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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1959, p. 17

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THURsDAY. OCT. Sth, 195~ I THE CANAI3IAN STATESMAII. ROWMANVULE, OHTAEIO PAGE SEVENTE~W More Room This Year In 1960 Ford Autos More hip, leg, shoulder; than in 1959. and head room than everl Othier convenience featuresý before will be offered in the -0f the new k ord line are: a ~ cn-petbx edsigcd 1960, trunk opening only 27 inches Ford which will go on public1 frein the ground, a foot operat- view in dealer showrooms 1 ed parking brake with the re- across Canada on October 8. lease knob on the instrument "'It was the desire for increas- 1panel, and two-stage door ed passenger space and comfort, checks. that led te the redesign cf the Three engines are offered 1960 Fo--d," said John D. King19, with the 1960 ine, two of which vice president, general salesI may be economicaily operated manager, Ford Motor Comnpanyl on regular fuel. These are the cf Canada, Limnitod in announc- 223 cubic inch 145 horsepower mng the new car. six cylinder engine and the 332 "Originall «v planr1ed for in. cubic inch, 225 horsepower V-8. troduction several years hence, A third engine, optional te the the new car offered so many purchaser, is the 352 cubic inch, improvements that it wassel 300 horsepower V-8. ected for the 1960 market," Mr. These are modern short- Kig explained. "Ini the engine stroke engines whîch combine we have retained the economy durability and economy. They of last year's operation, along incorporate new designing for with a number of improvements greater structural rigidity, %0ýî~oyiding generally better per- wedge shape combustion cham- ;,Mrtrance.11 bers, aluminized valves and the most advanced ignition system "I amn certain that the mo- and carburetion. The new cross- toring public will share the en- flow radiator effers improved thusiasm cf our dealers who performance. have just recently seen the new Rmrigo h aeyfa cars," 1\r. King continued. "'For tremaring onave snaey fe- 1960al me aea andsome cr mark of the Ford ine for many ln il odes bcke byseund years, Mr. King saîd the 1960 mnechanical performance." Ford continues the original Amig the >table changes saflety concept of "packaging lni the 1960 model is the new the passe-nger" against injury swept-back windshield which by means of the extra-rugged lias donc away wîth the incon- wide contoiired frame. Added venient "dogleg," found li cars to this he pointed to thie safety with the full wrap-aroundi door locks, the lifoguard e- windshield. Yet the new Ford cessed steering wheel as exani- has 7 pecen mor widshild les of Ford engineering in the area than last yea.r, provides itrsso h asne' boetter visibility out over the1 safety. New truck-size brakes hood and l'as a windshield wi- provido 25 percent more bmak- per pattern ono-third greater ing surface as a furthe'r safety f actor. 17 "Our 1960 Ford ine Includes .,..HRLF.ý PNTS'13 models whioli offer a total _____________ Il___________ cfsix diferent roof lnos," said Mr. King. "This is in addition te the new sinail size Ford, the compact JFalcon!, At the low end cf the lino is the Fairlane series whîch in- cludes a two- and four-door ~ sedan. In the Fairbane 500 ser- ies are two modeLs, a twe- and a four-dooor sedan. The popu-' bar Galaxie seies. with its own - Thunderbird - styled roof, in- cludes a four-door sedan and a four-deor hardtop called the Town Victoria. A new hardtop entry li the Ford ine is the Starlimier. One of two special modela, it feat- 3?tii ~tires a "fast-back" roof which - sweeps gracefully back te blond . with the rear deck. The other special niodel is the Sunliner, S the Ford soft-top convertible. (DJur milkin a gîa In seeking an improved ride, A mugor acup thie Ford 1960 lime features a Moe? the sumoefolet wider tread. Two full inches have been added te, the front *Aiwoys'boffoms a " tread width and nearly four li- ches to the rear tread, thie lat- ter by a widening of the rear sprlng base. c,... :,~ Five diffement models are of- ~Ras J""'~I femed ini the station wagon I~a field with longer load space, igreater passonger cozafort and MA. 35444 more versatility than ever be- "IF Tý LEN AÈA **G fore. These vehicles range from the two-door Ranch Wagon te the four-door nine passenger ,*ATI SFAC TION1 E R First Mortgages arrangei V Home Planning Blue Pr Budget Plan for Home C Accurate Estimates ie E Competitivo prices with with a Benrydoor! Stop fighting your olti garage door and take it easy with Berry. Ail Paintlok steel, h idsome Berry Dom iwen't shink, peel, check or rust. Price la r.«ýt ati i istaiation's se simple yen cen do kt yourself. Climjate-proof %'., atiri .ca. ~.dL a hest of ther exclusive features. Plus ajnllfive-,ear guorantee. Oue-piece or sectienai, single or double moels-with or witheut windows. 96 Ring. Si. E. M Eowmanville Country Squire witii slmulated' mahogany panellin.-. The load spaoe cf the station wagon is. nearly a foot longcer than last' year, and the tail gate opens flush with the floor. With the. front-facing third seat in posi-I tion, there stillisl sterage room anead of the cleseti tail gate. MANVERS STATIONI M1ýr. and Mrs. Earl Argue at- tonded the wedding of their! cousin, Miss Joan Argue te Mr. Albert Chislet ini St. John's1 Anglican Church on Saturday! afternoon in Port Hope. Mr.1 andi Mrs. Isaac Beatty, Sulphide 1 aise attended, thon spent thel weekend witli the Earl Argues. I Mr. Allan Johnston, Hamil- ton, spent the weekend with his parents, Mm. anti Mms. Alfred Johnston. Mm. andi Mrs. Douglas Faillas and baby son, Bowmanvîlle, were guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Faillas over the weekend. Congratulations te Ralph Keilett on winning 2nd prize at Lindsay Fair for his chick- ens. Thoy are calleti the "White Fisher" a new strain given eut te, the school chlldmen. Ralph me- ceiveti his in April and the pul- bots were laying in August. It pays te ativertise in Th( Statesmami. The paper came eu on Fmiday with an advertise ment for a lost hounti of Mr Derushas anti by Sunday thi dog was back li his kennel. PONTYPOOL A goodly number were pres ont on Wednesday evening tc the Ladies' Night sponsored b) L.O.L. 82. Several films werx shown by Mm. Stan Olan a, Millbrook. Special intcrest t( those present were the films 0. the Orange Parade in Cebourý andi the Royal Black Parade ir Oshawa. Mrs. Lily Ricliartiso anti Mr. Stuart Hooey gavE sevoral musical selectiens. Thý L.O.B.A. serveti a bountifu" lunch. They also helti a dram for a nice table bamp whicii w&a won by Mr. Robt. Brown. The display cf prizes donal- eti by people from near and fam shown in thie winýdow of C, Curtis Hardware, will be dmawn for at the Penny Sale in thE Orange Hall, Oct. l6th at 8 p.n- Theso anti many other valuabiE prizes can be won at this big event. Wc were sormv te notice in last week's paper et the pass- ing ef Mrs. Frank Coulter ci Bowmanville. Deceaseti resided ihere for many years. Mr. Ambrose Poilarti has been transferreti troniLind-i say Hospital to, the Nur-sing Home ini Milbrook. At a W.A. meeting beld at the home of Mrs. H. M. Rich- ardison it was decidedtiteae a turkey supper and anniver- sary. This will be advertised later li this paper. Mm. andi Mrs. Gardon Fred- erick have movedti t Peterbor- ough. New cars on display at Rich- ardson Bros.' garage are receiv- ing a ltot ofimterest frein our citizens. 0 UA EA NT EE D -d rint Service Improvements m ifree delivery WMBER SLOri $59-00 NArkef 3-5715 Former Citizen Here iFound Shot in Ottawa 1B. Orville Souch, 45, of Osh-f dian Ordinanoe Corps. awa, was found shot to death in Beside being a keen hun-ter a suburban Ottawa motel early and fisherman he was an en- Wednesday, Sept. 23rd. thusiastie dog fancier. Ottawa police report that M.r. Ho is survived by hi, wlfe, Souch, an ardent sportsman, the former Phyllis Hamilton, had taken his holidays to coin- whom ho married in 1941. Ho cide with the opening of the also leaves a son, Robert, and a duck-hunting season, and ap- daughter Gail. parently had been cleaning a H sas uvvdb w 112gageshtgn h i dis sters, Mrs. E. Cox, of Bow- charged, kffling hni anville and Mrs. X. Burgiss, Mr. Souch, who was in his of Maple Grove, and two bro- 46t1- year, was born in Bow- thers, L. M. (Jim> and Harry, manville, the son of Walter 0. bthcf Oshawa. and Agnes Souch. He lived in -Oshawa for 29 years, and was Ho waa predeceased by a bro- a supervisor in the parts depart- ther, Cyril E. Souch. ment of GM. He had worked in The funeral service was con- that departnient for 25 years. ducted at the Mclntosh limerai A member cf Harmony Unit- Home Oshawa, Saturday, Sept. ed Church, he served overseas 26, by Rev. N. F. Holmes, pastor for three years during the Sec- of Harmony United Church. In- ond World War, with the rank terment was at Oshawa Union cf sergeant in the Royal Cana-. Cemetery. Ford WiII Introduce New Light English Car (. 1 Fordi of Canada announeti e today that later this year it ut will intreduce a newly engin- e-1eered. cornpletely restyled light r., Englisiî passenger car known as ihe Anglia 105E. TC-za nrounceincnt cc iàcîdeti ;ti. nublie introduction of thel carh today in both the Unite'1o Jmanufacturer, Ford of England. >- "T ho Anglia 105E has been o designeti specifically te coin- )y, pete in today's foreign light car e rnarket," said Rhys M. Sale, of president, Ford of Canada. o "Evemy possible roati test has of shown the car te bo definitely ngsprom in overaîl economy and Inlperormncete anything in the n;> light car class presently being e j imiporteti into Canada. le' "It la our answer te those Il who want a four-passenger car wthat is cheaper than anything produceti in North America and yet offers high performance id BLACKSTOCK le Mr. Gordon Paisley spenit the '. weekend ae his homoeli Dunn- ig Mr.Roy Ferguson, Miss San- ti ra Fergusen anti Mm. Neel e-Morton visited the Grant Fer- )fgusen's, Toronto, Sumiday af- ýd ternwom Mr. anti Ross McCann, Osh awa, visiteti the Stan Rah- m is, Saturday eveninig. g I Mm anti Mms. Walter Fergu- son, Einiskiilen, were Suncay tI dinner guests of Mr. andi Mrs. - Fred Bayes. lI the afternoon ,e aUl enjoyeti a drive anti calbeti - on Mr. andi Mrs. Alfred Thorn- ci ett, Klrkfiebti. - Mr. anti Mmr. Haroldi Mar- -tyn andtiboys visited hermom- ther, Mrs. Shantz, Tyrone, Sun- -day aftemnoon. - Misses Mary Romeril andi ,r Victoria Hitchen, of Nassau in the Bahamias, are spendinig a few days with Rev. anti Mms. Romneril anid DonnAs bof ome boaving for Vamniouver enroute lie New Zealand. Mrs. P. Rorneril andi Mms. R. VanCamp attentiet a traininig nig<ht for Explorer Leaders i Whitby, Mondiay niigbt. M.andi Mms. Glenn Larmier, fMr. and 1Mirs. R. VanCamp andi Rev. ant irs. P. Romeril at- tendeti a Fellowshiùp Banquet in Kedron Unitedi Chumel, Thu- stiay oveninig. The speaker was Rev. Gortion H-unter of Toronto. Mm. and Mrs. C. P. Devlttt, Bowmanrville, w e re Sunmay guests cf Mr. andi Mrs. Eti. Harris. Mms. A. C Devitt and daugh- tem Miss Helen, Bowmanville, were Sunday guosts of Mrs. S. A.Devitt andi Mrs. Davidi Hill. fIc heafternoon ail visiteti Mm. and Mrs. Hamry Latie, Myrtle. Messrs George Wolfe andi Barney Bedford attentietia fLaymnan Conference at Big IChief Lotige on Lake Couchi- kigSaturday anti Sunday. Dsusiens were led by The fSuffragan Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Scott. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Taylor ac- companieti by Mr. andi Mrs. Edigar Horne of Oshawa spent a day bast week li the Hall- burton District. Mr. anti Mms. John Wetten move i imte an apartinent et the 1Martyn Building bast week. We welcome them te our village. Mrs. John McKee la visiting frienis li Bowmanviile anti Oshawa. 1Mr. andi Mms. Bert Smith, Toronto, spent the weekend; Mrs. Smith momaineti for a week anti Mm. andi Mrs. Wil Dugan and Mrs. Jas. Dugan, Lochlin, Ont., were Sunday fguests et Mr. andi Mr. Wilbert Archer. M.Jack Berry spent the Mm.en at bis home in Gue- woekent United Churol Explomers metJ at thie home of Mrs. Richard VanCanip Satumday. As a high- light ofthtAe meeting the girls I njoyeti meeting again Miss iMary Romeril andi Miss Vicky lHitchen andi seeinig pictimc andi genuine pritie of cwmier- ship. We regard the all-new 105E as one et the most excit- inga ai-d dififerent light passen- ger cars we have ever importeti. Mr. Sale indicateti that among the completely now features of the car were a radically chang- eti body style, a four-speeti syn- chronizeti transmission, a top speeti ef 75 miles per heur anti average gas mileage ef 43 miles te the Imperial gallon et 50 m.p.h. Full tietails anti pictures of, tle car will be releaseti by the company in Canada shortly, he stateti. The new Anglia 105E will be solti by Ford of Canada in cenjunction with thie ceni- pany's other English anti Gem- man Ford, import linos, the Con- sul, Zephyr, Zodiac, Taunus 12M anti Taunus 1"6m. Thic mew Amiglia 105E styling bears ne resemblance te any of these me- dols. stressed, the Deauty andi Bles- sings cf the auiunm- The Perfect Love of Goti. Mrs. Romeril showed a col- oreti film of thie Chaninel Is- landis which ail enjoyeti, after which Rev. Romeril tbld somne lnteresting personal experlen- ces on these Islandis. AMer he ladies had comple- ted purohases froni the "Touch andi Tae" table, a dality lunich was served by Mrs. But nd her group and a social hall heur enjoyed. Doubles Club l» Town and Country Dou- bles Club mot Wede.s d a y nighi et the home et Howard and Gladys Treivin with 17 couples and one visiter presnt. Rev. and Mrs. Romeril showed a film of the Channel Isiits. Alter a discussion on means ef ralsing money for thie new Sunday School extension build- ing which la con-ming along real well it was decided te have a banquet lni November. Following officers were el- ected:- President, Ivan and Gwen Thompson; Secretary, Hewardi andi Dorothy Forder; Treasurer, Glenn and Marion Larmer. Trhen followed recrea- tien lunch aie donations. Boy Scouts Open Night The Boy Scouts held Open Night in the Recreation Centre, Satsurdiay. Alter the regular opening eeremoniies, secon d class badges were presented to Patrol Leaders, Larry Hoskin, Brian Staniiland and Davo Kyte anti Second Paul Rahin. Scout kanves wero presened te the Mehican patrol- Larry Hoskin, Dave Kyte, Floyd Ky- te. Brian Cbements, Ken Rohi- rer andi Ray Mountjoy for hav- ing won tlhe highest number of points ai Camp thds suxnmer. And the Iroquois Patrl- Brn- an Staniland, Davidi Ballingall, Paul Rihm, David Wotten, Don Browvn andi Leslie Assel- stdne who won second highest points; each receiveti a camp knife, fork and spoon. Second year Stars were pro- senteti to Dave Kyte Paul Rahin, Larry Heskin and Bian Staniland; andi first year stars te David Ballingal, Floyd Ky- te, David Wotten and Donald Bradburn,. Akela Haîrold Martùrn, Akela Lawrence McLaughlin anti Ba- gura Geralti Asseîstine now brouglit forward several eu4bs. Durinig their opening cereinon- les David Hedge and Fred Tay- lor weme prosented with First Stars. Now thie "Going Up" ceremony teck place andi Da- vid Hedge, Fred Taylor, Lloyd Trewin andi Dennis McLaugh- lin were receiveti inte Scouts by Scout Master Blake Gunter and assistants Ernest S-wain .andi Stan Bahni. A few gaines were playeti foUlowed by songs around the camp lire. The lowerimg of the Flag andi singing cf "The Queen" brouglht te an end a very interesting andi instruct- Ive evoxing for the speotators. United Church Mentors et the Unitedi Church were pleasedti t have sovoral cf the Presbytery Young Pooples' Executive wor- ship with them Suxiday morn- ing. A men's choir sang thie aintheni "When I Sup with 'lbeePO. Rev. Romeril took as thie subjoci for lis sermon "Par- ables- God's Way". The sac- rament of Holy Communion was partaken ef by a barge niunber. Special Thanksgiving Service next Sunday. At tihe United Sunday School Mm. Earl Dorreil assistant Su- perinitendant gave a Tempor- ance Talk basing lus remarks on "Habits which torm charac- ter anid the eed of Cholces.", Spiritual Retreai Eighteen members of the Oshawa Presbytery Y.P.U. ex- ecutive of thie United Ohurch held a Spiritual Retreat in Blackstock, Suncllay, Oct. 4, 1959. The Theme for the day was 'Jesus spoaks te young people through thie parables". Ater attending a service cf worshlp li Blackstock United Churdli, the remainder cf thie day was spenit at the home of Glenn aind Marion Larmer. Muriel Veale cf Oshiawa led In a sing-sonjg anti Grace Blackburn of Salemi conducteti a worsiuip service. The tiieme address was givon by Ted Col- woil, student minister from Oshawa Presbytery. The rest of the afternoon was spent in discussion groups and Bible Basebail. supper more discus- sion groups were enjoyeti and a very worthwhile day closed wit'h a wership service con- ducteti by Mrs. Don Sinclair. Yeung Peoples Union 17he Young Peoples Union cf the Unitedi Church electeti their officers as folews:- Pro- sîidenht, Jerry Boers; Vice Pros., Ron Hoskin; Secrotary, Donna Collins; Treasurer, M1\amg Goodson; Faithi and Evangel- isin, Lawrence Buti; Stewart- ship and Training Beth Strong; Citîzensbuip and Commun it y Service, Dianne Wheelor; Mis- siens andi Wonld Outreach, Cli- fford B)ayes; Recreation, R1ajph Bowors and Laurel Mackle; Past President andi Adviser, Allan Bayes. At the Sunday evoning meet- ing Mr. anti Mrs. Dalton Der- rell anti Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mal- colmn, representing thie Cbuples Club, were guests and ail on- tered inite plans te draw the societies cdoser togetileor li thelr church work. Oshawa Deanery A meeting of the. Oshawa Deanery Women'a Âuxilary will be held in Holy TrInity' Church, Ajax, on Tuesdey, Oc- tober Oth, 1959, ai 10.30 a.,; when a number of the mem- bers of St. John's Women'ls Aux- iliary hope to attend. There wll aiso be a meeting of the clergy of the Oshawa Deaniery at Ajax the sanie day. St. John's Church Ite annual Thanksgiving Service at St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock, will be held in the church at il a.m.., October llth. Special speaker for the occasion will be the Rev. Herry Newman, B.A., L. Thi. of Duxt>arton. It la expect- ed that there wiil be a ful turnout of members and fam- illes and friendis on iis im- portant occasion. FREE! TELEPHONE AID Helps Ilard-of-llearing Personu Use Telephone If you are bsrd-ot-hearing, Maice wants you te have ibis patented device for your telephone. Ih roduces back- tround noises and helps yen hear 'phono conversa- tion casier. Maico offers this to yen FREE, with no oblitation whatsoever, to demonstrate te yon that a hearing loss ean beo ver- corne In many ways. Our supply oet hese iciephone receiver ais lu limited. Stop In or write for yours today. You'1l findI t a wonderful help. MAICO Hearing Service fE MAICO -HEARING SERVICE 850 Yont St., Toronto WA 4-2317 Plesse Bond Free Tolophone AId Narne___________ Addresu City Telephone CS/MV/1O/8159 .your wish cornes true tt's new Ford Falcon Clay$ When you wish mpon a t-ar.. * and that car' a new Ford Falcon, ail the practical, economi. cal!, beautiful tbings you wish for will corne true. Lots of leg and head room, with unusual visibilitY. Honest comfort for six adulte. Widé. opening doors, foam-cushioned front seats and 23 cubic feet of easy-loading trunlc spacel The Falcon's livély 90-hp Six averages just cm 30 =Pg,& heusmSoth r"daand SwU fée! of amruehILarger cr.Yet it andy dimensions make it a joy ta bondiei traffie, Squeaks and ratties have nowhere ta start in the Falcon's single-unit construction. Crîti. cal areas on the underside are zinc-coated t» prevent rusting. And front fenders are removable for easy replacement Don't wish-walk in to your Ford Deale#& The car that=nakeabeautiful s àjo a hee mecTH E NVEW FORD Lgcyon TIIR CAR TIIA? MAIKEB BAUTIPUL SRMSS lx INCANADA emom 11 a ««MmmoftS.. '<MDFORDSTA-RTZMW' Tasaday'ooit CDC ?arol.lfo For Oshawa & Whitby Districts Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 Dundas St. W., Whitby For Newcastle & Bowmanville Districts Carveth Motors N EWCASTLE, ONTARIO Modernize your garage ;SIIEPPARD (1GILL LUMDER #'EVERYTHING FOR BUILDERS'e TMMSDAY. OCT. Sth, 1959 THE CÀNADL»ý,N STATESMAN, BOWMANVUL& ONTARM PACZ SZTENTM 1

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