon iu abundance tathIe atterùcled funcral services for Twelve o'clock noon, local time, 125 King Street E. lake and streanîs a! Ontario. the late 1\i. Alfred Richards Octoben 3rd ta Deceînber lSth. 77YKTng'St.AIEYW. O He died iu 1899, but the fish in Bwavlco udy Hunters may use power boats 1 FAIRIVAY FOOD MARKET liatchery le establislicd carried nhey also callîctI an Mr. and to retrieve crippled or dead 44 King Street E. on riglit up ta thc outbreak o! Mrs. Austin Loimer. birds tramn the water this year NEIGHBOURIIOOD STORE World War I lu 1914 when its Miss Carole Greenhair spefli jprovided they do nat move ectivities were tra.ns!erred ta Monda-y et the Ex. mr than two yards 87 Ontario St. Belleville. Mirs. L. C. Snowderi, Mx'. and from their blind andI do notý or est them servedl at: It is interestlng ta note the Mrs. Hanry Freeman visited carry loaded guns. Special BALMORAL RE'iýTAUTRANT pnices piiid for matenial andI their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. limitations wilI goveru the huut- LORONATION RESTAURANT labor lu blase by-gane days. In Boss Lee, Kedron; Mrnd, d ii. ing o! canvasback and redheads,a OLYMPIA RESTAURANT bis book "Thc Townships of Max Balard of Moase Jaw, whlch are expected ta Ile 'LYENG DUTTCIIMAN Darlington and Clarke," John and Mrs. Rusell Denjuion, seriously affectcd by draught RESTAURANT Squair gives au exiract tram Sault Ste.. Merie, ai fthe Lee land a paon breedIng season. C nu the market- Squair who bought mucli of theI The Maple Gi-ove Cubs wil Limita Are As Foilows praduced by materiel. liold, a battle drive on Satur- Ducs-Dally bag-.-Six (6)j Prices Paid day, September 12. Your c-prdy one (1) of which may- W. K. NOW«K'S IThe pump and' pipes were very operatfflw,!& s*ed on their be eawo duck andI not more cosily for iliose as $70, but h a ndl.r than four (4) canvasback and CHC E A N the charge for transporting Mr nh s etSnweIredheads (exclusive o! mer- from Toroauto ta Newcastle audtml, n nI rBbgansers). Vinners of three Silver Cup no mare than 40 cents.* Nails Barrabail, Judy and, D'avid en- Possession Limits - Twcive 'raphies and many finst pnîzes for the pnaject werc bought joyed a picnic ai Presqu'ile (12), two <2) of wbich may be a or the best eggs at CNE. tramn John Baffet, a saddler wba Point near Brighton on Lebor wood ducks andI nat mare ihen v also, sold hardware in Ne-w- Day. cîght <8) canvasbacks antI red- Phone COlfax 3-2567 castle. Thc neils casi 96 cents. Mr. andi Mrs. J. T. Ca1ils licads (exclusive of mengan-s .R. 1 Bowmanville One solid aak plank was bauglit spent the holiday weekend at sers>. Ve pecalze n podcin ohyfrom a Mr. H.tton, a wood- their cottage at Twin Lakes. Limita o! take per day for ale espcialize u rodulitngOY workcrhI Orl- for 47 cents. Mr. andI Mxi. Elmner Herrng, ather waterfowl are: 5 geese, 25 jý hbe eggs o! uenitonmdqueliy lu Blacksmhthiug, donc by HiramiOshawa, called' ou, Mr. Ayhner coots, rails andI gallinules, 8E *ay In ttall y meclanizcd heu Eddy af Onono. cost $2.94. Beech on Fniday evening. snipes aud 8 woodcocks.h ,ouses. We produce white sîhl Maienlals wcre cheep by ta- Mr. andI Mrs. Harold Cooney r ggs only, gradcd under Canad- day's standards, so a ws lebor. visited the Canaedian National and' !aily, andi Mr. Ernie n Government supervision. Some idea a! the wages paîd lu Exhibition in Toronuto lastj Collis were weekcnd guests o! 5 those days can be gatlened Thunsday. Mr. and Mmi. Roy Colliss and 'V tram au cuti-y which shows a Mr. and Mns. James G'edtes 1 . T,,.. Possession limiàts are- 10 geese, 16 suipes and 16 wood- UPland Gaule Birds Rutfcd grouse, sharp-tailed grouse andI apruce partridge- In ail parts of the Lindsay For- est District exccpbing the Towu- slips o! Clarke aud Darling- ton o! Durham County: Septem- ber l9tb until October 3isi, 1959, bath dates iclusive. Daiiy bag Ilmit, 5; Possession imit, 20. Season far Clarke and Darl- ington Townships will be an- nounccd at a later date. Gaule Animnais Deer and Elk-(a) Noveruber 9tli ta November 2lst, 1959, in Counties o! Halibunton, Peter- borough, uorth o! No. 7 HigI- wray andI Victoria lu îhe Town- ships o! Long! ord, Somerville and blase portions of the Tl>n ships o! Dalton and Digby nlo=t of tle Monk Roed; (b) Noven- ber 9tI to November 14th, Duty of Peterborough Iylug soutl o! No. 7 Highway. Moose-No open seson. KENDAL Mr. an-d Mrs. Milton Boyd and Bnian of Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Jack Boyd of Wihitby s'ere with Miss Helen Boyd. Mr. andI Mrs. Gardon Lang- staff, Bobble Irwiu, Clicryl VTernon andI Mr. an-d Mrs. G. vietcalfe wene lu Aylmner with Mr.insd Mrs. Roy Vernon. ]obby and Cheryl remained ai home ta go ta sdioolinluA.yl- nier. Mr. andI Mrs. RaY Moore sud' sons, Toronto, wene gucsts of M-n. -and Mns. Eddie Couiroux Sunday. Da-vid Butcher o! Cache Bay is staying for a tew days. 'lester Rey -Cauroux spent lest .'eek i-n Toirauto. .Mr-. and Mrs. oy Kean of IV 430 Orillla were guests of MT. and Mirs. Ken Soper Sunday, and visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thonipson on Monday. Mr. and Mira. Ken Soper and NIr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson were recent guests of Mr. and, Mii. George Snelgove at Clark- ston andI returned home by Orillia and had a lovely trip. Mrs. Wm. Mercer spent last week in Toronto wlth her daugliter, Mrs. Chas. PLonch. Mr. and Mrs. Roach andI farnily accompanied her home Saturday for the weekend. Mr. andI Mrs. Allen Foster and %oy Foster attended the funeral of Mr. Benny Rickets at Clover, Virginia, last week. Many from this section are vIsiting the C.N.E. this year in spite of the very hot,, humid weather. Those whose crops were not totally destroyed by the hail are busy trylng to salcvage what Is of value. Visitors with Mrs.- Alexander Sunidly were Mns. Kinsman ' Miis. Houghton andI Betty, Pet- erborough; Mrs. Mac Beebee of No'rwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Miton B'oyd, Toronto. ecin ident Charles Cattran fer a fine year andI presented him with hia pin; algo Mri. Helen Brown presenited Past President Mrs. Lillian Hooper with her pin and congratulated her for a suc- cessful year. The regular business ut each clUb was carried out during the .1remainrjer of the meeting. Fromn this it must be noted the carn- ival was fairly successful but fell short of the mark we had hoped to make. Approximately $2,300 was produced with the carndva] and car draw. As everyone knows we must mxise $3,200 a year ta pay the de- tenture debt ontihe arena art- ificial ice which la due each Novembe*r of the year. Plans will be coming forward-we hope to make up the difference. The evening was concluded and a social hour of dancing was held under the capable en'tertainment committee chair- man Ken Hockin. This was a big shock lia most of the Kins- men's wives as they rarely get a chance to join' thedr husbands at thieineeting but the dancing was an ad-ded attraction. The food for this occasion was againi a highlight of the evening prepared and served by the Flying Dutchman staff. di ForestsI ReportI STARK VILLE IMr. andi Mrs. Allen Cornisli Ian-d fanifly visited Mrs. viciai- Parrow. JMir. al, i Mrs.*Sian Fells, Toronto, were dinner guests at jMr. Orme Falls', Sunday andi jLai-ny rebunned home with themn iafier sp'ending a few disys ai thie âIlla' home. Mr. anti Mrs. Grant Sylves- tern andi Julie, Sarnia. spent the lholiday atI Mn. Jin-, Starks. IMns. E. Siien andI Mi%,s L. IShier, Toronto, spent the week- end at Mr-. Lloyd Ha]lowell's. Saturday cvening Bob, and, Bionnie Robinson entertaineti a number o!f fiends ai their home. Mr-. aud M-ms. Briami Cas-welI an-d Lesflie enjoyed the week- entI ai Algonquin Park. Mn. and Mns. Liew Hslloweil -aitended the Marshall-A1len wcddîing et Fainlawu Unitedi IChuroli, Toronito, and reception ai Skylne Hotel. The bride, la a cousin o! Mm-s. Ha]iowvel]. Miss Marilyn Falls enjoycd a holiday lu Tanouto. JOHN. DIESEL Implement Firm Records Ail Time High in Sales World-wide sales of Mauaey- Ferguson during the tirât nine months of fiscal 1959 reprement- ed the, highest. volume of any correspendlng period ln the Company's history, it was an- nounced today ln San Francisco by' John H. Shiner, Vice-Presl- dent, Marketing. At July 3lst, 1959, the three- quarter mark of the current sales year, the Company showed an increase of $42 million (or more than 12 per cent) over the comparable period of 1958. Figures for 1959 include sales of $13 million, by Perklns Diesel Engine Company of Peterbor- ough, England. from the date of its acquisition i 1959. Total sales reached $376 million as against the $334 million figure1 or a year ago. At a newa conference lI San Francisco, where the Company's leading tractor sales "cham- pions" from ail Northi American branches are being honoured, Mr. Shiner polnted ta the sub- .stantial sales gain within Mas- sey-Ferguson's United States and Canadian domnestic markets, which were Up 25 per cent and 43 per cent respectively over 1958. North Arnerican sales duning the nine-monili periad rose by 29 per cent over last year's figure to a total of $167 million compared with the 1958 mark of $130 million, reflecting dec- er penetration in strategie market areas. The Company's regular quart- erly financlal report for the nine-rnonth perlod will be avail- able iabout mid-September. lui aor@ " Mi JACK DRGUGH PLU1WBING sud IEATI14G 1:7 .0DMtaion treet Uoutb MA 3-5615 BOWMANVMLLE I G UARANTEED, TRUST CERTIFICATES " issued in amounts froin $100 upwards for 1-3 yeara. " earn 5,20/ interut, payable hall- yearly bYr cheque. * aitthorized in'vestxnnt for all Canadian Insurance Coxnpanies and trust funds. VOUR MONEY Douait$ I£7ULF du 5* YEARS# \STERLING ETR USTS' 372 bey I, 313uI. , DEERE TRACTOR SEE IT AT ORONO Fr1. m Sa!. FAIR -' Sept, il m 12 ASK US ABOUT A FREE DEMONSTRATION CARVETH N EWCASTLE MOTO RS PHONE 3251 ONTARIO M I __ ________ z' :r~~ '-" - J 110 Ring Si. East FREE PARKING AT REAR A. H. (BERT) JOHNSTON The London 'Life Insurance Company 15 Concession St. E., Bowmanville Phone Bowatvlie MA 3-3675 Phone Oshawa RA 3-4681 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVU.LL ONTAlUO Ibn onffl ivrspowmmm~ Bobby Falls has returned home fnam Lyndhurst- Lodge andI is stanblng ta teke his grade 8 at Stax-kville school. Friends gathered ai the home> of Carl Langstiff Satîîrday ev- ening for his biirthciay celc. bration. Mr.avryl PGuulbset terhall- Mr. aof uelps.poerc ter and day weekend with her parents, AU. andI Mrs. Fred Warren. Miss Patsy Poster i1 boine from Oshawa for a two-weeks' holiday. Miss Judy PFoster ceiebrated hen binthd'ey Saturday evcning mwltl a paery on t.beir lawn-. -bonfire, hot dogs an-d a fine, trne. Scihool time is here again, andthe fepupils in mosi cases, We're glad Vo gét back again. Miss Beverley Anderson o! Madoc is teaching in Kendal, and M~r. Hansen of Lindsay et McLean's, wlile Ml-s. 1-. La-w-. cry is agaÎn ai the Sixth Line;- Miss Catherine Stewart at Stark- ville, aud, MSs. R. Ellioti at' Croaked Creek. Those taken by bus to the back school (Mc-. Lean's) by Bill Turansky are: Ray Couroux, grade 8: Wayne' Poster,' 8; June Geach, 8l. Marie Lie, 7; RatIger Brown, 7, Kathy 1Tansky, 6: Margaret Aux- lhompon, 6; Jini Little, 6. - -9$- - - . - ý ýý - 1 - ONTARIO

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