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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1961, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 24tb. li __Wec Sainsonite Silhiouette The ele gant jet -age magnesiurn luggage [T'S STRONG ... Molded with air- light magnesium... covercd in Ivear-resistant vinyl. Can take a (cal bcating! ITS LIGHT'.....Test it yourself, pick it up! You'Il feel how light-yet- strong Silhouette is..perfect for air travel. ITr'S ROOMY! ... Precision-planncd interiors hold more than most men ever dreamed .. hidden locks can't fly open. UTrS SMART! ... No frills . .no fuss, just pure functionail unes... Avail- able in 5 smart finishes. Prices start ot. $25 .95 SAMSONITE Of CANADA. LTD., Stratford ,Ontri. HOOPERS Jewellery and Gift Shop 29 King St. E. MA 3-5744 961 ther, Mr. John Pring, Gaît, ddinqOnt., and Ted Leslie o! Hunts- GEBERDT-PRING The guests were received ati the reception, held in St. Pink and white S pin ng Paul's Sunday School Room, flcwers and ferns formed d'l tebrd' ote h lovely setting in St. Paul's i Wnsrrs oo oUnt Satury, May 20, 1961, jtacket dress of Euroiean on Sturdy, My 20 196, a* shantung, b e i g e accessories 3 o'clock when Helen A. J.ipnd cor-cage of talisman roses. Prin. c~ugher o Mr.andTo assist, the groomn's mother M rs. Wilson Pring, Bowman-Ichose a jacket dress of pale ville, and Mr. Jerome Geberdt, blue silk shantung, navy ac- wereunied n mariae. helcessories and corsage of pink grcomi is the son of Mr. and iro Mrs.WlimGbrto aî ke Wllim Geerd of al- The bride's travelling en- rLon.Ont.semble for the wedding tnip Rev. W. McClure of Moles-, to the Province of Quebec iworth off ici ated in the ab- was of antique white and mo- sence of Rev. H. Turner. The cha with matching accessonies wedding music was played byý and corsage o! yeilow 'mumns. organist Mr. M. Beaton whoI On their return, Mr. and Mrs. nIsi) accompanied Mr. Don'Geberdt will reside at 35 Sun- Williams of Guelph, the soo-nyside Ave., Kitchener, Ont. ist. An honored guest at the Given in marriage by her wedding was the bride's father, the bride wore a white grandfather who came from cflor length gown enhanced Cowdenbeath, Scotland, f or with a Chantilly lace bodice the ceremo.ny. Out of town emphasized by a jewelled guests were also present from square neckline and long lily- Harriston, Walkerton, Kitch- pointed sleeves. The fully ener, Stratford, Ayton, Hunts- bouffant skirt of organza was ville, Palmerston, Molesworth, worn over many crinolines Gaît, Oshawa, Toronto, and and was accented with lace Sarnia. appliques on the skirt, and showered with sequins. Her shoulder length veil of silk ST R VIL illuion as eld y apearl T RK IL and sequin trimmed cap and she carried red roses and Mn. and Mrs. MacNeill, white stephanotis. Oshawa, at Mr. Warren Car- Miss Lola Pning, Bowman- son's Sunday. ville, sister of the bride, was Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe maid o! honor and the brides- and family, Bowmanville, maids were the bride's sister- visîted at Mr. Howard Far- in-law, Mrs. John Pring of row 's. Gaît, Ont., and Miss Shirley Mrs. Lorne Todd visited Dowler, Kitchener, Ont. They Mn. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, were identically attired in Newtonvîlle, recently. petal pink imported brocade Some from this district at- fashîoned with full skirts and tended the Masonie banquet square necklines. in Orono, Saturday. Little Miss Rosalie Pring of Mrs. E. Shier, Toronto, at Cookstown, Ontario, a cousin Mr. Lloyd Hallowell's. of the bride, was flower girl Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid in white organza featuring a and family, Bowmanville, at pink cummerbund. She wore Mr. Herb Reid's. a headband of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. C. Plum and The àdult attendants wore Mrs. I. Plum, Toronto, were Iwhite velvet headbands with weekend guests at Mr. Arthur pink net veils, and ail the at- McKay's. tendants carried nosegays o! Miss Norma Hallowell, Tor- white 'mums and pink camna- onto; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice tions. Hallowell, Newtonville; Mr. nhe best man was the and Mrs. Brian Caswell were groom's brother, Mr. Don Ge- dinner guests at Mrs. Llew berdt of Kitchener, and the Hallowell's Sunday. ushers were the bride's bro- Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- - arsn, iki*td Mrs. R. ouLyhen. DICIVSTOBACCOSTORE 43 KING ST. E.1 Milk Ponsicles - Orange Juice - Cream Butter - Ice Cream - Soft Drinks Cigarettes FýulI supply for offices, schools and home .*.0 party supplies We wish to thank ail those who were in the store and wished us ail the best of luck. We hope you will corne often.1 0ea .&. &. Newtonville. Sunday afternoon the child- ren 's choir under direction of Mrs. Westheuser provided special music for the Mother's Day service at Shiloh which was well attended. Spring flowers were in arrangement Iwith message by Rev. R. C. I White. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford , Reid, Bowmanville, present- ed their son Ross Clifford for baptism. SThe ladies of Shiloh W.A. ýmet at Mrs. Ewart Robinson's Iast week for the May meet- ing with Mrs. Robinson pre- siding. Mesdames Jim and IJohn Stark were in charge of lunch and contest. During the business portion it was de- cided to plan for a strawberry festival but definite plans will be finalized at the next ,meeting which is to be the first week in June at the home of Mrs. John Stark. To be used only in emergencies and for opportunities ...that's the kind of savings account that many B of M customers rely on as the cornerstone of their financial security ... dollars for defense against adversity ... savings with which to answer the *udden knock of opportunity. Strictly for saving accounts ... can you afford to be ~ < without one? It will take only one dollar and three minutes to open an account at your neighbourhood branch. 3 "FORL MY iMoNY, T'S.VMYHANMH BANqK oi MONTREAIL JAMES BELL. Manager »tJ1XlhIO WITH CANADAMS IN *VRY WALK OP LIFE INCE 117 0.221u THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMILE, ONTAMUO Fashion Show Commentators TaIk Over Their Scripts A few of the several commentators and models begin on Friday evening. They are, from left to right, at the High School Fashion Show got together for The Lois Ashton, Mary Betties, Carol Lathangue, Shirley Statesman photographer just beor the event was to Williams, Julie Allun and Sharon Hancock. Checking Hlems Before Fashion Show A last minute checkup is always necessary in the costume department of any show and the BHS Fashion Show on Friday was no exception, apparently. Muriel Owen, one of the Home Econom ics class, seems quite pleased with the resuits as she checks out Judithann Sp arrow with a special hem measuring device, just before Miss Sparrow wvas to walkc dowrt that ramp in the auditorium before several hundred spectators. iReports from4I Women's institutes SOLINA îng of Health. Roll caîl was TheMaymeeingof! lna"What health habit I must Women's Institute was held in emphasize in my child." The the Community Hall May il. motto, "There is no beautifier Mrs. Roy Langmaid conducted for the complexion, or form, the installation of officers for or behaviour like the wish to the coming year. scatter joy' and flot pain .around us." Comments given President Mrs. Ralph Davis by Mns. Tom Baker. and Secretary Mrs. Wm. Ash- Ouspaefoth ev- ton then presided. Oungsaskrs.Wlforomee Our bazaar which was held Schol foaRtrd.Wled Com hide. on May 3rd was quite success- A new sool htas eCien lî fui. Receîpts totalled around AonewSico t oth in Osh- $500. awon s Wilo e St othino hi The convenors of each booth aa r.Wle odo hi were asked to report on the accomplishments with th es e bazaar. It was decided to children and how interested aanhave a Sprn bza the teachers were in their agt ay .mgbzarwork. Mrs. Donald Taylor It was voted to go on a bus presented Mrs. Willes with ai tripforour ulymeeting. gift of records for her pupils tonp fore our e enuly yfrom the Institute. Mrs. Fra- Wo lens e to be s ea ser favoured with piano selec- for lanets.It as vtedto tions. Mrs. E. Taylor reported give $ 10.00 to the Salvation on a short course "Eat to Army, also $50.00 to our Sun- Live"P by the District work- day School. Around $88.75 so hich she attended in wae realized from the Cancer January. The purpose was to r.Brey ooypset introduce good food habits. ed on behaîf of the Institute Lunch was served in the a cup and saucer to each, our lower hall and ail enjoyed a1 retiring President Mrs. Tom social hour. Our June meet- Baker and Secretary Mrs. ing will be held on June 14th; Wesley Yellowlees. Grandmothers' meeting, with Mrs. Wesley Werry's group Mrs. Chas. Langmaid as con- was in charge under the head- venor. May Meeting HeId By Ebenezer Aux. The May meeting of Eben- ezer Evening Auxiliary was theld at the home o! Miss .Jean Gay, who arranged the rspecial Litenature programme assisted by Mrs. Jack Litov- chik. Mrs. Wilfred Brown 3opened the meeting with a 1short article entitled I'Read- 1ers." Reports were given by the rc.cording secretary, treasurer and Community Fniendship secretary. Arrangements were tmade for a quilting to be held -at the home o! Mrs. Alex Muir ron Wednesday evening, May 1 O1th. 1A Coffee Party will be held ron Thursday morning. Coffee rwill be served and there will 1be a sale o! perrenials, bulbs, setc. The June meeting will be in charge o! Mns. Ernest Gearing and Mrs. Herman Sweetman. It will be held at Mrs. Gearîng's home on Wed- nesday, June 7th, at 8:30 p.m. The of!ering was received and dedicated by the Presi- dent and the meeting was tarned aven to Mrs. Jack Lit- aovchik. A chapter from the Studv Book was presented by Miss Gay and Mrs. Litovchik iin a very intenesting mariner. -Mrs. Barbara Hart of Whit- by rendered two Iovely solos, "If I Could Tell You"l and, «Were You There?" Her ac- companist was Mrs. William Wade. Mrs. Russel Gay gave a very informative talk on Literature and deait mainly with the "New English Bible" which is the latest version of the New Testament related in story form. The singing of Hymn 394, opened the devotional periodi which was led by Mrs. Archie Muir. Mrs. Muir chose as her theme "Contentment" and based her very interesting talk on scripture readings taken from Timothy 6:6-8 and Phil- ippians 4:11-13, and closed with "A Woman's Prayer." The hostesses served a loy- ely lunch and everyone en- joyed a piece of the Ebenezer Evening Auxiliary's birthday cake. Red Shield Appeal At Hialfway Mark' The Salvation Army's An-, nual Red Shield Appeal is in' full swing and now at the half-way mark. Canvasser.s are reminded it will be neces- sary to make certain every call is made in order to reach the minimum objective of $4,550.00. Optimism is high that this figure will in fact be exceed- ed, as ail amounts above the minimum objective will be set aside for the new Young People's Hall and Recreation Building on Division Street A Canvassers' Tea is beinp PAGE THME held this coming flday, May 1 asalsted in the canvaus have 26th at The Salvation Army 1 been invtted to attend bet- and ail the workers who have1 ween 2:30 and 4:30 B S "I EA D HI OE ? A trustlnt husband returned early from work ene day andr'~ opened his front door te fini his wlfe In the arms ef anoth- er man. "Isn't this awful," sai the wife tote istranger. I"Here's Old Blabbermouth. Now it'l be al ever town!" I'd just like to spread the nw that we specialize in only the finest dry cleaning cane known And that's quite a specialty these days . . . knowing the cane and treatment of ahl the wonder fabrics now flooding the market. For expert, guaranteed workmanship, send your dry cleaning to us.-..You won't be disappointed. Ed. Leslie Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal May Isi lhrough May 31si ONE PINT BRICK 0FI NEILSONS ICE CREANq W ANY FLAVOR ~uI with the purchase of a BO AST 0F PROTEIN BEEF PURE SHORTENING SNOW FLAKCE Canitr 8 C TULIP MARGARIN 3 Ibs. 8 9 c z 1 FOD9tins 1. DEVON - SMALL LINK PORE SAUSAGE IL 3 9 c LEAN, FRESH HANDBURG -3bs. LEAN, STORE SLICED BREAKFAST BACON m 0 a lb. 59c MA 3-5081 Phone Orders Cheerfully Acceptedj GLEN RAE DAIRY introduces .eI NON - CARBONATED SUMMER BEVERAGE VITANI ##Ci# BEALTHFUL FOR CHILDREN! e,» ONE WEEK GNLY Regular Save a a m m m a a m MAY 25 TO JUNE 3 - SPECIAL 29c lOc 19C ORDER FROM OUR SALESMAN OR AT DAIRY BAR, 98 KING ST. W. GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone MA 3m5444 SAVE $ $$ - AND SHOP AT FIRTH DROS. GUALITY KEATS 47 KING ST. E. Bowmanville Brancb: m tAMFA mrrANu- m2noept

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