THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JAN. l9th, 1961 H m & co lSekrRosemary and Elizabeth. D I Il A f I Beatrice Blake, tresrr e.sot niigte ocrev _____________________Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilbur En NJe,ÂÎ f: sejN entertained Mr. and Mrs. Bill B TAhSN w O fc r oneMDn Gilray, George and Esther of MRS RICHARD HOOPER irow (Elva), or Burlington I conivenor, Betty ihi. 'eovfrteLosDxre P r p r n , C n i i n n saao udy nStraJnay7th ChndBMnnieC.cHarrisonSunshieeseconded by KitABrorn. Con. P rep arin g , C onditioninç ,Official Board Meeting at Port Perry Mernorial H ci o MsCawa twonbrothersfter ashrtimresie nFe. 3 er coen Oln Monday the Officiai pital the death occurred of George an~d Cleve, of Oshawa;, tut tchars an a ..I Bo3àrd meeting forth Colum-' Mrs. Richard Hoaper, aged 65. a step-brother, Frank Bery, ý'c u M m and treasurer'sreot!th nomgtemotene bus-Kedron charge was hl The late Mrs. Hooper wsOf Oshawa; and three grand-~ h evya 91f last meeting wer( ed p~eeuiv.Adsuso a C h ulds l in a a n dA tt t d at Raglan, the newest poinldJ nin Cartwright Township, chIldre. wa 1dThe Scou Mothrs' 19v61n scnddbyKt'hldrgadngte evigo Point:te Sou MtGreen Rom oftharpored savsmd and ig o! the charge. daughter o! the late Peter and aTthe Mcls-ers Fun- Ldion ete rsdn r Mr. Frank Lee was re- elect- uîd asn.Se a lHmTu sday, n- enrreporte d ne cr a n eajund ecoe edas representative ta Pe-member of the United Church. e Hae roldanton m ions eyteP resided avefl imoney received. Snhn Ol i rw oe h et P aren tis' R o Ie in E dc u catio n bytery. Mr. Ross Lee agreedi She is survived by her hst e o!Haurol taiUnted Churcithe m een whied vnvnrrpr to act as Recording Steward band Richard Hooper, d ero ort nted roemesetand ravle te cotbeen sen~t.wt h cutMza n Valuable advice ta parents duced the winners of the re- should play is infinitely more for anther yer. Te M. & M. daughters and one son, Mrs. conducted the services. Inter- proie n r ere re-1 rsSmemodthafifiedvafhor aspet regarding their place in the cent Public Speaking Contest difficult than that o the tea- Chairman for the comin a John Nesbitt o! Nestleton, Mrs. ment was in Ebenezer Cee- peated, annual reports read, Mrtin s e pi.Tm ý ~ vrau e us education of their children held by the Bowmanville cher, but it is extremely imn- will be Mr. Elmer Powell, and Lavern Chapman o! Pntypool tery. The services were v an buin es !peiu et eoddb Rt vn.Al________ wsgiven by Arthur B. Public Sehools, Jili Ames, portant. If it is not carried Mr-ila Wrywî and Ronald of Toronto; also îargeîy attended and man'y toepsn a gaatinte iDeclarnthofie aat esidusa Woods, vice-principal of Done- who wvon !irst place, and Su- out with at least iimited suc- serve as M. & M. Treasurer twa grandchildren, Beth and floral tiue ndicated therngteofcsaanbesidusorheomg Srietaajtcuer. ven Coliegiate, Oshawa, on san Rivers, who came second. cess, the schoal's contribution for Kedron. Douglas Chapman o! Ponty- wsemi held.Mr dutia'ses fofce dta oteincom- Kya. tpe5mvdta el apns n aifto W e d n e s d a y e v e n in g , J a n u a ry J ill's w in n in g s p e e c h w a s o n ta th e c h ild 's fu u re is fn t n ly M . F a k L e a e a c o S F rl s r v c e w r e h e rs w e e L e n i g e x f o ie ti e th e i n tm - l e t te b e n str c e n e t t a î a y o h r v n u e o i e llth. Mr. Woods was the "Racial Discrimination," and in jeopardy but may in many prehensive report o! the work dutebyRerviipRerîlKnminmn obcaho cetn; rsety, tthr e motroacubsadCri hpa t special speaker at the meeting Susan's subject was I"Bow- cases be futile. in he onfeenc anePre- oPBîakstk f om MDeraiacFodPicRyHr- o! the Bowmanville Home and manville." The parents' part in educa- bytery hsya.H re h otPnbae uea h-rison and Charles Richards. Sehool Association held at President Ames announced tion is concerned not sa much attention of those attending pel at Part Ferry. Interment The niembers o! the Cana-, the Lions Community Centre. that at the next meeting o! with the formai training of ta the present shortage of dia nPn roeCmtranmeoriadervicFoe atertheiun The president, Mrs. Ralph the Homne and Sehool Assoc- the niind as it is with the pre- ministers. which wiil becomne Prince Albert. d eoian Orervea!oetershe dn Ames welcomed the members. iation, "Human Growth," a paration and conditioning o! more seriaus in a few years The palibearers were Russelrl hoeWdsayveig M ore than 175 w ere present. m otion picture that has been the m ind and the child 'ss t- ue a t ehdcr ase in he tee e, us eil Ric es, Wilia Voalseecios y he75 highly praised by educators, titude, for the optimum re- number o! students training Lambe, Elwood Tripp, Everett ROBERT SMITH LITTLE /1QRW members o! the Boys Public parents and critics, will be ceptian o! iearning,' Mr. for th iity eugdHae n akHae.Teepse wyo h School Choir, and by the Cen- shown. This meeting wili be Woods expiained. that ahl churches encourage tralSehol irl Chor, erehel inBowmanville High He stressed the importance young people ta consider full. 7hdyo aur,16,a iîcenoe.Bt chirs Sehool on Wednesday even- o! parents instilling an ade- time church work. STANLEY E. KINSMAN the Lodge Convalescent Nur-1 were under the direction O! ing, February 8th. quate and intelligent set of Rev. Ronald Love gave a sing Home, Newcastle, On Murdoch Beaton. The members of the assoc- values inta their children. survey af the growth o! the The death oceurred suddenly tarin, Robert Smith Little i Merle Slute, principal o! tie wer a informed by This will enable the young- chag ui telstn on Tuesday, January 10, 1961, his 92nd year. Ontarso Amesethat Dan ICough- sters ta keep the unique im- years. Ten years aga 55 fam- tc Ian, director o! probation ser- partance o! formai education ilies worshipped i te i Teo! Stanley E. Kinsman. mnember o! one o! the aid vices, Toronto, will be the. in focus. Kedron Church. Today theree deceased was in his 53rd Scotch familles o! the dis- speaker at the meeting of the He discussed difficulties are 172 familles connected year. trict. The late Mr. Little was 1 Home and Sehoal Councîl ta caused by the materialistie with the new church across A son o! the late Thomas the fourth son of Thos. Little I SWIFT'S BLUE BRAND B3EEF be held on Tuesday, January standards o! the present, the the road. This past year at and Minnie Kinsman, the de- and Jane Burgess. Eight mem- 24th, i the E A. LOell daners ofprospeity, lak oceasedn 3wasrsanrnerat Lindsay wabersn o!Lthesafaerilo tpredeceasedde BladeBl Boneon Removede 4ho, inshew, E .. ALvohanrsopasp teity ak o! Kedro 4pesn er a-and came ta the Oshawa dis- him. ( S~~~ehol. Oshawat te8n p. m. nAil ha r msips, an Id th e semphasst iz d e ot ! al tetriet at an early age. He was The deceased spent his en-C Finacia reort ofailthemarred n Ohaw Jue 8h, irelîfe on the farm, Lot 23,1 The president told the Bow- we should teach our children church organizations were pre- 19n3sa5.Jn 8h Con. 5, Clarke, until he mav-L manville H. and S. Associa- ta pay respect ta the genera- sented, and these will be pub- Mr. Kinsman operated a ed ta the present home A _ in embrstha MssPhy- ion pecdin temtabelished for distribution ta miem- hardware store at Courtice for Orono with his sisters Mar 'f iss Bainbridge, a Toronto modest in attitude, and polte bers. LD pSychologist, who was ta have in clemeanor," Mr. Woods ad- Th ogeainlMeigsaine years but more recelitly and Annie. He wVas a staunch TheConregtioal eetnghad been an empioyee o! the Presbyterian. ive an addrssth acnel O bhafo them on vised. at Kedron will be held on CKD departmnent in the Gen- He is survived by his bro JaurhlthataclldOebhiv! h ntrse Wednesday, January 25th, at eral Motors north plant. th1Fae' snaddu hatver110110the engagement because O! audience Mrs. Len Lucas 8.00 p.m. H a ebe !Cu-therArchie T. Littn and Magh you live in illess. Sahaemewi ngve e xclln ad-tk dMr WA deifor hs S. S. Annual Meeting tice United Church and o! the Jean Myatt o! Regina, Sask., R OS b dres a laer eeing exellnt ddess deiciusCanadian Order o Foresters. and their respective families. Mrs. Ames pointed aut that lunch was served by Mrs. E. The Kedran Sunday Schooi He is survived by his wifc, The funeral service was Sot-La adMayLa -we ve got just the the association had been for- Shackleton, and the mothers held its annual meeting in the the former Lucy F. Echlin; a held from the Barlow Funeral 1Sot-La n et tunate in securing Arthur B. o! the kindergarten pupils. Sunday Sehool roomn on Wed- agtr1r.Brc onHmOrno ady righ Homownes po. Wodsas th e venig'snesday evening. For the com- (Joan), and two sons, James January 9th. Rev. Long con- BIB ROASTLbu am mLb1 .icy to fit your needs speaker. Mr. Woods, the vice- ing year Mr. Ted Collis agreed T. and Morris S. ducted the service.59 'A1ou B E ,and your budget. De- priptOsaai s hevnCl e- KE DRON ta serve as Secretary, and Mr. Also surviving are his step- Palîbearers were- oscar MetSdSitsOroe-B thpec pendale potecion grdedin aademi cirlesAlvin Spencer wihl continue as mother, Mrs. Thomas Kinsman; Rolph, Wm. Riddell, Wm. etSd pedal poeci n d g are ntsacodemiiesk- O Saturday the boys o! the Treasurer. two sisters, Mrs. Gerald Har- Armstrong, John Stone, Loy- S against losses from fire, iedge and ability. '21st Oshawa Troop o! Kedron, It was decided te seek an î ir Harness and Fred Grahamn thetIibiltydams "Mr. Woods was born and together with their Scout- assistant for Mrs. Joe Sarr ta as Irclr itemotf Orono Ceme- n educated in Brantford. During niaster, Mr. William Werry, carry on the greatly cxpanded Itreti rn ee ,and judgments. Ali the war he served in the RCAF hiked two and a bal! miles work o! the Cradle Rail De-. coun c ,try. ____BS U AElc-Rsbryo tabry-2 z a on e policy-at one Iow four years a radar technician. north o! Courtice. Bc.ys who partnient. -àc__ ou___an__y_______-_AV 0c- asber prmum ai .~ ody A!terwards, he studied at Mc- went along on the hike were Mr. Jack Francis wili con- RAY J. DILLING MISS VIOLET OSBORNE peim al4 oa atrUniversity and receiv- John Rose, Robert Elliott, Jim tinue as supervising Superin- Certified Public Accountant In failing health for the past' TF ES.a u cd his M.Sc. He taught in Fraser, Ronnie and Garry tendent, and Mr. Ted Maidman 93 Church Street fcwweksMis Volt O39 for full information. Kitchener before coming ta Schwass, Robert Scott, Joe and Mr. William Werryagee Mret3-86 bre, oMnVilet Oi-' Oshawa in 1956 as vice-prin- Milis, Tommy Ogle, Alian to serve another year as Sup- i. 1H.C GIS nth SraavnNsng BET UY-AE6c- hiknN deoromoVgtae cipal o! O'Neill Collegiate. He Hunking, and B.iorn Pederson. erintendents. CaIernAcouttthe Bowmavle, n eNus-fiBS UY-SV c- hce tras!ere taDoeve Cl- ohnRoe ad obct lhittIt s hopd that monthly dis- Second Floor day, Jan. llth. She was in ber legiate in 1957." passed their cooking tests dur- cusslin and training sessions New Library Building 87th year. In the ideal situation, pro- in-, the afternoon, and Joe will be held for the teachers Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Born in Darlington To perly qualified teachers con- Miils and Tommy Ogle pse o! the Sunday School thus ycar, Phone MArkct 3-3612 ship, she was the daughter of~ duct prescribcd courses de- their fire lighting tests. probably on a Friday night. AE RELNE the late Mr. and Mrs. CorneliuBs U AE4c-Isato uik-LrePg sindta train young people A Pot Luck Supper for the Mr. Howard Farndale moved&CMAN Osborne o! Shaw's Sehool sec- ETBY SV S TU RT R JA ES ~ artsandsciecesMrJunior Con.regation, t h e i r a vote a! thanks ta ail offcrv Acutat ndAd tor enut During ber active years, S AER OT INSURNCE RAL ETATE oodsassered. n addtionparents and brothers and Sis- and teachers for their work Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy Ms son okdtru 9 tea her aceadineprton ters, is planned for Thursday, during the past year. 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621ou the province as a schooll teces r randinmt-February 9th, from 6:30 ta 8:15 Q U A K ER__________________________________________ King St. E. Bowrnanvillic ods a! imparting information Oshawa, Ontaria teacher. After retiring from __________________________________________ ta students. .nteLwrHl.Tcby cu ru omte B. L. Yale, C.A. the teching profession, she Office Residence Th paet'riis es erage and bread and butter The Group Committec for F Friedlander, B. Com., C.P.A. worked for several years wit.h BEST BUY - SAVE 6c - 60 Bags MA -58TMAhe 3 prents'ere iaresspe will be pravided. the Scouts held their !irst * the Manufacturers' and Tra MA 3568 MA3-543 pe.cse, nd her areno re- On Wednesday o! this week, meeting o! the new year at the MONTEITH- MONTEITH ders' Life nuacCoTr scribed courses, the speaker1 Mr. and Mrs. Evcrett Mount- church on Wednesday. Mr. RIEHL &L CO. ento. IsuncCoT - stated. "The_part _the p~îet joy, Mrs. Hugh Gannon and Derck Barnett is ta succeeci 135 Slmcoc St. N., Oshawa Ms son a ,niS A LA D A ..EB A G 73 r. and Mrs. Bill MeGregor Mr. Grant Giaver as chairman; Chartered Accountants ber o! Trinity United Church, called at the home o! Mr. and Mr. Stanley Ogle will take RA 5-3527 Bowmanville. Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bow- over from Elmer Parks as Bowmanville She is survivcd liy a nicce, BEST BUY - SAVE 4le - 2 Mb. Tin R OA I . BOWMANVILLE nianville, where a cousin and secretary; and Mr. Nelson eall ZEnith 45750 Mrs. David Lide, o! Trenton, his wi!e, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wright xill carry on the trea- Partn NwJrsy ndanpe M U :~U . ]ROYA L ~Mountjoy of Weyburn, Sask., surer's job, which lias been Hon. J. W. Montelth, F.C.A. Dr. Kcnneth Wright, o! Tor.- BV< V £COR ing Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and The new com.mittee made G. . iehi,.A.rustee) The remains restcd nt the T H U R S. O SA T ., JA N U A Y 19 - 1 the askatch wan(Licensed laTrustee)e fF. F.atMorrisG.FuncraF.lMChapeln rBESThaBUY 1-STSAVE SAVE-3c i-Lb.b. Pkg. MATINEE SAT. ALSO Among those attend;ng the held during Boy Scouit Week -_______________Jan.______In MATINEE SAT. ALSOannual meeting o! the Ontario in February, with dinner serv- Chioprac emetry.Rev W.K o us _________________ ________________ Cony osten Club at Man- cd in the Sunday school room __________________________ ____________ * III AI IL.chester werc Ross Lee, Walter o! the church at 6:00. G DI AN . lander, minister o! Trinityf IIVflhI<Davis, Clarence Werry, Roy Mr. ry.os rpEteWCINopMAtorD.C United Church, conducted thei Sunbeam - 6 to pkg. I'New"An Mr' VW EN Hpbr, alh ebunHa-that the Ladies' Auxiliary Office- erics Tomato - Cream u ClknFi old Werry, Glenn Hepburn, raised over $50 at the square 15 Elgin St., cor. a! Horsey St. Phbaeswcewa DANISH PASTRLPT N S U S S CE BR D Ronald Wcrry and. Robert dance which was held in De- Phone MA 3-5509 Rundle, Murray Osborne, Ray-'i LP like a Fett Seera prducton er-cemer.Offce Hurs ByAppintentmond Osborne and Ronald Os. like Uificts er presented ta cme. tcr divsOfc ' borne. ___ 5 k s 1 9 jf Hrold Werry, Ronald Werry The Group Committee plans f~, i______________________________________ and Robert Flett. RbetFlett et rpprdrvsD n a -_.....FRD TOM D r g nand Ronald Werry were ap- as. their chie! fund raising DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Floiga hns !sv LEpointed ta the Board o! Direc- ciiy fie uyJbleBds olwn nilso e- FEATURE Offie:suryJubi1e9dg. eral years the death occurred York- In Saacc - 20 oz. tinPRU C and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton ~40 King St. W. Bowmanville o rdTmae 2 tbs p n ¶'u JcLodadM.adMsRoetHtoiOffice Hours: f redncse ed7, Enskiicn n is~1 CLRand Linda o! Barrie were Su!n- Lake Shore, Clarke 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Wcsdnea, January 11e, 161. __ &flUV U iP3111ELU Nobu McCarthy day visitors with Mr. and Mrs Closed Saturday and Sunday1,11. Charles Thomas and fanîily. Mrs. BeyjTu. Jyevste n Office Phone - MA 3-5790 d9cease, who wa born £& BowmaCapse.3predssed herfBeavpren.King St. W. -Bowmanvillie ter, Wiiour, ana a sîster Flor- ui£ArsCle i ups eIo o rd b el a Clearasil Buckley'u Caps - 45e Arrid Mrs. Orville Greer's mother, ciation o! the achievements o!ý Phones: Office MA 3-5688 ence (Mr.Corny Graham) 1" ay" ofe Al ups Olntment Super Anahlst -___ 1.00 RolOn Mrs. Stanley Mof fatt, bas be the past president, Mrs. Fred ReieceM 553 bThe o! Brlacserck ewa s! 69e -1.19 oiden Llqld --1.39 9e :a patient in the Oshawa Gen-1 amis, during the past four MISS APHA I. HODGINS heldl h orsFnr _________ ral Hospt tsofanlyas n hera ita Barrister, Solicitor Chapel, Bowmanville, on Fni-I ____________ C.B.Q. ..-- -- 39e - 73c Mr. Orvilie Greer's mother,' plans drawn up by the new Notary Public dyJnay1,adwscn Woodbury Bromo Quinine 45e . 87e Woodbury IMes. Walter Br-an, is in the executive for the coming year. Temperance St. - Bawmanvhlle day, Januy 13, and.wacons RSE Shapo Distn abets1.5 2.5PtIO Perrv Hospitil, aftcr faîl-! Mrs. Rod Simpson ERCHRLOEIN dctdbyRv.G Lchos FROZEN FOODS FEH EDR- o rd îng and beeakn Tnblatsb1ne.-cd.2thellevoti. naCARDonduct- o! Tyrone assisted by Mr. DagnBrW.,1 69icks Coid Tas Tab89 i69anandekîscriap-ne iar teisternalSodlicitorariseCrawfordor Cro! Enniskillen.n. n-! ragn Band 14ob.nch.BRO 69c .. c 89eMr. and Mrs. Wil!iam Powellý turc was read by Mrs. Godrey Box9 Newcastle terment was in Pîne Grave .L. L A weee at home ta their !eiends Bowman. W.KYLTBA- Cemetery Prince Albert, Ont.i fChikeR Chop Suey Nhaerv od .9e .9sPasz lae..... 7c inStphen'schuch p unday a!-, r eing by MisLaura Ficid- Barrister and Solicitor The many beautiful floral, Dragon Brand - 12 oz. pkg. Stepen' ChrchSundy a-a ethegsbofficesur Fo!d-tokens from friends, neigh-1 L WNerp ood' 98c -ix2.r49k Pste ------79 ternoon and evening on the oc- jer, a vocal trio by Mrs. Elxner I.nRWte fieQ.C. bars and relatives nudn, C 2.0 8e sodent skPte -79 Main . Wdll Q.s,__ _dng Chiken Fried Rice 1.6vlecasioiî of their 25th weddingy Lee, Miss Laura Fielder and Mi Street,_Orono, Ontario those from Enniskilien Comn- DrgnBad-8z.k. 1.26 valueanniveFarv. Kedron peoplel Mrs. God!rey Bowman, accom- __ _ __- munity and Haydon Commun-co Ppsoen ase --99e xh !ee hi aîdb r.Fred GM ffinjity were evidence of the es. Phospholect .5Woofrdtercongratula-1 aiedGriffrsn3 t gagedeeasd Shrimp Egg Roll0 I Phosholcithn . 1.5 Lsaize White Raim tiens weee Mes. Powell's bro- and a contest conducted I'LO U, teem in which the deceasANNON 98e the, M. Jck lovr a Ms. orl Y lo. SADIE HAMILTON -ORONO, was heid. Paaiete .0 -350-6.0 hmpoMrs. Jack Glover, Mr. and i We are having aur usual Phone 1 r 16 Paljbearers were Messrs.' Mes. John K. Glover, Mr. and good wi.ntertime attendance at Fiest Martgagc Funds Ted Jackson, Port Perry; A. e a._ Mr.GatGoeMadchurch and Sunday sehool. Residences - Farms (Sandy) Moore, Russell Coat-I .4 9 H OT WATER BOTTLES- Guaranteed Mrs. H12ro1d Werry, Mir. and! We are very pleased ta have uiesPoete es, Austin Franklin, Clifford Mr.Clarence Wcrry,an rM. and Mrs. Walter Crawford'- - - Pthick and Harold Ashton. 1.29 - 1.99 2.50 L.ewis Fowler. Mrs. Douglas with us and enjey Mvr, Ceaw- O0 p t o M le i r y The many fniends and rel- D N NV L E * * - clinsN re Scott, Mes. Pawell's nicce,' ford's splendid sermons.____ atives frem a distance pre- B U N I L S hLlned serve tea. 1I The many friends o! the ý EITH A. BILLETT. O.D. sent at the largcly attended I kM ~Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry 5s aivexedthiOtoers funeral were froni Toronto, an, IU A PNqhIh E!ih*Wht.a.Iv; xvere Sunday dinner guests sympathy in the loss o! a de-'141 King St. E. - Bawmanville Millbrook, Lindsay, Beaver- 1 ,aA c O WIGwami.A.Ponx n i s faed mîly etend he ri, ptoctrstt ichga Pat Pra wit Me. A Pheni an Mis' ote moherandwi!. Ms.~Office Hours: By appointrnent ton, Harnby, Orona, Black- DJean Phoenix o! Grcenbank.j Milton Samis will be missed j Telephane MArket 3-3252 sock, Mcia, Prt 'er PHONER G TO E"'EFff Mr. and Mrs. Ross Camnpbell by ail who knew ber, and who 9 a.m. ta 5p. .Nste , Pickering, Scar- TR SE nd.and Ms e ott die e org and Mi)nday ta Saturday boreugh, Highland Cre e k, ______________________________________were entert-îrced on Stinday cheeful.ness in spite o! poor~ Thursday evenings Oshawa and surra" un gR NO * - *C rih N re ra - by iMr. andi Mrs. OrViLle Greer,,heaith. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 areas. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JAN. 19th, 1961 ý 1 PAGE sur