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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1960, p. 3

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THURSAY, UG. 5tb,1960THE CANqADIA STATMAN. DOWMANVILLE, OTTAPUO Married in Port Hope MARTMNLL- BROOKS mm on pink tuile compli- ' On Sturay, uly30, ev.mented the dress. The groom's On atuday Juy 3, Rv.,mothen xvas attined in silk W. P. Woodger united in mar-1 floral apricot on a white niage Betty Irene Martineil, ý background and matching ac- daugbter af Mr. and Mrs.cesis.Hnoraewsi LameMarinel, ortHope,1 bronze 'mums The groom's and Robert Charles Brooks jgadohrMs hre son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cgandother, Mrrs. hares- Broos ofCoborg.joyed the festivities. The bride was radiant in a Mr. and Mrs. George Day street-length dress of white from Oshawa, and Mr. and lace over siik tafieta. Very Mrs. Alton Duncan and dan- short built in sîceves and ghter Debbie of Minden, were rounded neckiine were be- present for the occasion as coming ta the iitted bodice guests of the groom. and gentîy flaned skint. A~ As the couple left on a bandeau ai white fîowers held' motor trip of western Ontario, her fingen-tip veil of silk il-' the bride wore a turquoise lusion and she carried a bau- 1 and wvhite floral Tereylene quet af mcd rases. arzanza with gathered skinL- Miss Joanne Bickinson ai' and white accessories. . Port Hope, w," bridesmaid'on tbeir neturn Mn. and and wore a dness of cham-' Mrs. Brooks will eside in Ca- pagne beige organza. The full bourg. bouffant skirt wvas e nchancedI by an inset ai lace and net. She wone a wide brimmed bat, BEECH - MpcDONALD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charles Brooks, shown ai matching beige. A corsage i Baskets ai gladioli and ab)ove, werc married in Port.-Hope on Saturday, July ai bronze 'mnis compieted ligbted candlabra decorated 30. Rev. W. P. Woodger officiated. The bride, former the~OM enebe!hegor~;Victoria Street United Church Bet rn Martineîl, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. brother, Mvr. Allen Brooks,' etty Ireneari, o was best man. GdneOnaionJulyT orne Martiel otHp.M.Bok stesno iO, for the wedding ai Miss tielPotHp.M.B okisheono Thîc wedding reception was, Shirley Leonore MacDohald, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brooks of Cobourg. held at the home ai the bride. d caughter af Mr. and Mrs. Ro -______________________________ Miss Vieki Day and Kenneth 'hent A. MacDonald, Godericb, g Lambert senved a deliciausiand Mr. Carl Edward Beech, W d i a i lunch, son a I r. and Mrs. Evenett W d i St. Paul United The bride's mother wore a Beecb ai Port Hope. The saphire blue dness v ith par- Reverend C. E. Taylor ai-...,. - trait colar and short sleeves. ficiated at the ceremony. Acrsage ai bright pink The bride whowas given Wed in San Francisco St. Paul's 'United Church, Bowmanville, was thE scene of a pretty wedding on August l3th, when Mis: Beverley Anne Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mms Clarke Wilson, Bowmanville, was married to Mr, David Austin Hoag. Mr. Hoag is son of Mr. and Mrs NormanHoag, Oshawa. -Photo by Rchde. e in manniage by ber fathen, PEARCE - YOUNG wore a street length gown ai lace and nylon net aven satin, Onr Saturday, August 20th, featuning a V-neckline and Miss Wanita Worthy Young, cap sleeves. She wone match- Auburn, was united in mar- ing lace gloves and carried niage ta Douglas A. Pearce, a cascade af red roses. Herj Willowdale. Their marriage elbow length illusion veil was solemnized in the Auburn was held by a canonet ai United Church, which was cf- smJl white flowers. fectively deconated with pink jMns. Earl Nivins, Goderich,j and yellow gladioli. Rev. R. .\1~. nd ns.RicardBran, ormnlvMis Jae'sîsten ai the bride was mat-! M. Sweeney oiiiciated. The Dun.\\CIe a1rs.iedrchantly inSanforancv is an wiUron ai honor. She wore a jbride is a daugliter ai Mn. and make i ve mahomedthecently iS. ariFn ise langdter o!'street-length gown af genan- IMrs. Worthy Young, Auburn, mak Lleirhone her. Ms.Bran i th duglterc)fj um nylon chiffon wîth a and the bnidegroom is a son Mdr. and Mi'rs, Benson Duîîni, Oshawa .Mr. rrain is he bat eau neckline and short ai Mrs. Pearce and the late S()") of Ms Ii I riSi LkUa.sîceves. Shie wone a rîpatcbing Mn. Erie W. L. Pearce, Will- Mis .lli Brin Sat ake Uah.I lowered hat, and cannied a owdale. The organist was Mrs. __cascade ai wnite carnations. Donald Sowenby, a cousin ai OR" IThe graomsmran was M.tebie R.Lymonci N. Beech, Pônt1 Mr. Young gave bis daugb- Hopne, brother af the groom.1 ter in marriage. She looked L ~ The ushens were, Mnl. Jpok loveiy in a iioor-lengtb gown 'Morton ai Pont lHope an d Mn. ai clouid white chantilly lace Bruce MacDonald, Auburn, and net. It featured a fitted GIRS' 8~o _ Ontario. The onganist was lace bodice with long lily- GIRE S 8 IoAle Mr. Frank Bissett.1 point sleeves and a sabnina 3 L 01> SES el- . - 4 9j*A t the reception held in, neckline accented with moon- à the churelb hall, the hnide's 1atones. The full net skint bad tnotncer received weaning a lace pannelling and was ap- SUE~12 JW<à1 of.îc bine Dior laco, white oiiqued xith lace motifs me- LT ri i 2à recy FonT "Sian(l a cor3age of èembnoidered with moonston- GlLS -2 t<> Il ~~ 2 to 8 %vyiti, roses. She wvs,, assistcd es. Her veil ai silk illusion b.,,- the groom«s mother who fell fnom a cononet ai peanîs $1.9 ~ /~ i wore a white and mauve an- and rhinestones. The bride nie! jersey dress with white canied a white bible adonned accessories and a corsage ai with white ribbon streamers wh ite roses. 'and white gandenias. GIRLS' LINFD - 3 to lbq,9 8F or ber travelling costume Mns. Glenn Pattenson was J~AKS - - -~t9e bride chose an olive green the matron ai honour for ber JEA NI sensemble ai a sheal h drcssj sister ai the groom, wvas the wxitb a tbnee-quarter lengtb ssiter of the groom, was the LU wduster. The costume ieatured bidesmaid. They wone gowns J V H -~ 6K1> Ycarrieci a cascade ai bronze' with cummerbuncis ai the roseshapgn.ccsone ad sai aquam an blue nga S H O P P E Folwn awdigtrip feather and ertim d kîng t. R owmanille. Beech will take up resi- lengtb veils. The bide's at- __________________dence In Part Hope. I tendants carried crescent- MALCOLM THE MILKMAN- - by GLEN RAE DAIRY CECIL.G6 S IS -.A.ND IS NOSE FPROM ANID1E S PE EYES PROM IS IS GRAND MMT4RGBsw ISPPEOF FAHR..MWL/ IROM ME For Prompt Delivery Milk Bard Phone! MA 3-5444 GLEIU 't UMIR 1 UlKing St. W. s Pretty Cobourg Wedding St. Peter's ini Cobourg was the beautiful church setting for the wedding of Miss Melva Ellen Myers and Mr. Keith James Adams, on AuÎust 6th. Miss Myers is the daughter of Mn. and Mvrs. James Myers, R.R. 2, Baltimore, and Mr. Adams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Adams, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Married in Orono United Miss Mary Ami Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Armstrong of Orono becamne the bride of Mr. Richard Preston Baxter in Orono United Churchl on Saturday, August l3th. The groom is the son of' Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baxter of Hamilton. They plan to live in Hamilton. -Photo by Rudi Gerber shaped bouquets af white ered at the waistlines with rcarnations. 1 cummerbunds extending to Robert Pearce, brother of' large streamner bows at the the groom, was best man. back and they had headdres- The ushers were Ross Byam, ses to match and carried show- Willowdale, and the twin er bouquets of red roses and brothers of the bride, Barry maiden hair fern. and William Young, Auburn. The best man was Mr. Da- At te rcepionin Tiger vid Baxter of Troy, Ont., bro- Atlp the ce tion ofth ther of the groom. The ush- Lbride received in a beautiful e,3 were Mr. Stewvart Brown, gow ofantqu ivryrocdeDundas; Mr. Graham Skerettý gwn o atiue ivory brcadeof Toronto and Mr. Charlesi Her corsage was of Talisman Amtog rhe of he roses. The mother of the bie groom, who asisted in receîv- sti. A. A. Drummond was ing, was gowned in an attrac- tog and Mrs. Willim tive mauve chiffon sbeath soloist and Mrs. W. E. C. with matcjing accesaries. She Workman, arganist. wore a corsage of shaded pink roses. KLOOSTRA - EGAS For travelling the bride chose a chic brown slub linen White gladioli and red ros- dress with matching three- es formed a prettv back- quarter length coat. Her ac- grotind in Crace Crita cessories and hat were white Xfeformed Church, Cobourg, and she wore a dainty corsag'e on Satiirday, AuMust 6, 1969, of white gardenias. Mr. and at 3 o'cloek when Rev. Kea- Mrs. Pearce left for a wed- istra united in mariaige Aga- ding trip through , Eastern 1 tha Egas, dughter ai Mn. and Canada. On their return they Mrs. John Egas, and Mr. Mi - will reside in Willowdale. chaei Kloostra. The groom is. ________the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ren7e Kloostra. BAXTER - ARMSTRONG The wedding music a played hy Mr. Aad Stans. Of interest localiy was the The soloist, Mrs. H-elen Rand- wedding solemnized recently ail, was accornpanied by Mrs. in Orono United Church on A. Steele. Aug. 13th when Richard Pres- Given in marriage by bier ton Baxter, son of Mn. andlfather the bride wore a gowni ,Mrs. John M. Baxter, Hamil- of la-ce and net aver taffeta.ý ton, took as bis bride Mary The flnon-ion gth skirt swept Ann, daughten of Mn. and i back into a bncie train and Mns. Wiliam Ellhott Arm- the bodicc xvas fiashioned with strong af Orono. a deep neckline and long The garden at the homne j ointed siceves. lier sequin- ai the bride's parents was the' trimm-ed white veil was eau- scene of the neception after gbt to a pearl studded coro- which the couple leit on a net aind she carried orchicis boneymoon trip through the and yellow roses. Pocona Mountains in Penn- The bridai attendants werc sylvania. On their return they Mrs. Henn - vKioStra. Mns. will reside at 60 Glen Road Margaret îMellis and Miss Su- Apartment 3, Hamilton. ýsanna Egas. Their dresses Mr. Armstrong gave his 1were af net aven taffeta, the dauhte in mariag. Te imatron cd honor in yellow and bdue crrin arwige. Tchi[the bridesmaids in green and and stephanotis. Her gowný blue. T bey wore white fea- was fashîoned ai white nylon then bats and carried white chiffon aven taffeta. The dra- bouquets of carnations, 'mums ped neckline bad a yoke trim- and steohanotis. mcd with Swiss lace applique'M.Sie Kosr a and floating back panels:ý best man and the ushers were formed a court train. iMessrs. Bill Meilis and Don jHqrnden. The bnide's bouffant veil 'rercpto 1 hi t was shoulder-length and was The Skeena in Port Hope.I hcld in place by a coronet; The bride's mothen vas in! headdrcss af orange blossoms. royal blue print and the ,Attending the bride were,, groom's mother in navy blue. Miss Margaret Annold, Ham- Bath wore white accessories ilton; Miss Heather Wilson ai and their corsages were of Rochester; N.Y; cousin of the white carnations. bride; Mrs. Charles G. Arm- For th e honevmoon ta Wes- Etrong; and Mrs. Wililam terrn points the'brdcle traveiied Kaye Lycett of Bowmanville. lin a liglit blue fiannel suit, They worc ankie - iexgth white accessories and an or- i dresses ai white silk organza, chid. On their return Mr. and simply styled with scoop MInz. K!e'ztna xvill reside at noacklines and full skia-ta gath-, Morrish, R.R. 1, Port Hiope. QYJALrTY MEATS 47 KING SV. IL - MA 3-5081 LEAN, FRESH HANDUiGi 3 ibs. 99c Sirloin Tip toALsT -*lb. 89c Neilson's ICE CEEAN ½/ gai. 79c RÇed & Blue Brand I5eef OnlY STEAK LOVERS Boneless, Round BAD BneT ADT 79ç i lump LB. IOAST 7 SIRLOIN T - BON E CHICKENS ORD!ERt EALLY e77Cea. LB. ROTARY CAR WASH A major development for congh relief JURY & LOVELL 'YOUR REXALL STORE 15 ING ST. W. MA 3-3361 THURSDAY, AUG. 25th, 1960 -1- ________________PAGETES ADAMS - MES 1and Cobourg Collegiate High! dresses, and carried cascade- Schoal. She is a reglstered bouquets of white chrysanthe. St. Peter's Church, Cob- Nurse, a member of the 4-H mums and pink carnations. % ourg, was the scene of a pret- Club, and a member of a girls1 Frederick Hoag, Oshawa, ty, wedding on Saturday af-1 softball team. Mr. Adams was 1 was best man for his brother. ternoon, August 6th, when1 educated i the Newvcastle 1 The ushers were Russell Wil- the rae of Miss Elva El-'Public School and the Orono len Myers, R.R. 2. Baltimore, and BomanviieHg o, brother of the bride and ' and Keith James Adams. was Schools. He is employed at Donald Jeyes, Oshawa. solemnized. The bride Is a General Motors of Canada, Following the ceremony a daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Limited, Oshawa. reception was held in the James Myers, R.R. 2, -Balti- church hall. The mother of more, and the groomi is a sonthbrdMsWion eiv of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington EOAG - WILSON te berie, rs.Wiownorecivt-. Adams, R.R. 3, Newcastle. St. Paul's Un'ued Church, organza over blue and white The church was attractively Bowmanvillc, was beautifully printed Cotton. Her accessories dccorated with gladioli and decorated with standards Of werc white, and she wore a mauve chrysanthemums, ad- white and pink gladioli onl corsage of yellow roses. Mlrs. orned the altar. Rev. William Saturday afternoon, Augustý Hoag, mother of the bride- Campbell officiated. The or- l3th, for the wedding of Missi,'groom, assisted in receiving. ganist was Miss K. Warner, Beverley Anne Wilson, dau- Her gown was of bone or- and Shirley Bivand, Grimsby, ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke' ganza over flowercd Cotton. was the soîoist. ' Wilson, and David Austin' Her accessories were in bone The bride, who was givenI Hoag, son of Mr. and Mrs. colour, and ber corsage was of iiimariag byherfaterNorman Hoag. Oshawa. Rev. talisman roses. in mrrige b he faterHarold A. Turner officiated. sikor anzover onylon whtullee.bride, who was given After the reception, Mr. and ith oanzaunderkirtof tllit n marriage by her father, Mrs. Hoag lef t for a honey- rihayo ne. rTofdwhcea looked lovely in a beautiful moon motor trip to Ottaw^a, rayo necklin e oie eros gown of Guipure lace overý Montreal and Quebec. For a c ad inyc poiseee se nylon and satin. The graceful travelling, the bride wore a gacefundfil askirt ws lTor gown was street lengtb, and becoming prnk cotton dress the skirt was caught up at that had a wîde white lac length. Her waist lcngth Veil one side with a white nylon' panel from the bodice to the was of nylon tulle, and she rase, revealing the nylon and i hem. She wore a corsage of céarried a crescent-shaped bou- satin. Her shoulder lengtb white orchids, a smart little quet of white chrysanthe- white tulle Veil was beld by white hat, and her accessories mums and stephanotis. a bccoming tiara of Guipure were white. Mr. and M\,rS. The bridc's three sisters, lace, and she carried an ex- Hoag will reside in Oshawa. the Misses Tannis, Karen and quisite cascade bouquet of Prior to her marriage the Mary Jo Myers, R.R. 2, Bal- white and pink carnations, bride was the guest of hon- timore, were her bridesmaids. Mrs. Patricia Vander Gaast aur at severai showvers. Mrs. Their gowns were of pastel was M1atron of honour, and Alice Fogg, Mrs. Elsie Lam- shades of mauve and pink ny- the bridesmaid was Miss bert, and Mrs. Margaret Hay- bn ciffn oer * depe Barbara Wilson, sister of the ward entertained at a persan- mauve underskirt. The bod- bride. Both wore pretty frocks al shower for her. Mrs. Bar- ices had high-roundcd necks,' of pale pink nylon over pink' bara Kunkel, Mrs. Jean T)e- three-quarter length sleeves, taffeta with f itted bodices and: vitt, and Mrs. Mollie Davies, and matching little boieros. full skirts. They wore match- were the hostesses at three The full skirts were knee- ing pink tulle veils as head- miscellaneous showers. length. The bridesmaids worc attractive mauve velvet bows with mauve net veiling on , g .H TH1S 0 r their hair. They carried bou- quets of white and mauve chrysanthemums. Medical Officer: «'R e ally. Ross Adams, brother of the Young man, in civilian life............- brsdegroom, was the best man. The ushers were 'Roy would you corne to me with Cameron, Orono, and John such a trivial complait as you Myers, Baltimore. have now?" Following the ceremony a receptian was held at the Slck Soldier: "No sir, lil send Baltimore Community Centre, for you."1 The bride's mother received wearing a beautiful gown of deep blue embroidered silk If you've been complaining arganza, and her corsage was lately about finding a dry of Japanese roses. The bride- cleaner you can trust... then groom's mothér, who assisted edfru!W spcai n in receiving, ware a gown ofsndfru!W secaien sîlk arganza in pastel mauve diagnosing al clothing "ilîs". with an al aver pattern in This is especially important to- deeper shades af purple. day witb 50 many new fabrics After the receptIon, Mr. and Mrs. Adams left for. a appearing onl the market aI- wedding trip ta Florida. For most daily. Remember, for Bd Leslie travelling the bride wore a dry cleaning you can trust- smart white shantung arnel send for us. dress that she had made. Her white shoes had pearlized beels. She carried a matching purse, and ware a mauve hat, ISE NC M A ,S% . U .27à white gloves. Her corsage was of roses. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Adams will reside .- / at 41 Elgin Street West, Osh- ro awa. s4. KiWgr 7W. M.3- C0 .~- 1 The bride was educated in the Cobourg Public Schools MA 3-3361

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