THURSDAY, sEPT. loth, 1959 THE C»N IA XIT'rR ,Mmm RflWimiAl V .1'E?%MV£4A- TIu ~L.. . ~ teesuergave the flnanciall statement. A report on the Auxiliary Drapes Chnarter '«u" ln Mrs. Tordiff's Memorv Knight. The peietas e 1 ported on the ok fth The first meeting of the Harper, was mnitiated. The'auxilhary for the exceedingly auturan season was held by the president, Comnradc Knight, of-. successful Legion Carnival. She Bowmanvile Ladies Auxiliary ficiated. Plans for an outing ,i thariked ail the members for ta tihe Canadian Legion on were discussed. It was move thihlputhsroct Mond.yey venIng at the Legion by Comrade Beryl Hughes, sec- Repor-ts were given on the Hall, Queen Street. Comrade onded by Comrade Rena Bath- Special Draw at the Carniival Florence Knight. the president, gate, that the auxlliary attend bY Comrade Mlime Bates, the draped the charter of the aux'- the concert ta be given by the 1 secretary, and on the Doîl Draw iliary in black in regretful massed miliary bands of the! by Coxnrade Jean Firth, the inemory of the passing of Com- province in the CNE groundsa standard ibearer. The report on rade Grace Tordiff, a charter on a Sunday evening later this the Home Baking and Candy Inember of the auxiliary. month. The motion was car- Booth was given by Comrade Inan impressive ceremony rieci unanîmously. Elda Brown, who also gave the mie new member, Comrade M Comrade Ruby Palnmer, the. Novclty Booth report. nhe -- ___î canteen report for June, July _____________________________________1 and August was given by Coin- - rade Helen Wallis, lst vice- president. HORNSBYIt was announccd that a HORNSBYjoint executive meeting will be held on Sunday, September, 13th, with the executive of PH OTOG RAPH ER j egin.he78ympthy cwein- Brainh 18 o! th cania 3 SINCOE ST. S. OSHAWA or, Conirade Amnu Piper,' the past president, thanked all those who ad hlpe with te ar-t SPEC AL O FER rangements for the lunch'after Cornrade Tordif!'s funeral ser- S P E IAvice. Sho"dhelpeo th dthoeC TO BWMANIILL, HMPTO, ORNOwho had assxsted in serving. M TO OWMNVLLE HMPTNOROOIt was moved by ComradeM NEWCASTLE AREA ONLY Jean Firth, seconded by Comn-S ce ) t rade Elda Brown that the aux-w iliary findsh the payment for 8 x 1 Portait $the new tables for the Legion ai Hall. fU 1 Conade Knih< commendec of Regular $5.50 portrait (OnIy one ta a customer) the work done by Comrade Must present this ad at time of sitting. Florence Kllpatrick, wh,o re-- cently resigned as convenor of Gooci until Qctober lst only the sick comsnittee. Comrade jPiper was appointed convenor FOR APPOINTMENT l of this committee, and the PHONE ipresident asked the members ta please cail and inform Comn- R A 5-0151 rade Piper when anyone is il. ________________________________________ A letter from the Camadan _________________________________________Club of West Durham was read by the secretary, Comrade Mil- lic Bates. The communicationli inforned the auxlliary of the Plans for thie coniing year of the newly organized club for ___________ men and women, and listed the outstanding speakers who wil be heard at the meetings. FolIlowing the meeting o! the Bowmianville Auxiliary to the S Canaclian Legion a social hour w'as enjoyed by the members. Conirade Jean Firth was in d.elicious lunch. H.M-tht'sHcating Measureent- th m f l the factors that affect the hcating needs of your home, Whatcver the size or layaut o! your home, thcrc'sans Eso0OÙ Heating unit which fits that measaurment exactly-and in combination wfth Esso Furnace 011, it is your guarantee of sure, safe, oil-heat comfort. Esso Heating Equipmcent is guarantecd by Imperial 011 sud your Esso Heating Equipment dealer wilI gladly arrange easy budget teni- Up to, five years te pay. Cal hlm today- msk about the new, Iow-cot-but fully guarasteud ALWAYS IL@@E T0 IMPERIAL FOI luiUElst Relatives FHold Engagement Announced Shown above are Miss Shirley Alta Pauline Werry, [aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royal E. C. Werry, Q.C., o: Vestmount, Que., and granddaughter of the late Mr. anc /Irs. R. Luther Werry, and Mr. Clifford H. M. Greer, on of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer R. Greer of Barrington, Que., wrhose engagement is announced. The marriage has beer rranged to take place on Saturday, October 3rd at Wesley United Church, Montreal, Que. Miss Werry is a graduate )f the Catherine Booth Hospital, Montreal, Que. -Photos by Van Dyck and Meyers Studios Engagement Surprise Mouse M.adl ment of thE Warming Prtiy 1'rol JCarol ,Grace, A very happy evendîng was G. satrof spent st the home of Mi. and to take place Mis. Grant Herron, south o! Hampton U. 1 Cortice, on Saturday, August 7:30 Tepax'ty, a complètbe sur- ise for Helen and Grant, wasi a housc-warming, for which their immediiote relatives giath- fered ta wish the happy couple' tebest lu heulth and happi- i ucs inttieir rew home. T&.- Linton Hewron, brother of thec hast, called those gath- ered te order and aiter ex- plaining thc unexpected com- pany, extended te them best wihsfrein all present He- and Allin Cole, brothers o! Grant and Helen, respectivcly, fprcscnrted them with a beauti- ful mirror for their niantcl and a floar polisher. iWords of appreclation were exprcsscd by bath hast and hostess, aud a cordial invita- tion was gi'ven ta one and al to retumu oftcn. The remainder of the even- lng was spent lu playiug cards. A delicious lunch. was served,--.. highlightcd by a cake appro-1 priately decorated for Uic oc-I WINS casion, a gift from- su aunt, Darlene T. o! the young couple, Mrs. J.j ceiveci word Iz Hillman o! Toronto. Department c Guesits, numberiug about 2.5, she haci obtai- were present from Bowman-I standing in t ville, Oshaîwa, Courtice, Tor- w4hich she wvi onto, Neto. hLaicefield be awarded and Nephtj vincial buirsar a t $500. She leaving Sept. LUIIU ULI Sympathy of the commiunity Is extended ta Mis. Orme Mil- lcr in the death af her father, Mr. Robert IMcClclland, Tara. Mr. and Mis. Miller attcnded Uic funeral Mouday. Mis. Sophie Kayacs sud Mr. Gabriel Kovacs were Sunday evening guets af Mi. sud Mrs. F. Partner. Mr. and Mis. Allen Baker and faniily, Caokstawn; Mis. Hazel Ruttan, GraveÀnursw, Ispent the weekend with Mr. sud Mis. G. Baker. Mi. and Mis. G. Baker and Aun, Mrs. Ruttan., matored ta Wilburforce on Monday where Mrs. Ruttan will be oue o! the Junior teachers for thecocming terni. Sehool conmcenccd for the fali terni with Miss V. Kocins again as teacher aud several new beginners. M:r. and Mrs. Robert Gibbs, Jaohn, Wilmia and Lynda, St. Chrysostome, Qucbec, visited Mfr. aud MmS. G. Fletcher over the weekcnd sud attended the Exhibition on Monday. Mr. and Mis. Lewlnas and son, Bawmauville, werc Sunday supper guesits of Ms'. andi Mis. 'Earl Penwarden. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Forest sud family, Oshawa, Mr. sud Mrs. J. Woodley were Saturday ev- ening visitais of!34r. and Mrs H. Murphy. Mr. and Mms. H. Murphy were Friday evening visitors o! Mr asud Mis. Fred Brooks sud Chris, Oshawa, and Sunday evcnlng visitors o! Mr. sud Un. Chas. Wood, Orono. jMr. and Mus. Rye Gibson and Sandra attended the 3th jweddiug auniveraary cf Mr. adMms. J. R. Parkinson, Fen- clsa, on Saturdey evening Mr. and Mus. BillBarwick, 1 Collingwood, wcre weekend visitors of Mr. and Mm .R.obt.j Cameron.1 *Unuversity of School. It is a Darlene is the and Mrs. H. bethtville. VIrs. T. M. Chant iounce the engage- Lir only daughter ýto John Douglas of Mr. and Mrs. J. Oshawa. Wedding on October 9th at Inited Church at BURSARY 'hickson, 18, re- last week froni the of Education that ned high enough the nine subjcts .ote laist June ta a Domninion-Pro- ry type A valuedi eis planning on 21 toatatend the' Toronto Nursing ifour-year course. edaughter of Mr. Thickson, Eliza- Specials in PERMANENT WAVES Wived by: MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE miss VIOLET ZACHANOWICH tormerly of MiIler's Beauty Salon 18 now a member af our staff. FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 For __- _$ 7.95 Reg. $12.5095 For -__9.95_ Reg. $15.00119 SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $5.95 Mr. Huyck wlII be bere on Tues.. Wed. and Fri. to do the steam and regular waves Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's Hfairstyling Sfudio 9;7 King St. W., Bowmnll HAMPTON Mir and Mrs. Merwin Moôunt- joy spent Sunday at Mussel. man Lake. Mr. Morley Hastings, Toron- to, visited at G. Adrocks' Sat- urday. Mr. and Mxs. A. E. Billett we-re very pleased to have a visit last week from Mr. and IMis. Howard Shelton andi son Paul of Merlin, Ont. Mis. Shel- ton, the former Alta Brown, was a member of Hampton School teaching staff a few years ago. Mr~. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, Arva, Ont., were overnight Iguests of Mr. andi Mrs. Claren- ce Tink and also called on a number o! friends here last week. Misses Betty andi Beverlv Balson, Oshawa, spent a day or two with their grandmother Mrs. J. W. Balson. Miss Debbie Fernandez -andi Mastetr Ronald Fernandez, Tor- onto, visited Mrs. S. G. Nidd- ery sud Mary ait the weekend. Mrs. Nellie Pettibone, Bra- nmpton, spent the weekend with her sister and husband, Mr and Mrs. Roland Shackleton.* Mr. and Mis. Carl Webster,, son .Glenn and daughter Linda of Brampton wcre Labor Day visitors with the Shackletons., Mrs. Pettibone accompanied her daugh-ter and hisband home ta Brampton. Mr. ad Mrs. Henry McAr- _nIsland in Paii thur, a-nàdfaY&.lendMrs. C. Quellette adfmlHarmonyi visited Mr. and Mirs. Joe Gal- lent at W. W. Horn's on Mon- day evening. Mr. and Mis. K. Caverly were Sunday visitors et the home of their son Bruce andi Mis. Caverly, Oshawa, on Sun- day. Miss Marie Prescott, Toron- ta, spent the holiday weekend et home. Mr. and Mms. Bill Widde- combe and family, Oshawva, made a short visit et thehoe of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.R Widdecoanbc, and also ,i thi Mirs. Niddery and Mary on! Sunday. iMrs. J. A. Burrows spent a, fcw days et Kingston with ber sister who bas been ill, and i returned home on Sunday withl Mr. Burrows. who spent the! day at: Kingston. Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Lyon and family, visited his pare nts, Mr. sud Mrs. J. Lyon, Toronto, on Sunday. Mrs. S. Kersey visitedMr and Mrs. Ted Kersey, Scarbor- ough, on Sundey.Mi Recent callers at, A. W. Prescott's were Mr. andi Mrs, Will Ashton, Mrs. Geo. Irwin, I Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Prescott andi Roger , En - field, Mrs. E. Cryderman, Bra- dley's, Mis. Viola Smith andi Mrs. Saundemr, Mi. andi Mrs. J S. Eddyveaný, Oronoý' Mis. &ar-I don VanCamp,. Ebenezer; Miss j Marjorie Cole, Bowmanville; Mvrs. E. Philp, Mis. A. Hather- ly, Tyrone; Miss Stevens, Miss EHl, Kendal; Mi. and Mis. E. Prescott, Tyrone. Bey. Ted Kersey, Jimmie andi Susan, Scarborough, spent Mfonday with Mi. and Mis, S. Kersey. Bey. F. J. sud Mms. Reed are now at home after a month's holiday. We welcome them back. He was in charge of the Sund-av morning Church ser-1 vice. The service will be helci at 9:30 again ncxt Sunday morning. SOLINA On Sunday, September 13,f Church Service, combined with Sunday Sochool will be held at 10:30 o'clock. Sehools re-opened on Tues- day with Mis. M. Colley, tea- cher at Bakcî's Sehool, Mis. W. Ashton at Bradley's School, sud Mr. W. Lycett sud Mis. S. Snowden at Saline Sehool.* The Womcn's Institute will meet Thuusday night (tonighit) at 8:15 o'clock. The 4-H Club; girls will present a skit on' their recent project "Dressing ; up hame-grown vegetables," Mrs. Radovie will also give a talk on her native land. Mis. Ken McMinn o! Osh- t awa entertaineci about 30 fri-. ends o! Donna Vice, bride-to- be, et a ziscellaeous shower et Uic home af her mother, Mus. E. Cryderman. Mi. and Mrs. Walter Davis and faniily, Kedron, were Sun- day dinner guets o! Mr. and Mis. Ralph Davis. Mir. and Mis. 0. Hindrman' and daughteri6 Hamipton; Mr. and Mrs. B. Larmner, Black- stock, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Yeilow- lees and children. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and family visited on Sunday at Grant Glover's, Kedron. Elizabeth Dyer, Osh a wa, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and child- ren. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales and family, Oshawa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and family and Mr. J. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pasce, Beverley and Brian visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Glaspeil and sons, Taunton. Jean andi James Baker holi. dayed at Keith Ormiston's, Eb- enezer. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry and sons were at Rice Lake on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf. Dr. George Werry and child- ren. Mr. andi Mrs. Noble Met- caif and Larry Metcalf, Osh- awa, visited the Werry's at Roselandvale. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry, Glenn and Edgar enjoyed -a Imotor trip to' Western Ontario Itstopping ta visit cousins, Mr. and Mis. Orland Brooks, at London. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, 'Peterborough, visited Mr. and iMrs. T1. Hardy and Stanley. a Bobby Or mistorà, Columbus, holidayeci with his cousin, Neil sTink. Herbie Tink spent several daYs with Bilile Ormiston, Col- umbus. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lang. jmaid andi family, Mîi. and Mrs. -Roy Langmaid werc Sunday . visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGilI, Enniskillen. jMr. and Mrs. Wes His and family attended the Gillis fam- ily reunion on Sturgeon Lake. t Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr., Joan, Shirley andCreGrdon at. 1 tended the Cook family reun- ion at the Creani of* Barley Camp. Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Ovenden and children, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Westlake, Penny, Lee and Ronnie, Bowmanville, vis- iteci at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake's Jr. Mr. andi Mrs. N. Fioe and Douglas, Taunton, r&. and Mrs. George Cochrane, Osh a wa, Mr. Keith Fiee, Taunton, and Miss Dorothy Barber, Cour- tice, were with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr. andi Mrs. L. Broom-e and sons visiteci Lloyd's father, Mr. fDavid Broome, at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. C. Redman, Ham- Iilton. MI.- and Mrm. N. Leach, ITaunton, visited at Mr. and IMrs. D. Wlett's. ILarry Spires spent thec holi- day w eekend with tlayuc Ly- cett, Bowmanville. Wayne and Susan Leger, Oshawa, spent the weekend, with their grandpasrents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman. Mr. !and Mrs. Ross Cryder. Iman, Ellen and Larry visited on Sunday with Mrs. S. Run- Idicandi Jean., Bowmanville. jMr. andi Mrs. E. Hockaday and daughters, Mrs. Sid Hock- aday and Sharon Spires visit.. cd at Les Cochrane's Enficld. Jean Hockaday had her ton. sis removed in Bowmanvile 'Hospital. Linda Clarke, Bowmanvllle, spent several days with Jean IHockaday. Mr. and Mis. Don MacLead and daughters, Barrie, visited Mr. andi Mrs. Stan Milîson aud sons. M 8.2 CU. FT. Refrigerator with full freezer Reg. $329.00 Special $11900 AUTOMATIC DRYER Safety Door Stop 2-Heat Drying Reg. $299.00 Special $189»95 WlI. District President Visits. Hampton Branch 'The Hampton Womcn's In- stitute September meeting was held Tuesday evening with the West group takmng charge after the business session was corn- pleted. It was decided to hold our yearly bazaar lu Novcm- ber. A delegate wus chosen lie attend the Aiea convention aud other minor mattens w- ranged. Mms. Chant prcsided over thc foilowing program. Delightful piano music was rendered by Miss Nora Horn. Mm Chant read an article on the mnotto: "Anyone who knocks is a wood- pccker and he gets lu a hole.'" The highlight of thc evening was thc splendid paper pre- sentcd by our new district presa- dent, Mis. M. Wiseman cf Bowmianvillc. She encouragcd the splendid work cf the Women's Institute lu that it serves us as a 'bhouse o! 1carun- inig." In fact it has ibeen re- ferred ta as a '«rural univer- sity." Wc are neyer too old te learu aud al of us can pass on sanie snali portion of knowledge at leest to those auxicus te lcarn., One of the main programs of the Institute this year is to teach water safety rules. Mrs. Wiseman also referred ta thie A.C.W.W. conference ta te held this summer ln Edinburgh. over the world will attend. At aur October meeting we wlll have the pleasure of th~e Bowinanville Institute joiniing with us. EXHIBITION SPECIALS WZATfrR Hleay duty wringer l-lb. dual-therm tub Timner, Filter Reg. $199.00 Special $149.C and your AI Four' Reg. $3»l.00 1Spocial )0 trade UTOMAIC ASHER Types of RùwBes $244,00 KELVINATOR APPLIANCES AUl Ihoge appliancos may ho purchnod fer as liile as $2.00 downanad 36 mathsaIo psy baae Cowan Equipmenf Co. 134 King St. E. BowmanviIe Phone MA 3-5689 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAIN. BOIVhIANVnJJL C)NTA'Rlrn ickAd"-W- ipvim