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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1960, p. 16

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ô TmJRSDAY. Fno.îlm, leu Meet at, Maple Grove 1Amazing Soyo ydro ,Described by Ross Strike tAt Men's Canadian, Club Dspite the great progresas stated.- He added that the guest Elliott stated, end added1 tat has been made in the speaker is the senior partner when Memorial Hospital st 50 years in the f ield af in Strike and Strike with his first built Iffr. Strike *lectric energy, its magic la son chairmnan of the cenvass. e st beginning, W. Ross et5Yer rtrike Q.C., tala the Bowmaa- et5Yar rille Men's Canadian Club ofl The past half century 4Vednesday evening, February '.. been the best 50 years for1 0th. M1%&. Strike was the guest gress since history began, Îpeaker at the dinner meeting speaker asserted. Elec ,of 'the club la the Sunday enrgblas been a factar 6School Room ai Maple Grave, tis edvance, lie added. _Vnited Church., Alvin Davis. the president,RelcnMuce ivelcomed the guest.s, A. A "Les>s than 100 years >I erkley, Stewart MI&Tavish, energy was 90 per cent nr Raymiond Osborne, andI Gea - cie power and the manyg Van Bridger, a special head advantages af this autwei table guest. He told the club ed its advantages. Now ziner,-bers that Rex Walters, ~ position is reversed and sc who was unable ta be preseat ces other than muscles j because of illness, had also " vide more th5an 90 percent been invited ta be a guest et the power available. the head table. Milton Elliott introduced etdFu s the speaker and spoke o! the He explained that aithoi outstanding service Mr. Strike no one has ever been ablE ,as given ta Bowmanvile and give an exact definition the province. He told the club electricity, everyofle ka4 inembers that Mr. Strike was that with complex machin born in Prince Edward Coun- W Ross Strike, Q.C. electricity is set up, and ty, the son of a Methodist currerit is transmitted lon rainister. Mr. Strnke was elected ta and longer distances foi In 1914 he started the tdy Town Council i 1931 and was~ multitude of uses. -It is of awbutenlste istue Mayor of Bowmanville from first source that bias delE cf awbutenlste lathe934 ta 1938, Mr. Elliatt said. the fumes o! combustion, Canadian Army early ia 1915, During his tiffie as Mayor hie consurners receive a Mr'. Elliott said. He spoke of was a memnber of the Towa's arnount at the flick of the three years active service Publie Utiity Commission, switch, Mi'. Strike asserti 14r. Strike had in France and stili is, Mr. Elliott, who He spoke af the precauti where he was twice wounded. lbas himself been a member taken to safeguard aga He received the Military Me- o! the PUC for 21 years, pain- dangers, and mentioned dlal for Valour at Vimy Ridge.,ted out. Safety Code for the trai Mr'. Strike graduated from of lcra wkesan Osgoode Hall in the Veter- In. June 1944 Mr. Strike was ele tarical forers, an ans' Class ai 1920, and started appointed ta, the Ontario ~Hi- h cstandards for ad ar a law practice in Perth dur- dro Commission, and in 1956 rances, qimat Ia ing the following year. Ia became lst vice-chairman ofats 1926 he came ta, Bowmanville Ontario Hydro. He hais been Thomas Edison brouglit and has practiced law liere active in churcli, Sunday ectricity fromn the laborat since that time," Mr. Elliott Sehool, and boys' work, jMi'. for the use ai maikiad, ence, and spake af the won- derful achievemneats of this Damezing geaius, wio lied 1,- 300 electrical patents. MASHEDThe invention of the incan- descent light by Edison was of great benefit, MAU. Strike ýN remarked. Me talked ai the early days when carban pen- cils were used and people could watch them lump in ' street lights. Lighting hais de- CRvelaped progressively ever C A RS sînce, lie said..1 NMU M L 1959 STUDEBAKER LARK 2-DR. SEDAN One owner car, Iow mileage, air conditioning 1951 STUDEBAKER V-8 automatic, radio, air conditioning $ 450 1951 STUDEBAKER STANDARD COACH air conditioning $ 325 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN heater$30 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Good running order ~ $ 125 1947 STUDEBAKER M-17 STAKE TRUCKC Completely Reconditioncd. 1951 GMC PANEL TRUCK Mechanic's opportunity. 1ai-ton TRUCK All Studebaker Parts and Accessories available at Graham's Garage STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE COlfax 3-2233 Haydon R.R. 1, Bowmanville Ffrst Station ln 1881 The father o!flthe electric utility business on this contin- ent was the fîrst power sta- tion built in New York la 1881-82. Mi'. Strike mention- cd the many organizations that have lionaured Edison by tlie useaif'lis naine. Me re- ferred especially ho thc Edi- son Institute ia New York City wliere tlic grcatest col- lection ai electricail data la the world lu kept. Lanflie comparatively few lntervening years since the first power station waa buîlt tlic magic age o! invention andI electrical develapment was sperked, Mi'. Strike sid. "In this age practically every- body 'las lied flic hrill ai touchlng a switdh and being immediately obeyed." Contraci For 100,000 h.P. Me mentioned the tact that in 1907, or 1908, tlie Toronto Globe lied waraed tIat On- tario wauld became bankrupt because flic Ontario Rydro had cotracted for 100,000 horscpower and flic press did not believe industry could possibly use that amount. To- ciey Ontario Hydro lies 6,500,- 000 liorsepower. Industriel Revolution Electrie maotors have pro- duced an industriai revolu- tion, IVr. Strike said. Electri- city has speeded progress, re- duced costs. eliminated dust and confusion. Over 80 per- cent of power in industry to- day is electrical. He ernphasiz- ed the importance oi the boon given the food industry by electricity, and mentioned the Smith Devoragos "JTE FAMILY REFRESHMENT A FLAVOR TO SATISFY EVERYONE 8 DeIii@us Flavors eLEMON LIME S RAPE eROOT BEER eORANGE eGINGER ALE eCREAM SOA *Mode end Dottled by SMITH DEVERAGEs LTD.) BOWMÂNVILLE 1 has pro- the etric aga 'us- dis- Digh- the it o! le ta iof aows nery Sthe oger )ra the leted and full )fa ,td. ions Iinst the rning [the >pli- 3pa- itory Mir. OBITUARY GEORGE GODDARD The death occurred at the Anden Nursing Home, Osh- awa, on Monday, Feb. 15, of George Goddard, beloved huis- band of Florence Simpson and loving father of Louise, of Courtice. The deoeaed who was ln his 701h year, was born la Hamp- shire, England, but had lived in Canada since 1908. He had 'been a resident of Caurtice for 30 years. Mr. Goddard was an em- ployee of the maintenance de- partaient at General Miotors for 28 years prior to his re- tirement eight yesrs ago. He was an adherent of Courtice United Churoh andI was an honorary member of the 4Ma- sanic Lodge, No. 398, of Hali- fax, N.S. Besides his wife and his daughter he leaves.six sisters, MrS. Williama Craddock (Ma- ry), of Port Credit; M?&s. E. Halpern (Louise), of Guelph; Mrs. G. D. Gratton (Emma), of St. Cathairines; Mie. James Little (Martha), of Bewdle3; Mira. C. N. F'ulton (Frances), of Courtice and Mrs. W. Fore- man (Alice), of Owasso, Mich- igan, and a nephew, Herbert Hutton. Four brathers and a ister predeceased hlm. The funeral service was held et the Morris Funeral Home, Bownanville, at 3.30 p.n. Wednàesdcay, Feb. 17. Rev. Harold Stainton conducted the services. Interment in Ebene- zer Cemietery. Pallibearers were Donald Welshý, Bonald We]sh, Gerald Fulton, Herbert Hutton, Harry Herron, Cimyton Kenip. Tmra GM Furmilu ImO'Cash, Wlth I TA TEHSMA N VCLASaS 1Ir 13DU Pliee MArket 3-388 Haydon Man. Building ad'vances in refrigeration and food proceasi&g Farmer'a Best Mmn ,In rural areas, electriclty also replaces muscle power, the speaker claimed. He told the Canadian Club me=àme that it has often been said that hydro is the farmers' best and eheapest hired man. It is available to 95 percent of the farmers la ail parts o! this province, he added. CaIled Beck a Dreamer Mr. Strike elso spoke of the deys years aga when Sir Adam Beck was laughed ait and ca11-. ed a dreamer because lie pre- dicted the tinie would corne when people would caok, iran > and v<ash with electricity. AI- though the people of that time ridiculed Beck as a wild dreamer, he had in reality been !arsighted, and today electricity has taken over the drudigery of housework, the speaker pointed out. Stresses Adequate Wirfnt The importance of having a house adequately wired was stressed by Mx. Strike. He spoke of the large nuniber af electrical appliances la com- mon use in homes. He stated anyane wou]d have trouble trying to get niuch water through a smali pipe, loading an inadequiate systeni would cause wires ta overheat and fuses to blow. He also warn- ed that improper substitutes for fuses would resuit la set- ting the house on lire. The annual consumption af electricity in Ontario la al- most double that of the Unit- ed States, Mire. Strike stated. Its low cost and high use has been the driving force behind the economic advatice of On- tario in the last 50 years, he asserted firmly.1 M otel "W'T"SJan e pe day la honour of St. Valen- ______ ne's ]ay.s Iayoif te Cubs with Akela 'Z Bert Snowden and Baloa BobE < 4 BarrabailU, enijoyed a ramble andi hockey game at the gravelj .......... pit on Saturdiay aiternoon. ~,Mrs. Wilf MeLean, Richard S>jand Larry were weekend guests of Mtr. anFl Mrs. Gerry #Wilson in Peterborough. Ch utis are presenting a oandlelight service et Maple Grave Church on Sunday, Februa-y'21 et 7 p.m. Ail are welcomie. Mr. Beirt Budai la finding " travelling harder than usual, since his car was stolen from 4~tiheG.M. parking lot lest Thu- Srsdiay night. Sa fer, it hasn't s1 be and Mrs.Lloyd Snow- den and Betty Lou eccompan.- ie b Mrs. Everett Kirk, wr inner gues'ts of Mr. and Mirs. Wes Down, Ebenezer, on The sympathy o! the com- Muniity is extended ta the fam- ily of tihe late Mr. Bert Parker Who passed eway on Monday. 71h<, children have been mak- ing goad use af the ice. Mrs. Bleck's room enjoyed a skat- ing Party at a pond near the achool on Monday and the sen- ior room skated on Tuesday. It is reporbed thait teachers, Messrs, Mollins and Metcalfe cut a mean figure eight on the ice. Those from Maple Grove Who attended the euchre at Memorial Park, Bowmanville, were Mrs. Roberet Bothwell, id son of Mr. Mrs. Robert Jarvie, Mrs. Doug- e, anoueedlas Bothwell andI Mrs. John 'ornn oe Bothwell, who won a door olvng oreprîze Of two barbeque chick- ng a 30-unit ens. urant, which y Street and en attended of his educa- ing overseas ton with his ton, he com- ld. IMagistrates Court Tueaday, February 16th Two Bowmmnville residents paid $53.00 for havîng liquor la a place oVliere than a residence, namiely a motor vehicle. A local aeia nui'sei'yflialipid $24.80 on e charge ai Careless Drivlng. The court was tolsI that the accused lied attended a Clinfic conducted by the OPP ainsI local police and had been successful in lus elceminations. Another local mma wes con- victed of Careless Driving on Januar'y 3rdý 1960 'et the inter- section of 7A andI ihway 35 in tihe Townshuip o!fiManvers. MegiÉtrate Baxter comment- cd, "The other driver could have rightly been charged witli careless driving tea. i-s rear window was obscured by steam ains snow. However, in this case the uea was stiopped for about %, a minute. [t wes there to be seen andI feilure ta sec lt witlh vLeability et lea'st 3/ oi e mile and the time 2:00 p.m. indilcates ]ack ai due care andI attention. This is a rear- cend collision thait cauld 'have been evoîdd. Me should have teken precautions andI I so f lad hlm Guilty as dlierged. Pental- ty will be a Flac of $10.00 end costs o! $17.40 ai' 5 days. Thice people werc charged with dumping their garbage on the roadside la the Town- ship o! Clairke. Tliey werc Newcast'le resîdients. There is Garbaege collection la New- castl e t' 30 or 35 cents per week. Said. thc magistrete la pass- ing judigment. "The penalty should be e truck loasI ai Gar- bage duniped la youre awm back yard and have You dlean il up. You will dlean up thui lgarbage and the fine wlll lie $10-00 anad casts ai $3.00. For 15 dollars a year you could 'have had your garbage liaulesI awey properly. For a second offenice the pen- alty will lie $100. A 42 yeare old diàvarced pain- ter, pleeded Guilty ta uttering a forged cheque la the amount of $17,40 eind then pleaded guil- ty ta a charge oi bein4g cdtunk. H.é wes remianded for lwa weeks. He lied requested police pro-, tection after lie became intox- icated as lie ied no place ta go. Police remembered that lie had used e local main's niame in uttering the forged cheque twa years ega. Me requested thec court ta let hima go as lic .bad e job ta go ta tomorrow. "It's emazing liow being cauglit spurs you on ta woi'k", commented the maigistrate in remanding 'hlm. Anot;her local main pleaded guilty ta impaired driving ait 1:00 arn., February 121h, 1960. Me was finedi,$50.00 and costs ai $3.00. Mis license was sus- pended for 3 montlis. Police tried to stop -hiLm 7 or 8 times because af lis erra- tic drivlag, andI finially stoppai 'him et lis home after he made a turn et the Liberty-King traffic 1lights. Wlien eskcd for an explana- tion, he steted thait le went ta Newcastle et 6.00 p.m. ta get e haircut and started to drink in the hotel. A local area mman was fined e total of $12.00~ for failing ta stop et the stop sig aet Divi- sion on Churcli St. In lis defence lie stated that it was liard ta read the siga ibecause the peait is peeling off. The chef Constable painted out fIat thie word stop was plainly visible ad IaithIle Town was in tîhe process ai changing ail signs ta conform ta an edict ai the -Dept. ai Miglways for uniioîm sîgns. The magistirate agreed. Amother local arece main wha had pleaded guiity ta bouse- bi'eaiking la the Town ai Bow- manvîlle was remanded out of custody. Restitution bas been ma&e for the articles stalen and $5 0.00 paisi for e foi'ged cheque. In Magistrete's Court at Bur- liagton, Ont, on January 29th, Keanefli Johaston, no fixed aid- dress, pleaded guilty ta cashing e farged certified Royal Bank o! Canada cheque at Pearson's Smake Sliop, Bawmanville, on September 5thý, 1959. He was sentenced ta 5 mioxths la Geol by Magistrete K. M. Langdan. This wes one o! 43 chargea heard against hils mien. Me is ta serve a toliof 3 yeers and 5 monitiis la fIe Penitentîary. MAPLE GROVE Mr's. Everett Kirk (Rutli pital, Bowmia'aville, but lias re- Preston) of Aspený Nova Scot- covered sufficiently ta lic ie, wes *a supper guest of Mi'. transferred ta Strathhavea rest and Mrs. Cecil Mlls on Thurs- home. Mer friends andI neigli- day, Mrs. Kirk and Mr. and baurs wish lier luck in lier Mira. Mils visited Mr. and Mrs. nexýs ebode. Chester MeGrathl later Thurs- Eveaing Auxillary will lic d'ay evening.- helsI et tlie home ai Mis. D. Becenit visîtiors with Mrs. E. C. Baîley on Februa'ry 25. Asihon, wha lias been very iii Mary Ana Doyle entertained with 'flu, wee 'Mire. and Mms. several friendi et lier homne on Stewart Ro<lman, 'Port Pcrry; Saturday, on the occasion ai Mir'. and Mrs. Ira Treveil, Mir. lier ninitl birthday. and Mires. Dave Weldam, Osh- Mr. andI Mis. Harold Cooney, awa; Mr., andI Mrs. William Mr. andI Mrs. Howard Cryder- Bragg and fIaimly, Providence; ane, Mr. andI Mis. Ron Brea- Mre. Bruce Ashiton, Bleckstock; aks, Mire. adMis. Howard Mr. ad Mis. Orville Ashton Bradley and Mi'. amd Mrs. Jack andI family, Mr. and Mrs. Mer- Muirie attended the Couples olsI Ashton ansI iamily, ail o! Club skating party et the Nort h EnnLsidllen. Oshiawa rinik on Saturday ev- Mires. Tom Calliss is holiday- eing, when 42 members em- iag with Mires. oImÈse Wood- joyed tlic outimg. After skat- cock at Ardeni, neai Keleder. ing, meailli era aoyed lunch ai *Mr. andI Mis. Cecil Mills cal- lot dogs, douglinuts andI cffie lai on Mr. mdM Mrs. Bill Beg- served bythle executive aifIe bey, Emniskilea, on Saturd.ay. club et Courtice United Chu- Mmr. Everett Kirk, Aspen, rdh. IhOse serving. lundi wcre Nova Scotia, has returned Mri. ad Mis. J. lMacGregor, borni afrer visltirig ber tamn- Mr. andI Mirs. Elrner Dawn, Mr. ily here, and lier father, Mr'. ansI Mis. Angus. McDonald, Mr. R. D. Preston, who lias been and Mrs. Jack HumTe. quite 111lanMemorlal Hospital, About 20 Brownies enjoyed Bawmanville, aide shortly ii- a sleigli-riding party an Tues- ter Chriatines. day eveaing wifh leaders, Mma. Gordon, Beech attended Brown Owl, Mis. Wally Both- the golden wedding annivers- wdll, Taiwxy Owls, Mis. John ary celebration for T&. and W. Noble and Mirs. Jimi ColUls. Mores. Harvey Barrie et Provi- The girls were tekea by car dece on Friday evening. ho Mr. Howard Cryderma's Wir Jim Laverty accoenpan- farzm wherec they clinibed on led bIs broter Mac of Dusm- the sleighi for the ride. They ville ho Montreal lest wcek. were served lunch at the sohool Mira Uai Haynol, a senior mter. resideri f o! Mape Grove, has. Miss Dorothy Faley, Base b=ua quite IM m Mamoeial lias'Lange, W t luihoed ' vening 4 U and 1 Circle 'Me February meeting ai the "U and I Circle"l met et the home ai Mrs. Lloyd Snowdea with President Mrs. Gardon Beecli in tîhe chair. The meet- Ing9 oPened with a hymai fol- lowed by prayer led by Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. Scripture was read by Mrs. Douglas Chute andI Mrs. James Mioltby. A stary, tlic Flower af Neeman was rea iby Mrs. Lloyd SJniowden. Worship service clased with anotheçi hymn. Two sangs hby HAMPTON andIr..Lyon, Toronto,o09 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter Mr. and Mrs. Harland d spent the weekend ia Tarouto of Bowmavile an.d Mr' witi Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Pet- Mrs. C. E. Horm. Oshawa, werf ers and Ralph. Saturday evening visitors with Mr. andi Mrs. Merwin Mount- Mr. and Mrs. Lorenizo TruU. jay spent a few dtaYs in Tor- Miss Mary Peters, Bowman- ontio. ville, spent the weekend at the Mrs. Ray Sellers and daugli- Salter home. ter, Breidia, Bowmanville, vis- NMr. and Mr-s. Merwin Mottnt- ited her parents, Mir. and Mrs. joy weTe recen.t visitors with Jack Macnab andi attended Mr .and Mrs. Melville Samelis, the Home and School alter- Oshawa. noon tea and home bmkmng sale Several f romn Hampton at- on. anidy . yRoestended the Masonic Ladies' Mr. nsIMrs.Keny RoersNight banquet and programn at and daug1hter of Ajax, were the Lions Community Centre Sunday evending di1nnK1 gestsn Sêturday ndght. of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gallant. LMr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon and Sorry ta learn of the ilnesu of Mr. Geo. Gilbert. Judy Gibson andI Sandra Con- Mr. Will Wilbur is a patient nors, were enjoyed. Fourteen in the Oshawa General Hos- rnembiers were present. pital. Their m yf riends hope Plan wee moe fr th Sttheybot meysoo beimpro- will be held ah the church. tLunch was served by Mrs. J. Holtby, Mrs. R. Connors, Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and iMrs. D. Chute. Home and School The February meeting ai Meple Grave Home and Sdiool Association was held at the West School in the form of Open House. President, Mrs. Robert Bothwell opened the meeting with "0 Canada" fol- lowed by the "Lord's Pr-ayer". Secretary Mrs. Bert Budai called tihe roll and room count >was tied by Mrs. J. Ford's and Mrs. Brown's rooms. Valun- teers were asked ta go to the Home and Sehool Convention at the Royal York Motel, Tor- onto, during the Easter holi- days. Correspondence from the Bowmanville Red Cross asking for voluniteer canvassers for funds andI sewing were read. Treasurer Mrs. Ceci Cullen gave lier report. 1Guest speaker, Mr. Norman iSisco, principal ai Doctar Don- evan Collegiate, Oshaiwa, spoke on the importance aifliard work ta develap character in students. Several ch'ildren from the school presented two sang sandI dance numbers. fMrs. Bothwell thanked the speaker and the children andI t!hp meeting closed with the inational enthem andI lunch was îserved. Miss Janet Maicneil and Ter. ry Wraight were emoag higli school students who atteadeci public speaking contest at the W.Y.C.A., Oshawa, on Saturday evening. We congratulate Janet an winning 2ndl place ani Ter- ry 3rd place- their subject was "Safety in Ind'ustry". The Home mmd School Assoc- iation lield an afternoon tea andI home baking and candi sale ia the new Sundlay School hall on Friday afternoon. The atitendance was not as large as is usual for such an affair. The very cold andI stormy weather, icy street conditions andI many' af oui' people being indlsposed -- were possibly some af the things which contributed ta this. However, there was a loy- ely display of enticing food, A diainty afternoon tee was ser- ved the tables being attract.. ively arranged andI a pleasant social hour wes enjoyed. The seven symptoms that may indicate cancer arc: 1. Unusual bleeding or dis- charge. 2. A lump or thicke'ning of the bi'east or elsewhcre. 3. A sore that does Pot hleal. 4. Persistent clian- i in bowel or bladder habWlU. 5. Persistent hoarsene>s ,ýor cougli. 6. Persistent indigestion nr difficulty in swallowinrý, 7. Change in a wart or mole. We have an expericnced anxd well trained staff to help You select plans from our Plan Book Library . .. recommend architectural service and reliable contractors .. . and give you the besti Quality Building Materials We are as near as ypur lelephone - Dial MArkeî 3-2130, 0@SHAWA WOOD PRO DUCTS Downtown Showroom LINITED 94 SIMCOE ST. Si.-RA 8-1617 Main Office and show rooon COURTICE-RA 8-1611 9 Oshawa Telephones to Serve You BOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FEIDAT 'TU AJAX-ZENITH i-9600 EL 9 P.M. -- TM CAMADANSTATZUM, .BOWMIVILIZ, OTAMO IPRICES I 01 USED One Only 1959 NEW STUDEBAKER air conditioning. J. M. Olesen, Trenton contractor anq and Mrs. R. H. Olesen, R. R. 1, BowmanvillE recently a construction development nvt than hall a million dollars, and camprisii motel, service station, snack bar and resai will be situated at the junction of Sidne: Highway No. 401, in Trenton. Mr. Oies O.C.V.I. in Oshawa end upon completionc tion joined the R.C.A.F. in Trenton,sev for two years. Upon returning ta Trent bride, the former Audrey Barker of Treni menced his career in the construction f iel -UMM illi, $ 300 0 Electronie Cooking Electric power la instentan- cous, clean, noiseless, flexible and adaptabile, and its magic has on-5ly begun, Mi\&. Strike tolsI the meeting. lie spoke ai the electranic cooker already on the market which cooksae roast lnae few minutes, a cake la lliree minutes. In this oven, utensils are nat lieated and the cooked products are de- liclous. At present it is a lit- tic expeasive for ordinary use, but prices wifl corne down as the production of it increases, Mr. Strike explain- ed. Amnazing New Productg Me told of the wonderiul electric products that will be la use la the fairly nemi' fu- ture. Some mentianed were ultra-soaic machines for wash- iag, drying, and steriîizlag dishes by liglts; self rinsing sinks with temperature con- trols, serving carets rua by re- mate cantrol; plastic rc!rig- erators in amy size -and shape and colour cambinations; tele- vision sets to be hung fiat on tlie wall, that do not need aeriais; andI an amazing pre- cipitator ta be used like a wand ta banisli dust la houses. Mr. Strîke also predicted that cold liglit wiII diaplece the sliaded lamips usecl et present.Liglit will camne from glass paelds la waIls ho be brightemed o! ddn'îred by switch controls. MIr. Strike reminded his lis- teners that the excellent ser- vice they receive f rom dec- tricity is the result of the work cf office staffs, lime- men, transmission crews, and allier hydro emplayeea. M. S. Britton, Newcastle, la moving a vote of thamks ta 1%&. Strike for his splendid eddress spoke o! lis expert knowledge of the electricel industry, and stated that Mi'. Strike is the best knowa main ia Ontario Hydro. The president o! the club, Mi'. Davis also expressed ap- precietian ta 14re. Strike for the wonderful taik ie lied given.»&1

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