murE MWEEORTJNG A B3ALL GAllE rso LgtWeek, thi reporter went to Vncent Massey Park,hapi plaYOff gaine between Our fine local club and Napance s u ppng a t e P ag r kn g o n a e en g t h e a st h , a r s c t h e M id g tD a e a n A h e " r o e y 7C Othing. Well, Maybe the gaine was at the Memorila~ Park Inns but lit u deserthet Iathe fwn We kftOw there Was a gaine, and lied even seen the pwedU apite inls olfdtoiaeIt buYe s t ei w a eae t he P rk toib ry tre. t iI n h is an ft e fnas A c i" ca k d at : wondering what happened to the gaine, there was nothing lt idgets D fa Napanee t ne .O tro S m ias S r ls D o s ottr but togo homne. ouit arernhmrt ulSupu rmbhn - Next day, thila reporter discovered that tue gaine startedDae at 3 cclock and was over when w c saw the players. Yes sir J n n ir5a ool 15 sfte, s S rpu Sls ae - th e r e ' , q u it . a lo t to th is r e p o r tin g b u s in e s s . ~' ' '.u b a e n p s - e s n P e ' FUELS O AE mound and a pair f well-hitS rp - Another thrilng Men's Softball gaine is carded for -hoernfatedSpls u O R S . 0 a t t e tal S h o m e-ru nsn dfe ature d S urplusn Sales' 7-5 win over Stephen u o n S u f ' nigit 630 atth C ntal ch ol dl mon . s hi 's bengFelate M il5 l w * wrltten, Uic Sales have a one-geme lead, but the second dra tteCnrlSho gain waspla ed T esda , s nowthe estof fve st i eit eFelsa s atthe entrs cTown -Z L e ag u e S ftb e ll fin a ls g o t u n . r Z g i n w s p e y d u e s a y s n w t e e s c f f i e e t s î t e rd i a m o n d , l a s t T h u r s d a y n g t R d ted or Surplus need e w in t -night t e w in the tite. W hat- " r h e C o s y s t r e r n l t e n i k d u a r T e S l s g t t a u i h e ver the case - the gaine between these strong clubs should "AcheCrseysthe n it ed"a e osdafur o esot t t t thto utinte f1inl Z certainly produce well-playeei softball. winning low, d te Mh axme- fy's Ato Bdls usdyfui i.JonFr' hr S4 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Yurhbelted a clinching night etthCetaScolstagtfepasanrerb SCE LYFShome run in the next inning. Battin hm,"rci"Co.Ro olr1ndsnlsb Zi n and Courtice played l st nig lt, w ith the w inner Y t her wa ks ail fi u e d nth e the pate, h l e r e J n s l u n r n s c n n advancing to the finals. A tic weuld force another clash song and hp i rer n ivalbu fusm dtosnls n rwtidwihoeetgae next week. Riglit nowth best cf three affeir is even at one - icer ad"R e ro rvlsmc Wnaee.pice"Rd Davey's dribb- a welk. H a ebdb lpe h al' etn thr e nrned heresfr tnhe us andfratidsft. srksadCreio o real crowd.pîeaser is carded for Hampton, Saturda>' * .,the o.neaned mthergaini i ýZ niglit, where Bowmanvjîîe Hoeper's Jewellers must Win -te .'fy' ety live. Ham pton took the opener, nd the teais battled hC r st. o Se t e a nuai ff s h nd d te S ls rte ho . wih a wal and advanced first two in i g an wee he ls i nng f r S uf s to a 1-1 re w ast eesa crifice. A fter S n ow den m uf- run err r b L t uCouread fs oli ne Mae Goe. Fist tion getdefeating Napanee i w tagtgames, tearn,froni left te right, front row: Jon Hancock, Larry fed Davey's relier, Yourth three ceneuiewlsate w tagt ans n pn ft ouricnt s oWllin th at Mi tee re. Ters eaind er Bowmanville's Midget squad are now waiting te see Welsh, Alex Wiseman, Bruce Ogden, Terry Black, Paul popped te first. Ted Hoar's two hits ddtedmg. e pabs ffv e gia .:or ont il inte et-o hreseis.Te eaidrwho their next opponents will be in the Ontario Semi- Mutton, Dave Cryderman, Paul Maclntyre; back row: herd smash went throughý Crossey adJnssniddfnigcapo tpe of the series is as follows: Finals. They do flot expect te play again until iiext Russ Brown, trainer; Blaine Pickard, Bruce Adams, shortstop Bob Abbott, ellow.1 and HutrpedTdHasFeletThsaynht To-nigut ~~~~~~~ w eek w h en the w estern tea rs w ill h ave decid d a B arry S teven , D avid W erry , R ay C rom bie, Joh n T w is , B g ro s e y te nsc tore r oi e r ght,e m ti g b t h s c n e e w nu s Curtice at Zin - Maple Grove t Semia winner froni that section. Many of these players have Bill Brown, Bill Nicholson, coach; Murray McKnight, the inning over second, scor- were ut. Snlsb ae'ngt t Zion (if necessary) ase prvided great assistance fr the Juvenile team manager. i g wore past cen tfedw CkreoskColel Mple Grve t Soline (if necessar>'> which is new in a playdown series with Merriton. The bigTe asn. tf eldwakthebss nteseodG4B4rnt h r ' t t t t t T h e F u e l s c a m e b a c k w i t h w i t h o n e e u .h c J o s JUVENILES HERE SATURDAY AAL A SSt four runs in the bttorn hait wlked te c e narn 5 V I ~ f l ~ v u fl u n rV uI~ I~~ I3DonJI Ce i e s by Abbott and Co nel ren he L Pa11 A4IDErtS PLgaY MnDeAs y -4Wi nhefrengieBMasters, Laurie Garbe's buli-pen in iecfMlBr"A Aftertaki g an asy 8-4 w i hithe frst aine, Bow-N a p a n e e fo r double and an in tield ut ac - gess. Befo re C r ei t w r afternoon, as Merritn evened the best of three series etit Tne counted for the scoring. med u ei se d nt erbs w n v ile e s t r n T i e u v n i e s w e e oo nd9 - S t u dp. i l eW ith D a v e y e ttlin g d w n o n l b e at M x e o rt 1a wmapec.The third gaine will be plyed t the Vincen4thEasernte pitch four-hit al over the pushing ea te:uaars M assey Park, this Saturda>' afternon. Bow envl leon T ted N p- is inder, folowing bas e n t he rl te te pae a d J c P re sid e t B ill O k e w il o f- Nre7ein d er, C rosse >'e ta g g e d thewm n v ilplate. H o ar. hb e u n c edfoe utn gS e p t 1 2-17t Murray M Kniglt, L keshore Legue President, has ficiall>' open the Mens Major C pan E ele i No. 12 Cab 500 KInt Ta7I ane 8-4 t the Vincent Mas- bls te Jack Parker a ae nd Cit Pr rfie t ef te nd heL W R I F RE now joined Bill NicholsesidnnthBicoO ke w illeof- No.t7oflomai n L il e s l een.i t ar e f n o w j o i e d B Il N c h o s o i n t h e c e c b i g e p a ti e n t c f B o w lin g L e a g u e o n W e d e s - N ic h o ls o n , C a r l L e s lie , D o n C a p ta in B y r o n V a n s to n e , s e >' P a r k , h e r e l s t W d n e s - F e r g u s o n . A w l k t e E r . r o k s e n Bowmanvile's unsponsored 4~dgets. Murray' informa me day, Sept. 14th, at 6:45 P.i. Bagnel, Dr.C. Austin, Dr. Ed. Jack Gay, Bill Westlke, John day fternoon, te sweep the Vince Vnstones third walk, A $9 15 that the local. will Play this Monde>, Sept. 5th, but thc sharp. Ail bwers are re- Ewart. Stainton, Fred Cowle, Bruce best f three Midget O.B.A. a single b>' Abbott and Mas- singes b>'Dv>, rse' opponent and site f the gaine hven't been decided. quested te be on hand t Lib- No. 8 Stephen's Fuel Vivian. series in two traigt games. er's sacrifice fi>' te short Cowle and oc rdue oc ert>' Bowi b>' 6:30 50 we lnePkadcekdtergt rdc Sph'sf-teffh Captain George Stephen, No. 13 Preston Transport Beie iearyc$cedth wlt th e nd Metnar oe Tculocals win mee the Preident k îe xpl a in Dave McKnmght, Bill Bates, Captein Bud Moses, Frank visitera on five bits, fanncd a' run in the sixth. "un" eshwospie oaalbe Dua henll e ingiltonare he le crel win a erith esien t an eri st art MurayTheHaryAke>', Mohun, Jack Munda>', Bob eight ad aîowed cal>' a pair t Cowle biastede triple off Davey's pefc.anebd Od on1a.,Sp. eventual winner with the first gaine onMndy the rues and welcme the Bob Kent.Williams, Cecil Mutton, Stan f earnd rus. Alex Wiseman te scool in the top et the wth e singelangofte tStraySp. bower fr te 96-61se- No 9Liert Bwl McMrtr.and Paul Mutton led the lit- seventh, but wes atranded seventh in tefrtgie so.CpanHn azn a- No. 14 Chartran'. ters with tîresafeties apiece, when Snowden bore down te bagged the isgae> gi euuLmt Sp.1 The league has e long wait- r>' Piper, Jin Castie, Bert Cetin BhSotr FekwieTrry lck d Pick: get Dave>' and Yourtb. Cres- te stert theuthJonFr ing list and ne new bewlers Engle>', Don Bîshop, Dick Pet- Lewi Bllnsote, Frank SeiHrr hr icajymed e apair. se>' wes ejected frein the gaine walked andJiOinksa- Flifomtnfrn fflUr were accepted this year as ail field. Snowden, Dr. AI Sylvester, Losing pitcher, Valenie first, when hie thought he had and third.Te Bid akd form eprotestingaeeclosetoca Noet10ificed tIcTirunnersCtee.secondhan>'nagent M M -~~fo me em er re se e o o 1 C n di n ie re ol. a t ebig hitter for the Vis .. th c trow be ten. t e fil the bae, ut D v > U n dU E aan Captain Jack Bond, Dr. H. No. 15 Robson Motors itors wtb a triple and e single. The Fuels treatened in the bore down t e eeo yThis year manager George Rundie, Matt Harrison, Ross Captain Merle>' Etcher, Bill Bowmaaville cpcned the final freine, wben Saowden force et secodt sa u cr ANEW PRODUCT By IMPERIAL 011, ters on ever>' lle>' and there Fry. Jin Calln, Cecil Osborne. third, as Mutton and Wiseman safe n substitute firt-seker __________________________ will net be an>' arguments No. il Selby Grant- Heatlng No. 16 Kramp's Furniture sendwiched singles ereuad a Dan Girerdils errer. Yourth with the pin boys. and Rooflng Captain Hep Palmer, Russ double b>' Biack. Npnetrc Jgs oln'hr Dv~gjmi'm i. Dm i.Anther new feature in the Captain Reph Kelly, Ted Halînan, Russ Lane, Bruce stged their cl>' serius up- bouncer te short inte a double league thst ,leas season is that B ag 11, Si Trewin, Jack Mimne, Karl Bickll, Harry rising in thc fifth te tic the pIe>' t end tc posbe ri> ever > tea in in our league w iîî B rough, G len H odgson, R on G ay.s o e ref >thae ti e sm s - n J co sibp le te sec scoe rifl. alntnesmsh ad ac BndIBERTY, ec bc spensored b>' a Bowman. ed a triple, ad Thoinpson ond te end thc gaine. ville business firm. Each tearn First Schedule - 1960 and Bartlett both sirigled. In an Corro ion wil be sprting new shirts -Ale>'. - the bottoin haf, the locals gaine ln the eigt, scorig with the naine of its sponsor Date Time 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 regeined e two rua iead, Nap- twicc on singles b>' Steven,BAELN on the back cf the shirt. Sept. 14 6:45 1- 5 2- 6 3- 7 4- 8 11-15 12.1156 ee tied it in the next fraee Piekerd, Mutten, Black and The business in sponsor. :0 91 01 and Bewmanviîîe went in front Wiseman.Fetrn ing the teains this yeer are 80 -31-4te ste>' with a pair in the bot- Nels Osborne Insurance, Lan- 21 6:45 4- 6 7- 1 8- 2 3- 5 14-12 9-15 tom cf the'sixth. Singles by Complete job der Hardware, Ken's Mn's 8:00 16-10 11-13 Pirodut t nand ismar.NSTTR PHONE MA 3-3321 FOR ipaient, Bowmanville Clean- 8:0 7 9 81 acb teain their ruas in thc ers, Stephen's Fuel, Liberty Oct. 5 6:45 2-14 15- 3 4-16 1-13 6-10 7-11 ixth. o INFORMATION AND APPOINTMENT Bowl, Canadien Tire, Selby 80 -2 5 Napance scored o two OPN O WIN Grant Hleating and Roofing, 12 6:45 16- 9 10-13 6-11 12- 7 8- 1 «5_ 2 rors b>' Mutton end one b>' Cab 500 King Taxi, Prestoniea, hl helci Transport, Chartran's, Rob- 8:00 3-14 15- 4 Wise na whil tcoary son iMotors, Kramp's Furni-. 19 6:45 15-12 9- 8 5-10 14-11 4- 7 1&- 1 Steven and cnsecutive short-. t ur . 8 0 0 3 - 3 - 6 o up e d r o onTw st a rr d . Protect Your Car Against Fellowing la a list cf the 8:0 13 3 tperson. Jh ws n teains and their sponsor and 26 6:45 11- 8 12- 5 9-14 15-10 3-16 4-13 Mutin l cliais ed3-566 Commng Winter Weather! showing the captain f the 8:00 1- 6 2- 7emniccice h iasAvial o oeLau oln teain. Ail cptains are reques. Nov. 2 6:45 7-10 11-16 12-13 6- 9 2-15 3- 8 'ted te get in teuch witb the8:0 451-1 NO. 6 Cowam Equ25 6:45 14- 2 3-15 16- 4 13- 1 10- 6 Il- 7 teurth as le singled off Van- 9AESTI [GO-KA T RACING Ceptain Paul Chant, Dr. K. :00 12- 8 9.eftcr cming on inthe fiftb. oingSt.IL lub -in Siemon, Ab Piper, Frank Feb. 1 6:45 9-16 13-10 Il- 6 7-12 1- 8 2- 5 An errer and tbrec succes- OftO R C Member EXHBITS:* Livstock, Fam Products, Neede. Coomnbes. 8 6:45 12-15 8- 9 10- 5 11-14 7. 4 1-16 xanvile club to pick Up their &U 3-5a81 A -3d93 craft, Domestlc Science, Junior Departinent, Faim 80 -36 igliu ntesxh MehieyCasan ruks uidngMaeies15 6:45 8-11 5-12 14- 9 10-15 16. 3 13- 4 Ma er, ar ad ruks Bilin Mteias8:00 6- 1 7-2 P R DRAMATIC CONTEST ~22 6:45 10- 7 16-11 13-12 9 5 -3P R R rS t , S p . 1 OrID&uoT owNTHl LEMEATS:" Me.8:00 5- 4 1-1461528.3P R EY Omo Twn Hll Mr. 1 6:45 11-12 2- 1 8- 5 15-13 9-10 16-144 sept. 8-9-10 at 8:15 Sharp LCOME RUNNINO 8 :005 - 63il 6:4 15- 5 7-13 6-16 14- 8 3- 1 10-12 Nune plays from Whitby, Pickering, Oshawa, 15 6:45 7-14 15- 6 3-10 12. 9 2-11 4. 1 ' AI R R BS N Orono, Bownxville, Linldsay and Peterboroughi 8:00 16- 5 8.13M T DcI f 22 6:45 16- 8 10- 4 12- 2 1-11 5-13 7-15 LA BO UIlR DÀAY -- .ww MIDWAY - Funa and Rides for Kiddies 8 :450 3- 9 14-. -I 16 -2 -1IBO M N I L 29 6:45 1-10 12- 3 4-11 6- 5 8- 7 9- 2~ OS AIGIVSOKSO IGS.E 8:00 13-14 15-16 M D A O K R I E ~~~12 6:45 4- 9 13-16 5. 7 3. 2.-.14.15 6. i. - . T A E P T E S Saturday: Adults 75e - Children 3:0 1-011- STUEAT e"ITSHW ____ ___ ___ __19__Play-offs Children under ichool age Free I-DEALER i2ïJhï. ae d-f oNN ILLIEut O-6OohnO.1782 Tllo ramat Eu ______Imm____ 0110NO178 JDate to e b.anounced - Mena Major L4agu. ornmt bdbdb.&.- - - - - - - - 1 bgbaladbm TM CARADUN M22URAM £Ow WAIWVU,.M «MAUm THUPJMATI ut lm